Editorial Writing

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cEditorial Writing

Transcript of Editorial Writing


Individual Writer Column I

Majority of school

paper staffEditorial We



The EDITORIAL is the soul of a newspaper. It is the stand and the collective view of the paper of a burning issue.

Editorials aim to inform, influence or entertain.

Types of editorials:

Interpretation explains a burning or current issue/dev’t

Criticism criticizes an action, policy, program of a certain

official/office/group, etc. Entertainment

presents an anecdote on current situations/events Commendation, appreciation, or tribute

Cites a person, group, office for action/program/policy, etc. that is deemed good

Argument Argues for a certain position, point, stance taken

Editorial writing is opinion-writing and

essay writing combined. Crisp, short, informative, and clear

to the readers.

7 questions to a strong opinion

To whom would this be written?Those in powerAverage readersJust ourselves

What's our attitude? (the tone we will use)AngryPleasedBotheredBefuddled

What are we trying to accomplish?An official responseA public change of attitudeAn explanationEntertainmentGiving credit where credit is due

What are we contributing to the debate?New factsNew arguments/contexts/dimensions

Do we have something new to say about this?Review whether what you are writing is

really something new or just rehashed opinions, dimensions.

Does our position survive the scrutiny?Anticipate what your opponent will be

using to argue against whatever your stand is.

Are we just lulling our readers to sleep?Review whether the style of writing, content,

and overall presentation can attract and hold reader’s attention


Editorials are made up of 3 parts:


CompositionIntroduction states outright the issue to

be tackled.

Body gives a few background facts, related issues.

Conclusion usually gives a recommended action or if it intends to entertain, then the punchline.

Structure of an Editorial

    Introduction - state the problem     Body - expresses an opinion & discusses it     Solution - offers a solution to the problem     Conclusion - emphasizes the main issue



Use the “we” approach or the 3rd person, since an editorial represents a group opinion.

Build the opinion from a newspeg. An editorial is not just a mere opinion but it is pegged on a news event, idea, or a news story.


For controversial issues, present both sides; take up the advantages and advantages. Ask the readers to decide or come up with their opinion or concept.


If you need to take sides, be on the right track; support and sustain good deeds; commend exemplary actions or projects.


If you may attack, attack the situation, the problem or the issue, not the person.


While we can educate, inform, explain, and influence readers through the editorial, we have to avoid preachiness.


We can use beautiful language as we may depending upon the purpose to be achieved in writing the editorial.


The editorial title like the lead or the first sentence or paragraph should be catchy and one that attracts or compels readers to read the story or material.


The conclusion should flow naturally from the lead to the details in the development of the body of the story.


Like the feature story, the editorial should have a catchy title, attractive lead, organized body and a conclusion that would help shape readers’ opinion over issues and concerns presented.



Dos & Don’ts:

Research your topic and find out what’s happening and what went on

in the past.

Know the facts and be able to refer to them in your argument.

Use facts and details to back up your opinion and help you make your case.

Leave your readers with a lasting impression -- a strong point that will make them consider your point of view.

Don’t preach to the reader. A good editorial will make readers take notice of the situation and form their own opinions on the issue.

Dos & Don’ts:

When the Records Speak  

This is the year 2010. And the records say that we have, by high standards, attained it. The numbers dictate that the Philippines is now a country where there reigns gender equality and the discrimination against women has markedly declined. But are the statistics accurate? Could the numbers our leaders boast of to the entire world, be wrong?

According to an article, posted by the United Nations (http://www.undp.org.ph/?link=goal_

3) which focused on our country’s progress considering the aspect of gender equality, as part of the eight Millennium Development Goals, there are more female students who attend elementary schools than there are males. In the school year (SY) 2005-2006 alone, the participation rate of females was 85.35 percent as compared to 83.56 percent for the males. Also, the rate of female survival rate, as well as life expectancy is in general, higher than that of males. Women are expected to live until the age of 72.5 years compared to 67.2 years men are expected to live.

So we have women who live longer than men, and girls who attend school much more than boys. But does this prove anything? Are we living in a society where there is no discrimination between the sexes or are we just fooling ourselves? What happens when women get out of college? Are they treated fairly? Or do they suddenly find themselves struggling because men are the more favored? What about the other genders? Those who are considered by the country as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or a transgender? Have they been accepted in society? Or do they suffer still, insults and curses upon curses?

The Filipina is allowed to work. She is allowed to work where she pleases, when she pleases, and how she pleases; that is, considering she received a good education. Otherwise, the Filipina becomes prey to those who see her as an object for pleasure, an object to abuse. These are facts. You can ask most any one, and they will tell you the same thing.

Then comes the issue of the positions granted to women at work, not to mention their salary. In the United States alone, women were paid 77 cents for every dollar men were paid. This was stated in a fact sheet that focused on the statistics of working women, and was posted on the web (http://www.aflcio.org/issues/jobseconomy/women/). The fact sheet also showed that

African American women only earn 72 cents, and Latinas 59 cents for every dollar men are paid. Although such is not the case in the Philippines, our women enjoy limited benefits and protection when compared to our men. Also, recent surveys have shown that men are more often than not, favored for higher positions in office than women are.

Now to the second issue, that of the other sexes present in our society; the gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender. We, as a people are aware of their existence, and, because of our strong Christian roots, treat them with as much respect as possible. Although this might not be the case for every citizen, we can see that, in schools nationwide,

more and more children are beginning to understand why there are other genders aside from the standard male and female. In fact, students now show little discrimination against these sexes. They have learned to laugh, play, and study in harmony with their classmates who show the characteristics of the different sexes.

This is the year 2010. And the records say that we have, by high standards, attained it. The numbers dictate that the Philippines is now a country where there reigns gender equality and the discrimination against women has markedly declined.

The records have proven to be true. The Philippines is a country where equality reigns, and justice for the genders dominate. We might have lapses, but they are few compared to those of other countries, and besides, we can still improve.

The Philippines can still improve.The World can still improve.Tomorrow is still on the horizon. But today,

everyone is equal.In our country, women are strong, beautiful,

and appreciated. Our children are peace-loving and open-minded. And our nation upholds the dignity of each and every one.

This is the year 2010. And the records have proven to be true.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010 02:13 PM Arianne Patricia Onte (Second Place, High School - English) Online Writing Contest Entries 2010