Edu 702 group presentation (questionnaire)

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Transcript of Edu 702 group presentation (questionnaire)







The whole process of preparing to collect data which includes: Selection or design of the instruments Location Time Frequency Administration

Consideration in selecting a research instrument

Validity- measures what it is supposed to measure

Reliability- gives consistent result Objectivity- absence of subjective

judgments Usability- convenience instrument

What is Questionnaire?

A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents.

Getting started

Plan the survey as a whole Objectives - what you want your

questionnaire to achieve Data needs - your research goals, and

think about what information you need to elicit from respondents to meet those goals.

Getting started

o Analysis - how you are going to analyse each question to get the results you need. Remember there is a difference between things you need to know, and those it would be nice to know


The introduction of the questionnaire is very important because it outlines the pertinent information about the survey. The introduction should:

provide the title or subject of the survey explain the purpose of the survey request the respondent’s co-operation inform the respondent about confidentiality issues, the status

of the survey (voluntary or mandatory) and any existing data-sharing agreements with other organizations.

Formatting The Questions

Appropriate format for each question has to be ascertained

Each of the formats serves specific purposes that coincide with the researcher’s information and data analysis needs

Likert Scale

Usually used to measure the strength of an attitude or an opinion

 respondents specify their level of agreement or disagreement on a symmetric agree-disagree scale for a series of statements

Likert Scale

The respondent is presented a sentence and is asked to agree or disagree on a 3,5 or 7 point scale.

It provides an excellent means of gathering opinions and attitudes

When writing the scale, you must include instructions that describe how to complete it

Likert Scale

On a survey or questionnaire, a typical Likert item usually takes the following format:

"balanced" because there are equal amounts of positive and negative positions

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly disagree

Disagree Neither agree nor disagree

Agree Strongly agree

Sample 1

Strongly Not Strongly

disagree Disagree sure Agree agree

I use research

methods in my


Rating Questions

Ratings are assigned solely on the basis of the score’s absolute position within a range of possible values

Easy to write, easy to answer Provide a level of quantification that is

adequate for most purposes


Select the choice that best describes your actions in the first five minutes of the classes you teach

5= always, 4= almost always, 3= about half the time, 2= rarely, 1= never

_____ state lesson objectives and overview at start of the lesson

______ state lesson objectives but no overview at start of the lesson

______ don’t state objectives or overview at start of the lesson

Ranking Questions

The respondent is given a list of items and asked to rank them in order of importance


Rank in order of importance the following five weaknesses of the training program. That is, place 1 beside the weakness you consider most important, 2 beside the next most important weakness and so forth, until you have ranked all five weaknesses.

RankThe training program was too short. ____

The content did not suit my needs. ____

The content was too theoretical. ____

The training group was too large. ____

The training methods were poor. ____

Open-Ended Questions

Easy to write Do not require an extensive knowledge

of the subject


1. What do you understand by the term ‘e-Learning’?

2. Give some examples of e-learning activities carried out in your faculty.

3. What is your opinion regarding the integration of ICT into university teaching and learning?

4. What suggestion(s) do you have to further improve the integration of ICT into university teaching and learning?

Open-Ended Questions

Incomplete and ambiguous answers Hard to analyze Respondent may produce various

answers Cannot be subjected to machine-

processing “content analysis”- read and reread

Open-ended Questions

People are uncertain about what the questions means and how they are expected to answer

Increase respond burden- quality varies with respondent’s literacy, people are 10 times less likely to answer open-ended questions

- Fill in the blanks


How many management courses have you completed in the past two years? ____________

*Note that the answer blank follows the question

Multiple Choice-The respondent is given choice of answers and must check one

Sample 1How many days of training have you completed during the past 12-months?none6 – 10 11 – 1516 or more

Sample 2

What were you doing the year before you enrolled in this program?

Full-time employment

Part-time employment


Full-time student

Part-time student

Other (specify) ___________

List Good way to find out views in an

unbiased way


List three most important skills you acquired during this training session.

1. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

3. ______________________________

Pilot-test the Questionnaire

WHY? It is difficult to criticize your own written work It is essential to obtain comments from at least a

small group of the intended respondents It identifies the ambiguities in the instructions It clarifies the wording of the questionnaire It alerts you to the omissions or anticipated

answers in MCQ or ranking questions

HOW? Assemble a group of volunteers (6 to 12),

have them complete the questionnaire individually

Encourage them to write comments on the actual questionnaire

After the pilot-test, review the verbal and written comments and evaluate its effectiveness

Revise the instrument If necessary, second pilot-test is advisable

Questionnaire Considerations

Be sure to commit the study goals to writing.

Whenever you are unsure of a question, refer to the study goals and a solution will become clear.

Ask only questions that directly address the study goals.


Keep your questionnaire short. Response rate is the single most

important indicator of how much confidence you can place in the results.

A low response rate can be devastating to a study.

One of the most effective methods of maximizing response is to shorten the questionnaire.


Try to eliminate questions. If the information will be used in a decision-making process, then keep the question... it's important.

To include other experts and relevant decision-makers in the questionnaire design process. Their suggestions will improve the questionnaire.

Formulate a plan for doing the statistical analysis during the design stage of the project. Know how every question will be analyzed and be prepared to handle missing data.


Make the envelope unique. Provide a well-written cover letter. Give your questionnaire a title that is short

and meaningful to the respondent. Include clear and concise instructions on how

to complete the questionnaire. Be sure to print the return address on the questionnaire itself (since questionnaires often get separated from the reply envelopes).

Begin with a few non-threatening and interesting items.


Use simple and direct language. This will reduce misunderstandings and make the questionnaire appear easier to complete. One way to eliminate misunderstandings is to emphasize crucial words in each item by using bold, italics or underlining.

Leave adequate space for respondents to make comments. Leaving space for comments will provide valuable information not captured by the response categories.

Place the most important items in the first half of the questionnaire.


Hold the respondent's interest. We want the respondent to complete our questionnaire

Provide incentives as a motivation for a properly completed questionnaire.

Use professional production methods for the questionnaire--either desktop publishing or typesetting and key lining.

Make it convenient. The easier it is for the respondent to complete the questionnaire the better.

The final test of a questionnaire is to try it on representatives of the target audience.


Very cheap – only for printing Very close to 100% of response. Can be posted or by e-mail.


Less honest response. Rush to complete. E-mail – maybe answered by other

person, low level in computer literacy Some people are not able to read and

write. By post – quite expensive. By hand – time consuming.


Well constructed questionnaires permit researchers to gather reasonably valid quantitative and qualitative data in simple, timely and costly efficient manner.

Questionnaires lend themselves to logical and organized data entry and analysis.

Developing the questionnaire requires thought, care and time. But the end product can be satisfying.