Eleanor - SimplyScripts · Eleanor runs towards the back door as Simon tries to block the villagers...

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Transcript of Eleanor - SimplyScripts · Eleanor runs towards the back door as Simon tries to block the villagers...


Written by

Deano Jones

WGA #1963620





We open in the hallway of Springborough Elementary school. Young wholesome looking girls dressed in long white peasant victorian dresses, stand smiling and chatting to one another. The mood suddenly changes when a young girl named ELEANOR (9) Dark hair with moody features, dressed in a long black dress with white collars, walks through the hallway. She is the complete opposite of the girls, which stands out amongst her peers. As she walks by, all the girl’s eyes fixate on her with a look of disgust.

Eleanor walks past ABIGAIL MAJORS, A girl very popular amongst her peers. Abigail turns to her friends ROSA MOORE (9) and ANNALISE WILSON (9)

ABIGAILShe doesn’t belong here.

ROSAShe’s only here because her Daddy is the town doctor.

ANNALISE She’s a freak.

ROSAWe need to get her out of our school.

ABIGAILWell... I think it’s time we deal with this freak, let’s not just get her out of our school. Let’s get her out of our town!

The girls look at each other with a sinister grin.


Eleanor is sat alone in the school library reading the wonderful wizard of oz. From behind Abigail, Rosa and Annalise approach her.


Eleanor ignores her. Abigail looks at her friends unimpressed she has to engage with her.

ABIGAIL (CONT’D)It’s Eleanor isn’t it?

Eleanor puts her book down and looks up at Abigail who looks uneasy.

ELEANOR(Blunt) Yes.

Abigail instructs the girls to take a seat at the table.

ABIGAILWhat are you reading?

ELEANORThe wonderful wizard of Oz.

ROSAI noticed your always reading.

ANNALISEDo you not have any friends?

ELEANORWhat was it you wanted?

ABIGAILWe found this book and we’re having trouble understanding it.

Abigail places a red mysterious book on the table.

ELEANORWhat is it?

ABIGAILWe were hoping you could tell us?

ANNALISEYou seem really good at reading.

Eleanor opens the book and begins translating what is on the page.

ELEANORIt’s in Latin.

ABIGAIL(Surprised) Oh.. Really?


ROSAWhat’s it say?

Eleanor sits mumbling the transcript to herself.

ELEANORThis book is bad.

She slams the book shut and pushes it away.

ABIGAILBad? What do you mean bad?

ELEANORIt’s a book of evil.

ABIGAIL (Shocked) Evil?

ELEANORIt’s Witch craft. It’s forbidden, Why are you reading it?

ABIGAILWe didn’t know it was a book about witch craft.

ROSAWe better put it back where we found it.

Rosa takes hold of the book. The girls get up to leave. Abigail faces Eleanor to distract her as Rosa and Annalise quietly sneak the book into Eleanor’s school bag.

ABIGAILHey Eleanor. Let’s make this our secret.


As they walk away Abigail turns to Eleanor.

ABIGAILThere’s no place like home.

Eleanor looks at her confused as Abigail points to the book.

ABIGAIL (CONT’D)After all, It’s the one place you feel the safest. Right?

The girls exit the library as Eleanor looks on suspicious.



Eleanor is sat on a swing tied to a large oak tree opposite her home. The tree has two long branches that stick out like arms, with one used for her swing. It also has a hollow hole in the middle of the trunk.

In the distance the sound of somebody riding horseback catches her attention.

VOICE (O.S.)This way!

Eleanor jumps up from the swing and looks out into the distance. She spots the whole town heading towards her home, Many holding pitchforks and flaming torches.

VILLAGER (O.S.)Eleanor!

In fear she runs towards her home and into the arms of her father. DOCTOR SIMON MAY (30s).

SIMON Eleanor?

ELEANORDaddy, there’s people heading towards our home.

Eleanor’s mother ISABELLA (30s) turns to Simon.

ISABELLAWhat is she talking about?

There is a loud knock at the door, Simon raises his hand towards Eleanor and Isabella and signals not to worry. He opens the door to see the Town crier JOHN BAXTER (50s) on horseback. Behind him stands the angry villagers of Springborough.

JOHN We are here for the girl.

SIMONWhat is this?

JOHNShe has committed a crime and must face justice.

Simon turns to Eleanor who looks petrified.


SIMONWhat is this accusation of crime you say she has committed?

JOHNI will not ask you again. Hand over the girl and you will face no consequence.

SIMONThis is preposterous! I demand to know what crime you are accusing my daughter of.

JOHNThe act of practicing witch craft.

SIMONWitch craft? This is absurd! I demand to know where this damaging claim has come from.

JOHNGirls... Step forward!

Abigail, Rosa and Annalise step forward.

ABIGAILIt’s true, Eleanor has a book that contains spells. It’s in latin and we witnessed her saying one earlier.

JOHNWhere is this book now?

ABIGAILShe hides it in her school bag.

Simon turns to Eleanor.

ELEANORIt’s not true daddy!

He takes Eleanor’s school bag and hands it to John.

SIMONThis is outrageous! Here... Take a look for yourself!

Simon hands over the school bag to John who opens it up to find the strange looking Red book as the villagers gasp!


ABIGAILThat’s the book!

JOHNHave you seen this before??

SIMONNo.. I’ve never seen this in my life.

John opens up the book and begins skipping through the pages, He slams the book shut and hands it to a villager JACOB (40s)

JOHNI can confirm this is a book written in latin. It is a book of witch craft!

The villagers gasp!

JOHN (CONT’D)The girl must come with us at once.

SIMONI’m sure there is some explanation.

Simon summons Eleanor to the door, As she stands in the doorway, the villagers look uneasy.

JOHNEleanor have you been experimenting in witch craft.

She shakes her head.


ABIGAILShe’s lying!

Eleanor looks at Abigail, Rosa and Annalise with an menacing stare.

ROSAMy eyes!

ANNALISEWhat is she doing?

ROSAMy eyes are burning!


ABIGAILGet her to stop!

The girls exaggeration begins to spill out amongst the crowd as other villagers begin to exaggerate.

JOHNEleanor I am placing you under arrest!


Eleanor runs towards the back door as Simon tries to block the villagers from entering his home. She runs out the back door and across a field behind her home. She stops and turns around looking at her home. Jacob captures her and drags her back towards her home. He throws Eleanor towards a group a villagers who restrain her. Jacob walks over to John.

JACOBThe girl has been captured.

JOHNIn that case. Burn down the house.

JACOBBut what about Doctor May?

JOHNNo buts! For all we know he could be a witch doctor.

JACOBWhat about the girl?

JOHNKill her.

Jacob nods as John gets on his horse and rides away. Jacob walks over to Simon and Isabella who are being restrained by fellow villagers.

SIMONWhere are you taking my daughter?

Jacob punches Simon who falls to the floor unconscious. Isabella screams and rushes to his aid. Jacob takes a flaming torch and throws it to the ground. The house ignites in a blazing fire. The villagers exit the home leaving Simon and Isabella trapped inside. Eleanor looks on and screams, she breaks away from the villagers and rushes towards her home. Jacob and another villager ELIJAH (30s) grab hold of Eleanor and drag her towards the large oak tree.


JACOBThe tree!

Jacob pulls out a knife and cuts one side of the swing down from the tree, he creates a noose with the rope and places it around Eleanor’s neck. They stand back listening to Eleanor taking her last breaths as she is hung from the tree. Her lifeless body dangles in front of them.

ELIJAHShall we throw her body into the blazing fire of hell?

Jacob looks towards the home on fire.


He points to the large hallow hole in the tree.

JACOB (CONT’D)In there!

Elijah sticks his head inside the hollow hole and looks down towards the pit of darkness. He looks back to Jacob who cuts her down from the tree. They carry her towards the hollow hole and drop her body into the pit of darkness. They hear a thump inside the tree.

JACOB (CONT’D)And the book!

Elijah retrieves the book of evil and hands it to Jacob. He throws it inside the hollow hole as Abigail, Rosa and Annalise look on.

ABIGAILDing dong the witch is dead!

They all grin and exit the scene of the crime.




In a traveling vehicle on a long empty road. A young boy FINN STONE (9) looks out the window staring at the passing trees. His father DANIEL STONE (40s) looks over towards him.

DANIELAnything interesting out there?


FINNJust trees.

They pass a sign that says “WELCOME TO SPRINGBOROUGH”

DANIELWe’ve arrived! I’ve got a good feeling about this place.

Finn takes out his mobile phone.

FINNI haven’t.


DANIELI miss her too bud. She will be looking over us. You know that right?

FINNBut how? We’ve left her back in the city. How is she going to get out to the middle of nowhere?

Hesitant Daniel responds.

DANIELWell.. Spirits can go wherever they please! When the time is right, Mom will find us.

FINNI hope so.

Finn sits playing on his phone as Daniel smiles to himself.

DANIELHere we are, home sweet home.

They pull up to their new home. A farmhouse that has a large oak tree opposite it. The former home of Eleanor, rebuilt with a barn attached to the side of the home. Daniel and Finn jump out the vehicle.

DANIEL (CONT’D)What do you think?

Finn looks around.


FINNIt’s okay.

DANIELJust okay? Look at this place! We’ve got this big farm house, I got a barn where I can put all my tools! Look at the size of this land. It’s going to be hard work mowing the yard but I’m sure you can earn yourself some extra allowance!

FINNIt would take me two days to cut this yard.

DANIELTwo? I’d probably say three.. The main thing is Finn. This is a fresh start for the both of us.

FINNI know.

One thing that has remained intact is the large oak tree with it’s long claw like branches. The hollow hole no longer visible after being patched up.

DANIELCompare this place to our home in the city.

FINNIt’s in the middle of nowhere.

Daniel sniffs the air.

DANIELYou smell that? No polluted city air!

Finn sniffs the air.

FINNIt smells like crap.

DANIELThat’s probably the farm down the lane. My point is we’re surrounded by beautiful scenery, I mean look at this beautiful tree.

Finn is unsettled looking at the tree.


FINNThat Tree looks kinda creepy.

DANIELIt doesn’t look creepy!

FINNLooks like it’s got arms.

Daniel walks over to the trees long branch arms and proceeds to shake the trees claw like hand.

DANIELIt is very nice to meet you, what’s that? You feel offended by my son calling you creepy. Oh come here.

Daniel hugs the tree as Finn laughs.

DANIEL (CONT’D)I tell you what, While I wait for the moving truck. You go on in and choose your room.

Finn nods and begins walking towards the farmhouse as Daniel watches on. He heads inside.


Finn enters the farmhouse and heads upstairs. He walks into one of the empty bedrooms and looks out the window with a sad expression on his face. He stares out watching his Dad direct the moving truck onto the land.


Finn is in his bedroom playing on his xbox kinect. Daniel enters the bedroom.

XBOX GAME (V.O.)Player 2 has entered the game.

FINNArgh Dad!

Daniel looks around the room and spots lots of boxes that remain unpacked.

DANIELWhat happened to unpacking your room?



DANIELI see you found your xbox.

FINNI was just checking it still worked.

DANIELXbox off! And lights out.

FINNBut Dad.

DANIELNo buts! You’ve got school in the morning.

Daniel goes to exit but Finn stops him.



FINNYou think Mum would have liked it here.


FINNMe too.

Daniel smiles at Finn and then exits the room. Finn switches off the Xbox and walks over to the light switch. As he switches off the light, the large oak tree reflects onto the wall which frightens him. He screams for his Dad.

FINN (CONT’D)(Panicked) Dad!

Daniel rushes into the room.

DANIELWhat’s wrong?

Finn points to the wall.


DANIEL (CONT’D)It’s just the reflection of the tree.

FINNIt’s claws are moving..

DANIELThe tree doesn’t have claws, it’s the branches and it’s just the wind making them move.

FINNI don’t like it.

DANIELI tell you what, let’s leave a light on in here tonight.

Daniel switches on a lamp on the nightstand.

DANIEL (CONT’D)Tomorrow I will make the tree look less scary and build you something special. How does that sound?

Finn nods and gets into bed as Daniel exits the Room.

DANIEL (CONT’D)Try and get some sleep.

Daniel shuts the bedroom door as Finn stares towards the wall looking anxious.


Finn enters the kitchen and takes a seat at the table. Daniel holds up the coffee pot.



Finn pours himself a bowl of cereal.

DANIELReady for your first day at your new school?

FINNI guess..


DANIELIt’s an exciting day, You start your new school and I start my new job. I’ll drop you off if you like?

Finn looks at Daniel.

DANIEL (CONT’D)Around the corner from the school, I get it!


Daniel pulls up around the corner from the School. As Finn is about to exit the Car, Daniel turns to him.

DANIELHave a great day.

FINNYou too Dad.

DANIELGo and make some new friends.

Daniel watches on as Finn makes his way into SPRINGBOROUGH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.


Daniel turns up for his first day at work on a construction site, he grabs his builders hat and walks onto the site. He spots construction workers stood around talking to several police officers. Daniel is stopped by the towns Chief officer JACK BRIGGS (40s)

BRIGGSThat’s far enough.

DANIELIt’s my first day on the job. What’s going on?

BRIGGSFirst day working for Lou Cambino?


BRIGGSNow it’s your last.


DANIELWhat? I don’t understand. I’ve just moved here and I need this job.

BRIGGSSir, What’s your name?

DANIELDaniel Stone.

BRIGGSI’m Officer Briggs. How did you know Mr Campino?

DANIELI didn’t. Saw a job advertisement and sent him my Cv and he offered me the job.

BRIGGSWe’ve been investigating Mr Campino for a long time.

DANIELWhat for?

BRIGGSMoney laundering, My advice is stay away.

DANIELThey say money is the root of all evil.

BRIGGSNot in this town.

Officer Briggs walks away as Daniel looks on.



In the school cafeteria, Finn is carrying his lunch tray while looking for an empty seat. Meanwhile the school bully BILLY BAXTER (9) enters the cafeteria, he walks over to a table where ROBBIE GALLAGHER (9) Charming young male is sat reading with his friends ZEN LU (9) Smart Chinese boy with glasses and SKYLAR JACKSON (9) A no nonsense EMO Girl.

BILLYWell if it ain't the geek squad.


They ignore Billy and continue to read their books. Billy walks over to Zen.

BILLY (CONT’D)What you reading geek?


Billy knocks Zen’s book of the table. Zen tries to get up from his seat but Billy stops him.

BILLYAllow me.

Billy picks up the book.

BILLY (CONT’D)Springborough’s unexplained mysteries.

Billy laughs.

BILLY (CONT’D)The only unexplained mysteries around here is you three dorks.

ZENGive it back.

Zen tries to get the book back from Billy. Finn steps in.

FINNLeave him alone.

Billy drops the book and walks up to Finn.

BILLYYou going to make me new boy?

Finn stares at Billy intensely.

BILLY (CONT’D)Didn’t think so. Not unless you wanna end up like your mom.

Finn sees red and pushes his tray of food into Billy, who falls to the ground covered in Finn’s lunch.

BILLY (CONT’D)You’re dead!

He gets up and chases Finn through the cafeteria until the headmaster MR PETERSON (60s) breaks up the commotion.


MR PETERSONBaxter, report to my office immediately.

Billy looks at Finn.

BILLYWait until after school.

MR PETERSONStone, I want to see you in my office too.

Mr Peterson exits the cafeteria as Skylar, Zen and Robbie look at each concerned for Finn.


Daniel walks out of the barn carrying an axe. He walks over to tree and begins swinging into one of the long branches. With every swing of the axe, A sticky red substance is seen on the Axe. Daniel stops to inspect the axe.

DANIELWhat the hell is that?

He sniffs it and then carries on Chopping away at the long branches. This time the red sticky substance begins oozing out the tree and running down the trunk. Not phased by this Daniel swings the axe back into the branch, this time the axe snaps.

DANIEL (CONT’D)You’re a stubborn one aren’t you.

He heads back into the barn and starts up his chainsaw. He revs it up and walks over to the tree.

DANIEL (CONT’D)Now I gotta get all leather face on your ass.

He begins sawing into the tree and takes down the first branch. He begins cutting into the second branch when suddenly the chainsaw stops dead.


He tries to restart it but the chainsaw is dead. He stops and looks at the tree bemused.



Finn exits the school, he looks around apprehensive and continues to head home. As he turns the corner Billy jumps out and grabs him in a headlock.

BILLYThought you could get away.

FINNLet me go Billy.

BILLYNope, You gotta take your punishment, I’m blaming you for my Expulsion.

From behind Zen summons Billy.

ZEN (O.S.)Oi, let him go!

Billy turns around laughing while still holding Finn in a headlock.

BILLYYou gonna make me?

Billy throws Finn to the ground.


BILLYWhat you going do? Some kung fu?

Billy begins to imitate kung fu.

BILLY (CONT’D)You ain’t got the guts to do anything.

SKYLAR (O.S.)No.. But I do!

Billy turns around and is punched in the face by Skylar.

BILLYOw! You bitch.

She jumps on Billy and forces him to the ground. She puts him in an arm lock as Billy screams in pain.


BILLY (CONT’D)My arm! Get off..

Finn looks on in astonishment.

SKYLARTap bitch!

Billy taps out. He gets up with a tear in his eye while holding onto his arm.

BILLYYou tell anyone about this and I swear to god!

He scours away. Skylar turns to Finn.

SKYLARAre you Okay?


She helps him up.

SKYLARYour names Finn isn’t it?

FINNIt is.

SKYLARI’m Skylar, This is Robbie and this is Zen.



FINNThanks for saving me from Billy.

SKYLARDon’t worry about it. You want us to walk you home.


They all begin walking Finn home.



Daniel stands at the tree hammering a piece of wood into the trunk. He stands back to reveal he has made four steps that lead up to a treehouse he has made for Finn. He spots his son making his way towards the farmhouse with Skylar, Robbie and Zen.

FINNThanks for walking me home.

SKYLARIs this where you live?

FINNYeah, Do you want to come inside and play xbox?

They all look at each other.

ZENWe better go.

FINNDon’t go. I got Xbox kinect.

ROBBIEWe’ll see you at school.

They hurry off as Finn is met by Daniel.

DANIELHow was your first day at school?

FINNIt was memorable.

DANIELI see you’ve made some new friends.

FINNThey’re really cool.

DANIELMaybe you should invite them over to try out your new...

Daniel begins walking towards the tree as Finn follows.

DANIEL (CONT’D)Tree house!

FINNTree house?


Daniel reveals the tree house to Finn.


DANIELLess scary huh?

FINNThis is so cool!

Finn begins climbing up the steps.

FINN (CONT’D)Dad, Come on up!

Daniel follow Finn up into the tree house.


DANIELYou like it?

FINNI love it!

DANIELListen Finn, things may be a little tough for a couple of weeks.

FINNI don’t understand.

DANIELThe company I was supposed to be working for got.

He looks at Finn and hesitates.

DANIEL (CONT’D)Let’s just say right now, I don’t have a job.

FINNWhat are you going to do?

DANIELWhen I was building the tree house. I decided that I’m going to start my own furniture business.

FINNWhat are you going to call it?


DANIELI was thinking B Stone furniture.

FINNWhat does the B stand for?


FINNAfter Mom?


FINNI can make you a business page on Facebook.

DANIELIn that case, I better get the ham burgers on so we can discuss business plans.

Daniel exits the tree.


Finn is in his bedroom engrossed in his game on his Xbox kinnect.

XBOX GAME (V.O.)Player 2 has entered the game.


On the screen a figure stands in the doorway. Finn turns around expecting to see his Dad, except his Dad isn’t there. He looks back at the screen to see the figure is no longer there. Daniel enter the room.

DANIELYou call me?

FINNI thought you were in the doorway. It said you had entered the game.

DANIELI think you’ve had a little too much Xbox for this evening. Lights out!


Finn looks on confused as Daniel exits the room.


Finn walks through the school cafeteria carrying his lunch tray. He looks over towards the geek table and is disheartened not to see any of them sat at the table. He proceeds to take a seat at the table on his own wondering where his new friends have gotten to.


Inside the barn, Daniel is building a dresser. He takes out his measuring tape and measures some wood. He walks over to his tool station and picks up some screws.

Behind him the radio suddenly begins blasting out some static white noise which startles Daniel.

DANIELWhat the..

He rushes over to the radio and switches it off. He looks at the radio confused by the situation.


Finn exits the school, In the distance he spots Robbie, Zen and Skylar.


They turn around and spot Finn and then hurry out the school gates.

ZENWe gotta go.


They rush out the school gate as Finn stands looking dejected.


Inside the barn, Daniel has finished making his first piece of furniture, A dresser. Finn enters the barn.


DANIELHey, how was school?

FINNIt was okay.

DANIELYou alright?

FINNI’m fine.

DANIELGood news! We have our first item for B stone furniture.

Finn pulls out his mobile phone.

FINNLet me take a picture.

DANIELWhen you put it on the page. Put Dresser, Made with love.

FINNI’m not putting that. How did you make it?

DANIELI used some of the wood that was left over from cutting the tree and some other bits I found in here. Total cost, Zero!

FINNI’ll get this posted.

They exit the barn together.


In the middle of the night, Finn is awoken by a storm outside. He looks towards the window and spots the lightening followed by a thunder clap. He stares towards the wall and sees the reflection of the tree which no longer scares him.

He continues staring at the wall as the storm gets worst outside, he spots a silhouette of a person stood next to the tree on his wall which freaks him out.

Finn gets out of bed and nervously walks over to the window, he looks out but doesn’t see anybody stood near the tree.


He looks back at the wall and the silhouette of the person is now gone, he gets back into bed and lays down.

On the next thunderclap, the silhouette of a person reappears on the wall next to the tree. He gets out of bed and walks over to the window, he looks out but doesn’t see anyone.

Finn reaches into a draw and pulls out his flash light, He shines it through the window towards the tree but doesn’t see anyone outside. He switches off the flashlight and spots a girl stood next to the tree dressed in black with her face covered by her long hair.

He switches the flashlight back on and shines it towards the tree but the girl is no longer visible. Confused he switches off the flash light and yet again the figure of the girl stands next to the tree.

He switches on the flash light and shines it in the direction of the girl near the tree except he doesn’t see anyone stood outside.

He switches off the flashlight and is startled, which causes him to fall to the ground as he sees ELEANOR pressed up against the window staring into his soul with red piercing eyes. Her skin pale with scars across her face. A girl that looks like she has been dragged through hell and back. She peers through the window, turning her head to the side while giving him a sinister look. He screams as Daniel rushes into the room.


Finn looks at his Dad in shock.

FINNThere was a girl outside my window.

Daniel rushes to the window.


FINNShe was next to the tree.

Daniel grabs the flashlight.

FINN (CONT’D)Where are you going?

DANIELWait right here.


Daniel exits the room

FINNDad, be careful!

Finn gets up and rushes to the window, he watches on as Daniel makes his way towards the tree carrying the flash light. He turns around and looks up towards Finn staring out the window.

He begins climbing up to the treehouse.


Daniel disappears into the treehouse as Finn nervously watches on. Daniel reappears and climbs back down the steps and heads back towards the farmhouse and back into Finn’s bedroom.

DANIELThere’s nothing out there.

FINNBut Dad, I saw a girl! She was outside my window.

DANIELAre you sure you weren’t just dreaming.

FINNI’m positive.

DANIELI don’t know what to suggest?

FINNCan I sleep in your room tonight?


As they exit the bedroom, we pan back to the window to reveal Eleanor stood next to the tree watching the house.


In the school library, Finn spots Skylar, Robbie and Zen sat around a table. He marches over to confront them.

FINNWhy are you all avoiding me?


SKYLARWe’re not avoiding you.

FINNYes you are! Ever since you walked me home. You’ve been different towards me.

SKYLARFinn it’s not you.

FINNThen what is it?

SKYLARMost people don’t understand.

FINNTell me!

ROBBIEIt’s your home.

FINNWhat about it?

Zen pulls out his unexplained mysteries in Springborough book.

ZENIn my book there are several unexplained occurrences that have happened around the proximity of your home.

SKYLARYesterday when we stood outside your home. I had a really bad feeling.

ROBBIEI’m sure none of this means anything to you.

ZENWe’re believers of the strange and paranormal.

SKYLARThat’s why everyone thinks we’re geeks.

ZENAnd freaks!


ROBBIEIt’s okay if you think it too. We’re used to it by now.

FINNNo.. I don’t think your freaks.

SKYLARThat’s a surprise.

FINNCan I tell you something.


Finn hesitates.

FINNLast night.

They look at him intrigued.

FINN (CONT’D)I saw something..


FINNIf I tell you, You promise not to tell anyone.


Robbie and Zen nod in agreement.

FINNI saw a girl.


FINNShe didn’t look like a normal girl.

ZENWhat did she look like?

FINNDark hair, pale skin, scars all over her face. Her eyes were glowing red.


SKYLARWhere did you see her?

FINNOutside my window.

They all look at each other concerned.


Daniel is installing a ring doorbell. Finn arrives home from school.

FINNWhat are you doing?

DANIELAfter last night, I thought i’d install this.

FINNWhat is it?

DANIELIt’s a doorbell, It can pick up motion sensor, If anybody is approaching the door. It will alert me and i’ll be able to see who it is.

FINNCan we try it out?

DANIELTake my phone and go and stand behind the door.

Finn enters the farmhouse.


Daniel walks towards the doorbell as the phone begins to alert Finn. He accepts the call and sees his Dad on the phone stood outside the front door. He waves at Finn and enters through the front door.

DANIELPretty cool huh?

FINNYeah that’s cool!


DANIELGreat news! We sold the dresser.


DANIELYeah a lady is coming to pick it up any minute now.

Daniel’s phone begins alerting. He accepts the call and spots a pretty female MOLLY JACKSON (35) at the front door, she begins interacting with him through the door bell.



MOLLY (O.S.)Hi, It’s Molly. I’m here to pick up the dresser.

Daniel ends the call and opens the front door.

DANIELSorry! I was just trying out our new door bell.

Daniel turns to Finn.

DANIEL (CONT’D)You go on up to your room and make a start on your homework.


DANIELFollow me, It’s in the barn.


Then begin walking towards the barn.

MOLLYHow long have you been living here?


MOLLYHow are you finding Springborough?


DANIELIt’s a nice change from the city. The only thing i’m finding hard is being a single dad, I haven’t managed to meet any new friends.

MOLLYI’m a single Mom and the coffee shop in town does a single saturdays coffee morning.

DANIELSingle Saturdays?

MOLLYYou should come along tomorrow. Be great to tell them about your furniture business.

DANIELYou know what, I might just do that.

They enter the barn. Daniel points towards the dresser.

MOLLYWow! That looks great.

DANIELIt was made with love.

Molly laughs at his comment.

DANIEL (CONT’D)I’ll help you get it into your car.


Finn looks out his window unimpressed at Daniel and Molly interacting. He picks up a photo frame and stares at a picture of his Mom and Dad holding him as a baby. He looks back out the window towards his Dad with a sad expression on his face.


Daniel is in bed sleeping, On the bedside table next to the bed, his phone begins vibrating. The motion detector from the doorbell has picked up movement outside the front door. He picks up the phone.



Daniel waits for a response but nobody responds. He hangs up the phone.

DANIEL (CONT’D)Stupid motion detector.

He places the phone back on the bedside table and lays back down. Suddenly the phone begins to vibrate, once again he accepts the call.

DANIEL (CONT’D)Who ever this is, It’s not funny!

He waits for a response and hears raspy heavy breathing.

DANIEL (CONT’D)Who is this?

He places the phone down on the bedside table and makes his way downstairs. Slowly he unlocks the front door and pulls it open quickly hoping to find somebody stood near the door. He looks around but doesn’t see anyone.


On the bedside table the live doorbell footage is still on Daniel’s phone.


Daniel is stood outside looking around. He heads back inside after not finding anyone nearby.

On his mobile phone. ELEANOR appears in front of the doorbell camera with an angry demeanor.


Daniel enters the bedroom and picks up his mobile phone. Eleanor is no longer visible. He hangs up the call and gets back into bed.



Through Eleanor’s POV we hear her raspy heavy breathing while watching the farmhouse.



Finn sits at the kitchen table eating his breakfast. Daniel enters the kitchen dressed in a smart shirt and jeans with his hair styled and drenched in cologne.

FINNWhy are you all dressed up?

DANIELMeeting somebody for coffee.

FINNThe lady from yesterday?

DANIELYes, the lady from yesterday. Her name is Molly.

FINNIsn’t it too soon to try and replace mom?

DANIELI’m not trying to replace your mom. No one will ever replace her.

Finn stares into his bowl of cereal.

DANIEL (CONT’D)I’ll be a couple of hours. If you need me. Call me right away.

Daniel kisses Finn on the head and then exits the farmhouse.

FINNDad you smell like toilet cleaner.


Molly is stood around talking to her friend CLAUDIA (40s). Daniel enters the coffee shop and approaches Molly.

MOLLYDaniel, you made it.

DANIELSingle saturday, right?

She laughs and turns to Claudia.


MOLLYClaudia, this is who I was telling you about. This is Daniel.

CLAUDIAThe furniture man.

DANIELI’ve been called worse.

CLAUDIAIt’s nice to meet you Daniel.

DANIELWhat do you do?

MOLLYI’m a doctor, I come from a family of doctors. My Father was a doctor, his father was a doctor.

DANIELA long line of Family doctors. What about you Claudia.

CLAUDIAI work in administration. I do all kinds of paper work for the town hall.

DANIELAt lest I know who to come to when I need planning permission.

CLAUDIADo you have children?

DANIELYes, I have a 9 year old son. What about you?

CLAUDIAI have a 9 year old son named Robbie. He’s friends with Molly’s daughter.

DANIELYou have a daughter Molly?

MOLLYYes, She’s not your typical girl.

DANIELWhat do you mean?


MOLLYWhen I was a young girl, I played with dolls. Skylar is into science and martial arts.


MOLLYYes, that’s her name.

DANIELI think she may be friends with my son? She goes to Springborough elementary right?

MOLLYYes, that’s right.


Finn is sat outside his front door looking gloomy. In the distance he spots Skylar, Zen and Robbie heading towards his home wearing backpacks, he perks up.

FINNWhat are you guys doing here?

SKYLARWe’ve come to check out your home.

ROBBIEInvestigating the strange and unusual is something we’re good at.

Robbie takes off his backpack and takes out his Ghost hunting equipment.

ROBBIE (CONT’D)We will start by scoping out the house.

He hands an EMF Meter to Zen.

FINNWhat’s that?

ROBBIEIt’s an EMF meter, It will pick up any electromagnetic energy.

ZENIs your Dad in?


FINNNo he’s out.

SKYLARHe’s at single saturday’s coffee club.

FINNHow do you know that?

SKYLARBecause he’s there with my mom.

FINNWait, that was your mom here yesterday?

SKYLARHow do you think I set this up. Now we need to get to work as single saturday’s finishes at one.

They head inside the farmhouse.


Daniel and Molly are sat at a table enjoying each others company.

DANIELThis coffee is good.

MOLLYIt’s the best coffee in town!

After taking a sip Molly puts her coffee cup down.

MOLLY (CONT’D)What do you know about Springborough?

DANIELNothing. Why is there something I should know about the town?

MOLLYSpringborough is a town of mystery.

DANIELA town of Mystery?


MOLLYAt one point it had zero population.

DANIELZero population?

MOLLYYeah, It was known as the town that suddenly died.

DANIELIs this a fact or some urban legend.

MOLLYLegend has it that everyone just vanished with no explanation.

DANIELWere they ever found?

MOLLYNope. Nobody knows where they went, remains an unsolved mystery of the town.

DANIELWow! That is strange.

Daniel looks on baffled.


Upstairs in the farmhouse Robbie and Zen lead the way checking out each room with their EMF meter. They head into Finn’s bedroom as Skylar and Finn follow behind.

ZENThis is where you saw her?

FINNYeah, She was right outside my window.

Robbie and Zen walk over to the window holding their EMF Meter.

ROBBIEI’m not getting anything over here.

FINNI’m not lying, I saw her. I swear


SKYLARWhere was the first place you saw her?

Finn hesitates.

FINNErm.. The Tree! She was stood next to the tree.

Skylar and Finn walk towards the window and stand next to Robbie and Zen, they all stare out towards the tree.


MOLLYWell it’s one o’clock. That’s the end of single saturdays.

DANIELTime flies when you’re having fun.

MOLLYSure does.

Molly gets up and grabs her coat as Daniel follows.

DANIELDid you want to go and grab a bite to eat?

MOLLYI really need to get back to Skylar.

DANIELWell how about another time?

MOLLYI’d like that.



Robbie and Zen walk towards the tree as Skylar and Finn follow behind.

ROBBIEEMF levels are soaring.


FINNWhat does that mean?

ZENIt means this tree has some electro magnetic field connected to it.

FINNI don’t understand?

SKYLARIn other words Finn, something seems to be connected to this tree.

Robbie opens his backpack and pulls out a Ouija board.

ROBBIEOnly one way to find out.


The Ouija board is placed on the floor in the middle of the treehouse. Skylar, Zen, Robbie and Finn all sit around it in a circle.

ROBBIEOkay, Place your finger tip on the glass.

They all place there finger tips on the glass on the Ouija board.

ROBBIE (CONT’D)Skylar, would you do the honors?

SKYLARAny spirits wanting to communicate. Can do so using this Ouija board.

ROBBIEIs there anybody who wants to communicate with us?

The glass moves over to the word yes on the Ouija board.



ROBBIEWhat is your name?


The glass begins spelling out a name.









ROBBIEIs your name Eleanor.

The board moves to the word Yes.

SKYLARHow old are you Eleanor?

The board moves to the number 9.

ROBBIE9 years old.

SKYLARHow did you die Eleanor?

The board goes to the word No.


ROBBIEWhat do you mean no?

ZENNo.. You didn’t die?

The board moves to Yes.



SKYLARDidn’t die, moved to yes?

The glass begins to move around the board.









SKYLARWhere were you killed Eleanor?

The glass begins to spell out another word.






FINNThis tree.


The glass moves to Yes.

SKYLARWhat is it you want?

The board spells out.









FINNOkay guys, I’m a little freak out right now. Please stop this.

The glass begins spinning around the board on it’s own as they all begin freaking out.

SKYLARWe need to close the board.

The glass smashes against the wall as the Ouija board begins to shake.

SKYLAR (CONT’D)Everybody hands.

They all place each others hands on top of one another.


SKYLAR (CONT’D)We are breaking off all communications with you, return back to your realm and let there be no communication between any you and anyone here observing today.

The board stops shaking as calm is restored in the treehouse.

FINNHas it gone?

ROBBIEI think so.

Daniel pops his head up into the tree house causing them all to jump and scream.

DANIELWhat’s going on? I heard something smash.

SKYLARNothing Mr Stone.

ROBBIEWe’re just playing a scary board game.

DANIELAlright, I’ll leave you to it. Finn I’ll be in the barn if you need me.

Daniel exits the treehouse.

FINNShould I tell my Dad?

SKYLARNo, Not until we have something more concrete.

ROBBIESkylar’s right. We can’t tell anybody about this until we find out what we’re dealing with here.

ZENWhat are we going to do?

SKYLARLets meet at the library after school on monday to try and find out a little more about Eleanor.


They all look at each other apprehensive.


Finn is sleeping in his bed. From outside a creepy voice that sounds similar to Skylar begins creeping through into Finn’s bedroom.

VOICE (O.S.)Finnnnnnnn.

Finn wakes up and looks towards the window.

VOICE (O.S.) (CONT’D)Finnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

He gets out of bed and looks out the window.

VOICE (O.S.) (CONT’D)Come and play.

He realizes the voice is coming from the treehouse. He puts on his dressing gown, grabs his flash light and makes his way downstairs and out into the front yard.


He begins walking towards the tree shining his flash light in the mist of the night.

VOICE (O.S.)Come and find me.

He climbs up the steps and pops his head into the tree house.


He shines his light into the corner and spots a girl who looks like Skylar sat with her back to him crying.


The girl continues to sob in the corner.

FINN (CONT’D)Are you okay?


He shines the light on her and realizes it’s not Skylar. Her cry turns into a sinister laugh as Finn’s torch begins to cut out until there is complete darkness in the treehouse. We hear Finn hit the torch several times until it comes back on.

FINN (CONT’D)Aaarrgh!

Finn screams in terror as Eleanor appears in front of his face staring into his soul with an evil glare. He jumps down from the tree house and begins running back towards the farm house, His running becomes really slow as the farm house moves further away, almost out of reach. He tries calling for his Dad but becomes voiceless.


He stops in his tracks and looks behind and is relieved not to see Eleanor. As he turns around she appears in front of him and reaches out to grab him.


Daniel rushes into Finn’s room and realizes he is having a nightmare.


He grabs hold of him and hugs him tightly.

DANIEL (CONT’D)It’s Okay. It was just a dream.

Finn looks at his Dad relieved to see him. Daniel notices sweat pouring from Finn, he feels his sons head.

DANIEL (CONT’D)You’re burning up. Let me go and get you some water.

As Daniel exits the room, he notices soil footprints that lead up the stairs into finn’s room. He grabs him a glass of water from the bathroom and hands it to him.

DANIEL (CONT’D)Have you been out in the yard?

FINNNo, I’ve been here in my bed.


Daniel lifts the duvet and finds Finn legs and bed sheet covered in soil.

DANIELAre you sure you didn’t sleep walk.

FINNI’m sure.

Daniel looks on baffled at the soil.


Skylar, Finn, Robbie and Zen sit around a table in the school library.

SKYLARI’ve tried researching the name Eleanor, but haven’t managed to find any leads.

ROBBIEShe said she wanted revenge.

ZENRevenge for what?

Billy enters the Library and walks past the table giving them an evil look.

FINNSomeone else who wants revenge.

SKYLARDon’t worry about him.

ZENHe’s not allowed to come anywhere near us.


FINNWhat exactly can a 9 year old get revenge for? Stealing someones lunch money?

SKYLARThe school data base.



SKYLARWe need to access the school database. The school registers every single student who comes to this school.

ROBBIEIt’s the only school in Springborough, She must be on the database.

FINNHow do we access it?

ZENI can access it, but there is no way we can do it with teachers around.

SKYLARIn that case we’re going to have to break into the school tonight.

FINNWhat? No.

ROBBIEYou want to get to the bottom of this don’t you?

FINNOf course, but what do I tell my dad?

SKYLARDon’t worry about him. I’ve got a plan.


Finn is sat at the kitchen table with a stack of books doing his homework. Daniel enters the room with a wave of giddiness. He paces back and forth.

DANIELDoing your homework?

Finn sighs.

FINNI’m swamped.


DANIELSomething has popped up. You don’t mind if I head out for a few hours?

FINNDad, I’m quite capable of putting myself to bed.

DANIELIf you need anything.

Finn interrupts.

FINNYeah, Yeah call you! I know.

Daniel looks at Finn surprised by his reaction as Finn carries on writing in his text book.


Daniel exits the farmhouse as Finn carries on working away on his homework. He hears his Dad pull away in his truck and stops working. He grabs his coat and exits the farmhouse.


Outside Finn spots Skylar, Zen and Robbie waiting for him on their bikes, he heads over to them.

FINNI thought he was never going to leave.


Finn climbs onto the back of Skylar’s bike as Robbie and Zen lead the way.


Daniel arrives at the restaurant as Molly sits awaiting him. He is shown to his table by the waiter.

DANIELI much prefer Molly mondays than single Saturdays.

Molly laughs at his comment.


MOLLYIf you excuse me, I need to visit the ladies room.

Molly gets up and heads to the rest room.

DANIEL(To self) Molly Mondays? What an idiot!


Finn, Zen and Robbie follow Skylar as she leads the way shining a flash light towards the school library.

SKYLARThis computer.

They gather around the computer in the library. Zen takes a seat and begins typing.

ZENLet me just get into the system.

He types away as they look around apprehensive.

ZEN (CONT’D)I’m in.

SKYLARIf Eleanor went to this school. Then she will be on the data base.

Robbie points to the screen.


Zen types in the letters “Eleanor.”

ZENSearching Eleanor.

ROBBIEFound 13 results.

SKYLARFinn, Do any of these 13 girls look like the girl you saw at your window?

Zen pulls up the first image.



He pulls up the next image.

FINN (CONT’D)Not her.

The next image causes Finn to freeze as he looks at the screen.

SKYLARWhat is it?

FINNThat’s her.

Focus on school photo that shows most of the girls dressed in white looking wholesome except one... Eleanor, who is dressed in her black dress.

ROBBIELook at the date.


ROBBIEThat’s 111 year ago.

SKYLARDid you say 111?

ROBBIEYeah why?

Suddenly blue and red flashing lights shine through the school windows as Officer Briggs arrives at the school.

ZENUh oh!

SKYLARSplit up.

Zen and Robbie run in one direction while Skylar and Finn run in the other.

FINNThe exit door, this way.

They run out the exit door, only to be met by Officer Briggs.


BRIGGSSchool’s out.

They surrender to Officer Briggs.

BRIGGS (CONT’D)Time to go.


Molly and Daniel sit laughing and enjoying each others company. Officer Briggs enters the restaurant with Skylar and Finn.

MOLLYWhat are you thinking for desert?

DANIELIce cream?

MOLLYWhat flavor?



Molly looks at the menu confused as Officer Briggs arrives at the table with Finn and Skylar.

BRIGGSSorry to interrupt your evening. But these two were caught breaking and entering the school.

MOLLYI’m so sorry Officer Briggs, Skylar will be dealt with when we get home.

BRIGGSLet this be a warning. Next time they will be in serious trouble.

DANIELI’m really sorry.

Officer Briggs exits the restaurant.



DANIELSave it! I don’t want to hear it.

MOLLYWaiter, can we have the cheque please.

Molly gets up from the table.

DANIELI’m really sorry about this Molly.

MOLLYMe too.

Molly exits the table as Daniel looks on annoyed.



Finn sits in the back seat of the vehicle as Daniel begins to interrogate him.

DANIELWhat was it, Just felt like breaking into the school for fun?

FINNYou wouldn’t understand.

DANIELWell enlighten me. Was it part of your plan to ruin my evening with Molly?


DANIELThat’s what it feels like.

FINNIf I told you what was going on, You wouldn’t understand.

DANIELHere’s your chance, Spit it out.

Finn hesitates.


FINNI promised the others I wouldn’t tell, Not yet.

DANIELIn that case, I’m confiscating your Xbox until further notice. When you’re ready to explain your actions, You can have it back.

Finn sits in the back of the vehicle annoyed with his Dad.


Zen sits at his desk in his bedroom writing notes in his sketch pad. Next to him is his Alexa device.

ZENAlexa, what happened 111 years ago in Springborough?

ALEXA DEVICE (V.O.)Looking up what happened in Springborough 111 years ago.

The device lights the room up blue.

ALEXA DEVICE (V.O.)The town of Springborough reduced it’s population from 111 people to zero.

ZENAlexa, How did the town of Springborough reduce it’s population from 111 people to Zero.

Heavy raspy breathing begins coming through the Alexa device followed by the creepy croaky voice of Eleanor.

ELEANOR (V.O.)Revenge (Soft spoken)

Zen is totally freaked out by this. He feels something is wrong with the Alexa device, he picks it up to examine it.

ELEANOR (V.O.)Revenge. (More harsh)

He throws the Alexa device on the desk and stares at it intensely.



He picks up the Alexa device and throws it out the window. We hear it hit the ground with force. He nervously looks out the window relieved as he spots the device broken in two pieces.


Robbie is in bed sleeping, he is awoken up by 3 loud knocks at his front door. He gets out of bed and walks towards his Mom’s room, He sees his mom Claudia wearing an eye mask and sleeping. He grabs a baseball bat from his room and nervously makes his way down the stairs towards the front door.

He unlocks the front door and slowly opens it, ready to swing his bat at any intruders. As he opens his front door, he realizes nobody is at the door. He steps outside holding his bat, ready to swing.



From outside he hears another 3 knocks, this time from inside his bedroom window. He looks up and sees Eleanor staring down at him from his bedroom window. She steps away from the window, Robbie heads back inside.


Robbie makes his way upstairs towards his bedroom. He grips his baseball bat ready to swing. He spots his Mom still sleeping as he walks past her bedroom. He enters his room and looks around nervously. He makes his way towards the closet and slowly opens the door using the baseball bat. He doesn’t spot anything inside.

Satisfied by this he puts his bat down and gets back into bed, He lays down and shuts his eyes. A voice is heard from under the bed.

ELEANOR (O.S.)Robbieeeeee. (soft spoken)

His eyes open wide as he sits up in bed, he looks towards his bat across the other side of the room. He looks down at the floor and begins slowly lowering himself to look under the bed.



Unable to see anything under the bed, He begins to pull himself back up onto the bed. Unknown to him, Eleanor sits behind him staring at him with a menacing look. He turns around and falls off the bed screaming, he scurries into the corner of his room.

Eleanor jumps off the bed and lands on all fours. Backed up in the corner with nowhere to go, She begins crawling towards him at speed. Claudia enters the room and switches on the light.

CLAUDIARobbie! It’s 3 in the morning. This ain’t no time for fun and games.

ROBBIEMom! I saw a...

He looks around the room but Eleanor is nowhere in sight.

CLAUDIAGet your behind back in that bed.

Robbie makes his way towards his bed, on the way while his mums back is turned, he grabs his bat and places it next to the bed, Claudia reaches towards the light switch just as Robbie is about to get into bed.


She stops.

ROBBIE (CONT’D)Can I sleep with the light on?

She realizes Robbie is deadly serious and agrees to let him sleep with the light on.

CLAUDIAOkay. Now get some sleep!

She exits the room. Robbie reaches for his baseball bat, he sits up in bed ready to swing at any moment.


In an empty classroom, Skylar stands at the front of the class next to the blackboard. Finn, Zen and robbie sit opposite her.


SKYLARI’ve been trying to piece things together.

ROBBIEGuys... I need to tell you about last night?

FINNWhat happened last night?

ROBBIEI saw her.



SKYLARWhat happened?

ROBBIEI was woken up by three loud knocks. What’s really weird is my mom didn’t hear them. I went downstairs and opened the door. Nobody was there, So I walked outside and heard her knocking on my bedroom window.

SKYLARThree knocks?

ROBBIEYeah. She was stood at my window.

FINNShe was in your house?

Robbie nods at Finn.

ROBBIEI went back upstairs to look for her in my room but she wasn’t there. I thought I dreamt it. Then I heard her voice from under my bed.

FINNWas she under the bed?

Robbie shakes his head.


ROBBIEI looked.. But she wasn’t there, When I got back up on the bed. She was behind me.

FINNWhat happened?

ROBBIEI fell of the bed and my Mom came into the room and she vanished.

FINNIs it possible you invited her in when you answered to the knocks?


SKYLARWhat do you think Zen?

Zen sits looking uncomfortable.

ZENI (stutters) I.

SKYLARWhat’s wrong Zen?

ZENHeard her through my Alexa.


ZENI was doing research and asked Alexa a question. That’s when I heard her voice.

SKYLARWhat did she say?

ZENShe kept saying Revenge.

FINNWhat is it about Revenge?


ZENThe first time was softly spoken, then it became a little more scary and the third time I threw my Alexa out the window.

SKYLARDid you say the third time?

ZENYeah why?

Skylar picks up some chalk and begins writing on the black board.

SKYLARFinn, the first time you saw Eleanor. How many times did you shine your flash light at her before you saw her at your window?

He sits thinking.

FINNThree... I think.

She draws three lines on the board 1 1 1 that resemble the number 111.

SKYLARRobbie, You heard three knocks.


SKYLARZen, You heard the word revenge three times.


FINNWe’ve all experienced things in three. It could just be a coincidence?

SKYLARHow many years ago was Eleanor killed?

ZENIt was 111 years ago.


They all look at the board stunned.

SKYLARLook closer what do you see?

FINNI’m just seeing one hundred and eleven.

SKYLARLook closer.


ROBBIEI see it too.

Skylar counts each line.

SKYLAROne, Two, Three. This isn’t the sign of any ordinary spirit.

FINNThen what is it?

SKYLARIt’s a demon.

FINNA demon! What makes you think that?

SKYLARShe’s mocking the holy trinity. The father, the son, the holy spirit. The number three is often a mockery of the holy trinity.

FINNWhy now?

SKYLARMy guess is her spirit was awoken when your dad built the treehouse. She has been dormant for 111 years.

FINNGreat going Dad!

ROBBIEWe need to stop her before.


FINNBefore what?

ZENBefore she gets too powerful.

ROBBIEA demon only has one agenda. To take over someones soul.

ZENWe need to stop her before she does.

FINNHow do we stop her.

SKYLARAn exorcism.

FINNOh great! So let’s go to the church and tell the priest that we need to exorcise a tree in my front yard.

They all look at Finn with a serious look.

FINN (CONT’D)You guys know I was kidding right?

ROBBIEHow else do you suggest we stop her.

SKYLARWe need to go the church and demand they do an exorcism on the tree.

FINNAre you crazy? The priest will just laugh at us! Surely there is another way?

SKYLARThe only way to get rid of a demon is an exorcism.

Finn sighs.

FINNOkay, lets do it after school. Lets go to the church.



Inside the Barn Daniel is building furniture, he stops everything he is doing and pulls out his mobile phone. He scrolls through his contacts.


Daniel is hesitant to call her, instead he puts his phone away and carries on making his furniture. He stops and sighs.


He begins to psych himself up.

DANIEL (CONT’D)Come on you can do it, don’t be a pussy.

He dials Molly.

MOLLY (V.O.)Hello?

DANIELHi Molly, It’s Daniel.

MOLLY (V.O.)Hey Daniel, What can I do for you?

DANIELListen, I’m really sorry about what happened the other night. I’d like to make it up to you.

MOLLY (V.O.)Our restaurant date was a disaster how about Dinner at my place friday night?

Daniel looks at a calendar that is hanging in the barn and realizes that the date is actually Friday the 13th.

DANIELFriday is .. Good.

MOLLY (V.O.)At least I will know Skylar isn’t out breaking into the school. You can bring Finn if you like?


DANIELSounds great. At least I will know he isn’t breaking into the school either!

MOLLYI’ll see you Friday.

Daniel hangs up the phone and punches the air in celebration.


Skylar, Finn, Zen and Robbie enter the Springborough church. They spot a priest, Father McGowan (50s) stood at the alter. They make their way over to him.

SKYLARFather McGowan.


SKYLARCan we chat to you about something?

FATHER MCGOWANYes, I was just finishing up here.

FINNFather, what do you know about exorcisms?

FATHER MCGOWANI know they shouldn’t be performed unless necessary.

FINNWhat about if something is happening at my home?


FINNIt’s going to sound crazy but it’s true.

They look at Finn and encourage him to tell Father McGowan as he awaits Finn’s response.

FINN (CONT’D)The tree in my front yard is haunted by a girl named Eleanor.


ROBBIEIt’s true father.

ZENShe was killed and she said her body was put inside the tree.

FATHER MCGOWANWhat you’re saying sounds like another made up myth of Springborough.

SKYLARFather it’s not a myth! We need an exorcism on the tree.

FATHER MCGOWANI can’t help you.

FINNThen what are we supposed to do?

FATHER MCGOWANI don’t know.. Maybe call a lumberjack?

Father Mcgowan walks away.

FINNFather please! We need your help.


Father Mcgowan exits the church as they all look on disappointed.

FINNI knew he wouldn’t believe us.

Skylar walks over to the font and begins filling up a small bottle of holy water.

ZENWhat are you doing?


FINNPreparing for what?




Finn arrives home at the farmhouse and greets his Dad in the barn, who is in a happy mood!


FINNWhy are you so happy?

DANIELLife is good. Business has taken off and I got another date with Molly. She also invited you, so hopefully my date won’t get ruined this time.

FINNI don’t want to go. Can’t I just stay at home?

DANIELWell you’re going! Last time I left you alone, you broke into the school.

Finn huffs and then exits the barn, As he walks towards the farmhouse, Billy lurks nearby watching on trying not to be seen.

BILLYSo this is where you live.


Robbie is sat on the couch watching TV, his mom Claudia enters the room.

CLAUDIAFeet off the couch.

Robbie takes his feet off the couch.

CLAUDIA (CONT’D)I’ve got a meeting at the town hall. I’ll be back around 8.


As she exits the room, she turns to Robbie.


CLAUDIAOh, before I forget. I picked up that file you wanted to help you with your home work.

ROBBIEYou did?

CLAUDIAThe springborough 1909 file. It’s on the kitchen table.

As she exits the room, Robbie gets up and rushes over to the kitchen table, he grabs the file and runs upstairs to his bedroom.


Skylar is sat up in bed reading a book. Molly enters the room.

MOLLYLights out.

SKYLARCan I just finish this chapter?

MOLLYI didn’t see you were reading.

As she is about to exit the room, she turns to Skylar.

MOLLY (CONT’D)By the way I’ve invited Daniel over for dinner on friday night. I told him to bring Finn.


MOLLYTo keep you company. Well actually to stop you from doing anything dangerous, like breaking into a school.

Skylar rolls her eyes.



As Molly exits the room, Skylar reveals the book she was actually reading was disguised in another book. Focus on book to reveal “ROMAN RITUALS”


Late at night we see someone heading towards the farmhouse covering their face with their hood up. The person pulls down the hood to reveal it’s Billy.

BILLYTime for Revenge.

Billy walks towards the farmhouse, he stops and pulls out a petrol bomb. He continues walking towards the door, as he pulls out his lighter, the ring doorbell goes off which startles him. He runs towards the tree and hides out of sight.


In Daniel’s bedroom, the phone vibrates on the bedside table but Daniel sleeps through it.


Outside Billy checks if the coast is clear. From inside the treehouse Eleanor’s voice is heard.

ELEANOR (O.S.)Billy.

BILLYWho said that?

ELEANORCome and play.

He looks up at the treehouse and begins climbing. He stops at the entrance. It’s dark and eerie, Billy looks inside trying to see what is lurking in the darkness.


He waits for a response as he hears scuffling in the corner, he tries to figure out what the noise is, but before he can Eleanor scurry’s towards him and drags him inside the treehouse as he screams in terror.



Focus on Finn sleeping in bed, the scream of Billy wakes him up. His eyes open wide as he sits up in bed and looks towards the window. He gets out of bed and walks over to the window. He looks out but doesn’t see anything. He gets back into bed looking baffled, he lays back down and falls back to sleep.


Finn opens his front door and steps outside carrying his school bag. He stops in his tracks and looks on shocked.


Daniel rushes out the front door and looks on in shock.

DANIELGet inside.

We get a brief shot of Billy’s arm dangling out the entrance of the tree house as blood trickles down the tree.


The front yard of the farmhouse is now a forensic crime scene with tape surrounding the tree. Billy’s body is wheeled away in a body bag. Officer Briggs arrives on the scene and makes his way over to OFFICER HAYE (40s) tough looking cop.

BRIGGSWhat we got here?

HAYEBilly Baxter, aged 9. Body was discovered inside the treehouse.

BRIGGSWho discovered the body?

HAYEFinn Stone also aged 9. He knew the deceased. They both went to Springborough elementary. Finn was involved in Billy’s recent exclusion from there.

BRIGGSWhy did Billy get excluded from school?


HAYEBullying, assault to another pupil. He had also had a run in with Finn which was the final straw.

BRIGGSAny signs of any foul play?


BRIGGSI’ll take them in for questioning.

Officer Briggs makes his way over to Daniel and Finn who stand at the front door watching on.

DANIELOfficer Briggs what is going on?

BRIGGSNeed to ask Finn some questions if that’s alright?


BRIGGSI’d like to go down to the station so Finn can give us a statement.

DANIELYou okay with that?


BRIGGSI’ll give you a ride.


In the school classroom, students begin taking their seats for class. Skylar, Robbie and Zen notice Finn’s seat is empty.

ZENWhere’s Finn?

SKYLARI don’t know.. Not like him to miss school.


ROBBIEGuys, we need to get together Asap! I found out something interesting..

The teacher interrupts.

TEACHERQuieten down please.


At the station Finn and Daniel sit opposite Briggs in the interview room.

BRIGGSAccording to school reports, you had a run in with Billy in the cafeteria. Is that correct?

FINNHe was bullying other kids and everybody was scared to stand up to him.

BRIGGSOn this particular day, he was excluded from the school.

FINNIt was a better place without him trying to bully my friends.

BRIGGSDid you personally dislike Billy?


BRIGGSOn a scale of one to ten. What number would you give for disliking Billy?


BRIGGSEnough to hurt Billy?

DANIELWhoa! Hold on.


BRIGGSI’m just trying to understand why a body of a 9 year old child was discovered in a treehouse at your home.

DANIELWe’ve been here all day! Can’t you see my son is innocent.

BRIGGSWhat about you?

DANIELMe? I was sleeping. Why haven’t you checked the door bell footage?

BRIGGSMy guys are next door now checking it as we speak.

Officer Haye rushes into the room.


Briggs gets up and exits the room.

HAYE (CONT’D)We pulled up the doorbell footage. Come and check it out.

They enter the room and gather around the computer screen.

HAYE (CONT’D)3am Billy enters the property.

BRIGGSHe’s taken something out of his pocket.

HAYEWas a home made petrol bomb. We found it at the scene.

BRIGGSGod only knows what he was planning on doing with it.

HAYEThese devices are designed to record people approaching the doorbell within 20 feet of the door.


BRIGGSLooks like he was planning on launching the petrol bomb at the house.

HAYEBut the doorbell startled him so he runs and hides behind the tree.

BRIGGSLooks like something inside the treehouse has got his attention.

They watch the screen as Billy is pulled inside the treehouse.

HAYEIt looks like something drags him inside.

BRIGGSRe wind it.

Haye rewinds the footage.


HAYEZooming in.

They struggle to see on the footage what dragged Billy inside the treehouse.


HAYEWhat are we going to do?

BRIGGSWe can’t charge them with no evidence.

HAYEThere was no other DNA found on Billy or in the treehouse.

BRIGGSRight now, We got nothing.

Briggs exits the room and enters the interview room.



BRIGGSYou’re free to go.


BRIGGSRight now its inconclusive how Billy Baxter died. Just make sure you don’t go leaving Springborough anytime soon as this is an open investigation.


At the school library, Skylar, Zen and Robbie sit around a table in discussion.

ZENI wonder where Finn got to today?

SKYLARMaybe he was sick?


ZEN (CONT’D)What did you wanna speak to us about Robbie?

ROBBIEMy Mom got me a ton of papers from the town hall. Old clipping and articles from Springborough 1909.

He pulls out the file from his bag.

ROBBIE (CONT’D)I think I know why Springborough is known as the town that suddenly died.


He pulls out an old map of Springborough from his file.


ROBBIEEvery house was burnt down. The first home was the Majors family. They had a daughter called Abigail who was 9 years old.

ZENSame age as Eleanor.

ROBBIEThe next house that got burnt down was the Moore family. They also had a daughter called ROSA.

ZENLet me guess, also aged 9.

ROBBIEYep... After that The Wilson family suffered the same fate and they also had a 9 year old daughter Annalise.

ROBBIE (CONT’D)Then John Baxter

ZENBaxter.. Do you think he could be related to Billy?

ROBBIEUnless we pulled up a family tree, I wouldn’t know?

SKYLARCan’t this just be a coincidence.

ROBBIENo.. The whole town was pretty much wiped out in one day. It states on these papers the cause was accidental house fires.

SKYLARThis was no accidental house fire.

ZENSounds more like an act of revenge.

SKYLARRevenge is carried out for a reason.


ROBBIEYou think Eleanor had something to do with all of this?

SKYLARMaybe and If we don’t stop this soon then there is a possibility Springborough could be wiped out again.

ZENHow is plan B going?

SKYLARI’m working on it.


Daniel and Finn arrive home at the farmhouse which still looks like a forensic crime scene.

DANIELIt’s been a long day. Straight to bed.

They enter the farmhouse.


Finn walks up the stairs towards his bedroom, as he gets to the top of the stairs, he hears a familiar female voice singing in his bedroom.

FEMALE VOICE (O.S.)(SOFTLY SINGING) Rock a bye baby in the tree top. When the wind blows, the cradle will rock.

He pushes the door open and spots his deceased Mom REBECCA sat with her back to him. Dressed in a hospital gown with no hair. With a tear in his eye, he looks towards her.


REBECCA (Creepy) You used to like it when I sang that song to you.

FINNYou don’t sound like my Mom.


She turns around looking like a sick cancer patient, She stares at him and lets out a sickening laugh.

FINN (CONT’D)You’re not my mom!

She transforms herself back into Eleanor. Finn looks towards her petrified. Eleanor charges towards him. He runs out of the room and downstairs into the arms of his Dad.

DANIELWhat’s wrong?

FINNI saw Mom.

DANIELWhat are you talking about?

FINNIn my bedroom.

Daniel marches upstairs into Finn’s room.

FINN (CONT’D)She was right here. Then she changed into Eleanor.

DANIELEleanor? What are you talking about?

FINNIt’s going to sound crazy, but the tree in the front yard is haunted.

DANIELDon’t be so ridiculous!

FINNI’m telling you the truth! It’s haunted by a girl called Eleanor, She died in 1909!

DANIELEnough now Finn!

FINNShe was killed and her body was put inside the tree in our front yard.

DANIELJust stop! I don’t know what’s gotten into you lately!


FINNBut Dad it’s true and if we don’t do something about Eleanor then this town is doomed!

DANIELGo to bed.

Daniel storms off as Finn looks on.


Finn, Robbie, Zen and Skylar are sat around a table in the school libary.

ROBBIESo it was your mum and then she changed into Eleanor?

FINNJust how I remembered her the last time I saw her in the hospital, before she died of cancer.

SKYLARDid you tell your dad?

FINNI tried to tell him but he wouldn’t listen, Just like the priest wouldn’t listen. No one in this stupid town will listen.

ROBBIEBy the sound of it, Eleanor is getting more and more powerful. We need to put an end to this.

SKYLARDo you think it was Eleanor who killed Billy?

FINNYeah and now I’m scared to step foot in the treehouse.

ZENWhat if we tell Officer Briggs?

FINNHe wont listen.


SKYLARI’ve got an idea, Tonight when your Dad comes over for dinner. We tell our parents what exactly is happening in this town. We’ll tell them until they listen!


Officer Briggs is sat at his desk, the telephone rings and he picks it up.


PHONE VOICE (V.O.)HELP! It’s attacking me!

BRIGGSValerie is that you?

PHONE VOICE (V.O.)Yes! Argh, Help!

Smashing dishes and chaos is heard through the phone.

BRIGGSSlow down, whats happening over there?

PHONE VOICE (V.O.)Officer Briggs please help me!

BRIGGSI’m on my way.

He slams down the telephone and rushes out of the station.


Finn is in his bedroom getting ready for the dinner party. Suddenly the room begins to shake. He looks out the window and spots the tree shaking violently.


Daniel rushes into the room.

FINN (CONT’D)Did you feel that?


DANIELFeel what?

FINNThe room shake?

Daniel looks at Finn confused.

DANIELNo! Come on, get ready. We are leaving at 8!

Finn grabs his mobile phone and sees 3 unread messages. He opens them up.


The text messages are from Zen, Robbie and Skylar and each reads “Did you feel that?” Finn replies “YES!!”


Officer Briggs pulls up outside the home of VALERIE WILSON (60s). He walks towards the home and draws his gun. He pushes the front door open and hears Valerie screaming in the kitchen.



He slowly walks towards the closed kitchen door and pushes it open, he spots Valerie hiding under the kitchen table looking distressed.

VALERIE (CONT’D)The dresser!

He watches on as dishes fly across the room almost hitting him. He takes cover under the table with Valerie.

VALERIE (CONT’D)It started attacking me.

BRIGGSWhere did you get it from?

VALERIEThe furniture guy, Stone something?


BRIGGSDaniel Stone?

VALERIEThat’s him!

BRIGGSLet’s get you out of here.

Briggs ushers Valerie out of the kitchen to safety as the dresser continues to cause carnage, he takes her outside to his patrol vehicle.


He gets Valerie to sit in the vehicle.

BRIGGSWait here!

He rushes to the trunk and grabs his axe. He heads back into the home to confront the dresser.


He enters the kitchen as the dresser continues to throw dishes around the room, he takes the axe and plants it into the dresser, a blood curling scream is heard as he plants the axe into it once again. He pulls out the axe and sees a brown sticky slime oozing down the dresser.

BRIGGSWhat the hell?

He takes the axe and smashes the dresser to pieces, as the chaos abruptly ends in the kitchen. For safety measures he pulls out his gun and fires it at the pile of wood, he then exits the kitchen.


Briggs gets into the patrol vehicle.

RADIO (V.O.)Briggs, come in.

Briggs picks up the radio.

BRIGGSThis is Briggs.


RADIO (V.O.)We have a report of a wardrobe attacking the Moore family.

Another officer comes through the radio.

RADIO (V.O.)Briggs come in, The Lambert’s are reporting a desk is trying to eat them.

BRIGGSIs this some kind of Joke?

VALERIEThis is all that furniture guys fault!

RADIO (V.O.)They’re all reporting they brought the furniture from Daniel Stone.

BRIGGSSend out units to deal with them and take an axe. I’m going to pay Stones a little visit.


Finn is in his bedroom getting ready, he hears a vehicle pull up outside the farmhouse, Curious he walks over to the window.


Briggs steps out his vehicle and pulls out a pair of handcuffs. He walks towards the door with authority.


In front of the mirror, Daniel splashes on some cologne and checks himself out. There is a knock at the door, Upbeat Daniel answers the door.

DANIELOfficer Briggs?

Briggs pulls him out the house and places hand cuffs onto him.


BRIGGSYou’re under arrest. You don’t have to say anything...


From his bedroom window, Finn watches his Dad get thrown into the back of the police vehicle. Officer Briggs looks up and spots Finn staring out the window. He begins Marching back towards the house as Finn rushes away from the window.

BRIGGS (O.S.)Finn!


Officer Briggs rushes into the farmhouse and up the staircase towards Finn’s bedroom.


He enters the room but Finn is nowhere to be seen. He rushes down the staircase and spots the back door wide open. He grabs his radio.

BRIGGS (CONT’D)I’ve got Stones in custody, his son has escaped west.

RADIO (V.O.)Will send patrol out west.

BRIGGSBringing Stones in, over.


With the dinner table set, Molly sits in silence opposite Skylar, waiting for the arrival of Daniel and Finn.

MOLLYShould be here any minute.

Skylar rolls her eyes.

MOLLY (CONT’D)I’ll just call him and see where he’s gotten to.


Molly picks up her phone and calls Daniel. As she is on the phone Skylar receives a text from Finn.


The text message reads “MEET @ SCHOOL ASAP!”

MOLLY (CONT’D)He’s not answering, must be driving.

SKYLARMom, may I please be excused?

MOLLYBut.. We have guests coming.

SKYLARThey’re not coming.

MOLLYWait, how do you know that?

SKYLARI just know.

Molly turns away from Skylar annoyed.


Skylar exits the dining room as Molly takes a seat at the table and pours herself a big glass of wine, she takes the glass and gulps it down.


In the interrogation room, Daniel sits agitated opposite Briggs.

DANIELWhat is this all about?

BRIGGSQuiet! I ask the questions.

DANIELCan I at least call Molly and let her know I wont make it for dinner?

BRIGGSYou’ll get your phone call when you start giving me some answers.


DANIELIs my son okay?

BRIGGSWe’ve got Officers out looking for him. When they find him they’ll bring him in.

DANIELWhy am I here?

BRIGGSSeems ever since you stepped foot in this town, you’ve brought nothing but trouble.

DANIELThat’s absurd!

BRIGGSFirst day I met you, You’re working for the biggest criminal in Springborough.

DANIELI told you before, I didn’t know him.

BRIGGSBilly Baxter mysteriously dies in a treehouse you’ve built. And now furniture you’ve sold to people in this town has been rigged up to attack them.

DANIELWe had nothing to do with Billy! You saw the footage, Wait a second... What do you mean my furniture is rigged up to attack people.

BRIGGSAlready tonight we’ve had the Lambert’s report a desk you made and sold them was trying to eat them!

DANIELWait.. What?

BRIGGSWhen I got to Valerie Wilson’s home.



I witnessed dishes flying out the dresser trying to attack her. It was like the thing was possessed.

DANIELBut that’s impossible.

BRIGGSAre you calling me a liar?


BRIGGSTell me how you rigged it up to do this? We’re looking at a potential assault case here Stones.

DANIELI didn’t rig up the furniture. I used left over wood from the tree.

BRIGGSThe tree?

DANIELThe tree in my front yard.

BRIGGSThe same tree Billy Baxter was found in?

DANIELWait a second.

Briggs looks on intrigued.

BRIGGSI’m waiting!

DANIELFinn said something about the tree in the yard was haunted by a girl.

BRIGGSI’ve heard some things in my time. But a haunted tree, that’s a new one for me.

DANIELBriggs you can look up everybody that has ever existed in Springborough right?




DANIELCan you look up someone who was killed in 1909.

BRIGGSWhat good is that going to do.

DANIELBecause I think it may just save this town.

Briggs walks over to a nearby computer in the room.



BRIGGSEleanor what?

DANIELI don’t know.. Finn just said the name Eleanor.

He types in the name on the system.

BRIGGSNo records of anyone named Eleanor killed in springborough.

DANIELWhat about missing persons?

Briggs types into the computer.

BRIGGSOne match found.

He opens the file and shows a picture of Eleanor to Daniel.

BRIGGS (CONT’D)Wait a second.


BRIGGSSays she was reported missing 13.04.1909.


DANIELWhat’s significant about that?

BRIGGSSay’s here she was reported missing the day after her parents were killed after witnesses claimed they saw her burn down her family home.

DANIELWhere was this family home.

Briggs looks at the screen in shock.

BRIGGSRight where your farmhouse currently sits.

Daniel looks on in shock.

BRIGGS (CONT’D)Hold on it gets weirder. On the 14.04.1909 there were reports of several homes burnt down. By the 15.04.1909, the town of Springborough had zero population.

DANIELMolly said something about that, She said Springborough was known as the town that suddenly died.

BRIGGSSeems someone took revenge on the town.

DANIELIf Eleanor was killed and thrown inside the tree like Finn said...

Briggs interrupts.

BRIGGSNo way Stone. You almost got me. Good try!

DANIELI think Finn may be in trouble! You need to let me go!

BRIGGSLet’s get back to the facts, I wanna know everyone you have sold furniture to.


DANIELThere was Valerie, The Lambert’s, The Moore’s and Oh no!


DANIELMolly! Please Briggs we need to get over there! I sold her a dresser I made with the wood from the tree.

BRIGGSYou know this sounds ridiculous.

DANIELBriggs please, It’s got to be something to do with the wood?

Officer Briggs uncuffs Daniel.

BRIGGSIf this turns out to be a lie..

Daniel interrupts.

DANIELI’ll hand myself in and you can lock me up and throw away the key.


DANIELCome on we need to get to Molly.

Daniel and Briggs rush out of the station.


Zen and Robbie are stood waiting, Finn turns up.

FINNMy Dad got arrested!

ROBBIEI heard on the police frequency that your Dads furniture was attacking people.

ZENBut how?


FINNMy Dad used the wood he cut from the tree.

ROBBIEWhich means it must be infected by Eleanor’s evil.

ZENWe need to stop her.

FINNHow? It feels like she’s getting stronger. Officer Briggs has arrested my Dad. Who’s going to believe our story about a haunted tree.

Skylar arrives at the school.

ROBBIEWhat we need is an exorcism and then destroy the tree.

FINNHow are we supposed to do that? The priest didn’t believe us.

SKYLARI’ll do it.

They all stop and turn to Skylar.

FINNBut you’re not a priest.

SKYLARI’ve been studying this book.

Skylar pulls out the book titled “ROMAN RITUALS” from her backpack.

SKYLAR (CONT’D)As long as I follow the guidelines and have Eleanor respond to me, We should be okay?

ZENWhat if she responds badly?


SKYLARThen we will need to use prayer and lots of it to keep us protected.



In the kitchen Molly is clearing down the dinner table. She begins putting the dishes back onto the dresser, She turns her back and is startled as a dish flies off the shelf smashing onto the floor. She slowly turns around and stares at the dresser. Dishes begin to fly towards her as she screams and takes refuge under the table.

DANIEL (O.S.)Molly!


The kitchen door slams shut just as Daniel and Briggs are about to enter the kitchen. The dresser begins to close in on Molly.

MOLLY (CONT’D)Daniel help!

Outside the kitchen door Briggs and Daniel struggle to get into the kitchen.

DANIELIt’s locked!

BRIGGSStand back.

Briggs kicks the door open and rushes over to the dresser with his axe. He begins chopping into the possessed furniture as Daniel consoles Molly.

DANIELAre you okay?


They both watch on as Briggs smashes the dresser to pieces.

DANIELWhere’s Skylar?


MOLLYI don’t know? She excused herself from the dinner table.

DANIELShe’s probably with Finn.

MOLLYWhat’s going on?

DANIELI think they’re in danger.


DANIELI’ll explain in the car, come on.

BRIGGSWhoa! Where are you going?

DANIELTo the source.

MOLLYThe source, What source?

DANIELThe tree at my place. Let’s go.

As they exit the home, Molly turns to Daniel.

MOLLYWould someone please tell me what is going on?

DANIELRemember you said to me about Springborough being the town that suddenly died. Well that could happy again tonight! If we don’t make a move, Come on!

They exit Molly’s home.


Skylar, Finn, Robbie and Zen sit on their bikes staring at the tree.

SKYLARI need to summon her.



SKYLARBy doing a ritual.

She looks towards Finn with a serious look. Finn places his hand on her shoulder.

FINNBe careful.

SKYLARRobbie have you got the salt?


He hands Skylar the salt.


Skylar makes a big circle using the salt.

SKYLARCircle of salt will keep us protected.

ZENStep in.

They all step into the circle of salt.

SKYLAROnce we step out the circle of salt. We’re no longer protected.

Finn looks at Robbie and Zen with a worried expression.


Robbie hands Skylar four candles. She places them outside the circle in the positions of north, east, south and west.

SKYLAR (CONT’D)Is everybody ready?

FINNThink so?

Skylar pulls out a pocket knife and slices the tip of her finger while wincing in pain.


SKYLAROne two three, Let me communicate with the tree.

She places her bloody finger over the north positioned candle as blood drips down onto the flame causing it to turn black. She pulls out a crucifix from her pocket.

SKYLAR (CONT’D)Four Five Six, No evil shall prevail this crucifix.

She takes her finger and drips blood over the east positioned candle causing the flame to blacken.

SKYLAR (CONT’D)Seven eight nine, If you’re here show us a sign.

The tree begins to shake violently. The patched up hollow hole crumbles which re opens the hollow hole inside the tree. Finn points to the tree.

FINNA hole.

Skylar drips her bloodied finger over the candle facing South as it’s flame darkens.

SKYLARTen eleven twelve, keep us protected with this spell.

She drips her blood onto the final candle facing west.

ZENDo you think that was the hole Eleanor’s body was thrown inside?

ROBBIEOnly one way to find out.

FINNWait! I thought the plan was to summon her here? The minute we step out this circle, we’re toast!

SKYLARIt looks like we’ve been summoned.

ROBBIEFinn has your dad got any rope?


FINNIn the barn.

SKYLARGood! We’re gonna need it.

Skylar steps out the circle. Robbie, Finn and Zen look at each other concerned. They all step out the circle at the same time.



Zen shines a flashlight through the hollow hole. He looks down into the eerie pit of darkness.

FINN (O.S.)Got the rope.

SKYLARTie it to the tree and let’s see what’s down there.

Robbie and Zen begin tying the rope around the tree.

FINNGuys I just wanted to say, If we don’t make it out of there. You guys have been the best friends I’ve ever had.

SKYLARWe’re gonna make it out.

Skylar throws the rope through the hollow hole inside the tree. She climbs into the hole and begins descending down into the darkness, next up Finn and Zen follow.


Skylar, Finn and Zen watch on Robbie descends down the rope to reach the bottom of the pit of darkness.

ROBBIEAre we in hell?

Inside the tree through the inner bark surrounded by roots is an underground world. Ahead of them, the darkness leads to a tunnel. The sounds of slithering roots echoes all around them.


ZENI would say the root of evil!

FINNI really don’t like this place.

ROBBIEMake sure we stick together.

Skylar takes the flash light and begins leading the way.

SKYLARLet’s head towards the tunnel.

They walk through the pit of darkness, anxious with every step. Lurking from the darkness, Abigail Majors jumps out in front of them screaming, looking like a scary burns victim, which scares them.

ABIGAILLook what she did to me!

Also lurking in the darkness is Rosa. She also jumps out from the darkness looking like a severe burns victim, which also frightens them.

ROSAShe did this.

Giving them another scare is Annalise who also appears before them looking burnt.

ANNALISEShe burnt down our homes. We were right!

ABIGAILShe was a witch.

Skylar has a moment of realization.

FINNI wanna get out of here!

Finn runs back towards the hollow entrance.


As Finn gets towards the dangling rope. He stops in his tracks as he spots a red mysterious book on the ground. He picks up the book as Skylar, Robbie and Zen catch up with him.


ROBBIEWe’re supposed to stick together.

ZENWhat’s that?

FINNI don’t know? It was on the floor.

Skylar grabs hold of the book and begins checking out it’s contents.

SKYLARIt’ witchcraft. Evil spells, resurrection, It’s all in this book.

FINNWhoa! Put it down.

Skylar throws the book to the ground.

SKYLAROh my god.


SKYLARThey killed her because they thought she was a witch.

ZENIsn’t she?

SKYLARNo! She was set up, Those bitches set her up.

FINNThat’s why she took revenge.

ROBBIEWouldn’t you?

SKYLARThat book needs to be destroyed.

As they turn to grab the book a loud thud sound emerges behind them. They turn around and spot Eleanor’s young and innocent lifeless body on the ground. They gather around her feeling sorry for her.



Officer Briggs arrives at the farmhouse with Daniel and Molly. They exit the vehicle and begin looking for Finn and Skylar.




Robbie grabs the book. They make their way over to the dangling rope. As they get ready to climb, Eleanor’s lifeless body begins clicking back into place as her disjointed limbs begin snapping back together. She gets up and snarls at them.

FINNOh boy.

Eleanor spots Robbie holding the book, She tilts her head at him while giving him a sinister look. Robbie grips hold of the book.

ROBBIEYou’re not taking it.

Suddenly tree roots begin slithering across the ground like snakes. One of the tree roots wraps around Robbie causing him to drop the book. Another wraps around Zen, covering him from head to toe.

FINNStop! We get you’re innocent. You were set up and killed. But you got your revenge, You wiped out the whole of Springborough.

Eleanor stares at Finn with a menacing look. Skylar pulls out the crucifix.

SKYLAREleanor, In the name of Jesus Christ. It’s time to leave and return to which ever portal of hell you came from.

Eleanor snarls as Skylar begins to speak in latin.


SKYLAR (CONT’D)Eccre crucis signum fugiant phantasmata cuncta.

The crucifix flies out of Skylar’s hand as Eleanor lets out an almighty scream which rocks the tree causing it to shake.



Daniel spots the tree shaking.

DANIELThe tree!

Briggs runs towards his car and grabs his axe.

DANIEL (CONT’D)Briggs I’ve got an axe in the barn.

Daniel rushes to the barn to grab his axe. They both rush towards the tree holding their axe.


They begin chopping into the tree.


Eleanor begins weakening.

FINNShe’s weakening!

The tree roots release Zen and Robbie.

SKYLAREccre crucis signum fugiant phantasmata cuncta.

Eleanor continues to weaken.

SKYLAR (CONT’D)Repeat after me, Our father.

ALLOur Father.

SKYLARWho art in heaven.



Outside the tree, Daniel and Briggs continue chopping away as the tree begins oozing a brown sticky slime.

MOLLYI can hear them.

Molly rushes towards the hollow hole.

MOLLY (CONT’D)Inside the tree.

They both stop chopping into the tree and look at Molly.


Daniel rushes to the hollow hole and listens in.

DANIELI hear them!


Skylar pulls out the small bottle of holy water.

SKYLARI demand you return back to your original portal of hell!

Eleanor snarls at Skylar.

SKYLAR (CONT’D)In the name of Jesus Christ!

Skylar flicks the holy water towards Eleanor as continues to weaken.

SKYLAR (CONT’D)I command you to leave springborough and return back to your portal of hell.

Zen and Robbie rush over to Finn and Skylar. Finn picks up the crucifix.


He tosses the Crucifix to Skylar who catches it and holds it up towards Eleanor.


SKYLARHail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruitof thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death.

Eleanor slithers down to the ground weakened and almost defeated while begging for mercy, She transforms back into her 9 year old self pleading with Skylar.

ELEANORPlease.. Stop! It hurts.

Skylar shows no mercy.

SKYLAROur Father, who art in heaven.

ALLHallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Eleanor transforms back into her evil self. She shows defeat as she disappears into the darkness while letting out a loud piercing scream, which rocks the tree causing it to shake violently.

FINNWe gotta get out of here.

Skylar spots the book of evil.

SKYLARLet me grab the book of evil.

FINNIf you get the book of evil, you wont make it out of her!

Roots begin raining down from inside the tree.

ROBBIEIf we don’t go now, We’re going to be goners!


They spot a flashlight shining through the hollow hole.


DANIEL (O.S.)Finn?


DANIEL (O.S.)Tie yourself to the rope.


Daniel unties the rope from the tree.

DANIELBriggs, take the rest of the rope and tie it to the back of your car.


Briggs takes the rope and ties it to the back of his car. He jumps into the driver seat and looks out towards Daniel.


The car begins pulling the rope. Suddenly Zen emerges from the hollow hole, followed by Robbie.

DANIEL (CONT’D)You’re safe now.

ZENNo we’re not! We need to get into the circle of salt.

They rush towards the circle of salt as Finn emerges from the hollow hole.


They embrace with a hug.

MOLLYWhere’s Skylar?

FINNShe was right behind me.


Skylar emerges but something begins pulling her back. Daniel, Molly and Finn grab hold of her and manage to pull her out of the tree.

DANIELLet’s get out of here! Go, Go, Go.

They rush over to the circle of salt and join Zen and Robbie. Briggs looks out his window towards them.

BRIGGSWe did it!

The rope begins to pull the car towards the tree.


He tries to open the car door but the handle falls off in his hand.

DANIELBriggs get out of there!

Briggs dives out the car window and rolls across the ground, he rushes over to the circle of salt. They all watch on as the car smashes into the tree causing it to explode.

DANIEL (CONT’D)You okay?


They all watch on relieved as the tree ignites into a blazing inferno. Daniel hugs Finn, while Molly grabs hold of Skylar hugging her tightly. Zen moves in for a hug with Robbie but is pushed away.

ROBBIENo way dude!

BRIGGSCome on let’s get you home.

Robbie and Zen are led away by Briggs.

DANIELHey Briggs.

Briggs turns around.



Briggs and Daniel shake hands before he exits the farmhouse.



SUPER: 1 Month later...

Daniel is busy building a clubhouse in Molly’s back yard as Molly prepares a table full of food.

DANIELAlright, It’s Finished.

Zen, Robbie, Finn and Skylar look on in amazement.

DANIEL (CONT’D)You’re very own clubhouse.

FINNIt’s amazing.

ZEN We should name it.

ROBBIEWhat about Ellhole, but instead of hell. I’ve used Ell, short for Eleanor, Hellhole... Ellhole. Get it?

They all stare at Robbie.

ROBBIE (CONT’D)I was joking.

SKYLARWhat about the geek squad.

FINNYeah, the geek squad!

They enter the clubhouse as Daniel makes his way over to Molly.

MOLLYThank you for cutting down the tree. After everything that happened. I couldn’t take the risk.

DANIELNo Problem.


MOLLYGlad they’re enjoying it.

She takes hold of Daniel’s hand and lowers her voice.

MOLLY (CONT’D)So when do we tell Finn and Skylar?

DANIELIn time.


Inside the geek squad’s new clubhouse they stand discussing an important topic.

ZENDo you think anything will ever happen like this again in springborough?

ROBBIEProbably not for another 111 years.

FINNBut what if the evil has spread.

SKYLARFinn. We defeated her, It’s over!

ROBBIEWell I know one thing, I’m starving.


Daniel leans in for a kiss with Molly and the pair begin smooching. As they pull away Zen, Robbie, Finn and Skylar look on in shock.

MOLLYOh, Erm.. Foods ready!

SKYLARI’m not hungry.

FINNMe neither!

ROBBIEDoes that mean you two will be brother and sister?


SKYLARShut up Robbie.

They disappear back into the club house while Zen and Robbie make their way over to the food table. Daniel grabs Molly and kisses her again, Their attention turns to a police vehicle arriving on the property. Briggs steps out the vehicle and removes his sunglasses.

DANIELNew car?


DANIELHow’s things?

BRIGGSSeems everything has died down.


BRIGGSAny idea what you’re going to do now we’ve shut down your furniture business?

DANIELI haven’t really thought about it.

BRIGGSWell Officer Haye has left the force, looking for someone to join my team.


BRIGGSYou pretty much saved Springborough.

DANIELSure. I’d love too!

BRIGGSGreat! Come by tomorrow.

DANIELThanks Briggs.

Briggs puts on his sunglasses and gets into his vehicle.


MOLLYOfficer Stone. That has a nice ring to it.

DANIELIt kinda does.

MOLLYYou can finally have that fresh start you wanted.

DANIELThis is my fresh start.

Daniel smiles at Molly as the pair watch Officer Briggs exit the property.



Skylar is in bed sleeping. A white light shines through her window three times causing her to wake up. She gets out of bed and walks over to the window. She looks out and sees the club house door wide open.

She picks up her flash light and heads downstairs to investigate.


She enters the clubhouse to investigate but doesn’t see anyone lurking inside. Satisfied she turns around and heads towards the clubhouse door. As she is about to leave a croaky voice calls her name.


She turns around and shines her light into the corner of the clubhouse but doesn’t spot anyone. She pans the light around. As she gets near the door she hears the croaky voice again.


SKYLARWhoever this is, If I find you I’m going to kick your ass.


She waits for a response but doesn’t get one. She exits the clubhouse and switches off her flash light. As she is about to lock the door she hears the croaky voice one final time.


She switches on the flashlight and is startled as Eleanor stands in front of her. She drops her flash light in shock as Eleanor pulls her inside the clubhouse.

