Echevarria erik ppp_final

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Echevarria erik ppp_final

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Sunday, August 2, 15

Core Colors

Recolor each box with your 2-3 colors for this presentation.

FONT Type in a sample of the typeface/font you will use for this project.

Choose one of these supporting shapes to use consistently in your presentation.


Use this slide in Week 3 to document your design decisions; skip/hide this slide before submitting your final draft!


Sunday, August 2, 15

Hear It, Feel It

Sunday, August 2, 15

Lights, camera, action

Sunday, August 2, 15

When you watch a film you’re stimulating multiple senses. You’re seeing whats onscreen and you’re hearing the sound you expect to accompany the visuals. This is no new phenomenon, but in recent years it has become quite a new experience.

“The feels”

Sunday, August 2, 15

Nowadays, films can stimulate your emotions in ways you never thought possible. Visuals can only take you so far, but when you hear the proper music behind them you’re almost fully submersed. This is where the “feel it” part of my mantra comes in. Imagine tense music behind an image like this one for instance. If properly done, it can make the viewer cringe at what they’re seeing.


Sunday, August 2, 15

Some of the most memorable scenes in film history can be identified simply by the music behind them. Think about “Psycho” and the music that plays as Norman Bates approaches his victim in the shower. It’s not only appropriate, it’s unforgettable. This is the type of effect I want to have on the viewer, a lasting impression.


Sunday, August 2, 15

A bit about me and what I want to do. I was no stranger to music as I grew up with a father who was a drummer. Naturally, I took drum lessons once of age and played drums in the school bands throughout middle and high school. After graduating I pursued a career as a barber and didn’t continue playing music until I moved to the city. It was there when I began hanging out with musicians and became involved

Hello Philly

Sunday, August 2, 15

In 2007 I moved to Philadelphia and befriended some musicians whom I’d hung with on a regular basis. I was fascinated with how into their music they were. They were constantly coming up with new ideas for songs and videos etc. They took every opportunity to rap and write songs, sometimes even on the spot. This was cool to me and I wished I could be doing what they were doing.

Psst...hey kid, wanna make some music? Sunday, August 2, 15

Then one day while walking through the music shop I happened to find a DAW software in the $5 bin for the Playstation 2 console (believe it or not). It was a basic program that gave you a very generic selection of sounds and effects. Before purchasing that software I had no experience in music production or sequencing. Well, I opened that software that same night and didn’t stop messing with it for at least a month straight. And finally, the day came when my buddies came by to hang out and of course they were all jazzed up about a new project they were working on and whatnot. Amidst the excitement they exhibited I found it to be the best opportunity to show them what I had created since the last time they’d been over. Their reaction was what planted the seed. They raved over what I had made and I felt so amazing about that. From that day about 9 years ago, I knew music was my new career goal.

The Humble Setup

Sunday, August 2, 15

Shortly after I got into music, ironically, they broke up never to make music again. Well, that didn’t affect me at all. In fact, I started to put some gear together. I knew if I was going to make some recordings I’d need something more than a Playstation based software so I had a friend of mine build me an old pc with just enough specs to install a decent DAW to work with on it (this is not mine, its a stock photo). I grabbed some softwares to install and immediately got to work. After building up enough confidence to show my work off to others who were involved at the time. I received more great responses and became more and more in love with production. I then decided to invest in myself and take it to the next phase. I focused all my free time on creating and I felt myself wanting to spend more time making music than actually working at my real profession. This may have been where I was starting to want to change careers.

Upgrade ya

Sunday, August 2, 15

I upgraded some gear. I remember leaving the music shop thinking “man this could be the most fun I’ll ever have and I could potentially make money doing it”. I raced home and setup all my stuff and when I heard the difference from computer speakers to professional studio reference monitors I was blown away. I spent the next few years producing hip-hop and electronic based beats and recording a handful of artists I met along the way.

Golden era

Sunday, August 2, 15

I continued this until I met the rap-collective band I’d eventually join as in-house producer. We saw some local success and ended up touring the northeast for over 4 years. In the midst of all that, I met a student from Full Sail. He was a DJ who had done some shows with us and he was attending the school online. He gave me the rundown and I wasted no time looking into the program. I can now say, it was the best decision of my adult life.

Always Be Better

Sunday, August 2, 15

Once I joined Full sail I knew my ideas of what I wanted to do after graduation would probably change a thousand times before actually walking the bleachers. Well, that was spot on accurate. I have taken interest in multiple aspects of music production since learning the fundamentals of audio and all of the theories behind music. I took the most liking to composing for film, commercials and video games. The look & listen aspect piques my interest the most. I’ve done very well in my classes that required us to compose and produce for multiple forms of media and examples are all linked in my resume.

Game on

Sunday, August 2, 15

Todays video games can take things even further. Try playing a war game on a current generation console and you’ll notice you’re seeing, hearing AND feeling whats going on. Your controller vibrates at every shot you take. It rumbles if there is an explosion nearby. The sound of bullets are whizzing by you in completely accurate panorama. The experience is very consuming and realistic. Well this is what I want to offer. I want to make the game my client is making sound huge. I want their clients to FEEL what they’re playing.

Let’s put you right there

Sunday, August 2, 15

If you go to a theater to see a film these days, you’ll surely notice the sound system is incredible at minimum. This is because film makers are aware that composers can score a soundtrack that can really make their film come to life. Take this photo for instance, imagine ethereal, ambient music playing behind this shot. You almost feel like what you’re seeing is right in front of you. This experience is what makes any form of visual media memorable.


Sunday, August 2, 15

When you see an explosion onscreen you want to feel the bass rumbling in your chest. You hear the shrapnel flying by and almost want to duck because how accurate the depiction is.

Hit The Deck!!

Sunday, August 2, 15

When I play a game I like to hear and see everything loud and clear. The soundtrack is important but the sound effects can make or break your game. When I create original sounds, I like to use organic textures to give you that authentic feel. I want you to hear bullets whizzing by panning left to right, front to back. I want you to hear your enemies walking quietly behind you as their boots crunch the roughage on the ground. I want you to hear the ringing in your ears when a grenade goes off too close to you. I want you to feel like you’re there. I’m sure you want the same feeling.

Take a trip

Sunday, August 2, 15

Imagine the sounds of water calmly rippling as you hear the crisp mountain air whirr in the background. Hear the birds chirping as they fly by above. The instruments playing in the background make you feel like you’re right in the orient. The entire scene can come alive by the addition of the proper sound.

Remember me..

Sunday, August 2, 15

Film is art. I want to leave an impression so deep the viewer never forgets the scene. The image can have a huge effect on the viewer by itself, it only intensifies with the proper song playing in the background.

Listen Up

Sunday, August 2, 15

Lets also not forget about your radio needs. I can provide you with the best radio spot you can buy. My original jingles and sonic branding melodies will ensure that your product stays ingrained into the brains of all listeners. Think of the clever yet simple and amazingly catchy tunes you hear when you see a commonly familiar brand’s logo. The logo will not even need to be seen after the client know and trust your company. At&t could play their short tune over the radio and the listeners would immediately recognize it without a second thought. This is the kind of sonic branding YOU NEED. Let me deliver this for you.

Trust Us, We Got You Covered

Sunday, August 2, 15

Your brand is your namesake. You want the best TV and radio spot for your company. You need a good quality commercial to reassure your clients that their needs are going to be met with you. The best way to catch the attention of listeners and viewers is to have a professional commercial. This can set your name in stone with clients. The more they hear and see you, the more comfortable they are trusting you.

Big Sound, Big


Sunday, August 2, 15

You may ask how I have the ability to bring your project to life. Well, I learned a ton of theory in school and fell in love with the fundamentals of composing for film and digital media. The textures, keys, scales and tones used for each and every scene and every character are designed specifically for them. This all gives the viewer a steady familiar thematic thought for everything they see onscreen. In other words, when the hero in a film is portrayed onscreen, the music used to identify with them intensifies and calms depending on the situation they’re involved in. This is a huge and necessary thing in any great film. Think about Star Wars and John Williams, not much more to be said right?

Strut Your Stuff

Sunday, August 2, 15

Are you an artist looking for a music bed? I can provide that too. As shown on my resume, I’ve produced for two separate fashion shows in the past. Runway models need a good, vibey music bed and I can give them the best track they’ve ever strutted down the catwalk to. I’ve been to quite a few shows and I can attest to the fact that a good show is only accompanied and complete with good music.


Sunday, August 2, 15

Let’s not forget where I came from. What I mastered before even starting school; recording artists in the studio. This is where I developed my style. This is where I focused my attention for so long before I was taught new techniques and opened up to other forms of music production. Whether you need production for your artist or simply need instrumentals for your own use, I can provide you with that. My love for instrumental production is like that of a child. I planted the seed years back and it flourished into this intricate art form over the years and I couldn’t be happier.

Sunday, August 2, 15

Let me take you on YOUR journey. You created it, I’m just helping perfect it. You don’t need my help, but you deserve it. Hear it, Feel it. I promise you’ll leave a lasting impression with your work.

Sunday, August 2, 15

Sunday, August 2, 15

Sunday, August 2, 15

Sunday, August 2, 15

Sunday, August 2, 15

Sunday, August 2, 15

Sunday, August 2, 15

Sunday, August 2, 15

Sunday, August 2, 15

Sunday, August 2, 15

Sunday, August 2, 15

Sunday, August 2, 15

Sunday, August 2, 15

Sunday, August 2, 15

Sunday, August 2, 15

Sunday, August 2, 15

Sunday, August 2, 15