Eid Al Adha 2

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7/27/2019 Eid Al Adha 2

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Eid Al Adha is also called the Big Eid by Muslims. This Eid IsCelebrated After Hajj and Sacrifice of Animals is also given on

this Eid.

Eid-Al-Adha is one of the major holidays of Islam. According to Muslim tradition, it celebrates the sacrifice that Abraham was willing to make of hisown son Ishmael when he was commanded to show his commitment to Allah. At Allah's direction, theangel Gabriel substituted a lamb for Ishmael, after 

 Allah was convinced that Abraham would indeed 

 sacrifice Ishmael to prove his faith.

 In this day, Muslims celebrate in several ways. Alarge feast is the high point of the day. The name of the holiday, Eid Al-Adha, means "The Feast of theSacrifice." An animal is sacrificed, in much the sameway that Abraham sacrificed a lamb. One-third of the meat is given to the poor, and the rest goes tothe holiday feast. Children get gifts to

commemorate the holiday, and special prayers are said throughout the day.

Eid Al-Adha takes place on the 10th and last day of the Hajj, the celebration of holy pilgrimage toMecca, in the 12th month of the Islamic lunar calendar. (In 2011, this is November 6 on Westerncalendars.) Muslims the world over are encouraged to make a pilgrimage to Mecca and celebrate

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What is Eid al-Adha (Festival of 


At the end of the Hajj (annual pilgrimage to Makah),Muslims throughout the world celebrate the holy

day of Eid al-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice). In 2010,Eid al-Adha will begin on approximately November16th/17th, and will last for three days.

It is the second of the two major Muslim holy days.The other isEid-ul-Fitr which follows Ramadan -- alunar month of partial fasting.

It is celebrated on the 10th of Zul-Hijjah, the last

month of Islamic calendar. Because the date of theFeast of Sacrifice is determined by a lunar calendar,it is observed about 11 days earlier each year withrespect to the Gregorian calendar. Islamic monthsbegin at sunset on the day when the lunar crescentappears after the new moon, and can be sighted bythe unaided eye.

As a result, although the phases of the moon can bepredicted accurately, the moon's visibility at a givenplace on Earth cannot be estimated in advance.Thus, the feast day has always been celebrated on

different days in various areas of the world.

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What’s The Background of Eid al-Adha??.. 

During the Hajj, Muslims remember and 

commemorate the trials and triumphs of theProphet Ibrahim (A.S.).

One of Ibrahim (A.S.)'s main trials was to face thecommand of Allah to kill his only son. Upon hearingthis command, he prepared to submit to Allah's will.When he was all prepared to do it, Allah revealed to

him that his "sacrifice" had already been fulfilled.He had shown that his love for his Lord superseded all others, that he would lay down his own life or the lives of those dear to him in order to obey Allah(S.W.T).


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What’s The Philosophy of Eid al-  Adha..?? 

The symbolism is in the attitude - a willingness to makesacrifices in our lives in order to stay on the Straight Path.

Each of us makes small sacrifices, giving up things thatare fun or important to us. A true Muslim, one whosubmits his or herself completely to the Lord, is willing tofollow Allah's commands completely and obediently. It isthis strength of heart, purity in faith, and willingobedience that our Lord desires from us.

It is very important to understand that the sacrifice itself,as practiced by Muslims, has nothing to do with atoning

for our sins or using the blood to wash ourselves from sin.

How is Eid al-Adha celebrated..?? 

Muslims around the world celebrate this feast of commitment, obedience and self-sacrifice to Allah.They wear their nicest clothing and attend Salatul-Eid (Eid Prayer) in the morning. This is followed by a short sermon, after which everyone socializes.Next, people visit each other's homes and partakein festive meals with special dishes, beverages, and 

desserts. Children receive gifts and sweets on thishappy occasion. In addition, like the pilgrims in

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Makah; the Muslims, who can afford to do so, offer domestic animals as a symbol of Ibrahim's sacrifice.


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-Sana’a Harahsha-Nawal Zanouny

Student: Yara Al-

harahshaAyat Al-mashaqba