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Toxicology 153 (2000) 83–104

Effects of antioxidant enzymes in the molecular control ofreactive oxygen species toxicology

J.M. Mates *Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Uni6ersity of Malaga, Campus de Teatinos, s/n,

29071 Malaga, Spain


Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are produced during normal cellular function. ROS include hydroxyl radicals,superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide. They are very transient species due to their high chemicalreactivity that leads to lipid peroxidation and oxidation of DNA and proteins. Under normal conditions, antioxidantsystems of the cell minimize the perturbations caused by ROS. When ROS generation is increased to an extent thatovercomes the cellular antioxidants, the result is oxidative stress. It is now clear that several biological molecules,which are involved in cell signaling and gene regulation systems are very sensitive to redox statue of the cell.Antioxidants are substances that delay or prevent the oxidation of cellular oxidizable substrates. The variousantioxidants exert their effect by scavenging superoxide, or by activating of a battery of detoxifying/defensiveproteins. The prevention of oxidation is an essential process in all the aerobic organisms, as decreased antioxidantprotection may lead to cytotoxicity, mutagenicity and/or carcinogenicity. This article also focuses on the mechanismsby which antioxidants and xenobiotics induce the gene expression of detoxifying enzymes. On the other hand, smallmolecules that mimic antioxidant enzymes are becoming new tools for the treatment of many diseases. © 2000Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Antioxidants; Apoptosis; Catalase; Glutathione peroxidase; Reactive oxygen species; Superoxide dismutase


1. Introduction

Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are producedduring normal cellular function. ROS include hy-droxyl radicals (

�OH), superoxide anion (O�


hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and nitric oxide (NO).They are very transient species due to their highchemical reactivity that leads to lipid peroxidation

and oxidation of some enzymes, and a massiveprotein oxidation and degradation (Mates et al.,1999a). The role of oxygen-derived species incausing cell injury or death is increasingly recog-nized: superoxide and hydroxil radicals are in-volved in a large number of degenerative changes,often associated with an increase in peroxidativeprocesses and linked to low antioxidant concen-tration (Tamagno et al., 1998).

The prevention of lipid peroxidation is an es-sential process in all the aerobic organisms, as

* Tel.: +34-95-2132035; fax: +34-95-2132000.E-mail address: jmates@uma.es (J.M. Mates).

0300-483X/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

PII: S0300-483X(00)00306-1

J.M. Mates / Toxicology 153 (2000) 83–10484

lipid peroxidation products can cause DNA dam-age. Increased lipid peroxidation and decreasedantioxidant protection frequently occurs: epoxidesmay spontaneously react with nucleophilic centersin the cell and thereby covalently bind to DNA,RNA and protein (Mates and Sanchez-Jimenez,1999). Such a reaction may lead to cytotoxicity,allergy, mutagenicity and/or carcinogenicity, de-pending of the properties of the epoxide in ques-tion. Moreover, oxidative events may play animportant role in the mechanism of action ofether lipids, and oxidizability may contribute tocellular drug sensitivity (Wagner et al., 1998).

On the other hand, hydrogen peroxide has beenimplicated recently as an intracellular messengerthat affects cellular processes including proteinphosphorylation, transcription and apoptosis(Choi et al., 1998).

2. ROS neurotoxicity

Brain is especially susceptible to oxidative dam-ages. In spite of the high rate of ROS production,due to high rate of oxidative metabolism andabundance of polyunsaturated fatty acids in cellmembrane, brain has a relatively low antioxidantdefense system. Among the different ROS scav-engers, the glutathione (GSH) dependent systemis of great importance. This system not only workas peroxide scavengers, but also to regulate theredox state of the cells.

Oxygen species are key participants in damagecaused, among others, by neurodegenerative pro-cesses, including cell death, motor neuron diseasesand axonal injury. On the other hand, antioxidantenzymes dysfunctions have been associated toamyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease,Huntington’s disease and Parkinson’s disease(Sun and Chen, 1998; Mates et al., 1999a).

Among the neural cells, astrocytes are moreresistant to oxidative stress. They provide a pro-tective role for neurons. It has been shown thattheir higher GSH content is a major reason forthis ability (Thorburne and Juurlink, 1996). Dur-ing scavenging the ROS, GSH is oxidized andforms glutathione-protein mixed disulfides; hence,the cell’s ability to reduce or synthesize GSH is

the key to how effectively the cell can manage theoxidative stress.

The rate-limiting enzyme for GSH synthesis isL-g-glutamyl-cysteine synthase (GCS) (Meister,1989). GCS is a heterodimer comprised of a cata-lytic and a regulatory subunit with both subunitsbeing upregulated by phase II enzyme inducers.Electrophilic compounds known as phase II en-zyme inducers (Prestera et al., 1993; Talalay et al.,1995) activate transcription factor complexes thatpromote transcription of phase II enzyme genes.

Mammalian cells have evolved elaborate mech-anisms for protection against the neoplastic andneurotoxic effects of electrophilic metabolites ofcarcinogens and reactive oxygen species. Phase IIenzymes (e.g. glutathione transferase, NAD-(P)H:quinone reductase, UDP-glucuronosyltrans-ferases) and high intracellular levels of glutathioneplay a prominent role in providing such protec-tion. Phase II enzymes are transcriptionally in-duced by low concentrations of a wide variety ofchemical agents and such induction blocks chemi-cal carcinogenesis. The inducers belong to manychemical classes including phenolic antioxidants,Michael reaction acceptors, isothiocyanates, 1,2-dithiole-3-thiones, trivalent arsenicals, HgCl2,organomercurials, hydroperoxides, and vicinaldimercaptans. Induction by all classes of inducersinvolves the antioxidant/electrophile response ele-ment (ARE/EpRE). Inducers are widely, but un-equally, distributed among edible plants. Searchfor such inducer activity in broccoli led to theisolation of sulforaphane, an isothiocyanate thatis a very potent Phase II enzyme inducer andblocks mammary tumor formation in rats(Ahlgren-Beckendorf et al., 1999). Induction ofthese enzymes have been reported to prevent glu-tamate toxicity (Murphy et al., 1991). Phase IIenzyme induction can also prevent cell death inastrocytes exposed to high concentration of per-oxides.

2.1. Cytotoxic effect of oxidized lipoproteins

Recent studies have demonstrated the involve-ment of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis ofAlzheimer’s disease and the amyloid beta peptide(Ab) and the apolipoprotein E (apoE) have been

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implicated as the key factors contributing to theseoxidative events (Lyras et al., 1997; Sayre et al.,1997; Mattson and Pedersen, 1998; Behl, 1999).ApoE are found in amyloid plaques, neurofibril-lary tangles and vasculatures of autopsiedAlzheimer’s disease (AD) brain. Lipoproteins(LP) in the central nervous system, particularlythose associated with apoE, are known to playimportant roles in support of many brain func-tions. For example, they are known for theirability to mediate intercellular lipid transport,promote neurite outgrowth, maintenance ofcholesterol homeostasis and repair of membraneduring injury (Ignatius et al., 1986, 1987; Poirieret al., 1993; Holtzman et al., 1995; Fagan-Nivenet al., 1996; Beffert et al., 1998). Lipoproteinsreleased from astrocytes contain high levels ofphospholipids and cholesterol but low levels oftriglycerides and cholesterylesters (LaDu et al.,1998).

In AD brain, the oxidative environment resultsin LP oxidation and exacerbates the progressionof the disease. In recent studies, it has been ob-served the ability of oxidized low-density lipo-proteins (LDL) in serum to enhance oxidativestress and apoptotic cell death in PC12 cells(Draczynska-Lusiak et al., 1998a,b; Li and Sun,1999). Oxidized LDL has also been implicated tocause cell differentiation, inflammation and cyto-toxicity in embryonic neuronal cells (Keller et al.,1999). Due to the high content of polyunsaturatedfatty acids (PUFA) in brain membranes (Sun andSun, 1976), it is possible that the phospholipids inbrain LPs also contain high PUFA and are moresusceptible to oxidative stress. In agreement withthe increased oxidative stress in AD brain, there isevidence that LPs in cerebral spinal fluid of ADpatients are more vulnerable to oxidation (Bassettet al., 1999).

Accumulation of neuritic plaques and amyloidbeta peptides are important pathological land-marks of AD (Strittmatter et al., 1993a,b;Strittmatter and Roses, 1996; Price et al., 1998).Ab with 39–43 amino acid residues are derivedfrom the amyloid precursor protein (APP)through cleavage by secretases. APP is atransmembrane protein present in both neuronsand glial cells in the brain. While the cellular

function of APP is still unknown, accumulation ofAb, especially in their aggregated form, is knownto cause a number of cytotoxic events and exacer-bate oxidative stress in the brain (Mattson andPedersen, 1998). Under normal conditions, solu-ble Ab can be detected in the cerebral spinal fluidand plasma at levels between 10−8–10−10 M.However, when Ab peptides are converted to theirfibrillar form, these peptides can enhance the pro-duction of ROS, resulting in protein carbonylformation and lipid peroxidation, and subsequentalteration of cellular functions (Huang et al.,1999a,b; Yatin et al., 1999).

3. Antioxidants against molecular toxicology

Antioxidants are substances that either directlyor indirectly protect cells against adverse effects ofxenobiotics, drugs, carcinogens and toxic radicalreactions (Halliwell, 1995). Several biologicallyimportant compounds have been reported to haveantioxidant functions. These include vitamin C(ascorbic acid), vitamin E (a-tocopherol), vitaminA, b-carotene, metallothionein, polyamines, mela-tonin, NADPH, adenosine, coenzyme Q-10, urate,ubiquinol, polyphenols, flavonoids, phytoestro-gens, cysteine, homocysteine, taurine, methionine,s-adenosyl-L-methionine, resveratrol, nitroxides,GSH, glutathione peroxidase (GPX), superoxidedismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), thioredoxin re-ductase, nitric oxide sintase (NOS), heme oxyge-nase-1 (HO-1) and eosinophil peroxidase (EPO)(Krishna et al., 1996; Chanvitayapongs et al.,1997; Evans et al., 1997; Beyer et al., 1998; Deva-manoharan et al., 1998; Jourd’heuil et al., 1998;McKenzie et al., 1998; Nohl et al., 1998; Halli-well, 1999; Fremont, 2000).

The antioxidant role of phenolic compoundsincluding 3 - (2) - tert - butyl - 4 - hydroxyanisole(BHA), 3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxytoluene (BHT),and t-butyl hydroquinone (t-BHQ) in preventionof oxidative stress have been well documented(Kahl, 1984). The various antioxidants eitherscavenge superoxide and free radicals or stimulatethe detoxification mechanisms within cells result-ing in increased detoxification of free radicalsformation and thus in prevention of many patho-

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physiologic processes (Table 1). Glutathione, su-peroxide dismutase and catalase directly scavengesuperoxide, whereas BHA, BHT and t-BHQ coor-dinately induce the expression of a battery ofgenes, the products of which protect cells againstoxidative stress and related consequences (Rad-jendirane et al., 1997). Other compounds as glu-tamine, specifically induces heat shock protein 72(hsp72) in intestinal epithelial cells, which medi-ates cell protection against inflammation-inducedstress such as oxidants (Musch et al., 1998).

3.1. Antioxidant defense in aflatoxin toxicity

Aflatoxins are a group of toxic metabolitesproduced by Aspergillus flavus (AFB1 and AFB2)and Aspergillus parasiticus (AFB1, B2, G1, G2).These mycotoxins contaminates the food stuffsthrough various means such as through water, airor improper storage. Amongst these toxins AFB1is the most potent naturally occurring carcinogensand is classified as a group I carcinogen by theInternational Agency for Research on Cancer(IARC). Exposure to the most potent mycotoxinAFB1 has also been suggested to increase primaryhepato cellular carcinoma risk (IARC, 1987).

The mechanism of action of mycotoxins on thecell is mediated through the production of freeradicals and ROS. Nakae et al., (1990) reportedthat killing of rat hepatocytes by AFB1 (or)dimethylnitrosamine was prevented by CAT,SOD, mannitol (or) deferoxamine. The results ofhis experiment indicated the important role ofactive oxygen species in the cytotoxicity of hepa-tocarcinogens and suggested the possible existenceof free radical metabolites.

A number of reports are available on the abilityof antioxidants to defend chemical carcinogenesiswhen they are administered prior to (or) con-comittantly with the carcinogen. Aflatoxin toxic-ity in Salmonella has been found to be partiallysuppressed by the antioxidants vitamin A, C andE (Raina and Gurtoo, 1985). Antioxidants suchas BHA, BHT and ethoxyquin also inhibit car-cinogenesis caused by AFB1 (Williams et al.,1986). The dietary intake of other antioxidantssuch as b-carotene, ascorbic acid, selenium, uricacid and vitamin-E could reduce AFB1 inducedliver cancer in rats (Nyandieka et al., 1990). Mostrecently Amrita Bindu (a salt-spice herbal mixtureformulated by Shanmugasundaram et al., 1994)

Table 1Some examples of diseases and its relationship to antioxidant molecules as putative inhibitors of such pathophysiologic states

Cell/tissue AntioxidantDisease Reference

SpermatozoaMale infertility Zn Gavella et al., 1999Female infertility Al-Gubory and Locatelli, 1999SOD-1Luteinizing hormone (brain)

Sentman et al., 1999Beta cells (mice) EC-SODDiabetesPlasma SODHIV Edeas et al., 1997

SOD, GPX, Burdon et al., 1990; Mulder et al.,Bladder, blood, bowel, breast,Cancercatalase 1995; Janssen et al., 1998; Mates andcolorectum, liver, lung, kidney,

Sanchez-Jimenez, 2000oesophagus, skin, ovary, prostateSOD-1 Estevez et al., 1999ALS Motor neurons

Price et al., 1998; Sun and Chen, 1998;SOD, GPXAlzheimer Huntington NeuronsBassett et al., 1999CatalaseParkinson

PolyphenolsBrain injury Heart SOD, GPX SODArtery occlusion Arteries Baker et al., 1998; Petyaev et al., 1998

diseasesBrainPostischemic injury Catalase SOD-1 Weisbrot-Lefkowitz et al., 1998; Wang

et al., 1998Gastrointestinal tractCrohn’s disease SOD, GPX, Niwa, 1999; Blau et al., 1999

Ulcerative colitis catalaseSOD, GPX,Allergy to pollen and Blood cells Mates et al., 1999b

house dust mite catalaseCochleaHearing loss SOD-1 McFadden et al., 1999

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has been used as a food supplement to preventnitrosamine mediated degenerative changes in thebody. Amrita Bindu supplementation in the dietprevented N-methyl-N %-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine(MNNG) induced depletion of the antioxidantenzymes and scavengers SOD, CAT, GPX, GSH,vitamins A, C in liver, kidney, intestines and othertissues, while lipid peroxidation was under con-trol. The effectiveness of Amrita Bindu in reducingor preventing AFB1 induced toxicity was investi-gated in experimental model Carps (Labeo rohita)of acute toxicity.

4. Main detoxifying enzymes

4.1. Superoxide dismutase

Superoxide dismutase (EC destroysthe free radical superoxide by converting it toperoxide that can in turn be destroyed by catalaseor GPX reactions. A low level of superoxide isconstantly generated by aerobic respiration. Theelectron-transport chain of mitochondria, which ismeant to escort four electrons to molecular oxy-gen to form water, occasionally leaks a singleelectron. Superoxide reduces Fe(III) to Fe(II),releasing the iron from storage sites so that it canreact with hydrogen peroxide and produce hy-droxyl radicals. SOD converts superoxide to hy-drogen peroxide and molecular oxygen.




Another function of superoxide dismutase is toprotect dehydratases (dihydroxy acid dehydratase,aconitase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydratase andfumarases A and B) against inactivation by thefree radical superoxide (Benov and Fridovich,1998).

Four classes of SOD have been identified, con-taining either a dinuclear Cu, Zn or mononuclearFe, Mn or Ni cofactors (Whittaker and Whit-taker, 1998). Fe-SODs and Mn-SODs show ho-mology and posses identical metal chelatingresidues at the active site, sharing substantial se-quence and three dimensional structural homol-ogy, while the other superoxide dismutases arestructurally unrelated. In humans, there are three

forms of SOD: cytosolic Cu, Zn-SOD, mitochon-drial Mn-SOD, and extracellular-SOD (EC-SOD)(Majima et al., 1998). SOD catalyses the dismuta-tion of by successive oxidation and reduction ofthe transition metal ion at the active site in a PingPong type mechanism with remarkably high reac-tion rates (Hsieh et al., 1998).

4.1.1. Manganese superoxide dismutaseMn-SOD is a homotetramer (96 kDa) contain-

ing one manganese atom per subunit that cyclesfrom Mn(III)–Mn(II) and back to Mn(III) duringthe two step dismutation of superoxide. The res-piratory chain in mitochondria is a major sourceof oxygen radicals. Mn-SOD is a nuclear-encodedprimary antioxidant enzyme that functions to re-move these superoxide radical (Guan et al., 1998).The biological importance of Mn-SOD is demon-strated among others by the following (Mates andSanchez-Jimenez, 1999): (1) inactivation of Mn-SOD genes in E. coli increases mutation frequencywhen grown under aerobic conditions; (2) elimi-nation of the gene in Saccharomyces cere6isiaeincreases its sensitivity to oxygen; (3) lack ofexpression in Mn-SOD knock-out mice results indilated cardiomyopathy and neonatal lethality; (4)tumor necrosis factor (TNF) selectively inducesMn-SOD, but not Cu, Zn-SOD, catalase or GPXmRNA in various mouse tissues and culturedcells; (5) transfection of Mn-SOD cDNA intocultured cells rendered the cells resistant toparaquat, TNF and adriamycin-induced cytotoxi-city, and radiation induced-neoplastic transforma-tion; (6) expression of human Mn-SOD genes intransgenic mice protects against oxygen-inducedpulmonary injury and adriamycin-induced cardiactoxicity. Thus, the expression of Mn-SOD is es-sential for the survival of aerobic life and thedevelopment of cellular resistance to oxygen radi-cal-mediated toxicity.

Mn-SOD (SOD-2) has been proposed as a tu-mour suppressor gene (Bravard et al., 1998). St.Clair’s group is now studying the identification ofpromoter/enhancer elements, the role of criticaltranscription regulators, and the mechanisms bywhich these transcription regulators cooperate tosynergistically induce the expression of the humanMn-SOD gene.

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4.1.2. Copper, zinc superoxide dismutaseCu, Zn-SOD (SOD-1) are another class of en-

zyme conserved throughout evolution, which usu-ally have two identical subunits of about 32 kDa,each containing a metal cluster, the active site,constituted by a copper and a zinc atom bridgedby a common ligand: His 61 (Banci et al., 1998).Inactivation of copper- and zinc-containing SODby H2O2 is the consequence of several sequentialreactions. First, reduction of the active site Cu(II)to Cu(I) by H2O2; then oxidation of the Cu(I) bya second H2O2, thus generating a powerful oxi-dant, which may be Cu(I)O, Cu(II)OH or Cu(III);and finally oxidation of the histidine, causing lossof SOD activity (Liochev et al., 1998).

Whereas Mn-SOD was found in all tumors, andthe ratio between the activities of Cu, Zn-SODand Mn-SOD was not different from that of thenormal tissues, tumors posses less Cu, Zn-SODthan did the more metabolically active tissues(Westman and Marklund, 1981). Cu, Zn-SOD isbelieved to play a major role in the first line ofantioxidant defense by catalyzing the dismutationof superoxide anion radicals, to form hydrogenperoxide and molecular oxygen. Mice lacking thisenzyme exhibited a pronounced susceptibility toparaquat toxicity. Most surprisingly, female ho-mozygous knock-out mice showed a markedlyreduced fertility compared with that of wild-typeand heterozygous knock-out mice. They exhibiteda marked increase in embryonic lethality. Thesedata suggest a role of oxygen free radicals incausing abnormality of female reproduction inmammals (Ho et al., 1998). Other recent reportsinvolving SOD knock-outs have revealed thatMn-SOD is essential for life whereas Cu, Zn-SODis not. Cu, Zn-SOD knock-out mice appear nor-mal and exhibit differences only after traumaticinjury, whereas Mn-SOD knockouts do not sur-vive past three weeks of age (Reaume et al., 1996).

It is being now discussed the induction mecha-nisms of SOD-1 gene by natural tonics (gin-senosides), cytokine (interferon gamma), andenvironmental factors; heat, hydrogen peroxide,heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Zn), xenobiotics (b-naph-thoflavone), herbicides (paraquat), and dioxin.From these results and difficult uptake of SOD-1by cells, SOD-1 induction appears as a very im-

portant enzyme for the prevention of aging andmutation by oxidative stresses and hazardous ef-fects from environmental factors (Seo et al.,1997).

4.1.3. Extracellular superoxide dismutaseEC-SOD is a secretory, tetrameric, copper and

zinc containig glycoprotein (with a high affinityfor certain glycosaminogycans such as heparinand heparan sulfate) found in the intersticialspaces of tissues and also in extracellular fluids,accounting for the majority of the SOD activity ofplasma, lymph, and synovial fluid (Adachi andWang, 1998). It is the major antioxidant in theblood vessel wall interstitium (Sentman et al.,1999) and it is the only known extracellular en-zyme designed to scavenge the superoxide anion(Enghild et al., 1999). EC-SOD, is not induced byits substrate or other oxidants (xanthine oxidaseplus hypoxanthine, paraquat, pyrogallol, a-naph-thoflavone, hydroquinone, catechol, Fe2+ ions,Cu2+ ions, buthionine sulphoximine, diethyl-maleate, t-butyl hydroperoxide, cumene hy-droperoxide, selenite, citiolone and high oxygenpartial pressure) and its regulation in mammaliantissues primarily occurs in a manner coordinatedby cytokines, rather than as a response of individ-ual cells to oxidants (Buschfort et al., 1997). EC-SOD controls the availability of extracellularsuperoxide, which is important for a variety ofphysiological pathways, including means of inacti-vating nitric oxide. EC-SOD has primary controlover the inactivation of NO and its role in neu-robehavioral function has been recently estab-lished (Levin et al., 1998).

4.1.4. Nickel superoxide dismutaseNi–SOD has been purified from the cytosolic

fraction of Streptomyces sp. and Streptomycescoelicolor. It is composed of four identical sub-units of 13.4 kDa, stable at pH 4.0–8.0, and up to70°C. It is inhibited by cyanide and H2O2 butlittle inhibited by azide. Amino acid compositionis different from iron, manganese and zinc-copperSODs. The apoenzyme, lacking in nickel, had noability to mediate the conversion of superoxideanion to hydrogen peroxide, strongly indicatingthat NiIII plays a main role in the activity (Younget al., 1996).

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4.2. Catalase

Catalase (EC is a tetrameric haemin-enzyme consisting of four identical tetrahedrallyarranged subunits of 60 kDa. Therefore, it con-tains four ferriprotoporphyrin groups permolecule, and its molecular mass is about 240kDa. Catalase is one of the most efficient enzymesknown. It is so efficient that it cannot be satu-rated by H2O2 at any concentration (Lledıas et al.,1998).

Catalase reacts with H2O2 to form water andmolecular oxygen; and with H donors (methanol,ethanol, formic acid, phenol…) using 1 mole ofperoxide in a kind of peroxidase activity:





H2O2 is enzymically catabolized in aerobic or-ganism by catalase and several peroxidases. Inanimals, catalase and GPX detoxify H2O2. Cata-lase protects cells from hydrogen peroxide gener-ated within them. Even though catalase is notessential for some cells type under normal condi-tions, it plays an important role in the acquisitionof tolerance to oxidative stress in the adaptiveresponse of cells (Hunt et al., 1998). The increasedsensitivity of transfected enriched catalase cells toadriamycin, bleomycin and paraquat is attributedto the ability of catalase in cells to prevent thedrug-induced consumption of O2. Thus, capturingH2O2 before it can escape the cell and convertingit to O2. In this way, catalase can maintain theconcentration of O2 either for repeated rounds ofchemical reduction or for direct interaction withthe toxin (Speranza et al., 1993).

4.3. Glutathione peroxidase

The selenium-containing peroxidases, being themore important example glutathione peroxidase(EC, catalyze the reduction of a varietyof hydroperoxides (ROOH and H2O2) usingGSH, thereby protecting mammalian cells againstoxidative damage.



There are at least five GPX isoenzymes foundin mammals. Although their expression is ubiqui-tous, the levels of each isoform vary depending onthe tissue type. Cytosolic and mitochondrial glu-tathione peroxidase (cGPX or GPX1) reducesfatty acid hydroperoxides and H2O2 at the ex-pense of glutathione. GPX1 and the phospholipidhydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase GPX4 (orPHGPX) are found in most tissues. GPX4 islocated in both the cytosol and the membranefraction. PHGPX can directly reduce the phos-pholipid hydroperoxides, fatty acid hydroperox-ides, and cholesterol hydroperoxides that areproduced in peroxidized membranes and oxidizedlipoproteins (Imai et al., 1998). GPX1 is predomi-nantly present in erythrocytes, kidney, and liver,and GPX4 is highly expressed in renal epithelialcells and testes. Cytosolic GPX2 (or GPX-G1)and extracellular GPX3 (or GPX-P) are poorlydetected in most tissues except for the gastrointes-tinal tract and kidney, respectively. Recently, anew member, GPX5, expressed specifically inmouse epididymis, is interestingly selenium-inde-pendent (De Haan et al., 1998).

GPX1 (80 kDa) contains one selenocysteine(Sec) residue in each of the four identical sub-units, which is essential for enzyme activity (Dinget al., 1998). Although GPX shares the substrate,H2O2, with catalase, it alone can react effectivelywith lipid and other organic hydroperoxides. Theglutathione redox cycle is a major source of pro-tection against low levels of oxidant stress,whereas catalase becomes more significant in pro-tecting against severe oxidant stress (Yan andHarding, 1997). In animals cells, and specially inhuman erythrocytes, the principal antioxidant en-zyme for the detoxification of H2O2 has for a longtime been considered to be GPX, as catalase hasmuch lower affinity for H2O2 than GPX (Izawa etal., 1996).

Cells depleted of glutathione peroxidase weremore sensitive to the toxicity of paraquat andadriamycin than untransfected parental cells fromwhich they derived but not more sensitive tobleomycin, menadione, or phenazine methosul-fate. In fact that the mildly increased sensitivity toparaquat and adriamycin was the consequence ofthe diminished cellular content of glutathione per-

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oxidase was confirmed by the increase in sensitiv-ity of untransfected cells after treatment withbuthionine sulfoximine, an agent which depletescells of glutathione. These and other data stronglysuggest that the enzymatic action of GPX protectscells from the toxicity of paraquat and adri-amycin. The toxin that these agents engender islikely to be hydrogen peroxide or another hy-droperoxide upon which glutathione peroxidaseacts (Taylor et al., 1993).

GPX equally protects against the oxidation ofdihydrorhodamine 123 (an indicator dye) by per-oxynitrite (OONO−), requiring GSH as reduc-tant. Thus, there is also a function of GPX andpotentially of other selenoproteins containing se-lenocysteine or selenomethionine, in the GSH-de-pendent maintenance of a defense line againstperoxynitrite-mediated oxidations, as a peroxyni-trite reductase (Sies et al., 1997).

5. Induction and expression of other detoxifyingenzymes genes

Detoxifying enzymes also including NAD-(P)H:quinone oxidoreductases (NQO1 andNQO2) and glutathione S-transferases (GSTs)that catalyze metabolic detoxification of xenobi-otics, drugs and carcinogens and, thus, protect thecells against redox cycling and oxidative stress.Genes encoding the various detoxifying enzymesare ubiquitiosly expressed and coordinately in-duced in response to antioxidants and xenobiotics(Radjendirane et al., 1997; Rushmore and Pickett,1993). Deletion mutagenesis and transfection as-says have identified antioxidant response element(ARE) in the promoters of the various detoxifyingenzyme genes, which regulate the expression andcoordinated induction of detoxifying enzymegenes. Band and supershift assays have been usedto demonstrate that nuclear transcription factorsNrf1, Nrf2, Jun, Fos, and Fra bind to the NQO1and GST genes ARE. Overexpression of Nrf1 andNrf2 individually in human hepatoblastoma(Hep-G2) cells significantly increased the ARE-mediated genes expression and induction by beta-naphthoflavone (b-NF) and t-BHQ. Nrf2containing one mutated leucine in its leucine zip-

per region was more efficient in upregulation ofARE-mediated gene expression, as compared toNrf1 with two mutated leucines. Immunoprecipi-tation assays demonstrated that Nrf1 and Nrf2heterodimerize with Jun (c-Jun, Jun-B and Jun-D)proteins that bind to the ARE.

Interestingly, many xenobiotics, oxidants, per-oxides, UV light, and heavy metals also coordi-nately induce the expression of similar genes asobserved with antioxidants. Both, antioxidantsand xenobiotics are metabolized by cellular en-zymes to generate superoxide and electrophiles. Itis believed that this initial generation of superox-ide is to activate a battery of genes for cellularprotection. Failure in this mechanism leads to theaccumulation of superoxide and other free radi-cals. As stated above, the accumulation of super-oxide and other free radicals is known to causeoxidative stress, DNA and membrane damage,mutagenicity, degeneration of tissues, prematureaging, apoptotic cell death, cellular transforma-tion and cancer (Talalay et al., 1995; Mates andSanchez-Jimenez, 1999).

5.1. Genes encoding enzymes that detoxifyxenobiotics and carcinogens

Expression and induction of enzymes that me-tabolize xenobiotics, drugs and carcinogens playan important role in determining the risk of can-cer in human (Talalay et al., 1995; Mates et al.,1999a; Mates and Sanchez-Jimenez, 2000). Inother words, the development of chemically in-duced neoplasia is regulated by a balance betweenphase I (cytochromes P450, cytochrome P450 re-ductase, hydroxylases, lipoxygenases, peroxidasesand oxidases), which activate carcinogens, andphase II (detoxifying/chemopreventive) enzymes,which detoxify them. As previously described,detoxifying enzymes include NQOs, which cata-lyze obligatory two-electron reduction ofquinones and their derivatives thus preventingtheir participation in redox cycling and oxidativestress (Talalay et al., 1995; Radjendirane et al.,1997); glutathione S-transferases (GSTs), whichconjugate hydrophobic electrophiles and reactiveoxygen species with GSH (Rushmore and Pickett,1993); UDP-glucuronosyl transferases (UDP-GT),

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which catalyze the conjugation of glucuronic acidwith xenobiotics and drugs for their excretion(Tephly and Burchell, 1990)epoxide hydrolase(EH), which inactivates epoxides (Oesch et al.,1991); g-glutamylcysteine synthetase (g-GCS),which plays a key role in the regulation of glu-tathione metabolism (Meister, 1994) and so on.

Among the various detoxifying enzymes, theNQOs and the GSTs have been extensively stud-ied. The NQO gene family contains two membersdesignated as NQO1 and NQO2 (Radjendirane etal., 1997). Mutations in the NQO1 gene resultingin the loss of NQO1 enzyme activity have beenreported in certain types of cancers (Rauth et al.,1997). Various GSTs including the GST Ya andGST P genes are encoded by five gene families(Rushmore and Pickett, 1993). Loss of GSTs areassociated with several kinds of cancer. This in-cludes prostate, urothelial, lung and colorectalcancer (Mulder et al., 1995).

In addition to these enzymes, several otherenzymes also protect cells from oxidative stress bypreventing the generation of superoxide or byscavenging superoxide. These enzymes includeHO-1, SOD-1 and catalase. HO-1 increases theintracellular levels of ferritin (Vile et al., 1994).The increase in ferritin limits the availability ofiron to catalyze harmful reactions, such as theperoxidation of lipids and the Fenton and Haber-Weiss reactions producing hydroxyl radicals thus,protecting the cells against UV induced oxidativestress (Mates and Sanchez-Jimenez, 2000).

Fe2+ +H2O�Fe3+ + �OH+−OH (Fenton reaction)O�


�O2+ �OH+ −OH (Haber-Weiss reaction)

Studies have revealed that the capacity of manydiverse chemicals to block carcinogenesis corre-lates with their capacity to induce NQO1 andother enzymes including GSTs (Talalay et al.,1995). Induction of NQO1 and GST by Sul-foraphane from Saga broccoli blocks the forma-tion of mammary tumors in Sprague-Dawley ratstreated with single dose of 9,10 dimethyl-1,2-ben-zanthracene (Zhang et al., 1994).

The genes encoding the human and rat NQO1,human NQO2, rat GST Ya and rat GST P havebeen cloned and sequenced (Jaiswal, 1994b). The

NQO1 and GST Ya genes are expressed at higherlevels in liver tumors and tumor cells as comparedto normal liver and liver hepatocytes (Radjendi-rane et al., 1997).

5.2. Antioxidant response element

Deletion mutagenesis studies of the humanNQO1 gene promoter identified several cis-ele-ments that are essential for the expression andinduction of the NQO1 gene (Xie and Jaiswal,1996). One of these elements was 24 base pairs ofthe antioxidant response element (ARE) that arerequired for basal expression as well as inductionof NQO1 gene in response to b-NF, BHA, tBHQand hydrogen peroxide. Other element include anAP2 element essential for cAMP induced expres-sion of the NQO1 gene. ARE-like elements havealso been found in the promoter regions of the ratNQO1 gene (Rushmore et al., 1990); the humanNQO2 gene (Jaiswal, 1994b); the rat and mouseglutathione S-transferase Ya subunit genes(Friling et al., 1992), the rat glutathione S-trans-ferase P gene (Okuda et al., 1990) and g-glutamylcysteinyl synthetase gene (Mulkahy et al., 1997).The conservation of the ARE in the genes ofmany detoxifying enzymes indicated that thesegenes may be coordinately regulated by a singlemechanism involving ARE (Jaiswal, 1994a). TheNQO1 gene ARE contains one perfect and oneimperfect TRE [12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-(TPA) response element] arranged as in-verse repeats separated by three base pairsfollowed by a GC box. The human NQO1 geneARE and other detoxifying enzyme gene AREsare unique cis-elements even though they containTRE and TRE-like elements. This is because it isARE, rather than TRE, that is responsive toantioxidants and xenobiotics (Jaiswal, 1994a,b).Mutational analysis of the ARE identifiedGTGAC***GC as the core of the ARE sequence(Xie and Jaiswal, 1996). Additional cis-elementand nucleotide sequences flanking the core se-quence have been shown to contribute to theARE-mediated expression and induction (Wasser-man and Fahl, 1997).

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5.3. Antioxidant response element-binding proteins

Nuclear transcription factors c-Jun, Jun-B, Jun-D, c-Fos, Fra1, Nrf1, Nrf2, YABP, ARE-BP1,Ah (aromatic hydrocarbon) receptor and the es-trogen receptor have been reported to bind to theAREs from various genes (Friling et al., 1992;Wasserman and Fahl, 1997; Montano et al.,1998). Among these transcription factors, c-Jun,Jun-B, Jun-D, c-Fos, Fra1, Nrf1 and Nrf2 bind tothe human NQO1 gene ARE. Nrf1 and Nrf2 havebeen shown to positively regulate the ARE-medi-ated expression and induction of NQO1 gene inresponse to antioxidants and xenobiotics (Rad-jendirane and Jaiswal, 1999). Nrf1 and Nrf2 areleucine zipper proteins that do not heterodimerizewith each other and require another leucine zipperprotein for its activity (Moi et al., 1994).

Small amounts of superoxide and related reac-tive species are consistently required for keepingcellular defenses active. Since activation of detoxi-fying enzymes and other defensive proteins leadsto significant reduction in the levels of superoxideand other free radicals, the cell may require nega-tive regulatory factors like c-Fos to keep alert theexpression of detoxifying enzymes and other de-fensive genes (Radjendirane et al., 1997).

5.4. Iron regulatory proteins

Iron regulatory proteins, IRP1 and IRP2 re-spond to alterations in iron levels and controlmRNA translation or stability. The mechanismsinvolve binding of IRPs to iron responsive ele-ments (IREs), hairpin structures in the untrans-lated regions of several mRNAs, primarilyencoding proteins involved in cellular iron andenergy metabolism (Pantopoulos and Hentze,1995). Both IRP1 and IRP2 are homologous cyto-plasmic polypeptides and belong to the family ofiron-sulfur cluster isomerases that also includesmitochondrial aconitase, an enzyme of the citricacid cycle. Despite their extensive homology,IRP1 and IRP2 are regulated by distinct mecha-nisms following iron perturbations. Thus, activa-tion of IRP1 involves an unusual iron-sulfurcluster switch, while IRP2 is regulated at the levelof protein stability (Pantopoulos et al., 1997).

Iron regulatory proteins are also modified in re-sponse to other signals, seemingly unrelated to thecontrol of iron homeostasis. While both IRP1 andIRP2 are activated by nitric oxide, IRP1 is alsoinduced when cells are exposed to hydrogen per-oxide. These findings establish new regulatoryconnections between iron metabolism and oxida-tive stress (Pantopoulos and Hentze, 1998).

IRP1 regulates the synthesis of proteins in-volved in iron homeostasis by binding to iron-re-sponsive elements of messenger RNA. IRP1 is acytoplasmic aconitase when it contains a [4Fe–4S]cluster and an RNA-binding protein after com-plete removal of the metal center by an unknownmechanism. Human IRP1, obtained as the purerecombinant [4Fe–4S] form, is an enzyme as effi-cient toward cis-aconitate as the homologous mi-tochondrial aconitase. The aconitase activity ofIRP1 is rapidly lost by reaction with hydrogenperoxide as the [4Fe–4S] cluster is quantitativelyconverted into the [3Fe–4S] form with release of asingle ferrous ion per molecule. The IRE bindingcapacity of IRP1 is not elicited with H2O2. Fer-rous sulfate (but not other more tightly coordi-nated ferrous ions, such as the complex withethylenediamine tetraacetic acid) counteracts theinhibitory action of hydrogen peroxide on cyto-plasmic aconitase, probably by replenishing ironat the active site. These results cast doubt on theability of ROS to directly increase IRP1 bindingto IRE and support a signaling role for hydrogenperoxide in the posttranscriptional control ofproteins involved in iron homeostasis in vivo(Gehring et al., 1999).

IRP-1 controls the expression of several mR-NAs by binding to IREs in their untranslatedregions. In iron-replete cells, a 4Fe–4S clusterconverts IRP-1 to cytoplasmic aconitase. IREbinding activity is restored by cluster loss in re-sponse to iron starvation, NO, or extracellularH2O2. The effects of intracellular quinone-inducedoxidative stress on IRP-1 have been studied. Itleads to post-translational inactivation of bothgenetic and enzymatic functions of IRP-1 by amechanism that lies beyond the classical Fe–Scluster switch and exerts multiple effects on cellu-lar iron metabolism (Brazzolotto et al., 1999).

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6. ROS, signaling and apoptosis

6.1. Altered signaling: In 6itro cellular model fordiabetic neuropathy

Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disease char-acterized by the inability of the pancreas tosecrete enough insulin to maintain physiologicallevels of blood glucose. The mechanisms underly-ing these pathological changes are as yet obscure,but hyperglycemia-induced neuronal damage mayresult from the induction of programmed celldeath, or apoptosis (Phelan et al., 1997). Highamong the possible damaging mechanisms ranksthe hyperglycemia-induced non-enzymatic modifi-cation of sugar moieties on proteins and lipids,which leads the formation of advanced glycosyla-tion end-products (AGEs). AGEs are involved inthe possible disturbances of carbohydrate-,protein-, and lipid-metabolism. Importantly,AGEs generate ROS, suggesting that hyper-glycemia causes oxidative damage to the cellsthrough NFkB dependent pathways (Donnini etal., 1996; Mohamed et al., 1999). AGEs andROS-induced cellular dysfunctions can interferewith gene expression of peptides and cytokinesinvolved in the regulation of cell proliferation(Chappey et al., 1997). Extensive production ofROS may mediate a signal for apoptotic celldeath (Fujii et al., 1996). Apoptosis is a complex,highly controlled process which results in pro-grammed cell death (McConkey and Orrenius,1994; Mesner et al., 1995). Along the way, thereare several characteristic stepping stones/indica-tors, which will distinguish apoptosis from necro-sis (chaotic cell death due to overt injury). One ofthe early markers for apoptosis is the activationof specific caspases, such as caspase-3, which aremembers of the Ced/ICE family of cysteinproteases (Haviv and Stein, 1999). ProgressiveDNA fragmentation is a marker for the laterstages of apoptosis. There is increasing evidencefor the enhanced induction of apoptosis of numer-ous cell types in diabetes including neuronal cells(O’Brien et al., 1997; Zhang et al., 1997; Barber etal., 1998). Recent studies established an in vivolink between diabetes and apoptosis in the ner-vous system (Phelan et al., 1997; Russell et al.,

Fig. 1. Main critical steps in the signal transduction cascadeleading to apoptosis that are sensitive to oxidants and antiox-idants. AP-1, activated protein-1; ASK1, apoptosis signal-reg-ulating kinase 1; NFkB, nuclear transcription factor kappa B;ox-LDL, oxidized low-density lipoproteins; TNF, tumor ne-crosis factor.

1999). Some of these studies suggest that hyper-glycemia-induced apoptosis in neurons may bedriven by the formation of ROS (Chappey et al.,1997). MAP-Kinases represent a central ‘switch-board’ of intracellular signal transduction path-ways. In addition to the classical MAPK-pathwayinvolving the growth-factor stimulated activation(phosphorylation) of the extracellular signal regu-lated kinase (ERK), several other MAP kinasesubclasses, such as c-Jun-N-terminal kinase/stressactivated protein kinase (JNK/SAPK) and p38,have recently been identified (Fig. 1). These ki-nases are activated by stress and may lead, by asyet unknown mechanisms, to apoptosis (Kyriakisand Avruch, 1996). Nerve growth factor (NGF)-signaling involves activation of these three differ-ent MAP-Kinase pathways which can either resultin differentiation and cell survival, mediatedthrough the ERK pathway, or lead to apoptosis,through the p38 and the JNK/SAPK pathways(Kaplan and Miller, 1997). It has been suggestedthat hyperglycemia causes diabetic polyneu-ropathies by a mechanism which involves genera-tion of ROS and alterations in the

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MAPK-dependent cellular signal transductionpathways leading to apoptosis.

6.2. ROS in6ol6ement in apoptosis

In the apoptotic process initial stress-induceddamage does not kill cells directly, rather it trig-gers an apoptotic signalling programme that leadsto cell death (Gabai et al., 1998).

Apoptotic cell death is characterized by con-trolled autodigestion of the cell. This differs fromnecrosis by distinct morphological and biochemi-cal features, such as chromatin condensation,membrane surface blebbing, oligonucleosomalDNA fragmentation and finally, the breakdownof the cell into a series of smaller units (mem-brane-bound fragments). These are called apop-totic bodies and in most tissues are phagocytosedby adjacent cells (Thompson, 1995). Such eventsare associated with activation of specific proteases(caspases) and loss of membrane phospholipidasymmetry resulting in phosphatidylserine exter-nalization (Fabisiak et al., 1998). Apoptosis canbe initiated by a variety of stimuli, includinghyperthermia, growth-factor or hormone with-drawal, glucocorticoids, oxidants, ionizing radia-tion and multiple classes of chemotherapeuticagents (Hockenbery et al., 1993; Bojes et al.,1997). Cell viability depends on the type of stressexerted on them. Following an apoptotic signal,cells sustain progressive lipid peroxidation. Thus,ROS and oxidative damage have been implicatedin the induction of apoptosis (Amstad et al., 1994;Czene et al., 1997; Dimmeler et al., 1998; Tamaritet al., 1998). The Bcl-2 proto-oncogene is uniqueamong cellular genes for its ability in many con-texts to block apoptotic deaths. Moreover, amechanism has been proposed in which Bcl-2regulates antioxidant pathways at sites of freeradical generation (Hockenbery et al., 1993). Theprotein Bcl-2 protects against apoptosis by block-ing cytochrome c release (preventing superoxideproduction when it is overexpressed) hence thisprotein may have an antioxidant function (Caiand Jones, 1998).

ROS may contribute a novel redox system ofregulatory control superimposed upon establishedgrowth signal pathways. Levels of GSH may also

be involved in these processes as catalase or SODtreatment of fibroblast increase cellular levels ofGSH. In addition, a-tocopherol stimulatesgrowth. Thus, whilst hydrogen peroxide may havea role in promoting the growth of transformedand immortalized cells oxidant protection is im-portant (Burdon et al., 1990). On the other hand,Murrell (1992) found how free radicals stimulatedfibroblast proliferation and Burdon et al. (1996)show that higher oxidant concentrations not onlydepress proliferation rates but actually lead to anincrease in the appearance of apoptotic-like cells.Inhibitors of GPX, SOD and catalase have asimilar effect. Therefore intracellular conditionsthat are considered more prooxidant than normal,appear to favour apoptosis over proliferation infibroblasts (Mates and Sanchez-Jimenez, 2000).

7. Summary and future prospects

7.1. State of the art

ROS can be toxic at molecular level and theyare important effectors in aging and lifespan de-termination. The specific cell types, however, inwhich oxidative damage acts as toxic and to limitlifespan of the whole organism have not beenexplicitly identified (Parkes et al., 1998). It is fullydemostrated, however, that reactive oxygenmetabolites are implicated in a wide range ofdegenerative processes including ischemic heartdisease (Melov et al., 1998) as well as in theinitiation and promotion of cancer (Urano et al.,1995; Janssen et al., 1998). Free radicals may alsoplay an important role in several pathologicalconditions of the central nervous system wherethey directly injure tissue and where their forma-tion may also be a consequence of tissue injury(Table 1). ROS produce tissue damage throughmultiple mechanisms, including excito-toxicity,metabolic dysfunction, and disturbance of intra-cellular homeostasis of calcium (Facchinetti et al.,1998).

Many groups are studying about possibilitiesfor antioxidant therapy: they are using adenoviruscontaining manganese superoxide dismutasecDNA (AdMn-SOD) in the treatment of various

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cancers both in vitro and in vivo. This AdMn-SOD has an antitumor effect by itself, but thiseffect is more pronounced in the presence of thecommonly used anticancer drug 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosurea (BCNU) (Yang et al.,1999). Additionally, preliminary experiments onbladder protection with intravesicle injection ofMn–SOD plasmid liposomes into the rat haveshown reversal of acute physiologic alterationsassociated with bladder damage. Radioprotectivegene therapy with organ-specific targeting of Mn–SOD plasmid liposome provides a valuable tech-nique by which to minimize radiationtoxicity andallow dose escalation to target volumes to whichthe transit of sensitive normal organs is requiredto achieve local tumor control. It has been gener-ated two recombinant adenoviral vectors express-ing the radical-scavenging enzymes Mn-SOD andCu, Zn-SOD to test therapeutic strategies of ra-dioprotection. It has been stated that the increasein SOD expression reduced the level of apoptosis,providing the foundation for radioprotective genetherapies in the treatment of cancer (Zwacka etal., 1998). On the other hand, several SODs (plan,bovine and recombinant) are being assayedagainst HIV infection (Edeas et al., 1997).

Concerning the study of mechanisms by whichantioxidant induce gene expression, future re-search will be required to completely understandthe molecular mechanism of signal transductionfrom antioxidants and xenobiotics. Jaiswal’sgroup has stated the steps of signal transductionfrom antioxidants and xenobiotics: (1) antioxi-dants and xenobiotics undergo metabolism togenerate superoxide and related reactive speciesleading to the generation of a signal to activatedetoxifying/defensive genes expression; (2) thegeneration of superoxide and related reactive spe-cies is followed by activation of yet to be iden-tified cytosolic factor(s), by unknownmechanism(s); (3) activated cytosolic factor(s) cat-alyze modification of Nrf2 and/or INrf2; (4) re-lease of Nrf2 from INrf2 followed by nuclearlocalization of Nrf2 to the nucleus; (5) transcrip-tional activation and modification? of c-Jun; (6)heterodimerization of Nrf2 with c-Jun; (7) bindingof Nrf2-c-Jun complex to the ARE from thevarious detoxifying enzyme genes; and (8) the

coordinated increased transcription of genes en-coding detoxifying/defensive proteins.

In addition to Nrf-Jun pathway, the mam-malian cells also contain other pathways thatactivate gene expression in response to oxidativestress. These include NFkB, HIF-1 and Mac-1mediated pathways. It is expected that collectivelythese pathways increase transcription of morethan four dozen genes to protect cells againstoxidative stress.

There is considerable interest in the therapeuticuse of antioxidants. This may involve the use ofnaturally occurring antioxidants or completelysynthetic molecules. In addition, there is evidencethat some drugs already used clinically may exertpart or all their effect by antioxidant mechanisms.Infusions of SOD in liposomes (usually with cata-lase) have been reported to protect animalsagainst O2 toxicity. Cu, Zn-SOD has an anti-infl-ammatory effect in animal models of acute infl-ammation, in part because it can decrease thenumber of neutrophils entering sites of inflamma-tion. A wide variety of Cu, Zn-SOD conjugatesare available, including polyethylene glycol(PEG)-SOD, Ficoll–SOD, lecithinized SOD,polyamine conjugated SOD, cationized SOD, ge-netically engineered SOD polymers, pyran-SODand albumin-SOD complexes. All have longercirculating half-lives than the unconjugated SODmolecules (Halliwell and Gutteridge, 1999).

7.2. Metal complexes interacting with biologicalsystems

It was supposed that metal compounds wouldbe of particular interest because of coordinationcapacity of the metal center and their ability tocatalyze redox processes involving (di)oxygen andactive oxygen species as well as biogenic sub-strates. The interactions of metal complexes withbiological systems, which is the field of biocoordi-nation chemistry, is receiving increasing interest.Some authors have presented the first results oftheir studies concerning the biological activity oforganometallic compounds, in particular severalalkyne-cobalt carbonyl complexes which inhibitedthe growth of human melanoma and lung car-cinoma cell lines (Jung et al., 1997). It is relevant

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to notice that cobalt compounds have been underthe increased interest as potential radiosensitizersduring the last 10 years. It was observed thatcobalt(III) complexes have shown specific hypoxicradiosensitization and thermosensitization as wellas antitumor activity in vivo (Stratford, 1992;Teicher et al., 1990; Denny et al., 1996). Somecurrent observations have suggested that furtherinvestigations with cobalt-containing complexesare warranted (El-Naggar et al., 1998; Perrin etal., 1999). In this connection, Dori and Gershon(1993)patent claims antitumor action ofcobalt(III) complexes with tetradentate Schiffbases derived from aliphatic beta-diketones anddiamines, which was observed in the case of asciteform of Erlich carcinoma. Carrying out a morethorough biomedical examination of the com-plexes in question, it was found a moderate con-ventional antitumor activity, similar to thatdescribed in the just mentioned patent, they ex-hibit a pronounced modifying effect sharply en-hancing the action of radiation and localmicrowave hyperthermia (Osinsky et al., 1998).Furthemore, the complexes alone are found todisplay a significant antimetastatic activity exceed-ing that of platidiam and cyclo-phosphamid (Os-insky et al., 1998).

Mutations to Cu, Zn-SOD linked to familialamyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) enhance anunknown toxic reaction that leads to the selectivedegeneration of motor neurons. However, thequestion of how \50 different missense muta-tions produce a common toxic phenotype remainsperplexing. Crow et al. (1997) found that the zincaffinity of four ALS-associated SOD mutants wasdecreased up to 30-fold compared to wild-typeSOD but that both mutants and wild-type SODretained copper with similar affinity. Neurofila-ment-L (NF-L), one of the most abundantproteins in motor neurons, bound multiple zincatoms with sufficient affinity to potentially re-move zinc from both wild-type and mutant SODwhile having a lower affinity for copper. The lossof zinc from wild-type SOD approximately dou-bled its efficiency for catalyzing peroxynitrite-me-diated tyrosine nitration, suggesting that onegained function by SOD in ALS may be anindirect consequence of zinc loss (Liochev et al.,

1998). Nitration of protein-bound tyrosines is apermanent modification that can adversely affectprotein function. Thus, the toxicity of ALS-asso-ciated SOD mutants may be related to enhancedcatalysis of protein nitration subsequent to zincloss. By acting as a high-capacity zinc sink, NF-L

could foster the formation of zinc-deficient SODwithin motor neurons.

7.2.1. Small molecules mimicing antioxidantenzymes

Modern molecular biology is geared towardsgenes and proteins, with small molecule chemistrycoming in a distant third. Small molecules areimportant as drugs, but largely ignored in under-standing how the cell works. The revival of smallmolecules started with the discovery that endothe-lium-relaxing factor, so important for controllingblood pressure, was NO. With a string of recentdiscoveries, superoxide has now taken centerstage. This oxygen radical has been implicated ina long list of normal and disease processes, in-cluding reperfusion injury (when a blood isreestablished following surgery, a heart attack, orstroke), neurodegenerative and autoimmune dis-eases, and inflammatory and mitogenic signaling.Getting rid of superoxide has become a majorpriority (Krishna et al., 1996).

In 1969, Fridovich and Joe McCord (Universityof Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver) dis-covered the body’s primary mode of defenseagainst this leakage: superoxide dismutase. It isremarkable for its use of electrostatic guidance ofsubstrates to exceed diffusion-limited catalyticrates. But as a treatment SOD was found inade-quate as it was unstable, did not penetrate intocells, and provoked an immune response. Metalsare good at doing redox chemistry, but indiscrim-inate redox chemistry by free metals is very toxicto the cell. Therefore, to use it as a redox drugyou need to have it in a stable ligand. The way todo it is the way nature does it: with a macrocycle.Examples include iron porphyrins, a complex ofmanganese ions with the chelatins agents desfer-rioxamine and copper ions chelated to aminoacids or to anti-inflammatory drugs (Halliwell andGutteridge, 1999).

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Now a group of companies, includingMetaPhore Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (St. Louis, Mis-souri), is trying to mimic the SOD enzyme withcell-permeable small molecules. MetaPhore’s hu-man testing is only scheduled to start late in 2000,but already they have had good success. Theystarted with manganese, which is far less toxicthan copper or iron, the other two metals used innative SODs. In his first series of macrocyclesthere was just one structure (a cyclic penta-azacompound) that was both catalytically active andreasonably stable (Weiss et al., 1996).

Improving on the initial compound took anunderstanding of the reaction mechanism.Salvemini et al. (1999) found that the rate-limitingstep of the reaction cycle was the oxidation of theMn(II) state to the Mn(III) state. In the Mn(II)state the five nitrogen ligands were in a singleplane, with two additional Mn ligands above andbelow this plane. But in the Mn(III) state one ofthese axial ligands was replaced by one of the fivenitrogens. He therefore added substituents to holdthe Mn(II) compound in a folded conformation,with one of the nitrogens out of the plane, readyfor the conversion to the Mn(III) state. Thiscompound behaves like an enzyme. They are trulylittle synthetic enzymes, termed synzymes (Fig. 2).The Mn(II) complex M40403 possesses catalyticSOD activity approaching that of the native Mn-SOD enzyme while at the same time possessingoutstanding chemical and biological stability.M40403 selectively removes superoxide withoutinterfering with other relevant biological oxidants,such as nitric oxide, peroxynitrite, or hydrogen

peroxide. The end result is a compound with acatalytic rate constant that exceeds 109 M/s,which is ten times faster than the original Mn-based protein. Now it is ready for clinical trials.

Soon after its discovery as a byproduct of oxi-dative metabolism, superoxide began turning upin many biological systems: as a product ofNADPH oxidase in phagocytes, which use a burstof superoxide to help kill bacteria; in signalingcascades involving NFkB in immune cells and rasin cancer cells; and after reperfusion or brainexcitotoxicity when metabolism is suddenly re-sumed or increased. Thus the list of diseases thatmay be treatable with SOD mimics now includesheart attacks, stroke, autoimmune diseases (suchas osteoarthritis), neurodegenerative diseases (in-cluding Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s) and aging(Table 1). It is the first time that a molecule is atotally selective SOD catalyst. And by eliminatingsuperoxide, the production of pro-inflammatorycytokines can be also eliminated.

Stroke is a severe and prevalent syndrome forwhich there is a great need for treatment, includ-ing agents to block the cascade of brain injurythat occurs in the hours after the onset of is-chemia. ROS have been implicated in this destruc-tive process, but antioxidant enzymes such asSOD have been unsatisfactory in experimentalstroke models. Baker et al. (1998) carried out anevaluation of the effectiveness of salen-manganesecomplexes, a class of synthetic SOD/catalasemimetics, in a rat focal ischemia model involvingmiddle cerebral artery occlusion. They focus onEUK-134, a newly reported salen-manganese

Fig. 2. Structures of some antioxidants synthesized by Metaphore Pharmaceuticals. EUK-8 was the prototype having SOD activity.M40403, a manganese (II) complex with a 20bis(cyclo-hexylpyridine)-substituted macrociclic ligand, has SOD activity but does notreact with NO, H2O2 or OONO−.

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complex demonstrated here to have greater cata-lase and cytoprotective activities and equivalentSOD activity compared with the previously de-scribed prototype EUK-8 (Fig. 2). The adminis-tration of EUK-134 at 3 h after middle cerebralartery occlusion significantly reduced brain infarctsize, with the highest dose apparently preventingfurther infarct growth. These findings support akey role for ROS in the cascade of brain injuryafter stroke, even well after the onset of ischemia.The enhanced activity of EUK-134 suggests that,in particular, hydrogen peroxide contributes sig-nificantly to this injury. Overall, this study sug-gests that synthetic SOD/catalase mimetics mightserve as novel, multifunctional therapeutic agentsfor stroke (Baker et al., 1998).

MetaPhore is in the process of choosing itsdisease target. The company’s current leads arenot orally bioavailable, so it may decide on anaccessible target like radiation-treatment-inducedinjury in cancer, which is an early indication forthe compounds of Eukarion (Bedford, Massachu-setts). Eukarion is also interested in neurodegen-erative diseases, as their compounds reach thecentral nervous system. In these longer-term ap-plications there will be more concern about im-mune suppression, although Eukarion vicepresident of research S. Doctrow states her com-pany has not seen signs of immune problems inanimal models.

Eukarion started with Mn compounds made byEric Jacobsen (Harvard University, Cambridge,Massachusetts) as catalysts for asymmetric epoxi-dation. The compounds already had SOD activ-ity, but the company modified them to increasecatalase activity: the ability to break down hydro-gen peroxide.

John Grow at Princeton University (Princeton,New Jersey) has yet another target: peroxynitrite.OONO− is formed extremely rapidly when super-oxide combines with NO. They are trying todestroy superoxide before it combines with NO.Peroxynitrite scavengers are being developed byInotek Corporation of Beverly, Massachusetts. Asthe companies fine-tune their respective com-pounds, that sorting out will become easier to do.

Metalloporphyrins are able to inhibit lipid per-oxidation as prototypical antioxidants, being a

novel and potent class of lipid peroxidation in-hibitors. This inhibition was dependent on thetransition metal ligated to the porphyrin, indicat-ing that metal centered redox chemistry was im-portant to the mechanism of their antioxidantactivities. Manganese porphyrins with the highestSOD activities, are the most potent inhibitors oflipid peroxidation. The potencies of the man-ganese porphyrins were related not only to theirredox potentials and SOD activities, but also toother factors that may contribute to their abilityto act as electron acceptors. The broad array ofantioxidant activities possessed by metallopor-phyrins make them attractive therapeutic agentsin disease states that involve the overproductionof ROS (Day et al., 1999).

Porphyrin-like SOD mimics are also being in-vestigated by Aeolus Pharmaceuticals (ResearchTriangle Park, North Carolina) and they thinkthat companies making SOD mimics have chosentheir target well as the catalyst is just taking theelectron from one to another. If it was a morecomplicated organic reaction it would be hope-less. Moreover, a similar analysis should be possi-ble for each damage reaction. If the chemistry iseasy, perhaps it can also be tailored to cure theultimate modern obsession: aging. Toxic free radi-cal reactions are the death of cells.


This work was supported by Project SAF98-0153. Thanks are due to Maite Asenjo, M.D. forher valuable help in the preparation of themanuscript.


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