Edith Hamilton and the lesser gods

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Edith Hamilton and the lesser gods

The Lesser Gods of Olympus & Earth


Cupid God of Love Son of Aphrodite Married to Psyche


Goddess of the Rainbow

Messenger to the gods (like Hermes)


3 daughters of Zeus Represent Splendor,

Mirth & Good Cheer Always together


9 daughters of Zeus Goddesses of music,

poetry & the arts Inspire men Each muse has a

specialty Calliope: muse of epic


Demeter (Ceres)

Goddess of the Corn & Harvest

Mother of Persephone Lives on Earth

Dionysus (Bacchus)

God of Wine Lives on Earth Mother was mortal Can bring joy, but can

also cause madness & brutality

Pan Son of Hermes Part man, part goat

• Companion of the nymphs

• Played the pipes

Satyrs & Centaurs Satyr: half man, half

goat Centaur: half man,

half horse

Nymphs & Dryads

Nymphs: minor nature goddesses that lived in rivers, trees, caves, etc.

Dryads: tree nymphs


3 females 2 are immortal, the 3rd

is Medusa Gaze turns men into



King of the Winds Lives on an island,


The Graiae

Sisters of the Gorgons Old gray women Share an eye

The Fates

Clotho: the Spinner Lachesis: Disposer of

Lots (assigns destiny) Atropos: cuts the

thread at death