EFT Peer Development Program · Starting an EFT Peer Development Group Local Leaders: Establishing...

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Transcript of EFT Peer Development Program · Starting an EFT Peer Development Group Local Leaders: Establishing...

Draft by Karen Kain Sept 1, 2020 DraftingTableForTwo@gmail.com

EFT Peer Development Program WELCOME Thank you for helping to grow Australian EFT in a coordinated manner! The aspiration is that this approach will result in ‘Communities for EFT’ (CEFT) in each state, attracting more and more practitioners and clients to EFT 👬"#$%&'()*+,👫./0123456789👭;<=>?@ABCDEFG. In doing so, more Australian couples and families will be supported 👬"#$%&'()*+,👫./0123456789👭;<=>?@ABCDEFG 👬"#$%&'()*+,👫./0123456789👭;<=>?@ABCDEFG, at a pivotal period for our planet where individual, familial, societal, and global development is an absolute necessity. 🌏JKL

National Network Structure

The structure below is intended to clarify roles and responsibilities, in order to provide a well-resourced and supportive environment for the development of EFT Australia-wide. However, is should be noted that the National network is not intended to be a hierarchical structure, rather driven from the ground up with decisions made at the local community level. State/territory leaders and the national co-ordinator are intended to serve as a support to local leaders, rather than driving a top-down decision-making process.

Facebook State/Territory Moderators While waiting for a CEFT to grow in each state or territory, a Facebook moderator will begin building an online community. Moderators will approve member requests to join the Facebook group, ensuring members are EFT therapists. Therapists are welcome to join multiple state’s Facebook groups in order to be aware of various events nationally, but the expectation is that they will link in with their local state for peer development training groups.

Options for online activities to help grow the community may include:

• publishing EFT-related content on the Facebook page and encouraging members to likewise post.

• online Event announcements or PD options (both locally and interstate) • Notification and reminders of Peer Development Groups meeting. • Social events

Draft by Karen Kain Sept 1, 2020 DraftingTableForTwo@gmail.com

Local Leaders

Local leaders are the bedrock of the National Network structure and depending on the number of therapists and their geographical location, there may be multiple local leaders in each state.

The Local leader will co-ordinate the timing of the local peer group meeting and email correspondence regarding meeting dates and times, liaising with the Facebook moderator in regard to keeping meeting details up to date on the relevant state/territory Facebook page.

If you have a therapist resources page on your practice website, we suggest you link to our page from your website, to improve the Search Engine Optimisation (SEO – i.e.: ‘google ranking’) for your local peer group, and help new local EFTers find you. https://www.aceft.com.au/peer-development-groups

State/territory leaders will serve as a resource to support the local leaders as needed regarding the establishment and maintenance of the local peer group. If 2 local leaders are close together geographically, they should contact the state leader who will determine with them which will collect the contacts, reply as necessary, and cc the other Local Leader. When 3 or 4 names collected and there's readiness to start a group, local leaders can work together to facilitate the group. As numbers grow, they may eventually break into two groups with different formats/locations/times.

Facilitating the group

Local leaders are generally the initial facilitators of the local peer group; however, facilitation of the meeting is ideally shared over time as the group grows in size and members become more comfortable with taking the facilitator role. As a facilitator you will take on board the task of keeping the meeting to time, on topic and ensuring that all voices in the group have the opportunity to be heard. More details below under “starting and facilitating a local peer group”.

Time commitment: all facilitator roles are designed to require less than 2.5 hours/ month, including facilitating the monthly meeting (probably less the first year as groups develop).

Regular facilitator meetings: In order to support facilitators, we will have quarterly check-ins to ensure the national Network Structure is serving practitioners needs and to address and questions / concerns that may have arisen. It is expected that facilitators will attend these at least 6 monthly.

SAVE THE DATES! We will have FACILITATOR CHECK-INS quarterly from 5:30-6:30 pm AEST "#$%&'( on the following dates:

• Nov 4, 2020 (optional) • March 3, 2021 (Facilitator attendance expected.) • June 2, 2021 (optional) • Sept 1, 2021 (Facilitator attendance expected)

Consultants (see below) will be present for the required check-ins, and National coordinator, Karen Kain will lead the optional quarterly check-ins. In between these meetings, if you have a question on group dynamics you are encouraged to use as your first port of call our very own Local Leaders Facebook )*+ subgroup, just for Peer Development Group facilitators, which you can join by searching for ACEFT (Local Leaders). If another facilitator can't answer your question, you can email one the consultants. If they are unavailable or don’t reply within 3 days, please email another Consultants (see email addresses in Consultants section below). If your numbers start dwindling and you aren’t sure why, you can request that a consultant pop into the group or discuss with you one on one what you think could be the concern.

Draft by Karen Kain Sept 1, 2020 DraftingTableForTwo@gmail.com

State/Territory Leaders

serve as the official EFT Welcome Committee of our Peer Development Network!

Their role is to:

• embrace any new EFTers coming out of Externship/Core Skills or Uni graduates, putting them in touch with their local leader who can offer more information

• Assist local leaders to develop groups (see local leaders above). • develop a local referral network. • coordinate outreach/referrals - this may be from a potential new client who is looking for a

therapist in their area, or a therapist who is seeking a recommendation for a referral for their client in another state

In embracing new EFTers and assisting local leaders, the state/territory coordinator will personalize a standard template to these enquiries (depending on the person’s interest in groups).

(Once you have created your template email, please send yourself a test email from the ACEFT enquire about Peer Dev Groups page to ensure you receive it).

A State/Territory Reply, cc'd to the relevant local leader, might consist of:

• a warm welcome

• an introduction to the area local leaders with their contact emails

• enquiry into which region they are writing from, so you know who to hand them over to.

• "what next" (a list of current online offerings and in person offerings, a reminder to join the FB page)

• "any questions feel free to reach out"

Local leaders might pass on to their State leader if they have specific info, they’d like included in State Reply for their region. For example:

• Now: "At this stage, the in person [temporarily online] Brisbane group is just forming. I have cc'd Jo and Jenni, our Brisbane EFT Local Leaders, and they will reach out to you about upcoming groups when there is enough interest to determine your preferred time/days for a monthly group. In the meantime, you can find the schedule for online EFT groups here: https://www.aceft.com.au/peer-development-groups. We hope you will join and contribute to our state EFT FB page here:

• Later: "There is an in-person group that meets…. And an online Brisbane group [Mondays] at [4 pm] starting on Oct 4 at this Zoom link: —-. The password is: —. This is an open/closed group, drop ins are welcome/RSVPs are requested, no materials are required/please having your own copy of the workbook, and all experience levels are welcome/advanced practitioners only for this group. You are also welcome to join an online EFT group here: https://www.aceft.com.au/peer-development-groups. We hope you will join and contribute to our State EFT Peer Development Group Facebook page which you can join by searching FB for ACEFT + [our state initial]

Draft by Karen Kain Sept 1, 2020 DraftingTableForTwo@gmail.com


All supervisors (or supervisors in training) are welcome to step into this role. Consultants meet with the Facilitator group from 530-630 pm the first Wednesdays of the month each year in March and September. In addition Consultants are available between meetings to answer questions regarding facilitation and group dynamics that are not able to be answered through peers via the ACEFT (State Facilitators) Facebook subgroup page. From time to time, Consultants may be asked to take part in a group to help trouble shoot difficult group dynamics or contribute particular expertise.

• Dr Clare Rosoman clarerosoman@aceft.com.au • Dr Cassandra Shields cassandrashields@aceft.com.au • Dr Katie Kjelsaas: katiek@aceft.com.au • Dr Jenni Wilson jenniwilson@aceft.com.au

National Coordinator

The national coordinator is available for concerns or issues with the program as a whole. If at some point you are getting too many enquires to field, or If you find your role is not right for you for whatever reason… maybe it’s hard for you to learn when you have the responsibility of facilitating, or you’re not getting out what you need because of the role you’re in, we’ll find a way to fix it. Please call Karen or Clare with your concerns.

Karen Kain 0420404122 at DraftingTableForTwo@gmail.com and Dr Clare Rosomon (above).

Peer Development Group Formats

It is anticipated that new Peer Dev groups this year will follow the Training Tape format primarily, and this tried-and-true structure should mean there will be fewer Group Dynamics issues/questions. As the states grow in members, additional formats may be added in other states (Workbook, Lit Review, Peer Supervision, Role Play, Embracing Diversity, Certification Boot Camp etc), which will add to the complexity of dynamics facilitators will be fielding, and the Consultant Role will be more crucial. It is recommended before trialling a new format, that you visit an online group already utilizing that format.

Draft by Karen Kain Sept 1, 2020 DraftingTableForTwo@gmail.com

Starting an EFT Peer Development Group

Local Leaders: Establishing the group

(If you'd like to offer a Peer Development Group online while waiting for enough interest in your local area, please contact the Online Co-ordinator, Karen Kain).

1. When you have 4-5 locals able to meet at one time in person, initiate your Peer Development Group! Scheduling can be tricky, I recommend (free) doodle.com. Doodle will send the poll to others’ email and they can join without sign up. You put your availability in and everyone ticks the times they can make. You can then easily get consensus on the best time and day.

2. Once you have a time/day, email Amanda (web@aceft.com.au) with the details, and a short blurb with format for the webpage. Please include whether the group accepts drop ins and latecomers. If you will have a standard format, just let her know the format (e.g. Trainer Tapes, Workbook, Peer Supervision). A few like the International Group and Diversity Group will have a unique blurb. Please add whether any materials are expected (e.g. Workbook on hand). If it is an in-person group, you might like to include whether snacks are welcome, if you are hosting as well as facilitating (in time, it can be nice to separate these roles).

3. Send an INTRO Email to the group. This is what you need, format to expect (or determine at the meeting), time, agenda. For ONLINE: Be sure all members of your group know how to get into a zoom meeting, use mute, and participate in chat. Anyone presenting will need to know how to share their screen if they have documents or images to share. Make sure new members who haven’t used zoom before are oriented.

4. Please review again the manual tips - particularly the meeting structure, please print that page and have it on hand for your meetings. A predictable structure will create the safety required to learn. if Peer Development Groups are consistent nationwide, participants know what to expect each time.

5. New Peer Development groups are encouraged to use the tried-and-true Training Tape format primarily, which reduces Group Dynamics issues/questions. Other Peer Development Group formats (Workbook, Lit Review, Peer Supervision, Role Play, Certification Boot Camp etc) will add to the complexity of group dynamics facilitators will face.

6. Ideally, there will be 2 co-facilitators with clear roles (2nd is a heartkeeper or keeps the stack of those wanting to comment), or a backup facilitator who is a member of the group and can step in if you are unavailable or your tech isn’t working. It also helps you give tips to each other.

7. Once your Peer Dev Group is up and running email a reminder to attendees, and/or post a reminder announcement onto your State FB page (or ask your state's FB moderator to do so). If you'd like new members, you could post to that effect on your state FB page.

8. If you create Event Announcements on your State FB page (please use the background with the hands holding the world to be consistent with the other groups).

9. You can also create an Event Invitation on your State FB page and invite your regular list of attendees. This will help you keep track of RSVP’s from attendees and they get will receive an automated FB reminder.

Draft by Karen Kain Sept 1, 2020 DraftingTableForTwo@gmail.com

The Art of Good Facilitation

A great facilitator is able to define a clear intention for a process, guide people through the process of solving problems together, and redirect people when they notice things getting off track. It’s not about giving your participants all the answers - it’s about creating an environment where they feel empowered to figure it out for themselves.

hierarchical, top-down, transaction-based group leadership where there is a clear leader enforcing rules is different from consensus-based facilitation where leadership is shared, there’s a high level of input from everyone, dissenting opinion is given more importance.

Best to work in pairs and alternate facilitating the group if possible. It’s easier for you, and you’ll have a backup if you can’t attend. If your invested in a particular topic, you can hand facilitation to your partner. You can also help remind each other you are not the experts!

Good facilitation prioritizes relationships. “attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity”

Managing a group is different than managing a couple, although one thing is the same:

Relationships are more important than content. (People come to a group to learn together - they can learn alone at home.) Strong relationships make the learning more effective. So as necessary, it’s ok to prioritize relationships over work at times, either to cultivate group safety or if there’s an impasse in the group. Facilitating a group is really hard. Even though you’ll have limited time, an all business mindset doesn’t quite seem to work to get people returning. That said, it is a working group, if a majority of time is spent on subjects that are not what was advertised, this will be seen as a problem by some. It can be helpful to frame it thus: “Personally I’d love to chat all day about this, but I’ve been asked in my role as facilitator to keep us on track – the Friday Fireside Chat might be a good place to continue this worthwhile conversation, if you’re free.”


“We gain power and the capacity for influence through social practices that advance the interests of others, such as empathy, collaboration, open mindedness, fairness, and generosity. And yet, once we gain power, success or wealth, those very practices vanish, leaving us vulnerable to impulsive, self-serving actions and empathy deficits that set-in motion our fall.”

-The Power Paradox by Dacher Keltner

Like it or not, inherent in the facilitator position is power, so just hold that carefully, remembering power can lead us astray. Not feeling you have to be the "expert", being human about your own struggles and hopes, and using your EFT skills of validation, warmth and empathy are all key. Yet at some point it is likely you will be challenged, and it can be easy to get defensive, and then we start to lose our influence. It’s easy to get into your natural defenses and use your power and natural to want to hold onto the power. But instead, remind yourself that your role is to support the group in what the group wants, with the aim to build trust and safety for all. Objections probably come from feelings unsafe, try to understand how.

Draft by Karen Kain Sept 1, 2020 DraftingTableForTwo@gmail.com

• “Mirror” the objection with curiosity – “What I’m hearing you say is…”/what need is not being met?

• state your own reasons for original plan, as a recommendation, with humility, from your own belief, not as authority (including the cost of changes- I’m concerned that)

• Ask the group what it wants to do. Be open to shifting, so group feels you’re doing what’s right for the group. an explicit discussion about group members’ expectations and the ‘rules’ they’d like for their group so that the structure of the group is - in and of itself - something that is collaborated upon and shared and owned by all members.

• Seek consensus: “would you be willing to try this… and evaluate it at the end?” • Would be nice to see the groups mirror EFT principles: creating and maintaining safety and

alliance, A.R.E., focusing on present moment process • Consultants available if we have group process issues and I attend a group quarterly so let

me know if you have concerns, I can bring up there. Each group can also request that a consultant drop into a group to support their discussion of a particular topic or skill, if the group feels limited in their expertise around that topic or would like assistance.

Prevention: Recommend: get group buy in by making all contracts explicit each session by abiding by the MEETING STRUCTURE. If you feel really vulnerable, you are probably doing facilitation right! Not everyone is well-suited for a facilitation role. If you find it doesn’t suit you, please let us know.

Draft by Karen Kain Sept 1, 2020 DraftingTableForTwo@gmail.com



Post EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT on your state FB page (if local group) or ask your FB Moderator. Send informal email reminder to prior participants, with link & password for easy access.

*Please PRINT a copy of this Meeting Structure for easy reference

Meet and Greet (5 mn prior to start time) – ONLINE double check share screen is working properly with your first participant quickly, take a moment to ensure that new participants know how to mute their mike and hide video and open chat window.

. Connect and check-in with each participant as they arrive, how they are, hopes for the session, current leading edge Even if pressed for time, don’t neglect the “top and tail” – check in and check out.

1. Welcome! (Start time)

Tech check for ONLINE groups: Good IT connection for everyone? If not, experiment with turning off video, particularly during streaming. If there’s an audio delay it’s a good idea to acknowledge that, as people may have the experience of being interrupted/silenced when it’s actually the tech.

If it’s a discussion group, it may be useful to ask someone to help you by noting down who is speaking next when hands are raised on a point, to note the sequence in the chat.

a) Acknowledgement of Country, I’d like to acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work, the ------- people of the ----Nation, as the first people of this country. We commit to embracing diversity and eliminating discrimination.

b) volunteers to trial facilitator role? to encourage democratic leadership and find a back up

c) Ground rules: is everyone ok with these? Anyone need another ground rule?

3. Safety: ,-.we are all learners and teachers here, me included. In order to optimise our learning individually and as a group we need to feel safe to sit in a vulnerable space. To push our leading edge. And in order to do so, this has to be a place that is free of judgement and where what is shared is confidential. As such, is everyone comfortable agreeing with the following ground rules

4.. Check in – even if just one word about where there at/ what they’re just coming from

5. Agenda – state the end time and format for new members, including group takeaways at the end, so new attendees aren’t caught out without one. Check if people need to finish early, you might note it down and stop for their “takeaway” before they go.

5. Formatted Activity

Draft by Karen Kain Sept 1, 2020 DraftingTableForTwo@gmail.com

6. Stretch break/ guided activity halfway through: create small moments regularly in the session for movement, and fun! Perhaps a 30 second zoom game or whiteboard doodle.

7. Back to Activity/ or switch to DISCUSSION: ACES framework for groups re: case feedback – alliance, conceptualisation, experiential and self of therapist - is what conversations evolve around.

7. Reflection/ takeaways round robin. These provide an opportunity for participants to remember activities, reflect on their personal responses, share insights and learnings, and hear from each other. Examples: verbal reflections written in chat by a facilitator; written reflections written in chat by participants and read by a facilitator; annotating the agenda with stickers and stamps.

8. Group Process How did we do as a group maintaining a safe learning environment? Any toes stepped on that need a repair? Any notes for myself as facilitator?

8. Closing Where to next? Ask for replacement over holiday time. Determine content/format for next session and reminder of date. If possible, you might even create a simple short activity that strengthens the group connection prior to leaving. It often also consolidates learnings.


YouTube and trainer tapes, you’ve purchased or can access elsewhere are also suitable.


--> Go to Kanopy - Video Streaming If you aren't already a Kanopy member, join

Kanopy is a video streaming platform delivering over 30,000+ indie films, classic cinema, festival and educational documentaries, and movies- online or through an app.

--> sign in with your email address and password (or sign up with your local library card or join your state library online)

--> My Watchlist and click the EFT video we are watching.

--> move the bottom timeline bar to the spot you last left off

PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately, Kanopy only allows a certain number of video viewings a month, and each can be viewed for 3 days. So, don’t get caught out from binge watching, or you may not have a video available to watch next month...you are able to finish watching the one we watch in the next two days if you like. Encourage others in the group to join Kanopy so you have a back up

CLICK SHARE SCREEN - VERY IMPORTANT STEP: When you first click a pop-up window comes up, with a box in lower left corner saying, "SHARE COMPUTER SOUND". You NEED to tick this box. If you get the feedback that participants can't hear, STOP SHARE and START SHARE again and you will have another chance to tick that box. [Here is a picture of the box on the screen if you don't see it: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362643-Sharing-Computer-Sound-During-Screen-Sharing ]

Draft by Karen Kain Sept 1, 2020 DraftingTableForTwo@gmail.com


Try to start on time.

Welcome to the Sydney Northside EFT Peer Development Group!

Sound check: test share screen sound is working properly with your first participant

ACKN. COUNTRY: Can we take a moment to quiet, breathe, center, get present? I’d like to acknowledge the traditional custodians throughout Australia and their continuing connection to the land, waters and community. We pay our respects to all members of the Aboriginal communities and their cultures; and to Elders both past and present. I am meeting you from land of the ----people.

It can be nice to personalize in some way that offers grounding to the group, for example:

“We welcome into this space all of your history, ancestors, and all that has occurred to you this month, impasses, breakthroughs, insights, they are all welcome in this space of experimentation and new learnings for all of us.” Or: “We commit to embracing diversity and eliminating discrimination. We strive to create a safe place for all people, irrespective of their size, shape, age, abilities, gender, sexuality, cultural background, language, economic status, profession or location.”

TECH REVIEW • if your connection drops out: try same link again, does everyone have my number to text if

you’re having trouble getting back in? • Many of us are on gallery view, but perhaps not all of us. Is everyone aware of that option? • A reminder to unmute before you speak, is everyone familiar with how to do that? • Sometimes two people will speak at once, watch the screen and work out who will speak

first. Give preference to phone users as they can’t see the cues. We can help each other and make the space available for everyone to have a go.

• Good IT connection for everyone? If not, experiment with turning off video, particularly during streaming.

• If there’s an audio delay it’s a good idea to acknowledge that, as people may have the experience of being interrupted/silenced when it’s actually the tech.


• If you Screen share you might lose the chat windows (and be sure to click “Share Computer Sound”

• On mac: tap command + tab, see applications and tap zoom again. • Will be using the hand raise in the participants section or the three dots on a mobile device. • Will also be using at times the breakout rooms, will launch you into a room. When you

leave be sure to click “leave room” rather than “leave meeting”.

Draft by Karen Kain Sept 1, 2020 DraftingTableForTwo@gmail.com

1. CONTRACT around your AGENDA / FORMAT make it EXPLICIT

FORMAT “this is the Sydney Trainer Tapes group, and we usually start with a quick check in, watch a trainer tape together and discuss, and finish by sharing our takeaways. Please feel free to ask to pause the tape as we go either by unmuting or by signalling with your hand.

Format changes? check with the group: Is that going to work for everyone? Seek consensus rather than efficiency. Decision making around format/structure is inclusive of everyone.

FACILITATION This group is democratic and consensual, I’m the assigned facilitator of this group, but if there’s someone who would like to give it a go today, it’s always helpful to have an alternate?! Is everyone comfortable with --- facilitating today?” If it’s a discussion group, it may be useful to ask someone to help you by noting down who is speaking next when hands are raised on a point, to note the sequence in the chat. Have someone in mind who you can ask to facilitate if you need to take yourself out of the role to participate more completely in a particular discussion, or be transparent about when you are taking off your facilitator hat and when you are putting it back on..

a. Confirm the Length of meeting – are we all planning to be here for – hour? b. I will ask for a takeaway at the end, so you might want to be prepared for that.

2. SAFETY For the most part the groups have all been really kind and supportive of one another, but it’s much easier to start with safety rules than to construct them later!

Every time we learn, we are vulnerable as we risk failing. So, in order to learn, we need to feel safe. Your job as facilitator is to keep the group safe, just as you would your clients. And to be aware that to maximise our learning we need to risk sharing our own personal reflections, it helps to know that everyone else is willing to do so. Keep in mind that if the group is functioning with optimal safety, participants will be perched vulnerably at their leading edge. Therefore, facilitators should allow space for a kind, generous, engaging discussion, while at the same time keeping the group on track. You may need be forthright enough to hold others accountable, mindful of the need to be aware of times where the group may feel less safe. When working in more vulnerable formats, it may be necessary to limit the size of the group, because this gives more permission to participants to call out exceptions to the norms/safety rules of the group. We are endeavouring to create a safe space for people to share their successes, as well as concerns, and doubts - and that it is from this safe space that we can all grow.

Set boundaries by getting agreement up front on some ground rules for how the group functions and the expected behaviour of the group members.

Some considerations when establishing ground rules:

Friendly reminder: ,-.Conflict is inevitable, but how we see the conflict makes a world of difference. 456789: ;<When we see our colleagues as our teammate, and the conflict as something we face together, then the experience is transformed from something that potentially divides us into something that connects us =>? and I make it clear that we are endeavouring to create a safe space for people to share their successes, as well as concerns, and doubts - and that it is from this safe space that we can all grow. We’re all learners and teachers here, myself included.

Draft by Karen Kain Sept 1, 2020 DraftingTableForTwo@gmail.com

In order to optimise our learning individually and as a group we need to feel safe to sit in a vulnerable space. To push our leading edge. And in order to do so, this has to be a place that is free of judgement and where what is shared is confidential. As such, is everyone comfortable agreeing with the following ground rules: [some suggestions below, depending on your format]

1. Be generous and work for the group. Try to share what you know with care, with empowerment, with kindness, with generosity, with humility, normalizing the learning journey in EFT in a way that doesn’t disempower others or land as a criticism. Please be aware of our shared sensitivity while learning, any type of feedback can really impact others. Let’s keep feedback/comments positive unless specifically requested.

1. Share the floor, leave space/time for everyone to speak 2. Everyone participates. if you say nothing, your “still face” can grow concerning for other

members. Please come prepared to open the window to your inner world a little bit! If someone isn’t participating invite them to share what they’re learning or noticing, especially in vulnerable formats.

3. Give each other the benefit of doubt. We will not be showing our best work at every moment, and often people are sharing work where they struggled, so will be more vulnerable.

4. Level of safety is maintained by all group members. We are all heart keepers in this group, if you see/feel trodden toes that I miss as facilitator, please say something. All groups have dynamics. There will be a moment in this group, perhaps today, when someone steps on your toes. As with our clients and in our own relationships it is going to be important to call out those moments when your toe is hurt and to ask the facilitator to help in addressing the moment in order that the group can continue to be safe for all members. Would it be all right if in my role as facilitator I encourage you to do so if that moment arises? Often people don’t process in the moment, feel free to email me after if something occurred. Can we agree to practice our EFT repair skills within this group when any unintended slights do occur?

5. Is there anything else anyone would like to add? If a specific request is made in regard to group safety, it should be validated, honoured and discussed with the group for acceptance.

3.AGENDA & timing (can write in chat)

c. We humans use a lot of cues to navigate turn-taking in conversations. Most of them do not translate well on Zoom. So I may Use rounds where I call on each person in turn because it’s less likely for quiet members to chime in on Zoom than in person, so it’s important to call on them, but if you want to pass when I do, feel free.

d. Facilitation method (What I thought would be a good way to do this would be to…break into small groups, or … raise hand or say my name if you want me to pause the video or the process)

e. We’re all responsible for the safety of the group, if you see something feel free to speak out or tell me after, or option to contact Consultants in the program if issues arise or EFT questions.

2. Be PREPARED to negotiate MINI CONTRACTS on the go: E.g. “I’d like to follow this thread and delay your turn, is that ok?”

Draft by Karen Kain Sept 1, 2020 DraftingTableForTwo@gmail.com

“I want to understand more about your comment, is it ok if I ask you some questions?” “we’re running short on time, is it ok if we go 5 Mn over?”

1. Only contract what you can deliver (broken contracts break trust). 2. When you make mistakes say so. 3. does anyone object/disagree? “sensing there’s no further discussion

and we’re getting to consensus, is there anyone who thinks this a terrible idea?

1. Take breaks and encourage people to stand up. We often neglect this in Zoom meetings, though we may need it even more when we are staring at a screen. Consider doing an emotion or energy check if needed to track the emotion in the room. This can be done on chat.

3. DISCUSSIONS Utilize pairs or small groups. Be sure to set up your zoom account for breakout rooms and then use them. (There is no extra charge for this. You just have to configure your zoom account.) Give people a chance to do some processing on the topic in small groups where everyone can have a chance to be heard before attempting decisions in the large group.

Call on one person and name the next each time so that the next person can be unmuted and ready. “Sally, and then Joe.” for example.

Group debrief. (10 Mn before closing time.)

Be sure to do a closing round where everyone can check in about how they are feeling as the meeting ends.

• Anything lingering from today's meeting? Repair can make the relationship stronger. Mini ruptures can be damaging over time and need to be processed or it doesn’t bode well for the future of the relationship. We are building bonds with colleagues. It’s really important for the health of the group, the safety, part of what relationships are about, let’s walk our talk!

How did we do as a group today? Did I step on anyone’s toes today? 4. Was there moment that didn’t feel safe for you? A reminder that If for whatever

reason you don’t feel comfortable speaking with me about a concern you can email Clare, Jenny, Katie, Cassie or the Program Coordinator Karen.

5. If you do have an issue that either you don’t feel safe bringing or doesn’t get repaired, please email to the facilitator if comfy or to the Group Process and Learning Consultant for your area.

6. Finish on time, optional for some to stay & continue discussion

Draft by Karen Kain Sept 1, 2020 DraftingTableForTwo@gmail.com

Zoom TECHNOLOGY FOR FACILITATORS SHARING SCREEN: VIDEO . Have a Video open on your screen (you tube or ….) ready to share.

In bottom left corner of pop up box are 2 small boxes: tick Optimise Screen Share for Video Clip and Share computer sound for sharing audio (or participants will only have very faint audio). If you forget this step, stop share and reshare, ticking the box this time..

If you maximize your window to full screen, you may lose your chat window!

Document 1. Have a document open on your screen and the chat window in zoom already open.

eg photo, poem, word file, a google doc, or powerpoint for your group to see.

2. Click Share Screen – there will be a number of screens available for you to share.

The First will be your whole Computer screen with all your folders and files

showing. Choose the file your wish to share and either double click the selection

or click the Blue Share Button.

3. View Options

3.1 Once the document is shared you need either to assist or check participants

know or remember to check View Options and

• Tick Side-by-side Mode and Find the grey vertical line with the cursor and drag to change the size of the share window

• Select the magnification that can be read easily and still see some or all of the participants.

• Phones and tablets are very different in these possibilities.

3.2 View Options Annotate menu (for phones, ipad and tablet are far more limited but still some options are available).

• Share Screen – document or whiteboard

Save – click Show in Folder, it may show you where it is saved.

If not, you need to search for the zoom folder. It will most likely

be in a folder called Zoom within Documents.

It is usually saved as a Screenshot which is dated and time


ONLINE MEETING GROUP Technical Help https://www.bucks.edu/media/bcccmedialibrary/pdf/tlc/facstaff/HowToUseZoom.pdf

Draft by Karen Kain Sept 1, 2020 DraftingTableForTwo@gmail.com

Common Zoom Troubleshooting Steps for PC

The following steps should be used to help correct

any technology issues while using the Zoom system.

Audio Issues

1. Can’t hear the other participants in the meeting?

a. Make sure your computer speaker volume is turned up.

b. Make sure your speakers are selected for the active output in Zoom.

• In the Zoom meeting, Choose Audio > Audio Settings

• Click the Test Speaker button, if you hear audio this is setup

correctly. If you do not hear audio, use the drop-down box and

select a different output and press Test Speaker again. Repeat

this step until you hear audio.

2. Other participants can’t hear you?

a. Make sure you have the correct internal/external microphone setup in


• In the Zoom meeting, Choose Audio > Audio Settings

• Click the Test Mic button; you should see blue bars in the

volume meter and your test message will be replayed through

the speakers.

• If you do not see the blue volume meter bars or hear the audio

message your recorded, use the drop-down box and select

another mic and repeat the process.

3. Do the other participants hear echo when you talk?

If so, this means that you are the source of the echo. You have two options:

a. Adjust your microphone sensitivity (and, if possible, increase the

distance between the microphone and the speakers.

• In the Zoom meeting, Choose Audio > Audio Settings

• Uncheck the “Automatically adjust Microphone” box and pull the

slider bar down.

Draft by Karen Kain Sept 1, 2020 DraftingTableForTwo@gmail.com

b. Use a headset or earbuds instead of the speakers so that the

voices coming in from other participants aren’t picked up by the

mic in your environment. Laptop mics aren’t far enough away

from the laptop speakers to avoid sending the sound round and


4. Do you hear echo when other participants talk?

• If so, then they are the source of the problem. There is really nothing

you can do other than ask the person who is the source of the echo to

try the options listed above.

Video Issues

1. Can’t see the other participants in the meeting?

• Make sure you have installed the Zoom software and are logged into the


2. Can the other participants see you?

• Make sure your camera is turned on, plugged in and selected in Zoom.

1. In the Zoom meeting, Choose the Video icon:

2. Make sure your camera is selected in the video section. If it is not,

use the drop down to select the correct camera.

• If the camera is turned on, make sure nothing is blocking the camera


• If using an external web camera, try connecting it to a different USB

port and repeat steps 1 and 2 above.

Sharing a whiteboard

Click the Share Screen button located in your meeting tool bar.