El Toro IP Targeting Agency Presentation

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of El Toro IP Targeting Agency Presentation

Your Exact Online Target Lives Right Here

• Retargeting – Based on a past site visit.

• Behavioral Targeting - Based on something web users have done online.

• Audience Segmentation – Based on demography of the sites people visit.

• Geo-Targeting – Based on zip code demography.

• PPC – Based on search terms.

Other Forms of Targeting

• Patent-pending technology to target ads at a household level based on IP address

• More accurate targeting = less waste and higher ROI


• Have access to 30-50 billion ad impressions per day from > 1MM sites

• Enhanced privacy for web users over contemporary solutions




Mapping Data


Network Topology

Network Point

Connection Speed

Public Records

IP Address

Home Address

How it Works

Our patent-pending process combines more than 30 public data elements to hyper-accurately map an IP address to

a home address.

=Web Traffic

Better Targeting

What is Household IP Targeting?

College Campus Targeting

Targeting Tradeshows and High-Value Buildings

• Target tradeshow / conference attendees in their hotels or on the convention floor.

• Target legislators at the Statehouse or the Whitehouse.

Sites We Place Ads On

Banner Ad

Sample Ads

Sample Ads

Display Ad

Sample Ad Pre-Roll

Match-Back w/ Other Ad Campaigns

Match-Back w/ Direct Mail

Sample Reports

Control Group Targets Total

7206 3083 10289

Percent 70.04% 29.96% 100.00%

Sales 6 4 10

Match Rate 0.083260% 0.12974% 0.0972%Improvement 55.82%

Keys to a Successful Campaign

1. Use the best list possible.

Current / Past Customers

1. Pre-Qualified Prospects

2. Look-a-Like Modeled.

2. Have ads that resonate with the audience.

3. Special offer / strong call-to-action to get their attention.

4. Test different ad messages to determine which one will get the best response rate.

5. Simple conversion process to sales / sign-up’s.

Great Campaign


Great Ads

Great Targetin

gGreat List

Bad Campaig


Poor Ads

Great Targetin

gPoor List

Good vs. Bad (Examples)

Case Study Regional Home Furnishing

Produced 320% ROI by Targeting the Client’s CRM Data

Upon completion of the ad serving, El Toro worked with the customer to preform a differential match-back. This process compares the households that we targeted with household that we did not target, allowing us to determine the effectiveness of this advertising when other ad campaigns are present. Prospects we targeted were 14% more likely to purchase and on average spent 4% more on their purchases.

We built a one month IP Targeting Campaign to target past customers at one of their retail locations, these customers home addresses were provided from their CRM system. The campaign was centered around providing a time-limited discount (via a printable coupon). Or internal Analytics and Google Analytics were used to track campaign performance.

After completing a discovery process with the client, we decided to launch an IP Targeting campaign that would complement other ongoing advertising efforts.

Our client, a regional provider of home furnishings had an extensive list of past purchasers, but lacked a cost effective way to market to them.

Case Study Entertainment

Produced 300% Increase in CTR and Record Ticket Sales

Upon completion of the ad serving, We worked with the customer to help analyze the results. CTR increased 300% over other digital; campaigns and they sold a record number of pre-sale tickets.

We built a one month IP Targeting Campaign to provide special ticket offers on regional college campuses. The campaign was centered around providing a time-limited discount . Our anternal analytics and Google Analytics were used to track campaign performance.

After completing a discovery process with the client, we decided to launch an IP Targeting campaign that would target campuses around their upcoming music festival

Our client, a regional music festival wanted a highly targeted way to reach college students on campus.

Sample Campaigns