Editorial_ Tax Dollars to Build Mosques - Washington Times

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  • 8/9/2019 Editorial_ Tax Dollars to Build Mosques - Washington Times





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    EDITORIAL: Tax dollars to build mosquesU.S. underwrites fundraising tour for Islamic shrine at Ground Zero



    The Washington Times

    7:46 p.m., Tuesday, August 10, 2010

    The State Department(/topics/department-of-state/) is sending Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf(/topics/feisal-abdul-rauf/) -

    the mastermind of the Ground Zero Mosque - on a trip through the Middle East to foster "greater

    understanding" about Islam and Muslim communities in the United States(/topics/united-states-of-america/) .

    However, important questions are being raised about whether this is simply a taxpayer-funded fundraising jaunt

    to underwrite his reviled project, which is moving ahead in Lower Manhattan.

    Mr. Rauf(/topics/feisal-abdul-rauf/) is scheduled to go to Saudi Arabia(/topics/saudi-arabia/) , Dubai, Abu Dhabi,

    Bahrain(/topics/bahrain/) and Qatar(/topics/qatar/) , the usual stops for Gulf-based fundraising. The State

    Department(/topics/department-of-state/) defends the five-country tour saying that Mr. Rauf(/topics/feisal-abdul-

    rauf/) is "a distinguished Muslim cleric," but surely the government could find another such figure in the United

    States(/topics/united-states-of-america/)who is not seeking millions of dollars to fund a construction project that

    has so strongly divided America.

    By funding the trip so soon after New York City's Landmarks Preservation Commission(/topics/new-york-citys-

    landmarks-preservation-commission/)gave the go-ahead to demolish the building on the proposed mosque site, the

    State Department(/topics/department-of-state/) is creating the appearance that the U.S. government(/topics

    /us-government/) is facilitating the construction of this shameful structure. It gives Mr. Rauf(/topics/feisal-abdul-

    rauf/) not only access but imprimatur to gather up foreign cash. And because Mr. Rauf(/topics/feisal-abdul-rauf/)has refused to reveal how he plans to finance his costly venture, the American public is left with the impression

    it will be a wholly foreign enterprise. This contradicts the argument that a mosque is needed in that part of New

    York City to provide services for a burgeoning Muslim population. If so many people need the mosque so

    badly, presumably they could figure out a way to pay for it themselves.

    Americans also may be surprised to learn that the United States(/topics/united-states-of-america/) has been an

    active participant in mosque construction projects overseas. In April, U.S. Ambassador to Tanzania Alfonso E.

    EDITORIAL: Tax dollars to build mosques - Washington Times http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/aug/10/tax-doll

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  • 8/9/2019 Editorial_ Tax Dollars to Build Mosques - Washington Times
