Eli game design jam 2013

Post on 27-May-2015

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The game jam workshop ppt Ryan MArtinez and I have used in our game jams for the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, and EDUCAUSE National conference workshop. Why and how to design games in a short, one-hour session (four 15-minute sections).

Transcript of Eli game design jam 2013


Ryan Martinez rmmartinez@gmailJohn Martin johnmartin@wisc.edu

Hello everyone, welcome to the very first session of the ELI Annual Meeting. I’m John Martin, and this is my colleague Ryan Martinez. We are both from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. My job is to push instructors just a hair out of their comfort zone. Ryan is a doctoral student in the Curriculum & Instruction department and has on many occasions like myself, ran workshops teaching the importance of iterative design in education through the scope of games. So first, while you may not be asking this question, many educators and administrators frequently start off with...


or at least “why?” Games? Okay, maybe — there are nice educational games like Oregon Trail... but Game Design? More now than in recent memory, people have started to associate playing games to adverse societal effects (violence, etc.). !But to connect curriculum design with game design let’s break it down


Why play? Why do we feel that elements of play and the design of games are important for education?


Well the answer is really that play is universal, and not just with friviolous intent.


In fact, play is a powerful learning tool. We learn how to interact in cultures, we learn tactics, ways of thinking, being, and speaking in that game space. We play to learn, and to survive.


We also play, at times, to preserve and pass on cultures. Much of play is subversive that way. It’s also a welcome change to traditional didactic instruction.

And play and games are starting to get some “play” in both formal and inform learning environments with the inclusion of not only academic conferences devoted to the topic but brand new school intiatives around games-based learning.


So, that’s play and games. But where does design come in? We all know that students are terrible designers and will design terrible games. But that’s okay, because it’s the process that counts. Game design in class is a mash-up of powerful learning practices




Why play? Why do we feel that elements of play and the design of games are important for education?

We started doing this in 2008 informally as an extension of the Games Learning and Society research group....

Basically, it’s a process of starting rough and iterating — just like instructional design.

Set Constraints

Every Saturday we would have a group of people come to our offices. While the majority of participants were graduate students, we had participants whose age ranged from anywhere between 7 and 55. We would have each person write on a sheet of paper a theme for that week’s jam.

!•to teach the design process

•about specific course content through design

•allow students to play a game that teacher designed to learn course content in a playful setting

•(currency can touch on math, social justice, economics, etc.)

•(narrative lends itself to history, identity, science, psychology, etc.)

•(N-game simulates Nitrogn Cycle)


Grab materials

Once the theme was settled, participants would usually group off and pick through an assortment of supplies.

Design game

Players then have one hour to design a playable prototype. Here you see one group working together on various elements of their game. We usually encourage no more than 4 participants per group.

Playtest game

Tweak game

Refine game

Introduce game

Play game

Share game




This is from a 2011 class that looked at contemporary issues through the lense of The Wire. It’s based on Chutes and Ladders, where you roll a 6-sided die to attain the American Dream — but look at what happens when you get close to it...

• what is the most important part of the course content?

• what do we need to communicate here?

• what do we keep literal and what can we conceptualize through metaphor and narrative?

• is that the right balance?

• how do we get players to “get it” through game play?

• the game is a good representation, but it’s no fun — how do we make it compelling?

• the format we chose doesn’t cover everything we need them to get — is there a better format?

• it takes too long to play — how do we tweak?

• the rules are too complicated/take too long — how do we “build them in” to the game?

• we need to simplify — what’s okay to leave out?

• have we left out too much?

What they think about

how do we explain this thing, given our constraints?