
Post on 25-Aug-2016

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Transcript of Editorial


This issue of Cities sees an exciting new era in the journal’s history. In its eleventh volume, the journal will be published bimonthly from now on - in February, April, June, August, October and De- cember.

This will mean that we can publish more material, more quickly. We shall be able to cover more subjects and include more special themes and issues. For potential authors it will mean a reduction in lead time to publication.

In this volume we will include a special feature on healthy cities, and, starting in this issue, a special series of environmental city profiles, coordinated by

Dr Josef Leitmann of the World Bank’s Urban Management Programme. From April we shall be inviting guest editorials on current challenges to urban policy makers and planners. The first of these is ‘Homeless prevention: a modern challenge’ by Dr E.J. Howenstine.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support of Cities, and to encourage you to write to us with ideas for special features and issues, replies to articles in the journal, and, of course, submissions of new articles. I would be particularly keen to receive ideas for city profiles and articles on the US and the Pacific Rim.

Cities 1994 11 I