Educating your target audience: build awareness through digital media

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Educating your target audience: build awareness through digital media

Educating your target audience:

how to build awareness

through digital media

If your business or industry is placed

under the public microscope,

you need to inform and educate


To get your audience on

your side, you’ve got to

connect with them online,


With digital media, educating your target audience has never

been easier.

Each tweet, blog post and status update helps

spread awareness.

Here are five ways to use digital media for audience education and awareness.

1. Build brand awareness and

gain thought authority.

First things

first: you’ve

got to build



If you want to gain thought authority in your


you need people to recognize your


Once you let audiences in on

your brand’s personality,

objectives and purpose,

they’ll begin to rely on you as a trusted source of information.

2. Influence opinions.

Don’t underestimate your

ability to influence your

online community.

Opinions expressed

through digital media

can be incredibly


you have the opportunity to provide new, mind-

opening information and sway opinions in your


With each online post,

Through digital media, you can:

• Provide perspective

• Diffuse tension

• Lessen the opposition

3. Influence government

policy decisions.

If you’re engaged in a public campaign,

digital media is key for keeping voters


For issues to work their way up

the chain of command, policy

advisors and other government personnel need to

be informed, as well.

“It is all about targeting

people who are clearly

interested in solving the

problem that’s being talked


- Bob Dearsley, Chief Executive at itpr and The B2B Marketing Lab.

4. Provide the media with accurate


Make it easy for media to get consumable

information so they don’t

spread inaccuracies

and rumours.

In order to keep myths from

spreading, keep the media up-to-

date with real stories and

facts, via your online content.

5. Tell a great story.

People aren’t interested in being “preached” to.

If you want to maintain your audience’s attention, you’ve got to

get them invested in your story, first.

There’s tons of online content that your

organization has to compete with.

Stand out from dull, run-of-the-mill content by using storytelling techniques.

“Make every effort possible to engage readers with a

story that sparks their interest.”

– Business 2 Community

Simply put, if you don’t have a digital strategy, you’re missing out on opportunities to create

awareness and interest.

Don’t let others speak on your behalf; get active online and teach people a thing or two

about your business!