Ecology 302: Lecture VII. Species Interactions. 7.pdf · 2 Key Points. • Types of pair-wise...

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Transcript of Ecology 302: Lecture VII. Species Interactions. 7.pdf · 2 Key Points. • Types of pair-wise...


Ecology 302: Lecture VII. Species Interactions.

(Gotelli, Chapters 6; Ricklefs, Chapter 14-15)

MacArthur’s warblers. Variation in feeding behavior allows morphologically

similar species of the genus Dendroica to coexist in eastern coniferous



Key Points.

• Types of pair-wise interactions and examples.

• Lynx-hare cycle.

o Embedded in a complex food web.

o Supplemental hare feeding / hare predator exclusion ex-

periments suggest that both predation (lynx eats hare) and

hare food supply essential components of the cycle.

o Validated by three-level food chain model: Lynx-hare-


• Lotka-Volterra (L-V) predator-prey model.

o Prey grow exponentially absent predation

o Predators harvest prey in proportion to their abundance.

o Isocline analysis ⇒ oscillatory solutions.

o Global analysis ⇒ infinite number of neutrally stable pe-

riodic orbits.

• In the laboratory, one or both species of a predator-prey pair

go extinct unless special measures taken.

o Increasing microcosm size.


o Reducing prey food supply (medium impoverishment)

o Reducing contact rate between predator and prey

o Spatially heterogeneous environment.

• L-V model biologically unrealistic.

• Consumer-resource equations cap victim density, i.e., absent

predation, victims assumed to grow logistically.

o System goes to stable equilibrium with both species pre-

sent or

o Predators die out and � → �

o Depends on whether or not predator numbers can increase

when � � �.

• Rosenzweig-MacArthur equations add predator satiation.

o Two species equilibrium can be stable or unstable

o If unstable, dynamics → a single stable limit cycle.

o Depends on degree of predator-proficiency.

o Paradox of enrichment.


I. Pair-wise Interactions.

A. Competition (-/-).

1. Each species reduces the

growth rate of the


2. Can be exploitative or

via interference.

3. Resources can be re-

newable (seeds, in-sects,

etc.) or not (space, nest


B. Predator-Prey (+/-)

1. One species benefits;

the other suffers.

2. Includes pathogen-host,

parasite-host interac-


C. Mutualism (+/+)

1. Can be obligate – e.g.,

a. Yucca-Yucca moth.

b. Acacia-ant.

2. Or not.

Figure 1. Examples of predator-

prey, mutualistic and commensal



D. Commensalism (+/0)

1. One species benefits from, but does not affect the


2. E.g. Cattle egrets / buffalo.

E. Amensalism (-/0)

1. One species harmed by, but does not affect, the other.

2. Understory (short) trees are shaded out by, but do not

affect, the growth of canopy (tall) species.

Figure 2. Above. Competition for space by two species of barnacles.

Next page. Ant-acacia mutualism.



F. Nature of interaction can change with circumstamces.

G. Ricklefs gives example of saguraro-nurse plant interaction:

1. Saguaro protected by nurse plants when young (+/0)

2. Ungrateful older saguaro unaffected by, but interfereres

with, nurse plant (0/-). Or the two plants compete with

each other for water (-/-).


II. Lynx-Hare Cycle.

A. Pairwise interactions embedded in larger networks.

1. Sometimes, behavior of the whole understandable in

terms of a limited number of key interactions.

2. Example: Boreal forest foodweb.

a. Arrows indicate flow of energy – who eats


b. Much can be understood in terms of three

variables: lynx, hare and “vegetation.”

Figure 3. The lynx-hare interaction is embedded in a larger network.


B. Background. 1. “Ten-year” cycle

since late 1700s.

2. Lynx eat hare

(principally); hares

eat vegetation.

3. Long-standing

dispute as to nature

of the oscilation.

C. Field experiments ⇒

both important.

D. Three treatments:

1. Hares given supple-

mental food.

2. Terrestrial predators

excluded by fences

through which hares

could pass.

3. Food + Exclusion

Figure 4. Top. Lynx pursues

hare. Bottom. Time series.


E. Results:

1. Supplemental food

increased hare den-

sities, but didn’t de-

lay population crash.

2. Excluding terrestrial

(but not avian) pred-

ators had negligible


3. Combined treatment

increased hare den-

sities and postponed


F. Three “species” model.

1. Lynx, hare, vegetation + seasonality.

2. Parameterized from known biology.

3. Qualitatively replicates experimental findings.

Figure 5. Effect of supplemental

feeding and partial predator ex-

clusion on snowshoe hare de-

mography. Top. Data of Krebs

and associates. Bottom. Output

of three species model


III. Lotka-Volterra Predator-Prey Dynamics.

A. Equations.

���� � ��� � ��

(1) ���� � ��� � ��

1. P – predators; V – victims;

2. – baby predators per victim consumed; k – kill rate

�pd-sec���; d – predator per capita death rate


3. r – victim per capita rate of increase absent

predation �sec���;

B. Equilibrium:

�∗ � � ;�∗ � �



IV. Isocline Analysis.

A. Plot zero-growth isoclines:

���� � 0:� � �

(3) ���� � 0:� � �

B. Note whether each species

increases or decreases in

different regions of � � �


���� � 0 ⇔ � � �

(4) ���� � 0 ⇔ � � �

C. Draw arrows in P and V directions; compute resultants.

D. We can conclude that the system can oscillate, but not

whether the oscillations die out, grow or tend to one or so-

called “limit cycles”.

Figure 4. Predator (�� ��⁄ � �)

and victim (�� ��⁄ � �) zero-

growth isoclines. Arrows indicate

changing densities of the two

species. There are two equilibria,

��, �� � !�"/$�, �� ⁄ %$�& and

the origin, which is a saddle.


V. Global Dynamics.

A. One can prove (but we will not) that

1. There are an infinite number of oscillations

that neither grow nor decay.

2. Amplitude and period of the oscillations

depends on the initial values of the two


Figure 5. Lotka-Volterra dynamics. left. Isocline analysis indicates the

potential for oscillatory behavior. Right. Solutions to Eqs 1. Changing

the constants distorts the solution curves, but does not affect the quali-

tative picture – an infinite number of neutrally stable cycles.


VI. In the Laboratory.

A. Early experiments by Gause and others

1. Confirmed oscillatory nature of Pd-Py dynamics, but

2. Absent immigration, one or both species invariably go


B. Subsequently determined that oscillations stabilized by

1. Increasing size of the microcosm – no stochastic

extinction (Luckenbill)

2. Medium impoverishment (Luckenbill) – as opposed to

enrichment which destabilizes (see Gotelli, pp. 140 ff.)

3. Mobility reduction (both species) – reduces contact

rate– by making the medium more viscous (Luckinbill).

4. Spatial heterogeneity – Huffaker’s mite expts (see

Rickleffs, p. 310 ff.)

Figure 5. Left. Didinium eats Paramecium. Right. When introduced to a

population of Paramecium at carrying capacity, Didinium exterminates

its prey and then dies out. From Gause (1934)


VII. Beyond Lotka-Volterra.

A. Unrealistic L-V assumptions.

1. No limit to numbers of

prey absent predation.

2. Per predator harvest rate

� '. Requires

a. infinite predator hunt-

ing, killing skills;

b. Infinitely distensible

predator stomachs

3. No stochastic extinction.

B. Other unrealistic assumptions.

a. Only two species.

b. Populations homogeneous – all individuals the same.

c. Space doesn’t matter – “well stirred” assumption.

d. Phenotypes fixed – no behavioral, developmental,

evolutionary responses to changing numbers of both


So many mice; so little time.


Figure 6. Potpourri of predator-prey dynamics. Representative trajectories

superimposed on zero-growth isoclines �� ��⁄ � � and �� ��⁄ � � a. Lot-

ka-Volterra model (Equations 1) reproduces the back and forth motion of a

frictionless pendulum. b. With the addition of an upper bound to victim

density, infinite numbers of periodic solutions give way to a single stable

equilibrium. c. The addition of predator satiation restores the possibility of

oscillatory behavior. d. Providing for extinction when victim densities drop

below a critical threshold converts the system into an ecological analog of

a nerve cell – stimulate and fire.


C. Consumer-Resource Equations cap victim population.

1. Equations.

���� � ��� � ��


���� � � (� )1 � �

�+ � �,

2. If �∗ � � there is an interior equilibrium (Figure 4b) at

�^ � � )1 � �∗

� + (6)

�^ � �

3. Two scenarios:

a. �∗ � �: ��, �� → �0, ��

b. �∗ � �: ��, �� � ��∗, �∗�; ��, �� � �0, �� is a saddle.


Figure 7. Isoclines (top) and dynamics (bottom) in the case of victim lim-

itation in the absence of predators (Eqs 5). Left. �∗ � .. Right. �∗ � ..

Note that in this and the preceding (L-V) case, the origin in as saddle.


D. Nonlinear Functional Response (FR) – cap predator


1. Replace ' in LV and CR

with /���, where

/��� � 0121321 (7)

and χ is called the half-

saturation constant.

2. /��� is called the pred-

ator functional response


3. Note that

lim0→7 /��� � 1

4. Type II FR ( 8 9 1). /���

increases with V at a

diminishing rate.

5. Type III FR. (/��� � 1. /��� is sigmoidal.

Figure 8. Realizations of Eq 7

(functional response) for differ-

ent values of n (top) and χ (bot-

tom). With n = 1, FR is equivalent

to Michaelis-Menten kinetics.


E. Rosenzweig-MacArthur (RM) model: Prey carrying capacity

+ type II FR.

1. Equations.

���: � � ) �

; < � � �� (8)

���: � � (� )1 � �

�+ � �; < �,

2. Equilibria.

��, �� � �0,0�; ��, �� � �0, ��


��∗, �∗� � ( �; � � , �

)1 � �∗

� + �; < �∗�,

3. Isoclines.

�= � 0:� � � )1 � �

�+ �; < ��


�= � 0:� � �; � �


4. Victim isocline dome-shaped; peaks at

> � � � ;2 �11�

5. Three scenarios:

a. �∗ � �: �����, ����� → �0, ��

b. � � �∗ � >: �����, ����� → ��∗. �∗�

c. �∗ � >: �����, ����� → a limit cycle.

Figure 9. Predator-prey dynamics with victim carrying capacity and type

II FR. Left. �∗ �J. The interior equilibrium is stable. Right. Solutions tend

to a stable limit cycle.


6. Paradox of enrichment:

Increasing victim carrying


a. Equilibrium density of

predators increased.

b. Equilibrium density of

victims unaffected.

c. Can destabilize other-

wise stable interaction,

i.e., stable equilibrium becomes unstable; system

winds out to a stable limit cycle.

d. Consequence of shifting > � �� � χ�/2 (victim density

at which victim isocline peaks) to the right.

Figure 10. Enriching a food chain

at its base can destabilize a pred-

ator-prey interaction by shifting

the peak in the victim isocline to

the right of the predator isocline.


Table 1. Dynamics of Predator-Prey Models.

Model ��∗, �∗� (0,0) (0,K) POs

LV Neut.

Stable Saddle –

∞ Number

Neut. Stable

CR Stable Saddle Saddle or

stable –

RM Stable

Unstable Saddle

Saddle or


Limit cycle