Edell Root Cert Removal Instructions

Post on 07-Aug-2018

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Transcript of Edell Root Cert Removal Instructions

8/20/2019 Edell Root Cert Removal Instructions

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eDellRoot Certifcate Removal


Version: 1.0

November 23, 2015

ContentsI. Overview..............................................................................................................3

8/20/2019 Edell Root Cert Removal Instructions

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II. Automatic Removal..............................................................................................3

III. anual !te"s....................................................................................................3

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I. Overview #$is %ocument contains instructions &or removin' e(ellRoot certi)cate &rom

(ell s*stems.

II. Automatic Removal+lease %ownloa% t$e "atc$ &rom t$e &ollowin' location: Clic -ere 

III. anual !te"s

1. O"en #as ana'er b* ri'$t clicin' on t$e tasbar an%

select #as ana'er.

2. !elect t$e !ervices tab in t$e #as ana'er win%ow.

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3. Clic on O"en !ervices at t$e bottom o& t$e !ervices tab.

/. oo &or (ell oun%ation !ervices an% select it.

5. Clic !to" t$e service.

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.  #$e !ervices win%ow s$oul% loo lie t$e ima'e below

a&ter t$e service $as sto""e%.

. O"en ile 4"lorer an% navi'ate to c:6+ro'ram

iles6(ell6(ell oun%ation !ervices an% %elete t$e

(ell.oun%ation.A'ent.+lu'ins.e(ell.%ll )le.

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7.  8ou ma* be "rom"te% wit$ t$e warnin' below. Clic

Continue to %elete t$e )le

9. -it t$e in%ows e* ; < on t$e e*boar% an% t*"e

certm'r.msc &ollowe% b* t$e 4nter e*.a. in%ows

b. in%ows 7.1

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c. in%ows 10

10.  8ou ma* be "rom"te% to allow t$e "ro'ram to maec$an'es to t$e com"uter. Clic 8es.

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11. $en t$e certi)cate mana'er win%ow o"ens, %oubleclic on #ruste% Root Certi)cation Aut$orities on t$e le&t"anel. #$en %ouble clic t$e Certi)cates &ol%er.

12. !elect t$e e(ellRoot certi)cate &rom t$e ri'$t "anel.

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13. (elete t$e certi)cate b* clicin' t$e => icon in t$etoolbar.

WARNING! Make sure ONLY the "eDellRoot" certifcate is selected likethe example below beore clicking the delete button. Deleting anyother certifcate may cause your system to unction improperly.

1/.  8ou will be ase% to con)rm %eletion o& t$e e(ellRootcerti)cate. Clic 8es

15. A&ter %eletion, t$e e(ellRoot certi)cate s$oul% beremove% &rom t$e certi)cate mana'er?s win%ow as s$own int$e ima'e below.

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1. @o bac to t$e !ervices win%ow an% select (ell

oun%ation !ervices an% clic !tart t$e service.

1. Close all win%ows t$at were o"ene%.17. e(ellroot Certi)cate is now remove% &rom t$e


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