Effects of fertilizer on media chemistry and red-flowering ...controlled-release fertilizer (Lunt...

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HORTSCIENCE 53(12):1862–1871. 2018. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI13444-18

Effects of Fertilizer on MediaChemistry and Red-floweringCurrant Seedling Growth Using aSubirrigation SystemLayla J. DunlapCenter for Forest Nursery and Seedling Research, University of Idaho, 1025Plant Science Road, Moscow, ID 83843

Jeremiah R. PintoU.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Rocky Mountain ResearchStation, 1221 South Main Street, Moscow, ID 83843

Anthony S. Davis1

College of Forestry, Oregon State University, Richardson Hall, Corvallis,OR 97331

Additional index words. organic nursery production, restoration, Ribes sanguineum, seedlings,water conservation

Abstract. Water conservation in nursery systems is an ever-increasing focus, yet there isrelatively little guidance for growers producing seedlings intended for restorationregarding how practices such as subirrigation influence plant growth in the nursery andafter outplanting. Our study investigated red-flowering currant (Ribes sanguineum Pursh)seedling development and early field performance using different fertilizer treatmentsunder a subirrigation regime. Plants were fertilized with 1) incorporated organic fertilizer,2) incorporated controlled-release fertilizer, 3) top-dressed controlled-release fertilizer, or4) water-soluble fertilizer. We found that seedlings grown with organic fertilizer usedsignificantly less water than all other treatments. Media electrical conductivity (EC) levelswere significantly greater in the organic fertilizer treatment, and EC values in the topportion of the media were significantly greater than the middle or bottom portions for allfertilizer treatments. The remaining subirrigationwater at the end of 22weeks held 17%ofapplied nitrogen (N) from the water-soluble fertilizer treatment and less than 1% ofapplied N from the other fertilizer treatments. We observed no differences in plantmorphology among fertilizer treatments. Seedlings were subsequently out-planted intolow- and high-competition treatments, where myriad factors indicated reduced growthamong high-competition compared with low-competition plots, highlighting that compe-tition for soil water limited seedling performance. These results indicate that a variety offertilizers can be used to grow red-flowering currant under subirrigation and thatpostplanting growth is enhanced with control of competing vegetation.

Throughout the restoration industryseedling growers are making more environ-mentally conscious decisions, particularlywith regard to water conservation practices

(Dennis et al., 2010). As water conservationmeasures and wastewater runoff issues gainmore attention in native plant nurseries, the‘‘ebb-n-flow’’ closed subirrigation wateringsystems are of interest in this pursuit. In a closedsubirrigation system, water can be moved froma reservoir tank into an application basin wherethe plants are located; capillary action of themedia draws the water necessary to irrigate theplants. After irrigation, water can be returned tothe reservoir tank to be recycled through thesystem again at a later time. This practice canlead to decreased water use, particularly forbroadleaf species (Ahmed et al., 2000; Daviset al., 2011; Dumroese et al., 2006); increaseduniformity of crops resulting from uniformwater application (Neal, 1989); and recyclingof unused water and reduced fertilizer usebecause of the closed-loop nature of the system(Landis and Wilkinson, 2004).

Despite growing interest in subirrigationsystem use for native plant production, little

guidance exists regarding how to adapt fer-tilization practices to this method (Klock-Moore et al., 2001; Morvant et al., 2001).Several fertilizer options exist, from watersoluble to media incorporated. For thoseaiming to maximize conservation values,organic fertilizer use is attractive, particu-larly as market niches expand for organicnurseries, and organic waste by-productavailability increases (Carpio et al., 2005).A U.S. survey of 120 nursery and greenhousegrowers in 2009 revealed that 42% of thosesurveyed were currently using organic fertil-izer (Dennis et al., 2010). Like traditionalfertilizers, organic fertilizer is available inliquid, water-soluble, and controlled-releaseforms.

Production nurseries often use water-soluble inorganic fertilizers or controlled-release fertilizer to grow crops for restoration.Although water-soluble fertilizer has beenused with subirrigation systems, it is recom-mended that these fertilizer concentrationsbe reduced to obtain quality plants (Doleet al., 1994; Klock-Moore et al., 2001). Thishelps ensure that nutrient delivery is con-sistent with plant needs and the growthphase during nursery production. Conversely,controlled-release fertilizer can provide bal-anced nutrition throughout the growing sea-son at a release rate that is potentially lesslikely to leach into groundwater. In an opensubirrigation system, in which the water is notrecycled, the use of water-soluble fertilizercan result in a greater percentage of nutrientsleaching because a portion of the fertilizer isbeing released immediately as runoff aftermoving through the media (Morvant et al.,2001). As a result of the increased residualfertilizer in subirrigation water from water-soluble fertilizer, controlled-release fertilizermay be a better choice to use in such sys-tems. In an open subirrigation system usedto grow geraniums (Pelargonium ·hortorum‘Pinto Red’), Morvant et al. (2001) foundthat controlled-release fertilizer increasednutrient-use efficiency whereas water-solublefertilizer led to greater concentrations ofnutrient leaching and no increase in plantquality or growth. When incorporated intomedia, controlled-release fertilizer nutrientsare released by moisture in the media foruptake by plants, leading to less fertilizerpollution in leachate and improved fertilizer-use efficiency (FUE) (Landis and Dumroese,2009).

The placement of controlled-release fer-tilizer (incorporated in the media vs. top-dressed on the media) may influence therate of nutrient release. Fertilizer prills dryintermittently between irrigation events whentop-dressed and therefore release nutrientsmore slowly than when incorporated incontrolled-release fertilizer (Lunt and Oertli,1962). Because subirrigation involves theupward movement of water into media,controlled-release fertilizer that is top-dressedmay remain dry and therefore may makenutrient release difficult in this system. In asubirrigation experiment growing New Guineaimpatiens ‘Illusion’ (Impatiens hawkeri Bull.),

Received for publication 1 Aug. 2018. Acceptedfor publication 24 Sept. 2018.This research was supported and funded by theOxbow Graduate Fellowship program from theOxbow Farm and Conservation Center, and wasmanaged through the University of Idaho Centerfor Forest Nursery and Seedling Research.Bridget McNassar and Casey Coe helped to estab-lish and maintain this project; Carson Albergassisted with regular data collection; and MorganGardner, Kas Dumroese, and Bridget McNassarreviewed and edited this manuscript. Amy Ross-Davis provided extensive consultation throughoutthe manuscript preparation process. In addition, weappreciate the helpful comments provided by threeanonymous reviewers.1Corresponding author. E-mail: anthony.davis@oregonstate.edu.


Richards and Reed (2004) demonstrated thatplants grown in containers with controlled-release fertilizer incorporated into the grow-ing media exhibited greater dry mass thanthose grown in containers that were top-dressed with controlled-release fertilizer, sug-gesting that nutrient release occurred moreslowly in the top-dressed treatment. Klock-Moore et al. (1999) found no growth differ-ences, however, between plants grown incontainers with top-dressed vs. incorporatedcontrolled-release fertilizer using subirriga-tion. These results suggest that it is stillunclear whether a top-dressed controlled-release fertilizer used with subirrigation sys-tems can produce high-quality plants.

Different types of irrigation systems mayaffect media chemical properties, such as EC.Media EC in closed subirrigation systems istypically greater than in overhead-irrigatedsystems because of the recycling of fertilizer.This increase in media EC implies that not onlycould fertilizer amounts be reduced in thesesystems (Davis et al., 2011; Dumroese et al.,2011), but also the residual salts in subirrigationwater could act as a nutrient reserve to be usedby the plant at a later time (Dumroese et al.,2006). Managing proper EC levels duringnursery cultivation is important to sustain plantquality, and it is important to consider howfertilizer type may influence media EC levelsdepending on nutrient release rates and fertil-izer placement.

Although use of subirrigation to propagatehorticultural species iswell documented, little ofthis information exists relative to native plantproduction. Because native plants are often out-planted in harsh environments with little to nopostplanting care—compared with horticulturalspecies, which typically receive postplantingcare—it is important that high-quality plantsare produced during nursery culture to ensuresuccessful establishment. Red-flowering currantis a shrub native to the Pacific Northwest andwest coast of the United States and is plantedfrequently on restoration sites (Hobbs andMcGrath, 1998; Houghton and Uhlig, 2004;Vanbianchi, 1994) and ornamental landscapes(Brennan, 1996). Given the breadth of its pro-duction and use in restoration, understanding theimpacts of the aforementioned alternative prop-agation methods on seedling growth and fieldperformance could be most beneficial. Specifi-cally, knowing how different fertilizer typesinfluence nursery culture and seedling qualitywithin a subirrigation system will help growersdetermine which fertilizer is best to use forgrowing native plants.

This experiment was conducted to com-pare morphological and physiological char-acteristics of red-flowering currant (Ribessanguineum Pursh) grown using differentfertilizer types in a closed subirrigation sys-tem and to examine possible residual effects.We also studied the contribution of fertilizerto potential wastewater in a subirrigationsystem. We hypothesized that red-floweringcurrant seedlings would grow successfullyunder a subirrigation watering regime, andmorphological and physiological differenceswould exist among plants grown using dif-

ferent fertilizer types. Specifically, we hy-pothesized that controlled-release fertilizerswould provide more efficient nutrient de-livery and decrease contribution to leachate.We also hypothesized that seedlings from alltreatments would be of suitable quality towithstand outplanting under a range of veg-etative composition.

Materials and Methods

Nursery culture and fertilization. Wetransplanted one-season-old, red-flowering cur-rant seedlings grown in 340-mL Styroblockcontainers (Beaver Plastics Ltd., Edmonton,Alberta, Canada) at the University of IdahoPitkin ForestNursery inMoscow, ID, into blow-molded 1-gallon trade nursery containers (2.6 L;#1NC; McConkey & Co., Sumner, WA) on 20June 2013.We filled pots with SunshineMix #4Aggregate Plus soilless potting media (SunGroHorticulture Inc., Elizabeth City, NC) becausethis is the standard for nursery production.Fertilizer treatments consisted of controlled-release fertilizer applied as top dressing orincorporated into media, an incorporated or-ganic fertilizer, and a water-soluble fertilizer.Table 1 provides details on fertilizer treatmentsand application rates. For organic and incorpo-rated controlled-release fertilizers, each treat-ment replicate was mixed separately. Eachfertilizer was applied so that during an 18-week period, each seedling received 1.92 g ofplant-available N; for the organic fertilizer, wecompensated based on the work of Gale et al.(2006), who found that an average of 60% ofthe N contained within an organic fertilizerwas released during a 70-d growing period(see Table 1). The water-soluble fertilizertreatment was added to subirrigation bucketsonce per week on the same day for 18 weeks(0.11 g N/week · 18 weeks = 1.92 g N/seedling). The transplanted seedlings weregrown with ambient lighting for 22 weeks atOxbow Farm and Conservation Center inCarnation, WA, under a Retractable RoofGreenhouse (Cravo Equipment Ltd., Brant-ford, Ontario, Canada).

Subirrigation system.We used amanuallyoperated ‘‘ebb-n-flow’’ system (Fig. 1). Fivebenches (replicates) were built to hold fourcement-mixing trays each (0.61 · 0.91 ·0.20 m; Plasgad Advanced Logistic Solu-tions, Kibbutz Gadot, Israel), one for eachfertilizer treatment. Each tray held 12 seed-lings and had a small plastic riser system toencourage air pruning of roots without im-peding subirrigation. A 1.9-cm-diameter holewas drilled into the middle of each tray fordrainage and was plugged with a rubberstopper. For each subirrigation event, waterwas added to the trays. After each subirriga-tion event, plugs were removed to allow anyremaining water to drain into a storage bucketassigned specifically to each tray for theduration of the experiment. Lids had a holefor water entry but prevented splashing. Eachstorage bucket was covered with tulle fabricto filter out large debris. Trays were rotatedrandomly once every 2 weeks within and

among subirrigation benches to minimizemicroclimate differences.

To protect the subirrigation water fromdebris, airborne pathogens, and algal growth,a second intact lid was placed on the bucketafter watering. Buckets were also coveredwith a white blackout cloth (Rockland In-dustries, Baltimore, MD) to discourage algalgrowth. Buckets were cleaned with a phos-phate-free soap (Free & Clear Dish Liquid;Biokleen, Vancouver,WA) once each month.

Subirrigation methods. Irrigation sched-uling was determined by gravimetric watercontent [see ‘‘manager technique’’ in Dumroeseet al. (2015)]. One randomly selected seed-ling per tray was used to monitor gravimet-ric water content. Seedlings were irrigatedwhen 25% (weeks 1–11), 35% (weeks 12–15), or 50% (weeks 16–22) of the waterhad left the media via transpiration andevaporation.

After the target water loss was reached,plants in their trays were subirrigated for 1 h.For the first subirrigation event, 16 L waterwas added to each tray. After 1 h, plugs wereremoved and water was allowed to drain intothe storage buckets for 15 min. For sub-sequent subirrigation events, the water vol-ume in the storage buckets was brought up toa total of 16 L using tap water and wasreapplied to the trays. When the water-soluble fertilizer fertilization ended at 18weeks, subirrigation continued for all treat-ments an additional 4 weeks. Subsequently,three random plants from each tray (n = 60)were harvested. Seedlings were separatedinto roots, stems, and leaves that were driedfor 72 h at 60 �C. Before drying, root volumeswere obtained following the methods ofHarrington et al. (1994). Dried samples weresent to A&L Great Lakes Laboratories, Inc.(Fort Wayne, IN) for nutrient analysis.

Measurements. Water-use efficiency(WUE) was the quotient of total plant mass(measured in grams) and total amount ofwater used (measured in liters) throughoutthe experiment. We weighed the storagebuckets after each subirrigation event; thedifference in water mass applied each time(16 kg) and the residual collected in thestorage bucket equaled water use. The ECand pH of the subirrigation storage bucketeffluent were measured after each irrigationusing a FieldScout EC probe (SpectrumTechnologies, Plainfield, IL) and an IQ 150pH Meter (Spectrum Technologies), respec-tively. Water samples were taken duringweeks 3, 9, 14–18, and 22 from all 20 storagebuckets directly after irrigation and wereimmediately sent to JR Peters Laboratory(Allentown, PA) for nutrient analysis. MediaEC and pH levels were monitored weeklywith the FieldScout EC probe and the IQ 150pH meter. Measurements were taken fromthree containers in each tray at three differentdepths: 2 cm below the media surface, 8 cmbelow the media surface (the middle of thepot), and 2 cm above the bottom of the pot (14cm below the media surface).

Height and root-collar diameter (RCD)measurements were taken weekly (n = 240).



Foliar samples (5 g, fresh weight) were takenfor nutrient analysis (A&L Great LakesLaboratories; FortWayne, IN) from one plantin each tray (n = 20). Before shipping,sampled leaves were agitated in deionizedwater and phosphate-free soap for 10 s toremove any surface residue or deposits, andthen towel-dried and placed in paper bags.FUE was calculated by dividing total seed-ling N (measured in grams) by total N applied(measured in grams). Seedling N concentra-tions (measured as a percentage) were de-termined by dividing total seedling N(measured in grams) by total seedling mass(measured in grams). Nitrogen-use efficiency(NUE) was calculated by dividing total seed-ling mass (measured in grams) by totalseedling N (measured in grams).

During weeks 8, 11, and 14–16, gasexchange measurements were taken on theuppermost, fully expanded leaves of threerandomly selected plants from each trayusing the LI-6400XT (LI-COR, Lincoln,NE) equipped with a standard leaf chamber(model 6400–02B) with an LED light source.Depending on the weather, measurementswere made 3 to 6 h after sunrise. Three lightresponse curves were averaged to determinephotosynthetic photon flux (PAR) settings forthe study. Settings on the LI-6400 for allsampling periods were as follows: PAR of

1100 mmol·m–2·s–1, reference carbon dioxideconcentration of 400 mmol·m–2·s–1, flow rateof 400 mmol·m–2·s–1, leaf temperature at22 �C, and relative humidity of 50% to 75%.

Pest control. Aphids (Aphis spp.) weredetected on the plants about 6 weeks aftertransplanting and were controlled usingSafer� Brand Insect Killing Soap (Lititz,PA) or Neem oil (Bonide Products Inc.,Oriskany, NY) per label instructions ona weekly basis for 6 weeks.

Water content analysis. A post hoc anal-ysis was performed to examine the availablewater content of our media with and withoutorganic fertilizer because results indicatedseedlings treated with organic fertilizer hada significantly greater WUE. A high-rangepressure system and ceramic plates at –0.033MPa (field capacity) and –1.5 MPa (wiltingpoint) were used to determine the water-holding capacity of the two media (Klute,1986). Five samples of each media type wereanalyzed for field capacity and wilting point.Bulk density and the gravimetric water con-tent of each sample were obtained, and mediawater content was calculated as

Media water content =Db · qm


where Db is the bulk density of media, qm isthe gravimetric water content, and Dw is the

density of water (Dw = 1 g·cm–3). After mediawater content was determined at the fieldcapacity and wilting point of each mediasample, plant-available water (Pw) was cal-culated as

Pw = Field capacity�Wilting point:

Out-planting experiment. The outplantingsite was located on a floodplain in theSnoqualmie Valley near Carnation, WA.Annual average rainfall is 1581 mm. Soilconsisted of deep, moderately well-drainedNooksack silt loam formed in alluvium onfloodplains and low river terraces (Soil SurveyStaff, Natrula Resources Conservation Service,U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2018). Graz-ing occurred at the site more than 50 years ago,and the predominant vegetation present wascommon velvetgrass (Holcus lanatus) andbentgrass (Agrostis spp.), which are often usedfor grazing (Esser, 1994; Gucker, 2008).

We used a split-plot design with twocompeting vegetation treatments (wholeplots) · four nursery fertilizer treatments(split plots) · five replications. In April2014, ten 5 · 5-m plots were arranged ina grid, with a 3-m mowed perimeter aroundeach plot, with five plots assigned randomlyto each competition treatment. For the low-competition treatment, plots were coveredwith landscape fabric (Dewitt Co., Sikeston,

Table 1. Fertilizer treatments, application rates, and application methods used to grow Ribes sanguineum during a 22-week period. All treatments supplied eachseedling with 1.92 g nitrogen (N).

Fertilizer type Application method Fertilizer Rate

Organic fertilizer Incorporated into media NutriRich Organic 8–2–4 (8N–0.9P–3.3K)z,y 40 g/plantControlled-release fertilizer Incorporated into media Osmocote Pro 17–5–11 (17N–2.2P–9.1K)x 11.29 g/plantControlled-release fertilizer Top dressed Osmocote Pro 17–5–11 (17N–2.2P–9.1K)x 11.29 g/plantWater-soluble fertilizer Applied weekly via water Peter’s Professional 24–8–16 (24N–3.5P–13.3K)w 5.33 g/trayv

zGale et al. (2006) estimated that only 60% of N is plant available; therefore, additional fertilizer was added to this treatment to ensure equal target plant-availableN among treatments (1.92 g N/plant).yStutzman Environmental Products, Inc., Canby, OR.xThree- to 4-month release rate. Everris NA, Inc., Charleston, SC.wEverris NA, Inc., Charleston, SC.vEach tray contained 12 seedlings.

Fig. 1. Subirrigation construction design used during the nursery production phase.


MO) to eliminate vegetation. Vegetation inthe high-competition treatment was allowedto grow unchecked after an initial mowing tofacilitate outplanting. In May 2014, after thevegetation under the landscape fabric in thelow-competition plots had died, the high-competition plots and borders were mowed.In mid May, 16 seedlings were planted intoeach plot, spaced 1 m apart (n = 160). Thegrowing season lasted 20 weeks. Because theuse of landscape fabric has been shown toincrease soil temperatures (Clarkson, 1960),grass cuttings were placed over the landscapefabric in the low-competition plots to limittemperature differences between high- andlow-competition soils. Throughout the fieldseason, the low-competition plots were weededto minimize competition and the 3-m perime-ters around the plots were mowed. To quantifyaboveground biomass, a 0.5-m2 area was cho-sen randomly in each high-competition plotand vegetation was clipped at ground levelduring June and August in the same sampleareas. Clippings from each plot were bulked,dried 96 h at 60 �C, and weighed.

Weather and soil measurements. Aweather station (model 2900ET; SpectrumTechnologies) and data loggers were used tocollect weather and soil moisture data, in-cluding hourly air temperature (measured indegrees Celsius), relative humidity (mea-sured as a percentage), and rainfall (measuredin millimeters). Vapor pressure deficit (VPD)was calculated from ambient temperature(measured in degrees Celsius) and relativehumidity (measured as a percentage) using

VPD = ðae bTT + cð ÞÞð1� hrÞ;

where a, b, and c are constants (a = 0.611 kPa,b = 17.502, and c = 240.97 �C), T is temper-ature, e is the exponential constant, and hr isrelative humidity [measured as a percentageper 100 (Campbell and Norman, 1998)].Volumetric soil moisture (q, m3·m–3) and soiltemperature (measured in degrees Celsius)measurements were collected hourly in eachplot at 10 cm and 40 cm below the soil surfaceusing ECH2O-TE soil moisture probes andEm50 data loggers (Decagon Devices, Inc.,Pullman, WA). Three each of high- and low-competition plots were chosen randomly tocollect soil samples in weeks 5 and 16 todetermine any differences between competi-tion treatments in nutrient concentrationsresulting from decomposition of biomass un-der the landscape fabric. Samples were sent toA&L Great Lakes Laboratories, Inc., forextractable inorganic N analysis. Soil coreswere taken from the same plots and dried 48 hat 100 �C to obtain soil bulk density (SoilQuality Institute, 1999).

Gas exchange and leaf water potential.Field gas exchange wasmeasured 6 Oct. 2014,between 0830 and 1200 HR using the same LI-6400XT system. Two seedlings from eachfertilizer split plot were chosen randomly fromeach replication for gas exchange measure-ments (n = 80). LI-6400 leaf chamber settingswere the same as the nursery experiment.

Two weeks after seedlings were out-planted, leaf water potential measurementsbegan and continued at 4- to 5-week intervals(2 June; 3 July; 6, 7 Aug.; 28, 29Aug. 2014) toassess competition effects on plant moisturestress. Leaf water potential measurementswere taken using a pressure chamber (PMSInstrument Co., Albany, OR). Predawn (Ypd)measurements were conducted between 2430and 0400 HR, and midday (Ymd) measure-ments occurred in the afternoon between 1300and 1600 HR on the same day. Two seedlingsfrom each fertilizer split plot were chosenrandomly from each replication for waterpotential measurements (n = 80).

Seedling growth. Height (measured incentimeters) and RCD (measured in millime-ters) measurements were taken on each seed-ling during weeks 1 and 20 (n = 160). Duringweek 20, the aboveground biomass of twoseedlings from each fertilizer split plot wascollected in each competition whole plot anddried 72 h at 60 �C to assess any differencesin growth between fertilizer treatments andcompetition levels (n = 80).

Statistical analysis. All statistical ana-lyses were completed using R [version 3.1.1(R Core Team, 2013)]. The nursery studywas a randomized complete block designwith four fertilizer treatments replicatedfive times. We used analysis of variance(ANOVA) to identify differences in wateruse, subirrigation water EC, pH, nutrientconcentration, foliar nutrition, and seedlingmorphology among fertilizer treatments.When ANOVA indicated significant differ-ences (P < 0.05) among fertilizer treatments,multiple comparisons were calculated usingTukey’s mean separation test (a = 0.05).ANOVA was completed to determine differ-ences across media water content as well. Arepeated-measures ANOVA was used toassess any differences among media EC andpH variables, and net carbon assimilation.When repeated-measures ANOVA indicatedsignificant differences (P < 0.05) amongfertilizer treatments, Tukey’s test was per-formed (a = 0.05).

The outplanting study was a two-factor,split-plot design, with competition treated asthe whole-plot factor and fertilizer treated asthe split-plot factor (two competition types ·four fertilizer treatments · five replications).ANOVA was used to detect competition andfertilizer treatment differences, as well ascompetition type · fertilizer treatment in-teractions for seedling height, RCD, andphotosynthesis. When ANOVA indicatedsignificant differences (P < 0.05) amongfertilizer treatments, Tukey’s significant dif-ference test was used to identify significantmean differences at a = 0.05. Differences inq, soil nutrient concentrations, Ypd, and Ymd

between competition types were examinedusing repeated-measures ANOVA.


Water use and plant-available water.Seedlings in the organic fertilizer treatmentused an average of 100.0 ± 5.66 L water,whereas those treated with controlled-releasefertilizer or water-soluble fertilizer used anaverage of 149.1 ± 3.77 L water during the22-week experiment (Table 2). This contrib-uted to a significantly greater WUE amongseedlings in the organic fertilizer treatment (P =0.0090), averaging 5.6 ± 0.43 g·L–1. Overall,seedlings in the organic fertilizer treatment used33% less water than seedlings in the othertreatments. Media water content at field capac-ity was greater in the peat-based media withorganic fertilizer than in unamendedmedia (P=0.0114). There was no difference in mediawater content at the wilting point (P =0.3280) or the amount of plant-available water(P = 0.1520) between the two (Table 3).

Subirrigation effluent, media EC, and pH.Subirrigation effluent of the water-solublefertilizer treatment, which received weeklyfertilizer applications, had significantly greaterEC levels and N concentrations than othertreatments (P < 0.0001 and P < 0.0001 for ECandN concentration, respectively; Table 2 andFig. 2). The pH of subirrigation water wassignificantly lower in the water-soluble

Table 2. Mean (SE) water-use efficiency (WUE), subirrigation water used, electrical conductivity (EC), andpH of leachate. EC (n = 26) and pH (n = 17) data are averaged across the entire growing season.Different letters indicate significant differences at a = 0.05.

Treatmentz WUE (g·L–1)ySubirrigation

Amount used (L) EC (dS·m–1) pH

Organic fertilizer 5.6 (0.4) b 100.0 (5.7) b 0.28 (0.1) a 6.5 (0.1) abCRF, incorporated 4.2 (0.2) a 145.3 (13.0) a 0.17 (0.1) a 6.7 (0.1) aCRF, top dressed 4.1 (0.2) a 156.6 (6.7) a 0.14 (0.1) a 6.8 (0.1) aWater-soluble fertilizer 4.1 (0.4) a 145.3 (14.0) a 0.88 (0.1) b 6.5 (0.1) bzSee Table 1 for treatment descriptions.yWUE = total seedling mass (measured in grams)/total amount of water applied (measured in liters) duringthe growing season.CRF = controlled-release fertilizer.

Table 3. Mean (SE) of media water content at field capacity (0.33 MPa) and wilting point (–1.5 MPa), andplant-available water for the medium amended with or without organic fertilizer (OF). Different lettersindicate significant differences at a= 0.05 (n = 5).

Treatment Field capacity (cm3·cm–3) Wilting point (cm3·cm–3) Plant available water (cm3·cm–3)z

With OF 0.36 (0.02) b 0.19 (0.01) a 0.17 (0.03) aWithout OF 0.27 (0.01) a 0.17 (0.02) a 0.11 (0.03) azPlant-available water = field capacity media water content – wilting point media water content.


fertilizer than either controlled-release fertil-izer treatment (P = 0.0190; Table 2).

For media EC, time interacted with bothtreatment and layer. During weeks 1 and 10,organic fertilizer-amended media had greaterEC values than the other treatments (P <0.0001 and P = 0.0363 for weeks 1 and 10,respectively; Fig. 3). On week 21, media inthe water-soluble fertilizer treatment hadsignificantly greater EC values than the in-corporated controlled-release fertilizer treat-ment (P = 0.0122; Fig. 3). Media EC levelsdecreased in the bottom layer as salts contin-ued to rise to the top layer of media over the21-week time period. The bottom medialayer had greater EC levels than the top layerduring week 1 (P = 0.0207; Fig. 4). On week10, the top media layer had significantlygreater EC levels than the other layers (P <0.0001), and EC levels were significantlygreater in the top layer than the middle layerat week 21 (P = 0.0157; Fig. 4).

There were no differences in pH amongmedia layers (P = 0.0600), but pH differedamong treatments (P = 0.0020) such thatvalues were significantly greater in the or-ganic fertilizer treatment than either the top-dressed or water-soluble fertilizer treatments(data not shown). Media pH ranged between5.6 and 5.8, which is the optimal range forgrowing plants.

Seedling morphological and physiologicalparameters. Analyses of seedling N and FUErevealed no differences among treatments(Table 4). NUE of seedlings within thewater-soluble fertilizer treatment was signif-icantly lower than that within the incorporatedcontrolled-release fertilizer treatment (P =0.0008; Table 4). Seedlings treated with water-soluble fertilizer had significantly greaterN concentrations than those treated withthe other fertilizers (P = 0.0009; Table 4).Net photosynthetic rates were comparableamong treatments at each of the three mea-surement times (average = 7.91 ± 0.43mmol·m–2·s–1; P = 0.1365). Seedling mor-phological characteristics revealed no dif-ferences among fertilizer treatments (Table 4).Total seedling mass was similar among allfertilizer treatments and averaged 50.21 ±1.40 g. Plant height and RCD were similaramong all treatments (Table 4), and seed-lings in all treatments displayed similargrowth patterns.

Site conditions. At the time of outplant-ing, air temperature was 21.2 �C and VPDwas 0.21 kPa. Maximum air temperature wasreached on 11 Aug. (33.9 �C); maximumVPD was reached on 4 Aug. (3.6 kPa).During the 20-week study period (20 Mayto 6 Oct.), overall air temperature averaged16.9 �C and VPD averaged 0.59 kPa. Meanmaximum daily air temperature for the sea-son was 22.8 �C, with a mean maximumVPDof 1.28 kPa (Fig. 5). Total precipitationbetween 20 May and 6 Oct. was 88 mm,and rainfall occurred each month of the study(Fig. 6). Soils in the low-competition plotshad greater temperatures at both depths(20.1 �C at 10 cm and 20.6 �C at 40 cm),with seasonal maxima of 24.7 and 25.2 �C (at

10 and 40 cm, respectively). Soil tempera-tures in the high-competition plots averaged17.2 �C and 17.1 �C (at 10 and 40 cm, respec-tively), with seasonal maxima of 20.9 �C atthe 10-cm depth and 20.0 �C at the 40-cmdepth.

Volumetric soil moisture differed signif-icantly between the high- and low-competition plots, and at the two differentsoil depths over the growing season (P =0.0400 and 0.0170, respectively) with nosignificant interactions between competition

treatments and depth (P = 0.9130) (Fig. 6). InMay, there were no differences in q betweencompetition treatments or depths (Fig. 6).Significant differences in q occurred betweenhigh- and low-competition plots in June andJuly, but not between soil depths (Fig. 6).Throughout August and September, signifi-cant differences in q occurred between high-and low-competition plots at both soil depths(Fig. 6). On 6 Oct., q was significantlydifferent between soil depths, but not be-tween competition treatments (Fig. 6).

Fig. 2. Mean nitrogen concentration in subirrigation effluent during the 22-week fertilizer applicationperiod. Error bars represent SEM (n = 5). Asterisks indicate significant differences among treatments ata = 0.05. See Table 1 for treatment descriptions. CRF = controlled-release fertilizer.

Fig. 3. Mean media electrical conductivity for the four fertilizer treatments at weeks 1, 10, and 21. Errorbars represent the SEM (n = 15). Asterisks indicate significant differences among treatments at a = 0.05.See Table 1 for treatment descriptions. CRF = controlled-release fertilizer.


Aboveground biomass of competing veg-etation averaged 395 g·m–2. Average soilbulk density for all plots was 1.05 g·cm–3

and did not differ between competition treat-ments. No significant differences were de-tected between high- and low-competitionplots in soil nitrate (NO3

–) or soil ammonia(NH4

+) concentrations during the two sam-pling periods (P = 0.1520 and 0.3450, and P =0.2250 and 0.3740, respectively). For thegrowing season, NO3

– concentrations be-tween low-competition (28 ± 11 g·cm–3)and high-competition (3 ± 1 g·cm–3) plotswere significantly different (P = 0.0471),whereas NH4

+ concentrations in low-competition (6.7 ± 1.6 g·cm–3) and high-competition (4.8 ± 0.9 g·cm–3) plots werenot (P = 0.3530).

Gas exchange and leaf water potential.When measured on 6 Oct., plants in the low-competition plots had significantly greaternet photosynthetic rates (14.9 ± 0.36mmol·m–2·s–1) than plants in high-competition plots (10.1 ± 0.78 mmol·m–2·s–1)(P < 0.0001). No differences in net photosyn-thetic rates were detected among the differentfertilizer treatments (P = 0.9000).

During the growing season, there weresignificant differences in Ypd between low-and high-competition plots (P = 0.0482;Fig. 7). No differences in Ypd were detectedduring June and July (P > 0.0615), but high-competition plots had significantly lowervalues for the August dates (P < 0.0001 forboth dates; Fig. 7). Significant differencesoccurred during the growing season in Ymd

measurements between high- and low-competition plots (P = 0.0422; Fig. 7). Al-though there was no difference in Ymd

between treatments during June (P =0.6040), high-competition plots had signifi-

cantly lower values for Ymd in July, August,and October (P < 0.0150; Fig. 7). There wereno significant differences in Ypd amongfertilizer treatments throughout the growingseason (P > 0.05, data not shown).

Seedling survival and growth. In bothlow- and high-competition plots, only oneseedling perished (consumed by a beaver).No differences in height or RCD were foundamong fertilizer treatments (data not shown).Plants in the low-competition plots had sig-nificantly greater heights and RCD than thosein the high-competition plots (P < 0.0001 forboth; Table 5). No interactions between fer-tilizer and competition treatments for height orRCD were detected (P > 0.0970). Above-ground biomass was significantly greater inplots with low rather than high competition(P < 0.0001; Table 5). No differences weredetected in aboveground biomass among fer-tilizer treatments (P = 0.5880), or any in-teraction effects between fertilizer andcompetition treatments (P = 0.6740).


Water use and plant-available water.Seedlings grown with organic fertilizer usedconsiderably less water compared with seed-lings grown in other fertilizer treatments. Theaddition of organic matter has been shown toincrease soil water-holding capacity (Holliset al., 1977). Here, seedlings in the organicfertilizer treatment used �33% less waterthan the other treatments and had the greatestWUE during the growing season. Becausethere were no differences in plant weightamong treatments, the decreased water usemay be attributed to the physical properties ofmedia incorporated with organic fertilizer—specifically, media water content.

Post hoc analysis revealed no differencesin plant-available water between conven-tional peat-based media used in this studywith or without organic fertilizer. The mediawater content at field capacity was greater inthe media amended with organic fertilizer,although the saturation weights of the in-dicator pots were similar among all fertilizertreatments. Because a complete media waterretention curve was not developed for eithermedia type, it is difficult to determine a fullunderstanding of plant water-availability dif-ferences among the treatments. Also, physi-cal properties of the fertilizer itself couldaffect media physical properties as well asmedia–water relations. In addition to peat-based growing media used in this study,growers have access to a variety of amend-ments, including composts, coconut coir, ricehulls, and pumice (Landis and Morgan,2009). With organic fertilizer gaining atten-tion among operational growers, further re-search needs to be conducted to understandhow organic fertilizer affects water use andmedia physical properties across the range ofgrowing media types used operationally.

Subirrigation water analyses. Subirriga-tion water with water-soluble fertilizer hadthe greatest EC and contained 17% of Napplied after 22 weeks, whereas subirrigationwater of the other treatments contained lessthan 1% of N applied after 22 weeks. Al-though there was no difference in seedlingweight or total seedling N, seedlings in thewater-soluble fertilizer treatment had signifi-cantly greater N concentrations. Overall, be-cause there was so much residual N in theleachate (17%) and seedling parameters wererelatively similar across fertilizer treatments,in a closed subirrigation system in whichnutrients are recycled, water-soluble fertilizerconcentrations could likely be reduced with-out sacrificing seedling quality. Morvant et al.(2001) found similar results when comparinga constant liquid fertilizer to a controlled-release fertilizer to grow geranium (Pelargo-nium ·hortorum ‘Pinto Red’) seedlings usingan open subirrigation system. Not only wereEC values greater in the collected constantliquid fertilizer leachate, the percentage of Nlost through leaching was 34% in a constantliquid fertilizer treatment, whereas a con-trolled-release fertilizer treatment leached1.7% of N applied (Morvant et al., 2001).

Soil EC. Analysis of media EC revealedthat organic fertilizer resulted in significantlygreater media EC values than the othertreatments, suggesting that nutrient availabil-ity or release was high in this treatment.Similar results were found when measuringthe EC of substrates amended with organicfertilizers while growing hand-wateredmarigolds (Tagetes patula L. ‘Janie DeepOrange’) (Guihong et al., 2010). Organicfertilizers can be variable in their releaserates, depending onmoisture and temperature(Agehara andWarncke, 2005). It is likely thatnursery cultural conditions aided the earlyrelease of nutrients in the organic fertilizertreatment. Conversely, the controlled-releasefertilizer treatments maintained a more

Fig. 4. Mean media electrical conductivity EC at different media layers at weeks 1, 10, and 21.Measurements for top, middle, and bottom were taken 2, 8, and 14 cm below the surface of the media.Error bars represent SEM (n = 20). Asterisks indicate significant differences among treatments at a =0.05.


uniform release of fertilizer salts, and mediain the water-soluble fertilizer treatment builtup nutrients slowly over time.

Salt accumulation is common in the topportions of growing media when using sub-irrigation. The cause is likely a result of

a combination of water evaporation at themedia surface (Argo and Biernbaum, 1995)and lack of roots in the upper portion of themedia (Kent and Reed, 1996; Todd and Reed,1998). In our study, all fertilizer treatmentsexhibited greater salt accumulation in the top

layer of media compared with the middle orbottom layers, which can be attributed to theupward movement of the subirrigation waterthrough the media (Argo and Biernbaum,1995; Kent and Reed, 1996; Pinto et al.,2008; Todd and Reed, 1998). The EC in thetop layer of media in all treatments was 47%greater than the middle or bottom layers,which is similar to results reported by Pintoet al. (2008), who found that EC of the toplayer of media was 48% greater than themiddle or bottom layers while growing cone-flower [Echinacea pallida (Nutt.) Nutt.] ina closed subirrigation system.

Nutrient efficiency. Although there wereno differences in seedling weight, total seed-ling N, or FUE among fertilizer treatments,seedlings in the media-incorporated fertilizertreatment had significantly greater NUE thanthose in the water-soluble fertilizer treat-ment. It is suspected that because seedlingsgrown in the water-soluble fertilizer treat-ment had greater N concentration but werethe same size as seedlings in other fertilizertreatments, they were likely in luxury Nconsumption. Dumroese et al. (2011) foundsimilar results while growing koa trees (Aca-cia koa A. Gray) using subirrigation. How-ever, other subirrigation studies have foundthat greater concentrations of N can lead todecreased growth while using a water-solublefertilizer (Kent and Reed, 1996; Klock-Moore et al., 2001). In this case, water-soluble fertilizer may have provided a steadystate of readily available nutrients for growththat was more than satisfactory for the needsof the seedlings; excess N was found in theleachate, and tissue N was greater than theother treatments. In some cases, greater Nconcentration can benefit seedlings after out-planting (van den Driessche, 1988), althoughno evidence of such a benefit was observedwithin the timeframe of our study.

Fertilizer treatments. While subirrigationwatering regimes have shown to improveseedling quality when compared with over-head irrigation systems (Bumgarner et al.,2008), little is known about the use ofdifferent fertilizer types with subirrigationduring nursery cultivation and their subse-quent outplanting effects. This study attemp-ted to tease out the differences amongsubirrigation and fertilizer types, but nomorphological or physiological differenceswere detected after outplanting. These resultssuggest that any variability in seedling

Table 4. Mean (SE) final seedling height, root collar diameter (RCD), seedling mass, and total seedling nitrogen (N) for each fertilizer treatment. Mean (SE)fertilizer-use efficiency (FUE), nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE), and N concentration for all treatments. Different letters indicate significant differences at a =0.05.

Treatmentz Ht (cm; n = 60) RCD (mm; n = 60) Seedling mass (g; n = 15) Seedling N (g; n = 5) FUE (n = 5)y NUE (n = 5)x [N] (%; n = 5)w

Organic fertilizer 55.6 (1.8) a 8.4 (0.4) a 46.9 (5.2) a 0.74 (0.06) a 38.3 (2.9) a 62.0 (2.3) ab 1.6 (0.1) bCRF, incorporated 56.4 (1.2) a 9.1 (0.4) a 50.6 (6.1) a 0.71 (0.05) a 36.9 (2.7) a 70.5 (4.3) a 1.4 (0.1) bCRF, top dressed 57.9 (1.3) a 9.4 (0.2) a 53.5 (4.0) a 0.85 (0.05) a 44.4 (2.7) a 62.5 (1.2) ab 1.6 (0.1) bWater-solublefertilizer

53.4 (1.5) a 8.9 (0.4) a 49.7 (7.7) a 0.94 (0.13) a 48.7 (6.5) a 52.6 (1.3) b 1.9 (0.1) a

zSee Table 1 for treatment descriptions.yFUE = total seedling N (measured in grams)/total N applied (measured in grams).xNUE = total seedling mass (measured in grams)/total seedling N (measured in grams).wSeedling N concentration = total seedling N (measured in grams)/total seedling mass (measured in grams).CRF = controlled-release fertilizer.

Fig. 5. Hourly vapor pressure deficit (top) and daily average air temperatures (bottom) during the 2014growing season at the outplanting site near Carnation, WA.


quality was minimal when considered withinthe range of outplanting conditions, and thatseedlings were of adequate quality to survive.The use of controlled-release fertilizer hasbeen shown to have additional benefits afteroutplanting including continued fertilization,greater foliar nutrient concentration, height,and RCD (Haase et al., 2006), but our studydid not reveal these results. The controlled-release fertilizer used during nursery propa-gation had a 3–4 month release rate, thereforenitrogen stores of the those treatments mayhave been depleted once the growing seasonended in Dec. 2013, five months after irriga-tion began. Because the amount of applied Nwas set equal among the fertilizer treatmentsand based on the 3–4 month release rate ofthe controlled-release fertilizer used duringnursery propagation, it is possible the nutri-ents had been completely released by the endof the 2013 growing season. The water-soluble fertilizer treatment had the greatestN concentration at the end of the 2013nursery phase in a study by Dunlap (2015),

suggesting the stored N could aid in furtherfertilization once in the field. However, dueto the morphological and physiological sim-ilarities of seedlings among fertilizer treat-ments in our study, there is no evidence thatstored nutrients benefitted plants that re-ceived water-soluble fertilizer.

Physiology, soil moisture, and growth.Access to water is essential for stomatalconductance and photosynthesis. In October,net photosynthetic rates were significantlygreater in plots with low compared with highcompetition, indicating that seedlings wereable to access water and grow as a result oflower water stress from the lack of competingvegetation. In contrast, water potentials werelower in high-competition plots as a result ofcompeting vegetation and water stress. Pre-dawn water potential values were similar forhigh- and low-competition plots in June andJuly, and were significantly lower throughoutAugust. Grass biomass increased in high-competition plots between June and August,indicating that increasing competitive vege-

tation led to decreased q and increased waterstress as competition for water continued.Eliason and Allen (1997) showed that grasscompetition reduced California sagebrush(Artemisia californica Less.) water potentialsignificantly by outcompeting for availablewater. Other studies report similar resultswhile growing tree species with competingvegetation (Elliot and White, 1987; Pintoet al., 2012). In contrast, Ypd increasedthroughout the season in low-competitionplots. During August and September, q at the10-cm depth was at its least value in low-competition plots. However,Ypd was increas-ing during this same time period, indicatingthat seedlings were able to access soil mois-ture at the 40-cm depth and therefore increaseYpd. In June, Ymd measurements were com-parable between the competition types; but,for the remainder of the season, Ymd wassignificantly lower in plots with high compe-tition. The low-competition plots exhibitedgreater Ymd values, suggesting that greater qcontributed to less water stress during midday.Although water potential values were sub-stantially different across competition levelsin October, Ymd was increasing in bothcompetition treatments as VPD decreasedand temperatures cooled. We would expectthe same pattern inYpd values during Octoberfor the same reasons, although no measure-ments were taken to confirm this.

Red-flowering currants have fibrous rootsystems that can reach a minimum soil depthof 40 cm (Hort et al., 2013), whereas grassesat the site had rooting depths of 10 cm(Gucker, 2008). After seedlings in high-competition plots were planted, seedlingroots likely responded to competition forwater by accessing water at the 40-cm depth.As water stress increased in high-competitionplots through August and September, rootweight may have continued to increase at the40-cm depth to access water. This responsewould be consistent with a model of whole-plant biomass partitioning (Schulze et al.,1983) that predicts that lower water absorptionrates will be compensated for by increasedbiomass partitioning to root growth (Kolb andSteiner, 1990). Chaves et al. (2002) demon-strated that Lupinus albusL. increased fine rootlength under water stress, whereas Kolb andSteiner (1990) found that northern red oak(Quercus rubra L.) and yellow-poplar (Lirio-dendron tulipifera L.) responded to competi-tion for soil resources by increasing rootweight. In contrast, seedling roots in the low-competition plots were able to establish with-out competition, and seedlings were able toaccess water from the 40-cm soil depth as theupper soil layers dried. Despite decreased q at10 cm and 40 cm, plant water stress valuesindicated water was not limited in low-competition plots. Therefore, it is possiblethese plants were able to allocate more re-sources to aboveground biomass. Because rootexcavation was not conducted, it is difficult tospeculate whether root biomass differed be-tween the two competition treatments.

Morphological characteristics (height,RCD, and shoot biomass) were significantly

Fig. 6. Volumetric soil moisture content (q) at (A) 10-cm and (B) 40-cm soil depths, and daily precipitationtotals (A, vertical bars) during the 2014 growing season within high- (dotted line) and low- (solid line)competition treatments. Asterisks indicate significant differences at a = 0.05 between treatments ondates when seedling physiological measurements were performed.


different between the two competition treat-ments. Seedling height in low-competitionplots was 38% greater and RCD was 24%greater, whereas aboveground biomass was136% greater, suggesting that vegetative com-petition was the mechanism stunting seedlinggrowth in high-competition plots. Eliason andAllen (1997) found that depletion of soilwater by competing vegetation led to re-duced growth in Artemisia californica plants,whereas Elliot and White (1987) found thatcompetition for moisture led to reducedgrowth in Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C.Lawson seedlings.

In addition to high water availability andlack of competition, other variables may haveinfluenced growth within low-competitionplots, including elevated concentrations ofNO3

– and greater soil temperatures. Biomasswas not removed before landscape fabric wasinstalled. Throughout the season, vegetationcontained under the fabric decomposed andnutrients may have been released. Decreasedsoil water evaporation and greater tempera-ture under plastic mulch have been shown tofavor greater soil microbiological popula-tions, resulting in the accumulation of soilnitrates (Black and Greb, 1962). With limitedsoil water evaporation and greater soil tem-

peratures in low-competition plots, accumu-lation of NO3

– may have occurred andcontributed to seedling growth. Despite thegrass cuttings placed over the black land-scape fabric to mitigate warm soil tempera-tures, soil temperatures were 3 �C greater inlow-competition plots than those with highcompetition. Warmer soil temperatures areknown to increase total plant biomass(Domisch et al., 2001; Peng and Dang, 2003).

It is important to note that all seedlingssurvived, although seedling growth waslower within high-competition plots. Thissuggests that, despite competitive effects,plants were able to capture enough resourcesto grow and survive. In addition, because red-flowering currant flowers from Marchthrough June (Gonzalves and Darris, 2008),and grass species at this site flower later[velvetgrass, May–September (Gucker, 2008);bentgrass, June–August (Esser, 1994)], it ispossible that currant plants could outcompetegrass species for resources the followingspring.


As we hypothesized, subirrigation pro-duced plants of similar quality regardless of

fertilizer type or application method. Also, aswas hypothesized, the leachate from thewater-soluble fertilizer treatment had a great-er nutrient concentration than the leachatefrom the controlled-release fertilizer treat-ments, implying that water-soluble fertilizerconcentrations could be reduced to decreasefertilizer waste without sacrificing seedlinggrowth. Management of fertilization regimescould become a strategy to achieve theoptimal nutrient concentration when subirri-gating with water-soluble fertilizer. Althoughpotentially costlier, the organic fertilizer treat-ment produced plants comparable to the otherfertilizer treatments, demonstrating that envi-ronmentally safe slow-release fertilizers canbe used effectively in subirrigation systemswith minimal nutrient loss. Because organicfertilizers have variable release rates and thepotential for increased media salt levels,a greater degree of nursery culture adaptationmay be required. Although there were nodifferences between the controlled-releasefertilizer applications in seedling quality,top-dressing with fertilizer offers the addi-tional benefits of increased precision in apply-ing fertilizer amounts (Cox, 1993) and moremanagement control (McNabb and Heser,1997). Thus, growers would have the abilityto select appropriate fertilizing regimes forindividual species while using subirrigation.Additional research is needed to examine theeffects of various fertilizers in a variety ofgrowing media, particularly organic sub-strates, in such nursery production systems.

Restoration success depends on nurserycultivation practices to produce seedlings thatcan establish and survive harsh conditions. Assubirrigation is gaining recognition in con-tainer nurseries, it is important to understandhow plants propagated under this irrigationsystem will perform in the field. We confirmedour hypothesis that the nutrient deliverymethod would not have an impact on out-planting performance of red-flowering currantunder two contrasting vegetative competitionscenarios. This study further supports themanagement of soil moisture for seedlingestablishment and growth. Although therewereno differences in survival, biomass accumula-tion and physiological functioning were muchimproved in plots in which competing vegeta-tion was controlled. When planting speciessuch as red-flowering currant for restoration,effective control of competing vegetation willlikely result in better field performance.

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