Elements and Performance Criteriasccweb.scea.wa.edu.au/c3_business/Course docs/2015... · Web...

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Transcript of Elements and Performance Criteriasccweb.scea.wa.edu.au/c3_business/Course docs/2015... · Web...

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Certificate III Business (BSB30112)


Promote products and services

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AiTC Advanced Institute of Training & Consultancy, aspire to be the leading provider of Training and Consulting to the Business, Resources & Infrastructure industries. This is be achieved through close industry connection and networks, continuous improvement, integrity and teamwork of all working within AiTC.AiTC’s mission is to help our learners to grow personally and professionally and to increase their opportunities in life. AiTC will achieve this through the quality of our service, trainers and assessors with the highest level of industry knowledge, quality and industry specific resources.

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Table of ContentsElements and Performance Criteria.......................................................................................................4

Introduction To The Marketing Process..................................................................................................5

Part 1 - Planning promotional activities..................................................................................................6

1. Identify and assess promotional activities to ensure compatibility with organisational

requirements................................................................................................................................... 6

2. Plan and schedule promotional activities according to the marketing needs of the

organisation..................................................................................................................................... 7

4. Ensure that time lines and costs for promotion of activities are realistic and consistent with

budget resources............................................................................................................................ 8

5. Develop action plans to provide details of products and services being promoted..................8

Part 2: Coordinating promotional activities.............................................................................................9

1. Identifying the personnel and resources required to implement promotional activities...........9

2. Ensure personnel and resources to support promotional activities are identified and prepared

to facilitate the achievement of promotional goals...........................................................................9

3. Identify and agree roles and responsibilities for delivery of promotional services and allocate

to relevant personnel....................................................................................................................... 9

4. Establish and conduct relationships with targeted groups in a manner which enhances the

positive image of the organisation.................................................................................................10

5. Use networks to assist in the implementation of promotional activities..................................11

Part 3: Review and report on promotional activities.............................................................................12

1. Analyse audience feedback and data to determine the impact of the promotional activity on

the delivery of products and services............................................................................................12

3. Collect feedback and provide to personnel and agencies involved in promotional activity.. . .12

4. Analyse costs and time lines to evaluate the benefits accruing from the promotional activities


5. Prepare conclusions and recommendations from verifiable evidence and provide constructive

advice on future directions of promotional activities......................................................................13

Major Assessment – Cereal Box..........................................................................................................15

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Elements and Performance Criteria1. Plan promotional activities     1.1. Identify and assess promotional activities to ensure compatibility with organisational requirements     1.2. Plan and schedule promotional activities according to the marketing needs of the organisation     1.3. Determine overall promotional objectives in consultation with designated individuals and groups     1.4. Ensure that time lines and costs for promotion of activities are realistic and consistent with budget resources     1.5. Develop action plans to provide details of products and services being promoted

2. Coordinate promotional activities     2.1. Ensure personnel and resources to support promotional activities are identified and prepared to facilitate the achievement of promotional goals     2.2. Identify and agree roles and responsibilities for delivery of promotional services and allocate to relevant personnel     2.3. Establish and conduct relationships with targeted groups in a manner which enhances the positive image of the organisation     2.4. Use networks to assist in the implementation of promotional activities

3. Review and report on promotional activities     3.1. Analyse audience feedback and data to determine the impact of the promotional activity on the delivery of products and services     3.2. Assess effectiveness of planning processes to identify possible improvements in future activities     3.3. Collect feedback and provide to personnel and agencies involved in promotional activity     3.4. Analyse costs and time lines to evaluate the benefits accruing from the promotional activities     3.5. Prepare conclusions and recommendations from verifiable evidence and provide constructive advice on future directions of promotional activities

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Introduction To The Marketing ProcessWrite below a definition for marketing

The Marketing Mix represents _____ the methods an organisation has at its disposal to ___________ ____________ and ____________ them to ________ a particular product or service.

The 4P’s of marketing are:

4P’s of Marketing DescriptionPPPP

Promotion is the communication form used to _____________ and ______________ someone to ________ a product or service.

The Promotional Mix is a comprehensive system of methods available to an organisation to communicate with its customers and include:

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Part 1 - Planning promotional activities1. Identify and assess promotional activities to ensure compatibility with organisational

requirements All promotional activities that an organisation undertakes must be compatible with the organisations overall goals and objectives.

Activity 1Consider the list of activities from the previous page that can be used in the marketing mix. a) List below the type of promotional activities that you are aware of that McDonald’s


b) List below the type of promotional activities that are used Compare the this list of McDonalds with Rovers - a small pet store, located in Midland .

c) Consider the two tables above. Describe below how the size and type of business affect their choice of promotional activities.

Identifying Promotional Activities

Promotional Activity Description and Comments1 Advertising2 Sales Promotions3 Web pages4 Personal selling5 Public Relations and publicity6 Employee functions7 Client functions8 Direct marketing

Promotional Activity Trade STTC1 Advertising2 Sales Promotions3 Web pages4 Personal selling5 Public Relations and publicity6 Employee functions7 Client functions

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8 Direct marketing

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Factors to consider when analysing promotional tools against the organisational requirements:

Analysing Tool Description1 Organisational goals,

objectives, values, systems and processes

2 Quality assurance procedures

3 Legislation and regulations4 Corporate Resources5 Organisational policies and


2. Plan and schedule promotional activities according to the marketing needs of the organisation Organisations goals and objectives tend to change over time. Promotional activities for a newly launched product are different to those for an existing product. Budgets may grow or shrink according to different activities of the business or a competitor may suddenly launch a new product or aggressive marketing campaign that they must respond to at a time they hadn’t planned for.

Factors to consider when planning and scheduling the mix of promotional activities:

Factors to Consider Description and Comments1 Market Type2 Target Audience3 Customer Needs4 Market Share5 Promotion scheduling and

timing6 Market trends and

developments7 Competitors promotional


3. Determine overall promotional objectives in consultation with designated individuals and groups A company’s promotional objectives are not formed in isolation of everything else it does. They should be an integrated part of the entire operations of the company.

A company’s organisational objectives are normally outlined in the organisation’s _____________ _____________. or their ___________ ______________ and it’s identification of its target customer and audience groups.

Depending on the size of the company, they may have an entire marketing department incorporating roles of _________________, ___________________, ________________ and ______________ or if it’s a small business, it may just be one part of one person’s larger role.

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Case StudyOur College has asked you to prepare a new advertising campaign to promote the College to prospective parents. 1. Write below a list of the people who could help you to develop promotional objectives

and plan suitable promotional activities.

2. Explain how each person or group would assist you in this task.

4. Ensure that time lines and costs for promotion of activities are realistic and consistent with budget resources

In most normal cases, promotional plans will not (or should not) be approved for implementation without having an accompanying ____________ ____________ and ___________ _____________. These items are essential to ensure promotional plans are implemented ____________ and _____ ________, within the ____________ _____________ of the organisation and that the overall effort keeps to _____________ and progress can be _________________.

In order to effectively plan the time line for all the organisations promotional activities, you must:

Costing promotional activities is a complex task because it must consider a range of different components and costs depending on the type of promotional activity – and these are not always able to be accurately costed. There are several ways to develop a promotional budget:

Budget Types Description and Comments12

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5. Develop action plans to provide details of products and services being promoted

Once a budget is set and time line for implementation is established , an _____________ _____________ that brings all this information together to provide an _____________ ___________ of the details of the promotion is required.

An action plan should include the following:

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Part 2: Coordinating promotional activities1. Identifying the personnel and resources required to implement promotional activities

The types of personnel and resources required by an organisation will differ depending on :1.2.3.

In general there are 7 areas that need to be identified if personnel and resources are to match the organisations requirement and facilitate the achievement of promotional goals:

Area Description HBF Run for a Reason

1. People2. Time3. Marketing funds4. Promotional products and

samples5. Technology6. Venues7. Support items

2. Ensure personnel and resources to support promotional activities are identified and prepared to facilitate the achievement of promotional goals  

The implementation of activities within the promotional plan requires the input of personnel both internal and external to the organisation.

Critical issues that need to be addresses are:

3. Identify and agree roles and responsibilities for delivery of promotional services and allocate to relevant personnel  

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When coordinating a promotional campaign, it is vital to identify, agree upon and allocate roles and responsibilities to personnel and teams within the organisation. In doing this there are a number of factors that will determine how and to whom roles and responsibilities are allocated within the business.

Consideration Description1.

4. Establish and conduct relationships with targeted groups in a manner which enhances the positive image of the organisation

The critical objective in using promotional activities is to ...

To do this will require the organisation to have an underlying culture of _________________ and __________________.

Providing quality customer service will require the organisation to address areas such as:

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5. Use networks to assist in the implementation of promotional activities Networks can be used to communicate information that will help promote the organisations products and services. As well being an excellent way to access a ___________ ___________, personal networks can also be a source of _________, ______________ and ____________ for the promotion and its content.

The following table shows the different types of networks and how they can be used in the coordination and design of promotional activities:

Type of Network Description1. Professional Association2. Company Networks3. Co-workers4. Your social circle5. Media and promotional network6. Customer group

As a promotional tool, the most powerful promotional tool is _________ of _________.. To capitalise on this, companies can:

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Part 3: Review and report on promotional activities

1. Analyse audience feedback and data to determine the impact of the promotional activity on the delivery of products and services In reviewing the effectiveness of its promotional activities, an organisation should collect and analyse data from a range of information sources that provide a useful and reliable measure of the promotion’s effectiveness.

Establishing a ___________________ relationship between promotional activities and the subsequent benefits to the organisation is difficult. Measuring the effectiveness of a promotional activity is not simple or straight forward. There are several sources of feedback and data that provide an insight into the impact of promotional activities:

Measurement Criteria Description1.

3. Collect feedback and provide to personnel and agencies involved in promotional activity

The personnel involved in implementing a promotional activity must be provided with feedback on their performance to identify areas of strength and areas where improvement is required. Feedback to personnel should analyse whether:

4. Analyse costs and time lines to evaluate the benefits accruing from the promotional activities

Questions:1. List some possible reasons why an

organisation may exceed its budgeted costs for a particular promotional activity?

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2. What are the consequences of this for the business?

3. Is it necessarily a bad thing to have promotional expenditure exceed the budgeted level?

5. Prepare conclusions and recommendations from verifiable evidence and provide constructive advice on future directions of promotional activitiesThe information gained from reviewing and reporting on the organisation’s promotional activities can be used to provide _________ _________ to ___________ and _____________ about future promotional events.

Reports on future directions should cover the following areas:

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ASSESSMENT:Using our fun run event case study, answer the following questions:

1. How do the objectives of the event affect the type of feedback and data required to evaluate the event?

2. If you were the event manager, who would you speak to and what sort of information would do you want from them so that you could properly gauge the success of the event?

Information Source What Information to be gathered1.

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Major Assessment – Cereal BoxTask DescriptionUsing the fantastic knowledge you have gained from completing the three theory sections for this Unit of Competency, your task is to design a new breakfast cereal product for a specific target market and also create a detailed promotion strategy for the launch of your product onto the market.

Task DetailWorking in groups of three (maximum), you are required to produce the following:

1. A completed planning sheet detailing your chosen target market, key product attributes, design elements and a slogan. Use the template below.

2. A front cover for your cereal (must be printed and glued to the front of an actual cereal box that you need to source).

3. A detailed promotion strategy for the launch of your product on to the market. You are required to use all 8 methods that make up the Promotional Mix (see Theory Part 1 notes) and describe in detail the specific promotional activities you would use and explain why you think they will be effective. Use the template below to get going.

4. You need to design a catchy jingle to accompany your pitch.

5. You need to come up with a unique character which people can relate to and identify as part of your product

6. You need to come up with a 1 minute pitch detailing your ideas, design, target market, jingle, unique character etc. You will be competing against the other members of the class. The prospective investors will only invest in 1 breakfast cereal.

TimelineYou have 2 week to complete this task.

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Part 1 – Planning SheetGroup Members:




Planning Outline

Question Answer1. Describe, in as much detail as possible, your

target market:a. Ageb. Genderc. Where do they lived. Typical interestse. Typical dislikesf. TV shows they watchg. Radio shows they listen tooh. Celebrities they are interested ini. Newspapers / mags / books they readj. Favourite internet sitesk. Lifestyle / physical issues that may

affect their food choicel. What else?


2. Identify the key characteristics that your target market want out of a breakfast cereal?

a. Tasteb. Nutritionc. Ease of used. Product stylee. What else?


3. How would you describe the image and style you trying to create with your brand?

4. What are the key design elements you want to include in your front cover?

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5. What existing product are direct competitors to your product?

6. What are the best attributes about your competitors products that are most attractive to your customers?

7. What problems / deficiencies do your competitors have that you are going to solve with your product?

8. What is your ‘Single minded proposition’ or Unique selling point – in one sentence, explain why someone would buy your product?

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