Education Philosophy: Teaching and Learning

Post on 12-May-2015

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Dr. Wafa Hozien believes that education is an interactive collaborative process. It involves a philosophy of teaching and learning. Education is maintaining an environment of change through reflection and choice of knowledge. Education creates societal change as a result of teaching and learning.

Transcript of Education Philosophy: Teaching and Learning


Wafa Hozien, Ph.D.Virginia State University

Department of Education Administration and Supervision

Education Philosophy

What is that excites us about Education? It is what moves us to teach and

therefore improve the lives of others and eventually society.

It is empowering others to believe and act.

It is creating a knowledgeable citizenry for critical analysis of their lives and those around them.

In one word: Education is Revolutionary

Thinking Children

Teachers and Students to think Innovative educational initiatives To impact social change

Activity One

How could you teach others to think? Give one example in your personal life. Give one example in your professional


Successful Teacher

Knowledgeable in the practices Observant, Reflective, Analytical, and Resourceful

Activity Two

A successful teacher knows the first day of class and within an hour:

Students diverse needs or Learning styles

Their level of competence in course, e.g. Can they read at grade level?

How can I meet their needs? What supports do I need to put in place for

student or students? Make a list of your neediest students and what

support mechanisms you can put in place for those students.


Capable of knowing Learning can make and remake them Create a self image Positive Change

Activity Three

How can I create a positive Self Image for my students?

How can my students create a positive self image for themselves.

This should be done on a routine basis and always in the back of the mind of a good educator.

Expert Teachers

Understand their academic field

Practitioner of Discipline

Embark on ResearchIn Discipline

Activity Four

How can I become an expert in my field? List the specific steps you need to take. Why is it for educators to be engaged in

research? Why is it that teachers and professors

need to continuously collaborate? List some topics of interest to you that

you would be willing to study.

Integrate Theory & Practice

Needs of individual students Capable of structuring environments

Experiences that maximize learning

Active collaboration

Activity Five

How can educators maximizing learning for every student?

What does an educator need to be cognizant of?

How do educators light fires within the classroom environment?

Can you link this to the local community in which you reside?


Sharing – not an individual activity Dewey: Mechanism for social change Freire: Paths of thought that lead to a

language of critique Giroux: Passion and principle Going beneath surface meaning Continuous process that impacts action

Activity Six

If education is social act. It is sharing what you learn, what you do in practice and then reflecting upon what worked and what did not.

How do you solicit feedback? How does this allow you to go beyond

“surface” and delve deeper into meaning?

Education is all about change. How do you create a culture of change in

your environment?

Thank You

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