Eight Enlightening Ways To Improve Customer Experience On Multi-Channel Platforms

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Eight Enlightening Ways To Improve Customer Experience On Multi-Channel Platforms






Developing multi-channel management toimprove customer experience across the wholebusiness is one of the main pain points forcompanies in the DACH region.

In order to stay ahead of your competitors andcontinually provide your customers with the bestservice and experience, it is important to meettheir needs on their chosen platforms. Deliveringa great customer experience across all multi-channel platforms is not an easy task: how tomap out all the channels to understand the bestroute to synchronise the work of all silos; find thebest method to leverage all your channels tomake them work according to your unifiedcustomer experience standards and make surethat the level of experience is of the same highstandard across all channels, are just some of theissues customer experience professionals in theDACH region is facing.

In this CX Network top tips mini-guide we explore8 ways you can improve your customerexperience on your multi-channel platforms.With targeted insight from eBay, Swarovski,Ziggo and Kyivstar, this is your opportunity totruly differentiate yourself from yourcompetitors!


Karin Winkler is responsible for the development and global roll-out ofVoice of Customer at Swarovski. She has years of experience with directcustomer contact and excels in project management. Karin supportslocal customer service departments and assists in solving particularlydifficult customer relations issues. She also oversees and coordinatedthe training of Customer Relations and Training Managers and teams inlocal markets.

Anja Domres is DE Lead, Customer Loyalty Specialist NPS at eBayInc. Anja leads all NPS activities for eBay GmbH Deutschland as partof Global NPS Team. She drives NPS insight generation to supportbusiness objectives and increase customer loyalty and has activateda global NPS program in Germany to maintain quality across theregion.

Oleg Koss is Head of Customer Experience Department at Kyivstar. Hespecialises in strategy development, customer experience managementand leads a team of talented professionals within the telecoms industry.Oleg has a knack for matching voice of the customer with the voice ofthe business and helped create a profitable culture of customer-centricity for Kyivstar.

Elmer Hiemstra is the Customer Strategy Manager at Ziggo. Elmermanaged programs to improve the 'move' customer journey, which led to a30%-pt increase in customer satisfaction and developed a customer loyaltyvision and strategy to emotionally connect customers with the company ina time period when rational loyalty plummeted because of new marketentrants and increased competition.

Draw your customerjourneys

Once Kyivstar started drawing theirfirst customer journeys, theynoticed how many gaps they had intheir processes and how manybarriers the customers had to gothrough in order to achieve theirgoals.

Drawing the journey allowed themto focus on and tailor the rightareas of the customer journeywhich resulted in them reducing theamount of unhappy customersoverall.

Let your customers beyour guide

Develop all your channels and yourself-service platforms from theperspective of the customer. A lotof companies invest in digital andself-service with the objective toreduce costs, however Ziggo arguethat a multi-channel strategy willonly become successful if you takethe customer as the guidingprinciple. For example, make surethat you don’t force a customer intoself-service; instead you shoulddevelop your self-servicecapabilities with the benefits for thecustomer in mind.

Find out exactly whatyour customers expectfrom you

According to Kyivstar, you should digvery deep into the insights of thebusiness and the customer to besuccessful in delivering greatcustomer experience across multi-channel platforms.

Smart companies understand how tointeract with their customers on theirmost preferred channels and at thesame time have an eye on what thebarriers are that stop them frommoving to other channels.

Adopt a reactiveapproach to customerexperience

eBay suggest tracking satisfaction atspecific touch points in the customerjourney to help to understand theimpact of changes each new channelhas on the experience. This willprovide insight into the areas that stillneed optimising and allow you toproactively provide your customerswith the service they expect.