EDistrict Detailed Project Report Karnataka

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DPR of karanatka project for E-district

Transcript of EDistrict Detailed Project Report Karnataka

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Detailed Project Report for State wide roll out of e-District MMP in Karnataka 2012

Detailed Project Report for State Wide Rollout

Of e-District MMP in Karnataka

Government of Karnataka

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Detailed Project Report for State wide roll out of e-District MMP in Karnataka 2012

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................... 2

List of Acronyms ..................................................................................................................................... 5

1 Background of Project and Other Basic Information ...................................................................... 7

1.1 Title of the Project .................................................................................................................. 7

1.2 Background of the Project ...................................................................................................... 7

1.3 Rollout of the project without pilot phase ............................................................................. 7

1.4 Project Initiator Details ........................................................................................................... 7

1.5 State Designated Agency ........................................................................................................ 8

1.6 Location of Project Implementation ....................................................................................... 8

1.7 Expected outcome of the Project ........................................................................................... 8

2 Project Overview and Executive Summary ................................................................................... 10

2.1 Details of Stakeholders ......................................................................................................... 10

2.2 Efficiencies envisaged for the proposed services ................................................................. 11

2.3 Details of Locations to be Covered for State wide Rollout ................................................... 20

2.4 Project activities and timelines ............................................................................................. 21

2.5 Project Cost ........................................................................................................................... 22

3 Karnataka State Information ......................................................................................................... 24

3.1 Details of all Districts............................................................................................................. 24

3.2 Details of officers involved in processing the selected services ........................................... 29

3.3 Details of District e-Governance Society (DeGS) .................................................................. 29

3.4 State specific e-Governance initiatives ................................................................................. 29

3.4.1 State Data Centre .......................................................................................................... 29

3.4.2 Karnataka State Wide Area Network ............................................................................ 30

3.4.3 Common Service Centres .............................................................................................. 32

3.4.4 State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG), e-Forms and State Portal .............................. 35

3.4.5 Status of Other state MMPS ......................................................................................... 35

3.4.6 Status of SeMT .............................................................................................................. 37

3.4.7 Other e-Governance Initiatives ..................................................................................... 38

3.5 Status of Data Digitization in each district ............................................................................ 39

3.6 Status of existing Service Delivery Channels ......................................................................... 42

4 Project Details and Implementation Model .................................................................................. 46

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4.1 Stake Holder Analysis ............................................................................................................ 46

4.2 Services and Service Levels ................................................................................................... 49

4.3 Implementation Strategy ...................................................................................................... 49

4.4 Key Activities ......................................................................................................................... 50

4.4.1 Study of Process Re-engineering .................................................................................. 50

4.4.2 Study of Change Management...................................................................................... 50

4.4.3 Assessment of Gap Infrastructure ................................................................................ 52

4.4.4 To Be scenario District wise .......................................................................................... 53

4.4.5 To Be Scenario for servers at SDC ................................................................................. 55

4.4.6 Work of Data Digitization .............................................................................................. 57

4.4.7 Work of Training ........................................................................................................... 58

4.4.8 Architecture of E-District Application ........................................................................... 60

4.4.9 Mechanism for ensuring compliance to service levels ................................................. 80

4.4.10 Public Awareness Campaign, Citizen Feedback Mechanism & Post Implementation

Assessment ................................................................................................................................... 82

4.4.11 Post Implementation Institutional Mechanism for O&M phase .................................. 84

4.4.12 Estimated time frame and costs (In Lakhs) ................................................................... 85

4.4.13 Details of Monitoring, Evaluation and Assessment ...................................................... 85

4.4.14 SLAs for IT infrastructure & Services in terms of uptime & Service Levels ................... 90

4.4.15 Site Preparation ............................................................................................................ 92

4.4.16 The schedule of implementation along with identification of responsibilities ............ 93

4.4.17 Project Risks & Mitigation Measures ............................................................................ 93

5 Operation and Maintenance Phase .............................................................................................. 97

5.1 Projected Revenue ................................................................................................................ 97

5.2 Projected Operational Expenses ........................................................................................... 98

5.3 Revenue Model ..................................................................................................................... 98

5.4 Institutional arrangement for Operations & Maintenance Phase ...................................... 112

6 Financial Estimates ...................................................................................................................... 114

6.1 Total Project Cost ................................................................................................................ 114

6.2 Hardware for all Offices ...................................................................................................... 116

6.3 Site Preparation Cost .......................................................................................................... 120

6.4 Data Digitization and Migration .......................................................................................... 120

6.5 Network Connectivity (Horizontal) ..................................................................................... 121

6.6 Training Costs ...................................................................................................................... 121

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6.7 Awareness and Communication ......................................................................................... 123

6.8 State Programme Management Unit .................................................................................. 123

6.9 Support Services ................................................................................................................. 124

6.10 Application Enhancement/Development & Support .......................................................... 126

6.11 Seed Money to DeGS .......................................................................................................... 127

6.12 STQC Testing ....................................................................................................................... 127

6.13 Impact Assessment ............................................................................................................. 127

7 Annexure ..................................................................................................................................... 129

7.1 Details of Districts in Karnataka .......................................................................................... 129

7.2 Hardware Breakup for DHQ, SDO and Taluka Offices ......................................................... 137

7.2.1 Hardware Requirement at each District Head Quarter .............................................. 137

7.2.2 Hardware Requirement at each Sub Divisional Office ................................................ 137

7.2.3 Hardware Requirement at each Taluka Office ............................................................ 137

7.2.4 Hardware Requirements at Social Welfare(for SC Only) ............................................ 138

7.2.5 Hardware Requirements at Tribal Welfare (for ST Only) ............................................ 138

7.2.6 Hardware Requirements at Social Welfare(common SC and ST) ............................... 138

7.2.7 Hardware Requirements at Taluka Level Social Welfare Office ................................. 138

7.2.8 Hardware Requirements at District Backward Caste and Minority Office ................. 139

7.3 Manpower Details at each office ........................................................................................ 140

7.4 Site Preparation Costs ......................................................................................................... 145

7.5 Transactions of RTC & RDS at Nemmadi Telecentres for the year 2006-07 to 2010-11 .... 146

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List of Acronyms

AC Assistant Commissioner

ADM Additional District Magistrate

AMC Annual Maintenance Contract

AV Anti Virus

B1 Bangalore One centres

B2C Business to Citizens

BDO Block Development Office

BPR Business Process Re-engineering

TO Taluka Office

CSC Common Service Centre

DC Deputy Commissioner

DDO Drawing Disbursing Officer

DeGS District e-Governance Society

DEO District Education Officer

DHQ District Head Quarter

DIO District Information Officer

DIT Department of Information Technology

DPR Detailed Project Report

DR Disaster Recovery

EDCS Electronic Delivery of Citizen Services

e-form Electronic form

e-Gov Electronic Government

FRS Functional Requirement Specification

G2B Government to Business

G2C Government to Citizen

G2G Government to Government

GoI Government of India

GO Government Order

HRMS Human Resources Management System

ICT Information Communication Technology

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

ISO International Organization for Standardization

K1 Karnataka One Centres

KSWAN Karnataka State Wide Area Network

KVA Kilo Volt Ampere

LAN Local Area Networking

MIS Management Information System

MMP Mission Mode Project

MoCIT Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

MS Microsoft

NeGP National e-Governance Plan

NIC National Informatics Centre

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O&M Operations & Maintenance

OFC Optical Fibre Cable

OS Operating System

PeMT Project e-Mission Team

PMU Programme/Project Management Unit

POP Point of Presence

PPP Public Private Partnership

RFP Request for Proposal

RTI Right to Information

S/w Software

SCA Service Centre agency

SDA State Designated Agency

SDC State Data Centre

SDLC Software Development Life Cycle

SDO Sub Divisional Office

SeMT State e-Governance Mission Team

SI System Integrator

SLA Service Level Agreement

SRS Software Requirement Specification

SSDG State Service Delivery Gateway

STQC Standardisation Testing and Quality Certification

UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply

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Detailed Project Report for State wide roll out of e-District MMP in Karnataka 2012

1 Background of Project and Other Basic Information

1.1 Title of the Project

Detailed Project Report for State wide roll out of e-District MMP in Karnataka.

1.2 Background of the Project

e-District is one of the 27 MMPs under NeGP, with the Department of Information Technology

(DIT), Government of India (GoI) as the nodal Department, to be implemented by State

Government or their designated agencies. This MMP aims at electronic delivery of identified

high volume citizen centric services, at district and sub-district level, those are not part of any

other MMP. To achieve these objectives service levels and outcomes for each of these services

will be clearly laid down by the concerned State, with a view to improving the efficiency and

effectiveness of the service delivery. The MMP envisages leveraging and utilizing the four pillars

of e-infrastructure namely SDCs, SWAN, Service Delivery Channels such as Nemmadi, Karnataka

One and Bangalore One optimally to deliver public services electronically to citizens.

1.3 Rollout of the project without pilot phase

Yes, the project is rolled out without pilot phase.

1.4 Project Initiator Details

i. Department/ Ministry initiating the project: Department of e-Governance

ii. Background of the department/ ministry:

Department of e-Governance was created under Department of Personnel and

Administrative Reforms (e-Governance). The main objective of the department was to plan

and leverages the ICT for benefit of common man.

Department of e-Governance plays the following roles:

• Creation of Policy framework, setting the vision and guidelines for e Governance


• Creation of Administrative framework for approval of e Governance Projects of all the


• Technical assistance to Departments for taking up e Governance Projects

• Creation and maintenance of Core- e infrastructure that can be used by Departments

for planning and implementing e Governance initiatives.

• Development and promotion of common standards in designing of the e Governance


The Department has created two unique institutions to give thrust to planning and

implementing e Governance infrastructure that can be used by all the Government

Departments for planning and implementing e-Governance initiatives. These are:

Directorate of Electronic Delivery of Citizen Services (EDCS): A Government Department

mandated with the implementation of key e-Governance projects like e-District, SSDG,

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and operations of service delivery centres such as Bangalore One, Karnataka One and

Nemmadi for G2C and B2C services.

iii. Name and Job Title of the key contact person (person responsible for initiation):

Dr. D. S. Ravindran, IFS, Director(i/c), Directorate of Electronic Delivery of Citizen

Services, Department of e-Governance, Government of Karnataka.

iv. Contact Details:

Address : No. 146, Gate 2, MS Building, Bangalore - 560001

Fax : 080 22371089

Landline : 080 22373840

Mobile : 09449055222

Email : ceoceg@karnataka.gov.in, edcsdirector@gmail.com

1.5 State Designated Agency

i. Name of the State Designated Agency: Directorate of Electronic Delivery of Citizen

Services (EDCS), Department of e-Governance, Government of Karnataka.

ii. Year of Establishment: 2006

Name and Job Title of the key contact person: Dr. D.S. Ravindran, IFS, Director,

Directorate of Electronic Delivery of Citizen Services

iii. Contact Details:

Address : No. 146, Gate 2, MS Building, Bangalore - 560001

Fax : 080 22371089

Landline : 080 22373840

Mobile : 09449055222

Email : ceoceg@karnataka.gov.in, edcsdirector@gmail.com

1.6 Location of Project Implementation

SI. No. Locations No. of Units

1 District Head Quarters(DHQ)/Deputy Commissioner’s Offices 30

2 Sub Divisional Offices (SDO)/Assistant Commissioner’s Offices 52

3 Taluka Offices(TO) 177

4 Department of Social Welfare and Tribal Welfare 221

5 Department of Backward Castes and Minorities 30

1.7 Expected outcome of the Project

Enhanced and Improved e-Governance Infrastructure

Augmented capacities of district staff

Efficient service delivery mechanism

Delivery of selected services to the Citizen through existing Service Delivery Channels

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Complete work flow automation of selected service

Networked department/offices

Interlinked services and reuse of available resources

Opportunity to strengthen Decentralized & participatory Planning

Better Services to citizen

Generation of an efficient MIS for better decision making

Faster retrieving of the records due to computerized records

e-District model based on sustainable operations

Improvement in efficiency of the employees and reduction in workload

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2 Project Overview and Executive Summary

G2C and G2G services are delivered by the district administration leveraging Information

Communication and Technology. e-District will serve as a perfect example of process level

automation wherein automation of workflow and internal processes of District Administration will

be undertaken through a comprehensive automation of backend processes of different

departments. The initiative will have provisions for seamless integration of various departments like

Revenue, Food, Social Welfare, Tribal Welfare, Backward Castes and Minorities, Agriculture,

Fisheries, Excise, Municipalities and ESCOMs for providing services to the citizens through a

common delivery interface.

The project would help in creating an electronic workflow system for the district administration and

help in providing efficient individual department services through the existing Service Delivery

Channels which would be the primary front end channels.

2.1 Details of Stakeholders State Government would closely work with Department of Information Technology (DIT), Ministry of

Communications and Information Technology (MoCIT), Government of India (GoI) to seek over all

guidance and implementation monitoring. District Administration would also work closely with the

project implementation partner for activities like Hardware Installation and Commissioning, Site

Preparation, Capacity Building of the staff and executive resources of District administration on the

e-District application.

The stakeholders for this project are:

Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications & Information


State Government

State Designated Agency

District Administration

State Project Management Unit

System Integrator

Service Delivery Channels (Nemmadi, Karnataka One and Bangalore One)

State Government would work closely with Department of Information Technology (DIT),

Ministry of Communication and Information Technology and Implementation monitoring

agency. DIT would extend over all guidance to the State Government and District Administration

in this regard. District Administration would also work very closely with the project

implementation partner (Consultant) to undertake the stakeholder consultations and focused

meetings comprehend change requirements, document the observations, prepare roadmap of

activities, and suggest areas for Government Process Reengineering (GPR) and identifying area

for capacity building at the District level. District administration and project implementation

partner would also work closely with the technical solution provider for developing and

customizing the software and implement the technical solution.

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The commitment from various stakeholders would be:

Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communication and Information

Technology: To provide technical assistance to address technology, financing, process

reengineering, organizational capacity building, reviewing and monitoring the status the

project and provide skilled manpower resources to implement the project in the form of

a Consultant.

State Government: To identify the project champion and ensuring complete

involvement of the project champion from start to the finish of the project and

expeditious enforcement of legal changes for awarding sanctity to the Process Changes.

District Administration: To undertake overall coordination with all the stakeholders in

the project, provide institutional support and commitment to the program; help to

bring-in the process changes and overall guidance to the project. The stakeholder from

the district would be Deputy Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner, Sub Divisional

Officer /Magistrate, Tahsildhar Officer, etc.

State Project Management Unit (PMU): To devise the overall strategy and design

process flows for the selected services. Carry out the field study and stakeholder

assessments in order to understand the requirements of the citizens and business

groups, Re-Engineering of the existing delivery mechanism, drawing the Project Plan and

timelines, status reporting at the Project and Program level, risk management,

addressing the current requirements and help in creating a facility for development of

capacity leveraging the available capacity building institutions.

System Integrator: To develop or customize the application software as per the State

specific requirements and over all Technical Standards as mentioned in guidelines for

state wide rollout.

Service Delivery Channel Partners: The envisaged services as part of the e-District

project would be delivered through the existing service delivery channels.

2.2 Efficiencies envisaged for the proposed services A problem or issue refers to any situation or matter that poses to be difficulty for the

Citizens, Businesses or Government in the process of obtaining services. The specific

problem(s) or issue(s) faced by Citizens, Businesses or Governments that would be

addressed by means of provision of improved services through this proposed project are:

Ability to get easy access to government services for a common man

Getting real time update on the status of the services requested by a common man

Availability of a central data repository for the government resulting in delivery of

services to a citizen in an inefficient manner

Availability of instant MIS reports at various levels of government

Ensuring Transparency in processing and delivery of services.

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Category of Services(Including Sub-Services)



Levels (Days)





1 Certificates

1 Domicile 10-15 7

2 Nativity 10-15 7

3 Rural Area Certificate 10-15 7

4 Dependent Certificate 10-15 7

5 Next of Kin Certificate 10-15 7

6 Destitute Certificate 10-15 7

7 Non-Remarriage Certificate (for Compassionate Appointments) 10-15 7

8 No Graduate in the family certificate 10-15 7

9 Certificate for Destitute Children for admission in Orphanage School

10-15 7

10 Destitute Widow Certificate for priority in getting job opportunity

10-15 7

11 Non-Marriage Certificate (for Compassionate Appointments) 10-15 7

12 Mother Tongue Certificate (Linguistic Minorities - for Reservation in Education Inst Border Dist)

10-15 7

13 Certificate for Non Violation of Section 79 A & B ( Issued in AC & Taluka )

10-15 7

14 NOC (Land Grant Cases) 10-15 7

15 NOC (Lands Granted through Land Tribunal/Land Reforms) 10-15 7

16 Certificate of Land not coming under PTCL(SC/ST) act 1978 10-15 7

17 Correction of Name(Applicant/Father/Mother) in Birth Certificate

10-15 7

18 Correction of Name(Applicant/Father/Mother) in Death Certificate

10-15 7

19 Non-Availability of Birth Certificate 10-15 7

20 Non-Availability of Death Certificate 10-15 7

21 Project Displacement Certificate (PDC) Ex: Land acquired for Highways, Irrigation and Housing projects ,etc

20-40 7

2 Social Welfare (Pensions)

1 Freedom fighter honorarium 30 7

2 Inter-caste Marriage Assistance scheme (In some case issued by Taluka Social Welfare Officer)

30-40 7

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Category of Services(Including Sub-Services)



Levels (Days)





3 Assistance for last rites for BPL Card Holders 30 7

4 Physically Handicap Pension (For Persons having more than 75% Disability are not being covered under Nemmadi)

90 7

5 Old Age Pension (OAP1) (Age between 60-64 Years) 90 7

6 Old Age Pension (OAP3) (Age between 80 Years and above ) 90 7

7 Aam Admi Bima Yojana 30 7

8 Adarsha Vivaha Yojana 30 7

3 Revenue Court Cases

1 Receipt of Disputes regarding Mutation 90 30

1) Issuance of notices

2) Listing of cases

3) Adjournment of cases

4) Tracking status of execution of orders

5) Stay and final orders of cases

2 Receipt of Appeal in Revenue Court Cases 90 30

1) Issuance of notices

2) Listing of cases

3) Adjournment of cases

4) Tracking status of execution of orders

5) Stay and final orders of cases

3 Water and Path Ways Disputes u/s 90A of land revenue act 90 30

1) Issuance of notices

2) Listing of cases

3) Adjournment of cases

4) Tracking status of execution of orders

5) Stay and final orders of cases

4 Boundary Disputes u/s Section 49 E and F of KLR Act , 1964 (Rules 51 and 52)

90 30

1) Issuance of notices

2) Listing of cases

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Category of Services(Including Sub-Services)



Levels (Days)





3) Adjournment of cases

4) Tracking status of execution of orders

5) Stay and final orders of cases

5 Dues and Recovery

1) Track Default loan processes(such as Nationalized/Co-operative Banks, Financial Assistance given by Taluka and Gram Panchayats, SGSY etc)

180 90

2) Recovery of Government dues( Commercial Taxes, Excise, Stamp Duty, Transport, Ex-Minister's Rental Dues, other State Dues)

180 90

3) Court Recoveries (Judicial Magistrate First Class JMFCs), Consumer Courts, Labour Courts, Family Courts etc)

180 90

4) Recoveries under Karnataka State Financial Corporation , Karnataka Small Scale Industrial Development Corporation, Khadi Gram Udyog, BSNL

180 90

5) Issuance of Revenue Recovery Certificate 180 90

6 Certified Copies(Not taken up under NLRMP)

1)Closed Files of all sections such as Revenue Court Cases and Record of Rights(RRT) Cases

30-40 10

2) Closed Files of Land Grant Cases under Sec 94A,B and C of Land Revenue Act Files and Registers, 90 A of Land Revenue Act,

30-40 10

3) Closed Files of Water and Path Way Disputes Cases under 90 A of Land Revenue Act

30-40 10

4) Closed Files of Land Reforms Sections such as Land Tribuanal Cases of Sec 77 and 77 A of Land Reforms Act

30-40 10

5) Issue of Certified copies of Records available in Record Room of Taluka offices

30-40 10

6) Issue of Certified copies from Deputy Commissioner offices 30-40 10

7) Issue of Certified copies from Assistant Commissioner offices 30-40 10

8) Survey Records not taken under NLRMP (Pakka, Tippan, Village Maps, Atlas)

30-40 1

4 Ration Card services

1 Issue of New Ration Card 60 10

2 Issue of Duplicate Ration Card 15 10

3 Addition of Name in Ration Card 15 10

4 Deletion of Name in Ration Card 15 10

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Category of Services(Including Sub-Services)



Levels (Days)






Deletion of certain family members ( partial) in Ration Card and issuance of new Ration card for the remaining family members

15 10

6 Correction of Name, Age and Sex in Ration Card 15 10

7 Correction of incorrect card category entries like APL, BPL & AAY

15 10

8 Correction of wrong photographs of family members in Ration Cards

15 10

9 Correction of incorrect entries in the Ration card like Gas connections

15 10

10 Application for surrender of Ration card 15 10

5 RTI and Grievances

1 Filling of Applications of Grievances and Status Tracking No Defined Timelines

No Defined Timelines

2 RTI applications and status tracking filed to the PIO (Taluka Office) and first appellant authority for VA, RI/DT( Nada Office)

15-30 7


RTI applications and status tracking filed to the PIO ( Assistant Commissioner's Office) and first appellant authority for Taluka Office

15-30 7


RTI applications and status tracking filed to the PIO ( Deputy Commissioner's Office) and first appellant authority for Assistant Commissioner's Office

15-30 7

5 RTI appeals before State Information Commission 15-30 7

6 Licensing

Arms License

1 Issue of arms license 60 30

2 Renewal of arms license 20 7

3 Duplicate arms license 20 7

4 Entry of weapon 20 7

5 Addition of Weapon 20 7

6 Deletion of Weapon 20 7

7 NOC for sale of weapon 20 7

8 Permission to carry weapon 30 10

9 Extension of purchase period 20 7

10 Change of address 30 10

11 Cancellation of license 60 30

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Category of Services(Including Sub-Services)



Levels (Days)





12 Addition/deletion of retainer 60 30

13 NOC for import of weapon 30 10

14 Licenses for Crop protection weapons 30 10

15 Renewal of arms license for Crop protection weapons 30 10

16 Duplicate arms license for Crop protection weapons 30 10

17 Entry of weapon for Crop protection weapons 30 10

18 Addition of Weapon for Crop protection weapons 30 10

19 Deletion of Weapon for Crop protection weapons 30 10

20 NOC for sale of weapon for Crop protection weapons 30 10

21 Permission to carry weapon for Crop protection weapons 30 10

22 Extension of purchase period(for Crop protection weapons 30 10

23 Change of address for Crop protection weapons 30 10

24 Cancellation of license for Crop protection weapons 30 10

Small Savings

1 Small Saving Agents 30 10

2 Stamp Vendors 30 10


1 Arms Dealers 60 20

2 Cinemas and Dramas 120 30

3 Video Parlour/Entertainment Clubs 120 30


1 Temporary permission for mining 90 45

2 Permanent license for mining 90 45

3 NOC for explosive Licenses 90 45

4 License to store explosives for Mining 90 45

5 License for the sale of crackers 90 45

7 Magisterial(MAG) Court Cases


Application for Magisterial Court Cases (under Sec 107, 109, 110, 144 & 145 of CRPC) 109 – Suspicious Offender

Currently there are no defined


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Category of Services(Including Sub-Services)



Levels (Days)





107 – Trouble Maker 110 – Habitual Offender


1) Issuance of Notices

2) Listing of Cases

3) Adjournment of Cases

4) Tracking status of execution of orders

5) Stay and final orders of cases

2 Unnatural Death Cases

Currently there are no defined Timelines


8 Scholarships (Dept of Social Welfare, Dept of Tribal Welfare

and Dept of Backward Castes & Minorities)

1 Scholarship and admission in hostels for SC 90 30

2 Scholarship and admission in hostels for ST 90 30

3 Scholarship and admission in hostels for BC and Minorities 90 30

4 Govt of India (GoI) Post metric Scholarships for SC 90 30

5 Govt of India (GoI) Post metric Scholarships for ST 90

6 State specific Scholarship for Hostel Admission for Post Metric Students for BC and Minorities

90 30

7 State specific Scholarship for Post Metric Students for BC and Minorities

90 30

8 State specific Pre-Metric Scholarships for SC 90 30

9 State specific Pre-Metric Scholarships for Hostel Admission for SC

90 30

10 State specific Pre-Metric Scholarships for ST 90 30

11 State specific Pre-Metric Scholarships for Hostel Admission for ST

90 30

12 State specific Pre-Metric Scholarships for BC and Minorities 90 30

13 State specific Pre-Metric Scholarships for Hostel Admission for BC and Minorities

90 30

14 Higher Education Special Scholarship Schemes for SC 90 30

15 Higher Education Special Scholarship Schemes for ST 90 30

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Category of Services(Including Sub-Services)



Levels (Days)





16 Higher Education Special Scholarship Schemes for BC and Minorities

90 30

17 GOI Scholarships for Admission of Students whose parents are engaged in unclean occupation

90 30

18 Admission of students in reputed Institutions 90 30

9 Revenue Services

1 Application for Land Conversion ( In districts except undivided South Canara )

120 30

2 Application for Land Conversion of Lands granted under Land Reforms Act ( In districts except undivided South Canara)

120 30


Application for Land Conversion in Taluka offices for Patta Lands as per Rule 106 A of Karnataka Land Revenue Rules, 1966

7 5

10 Department of Agriculture

1 Issuance of soil health card

30 7

2 Fertilizer dealer registration

30 7

3 Agriculture information Services

4 Insecticides licenses

30 7

5 Seeds license

30 7

6 Fertilizers license

30 7

7 Duplicate agriculture licenses

10 1


Grant/Renewal of Agriculture License - to Sell, Stock, or Exhibit for sale or distribute of insecticides / pesticides / Fertilizers; Amendment of Seed License; Issue and Renewal of F - licenses (Petrol Bunks and Gas Agencies) , Private God owns, Wholesale Food Grains, Retail Food Grains

30 7

11 Department of Excise

1 License for liquor shop

15 7

2 Renewal of retail liquor licenses ( only those licenses valid in the preceding year)

15 7

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Category of Services(Including Sub-Services)



Levels (Days)





3 Renewal of fruit Winery licenses ( only those licenses valid in the preceding year)

15 7


Renewal of distillery/brewery/fortified winery licenses and bottling licenses ( only those licenses valid in the preceding year)

30 7

5 Shifting of liquor shop

30 7

6 License for liquor distribution

30 7

7 License for narcotics ( ND4) drugs for Lab purposes

30 7

8 Licenses for rectified spirit

30 7

12 Department of Fisheries

1 Application for Registration of Fishing Vessels

30 7

2 Supply of kerosene for boats at subsidized rates

30 7

3 ID Cards to the fisherman

15 7

13 Utility Services

1 Payment of Electricity Bills

1 1

2 Payment of Water Bills

1 1

3 Payment of Telephone/Mobile Bills

1 1

14 Status Update Services

1 Application for Financial Assistance under Chief Minister’s Relief Fund

No Defined timelines


15 Other Category of Services

1 License for Sale and Procurement of Toddy 60 15

2 Application for providing compensation to on SC/ST citizens for committed atrocities

30-40 10

3 Application from citizens for inter-caste marriage 30-40 10

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2.3 Details of Locations to be Covered for State wide Rollout

Karnataka State has 30 districts, 52 sub Divisions and 177 Talukas and intends to cover e-District

rollout in all District Head Quarters, sub-divisional offices and Taluka Offices. Nemmadi

telecentres have been delivering a number of citizen centric services particularly the rural

masses. There are 800 such telecentres across the Karnataka state. The e-District project rollout

is envisaged to leverage the states core infrastructures Like State Data Centre, KSWAN and the

existing Service Delivery Channels like Karnataka One, Bangalore One and Nemmadi centres.

Details of Locations to be covered

SI. No.

Name of the District

No. of Horizontal offices to be connected to DHQ

No. of SDO offices to be connected to DHQ

No. of Talukas

1 Bangalore Rural NA 1 4

2 Ramnagaram NA 1 4

3 Bangalore Urban NA 2 5

4 Chitradurga NA 1 6

5 Davangere NA 2 6

6 Kolar NA 1 5

7 Chikkaballapur NA 1 6

8 Shimoga NA 2 7

9 Tumkur NA 3 10

10 Bagalkot NA 2 6

11 Belgaum NA 3 10

12 Bijapur NA 2 5

13 Dharwad NA 1 5

14 Gadag NA 1 5

15 Haveri NA 2 7

16 Karwar NA 4 11

17 Bellary NA 2 7

18 Bidar NA 2 5

19 Gulbarga NA 2 7

20 Yadgir NA 1 3

21 Koppal NA 1 4

22 Raichur NA 2 5

23 Chamarajanagar NA 1 4

24 Chikmagalur NA 2 7

25 Dakshina Kannada

NA 2 5

26 Hassan NA 2 8

27 Kodagu NA 1 3

28 Mandya NA 2 7

29 Mysore NA 2 7

30 Udupi NA 1 3

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Other offices that also need to be connected.

Connectivity Required at the following offices

District Social Welfare (Exclusive) 14

District Tribal Welfare (Exclusive) 14

District Social and Tribal Welfare (Common) 16

Taluka Social and Tribal Welfare (Common) 177

District Backward Caste and Minority Offices 30

District and Taluka Agriculture Offices 207

District, Sub-Div. and Taluka Excise Offices 270

District, Regional and Taluka Fisheries Offices 162

Total No. of Offices 890

2.4 Project activities and timelines

The state wide e-District rollout would be implemented in the phased manner. The following

table provides details of the project timelines and for the state wide rollout:

Project Activities and Timelines

Activity Group Activities TimeLine(Days)

Pre-Project Development

Submission of DPR 15

Project Development Approval of DPR by DIT, GoI 15

Appointment of State PMU 15

Current State Assessment Study 45

BPR & Gap Assessment 45

Data Migration & Digitization Plan 30

Training & Change Management Plan


Issue of Government Orders 60

Functional Requirement Specifications (FRS)


RFP Preparation and Approval 60

Selection of System Integrator 60

Scope of works of customised application for non pilot states


Project Implementation

Software Requirement Specification (SRS)


Customisation and Development of Software Application


User Acceptance Testing of e District application


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Third party application audit by STQC


Hardware procurement & Commissioning


Site preparation for e-District project


Completion of Training & Change Management activities


Digitization of Historical data 90

Deployment of e-District application at SDC


Go-Live of e-District application 30

Project Post Implementation

Constitution of Joint Entity for (O&M) of e-District project


Project handover from Project PMU Consultant to Joint Entity


Citizen Satisfaction Survey 1 30

Post Go-Live project assessment 45

Citizen Satisfaction Survey 2 30

Project closure report from State Government to DIT


2.5 Project Cost

Project Cost


Description Unit No. of Units

Year Total Cost(Rs.

Lakhs) for 3 Years

1 2 3

A DPR Preparation





B IT Infrastructure

Hardware/Computing Facility





Systems at SDC





Systems Support for 3 Years







Networking and Horizontal Connectivity







C Application Software

Software for Non-Pilot State





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Third Party/STQC Testing





Application Support







D Capacity Building








Seed Money to e-Governance Society





E Rollout

Site Preparation






Technical Support for 3 Years







Data Digitization






F Program and Projetc Management

Project Management(SPMU)







Project Manager for 3 Years







G Awareness and Communication

Citizen Awareness on launch of e-Services






Citizen Awareness on launch of e-Services






Baseline and Post Assessment





H Contingency @ 3%









J O & M Cost for 3 Years

Total O & M Cost for 3

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Years 2,129.30

K Grand Total


The Total Project Cost is Rs. 11,592.86 Lakhs

3 Karnataka State Information

3.1 Details of all Districts District Sub-division Taluk

Bangalore Rural Doddaballapura Doddaballapura




Ramnagaram Ramnagaram Ramnagaram




Bangalore Urban Bangalore south Bangalore south


Bangalore North Bangalore North


Bangalore east

Chitradurga Chitradurga hiriyur






Davangere Davanagere Davanagere




Harapanahally Harapanahally


Kolar Kolar Kolar





Chikkaballapur Chikkaballapur Gowribidanur






Shimoga Shimoga Shimoga



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District Sub-division Taluk

Sagar Soraba




Tumkur Tumkur Tumkur



Madhugiri Madhugiri




Tiptur Tiptur

Chicknayakana Halli


Bagalkot Bagalkot Badami



Jamkhandi Mudhol



Belgaum Belgaum Belgaum



Bylahongala Savadatti




Chikkodi Athani



Bijapur Bijapur Bijapur



Indi Sindagi


Dharwad Dharwad Dharwad





Gadag Gadag Gadag





Haveri Haveri Haveri




Savanur Savanur


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District Sub-division Taluk


Karwar Karwar Karwar



Kumta Kumta


Bhatkal Honnawar


Sirsi Sirsi




Bellary Bellary Bellary



Hospet Hospet




Bidar Bidar Bidar


Basavakalyana Basavakalyana



Gulbarga Gulbarga Gulbarga




Sedam Sedam



Yadgir Yadgir Yadgir



Koppal Koppal Koppal




Raichur Raichur Raichur



Lingasagur Lingasagur


Chamarajanagar Kollegal Chamarajnagar




Chikmagalur Chickmagalur Chickmagalur




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District Sub-division Taluk

Tarikere Narasimharajapura



Dakshina Kannada Mangalore Mangalore


Puttur Puttur



Hassan Hassan Hassan




Sakaleshpura Arakalgud




Kodagu Madikeri Madikeri



Mandya Mandya Mandya



Pandavapura K.R. Pet




Mysore Mysore Mysore



Hunsur K..R. Nagar



Heggadadevana Kote

Udupi Kundapura Udupi



District No. of Sub-


No. of Taluks

Population(2011) Area (Sq. km)

Bagalkot 2 6 18,90,826 5,308

Bangalore Rural 1 4 9,87,257 4,763

Bangalore Urban 2 5 95,88,910 3,344

Belgaum 3 10 47,78,439 15,313

Bellary 2 7 25,32,383 1,106

Bidar 2 5 17,00,018 6,812

Bijapur 2 5 21,75,102 9,507

Chamarajanagar 1 4 10,20,962 2,355

Chikkaballapur 1 6 12,54,377 8,984

Chikmagalur 2 7 11,37,753 3,433

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Chitradurga 1 6 16,60,378 5,540

Dakshina Kannada 2 5 20,83,625 10,591

Davangere 2 6 19,46,905 5,924

Dharwad 1 5 18,46,993 8,919

Gadag 1 5 10,65,235 3,509

Gulbarga 2 7 25,64,892 16,234

Hassan 2 8 17,76,221 7,020

Haveri 2 7 15,98,506 365

Karwar 4 11 14,36,847 3,259

Kodagu 1 3 5,54,762 1,522

Kolar 1 5 15,40,231 5,909

Koppal 1 4 13,91,292 3,045

Mandya 2 7 18,08,680 13,374

Mysore 2 7 29,94,744 6,854

Raichur 2 5 19,24,773 9,617

Ramnagaram 1 4 10,82,739 4,639

Shimoga 2 7 17,55,512 7,833

Tumkur 3 10 26,81,449 6,986

Udupi 1 3 11,77,908 3,953

Yadgir 1 3 11,72,985 3,874

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3.2 Details of officers involved in processing the selected services

Estimated Manpower for Training and Capacity Building

Offices Estimated No.

of Officials

Deputy Commissioners Offices 1,440

Assistant Commissioners Offices 416

Tahsildhar Offices 11,151

District Social Welfare Offices (Exclusive) 56

District Tribal Welfare Offices (Exclusive) 56

District Social and Tribal Welfare Offices (Common) 64

Taluka Social and Tribal Welfare Offices (Common) 708

District Backward Caste and Minority Offices 150

District and Taluka Agriculture Offices 1,629

District, Sub-Div. and Taluka Excise Offices 1,290

District, Regional and Taluka Fisheries Offices 493

Grand Total 17,453

3.3 Details of District e-Governance Society (DeGS)

The DeGS has not been constituted in any Districts. The State Project Steering Committee will

convene a meeting shortly and issue notifications to Deputy Commissioners to constitute District e-

Governance societies and ask them to submit details on the same. Draft Orders for constitution of

DeGS is being prepared by the e-Governance Department.

Details of DeGS

SI. No. Name of District Status Date and Registration Number under societies Act

1 All Districts In Process Data will be shared once the Societies are registered

3.4 State specific e-Governance initiatives

3.4.1 State Data Centre

The State Data Centre of Government of Karnataka was set up during 2004-05 as a core

common technology infrastructure. The State Data Centre (SDC) provides the infrastructure

required for consolidating state level applications at a central facility. The State Data Centre

is hosted in a physically secure Data Centre located centrally at Reliance IDC, Khanija

Bhavan, Bangalore. It is continuously monitored by surveillance mechanisms and

administered by 24x7 operations and management staff. SDC connects to the remote Taluka

servers through KSWAN network. SDC also has dedicated fibre connectivity to the Treasury

network and the State Secretariat. Connectivity to the web is through a shared 100 Mbps



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• Centralizing & consolidating various government databases

• Providing shared infrastructure for various e-Governance projects

• Facilitating provisioning of government services online

• Facilitating provisioning of better and efficient services to citizens

• Facilitating providing services for backend departments

New State Data Centre (SDC)

The contract for setting up of the new State Data Centre has been awarded to IT major TCS. The

new SDC is being hosted on 4500 sq. Ft. of area at the Vikas Soudha, Bangalore. 1500 sq. ft is allotted

to Server Farm area. Currently up to 46 racks are being accommodated, and there are plans for

further expansion, and when fully expanded upto 52 racks can be accommodated. The new SDC will

go live shortly.

Details of State Data Centre

Status of SDC.

Status of Disaster Recovery Setup (DRS)

Likely Date of Commissioning

Whether SDC as adequate space and required IT

resources for e-District

Existing SDC

NA 2004-05 Yes

New SDC Efforts are on to implement Disaster Recovery (DR) site at NIC Data Centre in Hyderabad

Oct-2011 Yes

3.4.2 Karnataka State Wide Area Network

As part of the Government of Karnataka (GoK) e-Governance initiative, the Centre for e-

Governance (GoK) has implemented State Wide Area Network (SWAN) to address the

information communication requirements of the State Government and its Departments.

The project titled Karnataka State Wide Area Network (KSWAN) is will provide a reliable,

resilient and a secure backbone to meet the information requirements and associated


Objectives of KSWAN

• Creation of the State Information Highway

• Provide Data, Voice and Video services across the State

• High performance network (Availability and Scalability)

• To improve access to computing facilities

Details of Karnataka State Wide Area Network

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SI. No.

Name of the District

Nos. of POPs in District Head Quarter

Nos. of POPs in Taluks Office

Total Nos. of PoPs in District

1 Bangalore Rural 1 3 4

2 Ramnagaram 1 3 4

3 Bangalore Urban 1 4 5

4 Chitradurga 1 5 6

5 Davangere 1 5 6

6 Kolar 1 4 5

7 Chikkaballapur 1 5 6

8 Shimoga 1 6 7

9 Tumkur 1 9 10

10 Bagalkot 1 5 6

11 Belgaum 1 9 10

12 Bijapur 1 4 5

13 Dharwad 1 4 5

14 Gadag 1 4 5

15 Haveri 1 6 7

16 Karwar 1 10 11

17 Bellary 1 6 7

18 Bidar 1 4 5

19 Gulbarga 1 6 7

20 Yadgir 1 2 3

21 Koppal 1 3 4

22 Raichur 1 4 5

23 Chamarajanagar 1 3 4

24 Chikmagalur 1 6 7

25 Dakshina Kannada

1 4 5

26 Hassan 1 7 8

27 Kodagu 1 2 3

28 Mandya 1 6 7

29 Mysore 1 6 7

30 Udupi 1 2 3

Connectivity Required at the following offices

District Social Welfare (Exclusive) 14

District Tribal Welfare (Exclusive) 14

District Social and Tribal Welfare (Common) 16

Taluka Social and Tribal Welfare (Common) 177

District Backward Caste and Minority Offices 30

District and Taluka Agriculture Offices 207

District, Sub-Div. and Taluka Excise Offices 270

District, Regional and Taluka Fisheries Offices 162

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Total No. of Offices 890

3.4.3 Common Service Centres

In the year 2006, the Government of Karnataka had implemented the Common Services Centres in

the state to provide various citizen centric services. These Common Service Centers were set up in

the form of Rural Telecentres(Nemmadi) at the sub Taluka level( i.e. Hoblis ) in the state and Urban

Telecenters such as Bangalore One and Karnataka One centres. The success of Common Service

Centre Model in Karnataka for providing various citizen centric services was adopted by the

Department of Information technology, Government of India to conceptualize and launch the

Common Centre Scheme(CSCs) across all the states in the country . Further, The Government of

India has already recognized the existing service delivery channels i.e. Nemmadi Telecentres.

As part of the DeitY, GoI scheme for setting up Common Service Centres in the state of Karnataka,

the Govt of Karnataka decided that 4913 centres would be set up as Common Service Centres in

addition to the existing no. of Nemmadi Telecentres. In order to invite bids for setting up an

additional number of Common Service Centers ( around 5000) in the state , the Govt of Karnataka on

various occasions had floated Tenders for selecting an appropriate bidder for implementing CSCs.

However due to the non-viability of the business model as part of the CSC Scheme, the CSCs could

not be setup. However, the existing Nemmadi tele Centres ( 821) along with the Karnataka One

Centres ( 34) and Bangalore One Centres (80) continue to function as Common Service Centres.

Details of the existing service delivery channels have been mentioned in this section. There are also

plans to augment the existing no of Karnataka one and Bangalore One centres in the near future.

SI. NO. Name of District No. of Nemmadi Centres operational

No of Karnataka One Centres Operational

No of Bangalore One Centres operational

No of CSCs planned

No of CSCs operational

1 Bagalkot 21 As explained above.

As explained above. 2 Bangalore Urban 19 80

3 Bangalore Rural 17

4 Belgaum 56 4

5 Bellary 29 2

6 Bidar 30

7 Bijapur 22

8 Chamarajanagar 16

9 Chickballapura 26

10 Chickmagalore 32

11 Chitradurga 25

12 Dakshina Kannada 18 3

13 Davangere 24 3

14 Hubli -Dharwad 21 8

15 Gadag 13

16 Gulbarga 49 2

17 Hassan 40

18 Haveri 22

19 Kodagu 16

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20 Kolar 27

21 Koppal 20

22 Mandya 33

23 Mysore 36 6

24 Raichur 37

25 Ramanagaram 19

26 Shimoga 37 3

27 Tumkur 50 3

28 Udupi 10

29 Uttara Kannada 34

30 Yadgir 22

Total 821 34 80

Nemmadi Telecentres - With the objective of delivering citizen centric services (G2C and

B2C) in a hassle free and simple manner to the Citizens of Karnataka, Nemmadi Telecenters

were started throughout the state. Nemmadi Telecentres have been set up in all Hoblis ( Sub

Taluka Level Revenue Unit) in the state. There are 800 Hoblis in the state. Currently, there

are about 821 such Telecentres operational and providing about 50 different types of

services. It was also apparent that these village Telecentres would not be viable just for

delivery of land records, and therefore other e-governance services started delivering

through these Telecentres. The revenue department delivers a number of services to the

citizens like various types of caste and income certificates, registration of births and deaths

and issue of birth and death certificates and it was decided to e-enable these services for

delivery through the proposed village Telecentres.

• To create efficient and smart virtual offices of the State Government in all the


• To enhance the accountability, transparency and Responsiveness of the government

to citizens needs.

• To provide government departments and agencies, a means of efficient and cost

effective method of service delivery to citizens.

• Initially provide land records and 38 other Services and scale up gradually to cover

the entire Departments’ services either through workflow driven or database driven.

Details of Nemmadi Telecentres

SI. NO. District No. of Delivery Channels operational

1 Bagalkot 21

2 Bangalore Urban 19

3 Bangalore Rural 17

4 Belgaum 56

5 Bellary 29

6 Bidar 30

7 Bijapur 22

8 Chamarajanagar 16

9 Chickballapura 26

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10 Chickmagalore 32

11 Chitradurga 25

12 Dakshina Kannada 18

13 Davangere 24

14 Dharwad 21

15 Gadag 13

16 Gulbarga 49

17 Hassan 40

18 Haveri 22

19 Kodagu 16

20 Kolar 27

21 Koppal 20

22 Mandya 33

23 Mysore 36

24 Raichur 37

25 Ramanagaram 19

26 Shimoga 37

27 Tumkur 50

28 Udupi 10

29 Uttara Kannada 34

30 Yadgir 22

Total 821

Karnataka One Centres

The Karnataka One Centres have been setup in 9 cities of the state i.e. Belgaum, Bellary, Gulbarga,

Davangere, Hubli-Dharwad, Mangalore, Mysore, Shimoga and Tumkur to provide G2C services.

SI. NO. Cities No. of Delivery Channels operational

1 Belgaum 4

2 Bellary 2

3 Gulbarga 2

4 Davangere 3

5 Hubli-Dharwad 8

6 Mysore 6

7 Shimoga 3

8 Tumkur 3

9 Mangalore( Dakshina Kannada) 3

Total 34

Bangalore One Centres

Bangalore One centres have been envisaged to be setup for every two wards within Bangalore limits.

Currently there are 80 centres operational in Bangalore; in the near future the State has planned to

augment the total number of centres to 100. Additionally Mobile Units of Bangalore One Centres

would also be operational in order to reach large number of citizens.

SI. NO. District No. of Delivery Channels

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1 Bangalore(Urban) 80

3.4.4 State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG), e-Forms and State Portal

Details of SSDG

Status of SSDG

The Request for Proposal (RFP) is in the process of


Status of State Portal Karnataka has a state portal already with some

services online. However the state is looking at

integrating with SSDG portal.

Services under e-Form for

each district

The list of services under e-form has been


3.4.5 Status of Other state MMPS

Status of Other State MMPs




Name of

State MMP

Status Nos. of



Project Cost












1. Agriculture Yes Yes RFP to be





• Rashtriya

Krishi Vikas


Rs. 40

Crores -


• Under

NeGP Agri


funding (

Rs 20



provided –


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upto Block

Level, Data









• State


Rs. 5.28


2 Commercial


Yes The




an end-to-



by an in-

house NIC


3 Employmen

t Exchange

No The



developed a

web based


by NIC team.

4 Land


Yes NA NA Yes 30 Not


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5 Municipaliti


Yes DPR is



by the


Yes No All


Not available

6 Gram


Yes The draft

DPR has

not been


by the

RDPR Dept.


The State


project is



on. However

the e-PRI

MMP is yet to



NA 30 The


project cost

as per the

draft DPR is

Rs. 175.97


7 Police Yes Yes As part of the


process, M/s

HP has been

selected as

the SI






of MHA has

allocated Rs

60.04 Crores


8 Road


Yes No Yes No All




9 Treasuries Yes Yes Yes No All


Project Cost

of Rs. 90.71

Crores has


estimated by

the Treasury

Dept. for

about 7


3.4.6 Status of SeMT

The SeMT shall support the State PeMT in project implementation and shall build up

necessary capacities to manage the project on an ongoing basis. The SeMT will appraise the

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projects before they are sent to DIT. They will look into issues including Strategic Control,

Adherence to Standards, Security Issues and leveraging of e Infrastructure.

Currently 7 resources are working under SeMT in Karnataka State. SeMT resources are

mainly involved in preparation of Detailed Project Report, Functional Requirement

Specification, Request For Proposal etc.

Sl. No Position No of Resources

1. Head – SeMT 1

2. Sr. Consultant – Technology Management 1

3. Sr. Consultant – Change Management 1

4. Consultant – Change Management 1

5. Consultant – Program Management 2

6. Consultant – Technology Management 1

3.4.7 Other e-Governance Initiatives

Some of the highly noteworthy e-Governance initiatives undertaken by Government of

Karnataka are Human Resources Management System(HRMS), Bhoomi, e-Procurement,

Khajane, Nemmadi telecentres, Bangalore One and Karnataka Citizen centric service


a) Human Resources Management System(HRMS): The HRMS system covers

automating all the HR functions like leave, transfer, payroll, administration and

service procedures of the Government and also provides a unified view of

deployment of human resources across the state.

b) Bhoomi: Bhoomi project has been a land mark project in empowering citizens

through technology by computerisation of 20 million land records of 70 Lakh

farmers covering more than 176 Taluks of Karnataka State. Post implementation of

the Bhoomi program, the farmer just has to visit a computer centre in the taluka

office and pay a sum of Rs. 15/- to obtain his land record. Computerisation of land

records has also led to transparency and has made the records tamper proof.

c) e-Procurement: E-Procurement is developed with a Vision to ensure a Transparent,

Reliable and Accountable procurement process with ease and convenience to

government, suppliers and citizens. E-Procurement is implemented as a Unified End-

to-End Procurement Platform across all Government Departments / Agencies. The

number of tenders published during the year 2010-11 increased three fold when

compared during the year 2009-10. Basically this meant that more Government

departments, State and Public sector companies started publishing their tenders on

e-Procurement site.

d) Nemmadi Telecentres: Nemmadi means peace of mind. The Vision of the Nemmadi

project is to empower rural citizens, provide direct access of government services to

the citizens and bring government services to the doorstep of the citizen thereby

bridging the digital divide in Karnataka.

e) Bangalore One and Karnataka One Citizen Centric Services: The Bangalore One

project provides anywhere anytime facility for payment of a range of utility bills and

other citizen centric services to the citizens of Bangalore. On successful

implementation of Bangalore One project, Government of Karnataka decided to

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replicate it to tier two cities of Karnataka. Karnataka One Project is conceptualized

to deliver the services on ‘One Stop Shop’ concept Services of multiple Government

Departments and Private Companies will be delivered under roof.

3.5 Status of Data Digitization in each district

Name of MMP/Owner department

Name of Services like certificates, Ration cards etc

Status Percentage Digitised/

Not Digitised



1. Information on Pesticides, Fertilizers and Seeds

2. Providing information on soil health

3. Information on crops, farm machinery, training and Good

Agricultural Practices(GAPs)

4. Information on forecasted weather

5. Information on prices, arrivals, procurement points, and

providing interaction platform

6. Electronic certification for exports & imports

7. Information on marketing infrastructure

8. Monitoring implementation / Evaluation of schemes &


9. Information on irrigation infrastructure Partial

Food and Civil Supplies

1. Issue of duplicate/renewal/surrender ration cards

2. Issue of license under Karnataka Essential Commodities

Licensing Order 1986, license to wholesale dealers in food

grains, pulses, edible oils and kerosene.

3. Issue of license under Karnataka Essential Commodities

Act, 1986 to Retail dealers in foodgrains, pulses, edible

oils and kerosene.

4. Issue of authorization to run Fair Price Shops (FPS) under

Karnataka Essential Commodities (Public Distribution

system) Control Order 1992. Partial

Commercial Taxes

For Dealers facilitation 1. Online registration under Value Added Tax (VAT) and

Central Sales Tax (CST) Acts Online filing of VAT, CST and

Profession Tax Returns

2. Online payment of Commercial Taxes including

Profession Tax

3. Online application for the issue of CST related

Declaration Forms/Certificates

4. Online application for the issue of Way Bills

5. Online submission of utilization statements in respect of Digitized

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Forms and Waybills

For Department Administration

6. Auto Business rules to validate the applications and the

information submitted by the dealers

7. Auto alerts to the concerned Charge Office in case of

change in dealer information

8. Information of the Returns to the concerned sector

officer with complete return detail Auto risk analysis of

the return submitted by the dealer

9. Auto generation of annual return data for the assessing

officer to assess the dealer

10. Auto creation of dealer ledgers and secured access to

the concerned officers

11. Auto calculation of interest due on the refund amount



Revenue 1. Record of Rights Certificate

2. Conversion of agriculture land to non agriculture purpose

3. All types of Caste Certificate

4. All types of Income Certificate

5. Verification/Validity of Caste Certificate

6. Payment of Compensation as per Land Acquisition Act in

undisputed cases

7. Population Certificate

8. Residence Certificate

9. Agricultural Family member Certificate

10. Mutation Extract Digitized






1. Issue of Birth, Death & Still Birth Certificates at

Registration centers within one calendar year from the

date of registration

2. Issue of Birth, Death & Still Birth Certificates at

Registration centers after one calendar year from the

date of registration

3. Grant of trade licence specified category under rules

4. Khatha Extract/ Certificate

5. Sanction of Building Plan in sites upto 2400 sq.ft.

dimension for residential single dwelling unit.Permission

for new connection/Additional Connection for water

supply and Under Ground Drainage for residential

buildings excluding Apartments

6. Permission for new connections/ Additional connections Partial

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for water supply and Under Ground Drainage for multi-

storied buildings

7. Grant of Trade licence as per the delegation of powers

8. Khatha Extract

9. New Building Licence upto 2400 sq ft residential for single

dwelling unitPermission for water supply and UGD

connection for residential buildings single dwelling unit



1. Alteration of Assessment list

2. Building licence

3. General licence (Trade Licence)

4. Maintenance of Drinking Water

5. Maintenance of Street lights

6. Maintenance of Village sanitation Issuing of records

related to population census, crop census, cattle census,

persons below poverty line and other records

compulsorily maintained by GramPanchayath

7. Providing employment to unskilled labours (MGNREGS)

8. NOC to Escoms

9. e-payment for the work executed under developmental

schemes Partial

Police 1. Issue of copy of FIR to the complainant 2. License for Amplified Sound System 3. License for Amusement 4. Permission for peaceful assembly and procession 5. NOC for Extension of Visa 6. Passport Verification 7. Receipt of petitions 8. NOC for petrol pump, gas agency, hotel, bar etc. 9. NOC for Crackers License 10. Arms License Verification District Partial

Transport License Related 1. Renewal of Driver’s License 2. Duplicate for driver license 3. Change of Address of the Driving License 4. On Line Submission of Application for a new License 5. Selecting a Date for Driving Skill Test 6. International Driving Permit 7. Driving License for persons holding foreign Driving License 8. Online payment of license related fees Registration Related 1. Change of address 2. Transfer of ownership

3. Obtaining of noting / terminating of hire purchase/hypothecation/lease.

4. Clearance Certificate 5. No Objection Certificate Partial

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6. Duplicate RC

Treasuries 1. Online Treasury System 2. Budget Authorization/distribution 3. Online DDO Bill Submission 4. Human Resources Management System 5. New Pension Scheme 6. Class-4 GPF Scheme 7. Income Tax Remittance System 8. Pension Payment System 9. Online pension Processing System 10. E-receipt System 11. C&AG Integration System Digitized

3.6 Status of existing Service Delivery Channels

About 42 G2C services are being delivered electronically at Nemmadi Telecentres. The transactions

have been growing phenomenally year-on-year. Broadly the services covered are from Social

Security Pensions, Birth/Death Certificates, Revenue Department, RTC, besides B2C services such as

Mobile and Insurance payment. The transactions details of individual services for the past few years

have been mentioned in the table below:

Transactions of RTC & RDS at Nemmadi Telecentres for the year 2006-07 to 2010-11


SERVICE NAME 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 TOTAL

A Social Security


Old Age Pension








Handicapped Pens








Widow Pension







Sandhya Suraksha








National Family

Benefit Scheme







Indira Gandhi

National Old Age







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Invalidate Services







Invalidate scheme







Sub Total







B Birth & Death



Birth Certificate







Birth Certificate








Death Certificate







Death Certificate








Birth Registration







Death Registration







Sub Total







C Revenue Department


Population Certificate







Caste and Income








Caste Certificate (Cat-








Caste Certificate

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(SC/ST) 20,714 2,75,471 5,52,029 15,62,537 13,30,455 37,41,206

OBC Certificate








Residence Certificate







Income Certificate







Non Tenancy








Widow Certificate







Living Certificate







Agricultural Family

member cer















Land less Certificate







Surviving Family

Members Certi







Income Certificate for
















No Govt. Job
















Small / Marginal

farmer Certificate







Agricultural Labour








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Non creamy layer








Land holding








Bonafide Certificate







Solvency Certificate







Sub Total










Total RDS Transactions











D Total RTC

























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4 Project Details and Implementation Model

4.1 Stake Holder Analysis

Stakeholders, their roles and responsibilities in the e-District rollout have been provided in

the table below:

Stakeholder Group Roles and Responsibilities Level of Influence

Engagement/ Communication Strategy

Department of Information Technology, GoI

Provide the framework and issue Guidelines for implementation of e-District in State wide Roll out.

Appraise proposal of the State for State wide roll out

Provide technical assistance of the State for effective implementation of the MMP

Organizational Capacity Building Monitoring implementation, Consolidation of DPR, Case Studies and etc.

HIGH Communicate the effectiveness of framework and guidelines

Provide a checklist with the State Government to ensure the e-District Framework and guidelines are being followed

Government of Karnataka

Set up a State Project Steering Committee

Provide all State level support for smooth implementation of ‘e-District’ Project.

Define the State wide implementation as prescribed in the selection criteria

To enter into necessary MoUs/agreements with DIT/ other central agencies/ service providers for funding, defining service levels for identified services, ensuring service level adherence, implementation and sustainability of the State Wide roll out.

To identify and nominate the project Champion at State and District level and ensuring complete involvement of the project champion from start to finish of the project

Issue instruction and ensure formation of District e-Governance Society/ District implementation Committee in the Districts.

HIGH Periodic/Regular review with SDAs and DeGS to check the status.

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Providing State financial support as per the project report. Infrastructure and other support to the State Designated Agency (SDA)

State Project Steering Committee

The SPSC would oversee the creation and functioning of the Districts e-Governance society and the SDA with reference to the e-District project, including taking decisions on the implementation strategy and oversee the process of selection of the agency for Software Development

It would be the driver of policy, regulatory and other relevant changes and would take decisions on issues relating to the BPR needs for the project.

It would take an appropriate decision on the mode and degree of integration of ‘e-District’ with the existing Service Delivery Channels. Digital and institutional infrastructure of various Government Departments

Review and approve the sustainability (Revenue) model for State wide roll out. This would include decision of on fixing of User Charges and the sharing of revenue between the District e-Governance Society etc.

Propose the State wide roll out based upon common software, approach and financial model as per the Pilot Project

HIGH Periodic review with the use a vision checklist to track the project status

Communicate e-District vision to all the owners and stakeholders.

Provide regular feedback and intervene if necessary to take corrective actions and measures.

State Designated Agency (SDA)

Extend necessary Policy level support to develop a sustainable framework for regulation, promotion and ramp-up of e-Platform for G2G and G2C systems of the District.

Synchronize roll out of e-District’ with SERVICE DELIVER CHANNELS, SWAN and SDC.

Detailed out implementation strategy, in case of time lag between SDC/SWAN and e-

HIGH Close follows up with Project Management Consultants, SeMT consultants and the SI to ensure that the e-District framework and guidelines are followed.

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District implementation.

Co-ordinate and facilitate interactions between the project implementation partners/consultants, State Government Departments, District administration.

Enable creation of a comprehensive State package for e-District and other technical support.

Facilitate integration of the existing ICT enabled and other Government schemes into the e-District.

Facilitate administrative readiness and e-readiness of the District.

Facilitate selection of Project implementation Partner and Technology Solution Consultant under the guidance of State Project Committee/Apex Committee.

Facilitate fund transfer to the District authorities in case funds for the state wide roll out are allocated to SDA.

Draw up a comprehensive user charges policy and a sustainable road map for the e-District for Approval of the State Government.

District e-Governance Society(DeGS)

The DeGS would provide the close tie- ups with all the Stakeholders in this Project at field level. The Stakeholders from the District Government would include Collector/Deputy Commissioner, Sub Divisional Officer/ Magistrate, Taluk Offices and field functionaries.

Provide commitment and support to bring-in the Process changes

Provide overall guidance to the Project at the District level.

Work closely with implementation agency to undertake the field work, comprehend the requirements,

HIGH Prepare a detailed level plan to effectively co-ordinate with SI, PMU Consultants, SeMT and field level staff to ensure that e-District rollout is on right track.

Identify key decision making persons both within Government and outside and involve them and share the project status.

Establish an

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document the observations, prepare roadmap and redesign the processes.

Build capacity of the staff and execute resources of the District Administration.

DeGS and Consultants would also work closely with technical solution provider for developing and customizing the software, implement the technical solution.

To manage, supervise and implement backend computerization of Government Departments with long term vision of Government.

Collect User charges as fixed by the State Government and keep audited accounts of the same.

Explore revenue streams for the sustenance of the District e-Governance Society and assist SDA in formulating policies accordingly.

effective escalation mechanism if there is any slippage or problems occurring.

4.2 Services and Service Levels

Please refer to Sec 2.2

4.3 Implementation Strategy The project will be implemented by the Centre for e-Governance (CeG) which is the Nodal Agency in

the State for implementation of the program. The implementation methodology to achieve the

project objectives is:

a) Formation of the District e-Governance Society (DeGS)

b) As-Is assessment and Business Process Re-engineering

c) Software development of the identified services based on the centralized architecture

d) Procurement and installation of IT infrastructure from empanelled OEMs/Vendors

e) Site preparation

f) Data entry and Data Digitization

g) Deployment of existing/modified application in State Data Centre (SDC)

h) Provide Training on familiarization of computers and on the application software

i) Rollout in the Districts

j) Interface with Service Centre Agencies(SCA)s for delivery of services through Service Deliver


k) Change Management

l) Allotment of Digital Certificates to approving authorities

m) Provide Application, System, Helpdesk and handholding Support

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n) Advertisement and awareness campaigns

4.4 Key Activities

4.4.1 Study of Process Re-engineering

A detailed assessment of the services to be covered under the e-District scheme would be

performed that would basically comprise of examination of the existing workflow processes

and systems in each of the target districts. This is required in order to find out the

deviations, if existing pertaining to the services envisaged to be delivered and making

necessary changes in the e-District application. The State PMU would be entrusted to carry

out a detailed AS-IS assessment and BPR study. The state PMU would submit the reports to

the State Designated Agency in the state.

Sub-Activity Estimated Time Frame (Weeks)

Estimated Cost(Rs. Lakhs)

Analyzing and documenting current processes including information flows

2 Please refer the Chapter for estimated costs

Stakeholder / beneficiaries Consultations to detect problems / opportunities


Identifying the change opportunities and present them to the State Apex committee to get agreement on the identified problems / opportunities


Defining the new business processes, analyzing them and documentation of the required organizational changes and impacts


Obtaining approval from the State Apex committee regarding proposed changes


Proposing and approving of the required legal changes for implementation of the revised processes


Preparation of To- Be scenario document and Implementing the revised processes


Study of Process Re-Engineering

4.4.2 Study of Change Management

The objective is to maximize the collective efforts of all the district administration officials involved

in the change and minimize the risk of failure of implementing this project. It would focus on

assisting the district administration in cultural and attitudinal changes, organizational structural

changes etc. The change management would also include conducting workshops for information

dissemination for suggested changes, the communication plan to the district administration

employees, Citizens, collection of user charges etc

Sub-Activity Estimated Time Frame (Weeks)

Estimated Cost(Rs. Lakhs)

Development of Change Management plan

4 Please refer the Chapter for estimated costs

Developing the tools for change Management


Identifying the change drivers in the districts


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Organizing the change management workshops


Reinforce the value of successful change via change leaders


Study of Change Management

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4.4.3 Assessment of Gap Infrastructure

Most of the existing hardware at the districts is obsolete and most of the equipment is non-functional. Hence the depreciation is taken as 100% and none of the As-Is hardware is considered for the DPR. Description Deputy

Commissioner Office

Assistant Commissioner




District Social Welfare (DSWO)


District Tribal Welfare (DTWO)


District Social and Tribal Welfare


Taluka Tribal Welfare (TSWO) Office

District Backward Caste and Min.


Total Total As-Is in 30


Laptop 0 0 0

- - - - - 1


Desktops 8 1 6

1 1 1 0 1 19


Dig. Web cam

1 - -

- - - - - 1


Network Printers and Fax

1 - -

- - - - - 1


Laser Printers

3 0 2

0 0 0 0 0 6


UPS( 1 KVA) Online

8 1 6

1 1 1 0 1 19


Scanner 0 0 0

- - - - - 1


12 Port LAN Switch

8 - -

- - - - - 8


42 U Rack 0 - -

- - - - - 0


9 U Rack 8 - -

- - - - - 8


Leased Line Modem Pair

0 - -

- - - - - 0


Server Hardware

Servers 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 30

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Webserver 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 30

System Software

OS 8 1 6

1 1 1 0 1 19



Application Software

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 8 240

4.4.4 To Be scenario District wise

Deputy Commissione

r Office

Assistant Commissione

r Office

Taluka Office

District Social

Welfare (DSWO) Office

District Tribal

Welfare (DTWO) Office

District Social and

Tribal Welfare Office

Taluka Tribal Welfare (TSWO) Office

District Backward Caste

and Min. Office

Total Items

Laptop 30 52 177







Desktops( Incl. of Facilitation +Training centres)

1,260 364 5,487







Dig. Web cam(For Facilitation Centres) 120 - -







MFD(Network Printer and Fax) (Only for Facilitation Centres)

90 - -







Dig. Signatures - - -







Laser Printers 420 121 1,829







UPS( 1 KVA) Online 1,260 364 5,487







Scanner 30 52 354







12 Port LAN Switch 1,230 - -







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42 U Rack 30 - -







9 U Rack 1,170 - -







Leased Line Modem Pair 30 - -







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4.4.5 To Be Scenario for servers at SDC

The State has recommended that the bidder should provide

Component Data Centre Disaster Recovery

Total Total As-Is

Gap IT

Server Hardware

Database Server 4 2 6 0 6

Application Server 4 2 6 0 6

Web Server 2 1 3 0 3

Backup and Reporting Server 2 1 3 0 3

Production Server 2 1 3 0 3

Application Load Balancer 2 1 3 0 3

SAN Storage 1 1 2


42U Racks with power supply 1 1 2 0 2

10U Blade enclosure 1 1 2 0 2

KVM Switch 1 1 2 0 2

Network switch 1 1 2 0 2

Laptops 2 2 4 0 4

Miscellaneous components/cables 1

1 2



System Software

Server OS 14 7 21 0 21

RDBMS 4 2 6 0 6

Application server 2 1 3 0 3

Systems Management software 2

1 3



Development environment 2 1 3 0 3

Virtualization software 1 1 2 0 2

Anti-Virus software 14 7 21 0 21

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4.4.6 Work of Data Digitization

Data digitations and migration involves the conversion of the legacy data available either in physical

or in electronic form, into target data for customized e-District application thereby resulting in

overall improvement in quality of data. The electronic data would enable seamless delivery of e-

District services to the citizens. The scope of data digitization should be based on Services identified,

current status of digitization and Quality of existing records. The digitization and migration would


a) Profiling of Legacy Data

b) Conversion of Legacy Data

c) Verification of Digitized Data

d) Synchronization and Updation of digitized data

Once the legacy data is converted to target data, the source and target data needs to be verified to

ensure that the target data (in new format) is the same as the source data. The Verification of target

data should be done by team of Government staff nominated by District Administration office. The

constituted team should have representation from concerned department whose data is

digitized/migrated. The data verification team would recommend/ certify the successful completion

of digitization and migration of legacy data for e-District application as per desired standards. The

certificate of satisfaction must contain the number of records digitized/ migrated, name of database,

remarks and other relevant information

The District administration would be enabled to work on designed electronic workflow system, the

concerned officials may require referring old records of various services. The old manual records

would be digitized using the data entry module of the system.

SI. No.

Category of Services No. of Records scanned or Digitized

% of Records scanned or Digitized

1. Certificates Nil

2. Pensions Nil

3. Revenue Court Cases Nil

Dues and Recovery Nil

Certified Copies Nil

4. Ration Card services Partial 90%

5. RTI and Grievances Partial 30%

6. Licensing Nil

Arms License Nil

Small Savings Nil

Business Nil

Mining Nil

7. Magisterial Court Cases(MAG) Nil

8. Scholarships (SC &ST/BC / Minorities) Partial 50%

9. Other Revenue Services Partial 20%

10. Department of Excise Partial 15%

11. Department of Fisheries Partial 15%

12. Department of Agriculture Partial 20%

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4.4.7 Work of Training

Training is an important component of the e-District program. The officials and staff of district

administration would be trained to work in the changed ICT enabled environment. Prior to the

start of the training; Implementing Agency need to prepare a training plan and submit it to SDA

for approval. Upon approval from the SDA the Implementing Agency will start to get

nominations (nominations to be given by the District Administration) of participants for various

modules. The Implementing Agency should also get the content of the training modules

validated by the SDA and then start the training at various districts.

Users for the e-District project have been classified into different categories based on their

roles, education and current skill set with respect to the technology awareness. This

classification has been done to address the issue of varied roles and responsibilities entrusted

based on the hierarchical authority. The following table illustrates the basic categories in

which the Government employees have been classified and the attributes for each of the


The exact numbers, names and contact details of officers to be trained per district. Based on

the roles and responsibilities of the government officials at various levels, the training plan will

be been prepared to capture the need, requirement of skill and capacity enhancement of the

government officials. Based on the organizational hierarchy and the envisaged roles and

responsibilities, officials have been categorized in four bands – I, II III and IV for training

purpose only. This will enable to ease the training of government staff and also at the same

time will integrate the understanding of various actors for consolidated service delivery.

Band Category Officials

Group-I Higher officers Senior State administration, Key decision makers (relevant Government orders, fund approvals, etc)

Group-II Approvers Deputy Commissioners, Assistant Commissioners, Tahsildars etc

Group-III Processing Officers FDA, SDA, Village Accountants etc.

Group -IV Field Officers Revenue Inspectors, Field Verification officials etc

Training Modules

Understanding the change in the revised process and workflow of selected service which will

emanate because of implementation of e-district application, training and capacity building of

the government official cutting across departmental lines becomes quintessential. The

following training modules are proposed to be undertaken across the departmental hierarchy –

1 Basic Computer Training

2 e-District Orientation

3 Process Training

4 Activity Training

5 Specialized Computer Training

6 e-District Application Training

The proposed training module is expected to help the government functionary to undertake

their revised roles and responsibilities with ease and without any difficulty and apprehension.

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The training modules will impart the required skill set and capacity for performance of defined

roles and responsibilities.

Training Plan

The Implementation agency must impart training to the personnel identified by the State Government. Implementation agency has to provide necessary course material, user manuals, system administrator, manuals, etc to the trainees. The Training has to be conducted at DHQ, SDO and Taluka as per the requirement and as agreed upon with the district administration. Summary of the detailed training program has been presented in the table below. SNo. Training Module GROUP-I GROUP-II GROUP-III GROUP-IV

1 E-District Orientation Y Y Y Y

2 Basic Computing Training Y Y Y Y

3 Process Training Y Y N N

4 Activity Training N N Y Y

5 Specialized Computer Training Y Y Y Y

6 e-District Application Training Y Y Y Y

Following table shows an indicative number of officials to be trained in the

aforementioned training modules.

Offices No. of Officials

Deputy Commissioner's Offices 1,440

Assistant Commissioner's Offices 416

Taluka Offices 11,151

District Social Welfare (Exclusive) 56

District Tribal Welfare (Exclusive) 56

District Social and Tribal Welfare (Common) 64

Taluka Social and Tribal Welfare (Common) 708

District Backward Caste and Minority Offices 150

District and Taluka Agriculture Offices 1,629

District, Sub-Div. and Taluka Excise Offices 1,290

District, Regional and Taluka Fisheries Offices

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Grand Total 17,453

The actual training plan shall be developed during the implementation phase of the project.

4.4.8 Architecture of E-District Application

E-District is a mission critical application which has to interact in an environment where silos

of frozen assets are maintained in heterogeneous formats in multiple departments situated

at varying geographical locations. The envisioned e-District solution aims at bridging the

gaps between people, processes, applications and systems.

e-District has been envisaged by GoK as an automation of workflow and internal processes

of District Administration with the possibility of seamless integration of various departments

including Social Welfare, BC Welfare, Tribal welfare, Tahsildar’s office, Agriculture and

Fisheries Departments for providing services to the citizens. The solution also should address

the integration between specific Government functions (‘vertical’ applications) and shared

Government functions (‘horizontal’ applications) and data sharing between applications.

The e-District application architecture Principles are

e-District application development should be based upon open standards – the

application should be capable of running in multiple operating systems and

databases. Open Standards should ensures application scalability

e-District application development needs to support n-tier (thin/thick client)

architecture and should be based upon Service Oriented Architecture(SOA).

e-District services should be enabled to leverage the KSWAN, SDC, Nemmadi /B1/K1

and State Gateways.

Technology should allow for seamless integration with a host of various applications.

Application architecture should be such that the proposed application is scalable.

Open Standards are available for all to read and implement.

Architecture Goals

The objective of e-District application is to define the framework with Centralized Architecture

Design which is cost effective. The goal of the e-District application is to

Design Centralized Architecture Design

1. Reduced Total Cost of Ownership

2. Upgrades and new releases of the Application are to be done only at the central server,

rather than having to be installed on several machines

3. Easier system maintenance and administration

4. Ability to manage and monitor the system from a single, central location

5. Better Management and Administrative control

6. Better Deployment of Security

7. Economical to build redundancy at each level for business continuity and Disaster


Browser based User Interface

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a. Internet Users

b. Government Employees

c. Nemmadi/Bangalore One/Karnataka One users

3 or More tier Architecture environment

Leverage the applications that are already available in the central pool

Reengineer the applications wherever necessary, migrate from old technologies to the new


e-District application should support all major communication protocols including, TCP/IP

Central Messaging Processing Mechanism

Common set of specifications and single point access to departments

e-District architecture must be open to interface seamlessly with e-District portal and SSDG

Architecture Scope

The proposed architecture is for the e-District initiative for Government of Karnataka. Specifically,

the architecture focuses on the service of the below mentioned departments.

District Collectorate

Sub-Divisional Office(SDO)/Assistant Commissioner’s Office

Tahsildar’s Office

Social Welfare Department

Tribal Welfare Department

Backward Caste and Minority Welfare Department

Agriculture Department

Fisheries Department

Architecture Constraints

The overall vision of the government is to automate and E-enable the services of all the government

departments. The key architectural constraints that drove the design of the solution are:

a. Relatively new web services transactions technology and evolving support for web services

transactions. (e.g. for Business processes, spanning across multiple service components

involving different technologies such as Rules, Hibernate, usage of Web Services invocation

would require passing of transaction contexts)

b. The process invocation across server will use J2EE type of invocations. In future, this

invocation can comply with SCA (Service Component Architecture)

c. The invocation choice among key constituents of the solution such as IVR server to

application server, being web service, there is an inherent performance overhead in this

invocation method. SOAP introduces overhead in terms of propagating security tokens,

marshalling, un-marshalling of XML.

d. No usage of Stored Procedures/Functions in the Enterprise System in order to avoid

database vendor dependency.

Contextual View of e-District application Portal

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e-District application Portal will enable the electronic delivery of Services provided by different

departments of State as shown in contextual view diagram below. The proposed e-District

application Portal solution envisages integration with existing State Government Departments as

well as any upcoming initiatives.

e-District application portal is important in allowing citizens to access government information easily

and to enjoy one-stop government services. A well-developed portal will complement and enhance

customer-focused service delivery channels which may already exist in a government. A portal

allows a department to present information, applications and services in a single consolidated

browser view. It provides a secure and individualized view of multiple online resources and

interactive services. It offers a single access point to critical information and the primary applications

necessary for an individual to avail the services. In this sense, a portal becomes an interface between

the government and the citizens.

e-District Conceptual View

e-District application portal will act as front end interface to district level e-Governance initiatives

and services. A Citizen would typically come to e-District portal to find information / avail any service

through Service Delivery Channels. e-District application is in Kannada and English, would have easy

to use navigation, search and browse features. e-District application would be connected to the

State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG) through firewall and KSWAN/Internet and would be

accessible to state departments for information update and to various service delivery channels like

Nemmadi/B1/K1, Internet for citizen access.

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Key Features of e-District Application

The following are the key features of the e-District application.

e-District application portal can be accessed via a variety of established channels, including

Internet, Nemmadi/B1/K1 , Government Service delivery counters, etc

e-District application portal will be single window to the G2C services initially and over a

period of time, G2G and G2B services may be taken up. The service delivery would happen

in integrated fashion using NeGP’s core infrastructure components – KSWAN, SDC, SERVICE


Standardization of the Content framework based on National Portal and Website design as

per Indian Government Website design guidelines

Consolidation of all the information presently available at existing departmental websites &


Consolidation and Digitization of all the electronic forms related to various services available

Integration of the e-District application portal with the State Portal

e-District application portal will provide information about government departments, line

ministries, and web links to these departments.

Provide information about government structure in the state, service offerings, budget, key

notifications, government schemes etc to the business and citizen community

The portal would primarily be available in Kannada & English

e-District application portal will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and accessible

from anywhere in the world via the internet.

Content personalization and content management.

Search functionality should be able to query both structured and unstructured content by


Consistent, easy-to-use interface: Portals typically have a consistent interface which flows

from the home page down through every area of the portal. The interface is typically

designed specifically to make use of the portal very easy. This may include bread crumbing

to link to higher levels in the hierarchy; and hovering menus, which allow for an expanded

list of links.

Aggregation: Pulling links and content together into a single place helps users know where to

go if they are looking for information. Aggregation allows a user to interact with several

systems from one single user interface.

Alerts: Users can sign up for e-mail notification when the information that they are

interested changes. This can include both key performance indicator changes and changes in

information within documents.

Self service: Portals can be a home for a variety of self-service applications, which allow

customers, employees, and others to take care of their own needs.

Personalization: The ability for groups and individual users to customize the way that the

information is displayed. Filtering content to the information that a group is interested in

and being able to change the location of the information on the screen is considered an

important way in which portals create a user-friendly experience.

The following diagram depicts the High Level View of the E-District application.

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Architecture Requirements for e-District Portal

The solution is designed using the e-District Guidelines provided by DIT and the industry’s best

practices. Following considerations are used in identification of technology architecture.

Design Objectives for Proposed Technology Solution

The following section outlines these objectives from a holistic perspective, keeping in view the

requirements of all the stakeholders of the project, as well as the constraints within which the

proposed solution would need to operate. The design objectives for the proposed technology

solution in e-District application are:

Allow internal, external and associated agencies access to the online platform

Allow Citizen and SERVICE DELIVERY CHANNELS to access services through a ‘Single Window’


Services should be made available using Web, SERVICE DELIVER CHANNELS, SMS

e-District application & Gateway infrastructure are to be hosted in the SDC

e-forms are processed at the department location and their status updated

Re-use existing and proposed Department infrastructure in service delivery by integrating

existing Department initiatives

With the above objectives in mind, the following section articulates the design considerations that

have been kept in mind during the design of the proposed technology solution.

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Design Considerations for Proposed Technology Solution

The design considerations for the proposed technology solution, detail the requirements that the

proposed technology solution should meet in order to fulfill the objectives. The design

considerations for the proposed technology solution in the e-District application are:

High Availability







Multi-lingual Support


No Royalty

Information Dissemination

Automation of Processes

The following section details out each of these design considerations with respect to the project and

the proposed technology solution.

High Availability: It is an ability to withstand failure or individual components. Considering the

priority of making department service information accessible through SERVICE DELIVER CHANNELSs,

the system requires high level of availability. From the District perspective, following applications are

of high importance:

Work Flow Management for all services (transaction and workflow based services)

e-District Application

Grievance Management System


The proposed architecture addresses these requirements through the use of clustering, load

balancing and redundancy. Cluster environment should be built for critical applications with fail-over

and fail back features.

The application Server should be kept lighter than the Database Server. Web Server should be much

lighter than the Application Server. Redundancy and Load balancing features should be built in

Application Server, Web Server and Database Server to achieve the High Availability.

System may return error occasionally, but should respond in a normal manner on retry after

reasonable amount of time, typically few seconds.

Scalability: Scalability refers to ability to service significant increase in load or page request, without

noticeable degradation of performance by means of deploying additional hardware without making

any changes to existing code.

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It is envisaged that the number of Citizens / SERVICE DELIVER CHANNELSs will increase with more

Services joining the e-District application initiative. Similarly, the State will also introduce additional

services in due course of time. To address the scalability challenge, the proposed architecture is built

around the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm. Interactions among the various services

and integration with the existing application are achieved using XML open standards. There is a clear

cut demarcation between data and business and enterprise applications. This will enable the

implementation team to plug in new applications and new features at any point of time to address

the application level scalability requirements.

In conclusion, there must be well defined capacity management plan at the time of design phase to

clearly define hardware changes to be done for servicing increasing load.

Interoperability: The success of e-District application initiative would largely depend on the flow of

information among the heterogeneous applications (e.g. Certificate, Police, and Employment etc.

which are built on different technology platforms) and across State departments. The proposed

architecture is built around the web services standard and adopts open standards for interacting

with various applications to address the interoperability requirement. ANSI SQL standards should be

used to ensure the Interoperability.

Portability: e-District application should be portable. It should address the following requirements

No part of implementation should be portable

Any COTS products used should provide tools for exporting & importing data using open


Developed source code should conform to open standards

Performance: Performance is defined as the responsiveness of e-District application. It should

manage the user load and response time. It would be the key challenge for e-District portal as more

and more citizens take part in e-District initiative and volume of data grows. It is essential that the

performance of the portal must not deteriorate with increase in volume of data or number of end

users. The proposed architecture takes care of the application level performance requirement by

load balancing and caching technique.

The performance is taken care of by restricting the number of users to consume various services by

defining an access control mechanism. However, regular performance tuning initiatives like purging

and archiving of data are to be adopted to ensure optimum performance.

Extensibility: Extensibility refers the ability to add new functionality without requiring major

changes to the existing code. e-District application should be extendible to adopt following of

changes with minimal or no changes to existing code

Providing new content processing, content management system

Significant growth of the content

Providing new transactional state services

Deleting existing transactional state services

Providing new functionality or feature or service

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Maintainability: All the applications have been categorized in three types depending upon the

change of design permissible at States:

Core Applications designed and developed for State not permitted to be modified / changed

by them.

Configurable Application designed and developed for States configurable according to their


Customizable Application designed and developed for State as optional and State has the

flexibility to either use the same or get it developed afresh based on the guidelines issued by

the NIC as per their requirements.

The core applications do not have any configurable or customizable components at State. The

configurable applications would have parameters which can be configured as per the States’


Multi lingual support: At e-District application, repository content management system is to be

created in local language(Kannada in Karnataka State) for disseminating information to Citizens. For

providing access to States citizen’s information it is also necessary to make this information available

in English.

Security: Majority of the services are G2C services, and most of the information is in public domain.

The security requirements should address data privacy, confidentiality and access control

mechanism. In addition, the security should address the following features

PKI Infrastructure

DMZ policy




Digital Signature

The following considerations are being made:

a. Application server level: The access to various applications is controlled by Active Directory (AD)

authentication services at the State level. The district would keep AD user data for authentication

and authorization at district level. Since SOA paradigm is used, the web service itself must be

secured. A standard policy driven security approach would be highly beneficial for enforcement of

uniform security across the portal for existing as well as new web services.

b. Database level security: Only authorized users are allowed to upload / change the data. The data

backup is performed as part of schedule task and is encrypted to ensure safeguard against data


c. Security: In addition, system should provide the following security features

System should support integration with third party authentication services or tools

System should provide unrestricted access to administrator or super user

Transactional Central/State services are accessible only to authenticated users

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Confidential information such as login pages and pages related to transactional services

should be served over https.

Royalty: Open Standards are free for all to implement, with no royalty or fee. Certification of

compliance by the standards organization may involve a fee.

Database Features: The following are the Database Features of the e-District application,

Should support data base partitioning and parallel processing

Should support Active-Active Configuration

Allow users to connect and use the same database from multiple nodes by using resources

of the individual node

Should be available under maximum number of Operating Systems and supported under

maximum number of Application Servers.

Should have support for generation, consumption of XML data and XML based query


Allow multi dimensional OLAP capabilities for Data Warehousing

e-District Application Solution Architecture

The estimated numbers of departments that are to be integrated with e-District application are

about 7, which need to interact with application and to each other for seamless delivery of

information / services to Citizens. The interactions between these departments are proposed to be

done using industry’s widely accepted and adopted Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) framework.

The interoperability should be built by using SSDG on XML (extensible Markup Language) and Web

services standards. The following are the important features of e-District application and SSDG


Adopt Service Oriented Architecture

Develop business functionality as services

Provide web based interface

Extensible to support multiple access devices such as desktop computer, IVRS, Mobiles,

Service Delivery Channels etc

Ensure confidentiality of citizen’s data

Achieve interoperability between State Portals and National Portal.

Integrate with departmental applications for services

Integrate with websites of government departments and organization for content

Using SOA framework, the services at e-District application would be exposed using the web services

and same can be consumed by various departments on demand basis. The next section describes

the technology architecture proposed for e-District portal & SSDG. All the services will be realized by

the technology platform which has the following architectural building blocks

Web Server

Application Server


Directory Server

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SMTP Server

The Technical features of the e-District application Server are,

Open Standards like Web Services and SOA to provide inter-operatability with a number of

Operating Systems.

Driver support for accessing and storing information in a number of databases

Provides capabilities for Centralized configuration and control

Central data repository would be created at the district level, wherein data and information

would be collected, stored, retrieved, used and exchanged in an efficient manner at all levels

Leverage and utilize of the core and support infrastructure such as Common Service Centres,

State Data Centre, State-wide Area Network and Service Delivery gateway at the SDCs

Integration with existing applications with e District application

Application development should be based upon open standards

Support n tier architecture and based on SOA

Centralized Architecture Design

Production environment should be 3 or more tier architecture

Support TCP/IP protocol

High Availability Solution at the Database Level

Disaster Recovery Solution

Security Features

PKI Infrastructure

DMZ policy




Digital Signature

RDMS Features

Support data base partitioning and parallel processing

Support Active-Active Configuration

Allow users to connect and use the same database from multiple nodes by using resources

of the individual node

Available under maximum number of Operating Systems and supported under maximum

number of Application Servers

Support for generation, consumption of XML data and XML based query capabilities

Allow multi dimensional OLAP capabilities for Data Warehousing

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e-District overall Solution Architecture

Client Entities

Citizens, Service Delivery Channels & State Government are the stake holders of the e-District

application & SSDG solution, who forms the Client layer. Client Layer constitutes of Web Client which

is normally the Web browser. They access the e-District applications through various delivery

channels. The stakeholders can receive the information/deliverables by the services through channel

delivery services.

Desktop, IVRS and Service Delivery Channels users directly access e-District solution through internet

over HTTP/HTTPS protocol. Requests from Mobile users should be processed using mobile switch

which in turn forward requests to WAP gateway where WML will translate into HTML and it will

forward to e-District web server. Once the request gets processed the response is forwarded as

HTML wherein WAP gateway converts HTML into required WML format and displays on mobile


Channel Delivery Layer Entities

Channel delivery services contain the secured gateway services, which handles the number of

transactions across the entire network. The various secured gateways that are used are XML

gateway, SMS gateway, SMTP gateway, Web gateway etc.

Presentation Layer Entities

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Presentation Services handle the user management, personalization features. Based on the type of

user logged in, the layer routes the request to the respective services of the business service layer of

e-District solution.

Web: The Web Portal provides information for the stake holders over internet using a web browser.

There will be certain sections of the portal which will be accessible to all the users which is referred

to as the “public” part of the portal and certain sections which can be accessed only by authorized

users referred to as the “protected” part of the portal. Based on the role of the user being

authenticated respective functionality will be made available to the users.

Responses will be rendered using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). JavaScript will be used for client side

validations. e-District Portal solution would support multi-lingual content and pages will be displayed

in the language selected by user.

Personalization: Personalization component of e-District solution provides its stake holders to

customize their preferences for better user experience. Personalization covers the ability for a user

to influence their experiences. Increasingly, portals themselves offer users the ability to tailor the

function available to best suit their needs. That part of personalization that is relevant for

presentation is of direct concern to authors when creating web content that support multiple

delivery contexts.

Security Layer Entities

The secure proxy server intercepts stakeholders whenever they request to access the secured

information. URL will be routed to this component, whereas it will challenge (User Id and Password)

the user for authentication if user accesses the secured information.

Authentication: e-District solution’s authentication component will authenticate by challenging

users to provide their user Id and password.

Authorization: Authorization component will make sure that stake holders must be able to access

whatever information they have got access to. An authorized system user should be allowed to

define the various available roles in the system. Each user should be mapped to the respective role.

Based on this the user should be provided access to various available functionalities of e- District


Business Logic Layer Entity

Business Services: The Business services will provide required services for its stake holders. These

services will be provided by State and various applications and consumed by State departments

using service communication components.

User Management: The user management function should address how identities and users are

created, maintained, or revoked on termination.

Self-Service: Self-Service component will provide interface to citizens manage their own profile

information like user registration, reset passwords, update contact information, request for

accessing government services if required, etc. During user registration process e-District Portal

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must provide CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans

Apart) where users should enter those details to register themselves with e-District Portal.

Content Management Services: e-District solution has large number of content objects and

documents. It manages complete life cycle of all content objects. Content generators create

information and it is stored and managed in electronic or manual record form.

Workflow Services: Workflow services capture input data, standard processes and business rules for

processing data for a pre-defined output. Workflow service addresses the application submission,

status tracking, and verification of documents, and availability of service. All the workflow services

are available Online with the availability of 24X7 and 99.9% uptime. The following are Workflow

based services:

Verification (physical and non physical)




Reporting: e-District solution’s Reporting component will be used to generate reports for following

requirements but not limited to

Generate web analysis report to business users

Provide audit trail, i.e. author, date created, modifier, date modified, for each program.

Generate report for general application statistics, e.g. availability and average response time


Search: e-District solution will have search component to provide quick access to information, which

includes documents, HTML pages, images, audio files, video files etc. Search functionality should be

able to query both structured and unstructured content by keywords

Notifications: e-District solution would have facility to send notifications, alerts to its registered

users. Users should be able to subscribe for some of the services like SMS, News etc. On updates in

these services, subscribed users of e-District solution will get notifications by email.

Infrastructure Services Layer: e-District application would contain following list of Utility services to

maintain and manage the portal application.

Application logging

Exception handling


Audit Trail

Data Layer entities

Database Server: e-District application will use Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

for persistent store of structured data.

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Document Repository: Static content of e-District application Portal such as documents, PDF files,

images, audio/video files etc would be stored in document repository. These files should not be

stored in database.

Data Layer: Static content of e-District application such as documents, PDF files, images, audio/video

files etc. would be stored in document repository. These files are not being stored in database.

Directory Server: Directory Server of e-District application contains profile information of stake

holders, Roles, application level ACL’s (access control lists), service level access control list etc. This

directory server should be made accessible using Open LDAP.

Integration Layer Entities

Service Communication Infrastructure: To provide access to different services of e-District, SSDG is

used. SSDG as a messaging middleware acts as an intelligent hub and routes service requests from a

Service Seeker (Service Access Provider) to a Service Provider (typically a back end Government

department that puts up its service for electronic delivery) and in return sends the response back to

the Service Seeker through the Gateway.

The gateway achieves integration amongst diverse set of applications built on varying platforms

through compliance with a set of e-Governance Specifications- Interoperability Interface Protocol

and Interoperability Interface Specifications (IIP/IIS) that are based on open standards such as the

W3C XML and SOAP specifications.

The Gateway specifications developed for the Gateway messaging and support/common services are

Interoperability Interface Specification (IIS)

Interoperability Interface Protocol (IIP)

Inter Gateway Interconnect Specification (IGIS)

Gateway Common Services Specification (GCSS)

Management and Monitoring Layer Entities

Application / Network / Infrastructure Management: Infrastructure components of e-District

application will manage and monitor the health of the application, network, hardware, software etc

to manage standard architectural requirements. Following are list of components that should be


CPU Usage

Hard disk Usage

Network bandwidth

email Server

Print Server

File Server

Backup and Restore: The data backup is performed as part of schedule task and is encrypted to

ensure safeguard against data theft. Automated backup & restore components of e-District

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application & SSDG solution will take backup of required content like application code/executables,

data, content etc and restore whenever required (e.g. in the event of a disaster).

Integration Architecture

e-District application Integration Architecture depicts how various departmental applications

operating on different platforms can effectively integrated to e-District application and work

together. SSDG uses the Integration techniques, when new application systems need to access

existing application systems, while maximizing the investment in existing systems and platforms.

e-District application will integrate with following external interfaces to provide services to citizens:

Government Departments (Departmental Applications)

Websites of Government departments and organizations

State level service registry/repository

Consolidated Metadata Repository

The following departments are to be integrated with the e-District Portal.

Social Welfare Department and Tribal welfare

Agriculture Department

Fisheries Department

The Integration features to be provided by the Middleware solution are

Standards based messaging and routing switch ensuring secure and guaranteed delivery of

Services between the e-District application and the back end departments and between


De-link the backend departments from the e-District application front end service delivery


Department will connect only once to the Gateway and transact with multiple Service

Delivery Channels, simplifying the view of the external world to the departments and

provide better security

Audit logging & time stamping of transactions going through it

Departments backend work flow can evolve gradually as the Gateway acts as a middleware

de-linking the backend from the front end

Gateway should have the capability to add additional functionality to support shared

common services like Authentication, payment gateway interface, etc

Use of common language viz XML for message exchange between department applications

Following diagram depicts the high level overview of e-District application integration to various

departments at district level

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e-District Application – Integration Architecture

Application Level Integration

All the department’s applications are built on multi tier architecture or these applications business

logic is well separated from presentation and data tier. These types of applications can be integrated

using Application Level Integration.

The business logic of these applications are existing in form of .Net or Java components.

Transactional government service will be a wrapper on top of the existing code interfacing with

external applications using standard protocols.

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Application level Integration

Features of Application Integration are

Business logic will reside in the form of components or well defined functions or procedures

packaged as static or dynamically linked libraries

User interface will be either web based on rich GUI.

Technologies used for application DB will be Open database like Postgress Security

Architecture e-District application security initiatives should include, DMZ Policy, encryption,

authentication, authorization and digital signature. It should take the appropriate measures

for the data privacy, confidentiality and access control.

e-District application portal’s complete security is assured by implementing the security at the

following levels,

Component level (Operating system, routers, switches etc.) security (ISO 15408)

Application level (Basic application for access control, authentication and audit trail etc.)

Security System level (Physical security, communication and operation management, business

continuity management etc.) security (ISO 27001)

Element of Security Description/Requirement Implementation Technique


Integrity Information should not be altered in an unauthorized or unexpected way or

Signing the information

Include message digest as part of the encrypted message.

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intelligible interception.

Confidentiality Information should not be revealed or read by others at all except the parties in question. Transient Message Confidentiality: Requires information be protected while in transit Persistent Message Confidentiality: Even after reaching the destination, confidentiality of the data be maintained.

XML encryption 1. Message-Level 2. Element-Level 3. Transport Level


Identity and Authentication

Users or applications while interacting with each other should furnish their identity in order to be recognized Applications or services should have a mechanism to either recognize or restrict the user access based on the identity furnished.

1. X.509 certificate 2. SAML Token 3. User name/Password credentials

WS-Security: This describes how to attach signature and encryption headers to SOAP messages. In addition, it describes how to attach security tokens, including binary security tokens such as X.509 certificates and Kerberos tickets, to messages. WSS-SMS

Authorization & Policies

Making the decision about actions that an entity is able to perform and enforcing them as appropriate.

WS-Authorization: This will describe how to manage authorization data and authorization policies. WS-Policy: WS-Policy represents a set of specifications that describe the capabilities and constraints of the security (and other business) policies on intermediaries and endpoints (e.g. required security tokens, supported encryption algorithms, privacy rules) and how to associate policies with services and endpoints.

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Privacy Encryption of information.

Encryption – PKI 1. Symmetric Key – Cost of Encryption and decryption are smaller in terms of performance. 2. Asymmetric Key – Cost of encryption is higher than on decryption with private key.

Secure Proxy Server: The secure proxy server intercepts users whenever they request to access the

secured information. URL will be routed to this component, whereas it will challenge (User Id and

Password) the user for authentication if user accesses the secured information.


Access Security View

Single Sign-On: Single Sign-On allows the user to sign-in only once, after which the user is directed to

the e-District portal and will not be prompted for the user id and/or password when accessing any

other Government Services provided by the departments.

Authentication: Authentication is validation of a user’s identity (ID/password). Lightweight Directory

Access Protocol (LDAP) is an internet standard protocol which is commonly used for authentication.

Allowing only authenticated users to access system resources protects those resources from

inappropriate access.

Authenticating users are the basis for providing accountability.

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Use a district-wide public key infrastructure:

Collaboration and co-operation will be required to support security services across the states

and departments.

A unified approach to a Public Key infrastructure enables the state to respond to changing

requirements and conditions.

A fragmented approach to a public key infrastructure will complicate administration and

management of security across the state.

Use Public Key / Private Key technology for authentication when digital signatures are required:

Public Key / Private key technology is the most widely accepted form of digital signatures.

Digital signatures are central for most electronic business.

Authorization: Authorization will be performed in application tier. Authorization of the user is done

by verifying his credentials at the database.

Audit Trail and Logging: Logger service component will provide the functionality of logging system

activity and audit trail information. Other application components communicate with logger through

logger client component. Logger client component communicates with logger service by sending JMS

messages. Logger service reads JMS messages and saves into database.

It will use Log4J library. Logger service should be deployed on all nodes of application cluster.

Application objects running on a node will use local logger service and should not access logger

service deployed on other nodes of the cluster.

Directory Server: Directory Server of e-District Portal contains profile information of Citizens, Roles,

application level ACLs (access control lists), service level access control list etc. This directory server

should be made accessible using LDAP

IT Infrastructure: The proposed solution would consist of an e-District Portal and Departmental

applications would be integrated to the e-District portal using SSDG. This architecture would also to

be adopted by other government departments later at the time of state wide roll-out, therefore it

needs to have enough flexibility to accommodate department level variations.

Solution Deployment Architecture

The eDistrict system would leverage on the various existing applications & provide a common service

interface to the citizens & various other stakeholders. There would be service level interactions

between end users, existing applications & external systems (via the gateway interface). Citizens &

Service Deliver Channels would interact with the e-District portal via standard service interface. The

model will effectively encapsulate all legacy system & external system interfaces.

The operators of Service Deliver Channels should get authenticated before the access to the

application is made available. The Service Deliver Channels are to post the request for service and

deliver services interfacing with the applications hosted or connected through the State Data Centre.

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The deployment architecture is based on the philosophy that state services would be hosted in SDC.

The e-District Portal would host all the state level services to the citizens through a common service

gateway. The model is built around multi layer request response model. The disaster recovery site at

state data centre ensures 100% availability of the state services to the citizens.

Deployment architecture depends on number factors including response time, availability, e- District

application Technology Standards etc. Improving system availability and the ability to accommodate

increased workload are the main objectives of server or process clustering.

Typical highly available deployment architecture for e-District application is shown in Figure below.

The architecture uses an active/active cluster technology for high availability solution at data tier

and application tier.

In Active-Active Configuration, in Normal circumstances, both the nodes (hardware servers)

configured in a cluster continuously provide the services to users, so both the nodes are utilized in

online enquiries, transactions, etc. while running the same application. When one node goes down,

the entire load of the application switches over to the second node.

e-District Deployment Architecture

4.4.9 Mechanism for ensuring compliance to service levels

SLAs and objectives are a key component of successful internal and external vendor relationships.

When SLAs are not being met, both IT and the business need to be quickly alerted to the problem. In

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order to ensure that the project SLAs are being met, the project team will have to perform

diagnostic detail needed to quickly determine the root cause of the problem and restore compliance

before damage occurs and service delivery is impacted.

The mechanism for ensuring the compliance of service levels includes both qualitative and

quantitative analysis of the project implementation. The following are the some of the key activities

that will be performed to ensure the compliance of the service levels.

Defining the objectives, monitoring targets and milestones for the assignment

Monitoring progress towards results, and resources consumed, with the use of appropriate


Identifying and managing assumptions/risks, while bearing in mind expected results and the

necessary resources

Measuring the progress by using quantifiable indicators and qualitative narratives

Defining the baseline for the assignment

Reporting on results achieved and the resources involved

The following are the various steps involved in the Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation

Methodology for service level compliance

Regular meetings of the project team with key officials of Government to understand the

objectives, status of the project and the expectations.

Project documents will be studied in depth during this phase. Best practices adapted by the

other stakeholders, best practices in other states and documentation carried out by project

officials are referred to get an overview and understanding of the project.

Clearly communicating the governance procedures, roles and responsibilities to the project


Project Planning: Based on these meetings, a detailed project plan would be prepared.

Establishing the rationale for the project objectives and stakeholder expectations which will

be monitored throughout the project.

Maximizing the results and minimizing negative impact individuals, groups of people,

institutions, firms that may have a relationship with the intervention

Establishing the “cause and effect” relationships between the problems that exist and

providing the timely mitigation strategy to the project team

Preparing a Logical Framework for the project implementation in which the objectives, the

assumptions, indicators and evidence are ordered.

Developing regular monitoring and evaluation mechanism for the management to make decisions

and steer the project to success. Activities, budget schedules, outputs and assumptions, stakeholder

responses and the project’s contribution towards the longer term outcomes to be monitored on a

regular basis through the implementation.

Evaluation of the project’s outcomes, impact and contribution to the strategy to be carried out. This

will use the qualitative and quantitative analysis for measuring the impact of the project in the state.

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4.4.10 Public Awareness Campaign, Citizen Feedback Mechanism & Post Implementation


Citizens are key stakeholders in the e-Governance initiatives undertaken at various levels and since e-District project caters to high volume citizen centric G2C services, it is very critical to identify mechanisms and strategies for creating awareness about the initiative among this set of stakeholders. Various cannels like: Print Media (local newspapers, magazines etc), Electronic media (television shows, radio, etc), display of information on official website, Display of Information boards at various Government offices and common service centers, beating of drums, creating awareness through Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat meetings, skits may be used for the same purpose. ‘Aanganwadi’ workers may be appointed as ambassadors of e-District for promoting the concept in the rural areas.

All the expenses incurred for Awareness creation and branding should be under Administrative expenses. Incentive and motivation scheme announced by DIT at National and state level is not a part of this administrative expense. However SDA can announce various motivation schemes at the district level. The motivation schemes should be targeted towards motivating district staffs, Service Deliver Channels and other parties involved in e-district implementation. The Incentive plans can be like best performing Service Deliver Channels in terms of transaction volume per month, best department in terms of maximum processing within stipulated SLA etc.

Strategies for Promoting Awareness about E-District Project

Information is a prerequisite for regional integration, socio-economic development and promoting

the e-governance in the country. For e-District project to effectively deliver its goals, to improve the

availability of information to all the stakeholders it is very important to have a structured

Communications and Promotional Strategy for e-District portal. Proposed strategy for awareness

generation about e-District among the various stakeholders of the project in the state takes into

account the diversity and large population. These activities promote visibility of e-District and help

more number of citizens to seek the services of e-District and enhance the contribution of e-

Governance to the agenda of social transformation through participation which is central to a large

number of programmes and schemes of the government and donor agencies.

There are broadly two types or levels of initiatives that have significant potential in promoting the

awareness about e-District Project

IT focused awareness

Non-IT support services for enhancing access to e-District portal

Each of the components in awareness strategy is supplementary to each other and activates the

interest, awareness and participation of the stakeholders.

e-District Project Communication and Promotional Strategy Objectives

The Communications and Promotional Strategy for e-District would create an environment that

ensures increased access to various government services by all its stakeholders and its cooperating

partners. It objectives include:

Increase awareness about e-District to all the stakeholders through the creation of various

channels for service delivery

Enable stakeholders within their categories to access services relevant to their interests

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Facilitate the sharing and exchange of information and knowledge among the citizens of the


Develop and maintain cohesion in government, internal relations, which in turn would

concretize synergy of the institution’s professional and efficiency towards its external


Foster and strengthen the partnership between state government and citizens

Build and foster relationships between the government and the news & information media

in the local, regional and international media.

Intervention Areas for Awareness Strategy

In order to achieve these objectives, the following intervention areas are identified for generating

the awareness on e-District project

General Awareness raising activities of e-District Project

Establishment and strengthening of a cross-cutting network for implementation of the e-

District project

Encouraging Media to report on e-District through maintaining and strengthening the

relationships with media

Work with different stakeholders on targeted reporting on e-Governance projects in the


Supporting all the stakeholders in promoting e-Governance initiatives

Organizing workshops and Training session to all stakeholders on the promotional activities

and usage of Information technology to avail the government services at all levels.

The success of the e-District portal lies in involving large number of stake holders in visiting and

participating in the portal. The Proposed e-District portal is not a regular internet portal which

provides general information. The main objective of this portal is to provide the government services

to citizens and aimed to promote the efficient service delivery. Some of the awareness strategies

that can be used for promoting the e-district portal are:

Utilizing the Exiting Business Relationships: Using existing relationships developed within the

government will build site usage and recognition with the demographic most likely to be repeat

users of the portal

Web-based Promotions: Using banner advertising on Indian government websites will increase

brand awareness to a much wider audience, while still maintaining our target demographic.

Other IT based awareness activities include:

o Quality of services of web portal & content

o Service Deliver Channels and other service delivery channels for on the spot solution to

user’s problems, toll-free number

o Prepare awareness material for wider outreach - flyers, posters, ads in NGO websites

o Popularize the project in e-journals, e-books and e-databases

o Liaison with NGO networks for raising user awareness about e-District project

o Support computer literacy programmes for accessing and using electronic portal effectively

Newspaper Advertising: Placing large ads in noted newspapers directing the rural institutes to

provide greater penetration into our targeted demographic.

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On-line Poll: Ask visitors to give their opinion on various issues related to portal. This can be

made as a regular feature by posting different questions in different times. After posting their

views the visitors can see the result of the present and previous polls. This will create interest

among the visitors and they will return to portal to see the result of the poll. This will also help

in improvement plans of the portal.

Networking: Need to promote networking among the stakeholders, NGOs and Government

officials at district and sub district level for effective service delivery and collective action.

Government could promote networking to facilitate collective action, dialogue for alternative

strategies, community mobilization, and increased access to government interventions.

Networking unleashes the strengths of the members and helps them share relevant information

through varied means.

Consultations, Communication & Feedbacks: Interacting offline with the senior officers or head

of the section on various issues and features of the portal. Develop various indices to give idea

on popularity, participation level, hours spend on portal etc and circulate them among the

departments/sections with the parameters of the individual departments. Regular consultations

like seminars/ conferences on different themes at national and regional level could be

organized to highlight issues of concern and also provide a specific direction that is required for

sustainable community development.

4.4.11 Post Implementation Institutional Mechanism for O&M phase

Monitoring will be done during roll-out and post implementation as well. The team will be

responsible for monitoring of the project and evaluation of the outcomes of the project. Project

monitoring will be done through the hired external competency during the development & rollout

phases of the project. Project development and rollout can be monitored through the reports like,

Software development schedule adherence report and rollout progress reports.

Performance levels as expected from the application software under typical working load must be

mentioned in the contract awarded for application software development. Adherence to defined

performance levels shall be dealt with in accordance to the terms defined in the contract.

The project would require a close supervision and appropriate project control for successfully

meeting the objectives after the completion of the project. The post implementation monitoring of

e-District is important for effective delivery of citizen services. The following mechanisms will be

adopted for post implementation of the e-District project.

1. The District e-Governance Society formed for implementation of e-District Project will support

the state Committees of e-District and function as the secretariat and full time implementing

body at the district. This team will be responsible for undertaking the post implementation.

2. The state project committee takes the responsibility of monitoring the project by providing

overall direction and guidance to the district e-Governance societies. The following activities

will be performed by the state project committee during the post implementation stage

To ensure that all the participating districts take active part in project

To identify key points of contacts who would be able to dedicate quality time with the

Implementation Partner throughout the roll out

To review the installation, commissioning and maintenance activities

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To conduct review meetings at regular intervals to monitor the overall progress of the


3. Nodal officers of the division would be responsible controlling and monitoring the overall

project at Divisional level. Responsibility of the nodal officers include:

Implementation of e- District policies as directed / provided by State Implementation

committee or Govt. of Karnataka and giving directions to DeGS’s to follow the same at

their respective district.

Responsible for providing strategic direction for implementation of project initiatives in

the region.

Provide guidance to the District e governance society.

Identify and escalate project related issues that impact Project delivery and to bring

them before State level / other forums.

4.4.12 Estimated time frame and costs (In Lakhs)

Please refer to Sec 2.4 for Time frame and Sec 2.5 for Costs.

4.4.13 Details of Monitoring, Evaluation and Assessment

Monitoring & Evaluation Framework

Monitoring will be done during roll-out and post implementation as well. The team will be

responsible for monitoring of the project and evaluation of the outcomes of the project. Project

monitoring will be done through the hired external competency during the development & rollout

phases of the project. Project development and rollout can be monitored through the reports like,

Software development schedule adherence report and rollout progress reports.

Performance levels as expected from the application software under typical working load must be

mentioned in the contract awarded for application software development. Adherence to defined

performance levels shall be dealt with in accordance to the terms defined in the contract.

The evaluation study can be conducted by the team or can be outsourced to an independent

evaluation agency. The output will be measured against the goals for assessing the effectiveness of

the project. Measurement of output(s) can be done through reports generated through the

developed system as well as feedback from the citizens. Reports such as those providing details of

adherence to charter, demographics of the beneficiaries etc. can be used for estimating the

effectiveness of the project. On the other hand, feedback of the citizens, gathered through survey

can help judge the satisfaction level achieved by the project.

The evaluation results will be made available to all the stakeholders of the project, especially the

decision makers (senior functionaries of the government) and the citizens. For the deviations such as

those in the schedule or effectiveness of the project, root-cause analysis must be performed. If the

reason(s) is(are) among the risks already identified during project conceptualization, defined

mitigation plan(s) in light of the changed circumstances must be adopted. In case, the cause of the

problem is one which is not anticipated early on, cost-benefit analysis must be performed for the

measure and decision must be taken accordingly. To reduce the impact of unforeseen reason(s) of

deviation, frequent and periodic reporting of parameters indicating the schedule adherence and

project effectiveness is suggested.

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Review and Monitoring Framework:

The project would require a close supervision and appropriate project control for successfully

meeting the objectives and its timely completion. The individual projects would be executed in the

district administered by a Project Manager under the supervision of the State Steering Committee

(SSC). The State would have full responsibility for the project and all decisions for the project would

be made by the SSC.

State Apex Committee

The Committee plays a major role in drawing out the requirements for implementation of the

project and evaluating funding opportunities for the same. Government of Karnataka constituted

State Apex Body to ensure interoperability among e-Governance projects and enforce standards in

implementation of e-Governance projects.

Chief Secretary Chairman

Principal Secretary IT,ST, BT and e-Governance Department Member & Convener

Principal Secretary, Finance Department Member

Principal Secretary, Health , Medical and Family Welfare Department Member

Principal Secretary , Revenue Department Member

Principal Secretary , Municipal Administration Department Member

Principal Secretary , Labour Department Member

Chief Executive Officer, Centre for e-Governance, e-Governance Department Member

State Informatics Officer, NIC Member

State Project Steering Committee

The State Project Steering Committee is to be set up ideally under the Chairmanship of the Chief

Secretary in the State to provide overall vision, direction and guidance.

Principal Secretary, IT,ST, BT and e-Governance Department Mission Leader

Secretary, Revenue Department Member

Secretary, Finance Department Member

Secretary, Social Welfare Department Member

Secretary, Food and Civil Supplies Department Member

Secretary, Municipal Administration Department Member

Secretary, RDPR Department Member

Secretary, Excise Department Member

Secretary, Agriculture Department Member

Director, EDCS, e-Governance Department Member

e-Dictrict Champion Member

Representative from DIT,GOI Member

Representative from C-DAC Member

Representative from NIC Member

Representative form STQC Member

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District e-Governance Society (DeGS)

The District e-Governance Society to be formed for implementation of e-District Project will support

the state Committees of e-District and function as the secretariat and full time implementing body at

the district. This team would be responsible for undertaking the groundwork for providing for an

overall direction, standardization and consistency in the implementation. The composition of the

District e-Governance Society would comprise of

1 Deputy Commissioner Chairman

2 Addl. Deputy Commissioner Member

3 Tashildhar Member

4 Joint Director, Agriculture Department Member

5 Sr. Asst. Director, Fisheries Department Member

6 Deputy Commissioner, Excise Department


7 District Social Welfare Officer(DSWO) Member

8 District Tribal Welfare Officer(DTWO) Member

9 District Officer for Backward Caste and Min.


10 DIO - NIC Member, Secretary

11 Designated Official from IT &Department Member

12 Any other nominated officer Member

Roles and Responsibilities

Clear roles and responsibilities of all the partners have been presented in this section. These roles

and responsibilities include the tasks and activities which would be performed by the various

stakeholders while the state wide roll out of e-district project.

Responsibility of State Apex Committee

State steering committee is the responsible for the management of the project. Responsibility of the

State steering committee is presented below:

Ensure the formulation of State Implementation committee

To appoint a Nodal Officer to represent the State and provide all State level support for

smooth state wide implementation of the ‘e-District’ Project

To enter into necessary MoUs/agreements with DIT/other central agencies/service providers

for funding

To ensure timely sign – offs

To ensure timely release of the payments as agreed in the payment terms

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To take steps to mitigate any such potential risks that might surface during the course of the


Responsibility of State Project Committee

As a State agency monitoring the project, the role of owner in the successful implementation of the

proposed system includes discharging the following responsibilities:

To identify and nominate the District e-governance teams/societies (IT/ revenue

department) at the District level and ensuring complete involvement of the project

champion from start to finish of the project

To ensure that all the participating districts take active part in project

To identify key points of contacts who would be able to dedicate quality time with the

Implementation Partner throughout the roll out

To review the installation, commissioning and maintenance activities

To conduct review meetings at regular intervals to monitor the overall progress of the


Responsibility of Nodal Officers of particular Divisions

As a nodal officer of the division, the person would be initiating, controlling and monitoring the

overall project at Divisional level. Responsibility of the nodal Officers is specified below:

Commissioners will represent his/her region and provide all support for smooth

implementation of the Project.

Implementation of e- District policies as directed / provided by State Implementation

committee or Govt. of Karnataka and giving directions to DeGS’s to follow the same at their

respective district.

Responsible for providing strategic direction for implementation of project initiatives in the region.

Provide guidance to the District e governance society.

Identify and escalate project related issues that impact Project delivery and to bring them

before State level / other forums.

Facilitate the establishment of project related IT infrastructure within the districts covered

under the region.

To review the installation, commissioning and maintenance activities

Management of ‘e- District’ implementation through a dedicated unit

Responsible for driving project initiatives at the departmental level

Responsible to develop conceptual parameters for implementing the Project as quickly as


To conduct review meetings of DeGS’s at regular intervals to monitor the overall progress of

the project

To ensure timely release of the payments as agreed in the payment terms

To take steps to mitigate any such potential risks that might surface during the course of the


Audit the receipt & utilization of financial support received from the State Government.

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Responsibility of District e-Governance Society (DeGS)

The DeGS would provide close tie-ups with all the stakeholders in the Project at field level.

The stakeholder from the district government would include District Collector Additional

District Magistrate Sub District Magistrate, Tehsildar, Block development officer, and field


Provide guidance to the Project at District level.

DeGS would also work closely with the technical solution provider for developing and

customizing the software, implement the technical solution

Coordinate, manage & monitor the receipt & utilization of financial support received from

the State Government / Government of India

Support the Service Delivery Channels throughout the District for providing G2C services as

per the Service Level Agreements

Collect user charges as fixed by the State Government and keep audited accounts of the


Take all publicity measures and campaigning through media like TV, radio, newspaper,

conferences, seminars, public meetings, banners and posters etc for creating awareness

about transformation through e-Governance for the benefit of the rural masses.

Explore revenue streams for the sustenance of the District e-Governance Society and assist

SDA in formulating policies accordingly.

Program Management Structure

The statewide rollout of e-District Project would require a strong Project Management Structure to

be set for effective implementation of e-District Project in all 30 districts of the state. The PMU

structure would be required at key levels which have direct influence on implementation;

monitoring and control, achieving efficient and timely completion of e-District Roll Out. This would

help provide control over roll out activities and would also ensure that there is no cost and time

escalation as well as eliminate redundancy in implementation.

The total timeframe of total project implementation is being taken as 24 months and Post

implementation support is considered for 12 month. It is proposed to set up the PMU structure for

e-District Roll Out at 2 levels in the state

a. State Project Management Unit (SPMU)

b. District Project Management Unit (DPMU)

State Project Management Unit

The State Project Management Unit is proposed to set up to help and support the State Steering

Committee to rollout e-District project in Districts. The State Project Management Unit would be

mainly responsible for

a) Support State Steering Committee in monitoring, controlling and correctives during roll out

b) Support, Monitor and Guide the District Project Management Unit for implementation of e-

District Project in the districts

c) Co-ordinate and meet the requirement of Central Project Management Unit

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District Project Management Unit

a) The District Project Management Unit is proposed to set up to help and support the District

Steering Committee to rollout e-District project in the District. The District State Project

Management Unit would be mainly responsible for

b) Support District Steering Committee in monitoring, controlling and correctives during roll out

c) Monitor, Control and report the Implementation vendor performance as per the guidelines,

directives, agreement, etc.

d) Co-ordinate and meet the requirement of State Project Management Unit on behalf of the District

Steering Committee

4.4.14 SLAs for IT infrastructure & Services in terms of uptime & Service Levels

It is important to follow the standards of performance and to adhere to the SLAs to ensure project

timelines, quality and availability of services. The following are the service levels proposed for

implementation of e- District project in the state

Timely Delivery

Parameter Description

Definition Timely delivery of deliverables would comprise of software application and all documents that are to be submitted as part of the project deliverables.

Service Level Requirement All the deliverables defined in the contract has to be submitted in time on the date as mentioned in the contract with no delay.

Measurement of Service Level Parameter To be measured in Number of Business Days of delay from the date of submission as defined in the project contract.

Resolution Time

Parameter Description

Definition Time in which a complaint / query is resolved after it has been reported by IT & C Department to the Post Go – Live Support team of the System Integrator

Service Level Requirement Any query after being given a response should be classified for resolution in following three categories. Resolution Level 1 (R1): Queries regarding issues which have greater business impact wherein the regular work of the user is hampered. For example, unable to login to the system due to errors in software, online examination module not working etc. Resolution Level 2 (R2): Queries regarding issues

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which have medium business impact wherein the user is partially able to perform his/her regular work. For example, user is able to login and perform most of his normal work, but can’t approve a certain document. Resolution Level 3 (R3): Queries regarding issues which have the least/no business impact i.e. involve cosmetic changes. Type of query allowed and Maximum Resolution Time R1 -1 Business Days R2- 3 Business Days R3 - 5 Business Days

Measurement of Service Level Parameter The Service Level would be defined in the number of business days calculated from the date of logging the call/raising the request with the SI

Installation of Hardware Equipment

Parameter Description

Definition Installation of Hardware Equipment would comprise of procurement, pre inspection check, Configuration and Testing by PA and Roll-out approval from IT & C Department

Service Level Requirement Installation of Hardware Equipment should be completed within 2 weeks after delivering to the respective offices under the project

Measurement of Service Level Parameter To be measured in Number of Business Days from the date of Intimation or Request from IT & C department

Application Response Time

Parameter Description

Definition Application response time refers to the page load time, i.e. the time for loading a webpage of the e-District portal.

Service Level Requirement The average application response time for users (time taken for loading of a single web page) should not exceed 3-4 seconds.

Measurement of Service Level Parameter a) Application response time will be measured on the basis of automated reports. b) The data should be captured through automated tools at regular intervals i.e. every hour during the business hours. Data during business hours can only be used for calculations of average response time and percentile point. c) Any planned application downtime should not

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be included in the calculation of application response time. However, the PA should take at least 15 days prior approval from IT & C Department in writing for the planned outage.

Security & Incident Management SLAs

Parameter Description

Definition Security incidents could consist of any of the following but not limited to : a) Virus Attack – This shall include malicious code infection of any of the desktops/servers in the network. b) Denial of Service - This shall include non availability of service c) Data Theft - Compromise on any kind of data through network. d) Intrusion – Successful / unsuccessful unauthorized access to e- District Application/ network resulting in loss of confidentiality/ Integrity/ availability of data.

Service Level Requirement The total number of incidents should not be more than 5 per quarter.

Measurement of Service Level Parameter The network should be monitored for: Virus Attack - Any virus infection and passing of malicious code through IT & C s proposed network shall be monitored or member complaints of virus infection shall be logged at the help desk system and collated every quarter. Denial of Service (DoS) - Non availability of any services shall be analyzed and forensic evidence shall be examined to check whether it was due to external attacks. Intrusion - Compromise of any kind of data hosted by IT & C Department.

4.4.15 Site Preparation

For efficient management of service delivery under e-district project, Site preparation activity need

to be completed across the concerned offices. This requires making the office space prepared for

deployment of ICT infrastructure. Site preparation is not restricted to only Electrical work and LAN

connectivity but also Civil and Mechanical works to safe guard the hardware supplied. However such

expenses will be made judiciously. The success of the citizen service delivery system depends on

how robust the ICT infrastructure is and how well it is protected and maintained. Adequate safety

measures have to be taken at all the locations. Appropriate earthing, adequate insulation and Fire

Proofing, Rodent and Pest control measures have to be taken in to account at each site.

Site Preparation for DHQ, AC, Taluka, Faciltation, Training Centres, Social Welfare and BCM Offices

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SI. NO. Particulars

Cost/Unit (Rs. Lakhs)


Total Cost(Rs. Lakhs)

1 Computer Table 0.04 7687 307


Steel Framed Computer custard wheel revolving chairs with Arm and cushion seat and back (Standard size) 0.03 7687


3 Printer Tables 0.028 2,562


4 Electrical Connections including complete Wiring 0.04



5 Copper Plate earthing 0.08 3,844


Total Cost 1,071

4.4.16 The schedule of implementation along with identification of responsibilities

Please refer to sec 2.4 for Timelines and Scheduled activities.

4.4.17 Project Risks & Mitigation Measures

Risk Management is a core process within any project regardless of size, activity or sector. It is the

process whereby decisions are made to accept a known or assessed risk and/or the implementation

of actions to reduce the consequences or probability of occurrence. The benefits of systematic risk

identification and risk management include:

More realistic business and project planning

Actions being implemented in time to be effective

Greater certainty of achieving business goals and project objectives

Improved loss control

Improved control of project and business costs

Increased flexibility as a result of understanding all options and their associated risk

Fewer costly surprises.

Risk management as a process can be described as the identification and mitigation of risks, which

could cause a project to fail to achieve its objectives within time scale, cost or operational


Identified Risks in e-District Project Implementation

The following table highlights the high risk areas in the project. These areas require more focus and

regular monitoring to ensure effective implementation of eDistrict project and address timely risks if

any. A proper risk register needs to maintain by the implementing agency and eDistrict and also a

mechanism to be evolved to identify and measure the degree of risks in different areas of the

project. An immediate attention will be required to mitigate the risks as and when any risk arises in

the project on a monthly basis. The table below shows some of the key risks that may be

encountered while implementing the eDistrict solution. The risks have been categorized and

presented for better understanding.

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Risk Areas Specific Areas Technology Risks The application might not provide all required


The application might contain excessive defects.

Techno-functional errors in the developed system.

The application is not compatible with other applications

Financial Risks Inadequate Cost Estimates Scope Risks Scope creep

Wrong identification of project scope Organizational Issues Management and Policy Issues

Lack of timely updation of data required for new system.

Legal & Contractual Risks Risk due to improper/ insufficient Legal/contractual risks agreement with the vendors, contractors etc.

Stakeholders’ Risks (Internal – Resources) Inadequate Staffing

Non acceptance of the system Stakeholders’ Risks (External – RIs) Low response for the system by RIs

Risk Mitigation

Risk mitigation strategy mentioned in the section below draws attention for various measures that

could be employed. As Risk Mitigation is a core process within any project regardless of size, activity

or sector. It is the process whereby decisions are made to accept a known or assessed risk and/or

the implementation of actions to reduce the consequences or probability of occurrence. The

following depicts the potential risk areas, their descriptions and the key factors to avoid the possible

risks in pursuing the project initiatives successfully.

Risk Mitigation Methods Proposed

Project Stage Project Risks Strategy Risk Mitigation

Project Development

Schedule overrun Retention Segregation of cause and continuing with independent activities

Cost escalation & Fund constraints

Retention Budgetary allocation

Change in Government priority towards the project

Reduction Prioritization of activities and proceed according to the priority.

Requirement of new functionality as per changing needs

Avoidance Unless critical, the project should be allowed to go with the current scope of development. New Requirements can be built in at a later stage as enhancement. Success of project with should be measured first with current scope only.

Project roll-out Different set of forces at play at the roll-out location from the ones encountered at Pilot

Reduction Communicate the benefits to the stakeholders for support. Training can also help the environment being conducive

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Project success dependant on personal initiatives; Project champion moving out during the project

Avoidance Roll-out should be institutionalized and shouldn't be a personal initiative. The project should move for a process centric implementation

Project not well accepted by the users

Reduction Change management exercise should be given due importance and carried out with utmost sincerity

Schedule overrun Retention Segregation of cause and continuing with independent activities; budgetary allocation

Cost escalation Retention Budgetary allocation

Security & Confidentiality of the data

Reduction Application development & deployment should be according to "Information Architecture & Standards for GoI". Accountability for information loss/theft should be built in the system

Post Implementation

Technology obsolescence Reduction Use of SOA and open standards

Security & Confidentiality of the data

Reduction Application development & deployment should be according to "Information Architecture & Standards for GoI". Accountability for information loss/theft should be built in the system

Explanation: Avoidance : Not performing an activity that could carry risk. Reduction : Methods that reduce the severity of loss. Retention : Accepting the loss when it occurs. Transfer : Causing another party to accept the risk.

Assumptions for Risk Management

Assumptions for Risk Management are the factors that have an influence on the achievement of

project objectives, and overall success of the project. These need to be managed effectively for

timely achievement of activities, outputs and objectives as desired. Some of the assumptions that

have been taken into account are listed below:

GoK to provide necessary policy and administrative support for developing the solution;

GoK to formulate a risk management strategy;

GoK to undertake wider awareness creation amongst all stakeholders, i.e. both internal and


All the employees of district administration will be trained in the new IT applications, as

applicable to their respective departments/functions/services;

Alignment with National eGovernance Policy Guidelines like State Data Center and SWAN


Risk Management

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A set of standards, which have been developed with an aim to draw attention of the Project

Management Teams to risks encountered in the program environment and to present controlled

solutions to these problems. There are no universal remedies in project management; therefore the

solution presented has been developed especially with flexibility in mind, to be adapted to suit the

particular circumstances of the Program. The rationale for standardizing the method is based on the

added control afforded by all project management using the same process. This should reduce any

misunderstanding and ensure that all of the program teams operate in a uniform manner.

Any project team member can raise an issue at any point during the project lifecycle. The issue is

formally raised; in order to document and review any problems or concerns that cannot be resolved

through direct discussion between team members, or through the day-to-day management process.

Risk Monitoring

It is very important to keep monitoring risks on periodic basis. Risk Monitoring is therefore the

process that systematically tracks and evaluates the performance of risk handling actions against

established metrics throughout the project. During risk monitoring meetings, existing risks as well as

new risks are reviewed and discussed in details by the Project Team. Through Risk Monitoring, the

project team will:

Implement and direct risk mitigation actions;

Monitor the risk mitigation actions to determine their effectiveness, and

Revise the risk mitigation strategies as needed, if required.

The project team should also ensure implementing the following.

Implement the Risk Mitigation Plan - Implementing the Risk Mitigation Plan requires the

monitoring of the risk warning flags and reacting quickly to implement the risk mitigation

strategies. Effective mitigation is proactive, as problems rarely solve themselves.

Assess Mitigation Effectiveness - After implementing the Risk Mitigation Plan, the project

team needs to assess the effectiveness of the risk mitigation actions.

Reassess Exposure - Evaluating the project's current risk status on a regular basis will

address the dynamic realities of the project. Project team meetings can be venues to raise

and report project risk and risk mitigation actions and results.

The project team will also address probability of risks and impact changes, as well as any new risks

that are identified. Newly identified risks should be subjected to the same risk assessment and

management process. Risks that have been successfully mitigated should be “resolved” and that

status should be reflected in the Risk Management Matrix and on project reports.

Successful mitigation means reducing Risk Exposure to a level where the risk is no longer deemed by

the project team to be among the project’s “Top Risks.” The risk monitoring and review process will

provide assurance that there are appropriate controls in place for the eDistrict project activities and

that the procedures are understood and followed and should determine whether:

The measures adopted resulted in what was intended and

The procedures adopted and information gathered for undertaking the assessment was


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5 Operation and Maintenance Phase Revenue model to sustain O&M phase including revenue projection and recurring expenses estimates

5.1 Projected Revenue

The indicative projected revenue is provided below.

Total Revenue envisaged for 5 Years


Category of Services

Avg. Transactions/Year

Service Charge

Growth Rate/Year (%) Year 1 Year 1 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5


1 Certificates 31,56,480 10 10







Certified Copies of Court Orders

23,76,000 10 10






Assuming Certified copy has a min. of 10 Pages

3 Ration Card Services

12,96,000 10 10






4 Licensing( Arms etc)

1,64,520 10 10






5 Revenue Services

5,40,000 10 10






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Agriculture Services(Licenses)

9,360 10 10







Excise Services(License)

4,320 10 10







Fisheries Services(Issue of ID cards)

360 10 10






9 Others(Licenses)

1,800 10 10












5.2 Projected Operational Expenses

Operational Expenses for the next three years

SI Project Cost Item Amount (Rs. Lakhs)

1 O & M Cost for I Year @ 5% of Total Project Cost 473.18

2 O & M Cost for II Year @ 7.5% of Total Project Cost 709.77

3 O & M Cost for III Year @ 10 % of Total Project Cost 946.36

Total (in Rs. Lakhs) 2129.30

5.3 Revenue Model

There are many Revenue models, which can be adopted by different States based on the suitability and feasibility of implementation in the State. One

broad way is to go for Public Private Partnership (PPP) Model through private vendors and other way is to impose the user charge on the Citizens for

using computerized services. The principle behind the idea is to develop self-reliance within the system over a period of time instead of depending

entirely on government funding for managing operating and maintenance costs involved for running the computerized system. It has to be noted that

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the major benefit for using PPP model is not the financing aspect, but to manage the day-to-day operations including procurement of consumables,

adherence to Service Level Agreements, and ensuring high quality of service to the citizens.

The User Charge Model gives the flexibility to the Government to operate the whole setup by its own staff and at the same time, impose some user

charge on every transaction from the computerized system, so that the operational expenses can be recovered from the same without putting any extra

load on Government exchequer. More importantly it gives flexibility to the operating officials to manage the computerized efficient services running

throughout without being dependent on the official process for procurement of consumables, repair services etc., which very often gets delayed and

defeats the very purpose of computerization.

User Departments: The main role of the user departments would be to deploy a proper backend computerization within their departments so that the

different services to citizens can be delivered to citizens through Common Service Centres/ Kiosks. In order to realize this, the departments would have

to re-engineer their internal processes and would also have to provide necessary financial support towards the work being done for them.

District Administration: The District Administration is major player in the whole process with different roles and responsibilities. On the one hand, it is

responsible as a user department and on other hand it would act as a facilitator/administrator also. The second main role and responsibility of the

District Administration is to have a vigilance control over all the departments. District Administration would also be owner of the application software as

well as data and would act as backup of service provider.

District e-Governance Society: The role of the district e-Governance Society (headed by District Collector) is to manage the entire project in respective

districts which include relationship with local service provider, financial operations, technical and logistical support and providing infrastructure for


e-District Data Centre: The e-District data Centre is the technical hub of entire e-District setup at the district. The Database Server, RAS-cum-router,

leased line etc. shall all be installed at this centre. The data centre would be directly under the control of e-Governance Society. The complete data

(related with e-district application) shall reside on the Database Server installed at the State Data Centre. The Total Solution Provider would be required

to manage complete setup of this data centre. Connectivity with State Data Centre, Collectorate, Main Centre and Departments would be provided from

e-District Data Centre data centre for mutual data transfer. Citizen service Centres or Community Information Centres would act citizen interface to

provide G2C and G2B services would be interrelated with the e-District data base server.

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Category of Services(Including Sub-Services)


Service Levels



Service Levels




1 Certificates

1 Domicile 10-15 7 300

2 Nativity 10-15 7 150

3 Rural Area Certificate 10-15 7 750

4 Dependent Certificate 10-15 7 300

5 Next of Kin Certificate 10-15 7 300

6 Destitute Certificate 10-15 7 150

7 Non-Remarriage Certificate (for Compassionate Appointments) 10-15 7 150

8 No Graduate in the family certificate 10-15 7 150

9 Certificate for Destitute Children for admission in Orphanage School 10-15 7 450

10 Destitute Widow Certificate for priority in getting job opportunity 10-15 7 150

11 Non-Marriage Certificate (for Compassionate Appointments) 10-15 7 60

12 Mother Tongue Certificate (Linguistic Minorities - for Reservation in Education Inst Border Dist)

10-15 7 150

13 Certificate for Non Violation of Section 79 A & B ( Issued in AC & Taluka ) 10-15 7 600

14 NOC (Land Grant Cases) 10-15 7 450

15 NOC (Lands Granted through Land Tribunal/Land Reforms) 10-15 7 450

16 Certificate of Land not coming under PTCL(SC/ST) act 1978 10-15 7 600

17 Correction of Name(Applicant/Father/Mother) in Birth Certificate 10-15 7 900

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Service Levels




18 Correction of Name(Applicant/Father/Mother) in Death Certificate 10-15 7 900

19 Non-Availability of Birth Certificate 10-15 7 900

20 Non-Availability of Death Certificate 10-15 7 900

21 Project Displacement Certificate (PDC) Ex: Land acquired for Highways, Irrigation and Housing projects ,etc ( all the three offices are involved)

20-40 7 8

2 Social Welfare (Pensions)

1 Freedom fighter honorarium 30 7 2

2 Inter-caste Marriage Assistance scheme (In some case issued by Taluka Social Welfare Officer)

30-40 7 10

3 Assistance for last rites for BPL Card Holders 30 7 300

4 Physically Handicap Pension (For Persons having more than 75% Disability are not being covered under Nemmadi)

90 7 120

5 Old Age Pension (OAP1) (Age between 60-64 Years) 90 7 250

6 Old Age Pension (OAP3) (Age between 80 Years and above ) 90 7 250

7 Aam Admi Bima Yojana 30 7 40

8 Adarsha Vivaha Yojana(Interface with WCD and SRO at Dist Level 30 7 30

3 Revenue Court Cases

1 Receipt of Disputes regarding Mutation 90 30 20

1) Issuance of notices

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Service Levels




2) Listing of cases

3) Adjournment of cases

4) Tracking status of execution of orders

5) Stay and final orders of cases

2 Receipt of Appeal in Revenue Court Cases 90 30 20

1) Issuance of notices

2) Listing of cases

3) Adjournment of cases

4) Tracking status of execution of orders

5) Stay and final orders of cases

3 Water and Path Ways Disputes u/s 90A of land revenue act 90 30 20

1) Issuance of notices

2) Listing of cases

3) Adjournment of cases

4) Tracking status of execution of orders

5) Stay and final orders of cases

4 Boundary Disputes u/s Section 49 E and F of KLR Act , 1964 (Rules 51 and 52) 90 30 20

1) Issuance of notices

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2) Listing of cases

3) Adjournment of cases

4) Tracking status of execution of orders

5) Stay and final orders of cases

5 Dues and Recovery

1) Track Default loan processes(such as Nationalized/Co-operative Banks, Financial Assistance given by Taluka and Gram Panchayats, SGSY etc)

180 90 90

2) Recovery of Government dues( Commercial Taxes, Excise, Stamp Duty, Transport, Ex-Minister's Rental Dues, other State Dues)

180 90 90

3) Court Recoveries (Judicial Magistrate First Class JMFCs), Consumer Courts, Labour Courts, Family Courts etc)

180 90 90

4) Recoveries under Karnataka State Financial Corporation , Karnataka Small Scale Industrial Development Corporation, Khadi Gram Udyog, BSNL

180 90 90

5) Issuance of Revenue Recovery Certificate 180 90 90

6 Certified Copies(Not taken up under NLRMP)

1)Closed Files of all sections such as Revenue Court Cases and Record of Rights(RRT) Cases 30-40 10 600

2) Closed Files of Land Grant Cases under Sec 94A,B and C of Land Revenue Act Files and Registers, 90 A of Land Revenue Act,

30-40 10 600

3) Closed Files of Water and Path Way Disputes Cases under 90 A of Land Revenue Act 30-40 10 600

4) Closed Files of Land Reforms Sections such as Land Tribuanal Cases of Sec 77 and 77 A of Land Reforms Act

30-40 10 600

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5) Issue of Certified copies of Records available in Record Room of Taluka offices

30-40 10 3000

6) Issue of Certified copies from Deputy Commissioner offices 30-40 10 600

7) Issue of Certified copies from Assistant Commissioner offices 30-40 10 300

8) Survey Records not taken under NLRMP (Pakka, Tippan, Village Maps, Atlas) 30-40 1 300

4 Ration Card services

1 Issue of New Ration Card 60 10 1800

2 Issue of Duplicate Ration Card 15 10 1800

3 Addition of Name in Ration Card 15 10 2400

4 Deletion of Name in Ration Card 15 10 2400

5 Deletion of certain family members ( partial) in Ration Card and issuance of new Ration card for the remaining family members

15 10 2400

6 Correction of Name, Age and Sex in Ration Card 15 10 2400

7 Correction of incorrect card category entries like APL, BPL & AAY 15 10 2400

8 Correction of wrong photographs of family members in Ration Cards 15 10 2400

9 Correction of incorrect entries in the Ration card like Gas connections 15 10 2400

10 Application for surrender of Ration card 15 10 2400

5 RTI and Grievances

1 Filling of Applications of Grievances and Status Tracking No Defined Timelines

No Defined Timelines

Case Dependent

2 RTI applications and status tracking filed to the PIO (Taluka Office) and first appellant 15-30 7 Case Dependent

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authority for VA, RI/DT( Nada Office)

3 RTI applications and status tracking filed to the PIO ( Assistant Commissioner's Office) and first appellant authority for Taluka Office

15-30 7 Case Dependent

4 RTI applications and status tracking filed to the PIO ( Deputy Commissioner's Office) and first appellant authority for Assistant Commissioner's Office

15-30 7 Case Dependent

5 RTI appeals before State Information Commission 15-30 7 Case Dependent

6 Licensing

Arms License

1 Issue of arms license 60 30 30

2 Renewal of arms license 20 7 15

3 Duplicate arms license 20 7 15

4 Entry of weapon 20 7 10

5 Addition of Weapon 20 7 10

6 Deletion of Weapon 20 7 10

7 NOC for sale of weapon 20 7 10

8 Permission to carry weapon 30 10 10

9 Extension of purchase period 20 7 10

10 Change of address 30 10 10

11 Cancellation of license 60 30 10

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Service Levels



Service Levels




12 Addition/deletion of retainer 60 30 10

13 NOC for import of weapon 30 10 5

14 Licenses for Crop protection weapons 30 10 10

15 Renewal of arms license for Crop protection weapons 30 10 150

16 Duplicate arms license for Crop protection weapons 30 10 5

17 Entry of weapon for Crop protection weapons 30 10 5

18 Addition of Weapon for Crop protection weapons 30 10 2

19 Deletion of Weapon for Crop protection weapons 30 10 10

20 NOC for sale of weapon for Crop protection weapons 30 10 1

21 Permission to carry weapon for Crop protection weapons 30 10 1

22 Extension of purchase period(for Crop protection weapons 30 10 1

23 Change of address for Crop protection weapons 30 10 1

24 Cancellation of license for Crop protection weapons 30 10 1

Small Savings

1 Small Saving Agents 30 10 80

2 Stamp Vendors 30 10 3


1 Arms Dealers 60 20 1

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Service Levels




2 Cinemas and Dramas 120 30 2

3 Video Parlour/Entertainment Clubs - SP Issues this 120 30 1


1 Temporary permission for mining 90 45 10

2 Permanent license for mining 90 45 5

3 NOC for explosive Licenses 90 45 2

4 License to store explosives for Mining 90 45 1

5 License for the sale of crackers 90 45 10

7 Magisterial (MAG) Court Cases


Application for Magisterial Court Cases (under Sec 107, 109, 110, 144 & 145 of CRPC) 109 – Suspicious Offender 107 – Trouble Maker 110 – Habitual Offender

No Defined Timelines

30 100

1) Issuance of Notices

2) Listing of Cases

3) Adjournment of Cases

4) Tracking status of execution of orders

5) Stay and final orders of cases

2 Unnatural Death Cases No Defined Timelines

30 100

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Application for case under Atrocities No Defined Timelines


8 Scholarships (Dept of Social Welfare, Dept of Tribal Welfare and Dept of Backward Castes

& Minorities)

1 Scholarship and admission in hostels for SC 90 30 50

2 Scholarship and admission in hostels for ST 90 30 50

3 Scholarship and admission in hostels for BC and Minorities 90 30 15

4 Govt of India (GoI) Post metric Scholarships for SC 90 30 200

5 Govt of India (GoI) Post metric Scholarships for ST 90 200

6 State specific Scholarship for Hostel Admission for Post Metric Students for BC and Minorities

90 30 100

7 State specific Scholarship for Post Metric Students for BC and Minorities 90 30 100

8 State specific Pre-Metric Scholarships for SC 90 30 100

9 State specific Pre-Metric Scholarships for Hostel Admission for SC 90 30 30

10 State specific Pre-Metric Scholarships for ST 90 30 100

11 State specific Pre-Metric Scholarships for Hostel Admission for ST 90 30 30

12 State specific Pre-Metric Scholarships for BC and Minorities 90 30 50

13 State specific Pre-Metric Scholarships for Hostel Admission BC and Minorities 90 30 30

14 Higher Education Special Scholarship Schemes for SC 90 30 50

15 Higher Education Special Scholarship Schemes for ST 90 30 50

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Service Levels




16 Higher Education Special Scholarship Schemes for BC and Minorities 90 30 50

17 GOI Scholarships for Admission of Students whose parents are engaged in unclean occupation

90 30 10

18 Admission of students in reputed Institutions 90 30 10

9 Revenue Services

1 Application for Land Conversion ( In districts except undivided South Canara ) 120 30 600

2 Application for Land Conversion of Lands granted under Land Reforms Act ( In districts except undivided South Canara)

120 30 600

3 Application for Land Conversion in Taluka offices for Patta Lands as per Rule 106 A of Karnataka Land Revenue Rules, 1966

7 5 300

10 Department of Agriculture

1 Issuance of soil health card

30 7 200

2 Fertilizer dealer registration

30 7 20

3 Agriculture information Services


4 Insecticides licenses

30 7 2

5 Seeds license

30 7 2

6 Fertilizers license

30 7 2

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7 Duplicate agriculture licenses

10 1 10


Grant/Renewal of Agriculture License - to Sell, Stock, or Exhibit for sale or distribute of insecticides / pesticides / Fertilizers; Amendment of Seed License; Issue and Renewal of F - licenses (Petrol Bunks and Gas Agencies) , Private God owns, Wholesale Food Grains, Retail Food Grains

30 7 10

11 Department of Excise

1 License for liquor shop

15 7 2

2 Renewal of retail liquor licenses ( only those licenses valid in the preceding year)

15 7 2

3 Renewal of fruit Winery licenses ( only those licenses valid in the preceding year)

15 7 2

4 Renewal of distillery/brewery/fortified winery licenses and bottling licenses ( only those licenses valid in the preceding year)

30 7 2

5 Shifting of liquor shop

30 7 1

6 License for liquor distribution

30 7 1

7 License for narcotics ( ND4) drugs for Lab purposes

30 7 1

8 Licenses for rectified spirit

30 7 1

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12 Department of Fisheries

1 Application for Registration of Fishing Vessels

30 7 1

2 Supply of kerosene for boats at subsidized rates

30 7 5

3 ID Cards to the fisherman

15 7 10

13 Utility Services

1 Payment of Electricity Bills

1 1 10,000

2 Payment of Water Bills

1 1 7,000

3 Payment of Telephone/Mobile Bills

1 1 15,000

14 Status Update Services

1 Application for Financial Assistance under Chief Minister’s Relief Fund

No Defined timelines

20 50

15 Other Category of Services

1 License for Sale and Procurement of Toddy 60 15 5

2 Application for providing compensation to on SC/ST citizens for committed atrocities 30-40 10 5

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3 Application from citizens for inter-caste marriage 30-40 10 2

5.4 Institutional arrangement for Operations & Maintenance Phase

The state Designated Agency in co-ordination with District e-Governance Societies (DeGS) in all districts to implement and provide institutional support

to all the stakeholders during the O & M phase. The DeGS who are the owners in their respective districts would play a key role in the post

implementation phase, i.e. O & M phase.

e-District Operation and Maintenance Phase

Stakeholders Roles and Responsibilities

State Designated Agency Institutional Support

Periodic review of e-District rollout

Manage and distribute Funds

Coordinate and facilitate interactions

Implement an effective transaction-based revenue sharing mechanism for all stakeholders

District e-Governance


Ensure that the stakeholder departments are fully supportive in delivering the services to the citizens

Manage, Supervise and Release funds

Ensure Capacity Building and Training

Ensure the delivery services at Service Deliver Channels as per the SLA and collect user charges

Implementing Agency Provide Support, Warranty and Maintenance for Hardware, IT and Non-IT systems

Deploy adequate manpower for Support and Helpdesk activities.

Conduct regular meetings with DeGS, SDA and State Govt. and provide status of the Operations in each district.

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Ensure on-time issue resolution

Provide Handholding support to DeGS and other District and State officials.

State Programme Management


Ensure Capacity Building, Change Management and Training Plans(as approved during Project Development) are


Design the post implementation guidelines for O & M phase.

Service Centre Agency(SCA) Provide all the Services as per SLA in a hassle free manner.

Ensure adequate facilities for the citizens to avail the services.

Provide regular updates to DeGS and SDA

Escalate any issues related e-District application and ensure they get resolved on-time without affecting citizens.

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6 Financial Estimates

6.1 Total Project Cost

Total Project Cost Total Project Cost for State Wide Roll out of e-District MMP in Karnataka


Component Unit Cost (Rs. Lakhs)

1 2 3 Total Cost(Rs. Lakhs) for 3



DPR Preparation 10.00



Systems at SDC 175.00



Systems Support 24.00





Application Software for Non Pilot 55.00



Third Party/ STQC Testing 35.00



Application Support 18.00





Awareness and Communication on launch of e-Services





Assessment 15.00



Others (SPMU ) for 3 years @12 lakhs per resource per annum for 3 resources






Contingency @3 % of State-level cost 16.32

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Total Cost at State Level (A) 560.32


Hardware 3,929.28



Data Digitization 1,500.00




Training 523.59





LAN Networking and Horizontal Connectivity 750.00





Site Preparation 1,071.06




Seed Money to eGov Society ( DeGS) 300.00



Project Manager for 3 years @ 3.60 lakhs per year 324.00





Technical Support for 3 years @ 2.4 Lakhs per year






Awareness and Communication @ 1 Lakh/District 30.00




Contingency @3 % of all District-level costs 259.32

Total Cost at District Level (B) 8,903.24

Total Project Cost (A+B) -


O & M

Operations and Maintenance Cost for 3 Years (C) I Year O&M expenses @ 5% Total Project Cost II Year O&M expenses @ 7.5% Total Project Cost III Year O&M expenses @ 10% Total Project Cost





Total Cost including O&M (A+B+C) 11,592.86

Total Project Cost (in Lakhs) is Rs. 11,592.86

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6.2 Hardware for all Offices The hardware assessment includes the hardware required at the DC office, Sub-Division Office and Taluk offices. The figures mentioned here are indicative

and is based on the users responsible for processing the application under a particular service. The hardware assessment also includes the requirement of

digital signature and number of RI offices. Operating System License, Antivirus License and MS-Office license has also been taken into consideration. As per

the guideline, the IT infrastructure created under SDC, SWAN, SERVICE DELIVER CHANNELS, State Portal, SSDG and any other MMP should be leveraged for

the Implementation of e-District Project. Bill of Material of hardware required at each office is mentioned in the below given table. (The numbers

mentioned here are indicative)

Hardware Cost for DC Office

Description Quantity Unit Price (Rs) Total Price (Rs)

Laptop 1 32,000 32,000

Desktops( Incl. of Facilitation +Training centres) 42 27,000 11,34,000

Dig. Web cam(For Facilitation Centres) 4 2,000 8,000

MFD(Network Printer and Fax) (Only for Facilitation Centres) 3 45,000 1,35,000

Dig. Signatures 1,500 -

Laser Printers 14 17,000 2,38,000

UPS( 1 KVA) Online 42 12,000 5,04,000

Scanner 1 22,000 22,000

12 Port LAN Switch 41 3,500 1,43,500

42 U Rack 1 1,00,000 1,00,000

9 U Rack 39 17,000 6,63,000

Leased Line Modem Pair 1 7,000 7,000

Total Hw Cost for 1 DC Office 29,86,500

Total Hw Cost for all 30 DC Offices 8,95,95,000

Hardware Cost for AC Office

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Description Quantity Unit Price (Rs) Total Price (Rs)

Laptop 1 32,000 32,000

Desktop 7 27,000 1,89,000

Dig. Signatures 1,500 -

Laser Printers 2 17,000 39,667

UPS( 1 KVA) Online 7 12,000 84,000

Scanner 1 22,000 22,000

Total Hw Cost for 1 AC Office 3,66,667

Total Hw Cost for all 52 AC Offices 1,90,66,667

Hardware Cost for Taluka Offices

Description Quantity Unit Price (Rs) Total Price (Rs)

Laptop 1 32,000 32,000

Desktop 31 27,000 8,37,000

Dig. Signatures 1,500 -

Laser Printers 10 17,000 1,75,667

UPS( 1 KVA) Online 31 12,000 3,72,000

Scanner 2 22,000 44,000

Total Hw Cost for 1 Taluka Office 14,60,667

Total Hw Cost for all 177 Taluka Offices 25,85,38,000

Hardware Cost for Social Welfare - DSWO [SC - 14]

Description Quantity Unit Price (Rs) Total Price (Rs)

Desktop 3 27,000 81,000

Dig. Signatures 1,500 -

Laser Printers 1 17,000 17,000

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UPS( 1 KVA) Online 3 12,000 36,000

Total Hw Cost for 1 District Social Welfare and Tribal Welfare Offices 1,34,000

Total Hw Cost for all 14 District Social Welfare 18,76,000

Hardware Cost for Tribal Welfare - DTWO [ST - 14]

Description Quantity Unit Price (Rs) Total Price (Rs)

Desktop 3 27,000 81,000

Dig. Signatures 1,500 -

Laser Printers 1 17,000 17,000

UPS( 1 KVA) Online 3 12,000 36,000

Total Hw Cost for 1 District Social Welfare and Tribal Welfare Offices 1,34,000

Total Hw Cost for all 14 District Social Welfare 18,76,000

Hardware Cost for Social and Tribal Welfare - DSWO [SC+ST - 16]

Description Quantity Unit Price (Rs) Total Price (Rs)

Desktop 3 27,000 81,000

Dig. Signatures 1,500 -

Laser Printers 1 17,000 17,000

UPS( 1 KVA) Online 3 12,000 36,000

Total Hw Cost for 1 District Social Welfare and Tribal Welfare Offices 1,34,000

Total Hw Cost for all 16 District Social and Tribal Welfare 21,44,000

Hardware Cost for Taluka Social Welfare - TSWO [SC+ST - 177] (Common for SC and ST)

Description Quantity Unit Price (Rs) Total Price (Rs)

Desktop 2 27,000 54,000

Dig. Signatures 1,500 -

Laser Printers 1 17,000 11,333

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UPS( 1 KVA) Online 2 12,000 24,000

Total Hw Cost for 1 District Social Welfare and Tribal Welfare Offices 89,333

Total Hw Cost for all 177 Taluka Social Welfare Offices 1,58,12,000

Hardware Cost for Backward Castes and Minorities DOBCM[at District level only - 30]

Description Quantity Unit Price (Rs) Total Price (Rs)

Desktop 3 27,000 81,000

Dig. Signatures 1,500 -

Laser Printers 1 17,000 17,000

UPS( 1 KVA) Online 3 12,000 36,000

Total Hw Cost for 1 District Social Welfare and Tribal Welfare Offices 1,34,000

Total Hw Cost for all 30 DOBCM Offices 40,20,000

Total Hardware Cost for 30 Districts

Offices Total Hardware Cost for the (In

Lakhs) all districts

District Head Quarters (A) 895.95

Subdivisions (B) 190.67

Taluka Offices (C) 2,585.38

District Social Welfare Offices (Exclusive) (D) 18.76

District Tribal Welfare Offices (Exclusive) (E) 18.76

District Social and Tribal Welfare Offices(Common) (F)


Taluka Social and Tribal Welfare Offices(Common) (G)


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District Backward Caste and Minority Welfare Offices (H)


Total Hardware Cost (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H) (Rs. Lakhs)


Total Hardware Cost for all offices = 3,929.28 Lakhs

6.3 Site Preparation Cost

Site Preparation for DHQ, AC, Taluka, Faciltation, Training Centres, Social Welfare and BCM Offices

SI. NO. Particulars Cost/Unit (Rs. Lakhs) Requirement Total Cost(Rs. Lakhs)

1 Computer Tables 0.04 7687 307

2 Steel Framed Computer custard wheel revolving chairs with Arm and cushion seat and back (Standard size) 0.03 7687 231

3 Printer Tables 0.028 2,562 72

4 Electrical Connections including complete Wiring 0.04 3,844 154

5 Copper Plate earthing 0.08 3,844 307

Total Cost 1,071

6.4 Data Digitization and Migration

Total estimated cost for Data Digitization

Data Digitization Costs

Estimated no of records /District

Unit Cost No of Districts

Total Cost (Rs)

Total Cost (In Lakhs)

Records 10,00,000 5 30 15,00,00,000 1,500

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* Total No of Records for digitization is approximately 10 lakh for each district.

6.5 Network Connectivity (Horizontal) As per guidelines of e-District, the project would leverage from KSWAN for network connectivity. Currently KSWAN network is being extended till all

the Hobli Offices. However for the office locations where KSWAN connectivity is not present, Implementing Agency needs to provide broadband

connectivity (through a bandwidth provider) for those offices. Following is an indicative cost for the connectivity in all districts.

LAN and Horizontal Connectivity Costs

No. of Districts

Price (.Rs) Total Cost (Rs)

Total Cost (In Lakhs)

Horizontal Connectivity Costs

30 25,00,000 7,50,00,00 750.00

6.6 Training Costs

Summary of the detailed training program has been presented in the table below. SNo. Training Module GROUP-I GROUP-II GROUP-III GROUP-IV

1 E-District Orientation Y Y Y Y

2 Basic Computing Training Y Y Y Y

3 Process Training Y Y N N

4 Activity Training N N Y Y

5 Specialized Computer Training Y Y Y Y 6 e-District Application Training Y Y Y Y

Following table shows an indicative number of officials to be trained in the aforementioned training modules.

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Estimated for Training and Capacity Building Cost

Offices No. of Officials

Deputy Commissioner's Offices 1,440

Assistant Commissioner's Offices 416

Taluka Offices 11,151

District Social Welfare (Exclusive) Offices 56

District Tribal Welfare (Exclusive) Offices 56

District Social and Tribal Welfare (Common) Offices 64

Taluka Social and Tribal Welfare (Common) Offices 708

District Backward Caste and Minority Offices 150

District and Taluka Agriculture Offices 1,629

District, Sub-Div. and Taluka Excise Offices 1,290

District, Regional and Taluka Fisheries Offices 493

Grand Total 17,453

Training and Capacity Building Cost/Person (Rs. Lakhs)


Total Training and Capacity Building Cost (Rs. Lakhs)


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6.7 Awareness and Communication

Total Estimated Cost for Awareness & Communication:

Item Total Cost (In Rs. Lakhs)

Citizen Awareness on launch of e-Services at District Level 30.00

Citizen Awareness on launch of e-Services at State Level 20.00

Total 50.00

6.8 State Programme Management Unit Following the approval of the e-District DPR, the SDA needs to identify a project consulting agency from the list of consultants empanelled by DIT for providing day to day implementation support to the DeGS for undertaking the project. The empanelled project consultant is expected to undertake the following tasks:

Design an efficient and effective end to end service delivery process

Study the capacity building requirements and help create a facility for development of capacity including preparation of Change Management &

Training plans, legal changes and draft Government Orders for the identified services

Suggest the functional requirements for the application, based on the BPR and review the System Requirement Specification (SRS) and System

Design Documents (SDD) for the application development and submit their observation to the State Designated Agency.

Facilitate in conducting the User Acceptance Test (UAT). UAT is to be conducted by the Implementing Agency. Final sign off need to be given by the


Supervise and assist the STQC for acceptance testing of the application

To assist State in the selection of System Integrator (Implementation Agency) from the DIT, GOI empanelled list.

To supervise the installation, commissioning of IT infrastructure at Central Server

Location and also at each district location. After the installation of infrastructure

Consultant would submit their report to the District Nodal officer/collector. Final acceptance is to be given by the District Nodal Officer/District


To provide one dedicated manpower at each district for project coordination for 3 years.

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They will be in charge for entire project management and provide regular (weekly/monthly) status update and progress tracking of the project. 3

year period will start from the day the work order is issued to the Implementing Agency.

To design the post implementation guidelines including defining the role and responsibilities of Joint Entity (PPP option) and its stake holders for

Operation and Maintenance phase.

To handover the project to the above state Joint Entity.

The Manpower Estimated for Consultancy & Program Management

State Level:

Project Manager

Consultant (Program Management)

Consultant (technology Management)

Total Cost for State Program Management Unit (SPMU) for 3 Years of implementation

Designation No. of resources Man Month Rate (In Rs. Lakhs)

Duration in months Cost (in Rs. Lakhs)

Project Manager 1 1 36 36

Consultant (Program Management) 1 1 36 36

Consultant (Technology Management) 1 1 36 36

Total Estimated Cost for State PMU 108

6.9 Support Services

As per DIT guidelines to coordinate work at the District-level and below, district level consultant/project manager would also be provided by the Consultancy organization at each District. This resource will work closely with the DeGS and its office to ensure that the project is rolled out within the stipulated timelines. Brief job description of the district level consultant/project manager is given in the below table.

Sl. No.

Title Description

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1 Job Title Project Manager/District Level Consultant

2 Roles & Responsibilities

Coordination in supply, Installation, Inspection of Infrastructure and connectivity at District, SDO & TO location pertaining to the project.

Coordination for conduction User Acceptance Test at State & District Level.

Coordination for Training and Capacity Building.

Weekly & Monthly reports as instructed by SDA

Support in any additional functional requirement study pertaining to the project.

3 Work Place Candidate will be posted at District Headquarters or any other location within the district allotted by the district authority.

5 Reporting Structure Reporting to the Collector/Nodal Officer e-District or any other authority as will be defined by the District Authority/ SDA

District level technical support as maintenance support is also proposed for 2 years after the services have been launched. This support to the administration is needed as most of the locations are in rural areas and government employees need such handheld support to run the application and systems. System Integrator (Implementing Agency) shall provide such a resource for 2 years. Monitoring tool licenses will be provided to each of the technical staffs deployed at the districts. This will help to track the complaints raised and their status.

Brief job description of the technical support staff is given in the below table.

Sl. No.

Title Description

1 Job Title Technical Support Expert

2 Roles & Responsibilities

Coordination in supply, installation and Inspection of Hardware at the District, Subdivisions, Taluk Offices and any other location pertaining to the project.

Preventive Maintenance of District IT Infrastructure supplied under e-District

Complaints handling -Hardware & Software Issues

Complaints handling through telephone or through travel to respective location & resolve issues.

Maintenance of HW & SW records and calling.

Monitoring LAN Connectivity

3 Work Place Candidate will be posted at District Headquarters or any other location within the district allotted by the district authority.

4 Reporting Structure Reporting to the Collector/Nodal Officer e-District or any other authority as will be defined by the District Authority/ SDA

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Total Estimated Cost for support services at District Level

Designation No of Resource

Cost per year in each District (In Rs. Lakhs)

Cost for 3 years in each District (In Rs. Lakhs)

Cost for 30 Districts (In Rs. Lakhs)

Project Manager 1 3.6 10.8 324

Technical Support

1 2.4 7.2 216

Total Cost for Support Service for all districts 540

6.10 Application Enhancement/Development & Support State shall prepare the state wide roll out RFP through the Project Consultant for State Wide rollout and submit to DIT for examination and approval. After the approval of the same by DIT, proposals for State Wide rollout shall be requested from only the empanelled list of System Integrators and the state can select one of them. Pilot application developed for the state shall be rollout across the state. During the rollout phase the System Integrator will be responsible for:

a. Addressing any modification/enhancement/changes to the existing application

b. Addressing any application business rule changes

c. Creation of User logins with necessary authentication

d. Integration of Digital Signature for the new users with the application

e. Providing necessary support for integration with SSDG

f. Maintaining latest copy of all the project related documents

g. Preparing a project plan, schedule and effort estimate before initiating the development activities. Before addressing an enhancement or change

request adequate impact analysis and estimates to be performed by the application developer.

Existing Implementing Agency will provide necessary support to the new System Integrator (in case the System Integrator happens to be a different one than the existing vendor) in this regard till there maintenance & support period is over

Total Estimated Cost of Application Development & Customization:

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Activity Cost (Rs. Lakhs) Development of e-District application and Integration of the existing ICT enabled /E-Governance services 55 Total Cost for Support Application Software @ Rs 18 Lakhs per year for 3 years 54 Total Cost (Rs. Lakhs) 109

6.11 Seed Money to DeGS

Formation of DeGS (District e-Governance Society) would play a very important role during the implementation and post implementation phase. This

society would primarily be responsible for monitoring the overall implementation process and making the e-District project a success. As a part of activities

relating to setting up of DeGS an initial amount would be provided to each district.

Total Estimated Cost for Seed Money to DeGS:

Item Cost for each District (in Lakhs)

Total Cost for 30 Districts(in Lakhs)

DeGS seed money

10.00 300.00

6.12 STQC Testing

As part of DIT guideline STQC/Third party will be engaged for testing of the e-District application.

Total Estimated Cost for STQC Testing

Item Total cost for STQC Testing

STQC 35.00 Lakhs

6.13 Impact Assessment

States will get post implementation assessment done through reputed organizations and academic institutions at the midterm and post

launch stages of delivery of services. DIT is in the process of empanelling Research Institutions as well as market research agencies. The

States should use the services of these organizations for undertaking Impact Assessment. Assessment of the services being delivered under e-

District project need to be got done by the States through third party through DIT -empanelled agencies at the mid-term and post launch

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stages of the services. Framework for the same will be prepared at a later stage.

Total Estimated Cost of Impact Assessment:

Item Total cost for Assessment

Impact Assessment 15.00 Lakhs

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7 Annexure

7.1 Details of Districts in Karnataka District No. of

Sub- Divisions

No. of Taluks

Population(2011) Area (Sq. km)

Bagalkot 2 6 18,90,826 5,308

Bangalore Rural 1 4 9,87,257 4,763

Bangalore Urban 2 5 95,88,910 3,344

Belgaum 3 10 47,78,439 15,313

Bellary 2 7 25,32,383 1,106

Bidar 2 5 17,00,018 6,812

Bijapur 2 5 21,75,102 9,507

Chamarajanagar 1 4 10,20,962 2,355

Chikkaballapur 1 6 12,54,377 8,984

Chikmagalur 2 7 11,37,753 3,433

Chitradurga 1 6 16,60,378 5,540

Dakshina Kannada 2 5 20,83,625 10,591

Davangere 2 6 19,46,905 5,924

Dharwad 1 5 18,46,993 8,919

Gadag 1 5 10,65,235 3,509

Gulbarga 2 7 25,64,892 16,234

Hassan 2 8 17,76,221 7,020

Haveri 2 7 15,98,506 365

Karwar 4 11 14,36,847 3,259

Kodagu 1 3 5,54,762 1,522

Kolar 1 5 15,40,231 5,909

Koppal 1 4 13,91,292 3,045

Mandya 2 7 18,08,680 13,374

Mysore 2 7 29,94,744 6,854

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Raichur 2 5 19,24,773 9,617

Ramnagaram 1 4 10,82,739 4,639

Shimoga 2 7 17,55,512 7,833

Tumkur 3 10 26,81,449 6,986

Udupi 1 3 11,77,908 3,953

Yadgir 1 3 11,72,985 3,874

District Sub-division Taluk

Bangalore Rural Doddaballapura Doddaballapura




Ramnagaram Ramnagaram Ramnagaram




Bangalore Urban Bangalore south Bangalore south


Bangalore North Bangalore North


Bangalore east

Chitradurga Chitradurga hiriyur






Davangere Davanagere Davanagere



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Harapanahally Harapanahally


Kolar Kolar Kolar





Chikkaballapur Chikkaballapur Gowribidanur






Shimoga Shimoga Shimoga



Sagar Soraba




Tumkur Tumkur Tumkur



Madhugiri Madhugiri




Tiptur Tiptur

Chicknayakana Halli

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Bagalkot Bagalkot Badami



Jamkhandi Mudhol



Belgaum Belgaum Belgaum



Bylahongala Savadatti




Chikkodi Athani



Bijapur Bijapur Bijapur



Indi Sindagi


Dharwad Dharwad Dharwad





Gadag Gadag Gadag



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Haveri Haveri Haveri




Savanur Savanur



Karwar Karwar Karwar



Kumta Kumta


Bhatkal Honnawar


Sirsi Sirsi




Bellary Bellary Bellary



Hospet Hospet




Bidar Bidar Bidar


Basavakalyana Basavakalyana

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Gulbarga Gulbarga Gulbarga




Sedam Sedam



Yadgir Yadgir Yadgir



Koppal Koppal Koppal




Raichur Raichur Raichur



Lingasagur Lingasagur


Chamarajanagar Kollegal Chamarajnagar




Chikmagalur Chickmagalur Chickmagalur




Tarikere Narasimharajapura

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Dakshina Kannada Mangalore Mangalore


Puttur Puttur



Hassan Hassan Hassan




Sakaleshpura Arakalgud




Kodagu Madikeri Madikeri



Mandya Mandya Mandya



Pandavapura K.R. Pet




Mysore Mysore Mysore



Hunsur K..R. Nagar


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Heggadadevana Kote

Udupi Kundapura Udupi



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7.2 Hardware Breakup for DHQ, SDO and Taluka Offices

7.2.1 Hardware Requirement at each District Head Quarter

Description Quantity

Laptop 1

Desktops( Incl. of Facilitation +Training centres) 42

Dig. Web cam(For Facilitation Centres) 4

MFD(Network Printer and Fax) (Only for Facilitation Centres) 3

Laser Printers 14

UPS( 1 KVA) Online 42

Scanner 1

7.2.2 Hardware Requirement at each Sub Divisional Office

Description Quantity

Laptop 1

Desktop 7

Laser Printers 2

UPS( 1 KVA) Online 7

Scanner 1

7.2.3 Hardware Requirement at each Taluka Office

Description Quantity

Laptop 1

Desktop 31

Laser Printers 10

UPS( 1 KVA) Online 31

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Scanner 2

7.2.4 Hardware Requirements at Social Welfare(for SC Only)

Description Quantity

Desktop 3

Laser Printers 1

UPS( 1 KVA) Online 3

7.2.5 Hardware Requirements at Tribal Welfare (for ST Only)

Description Quantity

Desktop 3

Laser Printers 1

UPS( 1 KVA) Online 3

7.2.6 Hardware Requirements at Social Welfare(common SC and ST)

Description Quantity

Desktop 3

Laser Printers 1

UPS( 1 KVA) Online 3

7.2.7 Hardware Requirements at Taluka Level Social Welfare Office

Description Quantity

Desktop 2

Laser Printers 1

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UPS( 1 KVA) Online 2

7.2.8 Hardware Requirements at District Backward Caste and Minority Office

Description Quantity

Desktop 3

Laser Printers 1

UPS( 1 KVA) Online 3

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7.3 Manpower Details at each office

Estimated Manpower Details at Deputy Comissioner's Office

Sections DC ADC

Office Assistant


Case Worker

(CW) Tapal Case

Worker(TCW) JHM DD Food FDA SDA Others

Administration (ADM) 1 1 1 1 2 1

Revenue Court Cases Section(RRT) 1 2 1 1

Dues & Recovery 1 2 1 1

Magesterial Court Case Section (MAG) 1 2 1 1

e-District Facilitation centres Operators ( at DC offices only) 4

Pensions (Social Securities and Pension) 1 1 1

Food and Civil Supplies 1 1 1

Revenue Inspectors and Village Accountants 18

Total for 1 DC Office 1 1 1 5 9 5 3 1 1 1 22

Total for 30 DC offices 30 30 30 150 270 150 90 30 30 30 660

Total Manpower at DC Office for all 30 Districts 1440

Estimated Manpower Details at Assistant Comissioner's Office

Sections AC Manager

Case Worker

(CW) Tapal Case


Land Reforms 1 1 1 1

PTCL 1 1

Revenue Court Case Section (RRT) 1 1

Total for 1 AC office 1 1 3 3

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Total for 52 AC Offices 52 52 156 156

Total Manpower estimated at AC Office for all 30 Districts 416

Estimated Manpower Details at Taluka Office

Sections Tahsildar Sheristadar Food


Food Inspector


Case Worker

(CW) Tapal Case

Worker(TCW) RI VA

ADM 1 1 3 1

Land 4 1

Land Reforms 1 2 1

Pensions (SSY) 1 4 1

Record of Rights( inc Revenue Court Cases) 1 6 1

MAG 2 1

RBD( Statistics) 2 1

Food and Civil Supplies 0 0 0 0

Others (Revenue Inspectors and Village Accountants) 3 25

Total for 1 Taluka Office 1 4 0 0 23 7 3 25

Total for 177 Taluka Offices 177 708 0 0 4071 1239 531 4425

Total Manpower estimated at Taluka Office for all 30 Districts 11,151

Estimated Manpower Details at District Social Welfare ( Exclusive) Office

Particulars DSWO CW CW CW

For 1 DSWO Office 1 1 1 1

For 14 DSWO offices 14 14 14 14

Total Manpower estimated at Social Welfare ( Exclusive) Offices for all 30 Districts 56

Estimated Manpower Details at District Social Welfare + Tribal Welfare ( Common) Office

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Particulars DSWO CW CW CW

For 1 SW+ TW Office ( Common) 1 1 1 1

For 16 SW+ TW Office ( Common) 16 16 16 16

Total Manpower estimated at Social Welfare + Tribal Welfare ( Common) Office sfor all 16 Districts 64

Estimated Manpower Details at District Tribal Welfare ( Exclusive) Office

Particulars DTWO CW CW CW

For 1 DTWO Office 1 1 1 1

For 14 DTWO Offices 14 14 14 14

Total Manpower estimated at Tribal Welfare ( Exclusive) Offices for all 30 Districts 56

Estimated Manpower Details at Taluka level: Dept of Social Welfare + Tribal Welfare ( Common)

Particulars DTWO CW CW CW

For 1 TSWO Office 1 1 1 1

For 177 TSWO offices 177 177 177 177

Total Manpower estimated at Tribal Welfare ( Exclusive) Offices for all 30 Districts 708

Estimated Manpower Details at Dept of Backward Castes and Minorities( District level)

Particulars DOBCM CW CW CW Taluka Exec


For 1 DOBCM Office 1 1 1 1 1

For 30 DOBCM Offices 30 30 30 30 30

Total Manpower estimated at Dept of Backward Castes and Minorities( District level) 150

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Estimated Manpower Details at District level Agriculture Offices

Particulars Joint Dir. HQA Asst. Dir Agri. Off. Adm. Asst. Suppt. FDA SDA

For 1 District Office 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2

for 30 District Offices 30 30 60 60 60 30 60 60

Total Manpower estimated at District level Agriculture Offices 390

Estimated Manpower Details at Taluka level Agriculture Offices

Particulars Assistant Director Agr. Off. Suppt. Adm. Off. FDA SDA

For 1 Taluka Office 1 2 1 1 1 1

For 177 Taluka Offices 177 354 177 177 177 177

Total Manpower estimated at Taluka level Agriculture Offices 1239

Estimated Manpower Details at District Level Fisheries Offices

Particulars Sr Asst Dir

For 1 District office 1 1 1 1 1 1

For 30 District Offices 30 30 30 30 30 30

Total Manpower estimated at Taluka level Agriculture Offices 180

Estimated Manpower Details at Regional Level Fisheries Offices

Particulars Dy Director Dist. Off. Asst. Dir FFDA FDA SDA

For 1 Regional Office 1 1 1 1 2 3

For 7 Regional Offices 7 7 7 7 14 21

Total Manpower estimated at Taluka level Agriculture Offices 63

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Estimated Manpower Details at Regional Level Fisheries Offices

Particulars Asst Dir

Gr II Taluka


For 1 Taluka Office 1 1

For 125 Taluka Offices 125 125

Total Manpower estimated at Taluka Level Fisheries Offices 250

Estimated Manpower Details at District Level Excise Offices

Particulars Dy. Comm Dy. Suptd Office Suptd FDA SDA Inspector Steno

For 1 District Office 1 1 1 2 4 1 1

For 30 District Offices 30 30 30 60 120 30 30

Total Manpower estimated at District Level Excise Offices 330

Estimated Manpower Details at Sub-Divisional Level Excise Offices

Particulars Dy. Suptd Inspector Sub Inspector SDA

For 1 Sub Divisional Office 1 1 1 1

For 63 Sub Divisional Offices 63 63 63 63

Total Manpower estimated at Sub-Divisional Level Excise Offices 252

Estimated Manpower Details at Taluka Level Excise Offices

Dept of Excise Inspector Sub Inspectors SDA

For 1 Taluka Office 1 2 1

For 177 Taluka Offices 177 354 177

Total Manpower estimated at Taluka Level Excise Offices 708

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7.4 Site Preparation Costs

Site Preparation for DHQ, AC, Taluka, Faciltation, Training Centres, Social Welfare and BCM Offices

SI. NO. Particulars

Cost/Unit (Rs. Lakhs) Requirement Total Cost(Rs. Lakhs)

1 Computer Table 0.04 7687 307


Steel Framed Computer custard wheel revolving chairs with Arm and cushion seat and back (Standard size) 0.03 7687


3 Printer Tables 0.028 2,562


4 Electrical Connections including complete Wiring 0.04 3,844


5 Copper Plate earthing 0.08 3,844


Total Cost 1,071

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7.5 Transactions of RTC & RDS at Nemmadi Telecentres for the year 2006-07 to 2010-11 CAT SERVICE NAME 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 TOTAL

A Social Security Pensions

Old Age Pension 8,893 1,48,088 27,984 2 - 1,84,967

Physically Handicapped Pens ion 2,910 29,069 65,325 1,59,089 1,20,645 3,77,038

Widow Pension 5,461 48,234 97,930 2,19,249 1,83,147 5,54,021

Sandhya Suraksha Yojane - - 1,13,119 6,54,047 4,13,723 11,80,889

National Family Benefit Scheme - - 1,752 14,566 23,531 39,849

Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension - - 8,701 32,817 29,237 70,755

Invalidate Services - - - 1 17 18

Invalidate scheme - - - - 3 3

Sub Total 17,264 2,25,391 3,14,811 10,79,771 7,70,303 24,07,540

B Birth & Death Registration/Certificates

Birth Certificate 1,292 2,501 1,913 1,475 1,155 8,336

Birth Certificate (Previous) - - 16 113 96 225

Death Certificate 2,788 6,207 4,924 4,229 2,941 21,089

Death Certificate (Previous) - - 45 432 240 717

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Birth Registration 543 1,640 1,410 1,411 921 5,925

Death Registration 840 3,324 2,981 3,002 2,147 12,294

Sub Total 5,463 13,672 11,289 10,662 7,500 48,586

C Revenue Department Services

Population Certificate 57 119 128 83 31 418

Caste and Income Certficate 34,881 5,41,358 9,71,800 25,22,776 21,77,730 62,48,545

Caste Certificate (Cat-A) 3,179 72,281 1,26,342 3,22,409 2,68,677 7,92,888

Caste Certificate (SC/ST) 20,714 2,75,471 5,52,029 15,62,537 13,30,455 37,41,206

OBC Certificate (Central) 607 6,165 11,483 38,054 72,884 1,29,193

Residence Certificate 1,247 29,626 1,00,270 2,15,171 2,65,874 6,12,188

Income Certificate 13,451 2,27,999 4,82,434 9,41,556 14,45,385 31,10,825

Non Tenancy Certificate 1,128 6,748 14,995 20,524 19,178 62,573

Widow Certificate 44 183 554 314 138 1,233

Living Certificate 119 427 1,623 948 710 3,827

Agricultural Family member cer 713 3,863 7,989 16,142 23,004 51,711

Re-Marriage Certificate 80 362 883 1,586 2,153 5,064

Land less Certificate 156 1,915 3,566 5,471 5,515 16,623

Surviving Family Members Certi 900 7,666 27,126 53,059 67,953 1,56,704

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Income Certificate for compass 137 813 1,814 3,229 4,454 10,447

Unemployment Certificate 80 442 1,040 1,672 3,543 6,777

No Govt. Job Certificate 99 505 1,333 2,429 3,048 7,414

Agriculturist Certificate 421 2,138 4,569 10,360 13,794 31,282

Small / Marginal farmer Certif 2,587 21,046 26,453 35,815 48,809 1,34,710

Agricultural Labour Certficate 858 5,707 11,518 17,858 12,163 48,104

Non creamy layer Certificate 1,210 5,277 4,971 9,741 5,515 26,714

Land holding Certificate 646 6,538 18,753 23,918 30,617 80,472

Bonafide Certificate 425 3,177 6,631 12,981 17,601 40,815

Solvency Certificate 43 112 240 452 716 1,563

Sub Total 83,782 12,19,938 23,78,544 58,19,085 58,19,947 1,53,21,296

Total RDS Transactions 1,06,509 14,59,001 27,04,644 69,09,518 65,97,750 1,77,77,422

D Total RTC Transactions 4,37,184 42,93,392 53,68,276 57,42,905 60,64,807 2,19,06,564

GRAND TOTAL 5,43,693 57,52,393 80,72,920 1,26,52,423 1,26,62,557 3,96,83,986