Economic efficiency of seismic vulnearbility and retrofit measures - a multicriteria analysi s

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Economic efficiency of seismic vulnearbility and retrofit measures - a multicriteria analysi s. Iuliana Arma ş Maria Boştenaru. Overview. Analysis scales Review existing Methods Actors Ontology Indicators Analytical hierarchy Automated methods - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Economic efficiency of seismic vulnearbility and retrofit measures - a multicriteria analysi s



Analysis scales Review existing Methods Actors Ontology Indicators Analytical hierarchy Automated methods Structural – socio-economic analysis

interdependence Conclusions

Analysis scales

Element Building Neighbourhoo

d/city level

Existing methods

Urban scale At urban planning level there were Fingerhuth and Koch who clarified the

moderating role of the architect, among experts, passive public and active affected people.

At regional planning level it was Strassert (1995) developing a method of balancing we will later employ.

Building scale Inclusion of the factor cost into multicriteria decision analysis has been

done more recently by the team of Caterino et al (2007 and 2009), with a view to bracing of a reinforced concrete building, but employing passive damping.

For technical decision we built upon the book of Malczewski (1999) regarding spatial problems.

For the role of the architect Richter (course work) made a role model in the decision space between goals, resources, benefits and costs.

In renovation the model used in Weissenhof was described by Nägele (1992). Also Nägele (1992) employed balancing.

The ATC-40 considers a series of actors specifically for seismic retrofit. Both the latter employ matrixes (decision tables).

The role of the users were considered also by Ottokar Uhl in the model developed for the Hollabrunn in the 1970s, the glory time of participatism.

Urban scale - Actors

Geologist Civil engineer Economic-

inhabitant Social -


Building - Actors

Architect Civil

engineer Social -

inhabitant Economic -


Actors in WHE Architect Civil engineer Socio-economic

aspects Proiect


Exemple of interwar building WHE WHE

Building ontology > IT

Indicators building

Indicators in WHE Taxonomy in progress

Urban ontology (COST TU0801 training school) Sisi

Analitical hierarchy urban

Indicatori - urban

Methods of indicator aggregation

pair-wise comparison and outranking techniques were used to weight the relative importance of alternatives in the groups of sub-criteria, based on expert knowledge.

Analytical hierarchy building

Interdependence structural – socio-economic

Otpt No: 73 Time= 9,3360, spallig reached. Elm: Cb51ba. Unc Conc Strain = -0.002173 - G.p.(b)Otpt No: 73 Time= 9,3360, spallig reached. Elm: Cb2051a. Unc Conc Strain = -0.002116 - G.p.(b)Otpt No: 73 Time= 9,3360, spallig reached. Elm: C2031a. Unc Conc Strain = -0.002198 - G.p.(b)Otpt No: 73 Time= 9,3360, yield reached. Elm: C11bb. Steel Strain = 0.002502 - G.p.(a)Otpt No: 73 Time= 9,3360, yield reached. Elm: C2011a. Steel Strain = 0.002633 - G.p.(b)Otpt No: 73 Time= 9,3360, fracture reached. Elm: C2011b. Steel Strain = 0.069858 - G.p.(a)Otpt No: 73 Time= 9,3360, fracture reached. Elm: C2011b. Steel Strain = 0.109096 - G.p.(b)Otpt No: 73 Time= 9,3360, crush reached. Elm: C2011b. Conf Conc Strain = -0.007241 - G.p.(a)Otpt No: 73 Time= 9,3360, crush reached. Elm: C2011b. Conf Conc Strain = -0.04781 - G.p.(b)Otpt No: 73 Time= 9,3360, yield reached. Elm: C5011b. Steel Strain = 0.005749 - G.p.(a)

Typical log-file output

Otpt No: Time= reached Elm: Mat 1 Mat 2 Strain = Gauss point

1 0.1500, crack_cover bmz3412. Unc Conc 0.000107 G.p.(b) 1 0.1500, crack_core bmz2511. Conf Conc 0.000101 G.p.(a) 1 0.1500, crack_cover bmz2511. Unc Conc 0.000113 G.p.(a) 1 0.1500, crack_core bmz2512. Conf Conc 0.000108 G.p.(b) 1 0.1500, crack_cover bmz2512. Unc Conc 0.000122 G.p.(b) 1 0.1500, crack_cover bmz4411. Unc Conc 0.000101 G.p.(a) 1 0.1500, crack_cover bmz4412. Unc Conc 0.000109 G.p.(b) 1 0.1500, crack_core bmz3511. Conf Conc 0.000104 G.p.(a) 1 0.1500, crack_cover bmz3511. Unc Conc 0.000116 G.p.(a) 1 0.1500, crack_core bmz3512. Conf Conc 0.000111 G.p.(b)

Log-file output imported in MS Excell

ID Otpt No: Time= reached Elm: Mat 1 Mat 2 Strain = Gauss point

1 1 0.1500, crack_cover bmz3412. Unc Conc 0.000107 G.p.(b)

2 1 0.1500, crack_core bmz2511. Conf Conc 0.000101 G.p.(a)

3 1 0.1500, crack_cover bmz2511. Unc Conc 0.000113 G.p.(a)

4 1 0.1500, crack_core bmz2512. Conf Conc 0.000108 G.p.(b)

5 1 0.1500, crack_cover bmz2512. Unc Conc 0.000122 G.p.(b)

6 1 0.1500, crack_cover bmz4411. Unc Conc 0.000101 G.p.(a)

7 1 0.1500, crack_cover bmz4412. Unc Conc 0.000109 G.p.(b)

8 1 0.1500, crack_core bmz3511. Conf Conc 0.000104 G.p.(a)

9 1 0.1500, crack_cover bmz3511. Unc Conc 0.000116 G.p.(a)

10 1 0.1500, crack_core bmz3512. Conf Conc 0.000111 G.p.(b)

Log-file imported in MS Access

Gesamtsumme von ID yield crush spall crack_core crack_cover element

15 4 1 2 4 4 bmx121

14 4 2 4 4 bmx122

14 4 2 4 4 bmx133

14 4 2 4 4 bmx141

14 4 2 4 4 bmx142

10 2 4 4 bmx152

10 2 4 4 bmx153

10 2 4 4 bmx154

8 4 4 bmx161

8 4 4 bmx162

MS Access query

Formulas – principle of addition

Reparation of a column damaged till yield/crush =

48,16 x + 1 x + 270 x + 10 x + 25 x + 1 x


Reparation of a column damaged till reinforcement

yield/concrete crush =

41,68 x + 1 x + 2 x + 270 x + 0,9 x + 2,4 x + 1 x + 0,75 x


Reparation of a column damaged till spall =

22,67 x + 0,33 x + 270 x + 10 x + 25 x + 0,33 x


Reparation of a beam damaged till spall =

23,91 x + 0,0572 x + 0,8 x + 0,009 x + 0,18 x


Reparation of a column with rifts = 36,48 x + 4,8 x + 0,015 x + 4,8



Reparation of a beam with rifts = 38 x + 6,75 x + 0,015 x + 6,75 x (6)

The formulas are based on the devices. The unknown depend on country and time as


- is he hour salary,

- is the price for bringing away concrete,

- is the price for 1kg steel,

- is the price for scaffolding 1m²,

- is the price for supporting the scaffolding 1m,

- is the preice for 1m³ concrete,

- is the price for a hole in the slab,

- is he price for 1m² plastering,

- is the approximative price for injection materials,

- is the price for brining away the old plastering (1m³).

Total reparation cost = reparation cost for yield/crush colum x nr. of yield crush/columns +Reparation cost for spall column x nr. of spall columns +Reparation cost for rifts colum x nr. of rifted colums +Reparation cost for yield/crush beam x nr. of yield/crush beams +Reparation cost for spall beam x nr. of spall beams +Reparation cost for rifts beam x nr. of rift beams

While the numbers can be counted with the procedure shown before

Total preventive retrofit costs =Costs for a measures device x nr. of elements

Alternatively a project management software can be employed.

Moment of the measure

Extent of the measure

Extent of the measureCosts



Comparison to agent based automated method Computer tools can aid local decision makers in

postearthquake disaster staff. Fiedrich (2004) proposed the integrative model EQ-RESQUE to support the prioritisation of intervention zones and the efficient allocation of help-and-rescue resources through action proposals. A distributed simulation system (high level architecture) connects its two interacting components:

simulation of the dynamic disaster environment and of the work of resources;

decision process modelling using software agents mathematically optimised with expert knowledge concerning the multiple tasks and the communication structures and decision competences within the disaster staff.


Positive aspects: Easy to follow and to understand

decision process, especially for the stakeholders

Drawbacks: Subjective approache to a high degree

Improvement proposals: New algorythm ?

Thank you

Iuliana ArmaşMaria Boştenaru
