else speaks that you don't agree · 12/3/2012  · get their way. Here you are complaining to the...

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Transcript of else speaks that you don't agree · 12/3/2012  · get their way. Here you are complaining to the...


We have been super busy in our

travels and have much to tell

you about. I did make it to

Massachusetts to encourage

some brethren, Ryan and Shawn.

Thank you for your prayers in

regards to this trip. I met them

four years ago when I went to

minister at the colleges and the

Halloween event in Salem.

They both were in a liberal

church and had many other

unbiblical beliefs. I have had

the joy to love and disciple

them for four years now. It has

really blessed my heart to see

them grown in grace and zeal

for our Lord Jesus Christ and to

see them be FAITHFUL! They

both are in full time service and

in great Independent Baptist

churches there. Ryan is

essentially an assistant pastor

helping one church grow and

Sean is doing the same in a new

church plant. What a great time

we had in fellowship

and serving the Lord

together there!

We went to preach to

the "Occupy Boston

group." As I began

preaching a crowd

quickly gathered

even though most of

them had left on a

march to a nearby

park. As we took turns, Steven

Brock, the pastor of True

Gospel Baptist Church began to

be greatly heckled by the crowd.

One man was blowing a

trumpet about 2 feet from his

ear. (Seen on the top left of the

picture above.) There were

several people playing drums

along with other noise makers

and chanting. Bro. Brock would

get down and walk around to

get away from them only to

have them follow him. It looked

like a band procession. Even

with amplification he could

barely be heard. He said it was

hard for him to even think. He

finally gave up and stopped.

When he did the crowd cheered

and laughed. This stirred my

spirit and I got up and addressed

the crowd, "You adults are

acting worse then a bunch of

spoiled children when they don't

get their way. Here you are

complaining to the police that

you have the right and freedom

of speech but when someone

else speaks that you don't agree

with you rudely drown him out

and blow a trumpet in his ear

and beat your drums etc. You

are protesting about Wall Street

being a group of bullies, take a

look at yourselves. You all are a

bunch of hypocrites, shame on

you! The whole world is

watching you and this is what

you want to be known for." The

protesters started hanging down

their heads and I could see the

shameful looks on their faces. I

then got into some great dialogs

with them following this. Thank

the Lord that not one time after

this did they blow a trumpet,

beat a drum or try to drown us

out again. We had some great

witnessing and personal


Bro. Brock’s 13 yrs old son,

Jordan did an excellent job

preaching to the crowd amidst

all the distractions. One grumpy

woman would get about 10

inches from his face snapping

photos of him. Jordan held out

his Bible to keep her at a further

distance. She unkindly said,

“I’ve got a right to take

photo’s!” I stepped up to her as

she repeated that she had her

rights. I then explained, “Yes

and he has his right to his

personal space as well, besides

you can zoom to get a close-

up.” She quickly agreed and

said, “Your right, your right.”,

as she stepped back.

One man, who at first was an

outspoken protester of us finally

told the crowd standing next to

him, "You guys need to hear what

they are saying; this is important."

As we packed up to leave it started

a torrential down pour of rain. I

was delighted that lives were

impacted there for Christ's sake.

We also went to the city of Salem,

MA where crowds were gathered a

few weeks early in observance of

Halloween. This place brings in

well over a hundred thousand

people just on October 31st alone.

We had a real witch for Wicca

casting spells on us. One young

teenager was acting vile toward us

but then he hung around listening

to us. We would leave and move to

other spots for the merchant's sake

and this young teen would follow

us listening. We later approached

him and had a great witness with

him. He had no mother, father or

family he said. We just tried to

give him the hope of Christ and

His love for him. Please pray that

the brethren will have future run-

ins with him.

Fort Drum was a blessing to visit

and pass out Bibles and tracts to

the military. I went with Brother

Vince Williams who pastors Drum

Baptist Church and ministers to the

soldiers there. We had several

soldiers we were able to reach out

to while there. It was a true


I ministered at Jefferson County

College, Oswego University,

Monroe Community College, and

Brockport University as well. At

Monroe a student named Adam

who was very well versed in

evolution and other university

indoctrinations spoke to me. It was

hard to break though all the

wisdom of the world he had stored

up. He also was bent towards

Buddhism. We did shake hands as

he had to depart for class. I believe

I was able to plant some seeds that

may bring forth eternal life at some

point so please pray for him.

However another student there

named Tyler was a totally different

story. After about a half hour he

called out in prayer for Jesus

Christ to save him. He had grown

up catholic but had never realized

it was not of his works but the

work of Jesus Christ that could

save his soul. You could see the

humility it took for him to pray

before his classmates. Many are

kept back by the fear of man but he

did not let this stand in the way of

trusting the Saviour. Pray for his

growth. I have his number and will

be continuing to disciple him and

plant him in a good church.

I had a great encounter with a

Christian student from Brockport

University named Dave. He said

he was blessed to meet me and

emailed me later thanking me for

encouraging him. We plan on

getting together to witness in the

future. He said he speaks up in

class when he can because the

teachers continually force the

subject of evolution. I was able to

speak with him on the phone on

the 6th of December and pray with

him for his upcoming exams.

Please keep him in your prayers.

We traveled to Connecticut to

preach and then on to Maryland

where a pastor asked to preach a 5

day revival meeting for his church.

All went very well. There is much

more I could tell of but I will end

here with thanks to Him and you

for your faithful prayers for us.

We are now down south and just

getting over the flu or a stomach

bug. Please continue to pray for us

as we try to catch up on things and

get ready to minister in the second

semester when it starts up.

Josiah, 4yrs old has 47 Bible verse

down plus the whole chapter of

Psalm 1, which makes 53 Bible

verses total. Joseph can quote most

of the books of the Bible now and

Psalm 1. They are now both

excellent in tract distribution.

Joshua just turned one and walking.

Because of Christ Jesus,

Greg S. Davis, evangelist