Edisi 08 Mei 2013 | International Bali Post

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Headline : Bali's economic growth not satisfactory

Transcript of Edisi 08 Mei 2013 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

16 Pages Number 95 5th Year

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“Negative growth in the first quarter is caused by the contraction of the agricultural and trade sector as well as in the hotel and restaurant sector at -2.97 percent and -0.27 percent,” said Gde Suarsa, the Head of BPS Bali in Denpasar, Monday (May 6).

According to him, the contraction in the agricultural sector was caused by the de-creased in added value of food crop subsector at -6.20 percent and fisheries at -2.85 percent. Meanwhile, the declining growth in the hotel

and restaurant sector occurred as a result of decline in the value added of hotel subsector at -1.85 percent and restaurant at -0.56 percent. “Other than contraction in both sectors, the other sectors continued to grow despite slow-ing down,” he said.

Nevertheless, the decline in the economic growth, according to Gde Suarsa, was a natural thing happened at the beginning of the year because the fourth quarter was the end of the fiscal year in the development of the previous

year, so that the impact in the following quar-ter was still a tender process indicated by the implementation of a few physical projects. “It also makes the government’s budget spending too little at the beginning of the quarter. Such a trend commonly occurred at the beginning of the year,” he said.

He said that based on the absolute value of the Bali’s gross regional domestic product (GRDP) over the prices tended to increase.

In first quarter

Bali’s economic growth not satisfactoryBali Post

DENPASAR - Economic move-ment of Bali in the first quarter of 2013 was not satisfying. The Cen-

tral Statistics Agency (BPS) Bali recorded the economic growth of

Bali in that period reached minus 0.33 percent compared to the last

fourth quarter.

IBP/File Photo

Fishermen unloading tuna from their boat. Tuna is one of major export commodities from Bali. Economic movement of Bali in the first quarter of 2013 was not satisfy-ing. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS)

Bali recorded the economic growth of Bali in that period reached minus 0.33 percent

compared to the last fourth quarter.

Jailed protesters cast shadow on anti-Putin rally

NKorea issues warning ahead of US-SKorea summit


Bali News

� Founder : K.Nadha, � General Manager :Palgunadi Chief Editor: Diah Dewi Juniarti � Editors: Gugiek Savindra,Alit Susrini, Alit Sumertha, Daniel Fajry, Mawa, Sri Hartini, Suana, Sueca, Sugiartha, Yudi Winanto �Denpasar: Dira Arsana, Giriana Saputra, Subrata, Sumatika, Asmara Putra. Bangli: Pujawan, Buleleng: Adnyana, Gianyar: Agung Dharmada, Karangasem: Budana, Klungkung: Bali Putra Ariawan. Jakarta:Nikson, Hardianto, Ade Irawan. NTB: Agus Talino, Izzul Khairi, Raka Akriyani. Surabaya: Bambang Wilianto. � Development: Alit Purnata, Mas Ruscitadewi. � Office: Jalan Kepundung 67 A Denpasar 80232. Tele-phone (0361)225764, Facsimile: 227418, P.O.Box: 3010 Denpasar 80001. Bali Post Jakarta, Advertizing: Jl.Palmerah Barat 21F. Telp 021-5357602, Facsimile: 021-5357605 Jakarta Pusat. NTB: Jalam Bangau No.

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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Indonesian Meteorological, Climate and Geophysical Agency (BKMG) has projected that the solar eclipse will take place May 9-10, (UTC) 2013 will pass over much of the central and eastern parts of Indonesia.

An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and Sun, partially or totally obscuring the Sun. Annular eclipses cause the sun to appear as a ring (an-nulus) around the sun.

The length of the phenomenon is dependent on one’s dis-tance from the canter of the eclipse’s track that will pass over Australia and portions of the South Pacific. At the center, the duration of the event will be 6 minutes and 3 seconds.

The event will be seen in most parts of Indonesia (except North Sumatra) and visible during the early morning hours of Friday, May 10, 2013.

All this time, the public only know about the bank as a place to save money, but now there is a bank used to save waste. Various kinds of inorganic waste that so far have become a scourge due to difficulty to get decomposed naturally can now be sorted and taken advantage to give a rupiah value. “In the past, the waste was valueless, but now it can result in money. That’s why people are getting more vivacious to collect it,” said Made Wiadnyani, one of the residents managing a waste bank located on Jalan Wijaya Kusuma, Denpasar.

She added that inorganic waste that so far was widely disputed could actually be self-managed and re-utilized by depositing it in a waste bank. It had the same procedure as saving money in general. The inorganic waste was taken to the bank where it would be sorted by type and weighed. Afterward, the waste would be assessed pursuant to applicable price list. For example, plastic waste like bottle of mineral water was valued around IDR 3,000 per

Denpasar (Bali Post)-Head of Education, Youth and

Sports Agency of Bali, Drs. A.A. Ngurah Gde Sujaya, M. P.d., made sure that the agency have been prepared to face the Prima-ry School National Examination (UN) that takes place on Monday (6/5). It has been reported such as in Jembrana there has been complains on papers shortage and have been solved as pub-lisher distributed the remaining straight away on Sunday (5/5). It is hoped that the examination will be free from problems unlike

what happened during the High/Vocational Schools and Junior High Schools UN. It is hoped none of the primary schools had to photocopy any papers before it started. The number of primary pupils joining the examination reached 70,759 pupils.

Sujaya added the National Ed-ucation Standard Board (BSNP) do not put a minimum passing pupils for primary level as the criteria will be decided by each of the schools as agreed through the teacher representatives meet-ing. This primary UN is pur-

posed to see the competence of primary pupils nation wise in Bahasa Indonesia, Mathemat-ics and Science also to push the target of better quality for primary education. Even though it is a national examination, yet 75 percent of the questions were created by province UN com-mittee, consisting of chosen and trained teachers, based on the questions specification given by BSNP. Meanwhile 25 percent has been created by BNSP based on the 2012/2013 education speci-fication. (kmb13)

Primary school examination papers in control Here Goes the Sun

Effectiveness of waste bank in societyBali Post-

WASTE management must not only be considered by one party but by all the components of society. Public awareness to manage their waste seems to have been increasing. It can be seen from the establishment of many waste management facilities such as the waste depots as well as the recently developed waste bank.


The garbage pill up on the beach and the officers are working very hard to clean it.

kg. “Initially, we gave priority to local hamlet residents. They will come here every Sunday to bring along their waste, but there are also other residents came to bring their waste beyond Sunday,” she said.

Customers of the waste bank would be given a passbook that would be used to record the amount of their savings. At the moment, the bank had 72 active customers from residents around the area. “The number of custom-ers at this time comes to about 72 people,” he said.

She added the waste depos-ited by residents around the area would then be further deposited to central waste bank to be sold to larger collectors.

Aside from serving as the community-based waste man-agement business, the presence of waste bank apparently could be used as a medium of learning or education on the waste gover-nance for the rescue and preser-vation of the environment.

Mrs. Desi, one of the waste bank customers, had been sav-

ing a few kg of plastic waste. She said the waste saved in the bank all this time could be used as medium to teach her children about the gov-ernance of waste. Mrs. Desi said her savings had amounted to IDR

126,000. “This saving belongs to my son. It’s also a medium to teach him about the meaning of waste manage-ment. Besides, it also teaches him to save money,” she added.

The community-based waste man-

agement is definitely a good mea-sure to be developed in other areas. On that account, public awareness to sort and manage the waste will increase as the effort to rescue and preserve the environment. (ina)

3International Bali News Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bali Post

DENPASAR — Many sections of jogging track along the Padanggalak Beach to Mertasari Beach, Sanur, are damaged. Some of their paving blocks look to have broken, so that they can be hazardous to pathway users. Moreover, the pathway is widely used by residents to exercise. Every morning and after-noon, hundreds of people do walking along the pathway.

Made Jangkep, one of the residents of Denpasar who exercised by having a promenade along the Padanggalak Beach said on Monday (May 6) that many parts of the jogging track were broken. One of them was seen at the end of the jogging track on Padang-galak Beach. “Paving blocks break out widely enough so that it can endanger pedestrians,” said Jangkep.

He added that the area was widely used by Denpasar residents to exercise. Apart from being safe from traffic flows, the existence of jogging track could also be used for recreation, especially for tourists staying around Sanur Beach. “We often see that guests staying around this area are jogging at this pathway,” he said.

Considering the pathway was stra-tegic, his party hoped the government to improve it when some paving blocks were broken. If neglected for long time, it was feared to be getting widespread and could damage the surrounding paving

blocks as its strength was determined by the paving blocks around them. “If a paving block has come off, then the others would quickly follow it and result in pothole,” he said.

Responding to such condition, the Head of the Denpasar Public Works, I Ketut Winarta, when contacted claimed if the execution and improvement of the jogging track lay in the responsibility of the Denpasar Spatial Planning and Housing Agency (DTRP). Therefore, he could not provide any explanation regarding the destruction of a number of paving blocks in the jogging track. “It is the authority of the DTRP,” said Winarta.

Meanwhile, the Head of Denpasar Spatial Planning and Housing Agency, I Kadek Kusuma Diputra, when asked for his confirmation said that his party had allocated a budget for the jogging track repair. However, the amount of budget for this year only came to IDR 150 million. “In the near future, the improvement of jogging track will be immediately worked on,” said the of-ficial from Ubud, Gianyar.

Kusuma Diputra said the repairs would begin from the south. If the bud-get permitted, the northern area would also be repaired. “We are going to work on from the Sindu Beach to Mertasari. If the budget is adequate, the jogging track on Padanggalak Beach will also be repaired,” he said. (kmb12)

“The government has given the opportunity to tourist guides of high school graduates that have not owned a license but have been working in travel agency to apply for a temporary license. To that end, in the future the government is allowed to perform a raid to tourist guides that have not had a tourist guide license,” said Chairman of the HPI Bali, Sangtu Subaya.

According to him, the temporary tour guide license was only granted to native residents having Bali iden-tity card. His party recorded that more than 644 people of native resi-dents from all divisions of the HPI attended the tourist guide training for almost 1 month. “After the training, they are entitled to get a temporary tourist guide license,” he said.

He hoped the tourist guides with temporary license could fill in the shortage of tourist guides in Bali dur-ing the increase of tourist arrivals to the island as happened during the celebra-tion of Chinese New Year frequently characterized by the lack of Mandarin-

speaking tourist guides.“The licensed Mandarin-speaking

tourist guides are expected to fill in the tourist guide shortages especially during the busy period of the Chinese tourist visit to Bali,” he said.

He described that approximately 326 registered participants wanted to apply for a temporary tourist guide license. However, of that number only 101 participants could pass the administrative selection for further attending the tourist guide training in order to get a temporary license.

“Approximately 225 unlicensed Mandarin-speaking tourist guides do not have Bali identity card so that they do not pass the administra-tive selection. In the future, those Mandarin-speaking tourist guides that did not pass the selection are still categorized into illegal tourist guides,” he said.

He added that tourist guides without permanent license that handled tourists in travel agencies were declared to still break the rules. (kmb27)

IBP/File Photo

The Indonesian Tourist Guides Association (HPI) Bali encourages the government to raid the unlicensed tourist guides.

HPI has illegal tourist guides raidedBali Post

DENPASAR - The Indonesian Tourist Guides Association (HPI) Bali encourages the government to raid the unlicensed tourist guides. Such a decision is the follow up after establishing a policy associated with the issuance of tourist guide license.

IBP/Eka Adhiyasa

Many sections of jogging track along the Padanggalak Beach to Mertasari Beach, Sanur, are damaged. Some of their paving blocks look to have broken, so that they can be hazard-ous to pathway users. Moreover, the pathway is widely used by residents to exercise.

Many sections of jogging track at Padanggalak collapse

Bali News International4 Wednesday, May 8, 2013

ENJOY the uniqueness of Nusa LembonganLike the water flows, myriad of foreign tourists throng the island of Nusa Lem bongan. So, it is not mistaken if this bijou island becomes one of the most popular marine tourist attractions. Every day, they come to the tiny island located in the Klungkung Regency. Even, during peak season the number of tourists coming can reach 1,500 people.

Sweetness of honey belongs to Nusa Lembongan makes a number of cruise companies selling holiday package over there. One of them is Bounty Cruise based at Benoa Harbor. In the morning at around 9:30 am Local Time, Bounty Cruise has started its voyage to Nusa Lembongan. Passengers are just like a king because they are served by the crews amicably. Like the facility on a luxury cruise, breakfast is available aboard.

The voyage from Benoa to Nusa Lembongan Island takes approximately one hour by speed at 20-25 knots or 45 kilo-meters per hour. During the voyage, we get to enjoy some entertainment, ranging from watching films to sing along on the boat deck. Songs played by the bands are adjusted to the tourist market. On Monday, for example, is specifically serving tourists from China, so the song played is a Mandarin song.

Nusa Lembongan is a small island of calcareous land. The life of local people seems to give isolated impression consider-ing there has no adequate transportation service. A number of villas and hotels have been established on steep hills and the beach. Even, on the narrow roadside measuring 2.5 meters has already existed a number of art shops and Internet cafes.

To go to a number of objects on the island, we use tarpaulin-roofed pickups. After driving about five miles, we arrive at the center of seaweed village. At this place, we will find farmers who are cleaning the seaweed and also process it.

An attractive place to visit here is the unique underground house located in the cave known as Gala-Gala house. To enter this house, we have to go down the stairs, because this house is located 10 meters under ground of limestone. The height of the cave varies from about 1 to 1.75 meters. Sometimes, we have to duck and crouch to reach the existing rooms.

Gala-Gala house was made in 1961 until 1976 by a village resident named Made Byasa who worked as a puppeteer. Such a unique work of Byasa was inspired by the life story of the Pandavas during their living in the forest. For 17 years Byasa had worked day and night to realize such monumental work. Since the age of 75 years, his old body kept on digging and when he was 93 years old he stopped, then he died at the age of 96 years.

Fortunately, the number of sixth grade attending the national exam only came to 17 students. The princi-pal’s room converted into a classroom was then becoming a fairly spacious room. Therefore, it was enough to accommodate all the students. Ac-cording to the principal of the SDN 2 Senganan, Ni Made Sulasmi, the use of the principal’s room as a classroom had lasted for nearly a year. “Since the roof of three classrooms almost collapses, we’re forced to relocate our students to two other classrooms remaining usable and safe,” she said last Monday.

Then, both classrooms should be partitioned into two. A classroom was then allocated for students of the first, second and third grade, while another classroom was for the fourth and fifth grade. Then, special for the sixth grade was evacuated to principal’s room. More tragically, the principal’s room was also becoming brittle. Even, it had been supported by rafters.

According to Sulasmi, her party deliberately used her office for teach-ing and learning activity because the school no longer had other classroom.

As a result, this senior teacher was forced to move her desk to teacher’s room next to hers. “The students of sixth grade are placed in the parti-tioned room for fear of interfering with the preparation of their national exam,” she explained. Therefore, since the beginning of the academic year, the sixth grade students were moved into her office.

Since the students got accustomed to learning in the principal’s room, said Sulasmi, they did not hesitate to answer the questions of the national exam and remained compact in fol-lowing the exam. “Condition of the room did not interfere with the com-fort of the students. Moreover, they have long used the room to learn,” said Sulasmi.

She added that her party was forced to use the space for the exam because two other rooms had been partitioned by plywood and timber. On that ac-count, they were not possible to be used for the exam. If Sulasmi had to disassemble the partition, her party admitted to not have the cost.

Meanwhile, condition of the school building whose roof had been fragile

and leaky collapsed last month. For-tunately, when the incident occurred the students had day-off so that it had no physical impact on them. Thus, the learning process was forced to use the partitioned classroom. Accord-ing to Sulasmi, the three collapsed classrooms were ascertained to get a repair budget from Tabanan County this year.

She admitted to have been sum-moned to the Tabanan Education Agency related to the certainty of the classroom improvement project. “It is said that it will be allocated a budget worth IDR 350 million for the repair,” she said. She hoped the damaged buildings could be com-pletely repaired this year because the remaining two classrooms made her party fairly difficult to organize the learning activities as they should be partitioned.

In fact, the implementation of na-tional exam in the principal’s room did not discourage the students. They admitted not to feel disturbed when taking exam in the room that was not ideal for a classroom. “We have no problem with the room. But, the problem lies in the difficulty to answer the exam questions,” said one of the students met after the exam. Accord-ing to the student, the questions of the Indonesian subject on the first day of the exam were quite confus-ing. (kmb30)

Negara (Bali Post)-

A Vario motorcycle driver from Batuagung, Jembarana died after hitting a truck that is parked at Banjar Tengah, Negara last Sunday (5/5). The DR 8304 AB truck owner parked it on the side of Udayana Street on Remojo Bridge and still unknown as it seemed to have escaped knowing victim died on location. Police is still investigating the case further.

Information from the Jembarana Traffic Police stated that victim I Putu Antara Putra drove Vario DK 3886 ZJ from Denpasar. It is predicted that the victim crashed when the truck did not put any sign that it is parking which its head facing the Gilimanuk route. It is still unknown if the motorcycle was going fast or not yet it is very damaged. From medical check, victim died after a severe wound on the head, active bleeding on the mouth, nose also ears. On the left head also had a rip wound. Police have confiscated the motorcycle while the truck still unknown who owned it was brought to the Cargo Terminal by the locals as explained by Head of Jembarana Traffic Police, APC Heri Supriawan, SIK, through his Head of Traffic Ac-cidents, Second Inspector Gede Murabawan. (kmb26)

Batuagung resident died at Remojo Bridge

Enjoy the uniqueness of Nusa Lembongan

School roof collapses

Students of SDN 2 Senganan attend exam in principal’s room


The collapse roof of SDN 2 Senganan.

Tabanan (Bali Post)—

National Exam (UN) attended by primary school students of the SDN2 Senganan, Penebel, Monday (May 6) had to be implemented in the lo-cal principal’s room. This condition was caused by the collapse of three classrooms a month ago and until now it has not been repaired.

Bali News Wednesday, May 8, 2013 5International

Balinese people, generally uphold their customs, traditions and culture like residents of Karang cus-tomary village, Nusa Penida. One of the cultures preserved up to these days is the Gambuh Dance. The dance of hundreds of years old is preserved by Manca Gita Lestari gambuh troupe of Karang customary village by performing regeneration.

Chief of Karang customary village, Wayan Suk-erta, said the Manca Gita Lestari gambuh troupe is old enough. Originally it was established by five hamlets, namely the Karang, Baledan, Kelodan, Pering and Tugu. The art troupe always involves local dancers from the five hamlets. Those designated as the gam-buh dancers should have married. “It’s the way we preserve the traditional culture,” said Sukerta.

Gambuh is one of the dances made sacred because every piodalan or temple anniversary the dance was involved to accompany the series of temple anniver-sary along with the Rejang Dewa and Rejang Renteng jointly. Though it was made sacred, Sukerta said it did not matter if the Gambuh Dance was shown in the Bali Arts Festival (BAF). In the next Bali Arts Festival, for instance, the Gambuh Dance of the Karang customary village would also be presented. However, the attires in use would not be the ones that had been spiritually revivified (dipasupati).

For the performance of Gambuh Dance, his party involved four flute artists, a tapper, two drummer, a gong player, four cymbal players and one penyandar as well as nine dancers. Gambuh Dance narrated two figures, namely Uriyodana and Panji, belonging to the malat story. Where, the malat story was the de-velopment of the Mahabharata and Ramayana epic featuring ‘bold’ characters. “Meanwhile, the malat story features two modest characters,” he said while adding that all members of the Gambuh troupe were male.

In the past, he said, some of the dancers were women. However, the troupe found difficulty in its regeneration and his party did not have female dance instructor. The instructor, said Sukerta, was selected by from generation to generation. The retired dancers were then appointed instructors for the next regenera-tion. As an appreciation, those who were appointed the instructors got a dispensation from the custom-ary village in the form of free obligation from doing social devotional services or ayahan. “That is our tribute to the dancers and the Gambuh Dance troupe. They in person have preserved the culture, the wealth we have. Indeed, there are several other customary villages in Nusa Penida having Gambuh Dance, but they are no longer active,” he added.

For uniform, all the dancers involved put on cepuk fabric originally made at Karang Village. Formerly, it was made by using cotton spun into yarn. However, due to difficulty in obtaining raw materials of cotton, the weaving artisans were forced to use the spun yarn brought in from outside Nusa Penida. He admitted the fabric of original cotton yarn was much more durable than spun yarn. It was proved by the uniform of Gam-buh Dance that was durable until today. It had been about 225 years old or in the fourth generation.

At Karang Village, about 75 percent of 168 families were active weavers, especially the house-wives. Within 22 days, a crafter could complete 36-40 sheets of sarong with a price of IDR 135,000 each on the spot. In the market, it was sold for IDR 200,000. Thus, a weaver could earn IDR 600,000 per 22 days. In daily life, the weavers also took side job such as raising pigs and other livestock. “The weaving livelihood is also able to improve the welfare of local society, especially the poor. So far, there are about 90 poor families at the village,” said Sukerta. (BTN/kmb)

He reminded that world trust to Bali was an added value that had been taken advantage, not only by the people of Bali but also by the outside community. This positive condition later on became ironic when various kinds of export activity resulted in small and even tiny added value.

According to him, Bali handicraft had a great potential. As evidence, vari-ous handicrafts were currently in great demand both by domestic and foreign consumers. However, all this time many obstacles were faced by the artisans. It had an impact on the condition of

Karang Village industriously preserves Gambuh dance

IBP/kmbSelection of Bali as the craft markets of products from outside the region should be anticipated. Next leader of Bali should think of a strategy to make Bali a convenient habitat for local artisans.

Bali must become a habitat for local artisans

Bali PostDENPASAR - Selection of Bali as the craft markets of products from outside the

region should be anticipated. Next leader of Bali should think of a strategy to make Bali a convenient habitat for local artisans. “Bali should not be allowed to become a product showcase of the outside regions, while the local artisans of Bali are marginalized,” said the economist from the Udayana University, Dr. I Gusti Wayan Murjana Yasa.

artisans belonging to the lower levels of economy.

Powerlessness of the artisans could actually be resolved. One of the solu-tions was by building a network of SME development starting from the input, process production to marketing. “Artisans of Bali should improve their quality in order to compete with the products from the other regions. Capital support from the government should be scheduled, if the artisans will not want to be marginalized,” he advised.

He also expected the government to build the network of SME development

if it really wanted to revive the SME sector in Bali. Otherwise, it was wor-ried the SME performers would also go bankrupt by degrees.

Meanwhile, in separate location the economist from Warmadewa Univer-sity, I Gusti Ngurah Sanjaya, recently said the impact of the overwhelming products from outside Bali had made the original products of Bali get marginalized, considering the ability of human, financial and natural re-sources diminished. For instance, the land for growing timber as the main supporter of Bali handicraft products was getting narrower and the capabil-ity of human resources in general was defeated by human resources from outside in the competition in Bali. Moreover, the financial capability was also defeated by the outsiders investing in Bali. (kmb28)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013 6

From page 1



In a highly conditional warning, the section of the Korean People’s Army responsible for operations in North Korea’s southwest said it will hit back if any shells fall in its territory during the drills, which began Monday and will end Friday. Should the allies respond to that, the statement said, Pyongyang’s military would then strike five South Korean islands that stand along the a uati frontline between the ountries.

The area in ludes waters that are laimed by both ountries, and is the

most likely s ene of any future lash between the rival Koreas. North Ko-rea disputes a boundary unilaterally drawn lose to its shores by the U.S.-led U.N. Command after the war, and has had three bloody naval clashes with the South sin e 1999.

Highly riti al language is stan-dard from North Korea during what the allies all routine military drills that they stage over the course of a year. Tuesday s statement was softer than the belli ose rhetori Pyongyang unleashed with regularity during two months of larger-s ale oint military drills by the allies that ended one week ago. That in luded threats of nu lear and missile strikes on Wash-ington and Seoul.

Still, this new warning omes

at a time of tentative diplomatic maneuvering on the divided Korean Peninsula, whi h is still te hni ally in a state of war, as the three-year Korean War ended 60 years ago in an armisti e, not a pea e treaty.

The threat also ame hours ahead of a summit by U.S. President Ba-ra k bama and South Korea s new president, Park Geun-hye. They hope to present a strong front against North Korea during their meeting Tuesday at the White House, but also want to leave the door open to talks with Pyongyang.

There are on erns that any skir-mish or shelling between the Koreas ould es alate into war. Two atta ks

blamed on Pyongyang in 2010 killed 50 South Koreans, and Park has re-peatedly said Seoul would respond aggressively to another attack from the North.

If Pyongyang ondu ts an at-ta k similar to the 2010 shelling of an island that killed four South Koreans, “We will make them pay, Park told CBS in an interview aired Monday.

Inter-Korean relations are par-ti ularly strained amid North Ko-rean anger over U.S.-South Korean military drills and U.N. san tions in Mar h that sought to punish the

North over its February nuclear test, the ountry s third.

ast week, South Korea pulled out its last remaining itizens from a oint fa tory park in North Korea after Pyongyang withdrew all of its 53,000 workers earlier. The park is the last symbol of inter-Korean rap-pro hement.

Despite the allies laims that the military drills are routine, Pyongyang calls them invasion preparation and is especially sensitive to the inclusion of any U.S. nu lear- apable assets. Washington in Mar h responded to rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula by making the unusual an-noun ements that it had sent nu lear apable B-52 and B-2 bombers to

parti ipate in the drills, prompting a harsh North Korean rhetori al response.

Nu lear-powered U.S. arriers routinely ome to South Korea around this time of year as part of drills aimed at enhancing naval ooperation, South Korean Defense

Ministry spokesman Kim Min-seok said Monday in a briefing. But Seoul wouldn t dis uss whether any U.S. nu lear apable assets were parti i-pating in this week s drills, and U.S. military officials declined to com-ment on operations.

Associated Press riter

MANILA, Philippines - One of the Philippines’ most active vol-anoes rumbled to life Tuesday, spewing room-sized ro ks toward

nearly 30 surprised climbers, killing five and injuring others that had to be fet hed with res ue heli opters and rope.

The limbers and their Filipino guides had spent the night amping in two groups before setting out at daybreak for the rater

of Mayon volcano when the sudden explosion of rocks, ash and plumes of smokes olted the pi tures ue mountain, guide Kenneth Jesalva told ABS-CBN TV network by cellphone.

He said rocks “as big as a living room” came raining down, killing and in uring members of his group, some of whom were in critical condition. Jesalva said he rushed back to the base camp at 914 meters 3,000 feet to all for help.

Among the dead were three Germans and their Filipino guide, said Albay provincial Gov. Joey Salceda. He said everyone on the mountain had been accounted for at midday, except for a foreigner who was presumed dead.

Eight people were in ured, and Sal eda said the others were in the process of being brought down the mountain. Ash clouds have cleared over the volcano, which was quiet later in the morning.

“The in ured are all foreigners ... They annot walk. If you an imagine, the boulders there are as big as ars. Some of them slid and rolled down. We will rappel the res ue team, and we will rap-pel them up again,” he said from Legazpi, the provincial capital at the foothill of the mountain.

An Austrian mountaineer and two Spaniards were res ued with small bruises, he said. Tuesday s eruption was normal for the restive Mayon, said Renato Solidum, the head of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology.

The 2,460-meter 8,070-foot mountain about 340 kilometers 212 miles southeast of Manila has erupted about 40 times during

the last 400 years.In 2010, thousands of residents moved to temporary shelters

when the volcano ejected ash up to 8 kilometers (5 miles) from the rater.

Solidum said no alert was raised after the latest eruption and no evacuation was being planned.

NKorea issues warning ahead of US-SKorea summit

Associated Press riter

SEO L South orea - North orea on Tuesday threatened the nited States and South orea over joint naval drills taking place this week in tense ellow Sea waters ahead of a Washington summit by the allies leaders.

AP Photo/ an el Balce eneta

isiting South orea resident ark eun-hye, center left, is escorted by Ma . en. Michael in-nington, as they march past the colors of American states, during a wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the nknowns at Arlington National emetery in Arlington, a., Monday, May , 201 .

Philippine volcano spews rocks, killing 5 climbers

It was nominally indicated by the data in the first quarter of 2012 where the GRDP of Bali reached IDR 19.77 trillion. After that, the GRDP of Bali increased to IDR 22.05 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2012. Then, in the first quarter of 2013, the GRDP of Bali increased to IDR 22.50 trillion. “Positive movement in the nominal economy is not necessarily followed by a real increase. As evidence, the GRDP of Bali increased from IDR 7.90 trillion in the first quarter of 2012 to IDR 8.46 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2012, and then dropped to IDR 8.43 trillion in the first quarter of 2013,” he explained.

n the other hand, an e onomist of Bali, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Raka Suardana, stated the economic growth of Bali reflected in the GRDP did not guarantee the prosperity for all the walks of life. “To assess the success of development in a region, it cannot be seen only from the GRDP or per capita income. It can happen where the per entage of high-in ome population is small but on-tributing more than 80 percent of the GRDP. Meanwhile, the rest is ontributed by general publi remaining poor, he said.

A ording to him, to best way to measure the prosperity of a society was in terms of equality. If the revenue had evenly distrib-uted and was over the standards set forth, then the social welfare could have been achieved. “Even though the GRDP increases, but unfortunately it does not in rease in terms of e uality. It is evident from the high number of poor and unemployed people,” he said. (kmb27)

Bali s economic

Wednesday, May 8, 2013 7SportsInternational

Chicago’s Nate Robinson scored 27 points, and Jimmy Butler added 21 points and 14 rebounds while playing every second for the third straight game.Joakim Noah added 13 points, Taj Gibson had 12 and Marco Belinelli added 10 for the Bulls, who snapped a 27-game Miami winning streak during the regular season, and handed the Heat their first loss in their last 13 games in this one. LeBron James scored 24 points for Miami, which got 14 from Dwyane Wade.

Game 2 is Wednesday night in Miami. The Bulls were without Der-rick Rose, as they’ve been all season. Kirk Hinrich was out again with a calf injury. Luol Deng isn’t even expected to rejoin the team until Tuesday, after

dealing with an illness apparently so severe that a spinal tap and other tests since were needed to rule out things like meningitis.

“I think when you’re facing adver-sity, you have to be mentally tough,” Bulls coach Tom Thibodeau said. “But this is just one game. We have to play a lot better in our next one.”

A pair of three-point plays by James one of them coming when he just broke through a tackle at-tempt by Butler and muscled the ball to the rim anyway gave Mi-ami a 76-69 lead midway through the fourth quarter, the biggest defi-cit Chicago faced all night.

The Bulls, predictably, were un-deterred. Coming off a Game 7 road

win in Brooklyn two nights earlier just to get into a series with Miami, the Bulls just kept grinding. When Ray Allen made a 3-pointer to give Miami an 80-78 lead, Butler came back with one of his own to put the Bulls back on top. When the Heat went up by three after James made a free throw with 2:22 left, Belinelli connected for 3 on a second-effort possession to level the game.

Then when Robinson connected on a 20-footer with 1:18 left, the Bulls had the lead and plenty of swagger. James was honored before the game, with a brief on-court ceremony to commemo-rate his fourth NBA MVP award. The Spurs trailed by 16 points with 4 min-utes left in regulation thanks largely to Stephen Curry’s 44 points before going on an 18-2 run to close the fourth quarter and force overtime.

They trailed 127-126 with 3.9 seconds left in the second overtime before Ginobili hit his 3-pointer off a cross-court inbounds pass from Kawhi Leonard. “It’s only the sec-ond one I made all day,” Ginobili said. “Good timing though.”

e ters

MADRID - Britain’s Laura Robson and Spain’s Carla Suarez Navarro conjured up big first-round up-set victories at the Madrid Open when they surprised fourth seed Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland and ninth-seeded Australian Samantha Stosur on Monday.

Robson, the world number 41, thumped Radwanska 6-3 6-1 on the clay at the Magic Box arena and 23rd-ranked Suarez Navarro ousted Stosur 7-6 6-2 to delight the home crowd with her seventh career victory over a top-10 player.

Radwanska was the biggest casualty as second seed Maria Sharapova of Russia eased past Romanian qualifier Alexandra Dulgheru 7-5 6-2 and third-seeded Belarussian Victoria Azarenka had to fight past Russian Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova 7-6 7-6.

Suarez Navarro, who has never won a WTA tour title, was playing her first match since losing to Pavly-uchenkova in the final in Oeiras on Sunday. “We only had a small window to prepare for today’s match, but I was really focused,” she said on the WTA website.

“Once I got here to Madrid, I didn’t think of what happened in Oeiras for a single moment,” the 24-year-old added.

“I just wanted to play the best I could here today. We only have one tournament here in Spain so for us it’s a really important week.”

World number one and top seed Serena Williams con-tinues her Madrid title defence with a second-round match against Spaniard Lourdes Dominguez Lino on Tuesday.

Bulls steal Game 1 with 93-86 win over HeatAssociated Press riter

M AM The Chicago Bulls stunned the Miami Heat 3- 6 on Monday night to take ame of their Eastern Conference semi nal series. Trailing 6- 3 with 2 minutes left, the Bulls scored the nal 0 points of the game to beat the Heat once again. At San Antonio,

Manu inobili scored a 3-pointer from the wing with .2 seconds left in double overtime to lift the Spurs to a thrilling 2 - 2 victory over the olden State Warriors in the West.

AP Photo/ nne ladkhicago Bulls forward Ta ibson 22 dunks against Miami eat

forward hris Andersen 11 during the second half of ame 1 of the NBA basketball playoff series in the Eastern Conference semifinals, Monday, May 6, 2013 in Miami. The Bulls defeated the Heat 93-86.

Robson, Suarez Navarro pull off upset wins in Madrid

Pedrosa says Spanish GP a boost of confidenceonda rider Dani

edrosa from Spain speeds during the

Moto race at the Spanish motorcycle

rand rix at the ere racetrack Sun-day, May 5, 2013 in

Jerez de la Frontera, southern Spain.

AP Photo/ ig el Angel orenatti

DAN Pedrosa says his Jerez victory has been a morale boost that will help him in this year’s MotoGP title race. After setting the pace for much of the pre-season running, Pedrosa has been outshone by Honda team-mate Marc Marquez so far this season, losing out to the newcomer both in atar and in a direct lead fight in Austin.

He finally got the better of Marquez at Jerez, and said his victory simultaneously derived from, and fed, and an increas-ing confidence and understanding on the Honda. “It’s now been three races, I feel more what the bike is like and what I need for the rest of the championship,” Pedrosa said.

“Now we start to work on that. “Obviously for the team, and for me, this is good for confidence - to be winning means a lot.

“It wasn’t easy to find a setting we were happy with, but my pace was not so bad and I could control the gap towards the end. It was a perfect feeling.” Pedrosa said following Jorge Lorenzo had also been a useful gauge as to the relative strengths of the Honda and amaha, particu-larly as he expects both factories to be involved in a tight championship.

“I think it is the first time I met with Jorge this year, so it was good to just watch a little how he was doing,” Pedrosa said. “I saw some points where he was stronger, and some where I was more comfortable. I thought I could go in front, that’s why I passed.” Asked about Marquez’s last-corner clash with Lorenzo, Pedrosa said it was typical of last-lap moves at Jerez.

“Obviously it’s the last corner, it’s a fight for second place,” he added. “This corner has this thing: when you win the position its yes, I know its on the limit but I win’, and on the other side its shit, I lose’ and its not so nice.

“The good thing is nobody fell, and it wasn’t maybe on purpose to touch. These things happen sometimes in racing. It’s the last corners at Jerez, that’s it: finish the story I think.”

8 InternationalWednesday, May 8, 2013

Sp rt

Jonathan Walters gave the visi-tors an early lead when he rea ted smartly in the box to poke home from lose range on nine minutes after his header had been blo ked.

Sunderland had a player sent off for the se ond week running when Craig Gardner was shown a straight red card for a lunging, studs-first ta kle on Charlie Adam with only 33 minutes on the lo k.

Stoke looked to be ruising to vi tory in a one-pa ed and slightly subdued en ounter before defender

Shea e ualised after 63 minutes when he shifted his balan e ui kly to side-foot home a dangerous Sebastian arsson orner at the far post.

Sunderland limbed to 15th,

8 InternatioonananananananaaaaaaananaaaaananaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllWednesday, May 8, 2013

AP Photo/ cott e ellSunderland’s man-ager aolo Di anio reacts after his side miss a chance to score during their

nglish remier eague soccer

match against Stoke ity at the Stadium

of ight, Sunder-land, ngland, Mon-day, May , 201 .

Associated Press riter

Marseille midfielder Joey Barton was given a two-game ban for calling Paris Saint- ermain defender Thiago Silva an “over-weight ladyboy” on Twitter, and the French Football Federation suspended the penalty.

The 30-year-old Englishman was summoned to appear at the FFF’s ethics committee for a sec-ond time on Monday. Marseille had ordered Barton to stop and

the club apologized to both PS and Silva.

Barton did not attend the hear-ing and was represented by two lawyers. The FFF said the penalty would have to be served only if Barton uses offensive language again on Twitter and the discipline would not be related to anything that might happen on the field.

He is cleared to play in his team’s three remaining league games this season. Marseille trails first-place PSG by seven points.

O’Shea rescues point to ease Sunderland relegation fears

e ters

N N mm k m m m

Barton gets 2-game suspended ban for insults

level on 38 points with north-east rivals Newcastle United and Nor-wich City and three clear of Wigan Athletic who are in the relegation zone but have a game in hand.

“In some way we are a masoch-istic team,” said new Sunderland manager Paolo Di Canio who also watched Stephane Sessegnon be-ing sent off against Aston Villa last time out.

“It is a massive point for us but it wasn’t easy. After 10 minutes we gave an easy goal away even if we knew before kick-off that they had five or six who are giants com-pared to our physical presence,” the Italian told Sky Sports. “The first corner kick we conceded we give a goal away. Then you saw Craig’s

bad challenge.“We have to be careful and to

handle our aggression. We have to make sure we don’t repeat the same mistakes otherwise we are in real trouble.”

After slumping to a 6-1 defeat by Villa when playmaker Ses-segnon was sent off, Sunderland dug deep to find a route back into the match.

They had looked to be dead and buried after the first half when they created little, but came close to win-ning the match late in the second half when a low shot from Danny Rose grazed the outside of post. Stoke stayed 11th on 41 points and should be safe.

“We are pleased that we’ve got

that point,” manager Tony Pulis said. “That takes us to 41. There are a lot of teams down there this time around.

“I’m amazed it isn’t sorted out yet. It’s one of those funny seasons. It seems to have happened at all lev-els, not just the Premier League.”

9International Wednesday, May 8, 2013

e ters

Bayern Muni h will allow Uli Hoeness, who is under investigation for suspe ted tax evasion, to ontinue as lub president but the situation will remain under observation, the German Bundesliga hampions said in a state-ment on their website www.f bayern.telekom.de on Monday.

“In the interest of Bayern Muni h......... the board of dire tors has, after an intensive dis ussion, unanimously de ided that Uli Hoeness should ontinue to arry out his role as the Bayern Muni h lub president, the lub said.

Bayern added that the lub “should on entrate fully and entirely on achieving the sporting goals in the Champions League final on May 25 and the German Cup final on June 1.” Bayern said Hoeness had offered to step ba k until the ase was resolved by the authorities.

“Uli Hoeness has expressed his regret to the lub over the ase and apologised, the lub said.

“The board of dire tors will ontinue to observe the situation and deal with any new findings on the topic.” Hoeness shocked Germany last month when he said he had voluntarily alerted tax authorities in January to a Swiss bank a ount he held.

He is now under investigation for suspe ted tax evasion and, if onvi ted, he ould be senten ed to ail.

“I made a foolish mistake, a giant blunder that I m trying to orre t as best as I possibly an, Hoeness told the online edition of Die eit weekly last week. “I m lashing myself over this. I messed up big time but I m not an evil person.

Bayern are enjoying one of their best-ever seasons on the field. They have won the Bundesliga, fa e German rivals Borussia Dortmund in the Champions League final in London on May 25 after outclassing Barcelona in the semi-finals and play VfB Stuttgart in the German Cup final.

They also pulled off a spe ta ular managerial oup in January by hir-ing former Bar elona oa h Pep Guardiola who will take over from Jupp Heyn kes next season.

e ters

URICH - Referees are on the front line in the fight against rac-ism but annot always be expe ted to be aware of what is going on off the field, English referee Howard Webb said on Monday.

Webb took part in the first meet-ing of FIFA s anti-ra ism task for e and said that one suggestion was the use of off-pitch officials to help referees identify serious in idents. “We are very mu h in the front line, we are the first port of call for the players, Webb told Reuters after the meeting whi h he des ribed as a “brainstorming session.

“If we be ome aware of any-thing from the players or officials whi h they deem to be ra ist or dis riminatory, then we ve got an obligation to respond and referees will do that. But he said that, ide-ally, referees needed help to take the pressure off them.

“We talked about the limitations be ause you are not always aware of what s happening in the stands, he said.

“Bear in mind that what we do as

match officials is to shut the crowd out really, be ause we re trying to on entrate on the game itself, we

are trying to fo us on our ob and not get distra ted.

“Therefore, it s a fair omment to stay it s not easy to know what s happened. He added “The point was made this morning and...there was a dis ussion about maybe someone having a specific role of ust identifying those types of be-

haviour, someone who has a good understanding of what onstitutes a dis riminatory a t within the sta-dium, and an therefore guide the match official.

“It ould be something like a venue o-ordinator, it ould be someone in the stand, who ould take the best position to get a feel for what s going on.

“It ould be they have to move around the stadium to get a feel for what s happened, but it would take some of the pressure off the mat h officials.”

- P P D

European soccer’s governing

body UEFA issued guidelines four years ago outlining a three-step pro-edure of what to do in ase of ra ist

in idents during mat hes, putting the onus heavily on referees.

It said that the referee should first stop the match and ask for an-noun ements to be made over the publi address system. The se ond step would be to suspend the mat h for a given period of time and, fi-nally, abandon it.

So far, those rules have not been invoked in European club compe-tition and in March, UEFA said it would “fully support referees who enfor ed them.

“Why that pro edure has not been invoked, I don t know, said Webb, adding he had not been in-volved in a mat h where he felt it ne essary to stop play.

“Maybe it s be ause there s an edu ational re uirement needed for referees to make them aware it does exist.

“We need key indi ations to the officials of what they can do and an t do, and what they need to do should something ome to their attention.

Associated Press riter

MADRID — Getafe rallied from a goal down to beat Real Sociedad 2-1 in the Spanish league on Monday to loosen the visitors grip in fourth pla e.

Sociedad forward Carlos Vela opened the scoring in the fourth minute from an assist by David Zurutuza, but Getafe midfielder Pedro Leon pounced on a loose ball to rifle home the equalizer past goalkeeper Claudio Bravo in the 18th.

Abdelaziz Barrada then netted the winner when he beat defender Inigo Martinez to another loose ball in the penalty area and s ored in the 39th.

Sociedad is now just two points ahead of fifth-place Valencia with four rounds remaining, while Betis is seventh. eader Bar elona is 11 ahead of se ond-pla e Real Madrid, with Atleti o Madrid third.

Referees not always aware of racist incidents, says Webb

AP Photo/Pa l hiteReferee Howard Webb, from Great Britain, shows a yellow card to Dortmund’s goalkeeper Roman Weidenfeller, left, during the Champions League semifinal second leg soccer match between Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid, Spain, Tuesday April 30, 2013.

AP Photo/ ig el illagran Pool FileFILE - In this April 27, 2009 file picture Manager Uli Hoeness of Bayern Muenchen addresses the media during a news conference in Munich, Germany.

Hoeness can continue as club president - Bayern

Getafe beats Real Sociedad 2-1 in Spanish league

Wednesday, May 8, 201310 InternationalDestination


Ubud Traditional Art Market where the existence is not far different from other markets available in the tourism area. This market as a society economics center of Ubud and it is apposite to the existence of Ubud Empire that is called Puri Saren. The market is unfolding from west to easterly divided become two group with different purpose. There are two markets available at the same area those are one block at the Westside is for a traditional artistic market and another block located in the east as an everyday traditional fundamental market require-ment. This market is opened every day about at 08:00 until 18:00, even some from them still open until nighttime. While the traditional market for the fun-damental requirement is opened everyday at 06:00 - even before that there is morn-ing market started at 04:00 morning.

The art crafting are sold in this art market consisted of various crafting, from traditional until contemporary craft-ing which its price is relatively cheap.

ou can do the transaction directly to the merchant which generally can be bargained. All the crafting sold in this place you can bring home as souvenir like slipper, wood idol, bag, clothes, matting, painting and a lot of more.

It is very simple way and easily to find Ubud Market since it is very famous among the Balinese and it is strategically located in the center of Ubud Village. This market is located just in the front of Ubud Palace with crowded of visitor who purchases the items every day.

Ubud Traditional Art Market

IBP/ et

Wednesday, May 8, 2013 11International

AP Photo/Tatan Syuflana

An artist wearing gold-painted traffic police uniform directs the traffic on Jakarta’s main street as part of a safe-driving campaign in Jakarta, Indonesia, Monday, May 6, 2013.

“The forest moratorium has to be extended. I still don’t know when, and whether it should be expanded or not as its draft is still on the round-table dis ussion, Minister Hasan said here on Tuesday.

ne of the reasons why the mor-atorium about the postponement of issuan e of new li enses and improving governance of primary natural forest and peatland has to be extended, is because it is part of the Indonesian Government’s ommitment to redu tion of 26

per ent of the arbon emission by 2020, he noted.

“We are committed to achieving this goal. However the Presidential Instru tion was issued in May 2011, we had prepared its draft sin e early 2010, he said.

Therefore, to ontinue its om-mitment, the moratorium on de-forestation would be extended, at

least for the primary forests and the peatlands, he stressed.

However, Hasan added there would be risk that the forestry ompanies will sue the ministry

related to the forest conversion right for industry.

“We would take that risk, he said.

But, the minister declined to give a deadline of the new moratorium.

“That is the authority of the president, Hasan said.

Previously, on Monday (May 6), the Indonesian Forestry Ministry and the United Nations of Develop-ment Programme UNDP laun hed first forest governance index to ad-dress the urrent state of forest pro-te tion and management of entral and provincial government.

“Good forest governance is about publi system and laws to prote t the forests and peatlands.

We hope the assessment results will translate into on rete a tions to improve forest, land and REDD+ governance,” said Country Direc-tor of the UNDP Indonesia Beate Trankmann.

Besides the UNDP Indonesia and Ministry of Forestry, National REDD+ Task Force and National Development Planning Board BAPPENAS ointly ondu ted

the participatory government as-sessment (PGA) to provide ad-e uate monitoring instrument for forest and peatlands prote tion in Indonesia.

“The Government of Indonesia places governance reform in forest and peatland management, in lud-ing improving people’s welfare at the very core of REDD+ in Indonesia, said Head of the Na-tional REDD+ Task Force Kuntoro Mangkusubroto.

AntaraSUKABUMI - Mount Halimun-Salak National Park TNGHS Monitor-

ing Agency has allowed Sukhoi company to survey and evacuate the fuselage of Sukhoi Super et 100 that rashed a year ago in Mount Salak, Bogor, West Java Province.

“We have announced the survey permit to Sukhoi Company for evacuating the fuselage. However, we want to know how the company can evacuate the air raft, said Chief of TNGHS Agus Priambudi.

Priambudi said the survey results will be the information for the TNGHS officer to consider whether the fuselage is able to be evacuated or not.

According to him, the evacuation permit will be cancelled if the evacuation effort is potential to damaged TNGHS ecosystem. “We can delay the evacu-ation effort until they found the proper system to evacuate the fuselage so it will not ause damage to the wildlife of TNGHS, Priambudi said.

He admitted the TNGHS officials still waited for the survey results after the company’s team along with the Indonesian Military conducted several survey efforts to location.

Priambudi said his institution has not yet had any information related to the time and evacuation system of Sukhoi Superjet 100 wreckage.

“The company should find proper way to evacuate the fuselage as it lies in the abyss and heavy machine will be difficult to reach the location,” Priambudi said.

He added his institution understand that the company has difficulty on founding a proper way to evacuating the fuselage.

The evacuation permit can be announced by the agency after the company has found proper evacuation way and fulfilled the administration matters.

However, generally, the agency has permitted the company to evacuate fuselage as long as the evacuation does not damage wildlife and ecosystem of TNGHS.

“Currently the fuselage has been buried by a landslide and we predi ted that the evacuation effort will take several days. All people should know the evacuation effort as the national park belongs to Indonesian people and we should keep the TNGHS preservation together,” Priambudi said.

Agence France-Presse

JAKARTA - The heavy metal-loving governor of Indonesian capital Jakarta has surrendered a guitar that was a gift from US band Metalli a to anti-corruption authorities, an official said Tuesday. A beaming Joko Widodo appeared on TV last week strumming the maroon bass guitar gifted to him by Metallica’s Robert Trujillo, which was autographed and bore the words “Giving Back!.. Keep Playin’ That Cool Funky Bass!”.

But the powerful Corruption Eradi ation Commission KPK said that Widodo, widely onsidered lean in a notoriously graft-ridden ountry, had now handed the gift to them.

“We will check if there is any conflict of interest or if there was an exchange of favours,” commission spokesman Johan Budi told AFP

“The s reening pro ess takes up to 30 days, and after that we will de ide whether to return the guitar to him or confiscate it.”

During the TV appearance Widodo, an anti-establishment figure who was ele ted in September, said he was a huge fan of Metalli a, whose hits in lude “Enter Sandman and “Nothing Else Matters . He also listed ed eppelin, Deep Purple and Napalm Death as among his favourite bands.

His spokesman Eko Hariadi said the guitar was the first gift Widodo had received since becoming governor, he had handed it over voluntarily to be checked and there was no conflict of interest.

“The governor loves rock music. So he was certainly happy to receive it, it s like getting a tennis ra ket from Boris Be ker, the spokesman told AFP, referring to the German tennis great.

“To him, it was a souvenir and there was no exchange for favours.”Corruption remains rampant in Indonesia, parti ularly among publi ser-

vants, and the country last year slid to 118th of 176 countries in Transparency International’s annual graft index.

Forest moratorium to be extendedAntara

JAKARTA - Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan has confirmed that the forest moratorium based on Presidential Instruction No 1 2 11 which will e pire this May to be e tended but he still does not know when the new regulation to be issued.

MT Salak agency allows Sukhoi to evacuate plane fuselage

Jokowi surrenders Metallica guitar

InternationalWednesday, May 8, 2013 12

Agence France-Presse

BRASI IA - Italian armaker Fiat is upping its stake in Brazil, pouring about 7 billion into lo al investments by 2016, a ording to a plan its CE Sergio Mar hionne handed President Dilma Rousseff on Monday.

The ompany s plans expand -- dramati ally so -- on an earlier outline that alled for about 4 billion in investment between 2011-2014, state news agen y Agen ia Brasil reported.

The outlays will fund building and expansions of fa tories in Brazil, the agen y said.

The investment by Fiat, Brazil s biggest automaker, will reate about 7,700 obs dire tly and another 12,000 indire tly nationwide in the South Ameri an powerhouse.

Brazil is the world s fourth largest ar market. It saw re ord sales of 3.8 million vehi les in 2012.

Apple ra ked into the top 10 ompanies for the first time, vaulting into sixth pla e from the prior year s number 17 slot.

The ombined earnings of the Fortune 500 ame in at 820 billion in 2012, slip-ping from the all-time high of

824.5 billion in 2011.Earnings amounted to 6.8

per ent of sales, well above the histori al average of around 5.5 per ent, the magazine said.

“For the future the over-riding uestion for the 500 is whether the era of abundant profits will ontinue, said Fortune senior editor-at-large Shawn Tully.

Tully predi ted that om-panies would be for ed to in rease their staff and pay higher salaries as the e onomy ontinues to improve.

“Most likely that will hold

profit growth to the low single digits in the next year or two, in line with sales, as gravita-tional for es pull earnings ba k to the mean.

Tully hara terized 2012 as a year that saw the return of “animal spirits, or an urge to a tion, refle ted in an in rease in the number of spinoffs and mergers and a uisitions.

“For several years, players have been hoarding ash and shunning expansion, Tully said. “In 2012 they put that ash -- and their rapidly ap-

pre iating shares -- to work in the best year for M A in over a de ade.

Wal-Mart re laimed the top spot on the list from energy titan ExxonMobil after posting

469.2 billion in revenues, or 19.3 billion more than Exxon.

However, Exxon s profits of 44.9 billion dwarfed the re-

tailer s 17.0 billion.

Exxon and Wal-Mart have traded the top two positions repeatedly in re ent years. This year marks the ninth time Wal-Mart has topped the list.

Energy ompanies ontin-ued to play a prominent role in the group, with Chevron in third place and refiners Phillips 66 and alero Energy pla ing fourth and ninth, respe tively.

Rounding out the rest of the top 10 were Warren Buffett s Berkshire Hathaway, ranked in fifth place, Apple (six), General Motors (seven), General Electric (eight) and Ford Motor (10).

The magazine classified fi-nan ial servi es as the “ ome-ba k se tor of the year, leading all industry groups with 200 billion in total profits, ahead of the te hnology se tor.

JPMorgan Chase ranked 18th, Bank of Ameri a pla ed 21st, Wells Fargo was 25th and Citigroup finished 26th.

Agence France-Presse

TOKYO - US news website and aggregator The Huffington Post launched a Japanese edition Tuesday, the company’s first site in Asia, hoping to shake up the media lands ape and generate dis ussion with readers.

Founder Arianna Huffington said the site would offer a forum for “civil” debate on so ial, politi al and e onomi issues at what she said was a time of so ietal hange.

“This is truly a pivotal moment in the history of Japan,” Huffington told a press onferen e in Tokyo, highlighting e onomi hanges under Prime Min-ister Shinzo Abe, whose big-spending and easy-money poli ies have brought optimism to Japanese markets and heered investors in re ent months.

Abe has also de ided to oin a ma or free trade pa t despite loud opposition from powerful farm lobbies and has pushed to amend Japan s onstitution -- both sub e ts of lively onversation.

“We are particularly happy to be launching The Huffington Post at a such a transformational moment for Japan,” Huffington said.

The laun h -- a tie-up with the mass ir ulation Asahi Shimbun ame after parliament lifted a ban on Internet ele tioneering, permitting andidates and their supporters to tweet, use Fa ebook and write blogs on the ampaign trail.

The first national elections under the new rules are expected in the summer, when half of the upper house seats will be ontested.

Editors and corporate officers behind the site said they aspired to direct online onversations towards onstru tivity.

“It might be difficult. But it doesn’t mean it cannot be done,” said Shigeki Matsuura, 39, the editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post’s Japanese edition.

“I want people of my generation to parti ipate in onversations.Although they are slowly losing readers, Japan s newspapers

have suffered less attrition than their ounterparts in other devel-oped ountries, with four out the world s top six newspapers by ir ulation being Japanese, thanks in large part to an effi ient home

delivery system.However, despite a well-developed Internet system throughout urban Japan,

newspapers and other publi ations have been slow to make the shift to digital, and their websites remain relatively under-developed.

Commentators note they have traditionally done little to promote two-way ommuni ation with readers and have been slow to rea t to the hanging

demands of younger, more wired generations.

AP Photo/David GoldmanThis photo illustration made Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2012, shows the label of a garment made in Bangladesh outside the Wal-Mart store where it’s sold in Atlanta.

Fortune 500 profits

Wal-Mart is #1Agence France-Presse

NEW YORK - The 500 largest US companies scored near-record profits last year and retailer Wal-Mart repla ed ExxonMobil as the biggest revenue maker on the annual list, Fortune magazine said Monday.

Huffington Post launches Japan edition

Fiat to invest $7 billion in Brazil through 2016


Wednesday, May 8, 2013 13International RLDW

Monday’s turnout - far less than the 100,000 or more who marched through Moscow with giddy optimism ahead of Putin’s election to a third term - reflected a wariness that has sapped energy from the protest movement.

As a result of last year’s protest, 27 people face charges that could send them to prison for up to 10 years. Some are battle-hardened opposition activists, but just as many are ordinary Russians who had joined anti-Putin protests for the first time last year. Portraits of the prisoners and officials involved in the case lined the stage Monday, while several speakers read letters that the defendants sent from jail. Here is a look at some of the people involved:

A A D A D A I AThe youngest of the defendants at

19, environmental activist Dukhani-

na has spent the past year under house arrest, allowed visits only from her lawyers and close relatives. Investigators have charged her with throwing rocks and bottles at riot police, although they later found that the policeman listed as the victim in the case was unharmed. She faces up to eight years in prison.

D I IA first-year student and former

marine, 21-year-old Lutskevich was attending his first protest. When riot police seized a female friend of his, Lutskevich said he tried to help her. He was beaten so severely that his body was still covered in red welts when he appeared in court. Investigators accused him of throw-ing pieces of asphalt at police and ripping off one of their helmets. He has been in jail since June and faces

up to eight years in prison.

ADI I A IArrested at the protest in a black

suit jacket and tie, leftist activist Akimenkov, 25, is accused of try-ing to break through a police barrier and hide in the crowd. While behind bars, a serious eye condition he suf-fers from has significantly worsened to the point that he is almost blind. Despite notes from doctors that he should not be held in jail, Akimen-kov has been denied bail. He faces up to eight years in prison.

G A IPThe commercial director of a

tourism firm whose only activism had been to help stray animals, Arkhipenkov was detained while walking out of a metro station near the protest. Despite having had no plans to take part in the protest, Arkhipenkov was held in prison for two months, where his lawyer said he was forcibly injected with unspecified psychiatric medication. He was later released on bail and faces up to eight years in prison.

Associated Press riter

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim pledged Tuesday to mount a “fierce movement” to challenge what he called fraudulent election results that kept the country’s long-ruling coalition in power, although with a diminished majority.

The opposition’s refusal to accept the outcome could com-plicate efforts to restore political certainty to a country where mil-lions of voters pushed for an end to the National Front coalition’s nearly 56-year rule because of accusations of government graft and racial insensitivity.

Before Sunday’s vote, the 65-year-old Anwar had said he would retire from politics and focus on a teaching career if the opposition lost. On Tuesday, he said the unfairness of the election compelled him to re-main to combat what he considered an “illegitimate” government.

“In the context of a free and fair election, if the people decide to choose the National Front, I would concede,” Anwar told a news con-ference. “In a faulty and fraudulent election, I now will continue the fight to defend all Malaysians.”

The National Front denied ma-nipulating the vote. Prime Minis-ter Najib Razak’s office issued a statement Tuesday criticizing the opposition for making “a host of unsubstantiated allegations.”

Opinion polls before the elections

“showed significant support for both the prime minister and his ruling par-ty and suggested they were on track for a victory,” the statement said. Najib’s National Front captured 133 of Parliament’s 222 seats, down slightly from the previous 135. But it lost the popular vote, polling 5.24 million votes to the opposition’s 5.62 million.

Many opposition supporters believe the National Front not only relied on gerrymandering of constituencies to win but also used bogus ballots at closely fought constituencies and foreign migrants from countries such as Bangladesh to vote illegally.

Opposition teams have been formed to gather evidence of ir-regularities and would explore legal measures to dispute the results of at least 29 seats, Anwar said. He said a campaign to raise public support will start with a stadium rally near Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday night, but indicated there were no plans for street demonstrations.

“This shall be a beginning for a fierce movement to clear the country from election malprac-tices and fraud,” Anwar said. “It is therefore a dictate of our conscience to reject the election result until it is rectified.”

In Washington, the U.S. State Department recognized the elec-tion result, calling it the “most competitive” in Malaysia’s his-tory, although it did acknowledge the allegations of irregularities.

THREE young women who vanished in separate incidents about a decade ago in the US state of Ohio have been found alive in a house in Cleveland.

Amanda Berry disappeared aged 16 in 2003, Gina DeJesus

went missing aged 14 a year later, and Michele Knight disap-peared in 2002 aged around 19. Their discovery followed a dra-matic bid for freedom by Amanda Berry on Monday, helped by a neighbour.

Three brothers have been ar-rested in connection with the case. Cleveland police said the suspects are Hispanic, aged 50, 52 and 54, and one of them had lived at the house on Seymour Avenue.

One was named as Ariel Cas-tro, who has worked as a school bus driver. Police have said a six-year-old was also found at the home. They have not revealed any further details, although a relative of Amanda Berry said she told

him she had a daughter.The girls’ family reacted with

shock and delight at news of their discovery, and many people gathered outside the home where they had allegedly been impris-oned.

Three US women missing for years rescued in Ohio

Malaysia opposition to challenge election results

AP Photo/ incent hianMalaysia opposition leader Anwar brahim of the eople’s Alli-ance coalition speaks during a press conference in uala umpur Tuesday, May , 201 .

ussian national-ists shout slogans as they march during a protest rally in Bolotnaya S uare in Moscow,

ussia, Monday May , 201 .

AP Photo/Ivan ekretarev

Jailed protesters cast shadow on anti-Putin rallyAssociated Press riter

MOSCOW - About 20,000 protesters thronged Bolotnaya Square across from the Kremlin on Monday, a year after a protest at the same spot turned violent on the eve of President Vladimir Putin’s inauguration.

Wednesday, May 8, 201314 InternationalHealth

The FDA has regulated tanning beds and sun lamps for over 30 years, but for the first time ever the agency says those devices should not be used by people under age 18. The agency wants that warning on pamphlets, catalogues and websites that promote indoor tanning. And regulators are also proposing that manufacturers meet certain safety and design require-ments, including timers and limits on radiation emitted.

The government action is aimed at curbing cases of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, which have been on the rise for about 30 years. An estimated 2.3 million U.S. teenagers tan indoors each year, and melanoma is the second most com-mon form of cancer among young adults, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.

Recent studies have shown that the risk of melanoma is 75 percent higher in people who have been exposed to ultraviolet radiation from indoor tan-ning. While most cases are diagnosed in people in their 40s and 50s, the disease is linked to sun exposure at a young age.

Physician groups have been urging the U.S. government to take action on


BEIJING - Four more people in China have died from a new strain of bird flu, bringing to 31 the number of deaths from the mysterious H7N9


BRASILIA - Brazil plans to hire 6,000 Cuban doctors to serve in remote parts of the country where medical services are deficient or nonexistent, despite controversy over the quality of their training.

Brazilian Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota said on Monday negotiations were under way involving the Washington-based Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) to allow the Cuban doctors to practice in Brazil.

Brazilian medical associations have opposed Cuban-trained doctors practicing in their country, arguing that standards at Cuba’s medical schools are lower than in Brazil and equivalent in some cases to a nursing education in Brazil.

Over the past decade Cuba’s communist government has sent 30,000 doctors to work in poor neighborhoods of Venezuela, Ha-vana’s closest political ally in Latin America, under an agreement reached with the late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez that involved an exchange of medical services for cheap oil.

The Cubans are expected to be sent to poor corners of the North-east of Brazil and the Amazon jungle where Brazilian doctors are reluctant to serve.

“Cuba is very proficient in the areas of medicine, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology and Brazil is considering receiving Cubans doctors in talks that involve PAHO,” Patriota said at a news conference with Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez.

The Federal Council of Medicine, a body that represents doctors in Brazil, criticized as “irresponsible” the government’s proposal to al-low in doctors whose “technical and ethical quality was in doubt.”

FDA wants cancer warnings on tanning bedsAssociated Press Writer

WASHINGTON — Indoor tanning beds would come with new warnings about the risk of cancer and be subject to more stringent federal oversight under a proposal unveiled Monday by the Food and Drug Administration.

AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli, File

FILE - This Dec. 9, 2011 file photo shows an open tanning booth at Amazing Tans in Sacramento, Calif. The FDA announced Monday, May 6, 2013, it wants all tanning beds to carry language warning people under the age of 18 about the risks of indoor tanning.

tanning beds for years, citing increases in the number of cases of skin cancer among people in their teens and 20s.

“As a dermatologist I see the con-sequences of indoor tanning. I have to diagnose too many young people with melanoma and see the grief that it causes to these families,” said Dr. Mary Maloney of the American Acad-emy of Dermatology, on a call with FDA officials. Maloney said the FDA action is an important first step, but that her group would continue to push for a ban on the sale and use of tanning beds for people under age 18.

Earlier this year, a study of Mis-souri tanning salons found that 65 percent of 250 businesses surveyed would accept children ages 10 to 12, often without parental permission. The study was conducted by derma-tologists at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.

Currently the machines are classi-fied as low-risk devices, in the same group as bandages and tongue depres-sors. The proposal would increase their classification to moderate-risk, or class II, devices. That would allow the FDA to review their safety and design before manufacturers begin selling them.

“They don’t have to provide any data in advance before they go on the market, so we have no way of provid-ing assurance that the tanning beds are performing up to specifications,” said

Dr. Jeffrey Shuren, FDA’s director for medical devices.

Safety standards are important because recent studies show that many devices can cause sunburn even when

used as directed. A 2009 study found that 58 percent of adolescents who tan indoors had sunburn exposure. “If you get an indoor tan you shouldn’t be burning,” Shuren said.

Brazil to deploy 6,000 Cuban doctors in remote areas: minister


A man holds a pigeon at a pigeon farm, which according to the owner has not been affected by the H7N9 bird flu strain, in Quzhou, Zhejiang province, May 6, 2013.

China reports 4 more bird flu deaths, toll rises to 31virus, with the number of infections rising by two to 129, according to Chinese health authorities.

Among the deaths, two occurred in the eastern province of Jiangsu; one was from eastern Zhejiang; while

another was from central Anhui, based on a Reuters analysis of the data pro-vided by Chinese health authorities on Monday. The government did not provide more details of the victims.

Chinese health authorities said two new infections were reported in the eastern coastal province of Fujian. The virus, which was mostly concentrated in the region around the commercial capital of Shanghai, spread to Fujian in late April.

The Geneva-based World Health Organization (WHO) has said it has no evidence that the new strain of bird flu, which was first detected in patients in China in March, is easily transmissible between humans.

Chinese scientists have confirmed that the H7N9 strain has been transmit-ted to humans from chickens. But the WHO has said 40 percent of people infected with H7N9 appear to have had no contact with poultry.

The head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the current strain of bird flu cannot spark a pandemic in its current form - but he added that there is no guarantee it will not mutate and cause a serious pandemic.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013 15International Activities

E ER Temple and Shrine has a spe ial date for it annual Ceremony, or “ dalan “, every 210 days a ording to Balinese alendar, in luding the smaller an estral shrine whi h ea h family possesses. Be ause of this pra ti ally every few days a eremony of festival of some kind takes pla e in some illage in Bali. There are also times when the entire island elebrated the same Holiday, su h as at Galungan, Kuningan, Nyepi day, Saraswati day, Tumpek andep day, Pagerwesi day, Tumpek Wayang day et .

The dedi ation or inauguration day of a Temple is on-sidered its birth day and elebration always takes pla e on the same day if the wuku or 210 day alendar is used. When new moon is used then the elebration always happens on new moon or full moon. The day of ourse an differ the religious elebration of a temple lasts at least one full day with some temple elebrating for three days while the elebration of Besakih temple, the Mother Temple, is never

less than 7 days and most of the time it lasts for 11 days, depending on the importan e of the o asion.

The elebration is very olorful. The shrine are dressed with pie es of loths and sometimes with bro ade, sailings, de orations of arved wood and sometimes painted with gold and Chinese oins, very beautifully arranged, are hung in the four orners of the shrine. In front of shrine are pla ed red, white or bla k umbrellas depending whi h Gods are worshipped in the shrines.

In front of important shrine one sees, besides these umbrellas soars, tridents and other weapons, the “umbul-umbul”, long flags, all these are prerogatives or attributes of Holiness. In front of the Temple gate put up “Pen or , long bamboo poles, de orated beautifully ornaments of young o onut leaves, ri e and other produ ts of the land. Most beautiful to see are the girls in their olorful attire, arrying offerings, arrangements of all kinds fruits and olored akes, to the Temple. Every visitor admires the

gra e with whi h the arry their load on their heads.

Balinese Temple Ceremony

alendar Event for May 1 through June 1 2 11 May Buda liwon Pahang Pura uhur Pun ak Padang Dawa Desa Bangli BaturitiPura Silayukti Padang Bai KarangasemPura Aer Jeruk SukawatiPura Dangin Pasar Batuan SukawatiPura Penataran - Batuyang BatubulanPura Desa embeng Ketewel SukawatiPura Pasek Bendesa Dukuh Kediri TabananPura Kawitan Dalem Sukawati GianyarPura Kresek Banyuning BulelengPura Puseh Bebandem KarangasemPura Sad Khayangan Batu Medahu Desa Swana Nusa PenidaPura Buda Kliwon Penatih DenpasarPura Penataran Dukuh Nagasari Bebandem KarangasemPura pasek Bendesa Tagtag PeguyanganPure Pulesari - Bantas Kelod Desa Sibang Gede AbiansemalPura Batur Sari UbudPura Penataran Agung SukawatiPura Panti - Ku upin Ketewel Ketewel

May ajeng liwon wudan Pura Pasek Gelgel Kekeran Dlod eh MengwiMera an Pasek Subadra Kramas Gianyar

May Tilem Sasih Jiyestha Pura Bu angga Waisnawa Gumbrih JembranaPura Dalem Desa eluk

11May Tumpek lurut Pura Pasek Gelgel Ban ar Tengah BulelengPura Dalem Pemuteran Desa Jelantik To an KlungkungPura Pedarman bu angga Waisnawa BesakihPura Taman Sari Desa Gunung Sari Penebel tabananPura Dalem Tarukan - Bebalang BangliPura Benua Kangin BesakihPura Mera an Kangin Ida Betara Empu Baradah Besakih

12 May Redite manis Merakih Pura Parangan Tengah Ceningan Kangin em-bongan Nusa PenidaPura Desa Ubud

1 May Buda Wage Merakih Pura Bendesa Mas Kepisah PedunganPura Natih Ban ar Kalah BatubulanPura Desa lan Puseh Silakarang SingapaduPura Dalem Petitenget Kerobokan KutaPura Dalem Pulasari Samplangan GianyarPura Kubayan - Kepisah Pedungan Denpasar SelatanPura Pasek Gelgel - Tanah Pegat TabananPura Paibon lan Pura Bengkel Sumerta Den-pasarPura Pasek umintang DenpasarPura Panti Penyarikan Medahan Sanding Tam-pak SiringPura Pasar Agung Ban ar Dauh Peken Kaba KabaPura Dadia Buda Cemeng Pulasari Batuan Sukawati

21 May Anggar asih Tambir Pura Dalem Puri Batuan SukawatiPura Dalem kediri Silakarang SingapaduPura Dalem SukawatiPura Dalem embeng Ketewel SukawatiPura Paibon Pasek Tangkas Peliatan UbudPura Puseh Ngukuhin Kramas GianyarPura Pamera an Agung Ki Telabah Tuakilang TabananPura Karang Bun ing BlahbatuhPura Dalem Bubunan Seririt BulelengPura Desa Badung Kota DenpasarPura uhur Pedenganan Bedha Bongan Ta-bananPura Pu ak Payogan - ungsiakan Kedewatan Ubud GianyarPura Tanah Kilap “Griya Anyar Suwung Kauh

Denpasar SelatanPura Selukat Keramas Blahbatuh GianyarPura Dalem Tampuagan Penin oan Tembuku BangliPura Waturenggong Desa TaroPura Dalem Bentuyung Desa UbudPura Puseh UbudPura Dalem Puri Peliatan UbudPura Batur Hyang Bulan Muntig Karangasem

22 May Buda manis Tambir Pura Sari Ban ar Titih KapalPura Gulamanikan Bendesa Manik Mas Serongga Gianyar

2 May Purnama Sasih Sadha Pura Amrta Sari Rempoa Jakarta SelatanPura Maospahit Ban ar Gren eng Denpasar

Jun Buda liwon Matal Pura Puseh lan Desa SukawatiPura Pasek Gelgel Bebetin Sawan BulelengPura Maspahit Sesetan Denpasar SelatanPura Pasek Bendesa Manik Mas Dukuh Kendran TegallalangPura Panti Pasek Gaduh SesetanPura Pedharaman Arya Kanuruhan Besakih

1 Jun Pura Puseh lan Desa Kota GianyarPura uhur Dalem Segening Kediri TabananPura Sang Hyang Tegal TAR Tegallalang

1 Jun Buda emeng Menail Pura Dalem Tarukan Cemenggaon SukawatiPura Penataran Dalem Ketut Pe eng Ka a GianyarPura Puseh Manaka i Penin oan BangliPura Kawitan Gusti Celuk Baler Pura Sada Pe-mebetan Kapal MengwiPemera an Agung UbudPura Taman imut Pengosekan Mas Ubud

From the 1st program that has started from April 12th, it is Make up by Male Competition, Gebuk Bantal for female, karaoke ompetition, making bed ompetition, ooking ompetition, Panti wredha visitation on 19 April 2013, blood donation on May 3rd until the losing event was the Staff Family Gathering on May 5th, 2013.

It was full of surprises from Head of Department performan e, until a uni ue oged bumbung by the se urity department of ourse all male wore a women dan er ostume . “It was really beyond our expe tation that the event was has a tremendous su ess. We hope with this 5 year on going, Aston Denpasar Hotel Convention Center be ome the best onvention hotel and in uality servi e in Denpasar and yet in Bali, a ording Rike iwan, Publi Relations Manager Aston Denpasar.

Aston Denpasar Hotel Convention Center is a 4-star hotel that has the biggest onvention in Denpasar Area. o ated in the heart of Denpasar City, Aston Denpasar Hotel Convention Center offering best meetings fa ilities in Bali. Aston Grand Ballroom is available to ater up to 2,000 people. There are 13 more fun tional rooms that ould ater from 20 up to 200 people, it is lo ated perfe t in the lobby

area and level B1. Aston Denpasar Hotel Convention Center is the perfe t home for leisure and business in Bali. IBP/ ourtesy o Aston en asar

Aston Denpasar celebrated its 5th anniversaryIBP

DENPASAR The joy and happiness is still around as Aston Denpasar just celebrated its th Hotel Anniversary on th May 2 1 . The theme is embalikan Baliku because they would like to feel Bali island before too much development undergoing such now.


EntertainmentWednesday, May 8, 2013

Wearing a flame-motif gown with long gloves and a long train by Givenchy’s Riccardo Tisci, Beyonce was one of the last arrivals, following in the studded heel footsteps of Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Lawrence and Jennifer Lopez. Beyonce was already thinking ahead, though, wondering if she’d need scissors at the end of the night to get out of the corset.

Many stars embraced the big Cos-tume Institute exhibit they were there to celebrate: “Punk: From Chaos to Couture.” Beyonce’s co-chairs for the event included Tisci, who escorted Rooney Mara, who wore a white lace

gown with exaggerated shoulders and a heavy-hardware zip front. Mara said she never went through a punk fashion phase but “I was definitely a punk.”

Tisci also dressed Kim Kardashian, who has seen much of her maternity wardrobe reviewed — almost always negatively — on social media on a daily basis. The online critics have more fodder with her floral-print, high-neck gown.

In a more classic style — but likely tabloid fodder anyway — were Tiger Woods and Lindsey Vonn, walking the red carpet as a couple.

Sarah Jessica Parker donned an over-sized feather mohawk by Philip Treacy

that complemented her graffiti-splashed and slashed gown by Giles Deacon, which she also paired with custom-made, thigh-high, tartan-plaid Christian Louboutin boots. She paid careful atten-tion to the theme, she said. “I just want to be asked back next year! That’s all that matters!”

Cameron Diaz and Anne Hathaway both said they were influenced by the punk scene — especially the music — when they were growing up. Diaz came with Kristen Stewart and Stella McCartney, who designed both of their outfits. Diaz’s cobalt-colored cape dress had a severe studded belt. “I feel so chic,” Diaz said.

Tom Brady and isele Bundchen attend The Metropolitan Museum

of Art’s ostume nstitute ben-efit celebrating “PUNK: Chaos

to outure on Monday, May , 2013 in New York.

Associated Press riter

NEW YORK — Jason Collins, the National Basketball Association veteran who last week announced he was gay, is disputing reports from publishing insiders who say he is shopping a book deal.

Officials at three publishing houses told The Associated Press on Monday

that they had been contacted about a planned memoir by Collins, the first active player in any of four major U.S. professional sports leagues to come out as gay. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not au-thorized to discuss the proceedings.

Collins tweeted that it wasn’t so: “I have no current plans to write any

books. Sorry to disappoint my literary loving fans,” he said, adding a hashtag “GoingToTheGym.” Collins’ agent, Arn Tellem, also disputed the claim in a state-ment released Monday night.

“As you can imagine, we’ve been inundated with all kinds of requests and various opportunities, but as of now have not had any discussions on behalf of Ja-

son regarding a potential book deal because Jason has yet to decide if he wants to write a book,” Tellem said.

“Right now my focus is preparing for Jason’s upcom-ing free agency and securing the best opportunity for him to continue his career,” Tellem added.

The publishing officials said Collins was working on the book with Sports Illustrat-ed’s Franz Lidz, to whom he broke the news that he was gay, and was being represented by Kristine Dahl of International Creative Management. Dahl did not immediately respond to phone and email messages left by the AP.

At least one publisher turned down the book, said one official, who noted the extensive media coverage of Collins and expressed concern that his story already has been told.

Stars put punk edge in their Met Gala outfitsAssociated Press riter

NEW YORK — Miley Cyrus, Anne Hathaway and Cameron Diaz were among the celebrities to embrace the punk theme at Monday night’s Met gala, the fundraiser at the Metropolitan Museum of Art that’s affectionately known as “the party of the year.” But Beyonce, the event’s honorary chairwoman, seemed the girl on fire on a red carpet that might rival the Oscars in celebrity wattage.

ho o a os

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Jason Collins denies he is seeking book deal

ho o h c o es

This May 1, 2013 photo released by OWN shows host Oprah Winfrey posing with NBA basketball player Jason Collins during an interview for “Oprah’s Next Chapter,” in Beverly Hills, Calif.