EcoMadness Jeopardy

Post on 01-Jan-2016

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EcoMadness Jeopardy. Water for 10 points. Where does UConn get its water? a.)The Connecticut River b.) Mirror Lake and Swan c.) The well fields near the Fenton River and the Willimantic River. Answer. Back to board. Answer:. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of EcoMadness Jeopardy

Water EnergyUConn’s

Sustainable Accomplish-


General Sustainability EcoMadness

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EcoMadness Jeopardy

Water for 10 points


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Where does UConn get its water?

a.)The Connecticut River

b.) Mirror Lake and Swan

c.) The well fields near the Fenton River and the Willimantic River


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c.) The well fields near the Fenton River and the Willimantic River

Water for 20 points

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What is a watershed?

a.) A drainage basin that feeds water into a stream

b.) A shed that stores water

c.) The amount of water that leaks into a body of water

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a.) A drainage basin that feeds water into a stream

Water for 30 points

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How many gallons of water are saved per minute when you take a shorter shower?

a.) 5-10

b.) 20-25

c.) 1-2

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a.) 5-10

Water for 40 points

Answer: Back to board

How much water does UConn use each day?

a.) 800,000 gallons

b.) 1.3 million gallons

c.) 2.4 million gallons

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b.) 1.3 million gallons


Water for 50 points

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What is the average number of gallons of water consumed a day by a student at UConn?

a.) 10 gallons

b.) 40.1 gallons

c.) 72.6 gallons

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b.) 40.1 gallons

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Energy for 10 points

The Phantom load is….

a.) Something that occurs when ghosts get stressed

b.) Additional water used in a building simply because a faucet is leaking

c.) A phenomenon that occurs when electronics are left plugged in so even when not in use, they still draw energy from the outlet



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c.) A phenomenon that occurs when electronics are left plugged in so even when not in use, they still draw energy from the outlet

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Energy for 20 points


On average, how many kWh’s of electricity does a UConn student use each day?

a.) 4.9 kWh

b.) 50 kWh

c.) 2.3 kWh


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a.) 4.9 kWh

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Energy for 30 points


CFL light bulbs use what fraction of energy as regular incandescent bulbs?

a.) 1/10

b.) 1/4

c.) 1/2


b.) 1/4

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Energy for 40 points


What is the aim of UConn’s retro commissioning project?

a.) Reconstruction/remodeling of buildings on campus

b.) Reinstallation of more energy efficient lighting

c.) Optimization of building controls (HVAC, heating/cooling, etc.)


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c.) Optimization of building controls (HVAC, heating/cooling, etc.)

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Energy for 50 points


UConn has a Cogen facility on campus. Cogeneration is defined as:

a.) Production of two types of energy from two different sources

b.) Sequential production of both electrical or mechanical energy and useful thermal energy from a single energy source

c.) Using more than one renewable energy source to provide energy to a power supplier


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b.) Sequential production of both electrical or mechanical energy and useful thermal energy from a single energy source

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UConn’s Sustainable Accomplishments for 10 Points


What type of recycling system does UConn use?

a.) Sorting (i.e glass, plastic, paper, etc.)

b.) Uconn doesn’t recycle

c.) Single stream (no sorting necessary)


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c.) Single stream (no sorting necessary)

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UConn’s Sustainable Accomplishments for 20 Points


UConn ranked in the Sierra Club’s “Coolest Schools” survey this year.

a.) 1st

b.) 25th

c.) 42nd


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a.) 1st

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UConn’s Sustainable Accomplishments for 30 Points


In Spring 2008, President Hogan signed the American College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment. This agreement requires UConn to achieve what by the year 2050?

a.) 75% reduction in carbon emissions from 2008 levels

b.) Carbon neutrality

c.) Use of only renewable energy sources for campus power


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b.) Carbon neutrality

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UConn’s Sustainable Accomplishments for 40 Points


In 2006 UConn’s Burton-Shenkman football complex became the first NCAA’s LEED certified athletic complex. How much more energy efficient is this building than required by standard building codes?

a.) 10-15%


c.) 60-65%


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UConn’s Sustainable Accomplishments for 50 Points


How many pairs of sneakers were donated to Kicks for Africa at UConn in the spring of 2013?

a.) 60 pairs

b.) 500 pairs

c.) 1,000 pairs


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c.) 1,000 pairs

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General Sustainability for 10 points


What is a carbon footprint?

a.) The footprint created by placing your foot in the dirt

b.) The calculation of the energy you use and the pollution you create

c.) A term made by environmental extremists with no logical meaning


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b.) The calculation of the energy you use and the pollution you create

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General Sustainability for 20 points


What is sustainability?

a.) Living healthy by eating purely organic foods in order to extend one’s lifespan

b.) The quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural resources, and thereby supporting long-term ecological balance for future generations

c.) Choosing to live in the wild as one with nature


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b.) The quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural resources, and thereby supporting long-term ecological balance for future generations

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General Sustainability for 30 points


In what order should you change your habits in order to live sustainably? In other words, rank these actions in order from most to least in terms of positive impact on the environment.

a.) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

b.) Recycle, Reduce, Reuse

c.) Reuse, Recycle, Reduce


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a.) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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General Sustainability for 40 points


What is environmental stewardship?

a.) Throwing away all products that have not been labeled as environmentally friendly

b.) Responsible use and protection of natural resources and the environment through conservation and sustainable practices

c.) A lifestyle that can only be accomplished by living in nature away from the rest of modern society


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b.) Responsible use and protection of natural resources and the environment through conservation and sustainable practices

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General Sustainability for 50 points


What is a green roof?

a.) A roof covered fully or partially with vegetation that helps control rain water run-off, and reduce the building’s heating and cooling needs

b.) A roof that has been painted green in order to increase environmental awareness

c.) The roof of a tree house


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a.) A roof covered fully or partially with vegetation that helps control rain water run-off, and reduce the building’s heating and cooling needs

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EcoMadness for 10 points


What is EcoMadness?

a.) A recycling competition

b.) An Energy and water saving competition

c.) The phenomenon when environmentalists get overly excited about a particular environmental issue


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b.) An Energy and water saving competition

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EcoMadness for 20 points


Which dorm areas are competing in EcoMadness this year (2013)?

a.) West, East, Northwest, Towers, Buckley, and Shippee

b.) McMahon, Alumni, West, Connecticut Commons, and South

c.) All the dorms on campus participate in EcoMadness


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a.) West, East, Northwest, Towers, Buckley, and Shippee

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EcoMadness for 30 points


What will the winning buildings receive as a prize at the end of EcoMadness?

a.) A group trip to Six Flags water park

b.) A UConn Dairy Bar ice cream party

c.) Free reusable water bottles and CFL lightbulbs


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b.) A UConn Dairy Bar ice cream party

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EcoMadness for 40 points


How much did the winning dorm for water reduction from 2012 reduce their water consumption by?

a.) 21.0%

b.) 3.4%

c.) 11.6%


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a.) 21.0%

Does your dorm have what it takes to beat last year’s winners???

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EcoMadness for 50 points


EcoMadness is run by which on campus organization(s)?

a.) EcoHusky

b.) EcoHouse

c.) The Office of Environmental Policy &Reslife


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c.) The Office of Environmental Policy & Reslife