EÇA DE QUEIRÓS AND ENGLAND - Manual escolar...

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Transcript of EÇA DE QUEIRÓS AND ENGLAND - Manual escolar...



BRIDGES 11.o Ano 48

NAME: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

CLASS: _________________ No.: _________________ DATE: ________ / ________ / ________ GRADE: ___________________ 44


1. Underline the correct options from the words in bold.

Eça de Queirós (a) arrived/had arrived in Newcastle-on-Tyne, (b) where/whereas he was to take up the post of Portuguese Consul, on the 30th of December 1874. It (c) was/is his fi rst trip to England and his initial impression of the country was not a favourable one. We must (d) primary/primarily look to Cartas de Inglaterra (Letters from England), Crónicas de Londres (Chronicles of London), Notas Contemporâneas (Contemporary Notes), Correspondência (Correspondence) and other non-fi ctional prose for fi rst-hand information about Eça’s opinions of England and the English. Of all his fi ctional works, it is Os Maias (The Maias) that off ers us the (e) broadest/broader vision of his more profound views of the country.(f) Although/However the novel idealises England as a model civilisation and it off ers an aspect of Eça’s vision of his temporary home (g) which/who, fi ltered by his creativity and deepened by the (h) novel’s/novels moralising and didactic objectives, does not coincide with the opinions he expresses in the texts he wrote in his own name. In the (i) latter/letter the English are described as being good tradesmen, meticulous and demanding intellectuals, xenophobic tourists, ignorant of foreign languages and disdainful of everything that is not British. Politically he (j) saw/sawed England as an imperialist country with fl eets that dominated the seas, colonies on all fi ve continents, administrators everywhere and missionaries present in every kind of tribe. To the Eça of this (k) journalist/journalistic or epistol prose, the English aristocracy was the (l) prouder/proudest and (m) most/more conceited in the world, while the middle classes were the most practical and utilitarian that had ever (n) conducted/conduct the destiny of a nation. As far as religion was concerned, the English were essentially Protestants who were incapable of even (o) imagine/imagining an order that did not conform to their strict morality, while English homes were the (p) refuge/refugee of families that supposed themselves to be the most Christian on the face of the planet. Having said that, we do encounter a more balanced attitude in his more mature and thoughtful fi ction. His feelings towards England were in fact ambivalent: he praised (q) it’s/its virtues as a powerful nation with a strong character, but he wrote hard and bitter words about its perfi dies – above all in the fi eld of foreign policy – and the defects and the ridiculous behaviour he saw in its people. In truth, his attitude towards his own country, Portugal, was not (r) much/many diff erent – a confl ictual relationship of the kind we have with someone we love but, cannot fail to observe with a just and critical eye.

www.instituto-camoes.pt/revista/revista9in.htm (adapted and abridged), accessed in January 2014







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NAME: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

CLASS: _________________ No.: _________________ DATE: ________ / ________ / ________ GRADE: ___________________

These guidelines may help you:• Paragraph 1: Include the name of the fi lm, the prominent stars of the fi lm, basic setting (time and place), and type of fi lm (comedy, adventure, drama, horror, etc.).

• Paragraph 2: Write a plot summary for the movie. Do not reveal the endingDiscuss at least 5 events and be sure to cover the entire scope of the movie, except the very end.

• Paragraph 3 & 4: Discuss two different aspects of fi lmmaking (one in each paragraph): acting, direction, editing, costume design, set design, photography, background music, or anything else you may think of. Be sure that you are specifi c and cite examples from the movie.

• Paragraph 5: Give your overall reaction to the fi lm as well as your opinion on the quality of the fi lm. Also include your recommendations for potential viewers.

cite examples from the movie.

background music, or anything else you may think of. Be sure that you are specifi cand cite examples from the movie.

g p ): acting, direction, editing, costume design, set design, photography,background music, or anything else you may think of. Be sure that you are specifi c

g p 3 & 4: g pgraph): acting, direction, editing, costume design, set design, photography,

• Paragraph 3 & 4: • Paragraph 3 & 4: Discuss two different aspects of fi lmmaking (one in each para

yeast 5 events and be sure to cthe very end.

Discuss at least 5 events and be sure to cover the entire scope of the movie, except

• Paragraph 2: • Paragraph 2: Write a plot summary for the movie. Do not reveal the ending

These guidelines may help you:These guidelines may help you:

g ( and place), and type of fi lm (comedy, advetc.).

g ph 1:g p the name of the fi lm, the prominentsetting (time and place), and type of fi lm (comedy, adventure, drama, horror,

• Paragraph 1: • Paragraph 1: Include the name of the fi lm, the prominent stars of the fi lm, basic

s guidelines may help you:g nes may help y

graph 5:g p• Paragraph 5: • Paragraph 5: Give your overall reaction to the fi lm as well as your opinion on the quality of the fi lm. Also include your recommendations for potential viewers.

s guidelines may help you:g nes may help y

graph 1:g p e the name of the fi lm, the prominent stars of the fi lm, basicg ( me and place), and type of fi lm (comedy, adventure, drama, horror,

p s mmary for tss t least 5 events and be sure to cover the entire scope of the movy n

g ph 3 & 4: g p ifferent aspects of fi lmg ph): acting, direction, editing, costume design, set design, photography,background music, or anything else you may think of. Be sure that you are specifi cn cite examples from the movie.

graph 5:g p your overall reaction to the fi lm as well as your opinion on theq y of the fi lm. Also include your recommendations for potential viewers.http://www.apsu.edu/sites/apsu.edu/fi les/academic-support-center/Movie_Review.pdf (adapted and abridged)



1. Choose a fi lm adaptation of a Portuguese book and write a review of the fi lm.


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