EDU2400 Digital Stories Part 4

Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcript of EDU2400 Digital Stories Part 4


Chapters 7 & 8

Danielle, David, Karen, Kyle, Mabel, Sara

Chapter 7: Story Planning Considerations

“Learn the rules, break the rules, and then make the rules” (pg. 106)

Stories can be contextualized as problems, challenges and opportunities that have solutions/ responses

Start your story AnYwHeRe!

Beginning End

Is there a key transformation you want students to consider, or

that you want to illustrate?

Problem/resolution scenarios that you

want students to flesh out? Conflict you want

them to creatively think about?

Are there opportunities or challenges that you want your students to

focus on?

Are there solutions to person/academic problems you want students to consider?

Is there a particular incident that you want students to think about?

Is there a moral /goal/ challenge

you want students to consider?

Chapter 8:  Transformation Formations “Slaying the internal dragon through

attitude adjustment based on learning and realization”

What is character transformation? What is character transformation?

Chapter 8:  Transformation Formations “Slaying the internal dragon through

attitude adjustment based on learning and realization”

What is character transformation?

“It is the transformation of characters in a story that gives the audience a chance to transform as well”

8 Levels of Character Transformation

(1) Physical/kinesthetic (character develops strength or dexterity i.e. Popeye eats spinach)(2) Inner strength (character develops courage i.e. Cinderella decides to go to the Ball despite her terrible step-family)

(3) Emotional (Character matures & thinks beyond their personal needs)

(4) Moral (Character develops a conscience i.e. Schindler creates his list)

8 Levels of Character Transformation

(5) Psychological (Character develops insight & self-awareness i.e. Neo understands who he is in relation to the Matrix)(6) Social (Character accepts new responsibility with respect to family, community, or a group i.e. character deciding to help a group he/she does not initially belong to)(7) Intellectual/creative (Character advances his/her intellectual/ creative ability in order to learn or do something new – solving problems, mysteries etc.)(8) Intellectual/creative (Character advances his/her intellectual/ creative ability in order to learn or do something new – solving problems, mysteries etc.)

Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive “transformation”1 Knowledge Character knows, remembers, or describes

something2 Comprehension Character explains, interprets, predicts something

3 Application Character discovers, constructs, or changes something

4 Analysis Character deconstructs a situation, distinguishes between options, plans something

5 Synthesis Character starts to piece together information to solve a problem

6 Evaluation Character assesses a situation, evaluates a situation in order to respond to it




Character transformation in ACTION!

Glee - Football Team Dance Scene