ELT – Creative Writing

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Transcript of ELT – Creative Writing

ELT – Creative Writing

Literary Magazine


Birds in Flight

by Audrey E. Smith, Camryn R. Birtwistle,

Kellie N. Johnson, Molly C. Kennett

Words to Fall

Like Leaves by

Carson Nixon, Lindsey Holcomb, &

Jocelyn Pandolph

C a t h a r s i s

Haleigh Nichols and Jade Lecker

THE GOOFY GOOBERS By Cameron Smith, Ethan Lovell, &

Jacob Hartline



Word Cloud





Word Cloud - Haleigh

Word Cloud - Jade

Audrey Smith Word Cloud

Camryn Birtwistle Word Cloud

Kellie Johnson Word Cloud

Molly Kennett Word Cloud




Teacher Biography

Audrey Smith Teacher Biography

Teacher Biography

She was born on September 13th in Chattanooga, Tennessee. She enjoys

children, reading, and exercise...when she has time. She loves Japanese food, the

color pink, Diet Coke, and the Georgia Bulldogs. She says that being raised in a

Christian home and having the good teachers she did helped her get to where she

is today. She has been teaching for 24 years, and has been with Heritage since it

opened. She still enjoys doing color guard, but expresses it through her daughter.

She dislikes mean and fake people. Her favorite thing about teaching at Heritage is

the students and her teacher friends, and her favorite thing in general about

teaching is the students. Her favorite book is Unbroken, by Laura Hillenbrand. Her

favorite Disney movie is The Aristocats. Who is this, you may ask? It is the

wonderful Mrs. Wiggins!

Camryn Birtwistle Teacher Biography

Teacher Biography

She was born in Lafayette, Georgia on July, 18th. She enjoys gardening,

reading, cooking, and spending time with her children and grandchildren. Her

favorite food is Mexican; her favorite drink is water with lemon. Red is her favorite

color, and she is a fan of the Georgia Bulldogs. She dislikes laziness, calories, and

weeds. She played basketball as a child; ran track in her school years. She

participates actively in the National Junior Honor Society. Both debate club and

seminar classes helped her succeed in life. Her favorite Disney movie is either

Beauty and the Beast or The Little Mermaid. Her favorite book is The Secret Life of

Bees. Her life has not always been so easy, though. When she was 11, her father

passed away, leaving her mother to raise her. Her mother always pushed her to do

her best, leading her to do her best in school and life. She became a teacher 25

years ago, going back to school a total of three times to get her specialist’s degree.

After she finished, she started out at Ringgold Middle. She spent fourteen years

there before moving to Heritage, where she has been since the school’s opening

eleven years earlier. Her favorite part of the school is the family atmosphere, and

she loves teaching because she gets to watch her students grow. Her name is Billie


Kellie Johnson Teacher Biography

Teacher Biography

Mrs. Carter was born in Orlando, Florida. She loves teaching,

listening to music, reading, laying by the pool, walking on the beach, and

spending time with her family. Her favorite food is mashed potatoes, and

her favorite color is green. Her favorite drink is Diet Coke, and her

favorite football team is the Georgia Bulldogs. She wanted to become a

music teacher because her high school music teacher persuaded her to

follow that path. Her favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast. She

has been teaching for eighteen years, and she has been teaching at

Heritage since the school first opened.

Molly Kennett Teacher Biography

Teacher Biography

Mrs. Reeves was born on September 1st in Middlesborro,

Kentucky. She enjoys traveling and cooking. Her favorite food is

spaghetti and her favorite drink is iced tea with extra lemon. Georgia is

her favorite football team and the University of Kentucky is her favorite

basketball team. She has been teaching for twenty seven years and has

taught at Heritage for ten years. As a kid her parents worked most of the

time, so she was often alone, but she found a liking for reading which

she believes has helped her in school. Also, she enjoys being around

people because she was alone so much as a child. Her dislikes include

fake people because she believes that “You should just be yourself.

There is no point in being fake.” Although she enjoys many Disney

movies, her favorite is Toy Story and her favorite book is To Kill A

Mockingbird by Harper Lee. She says that her favorite thing about

working at Heritage is the people she works with and the kids.

Teacher Biography - Haleigh

Mrs. Edwards is my teacher of choice because she made me love math again. In sixth grade, my workload was

tough and I had a hard time learning much of the material. In seventh grade, Mrs. Edwards walked us through it every

step of the way and explained it more than once if we did not understand. Mrs. Edwards loves football, and her favorite

teams to watch are Texas A&M and Alabama. She also has a recently discovered need for speed. For example, riding on

a jet ski or four wheeler. She graduated from UTC and loves teaching despite its many challenges. Mrs. Edwards loves

being the “weird and cooky” teacher because she feels that the students can relate more to that kind of teaching style

than a teacher who just tries to shove the material into the students’ heads. Mrs. Edwards is one of my favorite teachers,

and that is why this biography is about her.

Teacher Biography - Jade

Mrs. Mathis is a lovely teacher at Heritage Middle School. She is overall one of my favorite teachers in the

school because she is pleasant and humorous, but she is not just a teacher. She is a daughter, who grew close to

God and played various sports during her childhood. She is a wife to Mr. Mathis, whom she loves very much. She

is a nourishing mother to the light of her life, Halle. She is more than your favorite math teacher because she

enjoys more than teaching children. She loves tennis, basketball, swimming, and most of all, her wonderful family.

She has taught many things, including sports and Sunday school. From the time she was born in

Chattanooga, Tennessee, she was taught to be patient and have an everlasting love for God, who guides her in

her life.

Mrs. Mathis is my favorite teacher because she is a role model in my life. She has taught me things that are

useful in life (besides life), like strength and sarcasm.

Jocelyn Pandolph’s Teacher Biography

Who is Mrs. Reeves? Mrs. Reeves is a 6th grade Horizon language arts

and social studies teacher at Heritage Middle School. She was born in Middlesboro,

Kentucky and attended college at Union College Kentucky, Tusculum College, and

Tennessee Tech. Her family consists of her, her husband Shannon, whom she’s been

married to for twenty years, her son Jake, and her other son Sam. Her family also

consists of her two dogs, Jack Russell Dooley, and Boxer Mo. Her favorite sports

teams include Georgia football and Kentucky basketball. Her favorite foods are “Any

Italian food”. Some of Mrs. Reeves hobbies include entertaining and she enjoys pool

parties. She also enjoys shopping and loves iced tea with lemons. Some of her

dislikes are frogs and fake people. Her favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird, and her

favorite movie is Steel Magnolia. Who is Mrs. Reeves? A favored teacher that makes

all of us want to go back to 6th grade.

Who Is Shannon Sheets?

Shannon Sheets, age forty-eight, has been teaching for twenty-six years. Not

exactly surprising that she fell in love with the job being that both of her parents

were teachers and so is her sister, Stacy. Growing up Shannon enjoyed sports.

She was the third baseman in softball, but now that she’s older, Shannon has two

grown boys and is happily married to Daniel Sheets. Though her life might seem

simple on the outer layer, she has little secrets and hobbies that make her the

unique woman she is. Shannon loves the color orange and that might just be

because her favorite SEC football team is Tennessee. She also enjoys traveling

on the family's boat with a book by her favorite author, Danielle Steel, in hand.

Like everyone, this lady’s got her little secrets too. She has a favorite pillow, one

that she loves to sleep with every night and she’s got two dogs by the names

Losaopsa and Bailey and also got a cat named Bentley. So even though Shannon

Sheets may come across as a sweet, simple woman, she’s a hoot once you get

to know her.

Carson Nixon Teacher Biography

Who is Kami Edwards?

Kami Edwards age thirty-eight, is a seventh grade math teacher at

Heritage Middle School. Edwards was born February 5, 1977 in Chattanooga

Tennessee. She was one of four children and grew up in Ooltewah . With two years at

Texas A&M Edwards decided to transfer to UTC at the end of her sophomore year.

After graduating Edwards married Chris Edwards, had two little girls, Lily and Addie,

but one was born sleeping. Including teaching for fifteen years Edwards is also a

middle school and select softball coach. She has has been coaching the middle school

for nine years and select for eighteen years. Like Edwards always says “If I am

breathing I am Sweating.” Edwards says that she will coach at HMS for about six more

years. Edwards is a lover of 80s music and enjoys some country, so ninety-nine

percent of the time she is listening to music. So there is a simple look into thirty-eight

years of the life of Kami Edwards.

Lindsey Holcomb’s Teacher Biography

Teacher Interview by Jacob Hartline

She was born on February 27, 1976 in Starkville, Mississippi. She has taught at

Heritage Middle School for 16 years. She attended Carson Newman University and

played soccer there as well-her favorite sport. She really enjoys to eat steak and after

school she likes to hang out with her friends. She has one older sister and has two kids.

Her favorite memory is the birth of her children. Language is the subject she teaches

and she loves doing it. She has a cat and a dog, and her favorite tv show is Dance

Moms. Her favorite drink is Diet Dr. Pepper, and she is one of the best teachers in the

school. Her name is Mrs. Dunfee.


Teacher Interview by Cameron Smith

I got the chance to get to know Mrs. Travillian, the seventh grade L.A. and science

teacher, a little bit better. I asked her a few questions I came up with that I thought were

good interview material. Here is what I got out of her. She got interested in teaching ever

since she was a young lady, which she still is. She likes the fact that everyday is different

in middle school and she doesn’t know what to expect. She doesn’t like paper work at

all. Mrs. T even says she would bring me back down if she could. She says that her

favorite teacher is coach Tindell because she team teaches with him. She doesn’t only

like teaching. She also does family time on the weekends. Last but not least, She loves

science and teaches it with a passion. Mrs. Travillian is a great teacher and a fun lady to

be around every day.


Teacher Interview by Ethan Lovell

She was born in the month of September. She was born in the city of

Kingsport. She has taught for 19 years. She attended college at the

University of Tennessee Chattanooga. Her favorite food is steak. She has 1

sibling. She goes to church in Tennessee. Her favorite memory was deep

sea fishing with her father. Her favorite movie is Patriot. She loves to teach

and will continue it the rest of her life. Her favorite sport to watch is

definitely fooball. Her favorite subject in school was always history. Her

name is Mrs. Parker.


Audrey Smith Patriot’s Pen

What Freedom Means to Me

Freedom is a special thing. You cannot buy it, although you cannot get it for free. You have to

earn it, with service and dedication. Veterans risk their lives everyday so we can all be free and live the way

we want to live.

Risking your life so others can be free… That seems like a considerably large price to pay for

something that you cannot even see. When you think about it, though, you realize that you can see freedom.

How? When you see people together, smiling, laughing, being together… that is freedom. We have the right

to be with each other freely. Our freedom brings us happiness, and along with that, hope and safety. When

veterans fight for our sake, our freedom, they are providing safety, and the hope of another free day. We have

hope that can help us overcome obstacles and can accomplish our goals and dreams with freedom.

Freedom is something to be proud of. Freedom is something that fills me with respect and pride.

It brings me the thought of respecting those who served, or are still serving, because they jeopardized their

lives so that we can all stand tall in the rays of freedom. I have learned that freedom brings me pride as well.

Pride that my country can stand proud and tall, and we cannot be brought down. We may fall, but with the

service of veterans, and the knowledge that we have more days to live, we can stand back up, stronger and

better than ever.

Freedom should not be taken for granted, but should be appreciated. Freedom should be

appreciated because it brings joy, happiness, and the encouragement to move on with our lives. People

should be glad they live where they do and that they have people who will put their lives on the line for people

they do not even know. Freedom means many things, and it should mean something to everyone.

Camryn Birtwistle Patriot’s Pen

What Does Freedom Mean to Me?

Freedom is an intangible concept-impossible to grasp-yet it defines the very nature of human society.

Humans spend a good portion of their lives pining after freedom, but despite this, many do not know the true

meaning of freedom. They may know the dictionary definition, but with something this grand, it is truly

impossible to limit it to only one meaning. Freedom is different for every person, then, and that is true for

everyone, whether they are a blossoming child learning about history in school or an adult voting on who the

next leader will be. Which leads us to our next question-what does freedom mean to me?

Freedom is a greater power, something that cannot physically be touched or reached, yet is discussed,

wanted, and universally known by others. This power changes from person to person, and that includes me.

When I think of freedom, I think of the usual things-soldiers fighting grueling battles, flags waving over a

country that has been fought for, and the ability to live my life without fear of tyrannical rule-though I also think

of other things.

Freedom brings to mind images like peaceful landscapes with bubbling brooks and chattering

creatures. It brings to mind birds flying high in the sky, free to go wherever they want and to do whatever they

please. When I think of freedom, I don’t just picture wars and flags. I imagine what my life would be like

without those intrepid heroes who fought for my rights, and I see myself without many things. I realize that I

have the ability to speak my mind, live my life as an individual, and change the world for the better because of

the sacrifices gallant strangers who owed me nothing made. I owe my life to these brave veterans, and I

would never dream of disrespecting the truly tremendous gift they have given me.

Kellie Johnson Patriot’s Pen

What Freedom Means to Me

Freedom. Freedom is an amazing word that we would not be able to use as strongly as we

do today if it were not for the veterans who made this country the way it is. Freedom is something that you

have to fight for. This country would be completely different from what it is today if we did not have the

freedom that we have now.

Veterans helped make this country the way that it is. I am very thankful for the veterans who gave

us freedom. Veterans have risked their lives so this country could have the freedom that it deserves.

Veterans have to go through many months, even years of training and not seeing their loved ones as

much as they used to. It must be very hard to go through all of those things. Veterans are very persistent

and there is no such thing as giving up when times are hard. When they fall, they get right back up and try

again. Without veterans, this country would not be the same.

Freedom allows us to wear what we want to wear and talk to whomever we want to talk to.

Freedom lets us be ourselves and stand out. You are free to live your life the way you want to live.

Veterans have helped this country to get to where it is now. Freedom shows how people can join together

and be happy around each other. We are all thankful for everything that the veterans have done for us

and this country. We are very lucky and appreciative of our freedom because without the freedom that we

have today, we would not be able to do the things that we are able to do today. Freedom is also for

people to be happy and enjoy time with others. Freedom is a way for people to be who they want to be,

and for people to live the life they want to live. I am happy that I have the friends that I have now, and I

appreciate how much they support me in everything that I do. I am glad to be a part of this amazing

country that we have now, and that is what freedom means to me.

Molly Kennett Patriot’s Pen

People often take for granted what others worked so hard to provide for us. They had

great perseverance along with a single goal in their mind. Their goal was to bring America

freedom at last. Freedom can mean so many different things to many different people. We

are all different, so the term “freedom” means something different to all of us. To me,

freedom means a sense of hope, commitment, and pride. When I read in school about how

America came to be a free land, I always feel proud and amazed at how the many leaders and

veterans from the past brought freedom to us.

Freedom is important. It means getting to do what you want to do and making your own

choices. It means that you can live where you want to live and go to church where you want. You do

not have to ask anyone for permission to do these things when you have freedom. Freedom means

being able to read whatever books you want to, and watch what you want to on television. Mostly,

when you are free, it means that you can have your own opinion and that you can share that opinion

with other people even if they don’t agree with you. For these reasons, and a whole lot more,

freedom is a very important thing to have in your life. Our lives would be different without freedom. I

think it would probably be terrible without freedom. I couldn’t even picture my life without it. It would

seem as if we were prisoners in a jail if other people told us where to live, what to read or what to

believe. And I can’t imagine not being able to share my opinions without being afraid of what might

happen. I think that a world without freedom would be a lonely place.Most of our lives depend on

freedom. There have been times when people have even thought that freedom is important enough

to fight a war for. Also, if we didn’t have freedom some of my friends would be slaves, just because

the color of their skin. Another thing that we wouldn’t have without freedom is school. It is a

wonderful thing that we have the freedom to learn.There are many things that you wouldn’t be able

to do if you didn’t have freedom. It is scary to think how different life would be without the things that

being free promises us.

What Freedom Means to Me

Molly Kennett Patriot’s Pen (continued)

Sometimes we take freedom for granted and don’t think of all the little things that we get

to enjoy because we are free. When you stop and think about how different life would be

without it, it makes you very thankful to live here and enjoy the promise of freedom. The

freedom that we have today, also reminds me of the places where freedom does not exist yet

such as Saudi Arabia. There are many countries where the people living in them hear about

our freedom, but yet, they cannot experience it for themselves. We can only hope for those

people right now, and dream of a world that’s free. I also feel hope for America’s future that it

will keep its freedom and remain the land of the free. I believe that everyone should be able to

experience and live in a free nation at some point in their life. From free speech and free

religion, to free press and voting rights. And that’s what freedom really is.

Teacher Biography - Haleigh

Mrs. Edwards is my teacher of choice because she made me love math again. In sixth grade, my workload was

tough and I had a hard time learning much of the material. In seventh grade, Mrs. Edwards walked us through it every

step of the way and explained it more than once if we did not understand. Mrs. Edwards loves football, and her favorite

teams to watch are Texas A&M and Alabama. She also has a recently discovered need for speed. For example, riding on

a jet ski or four wheeler. She graduated from UTC and loves teaching despite its many challenges. Mrs. Edwards loves

being the “weird and cooky” teacher because she feels that the students can relate more to that kind of teaching style

than a teacher who just tries to shove the material into the students’ heads. Mrs. Edwards is one of my favorite teachers,

and that is why this biography is about her.

Patriots Pen - Haleigh

What Freedom Means to Me

According to the writer Carrie Jones, “The secret of happiness is freedom; the secret of freedom is courage.” This quote

accurately depicts the situation; our veterans have put their lives on the line for every person in America to have the

freedoms they deserve. This is the ultimate sacrifice. Freedom is more than just a word. For many, freedom symbolizes

liberty, and how blessed we truly are to live in the United States, where we can be whoever we want to be.

Freedom has a deeper meaning than simply doing what one desires. Freedom means that I get to go to school, have a

right to vote, and say what I want to say. This is all thanks to our veterans, who have fought courageously to protect our

rights and freedoms from being taken away. Freedom means understanding what to do with your liberty instead of

flaunting it like a peacock. For example, just because I am a free person in a free country does not give me the right to

take whatever I want whenever I want it. This would not be called freedom, but chaos. Freedom is order; it will not work

unless everyone abides by the rules.

Patriots Pen - Haleigh

Furthermore, freedom has many meanings. Freedom is hope, happiness, religion, and love. America’s

veterans battled bravely for many years so we could have these luxuries. These are only some of the things worth fighting

for. Freedom is not just about making your own choices, it is about making sure that everyone has a say in what they do

in their life. Sometimes, people don’t realize how blessed they are to live where they live. Right now, Europe is

overpopulated because so many people from the Middle East left to escape from ISIS to give themselves a better chance

at life. They just want what we have, freedom.

Therefore, freedom is not a prize to be won, it is a natural right that everyone should have, however, not everyone gets as

good a chance as others. So, what does freedom mean to me? It means that everyone has a right to say what they want

to say, practice whatever religion they want to without judgment, to be happy in their own home and are able to make

their own decisions. Without freedom, what is the point of living?

Patriots Pen - Jade

What Freedom Means to Me

According to one of our former presidents, Ronald Reagan, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from

extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to

do the same.” Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint, but it was

not given to Americans’ as a gift. Liberty in the United States is constantly protected by veterans, who put our country

first. Thanks to our veterans, I am able to decide what freedom means to me; it means I can honor my country.

To me, freedom means I can stand up for what I believe in and be heard. When I turn eighteen, I am able to vote for

what I believe would be best for the development of our country. Not to mention, the citizens’ in our country have the right

to religion, speak, or press, which is are basic rules that allow us to express our opinions. Voltaire, a French

Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher, illustrates, “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to

the death your right to say it.” This quotation is

Patriots Pen - Jade

significant because it emphasizes that even though we may not agree with what everyone has to say, they have

the right to say it; we should respect their opinion, just as they should respect our opinion.

In addition, freedom means that I can pursue individualism. With my liberty, I can decide who I want to be, where I

want to live, and much more because laws do not determine that. Although our country is free, it does not mean I cannot

abide by the laws. Patrick Henry stresses, “With great liberty comes great responsibility.” With limits that protect our

growing country, I can be an independent soul.

Thus, freedom did not come to Americans effortlessly, so I believe that it should not be taken for granted. It should

be valued because American citizens are able to decide how to use this freedom for the good of others. Overall,

freedoms means to me that I can have pride in my country.

What Freedom Means To Me by Jacob Hartline

Freedom. The main thing that makes America great. Fought by the blood and sweat of soldiers around the country,

freedom is doing whatever you want if you set your mind to it. It is a priceless gift; the freedom of speech, religion, and the

ability to learn in school. These are only a few of the countless freedoms we have in our amazing country. Freedom is a

priceless and precious thing, and should be treated that way.

Many, many people in our country neglect the incredible freedoms we have, wasting the countless lives that were lost

fighting for them. Our freedom is not guaranteed, and any day it could be taken away from us. This is why we need to stop

shooting up theaters, or blowing up schools. We need to stop fighting with policemen and start realizing that they put their

lives down for us. We need to come together as a country and make things right. We need to start putting our freedom to use,

before its gone. Freedom is a gift, and we have ripped up the packaging and have abused and mistreated it.


Freedom, to me, is the right to act, speak, or think any way we want without being punished or hindered for it. It is the

right to make mistakes, and instead of having severe consequences, we are able to learn from them and correct them. A

country with this freedom takes the horrific and makes it a statement. For instance, on September 11, 2001, when two

gigantic, hijacked planes destroyed the middle of lower Manhattan and two enormous towers fell, our nation stood. We, as a

country, took this devastating terrorist attack and practically screamed in their face, “Is that all you got!”. We did not

surrender, but chose to stand up and fight. Our freedom caused us to do this. It is a constant target for blood-thirsty terrorists

who want to bring down this country. This is why our freedom is so special, and how incredible our country is.


In conclusion, freedom is what lets us be a great country, and makes us all unique, with the ability to be unique. It allows us to make

mistakes and face them as a country. We can either choose to continue to use this freedom as a gift, or abuse it and eventually lose it forever. This

is what freedom means to me.


What Freedom Means To Me by Cameron Smith

Freedom. It is gained by those who struggle. Taken by those who huddle up to play ball. Taken by those who goes to church on sunday.

Taken. Taken. Taken. Everyone in America is free to do whatever they believe. We often lose gratitude to those who help fight and train to help

us gain this priceless gift. Freedom comes in many different kinds. Some may be the right to go to a friends house on a friday night. but that isn't

the kind I think of. Freedom of speech. freedom of religion. Freedom of going to school, getting a car you want, and getting a job you want. These

veterans and soldiers are so important to us. We also need to know responsibility to get freedom. if you can't do the law you get the freedom to

go to prison or get a fine. This is just one example of responsibility. You can't buy freedom. Its an earned gift that is claimed by blood and

shrapnel. You can't expect freedom to be here any day.


This is what makes America a great place to live. We have militia and others who are not afraid of death. They are afraid of losing their

beloved country and birth place. Other countries may not even have freedom. Some countries are ruled by one person and can't do anything they

choose for themselves. We are not those countries. We are lucky to have these rights. We can be what we want when we want to. Don't take

anything for granted. This is the reason many of us don't appreciate the fun things in life. Its because we don't care about those fighting for our us

to do the things we like. The ones fighting should mean the world to you because of what they do to help us. So all in all, Freedom is one of the

most greatest, most needed thing in one's country.


What Freedom Means to Me by Ethan Lovell

Freedom is a priceless gift earned by our amazing country. Freedom means that every individual has a

chance to grow to become everything they know and wish they could be. Freedom gives you confidence and

inspiration everyday. It is being able to think what you want, say what you want, and do whatever you set your

mind to do. It is having freedom of speech, religion, education. Our soldiers fought and risk their lives for our

freedom. These examples are only a few of the countless freedoms we have in our country. Freedom is a

precious gift, and we should treasure it while we have it.

In addition, without freedom, you wouldn't be able to enjoy most of the things you have the privilege to

do today. You wouldn't be able to express yourself freely through the way you dress and go to school. Most of

all you wouldn't have the opportunity for sports or higher education. Our freedom should be defended though

many lives are lost in the process. Freedom gives the opportunity and the chance to be all that you can be.


Furthermore, everyone should be thankful for our freedom. We need to be thankful for food, shelters, and many more things.

These things were fought for by the blood and tears of soldiers. Freedom will not last forever, but we need to make the best of it.

People should not be worrying about terrorists attacks. We are all protected by the military. We should all live our lives peacefully

and thankfully.

All in all, freedom is what led us to be an outstanding country and what makes us unique. It allows us to face opposing

forces, and to live our live without fear. We can either continue to treasure it, or we will eventually lose it forever.


Abstract Noun


Audrey Smith Abstract Noun Personality


I finish my day, ready to give up, but then I meet her. She is a

strong, optimistic young lady. She accepts everything thrown her way,

and makes anything into a good situation. When all is lost, she stands

still, waiting for me to realize she is still there. Now, that all is lost, she

stands clearer than ever, and beckons me over with open arms. She

happily grasps my hand, and holds me tight. She never lets go and

never gives up. She tells me jokes to make me happy and encourages

me to stay strong. She is like an anchor, holding me down while

everything else tries to sweep me away. Her name is Faith, and she is

my greatest friend.

Camryn Birtwistle Abstract Noun Personality


I first met her in a crowded place. It had been a long, hard day, and I

was ready to quit. She grabbed my attention when I walked in, like flame

to a moth. Fate flirted and beckoned, and led me closer. The fool that I

was, I willingly followed. Without further thought or any patience, I hurried

towards her, and like the elusive snake she was, she slithered away.

Round and round we went, playing the game, until I quit, utterly

exhausted. I sat on the corner, lost and alone, when she walked back up,

a smile on her face. Fate sat beside me and brought me up, but when I

went to thank her, she disappeared. Years passed, and it was only when

I saw her again on the edge that I realized you can’t hurry Fate-Fate

hurries to you.

Kellie Johnson Abstract Personality


I came home from school and said hello to my mom. I quickly ran up

the stairs so my mom would not see the sadness that was spreading

across my face. That day, I was being hurt by everyone at school. As I

was sitting on my bed thinking about what to do, I went on my computer

and I saw hateful comments on everything that I had ever done. I felt

alone and hurt like a butterfly with a broken wing. I kept on scrolling

down through the comments and it felt like I was falling down a dark,

never ending hole. That night, I cried myself to sleep thinking about the

words people have hurt me with. My mom had found out that people

were hurting me, and she talked to me the next day to try and help. We

talked for two hours to try and help get over the fact that people were

hurting me. The talk we had really helped me overcome all of the mean

people who thought that bringing people down was fun. Hate can spread

with one click of a button.

Molly Kennett Abstract Personality


I am waiting patiently for something great. Hoping for a miracle,

I sit here and wait for a friend who I believe in. Although she is running

late, I am still full of faith. She is important to some and nothing for

others. Strong is a word defining her, but she can also be weak and

small. She is like an anchor to me she keeps me up in the darkest of

times. She is my greatest friend.

Abstract Personality - Haleigh


I was woken up in the middle of the night by a blinding light. A silhouette on my light

gray walls, urging me to come. Faith looked me in the eye and told me, “ Let’s go.” I did not

know where we were going, but I knew that Faith would protect me wherever we went. He took

me to a cliff, leading down to a group of sharp rocks resting above the ocean water. . I followed

him to the very edge, leaning forward slightly. “Do you trust me?” he said, almost in a whisper. I

answered back smartly, “I have only just met you.” He chuckled softly, and if I knew anything, I

knew I trusted Faith. “I trust you.” I said, my voice wavering slightly. Just then, Faith pushed me

off the edge, but I did not fall, I flew. Faith taught me trust, something I thought I already had.

However, I was mistaken. So, if Faith comes to you in the dead of night, wanting to take you

somewhere, trust him. Believe me, it will be worth it to have Faith, if only for a moment.

Abstract Personality - Jade


Nobody knew her personally, but I knew her like the back of my hand. She wasn’t pleasant,

nor polite; she was raw emotion that came like a tidal wave. She was shy, dashing behind one person to

another; the only way to know she was there was to listen. Constantly, she cried, wailed, and moaned.

The cacophony was music to my ears, though it brought much sorrow to my life. Walking down the

hallway, I felt a small hand slip into mine, but when I snapped my head around, the spot next me was

empty. As quickly as the feeling was there, I saw the small figure slip into the crowd. My heart lurched.

Why was sorrow so shy?

Jocelyn Pandolph’s Abstract Personality

Antagonism can be as destructive as war. It shoots people

down and makes all peace diminish. It blinds our eyes to see only the

inferior things in life. It tears away our sense of humanity. It leaves us

behind with only one terrorizing emotion, anger. It shows that looking

down upon others will rapidly destroy us. As the anger advances, so do

the soldiers on the battlefront. As more people get hurt, the more reason

the war should end. However, peace treaties will be made, and alliances

will be broke. Showing that Antagonism can be as destructive as war.

The shock of fear came over me and I could feel destiny

breathing down my neck. It was as if everything fell into place

and I was being lead. Destiny had control of my mind, it was

telling me what I needed to hear. It was calming my shrieks,

and controlling my fears. It spoke to me in a timid voice

“Come near if you believe in me.” As I slowly tiptoed the floors

gave out and I faced life or death as if I were swinging from a

tree. In that moment I realized I can’t leave my destiny for

others to hold. Destiny watches everyone, but my destiny is in

my soul only for me to keep.

Carson Nixon’s Abstract Personality

The clouds became grey and the wind began to blow stronger

and stronger. I was so scared that I didn’t even know where to go

or where to hide. All of the sudden I hear a voice, It was trust.

“Can you trust me to keep you safe” asked trust. I was so

confused, but I was to scared because the thought of death came

into my mind and I knew that I had no other choice but to listen to

the voice. I did what I was told and few hours later the terrifying

storms disappeared into the air. At that moment I realized I

wouldn’t be safe or even alive right now if I didn’t trust the voice in

my head.

Lindsey Holcomb’s Abstract Personality

Abstract Noun Personality by Jacob Hartline

As I stumbled through the cold, dark cave, gasping for huge amounts of breath, I soon began to rethink my journey and believed I would

never find what I was searching so long for. I could not describe in one word that I was scavenging for, but I knew it was a treasure to have. It is

never giving up, no matter the circumstances. Under any problems, it is doing the right and good thing. Whether it be training day after day to

become the best, or fighting in a battlefield, protecting your country and everything you stand for. As I turned to give up my adventure, I saw a

bright glow just around the cave’s endless corners, and wondered what it had come from. I walked slowly towards the light, somewhat afraid of

what was in store for me. My body began to tremble, and soon enough I turned the corner. An incredibly beautiful and elegant woman was

standing-no, floating- in the center of a large circular room, glowing translucently.I approached her, and, shivering, asked her, “Who are you?”.

She replied with a soft, kind voice, “I am what you have been searching for.” I was confused, for I was not expecting my long awaited gift would

be a human. As if reading my mind, she said, “You may not think that I am what you have been looking for, but this journey has been a test.” I

stood there, silently, wondering what she was to say next next. “I have been inside you all along. This whole time you were searching for, well,

what you already had.” I was dumbfounded, and still as silent as a mouse. “Completing this journey, you have grasped this precious jewel. It is

time for me to become one with you again.” She extended her arm, and it began to glow brighter than the sun. I had to close my eyes, and by the

time the brightness was gone, the woman left with it. But she wasn't fully gone, for I could feel her light inside of me. What I had been searching

for, the one thing I wanted, has always been inside me. The ability to never give up, I now had. Its name is Perseverance, and I would treasure

this jewel forever.


Abstract Noun Personality by Cameron Smith

As you walk through life you can hear many things. You can see many things.

You can even think many things. You can have knowledge but a stunned mind

to what is right and wrong. A character comes up with a hood and a limp and

whispers in your ears. You believe him and keep on walking. Your mind is trying

to receive what it had heard. You have been told it’s a lie but your nature wants

to believe it. Your heart wants to hold on to it. Your whole life’s lessons have

been turned off to believe one simple lie. His name is deception. He will make

you question all you have been taught. The truth has been hidden when you

hear Him.


Abstract Noun Personality: Adventure by Ethan Lovell

As I escaped the pirate ship, the pirates chased after me with weapons such as swords, guns,

and knives. I swam back to shore and then ran into the thick forest on the island. The forest

was consisted of snakes, spiders, alligators, scorpions, and many more terrifying pests. I kept

running to find shelter in a deep cave. I slept a long, long time later to wake up after 3 days.

After I had crawled out of the cave, I went on a hunt for water and materials to build a fire.

When the fire was built the mosquitoes finally left me alone. I carved wood into knives and built

other tools. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise coming from a helicopter. I quickly put more leaves

into the fire so the smoke would rise. The pilot of the helicopter landed near me and said,

“Wow, you must have had a rough adventure.”


A Different Perspective

Audrey Smith; The Pesky Mosquito

The Pesky Mosquito

It was a hot summer day, and I saw someone relaxing in the

sun. I quietly sneaked up to them...bam! I made my attack and they

slapped me away. I was angered and went in for another attack.

Closer...closer...yes! I got them! I went away and went back in right

away...so close! I withdrew and went in for the last and most important

attack...the nose. I waited for them to close their eyes, finally relaxed.

Once the moment came, I went in as quietly as I could...when they woke

up and smacked their face. They were already too late, I had completed

my mission. “Ugh,” they sighed to themselves as they angrily walked

inside, frustrated that their afternoon had been ruined. Man, I love being

a pesky mosquito.

Camryn Birtwistle; The Hole in the Wall

The Hole in The Wall

Oh...my...gosh...I had never seen a more horrendous dress in all my years of operation. It was a disgusting orange

color, with awful swirls of red and purple that clashed horribly. I whirled in apprehension as the dress-wearer walked closer to

me, obviously intending to withdraw money from me. There was absolutely no way I was letting a hag like that touch me.

How could someone even wear something like that? How ignorant could she be to fashion?

I glanced down the street at my fellow Automated Teller Machines. Most of them were hilariously ignorant to

my pain, but there were a handful that weren’t. Oh, was there a handful that weren’t. They were laughing and gossiping on

the street corner, obviously mocking me and my low standards, which just fueled my loathing and animosity towards

this...this bloody fool in front of me. There was absolutely no way whatsoever that she would touch me. I wouldn’t allow it.

I groaned mechanically as she walked up to me, with too heavy makeup and too high heels. Despite the pain it

caused, I shorted out my screen and made my whirring louder. Surely, surely she wasn’t that stupid. Surely she would

assume I’m broken and go use another unlucky ATM...I almost felt sorry for the poor chap. The lady was close enough to

use me now. She stopped and looked at me with a confused expression on her face. Unfortunately, I was too busy worrying

about sorry sods that may or may not have had the misfortune to meet her, and my whirring subconsciously stopped. The

lady brightened as my screen went back to normal, and I cursed myself for being such an idiot. The ATMs on the corner

snickered, and I shot them death glares through the system. They laughed even hard as they got my petty threats, which

further irritated me. I would show them…

The lady started entering numbers on my keypad, and I practically sparked in outrage and distaste. I withheld myself,

however, because I was a gentleman and I already had a plan for her. Her long red fingernails scraped my keys as she

typed, causing my rage to grow. Maybe shocking her wasn't such a bad idea...I was dragged out of my thoughts by her

request to withdraw...wait a minute...how much money?! She wants 1308.66 pounds?! How...how could she even afford to

withdraw that much? I mean, look at her! If she couldn't get fashion right, there was no way she could own that much money.

Otherwise she would have invested in a dress that didn't cause migraines. I stalled the request for the money using my

administration rights.

The lady was starting to get upset that her outrageous request wasn't being fulfilled. She started to mash keys, and I

started to get angrier. I refused to give up the money. She started to bang on me, which really got my gears grinding, but I

still wasn't going to give it up. She kicked me, which was the last straw. Fine. If she wanted the money, she'll get the money.

Camryn Birtwistle; A Different Perspective


I whirred as I went into overdrive. The lady perked up and took a step back. Oh, would she be frowning

soon. Using ink that hadn't been used in decades, I wrote over every single pound of the 1308.66, leaving a

special message for the lady. The money fell neatly into my tray, and she smiled as she retrieved it. The smile,

however, quickly fell as she noticed something odd.

She turned the first bill on its side and started to read out loud quietly. "You make dog vomit look good..."

An overwhelming sense of smugness filled me as shock covered her face. I couldn't help but look over at

the ATMs who had teased me earlier. They were looking over at us with blank stares, as if they didn't believe

what they were seeing. They'd believe soon enough, though.

Once the shock left her, she started to cycle through the rest of the bills, reading aloud.

"Haven't you ever heard of complementing colors?"

"I've seen old men look better in Speedos than you look in that dress."

"Is the circus in town? It sure looks like it."

"Do everyone a favor and go burn that dress. Preferably while you're still in it."

The shock turned to outrage as she continued to read. My contentedness grew as time went on. A glance

towards the other ATMs proved they had learned their lesson. Grudging respect filled their screens and I

swelled with pride. Eventually, the lady had had enough, and slammed the bills on the ground.

"Fine then! Have it your way, you...you bloody stupid hole in the wall!"

She stormed away, leaving me gasping in shock. How dare she refer to me with such offensive, informal

slang? I watched her storm off, and I found myself hoping to see her again. Because when I did...she'd wish she

never choose to withdraw money from me.

Kellie Johnson; A Christmas


The Christmas Ornament

Today is the day. Christmas is over and I have to leave. Every New

Year’s, they put me in a box and put me back in storage. As I was hanging on

the tree and watching the people laughing and smiling, I am always upset

about the day I have to leave. I dread the fact that I have to be put into a box

and taken away. I wish I could stay all year so I can see the happy family, and I

can enjoy the moments when I am not in a cold, dark box. People may think

that being a Christmas ornament is a bad thing because I hang on a tree for

weeks and am then put into a box. Being an ornament is fun, because I can

talk to other ornaments and hear their point of view about other little things. It is

fun being a Christmas ornament, but being put into a box after New Year’s

makes me feel upset that I do not get to see the happy people that I see at

Christmas time. Instead, I have to be put into a cold, dark box.

Molly Kennett: A Candy Bag on Halloween

A Candy Bag on Halloween

I am being carried around on October, 31. The small child

dressed as a bumble bee carrying me around is carefully carrying me

as I get heavier. It then starts to rain causing me to become drenched

and the little girl screams because her candy is ruined. She runs

home and pours me out. She throws me to the floor. I watch as she

eats her delicious candy which I was holding for her. Will she ever

share with me?

After being carried around by a little girl I get

nothing,like always. I do all the hard work around

here. She throws me to the laundry room where I

am washed and then to the dark closet in the hall.

I look around and see her Christmas stocking, her

Easter egg basket, and all of her forgotten

containers that are used only once a year. We

wait here wanting to be used, except me. I don't

want her and I don’t need her.

Jocelyn Pandolph’s Life of an Inanimate Object

A Fish In a Fishbowl

Being in this bowl all day and all night is so boring. It gets even worse

when the humans tap on my bowl! What did I ever do to get here? I was

swimming with my friends one moment and then the next moment I was

caught in a net. After being taken many different places and making friends

at the pet shop, I was brought here to this new place and plopped into a

glass bowl. They feed me these disgusting flakes, and let their cat climb

near my bowl. I didn’t deserve this! I should be in my natural home with my

friends. I wish my fins would grow into feet to escape this prison.

The Hamburger Waiting To Become A Meal

That wonderful feeling of the warm grill

pressed up against me and the slow easy cook to

perfection as I cook to the wish you ask for. When I’m

finished cooking and you cut me right down the

middle, the juicy flavor will poor out of me onto your

plate below. In my last few moments I am lathered up

with ketchup, mustard, onions, pickles, lettuce and

plenty more condiments and I head on a quick yet fun

journey to the mouth that as designed me. I shall bid

me farewell as I am so deliciously eaten.

Carson Nixon’s Life of an Inanimate Object

The Last Donut in a Box

The sweet and savory glaze melted on me as I finish being

prepared and get placed into a white Krispy Kreme box. I look left to right

as I see all the other donuts beside me. Suddenly I feel myself being lifted

up and sat down on a hard granite counter top. As I sit there for a minute I

realize that I’m gonna be going somewhere. I get lifted up again and out of

the shop I go. As I was being set down in this strange vehicle the top of my

box is lifted up. I suddenly see four or five hands grabbing one or two

donuts at a time. All of the sudden I am left with only one other donuts and

when I thought it was gonna just be me and the other donut someone

grabbed it. I realized nobody wanted me and I was left all alone with

nobody to be with.

Lindsey Holcomb’s Life of an Inanimate Object

Life of an Inanimate Object - Haleigh

The Life of a Leaf

Here I sit, and here I stay, atop this tree as king. I am now aware that I am the only one left. I miss my family so

much, and there is dwindling hope that I will see them again. They are lying in the road, and I have yet to fall. Winter

approaches quickly, and I do not have much time. I am ready to see my relatives, but I am very afraid to fall. The wind

carries me off into the Georgia air, and I drift for mere minutes. That was not as bad as I had expected, and I am with my

family now. I am where I am supposed to be, and they welcome me with open arms. Now we all sit in the road, waiting for

the passing cars and the day where we will be covered in snow, never to be seen again.

Life of an Inanimate Object - Jade

The Life of a Mannequin

I am immune to time and age because it does not exist within me, though it does not protect me from death and destruction. I have

seen many places, cultures, and people in my “life” while traveling, which has lead me to my current home. Hot Topic. Many stores I

have been to have been bizarre, such as a store devoted to sparkles and neon colors, which hurt my nonexistent eyes, meant for

little girls. Though, this store took first place. It was bipolar, covered in a mixture of death and Disney, anime and My Little Pony.

Each day, blaring music, which was mainly screamo, vibrated through my stiff limbs.

I saw many ‘emo’ kids walk through the doors, wearing inch thick eyeliner and looking as if they had sold their

happiness for who-knows-what. Honestly, I wanted to go back to the antique store I was placed in for many years. This is not my

kind-of place.

The Tempting Fly Trap

Jacob Hartline

As I peacefully stood on the windowsill, overwatching the whole kitchen, I silently waited for

my prey to fly by. Being a fly trap, it was kind of my job. Day after day, waiting for a careless fly to

hover just close enough so I could snatch it out of the air. Suddenly one of the members of the

house, a human, walked to the trashcan and threw away a Hot Pocket. A fly shot out of it as the

trashcan lid closed. It was him. My arch nemesis, Psy the Fly. Psy was very mean, due to the fact

that he taunted me almost daily. He would fly extremely low and would make me try to eat him,

only for him to fly out of my grasp and escape me. He was a cruel fly, and there was no other

insect I wanted to eat more. But then, a brilliant idea had hatched inside of my dichotomus. I would

try a different approach, and appear much more friendly and would make the fly want to be near

me. I spent all night thinking and planning how to make this plan work. At midnight, I put it into

action. An open can of Coca-Cola sat right beside me, and I scooted my pot closer to it. I bent

down and tried to tip over the can. It soon toppled over, and soaked me with the sticky liquid.

Suddenly all of the flies in the house were flying over to me, and I began eating them all. Psy was

the last one to arrive, and when he did, I gobbled him in one bite. My plan had worked! I was

incredibly ecstatic, but still to this day I am sticky from head to stem.


The Homecoming Football

Cameron Smith

The air is fresh. The grass is green and brown. The leaves are falling. The

homecoming game has finally come. It was perfect conditions for a game.

Down. Ready. Set Hit! I was snapped. I flew through the air is i came closer to

the receiver. I was caught. We are coming to the end zone. Touchdown

Generals! The music played and the fans roared. It was going to be a great

game. the fans knew and the players knew how important this win is to our

school. I was thrown for more than 350 yards. Final score. 56 to 14.


A Garbage Bag in the Kitchen: Ethan Lovell

There is nothing good about my life. I’m literally a piece of trash! Im very big

and fat because people are always filling me up with the things they do not need

anymore. This morning, people dumped their unwanted pancakes and steaming hot

coffee right on my face. I screamed, “ Ow! Help me you foolish people.” But they just

laughed at me and my disgusting, garbage breath. My only friend was the venus flytrap

and the football on the windowsill. One of the snobby people I lived with, Jay Cutler, was

always playing football, but I don't think he is good because his wife is always talking

“trash” about him. Yesterday, he tried to throw a football to his receiver but instead, he hit

the venus flytrap and knocked him him into me. My life is not the best. It has its ups and

downs, but something good always comes out of it.


Young Southern Writers

Competition; Prose

Audrey Smith Prose

The Deceiving Dream

I woke up on a bright, warm, summer day. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and the trees were swaying in the soft

summer breeze. I slowly arose out of bed, and looked out the window. We were on vacation right now by the countryside and I

could faintly hear the rushing water of the small stream by our cabin.

“Ah,” I sighed to myself, “How relaxing.” I went to my bathroom, brushed my teeth, fixed my hair, and went to get dressed. I

decided on a sky blue t-shirt, with denim shorts, and white high-top converse, which had been slightly worn down. I happily

went down stairs to smell soft, fluffy pancakes, sizzling crispy bacon, sweet syrup, and orange juice.

“Good morning, Amelia! How did you sleep?” exclaimed my mom excitedly.

“I slept great, thanks for asking!” As I said that, my dad slowly marched down the steps. When he reached the kitchen, his

eyes lit up, acknowledging the scrumptious breakfast his wife had prepared for him.

“Wow Grace, you have managed to outdo yourself once again!”

“Thank you William! I knew you would be tired after the long trip down here, so I decided to cook your favorite breakfast.”

“Thank you dear, you know me so well.” He walked over to his wife and gave her a small kiss. I snickered at the table, where I

was waiting to eat.

“Hurry up lovebirds, I’m hungry!” My parents slowly but surely got their plates and sat down on either side of me. We all then

dug in to our wonderful meal, and in no less than fifteen minutes, we had scarfed down breakfast, and were ready to head out.

We had decided to go on a hike today, so I ran upstairs and switched my shoes to hiking boots, jumped back down stairs, and

met my parents at the door. We walked out and hit the trail right by our house. No more than five minutes later, we

remembered we forgot our bags.

“ Oh goodness,” my dad said jokingly,” We’re turning into old people already!” We all laughed and turned back towards the

house, and grabbed our backpacks. My mother, father and I all grabbed three bottles of water and two granola bars. My mom

grabbed a picnic basket filled with lunch treats, a blanket to sit on, and packed some bandaids and bug spray because like she

always says ‘better safe than sorry!’ We all then headed back to the trail, and walked a little ways until we came upon the side

of the stream. We stopped and pulled out the red and white checkered blanket, and began to spread out our lunch. We all ate

a delicious turkey sandwich with chips and a small bottle of water. As my mom and I were enjoying the serenity of nature, a

blast of water comes out of nowhere and soaks us down to the bone. We both look around bewildered, only to see my

smirking father standing behind us with a water gun. I stood up and distracted him while my mom snuck up behind him and

grabbed the water gun and began shooting him. We played around with this until, finally, he admitted defeat.

Audrey Smith Prose (continued)

“I surrender!” My father yelled while laughing.

“It’s a good thing it’s warm outside today, or we would all be freezing our behinds off.” my mom stated.

“Or we would not be here at all!” I exclaimed, and they both chuckled at my fact. We then pulled out a frisbee I grabbed before

we left and began throwing it around until we got bored, and then relaxed by the stream. As soon as we saw the first sign of

the setting sun, we gathered our stuff and began our trek back home. Once we arrived back at the cabin, it seemed as if

everything had already gone to sleep. We slowly walked inside to find the cool house waiting for our return, and the couch

calling our name. We all settled down and watched The Sound of Music, a nice way to end a long day. After the movie, we all

went upstairs and took a shower, brushed our teeth, and made our way to bed. I kissed my parents goodnight, and eagerly

went to bed, partly because I was exhausted and partly because I was ready for another fun day. I settled into bed, and easily

fell asleep. Hours later, I was jolted awake by a large crash. The room was still dark, but the atmosphere seemed different

from when I had gone to sleep. Suddenly, the lights flipped on, and in the doorway stood my grandparents, waiting for me to

get up.

“Wh-what happened?” I stammered, confused by my location.

“Oh, your silly grandpa dropped another plate, but no harm done, my dear!” My grandma happily spoke.

“Where are my parents?” I asked, the fact dawning on me that I had no idea where they were.

“Oh, well…” My grandparent's face fell and I still had no idea what was going on.

“You must have had another dream...your parents died in a car crash seven years ago, remember?” I slowly but surely

remembered the event of that night, and how devastating it had been.

“We’ll give you a minute, honey.” My grandparents left me in the room with nothing but my thoughts, gnawing away at my

brain. I was still slightly dumbfounded at the fact that my parents were gone. I could not believe it. It seemed so real, like they

were still here. I broke down. I just let it out. The tears, sadness, fear, worry, I let it all go. It took about ten minutes for me to

calm down, and I was still shaky. I gathered myself, walked over to the window and opened it. It was almost as if I could close

my eyes and listen to the birds, and my parents were alive and all was well, just like in my deceiving dream.

Audrey Smith

Grade 8

Heritage Middle

Billie Carlock

Camryn Birtwistle Prose Haunting Memories

I never intended for this to happen.


All I wanted was for those horrible creatures to go away. To leave me alone.


Please...it wasn’t my fault…


The voice pierced through my nightmare, forcing me bolt upright. A cold sweat covered my skin, and I screeched

in panic.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, reassuring me. Glancing to the right, I saw my friend, Leonardo.

I didn’t want to worry him. I told him I was fine, and set off to wake my familiar, Aiutante, while he made


Despite my reassurances, I was anything but fine. That night had haunted me for a long time...and continued to

haunt me. As I sat there, images flew back into my mind.

The rain poured outside the castle, but that didn’t stop them. I stood beside the window, staring worriedly out into

the rain. My teacher stood beside me.

“They cannot reach us.”

I nodded solemnly, still worried. My hand reached for the amulet hanging from my neck. Would...it change anything,

what we had done only the day before? In that moment, the castle shook.

“W-What?!” He fled the room, shouting. I felt a sinking feeling in my chest. The barriers had fallen, and it was all my


I shook the memories from my head and hurried to wake my dear friend. She was still sound asleep in a tree nearby,

and I smiled. I loved her dearly.

She was a menace if you interrupted her sleep, though. I cautiously approached her, and gently woke her.

Ignoring her protests, I walked over to the campfire. Leonardo was roasting three fish he found.

We both greeted him, and he smiled in response.

“Breakfast is ready.”

We sat down to eat, chatting happily. It was a successful distraction. Things couldn't stay like that forever,


We left the clearing behind shortly after breakfast, and the silence left me alone with my thoughts.

The horrific beasts were in the castle now. They were like nothing I had ever seen before.

They were tall and monstrous, with fur darker than black. Their eyes glowed red, and they were excellent hunters. I had

already had a few skirmishes with them, my torn clothes and battered body being proof. A huge gash split across my

chest, causing my breathing to become labored. I had had to rip the rest of my skirts up to cover it, but the fabric was

already soaked with blood, which wasn’t just mine.

Camryn Birtwistle Prose (continued) sss

With my hand at my collarbone, I traced the edges of the scar that had been left so long ago. I closed my eyes and

shivered as the memories assaulted me again.


I whirled on my feet and saw Leonardo. He held a sword clumsily in his hands, and numerous wounds covered him. I

was so glad he was still alive. My happiness was short-lived. A sneaky beast came up and smacked me. I fell forward,

and landed roughly on my chest. I struggled to catch my breath as the beast approached. Leo ran up and slashed at the

beast, forcing it back.

I clambered to my feet as Leo fought the beast. My hands scrambled for the amulet, and I tried to ignore the sickening

sounds of broken ribs adjusting.

“Leonardo!” I shouted as loud as I dared. “Look out!”

He glanced back at me, confusion on his face. When he saw my hand clutching the amulet, he backed away, leaving me

plenty of room to aim the spell.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

“Con i poteri dei miei antenati, ei doni che sono passati su di me, invito gli spiriti del fuoco e distruzione e scarico per loro

di radere al suolo i miei nemici!”

Flames consumed the beast, and it shriveled until it was nothing. Leonardo looked at me, shock on his face.

“They hate fire.”

I collapsed.

I looked around as the memories left, and saw that we were in a clearing. Both Leo and Aiutante were looking at me,

concern covering their faces.


“Let’s set up.” I busied myself with setting up camp. I cursed myself for getting distracted, but I knew I had no choice.

Today was the anniversary of that day, so long ago, when I had betrayed my people and led to their demise.

Leo approached me. I refused to look up.

“...it’s not your fault, you know.”

I started sobbing; Leonardo hugged me.

“But it is! If I hadn’t played with the amulet, the barriers wouldn’t have fallen! If I hadn’t left the room. all of those people

wouldn’t have died trying to protect me! If I hadn’t lost that fight...I would still have the amulet…”

Leo patted my back comfortingly as the memories flooded my mind.

The rain poured over me, and I lay in the mud, utterly broken. The leader walked up, and spoke in broken Italian.

“You...are child...give...Jewel of Spirits…”

I shook my head roughly. I had to protect the relic. The beast huffed at my defiance, and stabbed me

with one of his long claws. I shrieked in pain.

“Foolish...you defeated...pay.”

I sobbed as all of the pain from today caught up with me. The tears mixed with the rain, but I was in

such a daze I barely noticed. With shaky hands, I undid the clasp and handed the precious source of power to

the beast. He snatched it and left without another word, leaving me to bleed out into the mud and sob over my


My tear ducts had been emptied, and Leo’s shirt was soaked. I looked up at him and apologized.

“It’s fine...we’re going to get the amulet back. I promise.”

I nodded shakily, and hugged him tighter. Aiutante came and sat on my head, sending me comforting

thoughts. I smiled.

We would get the Jewel of Spirits back, and I would atone for my mistakes. I swore it on my life.

Camryn Birtwistle

Grade 8

Heritage Middle

Billie Carlock

Camryn Birtwistle Prose (continued)

Kellie Johnson Prose

The Tragic Blessing

Pain. Suffering. Sadness. That is all I could feel when my mom passed away when I was eight years old. Everything

was perfect until one day when I came home from school and I noticed my mom crying and my dad comforting her. As

soon as I walked in the door I knew something was wrong. I sat down at the kitchen table and they told me the devastating

news. My mom had been diagnosed with cancer. Since I was only eight years old at the time, I did not know how to

respond to something so heart breaking. I started to cry because I saw my mom crying and I knew that it was a bad thing.

My dad explained to me that my mom would not be able to do the things that she used to do anymore. I felt sad for my

mom and my family because all of the traditions that we had would soon go away.

Every day that passed on, my mom had gotten worse. Her hair started falling out and her face was as pale as snow.

I could see the sadness and pain on her face, and I could tell that she was miserable but she would hide it because she did

not want me to see her in pain. It is hard for a little girl to see her mom in so much pain. I knew something was wrong but I

did not know that my mom could possibly die. Months went by and my mom looked even worse. We went to the hospital

and my dad and I were sitting in the waiting room. We sat down and he put his arm around me.

He said, “ I will always be there for you through thick and thin. Remember that whatever happens people will help

you through all of the hard times in life.”

I will always remember that because what he said made me feel better. My relationship with my dad grew stronger.

One Tuesday when I came home from school, my dad was crying and he told me to sit down. I could tell that he was

upset. He told me that my mom had died. I started crying and I felt like the world started tumbling down. I told myself that

my mom would never see me graduate, walk down the aisle, or see me having kids. Words cannot describe how the house

was like when my mom passed away. After the funeral, I felt like giving up on being a veterinarian and everything else that

I wanted to do in life. My dad did not want me to give up so he came into my room with a concerned look on his face. He

sat on my bed and we started talking.

Kellie Johnson Prose (continued) He said, “ Don’t give up on your dreams. You are going to have many bumps in the road, and some may be bigger

than others. Those bumps are part of life and overcoming the obstacles makes you a better person.”

Talking with my dad really made my life better. I knew he would be there for me and encourage me through the

hard times. One day after school, my friends said that they were going to an under aged bar and they wanted me to

come with them. We were only sixteen at the time and I knew that it was bad to drink. It was hard for me to tell my

friends to stop, so I just sat there in silence. A random person came up to them and told them to stop drinking. I was so

thankful that he came up and told them to stop because it was too hard for me to tell them to stop. They later learned

their lesson. That experience made me realize the real consequences that can come from doing dumb things.

I had many friends that helped me through rough times and my dad was there to support me. All I wanted to do

was make my mom proud and I know that if she were here, she would be supporting me and she would be very proud.

It was the day of my high school graduation and I was very excited that I could go to the college and I can pursue

my dream of becoming a veterinarian. As I put on my cap and gown, I felt accomplished and I was glad that I did not give

up on my dreams. I heard my name being called and my heart started beating very fast. My hands were shaking and I

was very nervous. As I walked up on stage, I saw my dad crying tears of joy. I almost started to cry because my dad has

been so supportive of me and that is the best gift I could have ever asked for. I pictured my mom sitting in the crowd right

next to my dad crying and cheering. I never thought that I would have done any of this, but having so many other people

by my side and my mom in my heart, I accomplished so much and had the best years of my life. I am glad that I did not

let a big obstacle get in the way of accomplishing my goals.

Life will have many bumps in the road and you should not let those bumps takeover your life. Always have ambition

to accomplish your goals in life and make sure that you have friends to help you through hard times. Without people by

my side, I would have just been sitting in a corner crying. Just remember that there will be people by your side to help

and go talk to someone if you are having problems because there will always be someone who listens. Do not give up on

your dreams and all you need to remember are three simple words. Strength. Courage. Determination.

Kellie Johnson

Grade 8

Heritage Middle

Billie Carlock

Molly Kennett Prose In The Shadows

"Found him!" a deep voice barks. I squint towards the light, backing up slowly. It takes a moment for my vision to clear.

In front of me is a man with a lamp in one hand, dressed so dark he blended in with the shadows. No doubt, he was a guard. I

curse, then turn around and run.

"I've got this side!" I hear someone yell as I break for the end of the path. Another beam of light abruptly appears from

around the corner. I blink rapidly, trying to extinguish the sudden flash from my eyes. Disoriented, I look forwards, then back.

Shoot, I was just trying to teach that stuck up Noble a lesson. He needed a little humbling. But could that really have been

worth it? My eyes flicker from one guard to the other, then my gaze falls to my remaining options. To my left, there was a

building with a side ladder running from the ground to the roof. To my right, there was a small crevice between the walls of two

brick, three-tier houses. My feet step around, jittery with fear. Glancing at the ladder one more time, I deem that even with my

lithe build, I'd slip or get caught well before I reached the top. So... To the right it is.

I make a break for the slim opening.

"The brat's trying to escape!" one of the guards growls as he runs for me. His fingers skim my jacket, nearly catching

hold, before I slip into the narrow passageway. It is clear that he and his companion would not be able to fit in. In fact, the

passageway is so crouched I can barely fit myself. The rock scrapes at my back and arms as I inch forward. I suck in my

stomach and attempt to move faster.

"Stay here," one guard orders the other, I turn my head to see one of the lights disappearing, "I'm going around."

I groan audibly. The sound harmonizes with the somber drip of the rain. If he got to the other side before I did, which

seemed all the more likely, I'd be stuck here til' my death. Considering my lack of sustenance, that wouldn't be far off…

"Pst," a voice whispers. Or perhaps it is the rain. I'm going delirious.

"Look up," the voice says softly. I turn my head upwards as far as I can manage from my cramped position. The rain

blurs my vision slightly, but then it clears, and I see a small vent about three heads taller than me. It's big enough that I can fit

in just barely. Two pale hands appear, unclasping the grating, and then beckoning me to hurry up. Easier said than done. I

sigh, take a long deep breath, then extend my arms and hoist myself up. It was no easy feat, mind you. I had no maneuvering

room, and I swear I slashed my pant leg on a cut of unsmoothed stucco as I pulled myself up. But somehow, I managed. My

savior doesn't bother replacing the grate, instead he crawls forward, through the ventilation. As we make a turn, I can hear the

faint, disbelieving echoes of one of the guards yelling, "That rat's gone! How?!" I can't help but smirk.

Finally, we reach a destination. The boy in front of me removes another set of grating and then jumps down from the

vent-- which is a good six feet up on the wall-- and lands on all fours in a darkened room. I hesitate, but eventually follow suit.

As I land, the boy turns on a light, and the whole room is illuminated in a damp yellow. My eyes scan the room once before

finally taking a good look at my benefactor. Shock must definitely have appeared on my face.

"You," I say, brow furrowed in recognition , "you're that boy from the gaming joint. The one that bumped into me." The

boy sits down on a faded sofa, slender legs crossed. He has a slim, small build. His face is sharp and framed by a tousle of

light blond hair. He looks young, no older than twelve.

"Yeah," he nods. When he offers no further explanation, I move closer and fold myself up on the opposite end of the


"Who are you? How did you know where I was? How did you know I needed help?" I ask, tense. Then I pause. After a

second, I ask, "...and, why did you help me...?" The boy looks me over. His large, clear-blue eyes reflect my image back at me.

It throws me off. Behind him, a window is situated on the wall. The blinds are sloppily shielding it, but I can still see raindrops

running down the windowpane through cracks in the shutters. The sound of steady rain drums in my ears like the beat of a

frantic heart.

Molly Kennett Prose (continued)

"My name is Robert," the boy replies quietly, "I've seen what you do. Sorry, I followed you from the joint... But, you're

someone I admire."

I grimace, "Your admiration is misplaced. I'm just an outcast."

Robert looks at me steadily, "You've beaten so many Nobles at their own game. I know other people don't think much of

it, but it has effects! They feel loss, just like we common folk do every day in our life. You teach them lessons."

I stare back at him with equal intensity, "I'm a thief, a pickpocket. I've palmed more gold than even a Noble could make

in a decade."

"And you give them back to the poor," he replies, "I've seen you give them kids gold pieces for them to bring back to

their families."

"You shouldn't look up to me," I sigh, knowing what I am about to say is irrevocably true, "however you fancy, I'm still just

a black mark on society." Robert grinds his teeth together. I can see the gears in his head turning. He's mulling over something.

Molly Kennett Prose (continued)

"It's not just that. It's not just what you do. It's... that confidence you have. What you do is dangerous.

Don't even deny it. You could've been killed back there just now. How do you have that type of confidence?

Where does it come from...?"

A thing, sad smile plays on my lips. I laugh harshly, "I've no confidence. It's not confidence that pulls me

through. It's just... Some things are worth it. Some things are worth risking your life for. I know that

whatever I do will only scratch the surface of this screwed-up society of ours. But I still have to try." I look

towards him wanly. Maybe one day he would find something of his own that he would risk his life for.

Maybe one day he would believe in something just as much as I did.

"I know that I'm putting a lot on the line," I finish quietly, eyes closed, "but... This is bigger than me. I've devoted

my life to this. This is something I feel is definitely worth it." With that, I gave him my thanks. Then, despite his protests I

left his room and went outside. The guards had left the area, presumably to search elsewhere for their prey. All was

silent. Something was missing.It was then that I realized, the rain had finally stopped. The moon hung in the sky,

uncovered and bold. The entire city was bathed in an ethereal light. I smile thinly. Even with the risks, even with the

consequences, even with everything that happened tonight, this was my decision. I had no regrets.

Molly Kennett

8th Grade

Heritage Middle

Billie Carlock

Jocelyn Pandolph’s Short Story

A Broken Promise


The gunshots, the screams, and the explosions were too much for just my nineteen year old self. I’m over that

now though. Being stuck here in Europe is just torture, and I pray everyday that I make it back to Evelyn. I made her

a promise that I would come back and start a life with her, and I intend to keep that promise. I suddenly heard an

explosion and excruciating pain shot up my leg.

“AIR RAID!” Someone yelled.

At that moment I knew there was a low chance I would make it out alive. I’m sorry Evelyn.


As I sat by the radio that night something felt off. I had always tuned in on the radio to make sure

Dakota was alive and safe. Dakota and I had been inseparable since the day he carried me to the hospital when I fell

out of a tree at fifteen. I was eighteen now, and he was a year older than me. I cried for days when it was announced

that he was drafted into the army. I didn’t want him to be in danger, but he had always been the hero type. He was

sent away to Europe and left me with two things. A ring and a promise to return to marry me. I was promptly jolted

out of my trance by the most horrific thing that could possibly happen. I was informed by our radio host that there

was an air raid in the same base where Dakota was stationed, Brampton.


I woke up to the sound of men talking. I could tell we were in an army jeep but because of the

fatigue, I was unable to open my eyes. Soon one of them noticed I was awake and starting celebrating.

“Thank gosh you're alive!” He said with his deep southern drawl, “You’ve been asleep for quite

some time.”

“How long?” I asked.

“About a week. It’s a miracle we found you as quickly as we did, or you would’ve been dead for


That can’t be right. There’s no way I could have survived with all of the screams and explosions I


“How did I make it out. I thought for sure I was dead?” I asked the man.

“ A man with blond hair somehow found you and carried you to a jeep and drove quickly to the nearest

base. You were there for part of the week, and then we found you and are on our way to the airport.” He


Somehow I knew that the stars aligned for me to stay alive. I know that I am hurt, and in no service to the

army anymore, but something tells me that promise I made to Evelyn Audrey James will not be broken. As I

board the plane back to America, I know everything will fall into place.


For the past week I have been in misery not knowing if he’s alive or not. I was interrupted from

making my tea by the doorbell going off. “I’m coming!” I yelled quickly. It was a letter from the U.S. Army

addressed to the family of Dakota T. Appleton. I was the closest thing he had to family. His parents long gone due

to a car wreck. “Thank you.” I said hastily and closed the door. I ripped open the letter and braced myself for the


Dear family of Dakota T. Appleton, I regret to inform you that Dakota Appleton has been severely injured in the

leg, and is no longer needed in the army due to this occurrence. He is traveling back to America and should be in

your presence soon.


The U.S. Army

I was ecstatic after hearing this. He’s coming home. His leg may be injured, but honestly he’s alive

and that is all that matters.


On the way back, I just kept going over in my mind how I would officially ask her to marry me. I

already have gotten permission from her father before I was sent off to war. For a minute I was very confused.

Planes are not supposed to tip down. Then it hit me. We were going to crash. Into the seemingly bottomless



I was happily sitting at the airport waiting for him to come home to start our lives together. I kept

checking my watch and realized he was supposed to be here by now. Then the men in suits came to get the

people who were waiting for people on that plane. We all knew what it meant. Wifes starting crying, children

started crying, and we were all devastated. After everything, there was only one thing on my mind. Dakota

Thomas Appleton, soldier, future husband, and my hero, has broken his promise to me.

A Lie Can Never Be Perfect

She had always heard the stories of meeting somebody that will change your life forever, but she always

thought it only happened in the movies. She never thought a perfect stranger could walk into her life and make

only seconds feel like a lifetime, but that’s what he did. Even though he’s only a memory of her mistakes, she

will cherish those memories forever.

Her name was Elizabeth. She had spent her whole life in and out of the foster care program. She

had felt what it was like to be loved and left, and over time that pain taught her to be her own person, her own

support, her own love. At age three her mom died, then at seven she lost her dad. Now, at age seventeen, she

had lost her brother. He was all she had left and with him gone nothing made sense. She lost her sense of

direction. She couldn’t imagine how she’d carry on without him, so she gave up. She decided she’d end it. She

stood on the ledge of her school roof, looked down, and leaned forward, but only seconds into falling there was

a tug on her shirt and without a chance to blink her body scrapped the side of the building. She lifted her head

she saw a face she had never seen before. His dark brown hair out of place from being jerked as he caught her,

and his bright green eyes looking into her as if he saw more of her than anyone ever had. He pulled her up and

held on to her tightly as she wept into the crease of his arm.

Carson Nixon’s Short Story

It was as if the years of pain and all the tears she had ever cried didn’t matter in that

moment, because holding her was a guy with compassion and care. After minutes

of crying he lifted her head and in a deep but soft voice said

“I’m Blake.”

She faintly whispered back

“My names Elizabeth.”

Then he with a corny smile, he told her that her name was lovely. There she

sat, with a guy she didn’t know, weeping and holding him as if she had known him

for her entire life.

After minutes had passed, Elizabeth realized she had to get back to her

foster family. She knew that if anyone else was to find out about the incident, that it

would be everywhere. She could see it now “Girl Attempts Suicide” so without any

thought as to how to find the guy again, she stood up, said thank you, and left.

Upon returning home, it was clear something wasn’t right. As she pulled up her

foster mother ran outside screaming and asking if she was okay. She grabbed her

arm walked her inside and sat her down with the entire family. They turned on the

news and it was exactly what she hoped wouldn’t happen.

It was out. The news had received a video of everything that had happened.

About an hour had passed and reporters were all over the yard. Knocks at

the door, constant ringing of the doorbell, and yells from the people asking to speak with

the girl from the video. It was amazing how these people found her in the matter of

minutes. As the family sat wondering what to do there was a loud knock on the back

door, and a cry to be let in. As the father of the household opened the door, in came

Blake. He had clearly fought through the crowd being that his clothes were a mess and

he had a few scrapes. The family thanked him immediately for what he had done, but as

they did he stopped them. He told them that he was there to make sure Elizabeth was

okay and to ask them what needed to be done because he had been contacted by so

many people to talk about it. Elizabeth’s foster father explained that it wasn’t good for

Elizabeth if this was expressed as an act of suicide so they decided they’d lie and say it

was only a drunk mistake. They each individually talked to the reporters, then at the end

they spoke together. They told the reporters

“Elizabeth has never had alcohol and it’s clear why. She made a dumb, drunk decision and it should be

forgiven since nobody was hurt.”

They then, in front of the cameras, thanked Blake for his heroic act and like a snap of the fingers it was

over. As they returned inside, Elizabeth asked Blake if he could stick around, maybe they could get to know

each other, but Blake looked up at her and spoke the truth. he told her

“I’ve known you for no longer than half a day and in that time I’ve already been forced to lie.”

It was in that moment she realized that what she wanted was in no way possible and the spark that she

thought they shared had to quickly gone out.

She looked at him with a grin of sadness and with one last breathe she asked him if what they had was

perfect, but as his soulless eyes looked up at her he told her

“Nothing that starts as a lie can ever be perfect.”

She knew then that the sound of goodbye was more painful than nothing at all, so she watched him fade into a

void with only a cold tear upon her cheek to remember who he was, but with him gone, two questions

remained, why was he on the roof of that building at the moment she tried to take her life and where was he


A Broken Heart

Why does it hurt so badly? Why do I feel like I have been broken down to the smallest I can be?

Will it always feel like this? It’s an unbearable pain with a story that brings knots to my stomach every time I

think of it. For a while at first it’s relived over and over again, but as time fades, so does the story. I remember

his laugh, his smile, his eyes, and the way he looked at me as if I was everything. But with time comes

problems, as it does with every relationship. His eyes grew foggy as his smile slowly faded. It was as if our

everything had become nothing.

We were like a sky full of stars. After a while we burnt out, we crashed to the Earth. We had become the

past of one another with a future that quickly became nonexistent. It felt like repeating days, with shattered

pictures on the floor and I knew it was over. Each day was a broken heart with no explanation as to why we

remained. I guess with time he realized that we were drifting and it would be foolish to hold on to our past as

our present struggled in pain.

I know that it felt like he was the best thing in the world, but now I felt like my heart had been shattered

into a million pieces, almost as if it was stabbed in half with a knife. I now look at him with a sad smile

knowing he is happy with someone else.

Lindsey Holcomb’s Short Story

It hurt so much to let him go for good because he was my first love and my best friend whom supported

me since the day we met for the first time. He was the guy who promised me he would never let me get hurt,

who said he would earn my trust, who said he would always be there for me, whom I trusted with all my heart.

He turned out to be the same guy who hurt me the most. I felt both emotional pain and physical pain in my

chest. It’s amazing how I can love someone whom I know is only breaking my heart.

I will always remember how he would hold me and say we would be forever, but now I know he truly

meant never. I miss how he would say he loved me with that look in his eyes, but it turned out to be nothing

but a cold hearted lie. I felt so close to him but yet we were still a world apart. I felt his love so strong; it

helped me make it through my day. I felt like we were from another time and another place where I was his

princess and he was my prince, but now I know that this is not a fairytale, it’s reality. He was all I wanted, all I

needed, and I wanted to be his everything. Every time we touched I would drift away, not even feeling the

same, and i would think I had fallen head over heels again. I guess you could call it crazy stupid love, since I

never cared about anything until he came into my life. My love for him was bulletproof but he took it with him

and shot it down and now it's nonexistent. I was on my way to believing that he was my only exception, but

now I know I will never love again.

YSW- short story - Haleigh

Beautiful Sadness

It started on a sunny day in the middle of June when I was sixteen years old. He was the new kid, and I met him at the

bus stop. I did not have many friends, so when he told me he considered us best friends, I was overwhelmed with euphoria. We

congregated often, going to the park, the ice cream shop, his house to play video games, or mine to do our homework. It was a

beautiful relationship, and I often wondered if it could get any better. In the back of my mind, I knew I liked him, and had since the

day I met him, in fact. He was a handsome boy with thick dark hair, and bright green eyes, sun kissed skin, and a wide smile. And

finally, after a year of knowing the guy, he asked me out.

It started on a snowy day in the middle of January when I was eighteen years old. We rented a cabin in the mountains

and spent the majority of our last Christmas break there. It was a quaint little cabin with gorgeous scenery, and we admired it early in

the mornings, drinking coffee while freezing on the front porch. He told me how stunning I looked when I had just woken up, and

kissed me even though I had morning breath. He was everything I ever wanted. On the last night of our stay, he surprised me by

renting my favorite Christmas classic. We sat on the ugly plaid couch, snuggled up together with blankets all around, ate Chinese

take-out, and watched It’s A Wonderful Life.

It started on a windy day in the middle of April when I was nineteen years old. He surprised me at my college dorm

with a dozen red roses, my favorite flower. He told me to grab my coat and prepare for the date of a lifetime. We strolled down the

sidewalk for a few blocks, and then he stopped. I was confused at first, but then I saw it-a beautiful white horse connected to a

golden rimmed carriage. We rode it around the block many times; I was so thankful for such a thoughtful boyfriend. He had sacrificed

his whole day for me when he could have been at his college, learning to do what he loved. Instead, he ditched to come and see

me. I loved him so much. He

YSW- short story - Haleigh

bought me dinner, took me back to my dorm, kissed me goodbye, and flew back to his University.

It started on a cloudy day in the middle of October when I was twenty years old. We had been together for three

years, and I wanted to marry him. However, he told me he did not want to make such a commitment until he was older. I admired

him for his decision, but I loved him, and I wanted him to be mine forever. For my birthday, he took me to the old school bus stop

where we first met, and we relived our entire first date. He told me we were only allowed to listen to music we had listened to in

high school, and he took me back to his house to play crappy old video games. It was the most magnificent birthday in my entire

existence. I told him I loved him, and I decided I wanted to spend every birthday with him.

It started on a rainy day in the middle of September when I was twenty-three years old. We were in his car listening to

the radio, jamming out to the latest hits, when a large red truck sped straight at us. With only a few seconds before a catastrophe,

he threw himself over me, relieving me of any greater impact. Despite his efforts, I blacked out. I woke up hooked up to various

machines. I had split my skull open and needed twenty-six stitches on my upper leg. A large gash, which was also stitched, lined

my jaw, and I had a hard time seeing unless I focused. A nurse came in and told me that I would be okay, but that my boyfriend

was in emergency surgery, and the odds were not in his favor. Two and a half hours later, at 4:26 p.m on a Tuesday evening, he

died in the Intensive Care Unit.

It is a foggy day in the middle of October, and I am twenty-four years old today. I visit him often, especially on days

like this. It is my birthday, and I do not want to spend any birthday without him. It should have been me. He died for me, and I did

not even get to tell him I loved him one last time. He is gone, and all I am left with is bile in my throat, a raging fire in my stomach,

scorching tears on my cheeks, and this everlasting, beautiful sadness.

YSW- short story - Jade


“Resistance is futile,” the resolute voice of the android insisted. Panic gushed through my body as I rushed down

the long, white hallways. I heard the clank of metal footsteps following close behind me, but I tried not to let that distract

me from my instantaneous escape from this metal hell where I was imprisoned for two months. During my stay, I had

studied the twisting hallways, planning this moment since my arrival.

My lungs were burning for oxygen, and my legs felt like they would give out at any moment, but I didn’t stop. I

remained sprinting, certain I was going to survive with a purpose. If not, I would die before I let those metal brainwashers

attach wires to my brain and turn me into one of them. I turned down another hallway, one aligned with bolted doors and

gurneys soaked in fresh blood. Desperately, I checked each of the doors, which all seemed to be locked. The footsteps of

my pursuer rounding the corner told me time was running out.

“Prisoner 7-405, we are ready for your return,” the robot insisted. Finally, I found an unlocked door and ducked

inside just before I heard a click and one of the gurneys behind where I had once been standing was blasted down the

hallway. Just as I had bolted the door and stepped back, the android’s body pounded against it, creating a huge dent in

the rigid metal.

Urgently, I studied the room, searching for an escape route. There was a small desk in the corner, along with a

television and small window. The android bent the door further. My heart began uncontrollably thumping against my chest

as anxiety took over. I shook, paralyzed by the fear of the future, but I didn’t want to give in now; I had gotten this far.

Sometimes, it is tempting to give in and surrender my hard fight, but I didn’t want to be forced into something I was never

meant to be. I stood for humanity, a race that should never die at the hands of their own creation. There was still a mere

chance of survival.

YSW- short story - Jade

The door creaked against its hinges, surprisingly withstanding the strength of my opponent this long. I turned towards the

window in the back of the room, which might be big enough for me if I tried hard enough. The door bursted open, echoing through

the silent corridors. I spun around to meet the unyielding body of my reinforcement.

“Prisoner 7-405, you’re replacement is ready to begin.” It stated in a monotone manner.

“Go burn with Hades,” I spat in its face before I sprinted to the window. Its metal hand grabbed me, forcing me backwards.

My back hit the cold tile floor, sending sharp pain up my spine. Cold metal gripped me by the neck, dragging my body upwards as

my feet dangled below. I struggled against its strength as I gasped for air.

“Your efforts are unavailing,” It rumbled. Suddenly, a thought came to mind; I smiled with madness, remembering the one

thing I have saved for this moment. Laughter bubbled within my throat.

“I think you’re forgetting one thing.” I giggled.

“You have lost, 7-405. The resistance is miniscule.”

“I still have one last shot.” I pulled the handgun that was hidden in the waistband of my prisoner scrubs. “One last shot at


I pointed the gun at the andriod and fired. The electrical hum of his body stopped, and his grip released me. I fell to the

ground, my ankle made a horrible cracking noise. White pain flared in my vision, but I focused on my primary goal. Forcing my

aching body to move, I stumbled to the window and forced it open.

I managed to squeeze half of my body out of the small opening just as a group of elite androids, armed with intricate

weapons, stepped into the room. They surrounded my position, pointing their guns at me. On instinct, I kicked the glass away and

jumped out of the skyscraper. In that moment, chaos broke loose. The sound of gunfire was distant compared to the howling wind in

my ears. Fresh air filled my lungs with bliss, and for once in my life, I felt free.


by Jacob Hartline The zombie outbreak had begun nearly 3 years ago, and caused all of the deceased to turn into monsters that fed on humans. The only

way to kill them is to crush their brain, putting them down for good. Survivors fought against these zombies, but also against other humans who

are desperate to live. It’s a constant danger, never having a moment of peace and rarely sparing a smile. Resources were limited, and survival

was not guaranteed...

The two men stumbled into the town, lowering their machine guns. They were covered in so much blood that they didn’t know if it was

theirs or the flesh-eating monsters which were chasing them. They gasped for huge amounts of breath, wondering what they were going to do

next. It was supposed to be a simple run for food and water. Get in, get out. Now they had no idea how they were going to survive. If only things

had gone the way it should.

The men, Flynn and Nick, had travelled by car from the base. A zombie had ran in the middle of the road, and Nick swerved out of

control, trying to avoid it. The car ran off the road, and crashed headfirst into a tree. Nick blacked out on the wheel, causing the car to scream a

loud horn. The horn caused every zombie in the area to be drawn to it. When Flynn woke up, he looked out the window and saw zombies in the

street. They began to walk their way to the car, and the men stormed out of the vehicle. About a hundred zombies were making their way down

the street, heading straight for Flynn and Nick. They began running, ditching their car. They ran for about 15 minutes, until a small group of

zombies stumbled into the road in front of them and blocked their path. There was no other choice but to fight. The prodigious herd behind them

was getting closer, so they had to work fast. The men began shooting the zombies, killing about half of them. They ran out of ammo, and pulled

out their pistols, finishing the rest of the group. They continued to run until they came across a small town.

So here they were, the herd of zombies right behind them. They ran and tried to hide behind one of the buildings. They ran into an alley,

continued running until they came across a fence with a dumpster in front of it. This wasn’t a big problem, because they could just climb over it.

They climbed on the dumpster. They were about to climb the fence when a group of zombies appeared on the other side. The men were trapped.

The herd was right upon them, but since they were on the dumpster, they couldn’t be touched.

“We’re trapped.” Nick said hopelessly.


Flynn didn’t admit it, but he knew there was no way out of this. They were out of bullets, and out of luck. If they just waited there, they

would die of starvation. If they tried to run for it, they would surely get ripped apart by the monsters. What am I going to do, he thought. There was

no way out of this. Nick looked even worse then Flynn felt. He was hopeless. They were going to die. Nick couldn’t take it. He didn’t want to die in

a slow and painful way. He wouldn’t. He took out his pistol and aimed it to his temple.“Flynn didn’t admit it, but he knew there was no way out of

this. They were out of bullets, and out of luck. If they just waited there, they would die of starvation. If they tried to run for it, they would surely get

ripped apart by the monsters. What am I going to do, he thought. There was no way out of this. Nick looked even worse then Flynn felt. He was

hopeless. They were going to die. Nick couldn’t take it. He didn’t want to die in a slow and painful way. He wouldn’t. He took out his pistol and

aimed it to his temple.

“Nick, no!” Flynn cried as Nick pulled the trigger.

As Nick fell off of the dumpster, Flynn tried to catch him. The weight of Nick pulled Flynn down, onto the cold concrete, Nick on top of him,

with hundreds of zombies surrounding him. He let out a gut wrenching scream, preparing for the pain. But it didn’t come. The zombies were

ripping apart Nick first because he had landed on top of him. Slowly, trying not to draw any attention to himself, he crawled under the dumpster.

He was safe! But there was still the problem of the zombies just a few inches away from him. He was still hopeless. All he could do was watch his

best friend getting ripped apart by these monsters. All he could do was wait.


The Mask by Cameron Smith

It was one of those days where you woke up knowing it was going to

be a bad day. The air was thick. The trees were dancing back and forth. The

houses seemed to have been abandoned. It was not a good feeling. And for

the once it was not normal.

I got in my car to go to school. We noticed that it was an odd sky. It

was green and purple. It looked like the sky was going to vanish. We heard a

screech and it sounded like a man getting murdered brutally. It was the most

forsaken sound I had ever heard. That’s when it got intense for anyone and

everyone who was living.

I walked up to the school building. The lights were on and the janitors

were cleaning. I stumbled into the door and I was headed for the gym. I asked

the janitor, who was turned around, how he was doing. And that was my

mistake. I saw his face when he turned around. And he was wearing a white

mask that had a huge smile and a mustache. I ran back to the door but it shut.

And just like that the lights went out. All but one light in each of the four

hallways. I had to choose a hallway to take. Then I heard a scream. It was

more lifelike and girly. I heard it down the 8th grade hallway. Which happened

to be my hallway. 6

What could it be I thought to myself. I knew that someone else had to show up to

school. I mean if I was the only one than that’s just bad luck! I slowly trotted down the

hallway. Seeing the rooms dead and seeing the walls lonely. I knew that I might not be

here if I wasn’t smart. So I paid close attention to my surroundings.

I heard panting in Mrs. Nichols room. So I crept in conservatively. I saw a

familiar face. It was Katie. I knew I had to get her and get to a safe place. So we got up

and left swiftly and we glided down the hallways. Then it got real dangerous!

Bang Bang! We heard shots fired from another hallway.

“We might be gonners!” said Katie. I told her to keep our hopes up and keep on


We found a hallway that had chairs stacked up. We knew that there was as

possibility to escape but we had to be smart. But then we had to go because there

wasn’t enough room. We sprinted towards the weight room.

“Look! Stairs!” Katie said and we ran up them. We we in the roof of the school. We

found an exit and were on top the school. The sky was even more strange. It was now

pitch black with nothing in it but stars shaping the face of the mask. As soon as We saw

it we knew that we had not escaped yet and it was only the beginning.


The Outbreak

by Ethan Lovell

World War Three is finally over, but there is a new crisis. The outbreak of the Croatoan Virus has begun.

A gunshot went off, and all I saw was darkness. I later woke up in a hospital laying down on a bed. I looked

around the room, but it was empty. There were no people around. The machines were hooked up to me. I had no idea or

memory of what was going on. All I knew was that I had been shot in battle. I got up, while pain swam through my chest,

where I was wounded. I stumbled down the stairs and open the door to see the sun glaring on me. I started into a slow jog for

what seemed a mile and then stopped to see what looked like sick people walking around. I yelled out, “Hello, where am I?

What is going on?” Although I had no reply, the “people” just snarled and walked toward me. I turned around to see a little

boy. He looked about twelve, had dark skin, with an afro. The boy was holding a baseball bat. All of a sudden, a sharp pain

serged through my head, and I blacked out again.

I awoke with ropes tied around me. The boy was with his father in front of me. The man said his name is Norman, and

the boy’s name is Twain.

Norman asked me three questions. “How many zombies have you killed? How many people have you killed? Why?”

I replied,”None. I’m so confused.”

“What is your name?” asked Twain.

“Jensen Rimes.”

I asked him what is going on?

Suddenly, we heard loud pounding sounds coming from the front door. Norman untied me, and then we scrambled out

the back door.He yelled, “I will explain later!” Norman and I hopped into the Impala and drove off. Unfortunately, Twain

was left behind while the zombies ate at his flesh.

A while after, I asked him again what was happening. He cried out,”These are zombies. If their teeth break your skin

with a bite, then you will be infected. To kill them, you have to smash the brains.”

“Where are we going?”


“To Washington, D.C. That is where our group is meeting us at.”

As the sun went down, I fell asleep. I awoke at sunrise to see a fortress-like structure in

front of me. The walls were made of steel. It had wooden poles behind for support. It also had a

metal gate at the front. Out walked a young man. He was an Asian; about 5’10” in height.

He exclaimed, “Hi, i’m Paul! Welcome to Olympus! Make yourself at home. The only

thing I asked of you is your weapons.”

I replied in a scary voice, “Nope, i’m sorry. I don’t trust you!” I held my gun to his head

and pulled the trigger. A loud boom arose. Hundreds of zombies stormed over to us. We quickly

slammed the gate shut and ran inside to find a surprising sight. There was a group of people;

around 15. My brother, Jarrod, was one of them. I was so happy to finally see him again.

Jarod said, “Hello Jenson. It’s been a while.”

He told me the names of some of the people. Flynn, Donovan, Garth, Bobby, Gurrado, Lucas.

Suddenly, the zombies started piling over the gates. We kept shooting and knifing their brains.

We heard screams from many of our people. The only people left were Norman, Jarrod,

Gurrado, and me. We ran down an alleyway. It was a dead end! There was a big, dirty dumpster

in the center. We climbed onto it carefully. Zombies started coming piling up. They grabbed our

legs, and we tumbled off. Jarrod and I fell first with Gurrado and Norman falling on us. Zombies

we’re all over us. But there were gunshots, and that was what I thought was the end. 6

Young Southern Writers

Competition; Poem

Audrey Smith Poem


Music is a very powerful thing.

You can change it,

And make it fit to your emotions, your style.

It can guide you, whether you go straight or off road.

Music can make you do things you have never done before.

It is simple, but effective.

It makes you wonder,

It makes you dream.

It makes you imagine what life would be like without it,

And helps you to realize its true purpose.

Music is not for our enjoyment,

Nor for our entertainment.

Music is a lesson,

A story of someone who needed a way to express themselves without fear of judgement.

Music is there to guide us,

To be a light when the road ahead is dark and dreary.

It is for encouragement and hope.

It helps you release the bundle of emotions inside of you,

Out into the vast world without a worry.

Audrey Smith Poem (continued)

Music is a part of you.

It helps you breath when the air is polluted,

And makes you imagine a world of infinite possibilities,

a place where you are unstoppable.

Music unleashes the true you,

And washes your worry away in a ribbon of sound,

guiding you to happiness.

Music is a mighty thing,

And only you have the power to release it and make it your own.

Audrey Smith

Grade 8

Heritage Middle

Billie Carlock

Camryn Birtwistle Poem

A Traveller Through the Night

I have been here since the beginning of time,

And I will be here when it ends.

I infinitely travel this infinite place,

Seeing everything,

Yet nothing.

I see the world, the galaxy;

All of the planets and moons,

Stars and comets,

But I do not see people.

I am forever alone in this immeasurable space.

I float alone in the mists,

Going wherever the stardust takes me.

The stardust shows me many things.

The birth of planets;

The death of stars.

The beginnings of loneliness,

The end of happiness.

Camryn Birtwistle (continued)

The stardust is my friend; the only one I have.

But now they are no longer.

For you see, the stardust showed me everything,

Including the end.

It was bright and blazing,

Quiet and unexpected.

The end was like nothing I’d ever seen before,

Yet oh so familiar.

The world grew silent afterwards.

The little things I found solace in had disappeared.

My existence had not been cut short by the end of the universe,

And I doubted anything else would.

I was alone at the beginning of time,

And I am alone past its end.

Camryn Birtwistle

Grade 8

Heritage Middle

Billie Carlock

Kellie Johnson Poem

Something in the Basement

I woke up when I heard a small scream coming from downstairs.

I walked into the hallway that was leading me into the abyss.

I was walking quietly down the lightless stairs.

It seemed as if there was a black hole at the bottom of the stairs.

As I moved closer to the door, something moved in the distance.

A cold breeze flew passed me and gave me a chill.

I was turning the handle,

And I walked in the cold room.

The door slammed shut behind me,

And all I could feel was frightened.

I moved closer to the closet door that wanted to swallow me when I came in.

A sudden window was open,

Letting the cold air make the room as cold as an ice box.

I opened the door to the closet.

There was nothing but darkness in the closet.

I turned around and went back up the stairs,

But the door would not budge.

Kellie Johnson Poem (continued)

I took a deep breath; ready to scream,

When a hand suddenly covered my mouth.

All of my force could not break the hold that the mysterious person put me in.

I slowly fell to the ground,

Cold and lifeless as I slowly began to fade.

My eyes began to shut,

As I let out my final cry for help.

The last sound that ever echoed through my house was my screams.

Kellie Johnson

Grade 8

Heritage Middle

Billie Carlock

Molly Kennett Poem

For All of This and More

Bullet stains had filled the growing pains

Of a guilty soul and empty holes

For the wind whispered, when the trees danced

For the minutes walked, when the blood spilled

For all of this and more

A friend in need and a spirit of greed

The day the earth speaks of its sins

And injustice is found deep within

For the emotions pleaded, when the sun shined

For the mind broke, when the scream cried

For all of this and more

When death breathes its broken breath

Where evil sings its song

Then time loses its place

In search for secrets to hide

Molly Kennett Poem (continued)

For the pain pushed, when the sirens called

For the body moved, when the truth falls

For all of this and more

To bury the bleeding burden

In the helpless hours of shame

At a place a soul was to blame

For the footsteps followed, when the pieces played

For the crime was solved, when the soul strayed

For all of this and more.

Molly Kennett

8th Grade

Heritage Middle

Billie Carlock

Jocelyn Pandolph’s Poem



They hit you hard sometimes.

When you’re standing on the sidewalk,

Thinking he will come back for you.

When you’re at the movies,

Remembering how he used to hold your hand.

When Valentine's Day comes,

And he isn’t behind your front door with flowers.

When you’re scared,

And he isn’t there to hold you.

You keep going back,

To all the times he said he loved you.

They say the past is in the past,

But memories like these are too good to forget.

Like when he took you on a picnic,

The one where he knelt to the ground and pulled out a


Like when you first met,

And you never knew he would be your everything.

Memories like these stab you.

They take you back to when life was picture-perfect.

When you never thought that one day he would be gone,

When one day that tractor trailer would collide with his


When it left your heart desolate,

Eight days before you became husband and wife.

These are the memories that make you realize,

You will never find a love as strong as his.



There’s always that one,

the one we run back to.

The one we always hold close

no matter what we go through.

They may hurt us the most,

but they are always there.

Fore it is the one,

that will always care.

Carson Nixon’s Poem

Through pain,

through laughter,

through sorrow,

through tears,

they will be the one that is always there.

And no matter what they say,

no matter what they do,

they will always be able to come back to you.

It’s your love for them

and their love for you

that will always and forever

seem to come through.


You were the one for me

Or so I thought

We played till we faded away

But we fought till we rought

You told me you loved me forever

But now I know you truly meant never,

You broke my heart

And tore me apart.

All the words in my head

Were like knives in my heart,

You broke me apart

And you left with my heart.

Lindsey Holcomb’s Poem

You shot me down to the smallest I could be

You put a cage around me,

I should have known from the start

you were never the right one in my heart.

I told you I would love you till the day I die

But I guess to you that was all a lie,

So I guess there is nothing left

But, sorrow, torment, and painful goodbyes.

YSW Poem - Haleigh The Locket

I gave you a locket

With my picture inside

So I would always be close

To your heart when you cried.

And so you’d remember

How much I loved you

When you were away

Or when you were blue.

I’d always be waiting

For the letter that said,

“I’m terribly sorry, but

Your loved one is dead.”

And it hurt in my heart,

Knowing you were not there.

It struck me with pain

That I just could not bear.

Yet still I waited

For years at a time.

It was like scaling a mountain

That couldn’t be climbed.

But you always came home

With that grin on your face.

Finally returning

To your own happy place.

Until one day you went,

And you didn’t return.

You may have perished,

But our love still burns.

And the tears on my cheek

Are but melancholy memories.

It’s a sickness, I’m afraid,

But there aren’t any remedies.

So I live on my own

Thinking of you now and


And hoping, praying,

To see you again.

YSW Poem - Jade Mad Hatter

I’m the maddest of hatters,

The epitome of derange,

My paranoia, peculiar.

My mumbling, strange.

There are sinister creatures,

Many of a kind,

Watching and waiting,

Prowling my mind.

In my unbalanced world,

The demons dwell.

My sanity burning,

In this infinite Hell.

I’m the maddest of hatters,

My mind filled with screams.

None of them are mine,

Haunting my dreams.

With snarling smiles,

The monsters reach for me.

Demented, crazed laughter,

Taunting my plea.

No help, no help!

The whispers teasingly cry,

You’re alone, alone!

Abomination, die!

I’m the maddest of hatters,

Drowning in my insanity.

Locked and hidden forever,

A crime against humanity.

I cannot be helped,

Struggling against my chain,

Weeping and wailing,

For no more pain.

The monsters attack me,

Eating me alive.

I cannot tell if they are real,

Or if I’m going to survive.

Everest by Ethan Lovell

Each step I take brings me closer to my destination.

I ascend up the massive anonymous,

I cannot stop, I cannot give up,

For this is the only way.

The elevation is frightful,

The climbing is disastrous,

The pain will not perish

The cold air is harsh

But I will not stop fighting through this nightmare.

I am halfway there

What a beautiful sight

I am frostbite

I see the bright light

For it is the moonlight

I am almost there

For I see the top

I will not stop

I am now there

I can see the world

My family will be proud

Because I have reached the clouds

I have conquered Mount Everest





Audrey Smith Figurative Language Graphic

Camryn Birtwistle Figurative Language Graphic

Kellie Johnson Figurative Language Graphic

Jocelyn Pandolph’s Figurative Language

Carson Nixon’s Figurative Language

Lindsey Holcomb’s Figurative Language

Figurative Language Graphic - Haleigh

Figurative Language Graphic - Jade





Voice Poems

3 Voice Poem

The tornado in D.C., that was me

The earthquake in California, that was for ya

The tsunami in Japan, was done by my hands

Your warnings are small, but our destruction is big

All buildings are down, nothing left but a frown

The Earth will shake, everything’s at stake

The waters will rise, coming with a surprise

With the screams in the air, our destruction is what we share

The winds are disruptive, you will try to be constructive

The sound and the crack, Nothing can distract

Water will splash, and I’ll leave you with a gash

We leave for a short time, and your recovery is a climb

But we will be back, causing panic attacks

We are devastation across the nation


Heart to Heart

We are all different

We each have our own charm

But it’s when we come together

That we all see heart to heart

Each of us are different

Unique in our own


But that’s what sparks a friendship

Happiness each day

Everyone seems to


But that is okay

3 Voice Poem

Because we will still love each other

In the most sincere way

Everyone grows


Grows old and moves away

It’s just called life

And we will face it day by day

through the tough times

We will have each

others back

Cause when friends join together

They’re mightier in a pack

Someday we will leave each other

One by one we’ll go

But that will be okay

Because we will hold our

memories close

So slowly we say goodbye

The kindest bid


We will say one last time

I wish you all well.

Camryn Birtwistle and Molly Kennett Two Voice

Poem Monsters

Monsters are the worst best things to come to this Earth.

They're all so vile and callous. One could never show kindness.

They are surly and boisterous. They never care if they hurt anyone.

They’re all so cordial and gracious; I could never imagine one being cruel.

They always want to help others, even if it may cause them harm.

Monsters are the ugliest prettiest creatures I’ve seen in ages.

Monsters have sharp claws and teeth.

Their filthy fur is green and purple;

Their long snouts are not always used for good things.

Monsters are incredibly tall and graceful.

They dance along the water’s edge,

turquoise skin glowing in the light.

Monsters are the most powerful beings on Earth.

Monsters beat things and stomp around, striking fear into the hearts of man.

Dark voices shouting words and then they strike.

Controlling water and the spirits is what they do.

Quiet voices sing words, and the magic happens right before your eyes.

Monsters are like nothing I’ve ever seen before; something must be done about them.

Audrey Smith and Kellie Johnson

Two Voice Poem


Music is to be expressed Music is to be heard

Your voice is expressed

Their voice is just a show

Our love for it is true

Their love is an ordinary thing

Music is always in our lives

They make their joy

They enjoy our masterpiece

We feel the pulse

We hear another record

We love it in different ways

We hear ourselves in our work

We hear a stranger playing

We make it a part of us

We make it our current favorite

Music is our story Music is our


Two Voice Poem - Haleigh and Jade





Always getting in the way.





I wish I had it every day.

Two Voice Poem - Haleigh and Jade

I hate it.




I can’t imagine what life would be like with long, smooth


At least then, I would be beautiful.

I hate it.




I can’t imagine what life would be like with

long, smooth hair

At least then, I would be beautiful.

Neologism (New Word)

Why a family should

have a ________.

Jocelyn Pandolph’s Flumgilleom

All families MUST have a Piegilleom. Where would they keep their

freshly baked pies without one? The Piegilleom is an insulated bubble that

keeps the pie heated at a constant temperature without drying out the pie. If

you want to have a piece, all you have to do is pop the bubble. When you

want to put it back in the Piegilleom, you just press the button on the

machine and it blows up a bubble around the pie. The Piegilleom is a

versatile machine that can satisfy all your pie needs. It stores pies of all

different shapes, and of all different flavors. Store your peach pies, apple

pies, shepherds pies, chocolate pies, and so on with the Piegilleom.

Do you ever find yourself sitting around the house dreading

all of the laundry that is piled up for you to iron and fold? Well

say goodbye to that and hello to the brand new Wallymak. As

the maker, Jim Wallymak, sat at home listening to his wife go on

and on about the laundry situation, Jim came up with the

wonderful idea of the Wallymak. The Wallymak has a few

different settings allowing you decide what type of clothing, the

color, and what is needed of the Wallymak. Then with the touch

of a button the Wallymak begins ironing, folding, and hanging up

the clothes for you. After thirty minutes your laundry is done for

you! How awesome is that? The Wallymak is sold on

Wallymak.com and everything ships nationally, so go on line and

get your Wallymak today!

Carson Nixon’s Flumgilleom