Element C9.2 CDM Regulations - OHS.me.uk · Environmental restrictions and on-site risks Safety...

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Transcript of Element C9.2 CDM Regulations - OHS.me.uk · Environmental restrictions and on-site risks Safety...

Element C9

Element C9.2

CDM Regulations



Ensure work can be carried out safely

Provide adequate welfare facilities

Workplace complies with health and safety


Pre-construction h+s info provided to coordinator

Appoint competent CDM coordinator

Appoint competent principle contractor

Keep H+S file available for inspection

Element C9



Ensure client is aware of his duties

Take account of other design considerations

Design to avoid foreseeable risk during construction, use, maintenance

Give priority to collective measures over individual measures

Where not possible to avoid risks – minimise

Provide adequate information about materials used that could affect health and safety

Shall not commence work until CDM Coordinator appointed

Provide coordinator with information for H+S file

Element C9


CDM Coordinators

Give advice to clients

Ensure cooperation in project

Ensure designers apply principles of prevention

Liaise with principal contractor regarding health and

safety plan and file

ID and collect pre-construction information

Prepare H+S file, deliver to client

Notify HSE

Element C9


Principal contractor

Plan, manage, monitor

Liaise with coordinator

Draw up site rules

Inform all contractors

Time allocated for planning an prep

H+S plan

Other relevant information

All workers

Site induction

Element C9



Do not start work until aware of duties

Ensure sub contractors provided with relevant


Every worker under his control:



Site rules

Emergency procedures

Element C9


Notify HSE

All projects with construction phase longer than 30


Involving more than 500 person days

Notified by CDM Coordinator in writing

Form F10

Copy to be posted at place of work

Element C9

Pre-Construction Information

Provide info for

Those bidding or planning for work

For development of construction phase plan

Info about H+S risks of the project that principle contractor will have to manage

Comes from:


Provided to CDM Coordinator.

Drawings, surveys, locations etc


Risks which cannot be avoided by design

Drawings, written specs, outline method statements

Element C9

Pre-Construction Information


H+S considerations of design are brought together

Vital role in tender documentation

Prospective contractors are aware of risks

Template to measure tender submissions

Assess competence of contractors

CDM Coordinator can advise client

Element C9

Pre-Construction Information - Contents

Description of project

Critical dates, client, designers, coordinators details

Workplace or not – if so WHSWR apply

Clients considerations / requirements

Arrangements for planning and managing

Structure , organization

H+S goals, monitoring and review arrangements

Communication arrangements

Security and welfare

Requirements for H+S of clients employees and customers Includes vehicles, PTW, restrictions, emergency procedures

Activities on site

Security arrangements

Element C9

Pre-Construction Information - Contents

Environmental restrictions and on-site


Safety hazards

Health hazards

Design and construction hazards

Control measures

Materials information

H+S File


Conditions relating to its content

Element C9

Construction Phase Plan

How H+S is to be managed during

construction phase

Developed by principle contractor

Foundation on which H+S Mgt of construction is


Reflects Pre-Construction information

Further considerations

Element C9

Construction Phase Plan - Contents

Description of project

Incl important dates

Management of the work

Structure / responsibilities

Standards / goals

Reporting structures

Informing contractors

Competent workers

Communication means


Induction and training

Workers representation

Site rules

Risk assessments / SOW’s

Emergency arrangements

Element C9

Construction Phase Plan - Contents

Arrangements for controlling risks

Preventing falls

Control of vehicles

Services safety


Manual handling

Noise and vibration

The H+S File

Element C9

The Health and Safety File - Preparation

CDM Coordinator

Prepare, amend, review

Info from contractors incl

Hand over to client at end of project

Element C9

The Health and Safety File - Contents

Brief description of work carried out

Residual hazards, how are they dealt with

i.e. buried services

Hazardous materials

Info for removing or dismantling plant and equipment

Information, “as built” drawings of the structure

Element C9

The Health and Safety File – Future Use

Client keeps for

Maintenance contractors

CDM Coordinator for future work

Kept for inspection on premises

Element C9