Educational Technology 1 Technology in Education

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Transcript of Educational Technology 1 Technology in Education



A presentation on Educational Technology 1by: PROF. ALLAN SANCHEZ TIEMPO, MAEM


In two minutes, write down anything that comes to your mind when you hear the phrase educational technology. ( Choose a leader in each group to write them on the board and present to the class) .

ConceptsWhat is educational technology?

technology Greek word techne which means craft or art. Based on the etymology of the word technology, the term educational technology, therefore refers to the art or craft of responding to our educational needs.

Many people think that technology refers only to the machines such as computers, tv, videos, and the like. All these form part of technology but educational technology is all these and more! Technology is not just machines. It is a planned, systematic method of working to achieve planned outcomes a process not a product. Technology is the applied side of scientific development. Dale, 1969) Technology also refers to any valid and reliable process or procedure that is derived from basic research using the scientific method. ( wiki/Educational technology# Perspectives_andmeaning)Technology refers to all the ways people use their inventions and discoveries to satisfy their needs and desires. The world Book Encyclopedia, Vol 19) So, educational technology refers to how people use their inventions and discoveries to satisfy their needs and desires, i.e. learning.

Many people think that technology refers only to the machines such as computers, tv, videos, and the like. All these form part of technology but educational technology is all these and more! Technology is not just machines.

It is a planned, systematic method of working to achieve planned outcomes a process not a product. Technology is the applied side of scientific development. Dale, 1969)

overhead projector Smart board

Technology also refers to any valid and reliable process or procedure that is derived from basic research using the scientific method. ( wiki/Educational technology# Perspectives_andmeaning)

Technology refers to all the ways people use their inventions and discoveries to satisfy their needs and desires. The world Book Encyclopedia, Vol 19)

So, educational technology refers to how people use their inventions and discoveries to satisfy their needs and desires, i.e. learning.

It is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. - by: Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Definition and Terminology Committee

Educational technology is profession like teaching. It is made up of organized effort to implement the theory, intellectual technique, and practical application of educational technology. (David H. Jonassen, et al 1999).

From the definitions of educational technology given above, we can say that educational technology is a very broad term. It is the application of scientific findings in our method, process or procedure of working in the field of education in order to effect learning. It embraces curriculum and instructional design, learning environment, theories of teaching learning. It is also a field study and a profession. It is the use of all human inventions for teachers to realize their mission to teach in order that students learn.

Other terms that are associated with educational technology:technology in education; instructional technology; technology integration; and educational media.

Technology in education is the application of technology to any of those processes involved in operating the institutions which house the educational enterprise. It includes the application of technology to food, health, finance, scheduling, grade, reporting, and other processes which support education within institutions. (David H. Jonassen, et al, 1999).

Instructional technology is a part of educational technology. Instructional technology refers to those aspects of educational technology that are concerned with instruction as contrasted to designs and operations of educational institutions. Instructional technology is a systematic way of designing, carrying out, and evaluating the total process of learning and teaching in terms of specific objectives. (Lucido and Borabo, 1997)

Technology integration means using learning technologies to introduce, reinforce, supplement and extend skills. (Williams, ed. 2000)Like instructional technology, it is part of educational technology. Technology integration is part and parcel of instructional technology, which in turn is a part of educational technology.

Educational media are channels or avenues or instruments of communication. Examples are books, magazines newspapers, radio, television, computer, cellphone and internet. These media also serve educational purposes.


History brought about a process of trial and error, imitation, individual creativity, and persuasion leading to what we know today as educational technology. To trace its history, we can identify the following developments:

In ancient Greece, the elder sophists used the term techne to refer to the process of applying knowledge systematically to the practical art of instruction. They formulated cognitive rules, systematically analyzed subject matter designed instructional technologies and devised effective instructional materials.

B. During the Middle Age Advent of Scholastic Philosophy, Pierre Abelard introduced a technology of instruction which was really a new method of structuring and presenting materials that helped set the style of scholastic education.

C. Comenius, Pestalozzi, Froebel, Herbart, and Montessori contributed their own concepts on educational technology improving on the educative process.

Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi Swiss educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi is widely considered the pioneer of early childhood education. His teaching philosophy, which he first proposed in the 1770s, was based on the principle that children were naturally good and that education should nurture and preserve this innate innocence. Pestalozzi established several schools for poor and orphaned children in Switzerland.

D. Johann Amos Comenius was recognized as the pioneer of modern instructional technology by reason of his book Orbis Pictus (The World in Picture) which was an illustrated textbook for children studying Latin and Sciences.

Asteroid Collision with EarthMany scientists believe that a large asteroid or comet struck Earth about 65 million years ago, changing the Earths climate enough to kill off the dinosaurs.

John R. Foster/Photo Researchers, Inc.Microsoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

E. Edward Thorndike and John Dewey formulated the scientific theory of learning and the scientific method, respectively. Thorndike gave emphasis to the use of empirical investigation as a basis for an organized process of learning. On his part, Dewey introduced a method of instruction in terms of scientific method in broad terms.

Playing with Educational Toys American philosopher, educator, and psychologist John Dewey reformed educational theory and practice in the United States by making learning more diverse and participatory.

John Dewey

Edward L. Thorndike In the late 19th century, American psychologist Edward L. Thorndike conducted some of the first experiments on animal learning. Thorndike formulated the law of effect, which states that behaviors that are followed by pleasant consequences will be more likely to be repeated in the future.

F. The 19th century paved in the advent of effective technological development, including the production of textbooks, use of blackboards, and improvements in writing implements like pen and ink. Photography was invented, giving way to a movement called visual instruction. By 1920, visual media became widely accepted. Then came the publication of audio-visual media texts. In 1926, educational films were used as instructional media. In 1927, Pressey wrote on programmed learning through a machine which tested and confirmed as learning task.

G. In 1932, the first instructional Television program was aired at the State University of Iowa. About the same time, the 16 mm motion picture was developed and this served as the educational workhorse during the audio-visual movement of the time.

Studio SoundstageMost motion pictures are filmed in part on studio soundstages, where the filmmakers can create the environment called for in the script. This set replicates stormy conditions on the water, with fans blowing rain toward the actor in the boat.Miro Vintoniv/Stock Boston Inc.Microsoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Scene from Snow White Walt Disney pioneered the animated feature-length film with his screen adaptation of a Grimm fairy tale, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937). The film was produced from more than 400,000 sketches, and Disney introduced a number of technical innovations that revolutionized the production of animation for feature-length films.Archive PhotosMicrosoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Lets begin at the beginning..-1862- QWERTY KEYBOARD: Christopher Sholes develops a machine to print the alphabet

American inventor and printer Christopher Sholes invented the modern form of the typewriter. Sholes created the QWERTY keyboard layout by separating commonly used letters so that typists would type slower and not jam their mechanical typewriters. Subsequent generations of typists have learned to type using QWERTY keyboards, prompting manufacturers to maintain this key orientation on typewriters.Microsoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

H. During World War II, the U.S. government encouraged the implementation of technology of instruction for military training programs. This gave impetus to a system approach to instruction to include: micro-teaching, individualized instruction, language laboratories, behavioral objectives, computer-assisted instruction, among others.

World War II: The military used overhead projectors to support lectures, slide projectors to support training in ship and aircraft recognition, and audio equipment for teaching foreign languages. overhead projectors

1950s:Instructional television usage and computers began to be used in education and training.

Philo Farnsworth Philo Farnsworth Charles Babbage

1977:Apple introduces Apple II.1981: IBM home computer and MS DOS 2.0 are introduced.

MS DOS 2.0IBM Home Computer

1988:Smart boards are presented.

Smart board

1997-2007:The growth of the internet expanded far faster than most predicted..

200-2011:Creation of distance education courses,Laptop Computer merges,Touch screen Laptop and IPod are introduced,Use of electronic textbooks.

Nowadays, there are many kinds of computer and non-computer technologies currently in use in traditional classrooms, such as:Computer in the classroomClass websiteClass blogs and wikisWireless classroom microphonesMobile devicesSmart BoardsOnline media

We will start by clicking on this video sponsored by: smart and also by: Adam Scott Bellow, 2009,

Benefits:Easy-to-access course materials:Course material can be posted on a website for students to study at a time and location they prefer.Student motivation:Computer- based instruction can give instant feedback to students.Wide participation:Learning material can be used for long distance learning.Improved students writing:Using word processing can improve the quality of students writing.Subjects made easier to learn:Educational Software is designed to help students to learn specific subjects.

But dont worryTeachers will always be necessary!!!

References:Adam Scott Bellow, 2009,Corpus, B.B. and Lucido, P. I., 2008. Educational Technology 1. Metro Manila: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.David H. Jonassen, et al, 1999Lucido, P.I., and Borabo, M.L., 1997. Educational Technology. Metro Manila: Katha Publishing Inc.

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