Edge of starvation

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Edge of starvation



Mohamed Atef

Ethiopia is an African country that lies at the horn of Africa which is facing a food crisis

Since mid-July 2011, a severe Drought has been affecting the entire East Africa (Horn of Africa)region. Said to be "the worst in 60 years", the drought has caused a severe food crisis across Somalia, Ethiopia an-d Kenya that threatens the livelihood of more than 13.3 million people due to Rain Failure!

As for Ethiopia, Rain Failure is not the only reason for the crisis , there is another reason which is that Ethiopia cannot use water that goes to the Nile river due to the old agreement with England . Also, using water from the Nile means that Egypt as well could have a famine because the only water resource for Egypt is the Nile River….so we can say that the main reason for Ethiopia’s crisis is Rain Failure!

When did the Crisis happen?

Ethiopia had lots and lots of famines , but the recent one has started at 2006, and they say if it continues it may be worse than the famine of 1984-85

Rain failure which caused

droughtNo water

Plants are dead

Animals as well

Starving Humans and causing a


What caused the Ethiopian people to starve?....


Leads to..

Why didn’t Ethiopia solve the problem till now?

• Because the country have poor resources• They mainly live on aids from other

countries• Inflation in prices 200-300%• The recent Prime Minister who is in

charge of the country “Meles Zenawi” was first elected by the people, but then he rigged the elections of 2005

• Some people say he wants to rule the country by dictatorship

Some people say he is the worst dictator in Africa

and some say he is a good leader ,the real answer

can only be found by the people who live in


Who intends to help?

We want to help Ethiopia!

You have to go through me

Help Us!!!

We want to help Ethiopia overcome the



WFP and OXFAM wants to help Ethiopia by giving food, clean water, etc.. As a first push to the Ethiopians so they can start planting crops and rise with their economy ,but every month it gets even worse the prices have risen by 14.6%

How can the problem be fixed?

The answer is that the rain doesn’t fail the next year too so let us all pray for that, or it will be the 4th time in a row and the crisis will get worse and becomes a famine..

Well I guess I reached the minimum amount of slides so I guess this is…..

The End