Eca Question Bank With Tag

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Transcript of Eca Question Bank With Tag


UNIT-I1. Mention any three applications of a CE amplifier. Consider a single stageCE amplifier with RS = 1K and RL = 1.2K. Using typical values of h-parameters find Ai, AV, Ri and Ro.(R-10,S-1,Aug-2014)

2. Explain how FET can be used as an amplifier. The FET shown in figure 1 has the following parameters: IDSS = 5.6 mA, and VP = -4V. Find o, if (i) i = 0 and (ii) i = 10V. (R-10,S-1,Aug-2014)

3. Draw AC equivalent circuit for a CE amplifier with a bypassed emitter resistor and with un-bypasses emitter resistor. Briefly explain each circuit.(R-10,S-2,Aug-2014)4. What are the advantages of h-parameters.(R-10,S-2,Aug-2014)5. The circuit shown in the Figure1, the CS amplifier with self-bias and by pass resistor Ro.(R-10,S-3,Aug-2014)6. Derive the expressions for Ri, Ro and AV, using its equivalent circuit.(R-10,S-3,Aug-2014)7. A self-biased CE amplifier circuit has R1 = 100 K , R2 = 10K, Rc = 5K, RE = 1K, Compute AI, AV, AVS and Ri. The h-parameters of the tran i tor are hie =10K.(R-10,S-4,Aug-2014)8. Draw the circuit diagram of Common Drain amplifier and derive an expression for its Voltage gain.(R-10,S-4,Aug-2014)9. The h-parameters of the transistor used in CE amplifier are hfe = 50, hie =1.1K,

hre = 2.510-4, hoe = 24 A/V. Find out current gain and voltage gains with and without source resistance , input and output impedances , given that RL= 10 K and RS= 1 K. (R-10,S-1,April/May-2013)10. Discuss the classification of amplifiers based on frequency range, type of coupling, power delivered, and signal handled. (R-10,S-1,April/May-2013)11. The h-parameters of a transistor are hfe = 50, hie = 1.1K, hre = 2.5x10-4, hoe = 24 A/V Calculate AI, AV, AVS, Ri, and Ro for Figure 1b (R-10,S-2,April/May-2013)

12. State Miller's theorem. Explain its significance in transistor circuit analysis. (R-10,S-3, April/May-2013)

13. For the Common Gate amplifier shown below Figure 1, derive expressions for voltage gain, input impedance and output impedance. Power supplies are omitted for simplicity. Neglect capacitances. (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)

14. Sketch the circuit of a Common Source amplifier. Derive an expression for the Voltage gain at low frequencies. What is the maximum value of AV.(R-10,S-1,Jan/Feb-2014)

15. Calculate the voltage gain AV = Vo/Vi at 1 KHz for the circuit shown in 1b.The FET parameters are gm=2 mA and rd=10K. Neglect capacitances. If the capacitance 0.003F is also considered, calculate the voltage gain.(R-10,S-1,Jan/Feb-2014)16. Derive the equations for the current gain, input impedance, voltage gain and output impedance of an emitter follower operating at low frequencies in terms of common emitter h-parameters.(R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2014)17. Using Millers theorem, prove that for a CE amplifier with resistive load the output gmRL.(R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2014)18. Derive the equation for voltage gain and input impedance of a common source JFET amplifier with the help of its circuit diagram and its equivalent circuit. (R-10,S-3,Jan/Feb-2014)

19. Calculate AiRi, Av, Ro for the CC amplifier circuit with CE h-parameters given by hfe=50, hie=1k, hoe = 50k also the resistance parameters given by RL=1k. (R-10,S-3,Jan/Feb-2014)20. An Emitter follower circuit has the following parameters RL=1k, RS= 50, hfe=50, hie = 1k, hoe = 50k , R1 = 100k , R2 = 10k , RE = 10k . Calculate Ri, Ro,Av, and Aifor the above circuit. (R-10,S-4,Jan/Feb-2014)21. Derive an expression for the voltage gain of common source amplifier by using low frequency model. (R-10,S-1,Jan/Feb-2015)22. For a single stage common emitter transistor amplifier configuration, RS=10K and RL= 10K. The h-parameter values are hfc= - 51, hic =1.1K _ , hrc = 1, hoc = 25 A/V. Find AI; AV; AVS; Ri, and Ro. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)23. Show that in Hybrid - model, the diffusion capacitance is proportional to the emitter bias current. (R-10,S-4,Jan/Feb-2015)24. What is the frequency range to consider Giacolletto model of a transistor at high frequencies? What is the significance of fT in discussing the frequency range of a transistor at high frequencies? (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)25. Draw the circuit of a Common Source FET amplifier. Derive an expression for the Voltage gain at low frequencies. What is the maximum value of AV. (R-10,S-3,Jan/Feb-2012)26. Draw the Common Source amplifier at Higher Frequencies and derive an expression for voltage gain. (R-10,S-2,April/May-2012)27. Discuss about various capacitances in a transistor at high frequencies.(R-10,S-4,Aug-2012)28. For the emitter follower circuit as shown in Figure 1, calculate the quiescent voltage and current for VCC=20 V, hfc = 1.3K _, hoc = 2.8 x 10-6 mhos and hrc is negligibly small. Reactance of capacitance need not be considered at the frequencies of interest. If R1 = 27 _ , R2 = 8.6 k _ , RL= RE =500 _ , Rs = 1k _ , Rc=1.2 k_, Find the maximum undistorted peak to- peak output voltage.(R-10,S-1,Aug-2012)

UNIT-II1. An RC coupled FET Amplifier has the following circuit values: RL =10K, RG=500K, Cc=0.01F, Csh=150 pF, =25, rd=10 K and gm =2.5mA/V, find Am, f1and f2 and also derive the three parameter expressions.(R-10,S-1,Aug-2014)2. Derive the relation between f2 and f2n when such, n-identical amplifier stages are cascaded. (R-10,S-1,Aug-2014)3. In an RC-coupled BJT amplifier, it is given that RL=6.8k, effective AC load after Cc is Rac=1k, Cc=1 f, CE=24F, RE=2.2k, hfe =49, RS=5k and hie=1k, find the low frequency cut off point. (R-10,S-2,Aug-2014)4. An RC-coupled BJT amplifier, it is given that RL=6.8k, effective AC load after Cc isRac=1k, Cc=1 f, CE=24F, RE=2.2k, hfe =49, RS=5k and hie=1k, find the low frequency cut off point. (R-10,S-1,Jan/Feb-2014)5. Compare different types of amplifier circuits based on the type of coupling. (R-10,S-1,Jan/Feb-2014)6. The gain of an RC coupled 2 stage FET amplifier falls by 90% of the mid-band value at 400 kHz. If gm of each FET is 10 m A/V, and total output capacitance for each stage is 20 pf. Calculate the RL required and the stage mid-band gain. (R-10,S-1,Jan/Feb-2015)7. A three stage CE amplifier using silicon BJT as shown Figure 5, has RF=50 K, RF2=10K, =50, RL1=15 K and Vcc=20 V. Calculate the value of Vc3. Also show that the amplifier is DC. (R-10,S-3,April/May-2015)8. Draw the circuit of two stages R-C coupled JFET amplifier and explain its working. (R-10,S-4,Aug-2014)

9. Draw the circuit diagram of single stage R-C coupled BJT amplifier. Discuss the effect of an emitter bypass capacitor on low-frequency response. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2014) 10. Differentiate between direct and capacitive coupling of multiple stages of amplifiers. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2014)

11. With the help of a neat circuit diagram, describe the working of a Cascode amplifier (R-10,S-1,Aug-2014)12. The gain of an RC coupled 2 stage FET amplifier falls by 90% of the mid band value at 400 kHz. If gm of each FET is 10 m A/V, and total output capacitance for each stage is 20 pF, calculate the RL required and the mid band gain of each stage (R-10,S-4,April/May-2013)13. Write a short note on Bandwidth of amplifiers (R-10,S-1,Aug-2014)14. List out the special features of Darlington pair and Cascode amplifiers (R-10,S-2,May-2012)

15. A two-stage amplifier circuit (CE-CC configuration) is shown in figure 4b. The h-parameter values are hfe = 50, hie=2 K ,hre =6 104, hoe = 25A/V. hfc = -51, hic =2 K, hrc = 1, hoc = 25 A/V. Find the input and output impedances and individual, as well as overall voltage and current gains. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2012)

16. For a Darlington pair the overall current gain and input impedance with an emitter resistance are given as 1130 and 1.2 M respectively. Calculate the value of emitter resistance RE. (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)17. Three identical stages of amplifiers cascaded with lower and upper cut off frequencies given by 300Hz and 5kHz respectively, compute the overall lower and higher cut off frequencies with appropriate equations. (R-10,S-1,Aug-2014)18. What is frequency response of an amplifier? Draw the equivalent circuits of RC coupled amplifier at low and high frequencies and derive the expression for voltage gain. (R-10,S-3,Dec-2012)19. Two FET based amplifiers with gains of 30 dB are cascaded together. Find the overall gain. Also find bandwidth of the overall circuit, if individual lower and higher 3 dB frequencies are 20 Hz and 20 kHz respectively. (R-10,S-1,Jan/Feb-2012)20. Show that the input impedance and overall voltage gain of a Darlington pair is much larger compared to an individual CE amplifier with same transistor. (R-10,S-1,Aug-2014)21. Derive the expression for current gain of a two stage RC coupled CE amplifiers (R-10,S-1,April/May-2013)22. For a cascaded CE-CC configuration, the h-parameters are given ashfe=50, hoe=10-4 A/V, hic=1k ,hrc=1, hfc= -51, hoc=10-4 A/V. Find the input and output impedances of the cascaded configuration. (R-10,S-1,Jan/Feb-2013)23. Derive the expressions for overall voltage gain, current gain and power gain, when two identical amplifier stages are cascaded. (R-10,S-2,Dec-2012)24. Draw the circuit of Darlington emitter follower. Explain why the input impedance is higher than that of a single-stage emitter follower. (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)25. When 2-stages of identical amplifiers are cascaded, obtain the expressions for overall voltage gain and power gain. (R-10,S-2,Aug-2014)26. List out various types of distortions that occur in transistor amplifiers. Discuss the causes for each. (R-10,S-4,Aug-2014)27. Write short notes on: Cascode amplifier b) Transformer coupled amplifier. c) Darlington pair. (R-10,S-1,April/May-2012)28. Obtain the expressions for overall voltage gain, current gain and power gain of a two-stage identical cascaded amplifier. (R-10,S-1,Jan/Feb-2015)29. What are the advantages of Darlington pair? Explain with a neat diagram. (R-10,S-4,April/May-2012)

UNIT-III1. Classify various feedback amplifiers. Explain how negative feedback improves the characteristics of amplifier. (R-10,S-1,Aug-2014)2. For voltage series feedback amplifier with parameters of the internal amplifier as AV= 200; Rin= 5K; R0= 20K; Bandwidth = 50 kHz and having feedback factor = - 0.02. Calculate: (R-10,S-1,Aug-2014)i) Voltage gain AVfii) Input impedance Rinfiii) Output impedance Rof3. Explain the nature of feedback in an emitter follower circuit. State the advantages of this circuit and mention its use. Can this circuit be used as a voltage amplifier? (R-10,S-3, April/May-2013)

4. The total harmonic distortion of an amplifier is reduced from 15% to 3% when 4% negative feedback is used. Find (i) voltage gain without feedback (ii) voltage gain with feedback? (R-10,S-1,Jan/Feb-2013)5. A Common source FET amplifier has a load resistance of 500k . The ac drain resistance of the device is 100k and the transconductance is 0.8mAV-1. Calculate the voltage gain of the amplifier. (R-10,S-1,Jan/Feb-2012)6. Draw the block diagrams of four types of negative feedback amplifier circuits and explain which amplifier can be used to get higher input impedance and lower output impedance with appropriate derivation (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)7. Apply the method of feedback circuit analysis for a voltage series feedback amplifier and explain all steps with appropriate diagrams. (R-10,S-1,Aug-2014)8. Prove that negative feedback in amplifiers reduces the distortion and noise with appropriate equations. (R-10,S-1,Jan/Feb-2014)9. An Amplifier with negative feedback gives an output of 12.5V with an input of 1.5V. (R-10,S-4,April/May-2013)10. When feedback is removed, it requires 0.25V input for the same output. Find i) Value of voltage gain without feedback ii) Value of , if the input and output are in phase and is real. (R-10,S-4,Aug-2014)11. Explain the procedure to obtain the basic amplifier configuration without feedback but taking the loading of the feedback network into account (R-10,S-1,Jan/Feb-2015)12. An amplifier has a mid band gain of 125 and bandwidth of 250 kHz. If 4% negative feedback is introduced and the new bandwidth and gain. (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)13. Derive the equations for voltage gain, input impedance and output impedance of a CE amplifier with current-shunt negative feedback. (R-10,S-1,April/May-2013)14. Explain the effects of negative feedback on amplifier characterisitcs? (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)15. An amplifier having a gain of 500 without feedback has an overall negative feedback applied which reduces the gain to 100.Calculate the fraction of output voltage feedback? If due to ageing of components, the gain without feedback falls by 20% calculate the percentage fall in gain with feedback? (R-10,S-1,Jan/Feb-2012)16. If the non-linear distortion in a negative feedback amplifier with an open loop gain of 100 is reduced from 40% to 10%with feedback, compute the feedback factor, of the amplifier. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)30. Draw the circuit diagram of a current series feedback amplifier, Derive expressions to show the effect of negative feedback on input & output impedances, bandwidth, distortion of the amplifier. (R-10,S-1,Aug-2014)31. The and the open loop gain of an amplifier are -10% and -80 respectively. By how much % the closed loop gain changes if the open loop gain increases by 25%? (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)17. With the help of a suitable BJT based voltage series feedback amplifier diagram, explain the features and benefits of negative feedback in amplifiers. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2014)18. Derive the expressions for Av, Zi, Zo and AI of voltage shunt feedback. (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)19. Determine voltage gain, input and output impedance of negative feedback amplifier having A=100, Ri=10k Ro=20k for a feedback factor of =0.1 and 0.5. (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)20. Explain the general characteristics of negative feedback amplifiers. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of positive and negative feedback. (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)21. Derive the expressions for voltage gain, Ri and Ro of voltage series feedback amplifiers. (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)22. What are the different types of feedback amplifiers? Give their equivalent circuits. (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)23. Explain with the help of mathematical expressions, how the negative feedback in amplifiers increases.amplifier bandwidth and reduces distortion in amplifiers. (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)24. An amplifier circuit has a gain of 60 dB and an output impedance Zo=10K. It is required to modify its output impedance to 500 by applying negative feedback. Calculate the value of the feedback factor. Also find the percentage change in the overall gain, for 10% change in the gain of the internal amplifiers.(R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)25. Explain the advantages of negative feedback amplifiers. (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)26. What is linear analysis of feedback amplifiers? Illustrate with examples. (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)27. Show that bandwidth increases with negative feedback. (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)28. Draw the block diagram of a single loop negative feedback circuit and explain each and every block in detail. (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)29. Draw and explain the circuit of a voltage series feedback circuit. (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)30. What are types of amplifier circuits in any feedback systems? Discuss. (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)31. What are the basic amplifiers used in a negative feedback system. Derive the relationship between input and source resistance, output and load resistance of these basic amplifiers. (R-10,S-3,April/May-2013)32. Show that input resistance increases with series mixing. (R-10,S-3,Aug-2014)

UNIT-IV1. Draw the circuit diagram of Colpitts oscillator. Explain its disadvantages. How it is overcome with Clapp oscillator. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)2. Prove that in an RC-phase shift oscillator, the minimum hfe required is 29 to sustain the frequency of oscillations. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)3. Derive the equation for frequency of oscillations of a FET RC-phase shift Oscillator and also derive condition for sustained oscillations. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)4. Prove that the gain of Wien bridge oscillator using BJT amplifier must be at least 3 for the oscillations to occur. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)5. Derive the expression for frequency of oscillation of BJT phase-shift oscillator its operation with neat circuit diagram. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)6. A crystal oscillator has the following parameters: L=0.33H, C=0.065pF, C=1.0pF and R=5.5k . i) Find the series resonant frequency. ii) Find the Q of the crystal. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)33. Find the capacitance C and hfe for the transistor Phase-Shift oscillator to provide a resonating frequency of 10kHZ. Assume R1=25k , R2=60 k , Rc=40k , R=7.1k and hie=1.8k . (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)34. Explain barkhausen criterion for sustained oscillations and also explain how the criterion is satisfied in a BJT RC- Phase-Shift oscillator. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)

35. Classify different type of oscillators based on frequency range. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)36. Calculate the value of C used in the Wein-bridge circuit that determines the oscillator frequency of 10 kHz. Assume R=50 K in the Wein-bridge circuit. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)37. Draw the electrical equivalent circuit of a crystal and draw the frequency versus reactance curve and show the two resonant frequencies fS and fP on the graph. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)38. Describe the crystal oscillator. What is the advantage of a crystal oscillator over an LC oscillator? (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)39. A tuned collector oscillator connected across the primary has a capacitance of 100pF.The d.c resistance of the primary coil is 10 ohm and the transistor used has hie=1k ohm, hre=10-4, hfe=50 and hoe=10-4 A/V. Find the frequency of oscillation and the mutual inductance between the primary and secondary coils required to sustain the oscillations ? (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)40. Draw the circuit diagram of Colpitts oscillator. Explain its disadvantages. How it is overcome with Clapp oscillator. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)41. Prove that in an RC-phase shift oscillator, the minimum hfe required is 29 to sustain the frequency of oscillations. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)42. Draw the circuit of colpitts oscillator and explain its working. Derive the frequency of oscillator and condition for sustained oscillation. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)43. State and explain Barkhausen criterion. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)44. Draw the block diagram of generalized LC oscillator and from that derive the frequency of oscillation for a) Hartley Oscillator b) Colpitts Oscillator. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)45. Derive frequency of oscillation of a Wien-bridge oscillator circuit with necessary diagrams. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)46. What is the Condition for sustained oscillations and draw and explain the RC-phase shift oscillators with Transistor. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)

UNIT-V1. Explain why a power amplifier is always preceded by a voltage amplifier? (R-10,S-1,Jan/Feb-2015)

2. Design a class B power amplifiers to deliver 25 W to a load resistor RL = 8 ohms, using transformer coupling. Vm = Vcc=25V. Assume necessary data. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)

3. Derive the equation for maximum value of efficiency of a class A transformer coupled amplifier. (R-10,S-1,Jan/Feb-2015)

4. Calculate the effective load resistance RL seen looking into the primary of a10:1 transformer connected to an output load of 16 ohms. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)

Define conversion efficiency of an amplifier. (R-10,S-4,Jan/Feb-2015)4. Draw the circuit of transformer less push pull amplifier circuit with loud speaker as the load resistance. Justify the circuit operation with emitter follower circuit working. (R-10,S-3,aug-2014)5. Calculate transformer turns ratio required to match an 8 ohms speaker load to an amplifier so that effective load resistance is 3.2 kilo-ohms. (R-10,S-2,Jan/Feb-2015)6. 7. Derive the expression for maximum collector Power Dissipation Pc(Max) in the case of class B power amplifiers. . (R-10,S-3,aug-2014)8. Draw the circuit diagram of a single ended power amplifier? Explain the function of each component used in he circuit? . (R-10,S-2,aug-2014)9. Classify large signal amplifiers based on its operating point. Distinguish these amplifiers in terms of the conversion efficiency. . (R-10,S-1,aug-2014)10. Draw the push-pull power amplifier circuit. Derive the expression for the output current in push- pull amplifier with base current as Ib = Ibmsint. . (R-10,S-4,aug-2014)11. A single stage class A amplifier Vcc=20V, VCEQ =10V, ICQ =600 mA, RL=16 . The ac outputcurrent varies by 300mA, with the ac input signal. Find The power supplied by the dc source to the amplifier circuit.

i)AC power consumed by the load resistor. ii)AC power developed across the load resistor.

iii)DC power wasted in transistor collector.

iv)Overall efficiency . (R-10,S-3,jan/feb-2014)12. What are the drawbacks of transformer coupled power amplifiers? . (R-10,S-1,jan/feb-2014)13. What is Harmonic distortion in transistor amplifier circuits? Discuss second harmonic distortion. . (R-10,S-2,jan/feb-2014)14. A single transistor is operating as an ideal class B amplifier with a 500 load. A dc meter in the collector circuit reads 10 mA. How much signal power is delivered to the load? . (R-10,S-1,jan/feb-2014)15. Write short notes on requirement and types of heat sinks for power dissipation in large signal amplifiers. . (R-10,S-4,jan/feb-2014)16. With the help of a neat circuit diagram, explain the operation of a complementary symmetry configured class B power amplifier. . (R-10,S-1,jan/feb-2014)17. A push pull amplifier utilizes a transformer whose primary has a total of 160 turns and whose secondary has 40 turns. It must be capable of delivering 40W to an 8 load under maximum power conditions. What is the minimum possible value of Vcc? . (R-10,S-3,april/may-2013)18. Differentiate between push-pull and complementary-symmetry configurations of a class B power amplifier. (R-10,S-2,april/may-2013)19. Explain the reasons for crossover distortion in class-B power amplifiers and suggest a suitable circuit for its minimization. (R-10,S-2,april/may-2013)20. Derive the expression for Maximum efficiency and working of transformer coupled Class A Amplifier(R-10,S-1,april/may-2013)21. Define collector circuit efficiency of a power amplifier and explain how total distortion can be reduced in a power amplifier through push-pull configuration. (R-10,S-3,april/may-2013) 22. Explain how the power amplifiers are classified based on class of operation and also compare. (R-10,S-1,april/may-2013)23. A single transistor is operating as an ideal class B amplifier with a 1-K load. A dc meter in the collector circuit reads 10mA. How much signal power is delivered to the load? (R-10,S-3,aug-2014)24. Derive the efficiency of the class-B power amplifier. Though class-B single ended power amplifier efficiency is high, why it is not used in practical circuits? Explain in detail. (R-10,S-2,aug-2014)25. What are the disadvantages of using transformers in a push-pull amplifier? (R-10,S-1,aug-2014)26. Explain a few techniques that eliminates the use of input transformers. (R-10,S-1,aug-2014)27. What are the advantages of push-pull connection in AF power amplifiers? (R-10,S-1,aug-2014)

28. Design a push-pull class B power amplifier to achieve maximum output power to a 10 _ load. The two transistors have the following ratings Pc(max) = 5W; VCE(max) = 45V. IC(max) = 1A. Assume Necessary data. (R-10,S-2,jan/feb-2014)29. With a neat circuit diagram explain the operation of class AB power amplifier and mention its advantages. (R-10,S-1,jan/feb-2015)30. Draw the circuit of class-B Power amplifier. Explain its operation and derive the expression for efficiency of the amplifier by making necessary assumptions (R-10,S-2,jan/feb-2015)

UNIT-VI1. Statethe functions and frequency ranges of operation of Tuned amplifiers with relevant reasons. (R-10,S-1,jan/feb-2015)2. Explain and also mention the class of operation of the amplifier for limiting the amplitude of gain to the desired level (R-10,S-2,jan/feb-2015)3. Derive the equation for the 3 dB band width of capacitance coupled single tuned amplifier. (R-10,S-3,jan/feb-2015)4. Explain the principle of stabilizing the double-tuned transformer coupled amplifier response against the internal feedback. (R-10,S-4,jan/feb-2015)5. Explain the function of swamping resistor in improving the bandwidth of tuned amplifiers. (R-10,S-1,jan/feb-2014)6. Draw the circuit of typical single tuned RF amplifier stage employing a transistor, explain its operation. If the tuned circuit contains L=200H, C=126pF, RL=5 k. Calculate the Bandwidth of the amplifier. (R-10,S-2,jan/feb-2014)7. Explain the principle of stagger tuning technique of transformer-coupled amplifier that is used to obtain band pass filter characteristic with band of 10 KHZ with all necessary diagrams for illustration. (R-10,S-3,jan/feb-2014)8. Draw the circuit of double-tuned transformer-coupled amplifier. Discussthe nature of responses of the amplifier for different values of KQ=1; KQ>1 and KQ