Elisha Birthday!

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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Audacious birthday card to Elisha!

Transcript of Elisha Birthday!









Its been really long since i last saw you, how have you been??? :) Coping well in your studies? Lifegroup misses you a lot!!! Anyway, can't get to celebrate your birthday with you in person this year, but i hope you'll be touched by this E-book that we've done for you :) Feel the love<3 Haha! Enjoy this day of yours yeah! And may God continue to fill you with his overflowing love everyday! :) May you be a blessing to the people around you! Once again, happy blessed birthday :)))



Shouting Happy birthday to you from another part of the world. Woah, we are almost 15000km apart. Really miss the bubbly, humorous and awesome you! Hope you are doing great in Canada. We have definitely not forgotten about you. Come back soon ok. I will set up the red mat for you. Everywhere you are, remember to shine the light of His and that your love for Him grows and always being so passionate. As much as you are growing another year older may you always keep that child like faith in you. You are deeply missed and we cant wait for you to be back. Allow God to use you in mighty way and as His instrument. Cheerio. All the best in all you do. Remember seek first the kingdom and always put Him first. We always have your back brother! Anything you can always contact us your sister/brother of the same father but a different mother! Stay in touch! Come back soon. Have a blast on your birthday!

, Winnie Chia

Happy Birthday to you Elisha! It is your day, and be sure to make it fun & enjoyable! May you grow in the Lord deeply, becoming more of the man of God in the making! Be Blessed


Hey Elisha!!! Happy birthday to you! Wah it’s kinda sad to only know you for a while and see you a few times in person. Nevertheless, I’m sure that you’ll come back and visit us again and I want to know you more! Perhaps we should start a skype conversation or even talk on facebook! The lifegroup really misses you and I hope that you will continue to enjoy your time in Canada and always place God in the center of your life! Rest assured that we will continue to pray for you and your family as well! Have a blessed birthday!

- D o m in ic = )

P.S Note that the font I used is IMPACT! Haha! IMPACT LIFE!




SURPRISE!!!!! It’s your 18th birthday and here are our heartfelt wishes to you from our Lifegroup!

It’s been around 1 year 2 months since you moved to Canada & things have really begun to change!

Looking at your pictures that you post and updates about your family situation, its definitely tough for you to be growing up there. Nevertheless, I’m really proud of what you’ve done over there and how you really got involved in the church over there too! Hearing stories about how you want to impact your friends in school and even bring new ideas to your youth group just spurs me on too!

I still always remember & look back at the times where we used to have discipleship always before Lifegroup at Yew Tee (the prata place) & it always brings a smile to my face! I really miss those times man! See how time has really passed and how much you’ve grown in this short amount of time.

Never stop investing your life in the things of God and impacting the lives of the people around you. I’m really sure that God has so much more things in stored for your life as long as you are willing to listen & obey whenever He calls you to go! Allow the decisions you make to always reflect what Christ has done for you and I’m really looking forward to seeing you soon!

Stay Strong Mighty Men of God & I’m always just a skype/ msn/ facebook message away as and when you need me! Drop us a message on facebook group too! I’m keeping you and your family in my prayers always and say hi to your family for me too! Happy Birthday Once again Bro! Don’t forget about this Singapore family who loves and remembers you too! COME BACK SOON!!!!

Lots Of Love (With Satay & Chicken Rice on top),

Your Smallgroup Leader Gideon =)
















HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELISHAAA! How life over at the other side? Are the Canadians all so friendly to every single person. That how they depict them on American shows. Dood you are missed over here in this sunny small island!

Even as you get older, don’t lose your child-like faith in God the man. Let Him be the superhero of your dreams be the inspirations of your everything! Have a blast over there at Canada! We will see you soon when you come back from your break or when you’re serving the nation!

Ps ps. if the going gets tough you can always count on us!

Have a blessed birthday!



Hello Elisha, it 's been so long!! Think we will forget your birthday just because you're thousand of miles away? Think again! Even though you're far away, yet you are always a part of us! Glad to have known you! Keep that love for God going and keep on looking out for God's fingerprints in your life! Have a blessed birthday!


Hey Elisha! Happy birthday! Come back soon! Cheejun is waiting for you to come back and go to church together! And we missed you! Great to have known you and even tho you are miles away, you are still part of us - audacious! It's awesome what you are doing for God there in Canada, continue to be audacious and dream big!! Press on, press on towards the finishing line. We are cheering you on together! (: Enjoy your day!

�With love, Wan Zi

Happy birthday Elisha!! Although you're in another part of the world, but you're still part of us nissi audacious! We're all waiting for your arrival! Hahaha, please don't give us a mini heart attack by coming back without notice! !Continue to pursue God and be a blessing to the people around you! (:

-queen sheba-


Happy blessed birthday Elisha! Hi chocoboy! :) though you are miles away, but we are one in God's family. So excited to hear what you have been up to since you went over to vancouver. Continue to be on fire for God and dont waver in your faith. God is the strength of your heart! God bless you and your family! :)


Hihi Elisha!! How's it going over there?! Hope to see your surprised face as you open this "card". Lifegroup has not forgotten about you! Here's wishing you a HAPPY, FANTASTIC AND BLESSED BIRTHDAY. May this new day bring about heightened passion to serve and love Him! We'll continue to keep you and your family in prayers! Leave it all up to Him and we know you're making an impact in Vancouver! :) keep it up!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELISHA! It's BEEN really long ever since I last met you! Really good to see you being so passionate for God's work even over in Canada. Keep your fire burning! And you're definitely not forgotten by us! Surprised right?? Haha. Hope that you continue build your strong relationship with God in that far away land! Your presence in Lifegroup is dearly missed!

With love, Ziyi

Hey Elisha!! Hope that this card surprises you!

You ʼre not forgotten! :)) It ʼs been so heart warming

to hear all that has been happening for you and

how passionate you are in building God ʼs kingdom!

Con ʼt to have faith and be the influence where God

placed you to be! You ʼre a champion! Come back soon!

Audacious misses you!

Love, Eunice.