Effects of television in our society

Post on 11-Feb-2015

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Transcript of Effects of television in our society

  • 1. EFFECTS OF TELEVISION IN OUR SOCIETY Todays forgotten dialogue
  • 2. OUR YOUTH
  • 3. AGES 2-5 Perception As toddlers Our undeveloped context of the world is constantly striving for clarification On average American Toddlers watch over 35 hours of television a week It is likely that the future generations to come will have a very difficult time deciphering reality due to the gross of artificial reality of which they perceived fundamentally
  • 4. AGES 2-5Social development In the early stages of development Children are constantly looking for attention and affection This Stimulus is the driving force in how they build their views on relationships It is believable that at such a undeveloped stage, that a child may mistake a imaginary character, if seen daily, For a parental figure that may not spend 35 hours weekly on them
  • 5. AGES 2-5 Imitation Psychologically speaking the main priority of a toddler is to replicate the motions and emotions as those in the world he/she lives in. The choice made will likely determine the inclination to different archatypes in our society. Many children come to start imitating fictional characters theyve never met due to the massive amount of time spent observing them.
  • 6. AGES 6-11 perception Todays grade schoolers are now watchikng an average of 28 hours of television weekly while attending school. At this stage we can presume children are off elmo and on to spongbob At this stage children focus on social behaviors and how to interact with others. The majority children shows are comedies so its less likely a child will take life seriously at this stage
  • 7. AGES 6-11 Social development As preteens children are often confused and hearded around in groups picking up traits from the sheeps around them Before our mass media machine they were influenced by elders and the general concencus of their community. Now every preteen plugged in to television is part of a nationwide learning program influenced by not those of educators but of bussiness selling products Those toddlers who grew role models are now taught that products equal social status and that social status is inharintly important
  • 8. AGES 6-11 Imitation Television Plays A gigantic role In this Formative time as the premiere mass media machine Companies like Disney and Nikolodian Found the Brilliant strategy that if you groom children to consume your products then you have them for life, Much like cigarette companies. Previous values for role models were integrity, compassion, and success, todays role modals focus on vanity, money, and obsession in idolization Today Children are pushed in directions that ensure they will be consumers as long as possible
  • 9. TEENAGERS Perception The children who mistook their role models Now Are In full blown reality complexes The honest mistake of seeing Big Bird as a caring figure have manifested with the obsession with older Characters on Shows like Degrassi or SkinsMar. 14, 2008 While most teenagers (60percent) spend on average 20 hours per week infront of television and computer screens, a thirdspend closer to 40 hours per week, and about 7percent are exposed to more than 50 hours ofscreen-time per week, according to a studypresented at the American Heart Associations 48thAnnual Conference on Cardiovascular DiseaseEpidemiology and Prevention.
  • 10. TEENAGERS Social Development The Current generation of Teens Is More disconected then any other in modern history from their later generations The Coruption of moral values and loss of education have been escalated through television and media
  • 11. TEENAGERS Imitation Not Every Teenage girl watchs MTVs teenage mom or Jersey Shore and plans to go out to be snookie. However There is a growing number of individuals who have no understanding on how much they truly derive their values from the images displayed to them via television The sort of information portrayed on todays telivision is one that our forefathers would have never anticipated and it leaves our current youth as test subjects to an entirely new media mombarded upbringing.
  • 13. A.D.H.D Those who watched more than two hours, and particularly those who watched more than three hours, of television per day during childhood had above-average symptoms of attention problems in adolescence, Erik Landhuis of the University of Otago reported in a study published in the August 2007 issue ofPediatrics. Adhd is fast growing disease that has grown 66 percent since last year alone in diagnosis. The researchers observed a nearly 40% increase in attention problems amongst those who watched television more often than those who watched it less often.
  • 14. Obesity Americas number one disease is obesity. As of 2009 over 61 percent of the nation is either overweight or obese. Its Hard not to find a corralation in television growth in comparison to obesety statistics. Every year more and more families would rather sit in for pay-per-view then go on a family hiking trip, and our nations children are paying the price for our ignorance. 33 percent ov todays youth has become obese. The chart shows the number of new national television services each year
  • 15. SYNOPSIS Television will continue to grow and educate the nation. Whether or not we monitor and start open dialogues about when we as a nation are growing into is our decision, as well as our responsibility. Understanding and care is absolutely critical in todays age of constant growth and change
  • 16. WORKS CITED Locker, Sari. "Medias Influence on Teens Sex Decisions."Dr. Sari Locker Sex Education. N.p.. Web. 03 Dec 2012. . Shapely, Dan. "Kids Spend Nearly 55 hours a Week...."thedailygreen.com. Goodhousekeeping.com, 20 2010. Web. 04 Dec 2012. . Nauert, Rick, ed. "Childhood Television Watching Correlated to Later Attention Problems." Psych Central. Psych Central, 06 2007. Web. 03 Dec 2012. .