EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY FUND SS - · Carlos Mejia 3.50 3.54 Rosa Peralta 3.00 3.00 Staten...

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Transcript of EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY FUND SS - · Carlos Mejia 3.50 3.54 Rosa Peralta 3.00 3.00 Staten...

EOF Monthly Newsletter January/February 2012


Welcome to the Spring 2012 semester! Welcome to the Spring 2012 semester!


Inside this issue:

Community Svc. Opp. 2

Senior Spotlight 2

Honoring GPA’s 2

EOF Student Alliance 3

EOF Leadership Program 3

Who’s Who in EOF 4

Study Tips 4

Feb. /Mar. 2012 Calendar 5

Counselor’s Clipboard 6

H appy New Year students! We

hope the break treated you well and you had some time to rest and en-joy the holiday season and all its festivities. We’re ready to begin a new semester, one that will be full of opportuni-ties, new learning experi-ences and possibly some challenges. Start the year RIGHT, think about what you want to accomplish this New Year and let us know how we can help you get there.

Maybe you want to im-prove your GPA? Or change your major? Pos-sibly look for an on-campus job, participate more in our EOF related activities and/or work-shops, find more commu-

nity service opportunities or simply to find a place on campus that you can always go to, no matter what (EOF). Whatever it is that you want to ac-complish, stop by to see us, develop some goals for 2012 that will make a positive impact in your life. “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”~ Larry Elder. Let us help you plan ahead and reach those goals.

The EOF office will have many workshops and community service op-

portunities available to our students all through-out the semester. Remem-ber to set up your coun-seling appointments, check your mailboxes, visit our kiosk friend and see what’s the latest and greatest in the EOF world!

We look forward to see-ing you very soon. Go and make it your best semester yet!

Best of luck this Spring!

Director, Educational Opportunity Fund

BAD WEATHERBAD WEATHERBAD WEATHER Communication Communication Communication Methods During Methods During Methods During

Inclement WeatherInclement WeatherInclement Weather

Titan Alert System is now in effect, notifications will come exclusively through Titan communication system.

Titan Alert. Alerts will be forwarded to your CCM email account, and any additional contact points, including personal email, phone calls and text messaging. For more information about Titan A l e r t , g o t o

Check the CCM website at

If you never received Titan Alert, call the emergency information number 973-328-5580.

The college makes every effort to communicate closing or delayed opening information as soon as possible.


Friday, February 24 2:30 PM—3:30 PM

Tuesday, February 28 12:30 PM—1:30 PM

Thursday, March 1 12:30 PM—1:30 PM


Trip to Rutgers, New Brunswick

Online Stock Trader Workshop*

How to Apply to a 4—Year College*


Meet by the HPE Building

Cohen Hall CH 156

Student Comm. Ctr. Davidson Room A

UPCOMING EOF workshops & EventsUPCOMING EOF workshops & Events

* Door prize and giveaways at every EOF Workshop.

Congratulations TO OUR STUDENTS WITH 3.0 or higher!!Congratulations TO OUR STUDENTS WITH 3.0 or higher!!

Student Fall Semester Cumulative Student Fall Semester Cumulative Cristian Aroca 4.00 4.00 Melanie Jimenez 3.31 3.38 Hoai Thuong Nguyen 4.00 4.00 Gabrielle Ferris 3.25 3.28 Lori Macula 4.00 3.88 Lia Weber 3.25 2.89 Bolivar Reyes 4.00 3.00 Patricia Kijak 3.23 3.30 Ayesha Aly Ahmed 3.75 2.94 Aaron Adrian 3.15 2.62 Jean Ann Mirsky 3.75 2.55 Victoria Bronson 3.00 3.50 Casey Vreeland 3.69 3.49 Qwamine Solomon 3.00 3.41 Yuleisy Lopez 3.67 3.57 Joseph Hilton 3.00 3.25 Yury Rincon 3.58 3.39 Somina Mosaku 3.00 3.11 Carlos Mejia 3.50 3.54 Rosa Peralta 3.00 3.00 Staten Baynes 3.50 3.06 Gabriel Garcia 3.00 2.72 Brendan Ferris 3.38 3.17 Mark Coffman 3.00 2.70 Raziel Franchi 3.33 3.33 Henry Saltos 3.00 2.15 Nafisa Aly Ahmed 3.33 2.70 Jessica Jaramillo 3.00 1.82 Neftaly Tejeda 3.33 2.55

P A G E 2 C O N N E C T I O N S


Tues., February 7 11:30 AM—2:30 PM

Sun., April 15 10:00 AM—12 Noon


Campus Life Club Fair—Staff Table (Sign up in EOF)

Walk for Multiple Sclerosis


Student Community Center Lobby

Roxbury Township

Community service OpportunitiesCommunity service Opportunities

W hat are your plans after graduation? My plans

after graduation are to continue on to get my Bachelors and most likely my Masters in Nursing.

How has County College of Morris and EOF prepared you for life after college? It has helped me to be per-sistent and not give up, even when things are difficult.

Now that you are approaching

When you are not studying and en-gaging academic life, how do you spend your free time? Spending time with my daughter and reading novels.

Patricia and her daughter, Marina, at the Chi Alpha Epsilon Awards—

Reception, October 21, 2010

Patricia Kijak

graduation, what do you claim as your most important asset as you enter the workforce and the world? My expertise and my personality.

What role has the EOF program played in your academic, personal, and, professional development? It has given me help and motivation to further myself, and helped me realize it wasn’t too late for me to get an education.

What advice or message would you like to leave to current and/or fu-ture EOF students? “No matter how hard the road gets, never ever give up.” Always push forward through it all.

What are memorable moments you

have had with EOF? My Thursdays

chatting with Gene.

Senior “Spotlight”Senior “Spotlight” Pat r i c i a K i j akPa t r i c i a K i j ak

E O F M O N T H L Y N E W S L E T T E R P A G E 3

T he Alliance had its second

meeting on Feb. 2 in Edie’s

office; the group brainstormed and

came up with some wonderful ideas

for our projects this semester.

One of these is an incentive for stu-

dents to donate new items towards

our tricky tray baskets, by giving

them a raffle ticket for each item

donated, for a chance to win a


They also want to create a “catalog”

to showcase our finished Tricky

Trays once all wrapped to reach

CCM staff who can’t get out of

their offices to purchase tickets at

the Student Center. Students will go

around Henderson Hall and other

offices with the catalog, and sell

tickets to faculty and staff.

All students are encouraged to help

with our 5th Annual Tricky Tray

Fundraiser by either donating new

unwanted items, wrapped and un-

used, or ask their employers or lo-

cal merchants to donate a gift card,

item or service. We have a special

letter to bring merchants that out-

get ready to help us bake goodies.

All baked goods now have to be

individually wrapped and within

new Bake Sale guidelines. See Edie

for more info. Community service

for all time given at table and time

baking at home. Proceeds go to-

wards purchasing tricky tray items.

March 8—12:30 Meeting, SCC

Club Room

March 22—12:30, Meeting, SCC

Club Room

April 5—12:30, Meeting, EOF Of-

fice- use time to “wrap” tricky trays

April 19—12:30, Wrap Tricky

Trays remaining, take photos for

catalog, EOF Office

April 26—Tricky Tray, SCC, 10-3

and 5-6, Awards Dinner, 6-8pm

May 3—12:30-1:45,

End-of- the-Year

L u n c h e o n a t

Forte’s Italian

Restaurant, Lead-

ership Award an-

nounced. Sign up

early to attend. Limited seating.

lines what EOF is and how their

donation will support our program.

Community service hours given for

all donations.

The Adopt-A-Platoon drive will be

started soon, and discussed at future


Here is the list of events and meet-


Feb. 7—Club & organization Fair-

SCC Lobby. EOF will have cotton

candy again. Students staffing table

will not have to make the cotton

candy, Campus Life has hired a

vendor to do this for us.

Sign up for community service


Feb. 16—Thurs, 12:30-1:30, next

meeting in the Club Room, SCC

125, (first area on the right) Adopt-

A-Platoon plans, bake sale, and

Rutgers Trip


TRIP! Sign up by Feb. 10, 9-3, tour

and info session

March 6—Tues. DIVERSITY

BAKE SALE- 11-2, SCC Lobby,

EOF Student Alliance & upcoming eventsEOF Student Alliance & upcoming events

T he EOF Student Leadership

program is available for

those students who have a

minimum of 2.6 GPA, interested in

being hosts and/or ambassadors for

EOF special events, comfortable

speaking in public, and can commit

to participating in at least two EOF


You will be involved as greeters,

ho s t s , h e lp e r s an d

advocates for EOF at:

An n u a l Awa rd s


Resume booster

Community service hours/

workshop credit

N e t w o r k w i t h C C M

community/EOF staff

A special EOF Leader polo!

If you are interested to learn more

about how to become a new EOF

Student Leader, please contact the

EOF Office. An informational

meeting will be set up to answer all

your questions.

Kwanzaa Ceremony

Student Summer Orientation

Parent Orientation

EOF Day/EOF Conferences

Other programs

What will you benefit from

becoming an EOF Leader?

Public Speaking experience

Reference for future college

applications or employment

EOF student leadership program!EOF student leadership program!

P A G E 4 C O N N E C T I O N S

Hello EOF family:

I am happy and excited to join the EOF family at CCM

as a Program Analyst. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering and certificate course in Project Planning and Control. I have worked for mid and large size com-panies as a project coordinator and report writer.

I believe Passion, Action and Support will definitely bring Suc-cess to you. We at EOF provide full support services and want to see you succeed in the career you have chosen. Visit any time, I will

be happy to help you with any of your questions.

Beena Bhatt EOF Program Analyst

Who’s Who in EOF?Who’s Who in EOF?

Pam Marcenaro

EOF Director

Edie Nelson

EOF Counselor

Beth Pinajian

EOF Counselor

Gene Moss

Administrative Assistant

Study your assignments as soon after they are given as possible. This will make for more efficient use of the assignment while fresh in your mind.

Have a definite place to study with minimum distraction.

Have a definite time to study and know what you expect of your-self in each time period. Make your time schedule specific so that you will know exactly where to start when you sit down to study.

Do not study in a soft chair, couch, or bed where you do pleasure reading. Some amount of tension in your study position is helpful.

When you start to study, get into the work quickly.

Do not allow work to fall behind and then plan to “cram” to make

up work. Work which is covered every day is easier to do and re-mains with you longer than work done by cramming.

In reading, practice picking out the important sentence or sen-tences. Where the passages are long, scan rapidly for the main thought.

On points which are difficult, underline or take notes. Learn how to outline with a minimum of wasted time and space.

Write yourself questions on a section of work after you have read it.

Try to answer mentally every question which is asked in class, whether you are called on or not.

Avoid internal distractions. Proper rest, eating, sleeping, and recreation is necessary to in-crease your efficiency.

Master the vocabulary of the subject. When a word of uncer-tain or unknown meaning oc-curs, look it up.

You should come to the end of your study time with one or more questions. Write them down and get them answered.

Ask the professor and/or tutor for help whenever you need it.

You will not learn to study in one day. Stay with it.

General Hints On Studying!General Hints On Studying!

E O F M O N T H L Y N E W S L E T T E R P A G E 5

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 EOF Workshop

How to Apply to a 4-Year College

12:30 PM—1:30 PM SCC Davidson A

2 3

4 5 6 Diversity Bake Sale

11:00 AM— 2:00 PM

SCC Lobby

7 8 Alliance Meeting

12:30 PM SCC 125

9 10

march 20 1 2march 20 1 2

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 Campus Life

Club Fair 11:30 AM—2:30 PM

SCC Lounge



10 Deadline to Sign up for

Rutgers Trip


12 13

14 Blood Drive 9:00 AM—

4:00 PM LRC

Reading Room

15 16 Alliance Meeting

12:30 PM SCC 125

17 18

19 20 President’s

Day CCM Open!


22 23

24 EOF Fieldtrip: Rutgers—New

Brunswick Campus 9:00 AM—3:00 PM


26 27 28 Workshop:

Stock Trader Simulation, CH 156

12:30 PM—1:30 PM


February 20 1 2February 20 1 2

P A G E 6 C O N N E C T I O N S

Counselor’s ClipboardCounselor’s Clipboard Note These Important Dates!

“Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in

education. The human mind is our fundamental resource.”

— John F. Kennedy

FEBRUARY 7 ~ Campus Life Club Fair, Staff EOF Table, 11:30 AM—2:30 PM. Sign up in EOF for any times between 11:30 AM—2:30 PM, SCC Lobby.

FEBRUARY 24 ~ Field Trip To Rutgers, New Brunswick University — New Brunswick Campus, (Register Early—Limited Seating), 9:00 AM—3:00 PM. Tour of campus and information session.

FEBRUARY 28 ~ Workshop: Stock Trading, 12:30 PM—1:30 PM, CH 156. Learn how to online Stock Trading!

MARCH 1 ~ Workshop: Mental Health Players, dramas about college student life, 12:30 PM—1:30PM, LRC Reading Room.

MARCH 1 ~ Workshop: How To Apply To A Four-Year College, 12:30 PM—1:45 PM, SCC Davidson A.

MARCH 1 ~ County College of Morris deadline to complete your Financial Aid (FAFSA) priority packaging for 2012—2013. EOF deadline to complete (FAFSA) is March 15th.

MARCH 12—17 ~ CCM closed for SPRING RECESS, classes resume MARCH 19.

APRIL 1 ~ Deadline to apply for August 2011 Graduation.


APRIL 12 ~ Last day to DROP classes with a “W” or WITHDRAW completely from college.


All students are STRONGLY encouraged to seek tutoring in the course of a semester; number of sessions should be scheduled based on need. If you are currently taking a remedial course and/or your professor has indicated the need for a tutor, you must attend tutoring at least once a week. If your schedule does not permit weekly tutoring, you are required to schedule a minimum of 2 tutor-ing sessions during the semester. Your EOF funding privileges could be revoked for the following semester, if you fail to comply.

You need to attend 4 workshops; the schedule is in your EOF mailbox, along with other important up-coming information.

Eight hours of community service are required by the end of this semester, many opportunities will be right on campus. See the Community Service on-campus listing in your box.