EC1 Presntatiuon Class

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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Transcript of EC1 Presntatiuon Class

You can choose the theme/topic of your presentation. However, you should ask yourself:

• Do I know this topic well?

• Can I easily divide it into 2/3 parts?

• Is 4 minutes 30 seconds enough time to cover everything?

• Is this going to interest my audience?

• Is there anything about me or anything I know that would: - leave a good impression on the audience- teach my audience something they don’t know

What should I present about?

Title Slide

- Trump and why he was elected president- Palm lines & reading futures- How to succeed at public speaking- Hangover remedies of different countries- How to travel in India safely- Product placement- Volunteer work in The Philippines- The Vikings: culture, laws and gender equality- Pessimism: different types, how to boost well-being, and how to be a better pessimist- Bizarre themed restaurants round the world- Virtual reality: concepts, movies, and applica-tions

Previous Presentation Top-ics

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Question: “Have you ever thought about_____________?”

Personal anecdote: “_______________________”.

Interesting fact or statistic: “Did you know that______________?”

Would it surprise you to know that ______________?

Use the word ‘imagine’: Imaging …

Attention getting hooks

• Include a hook in your introduction.

• It will help you grab the audience’s attention immedi-ately.

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Have you ever been lost in a foreign country in the middle of nowhere, with the feeling that everyone is looking at you, or that someone is going to try and take advantage of you in some way? Would you panic? Today I’m going to talk about my worst ever travel experience. First I’ll tell you about…

• After asking a question, pause for a moment. Wait for a re-action from the audience, or at least let them think about it. Then continue.

Personal anecdote:

• Why not use a combination (question + personal anecdote)

Have you ever been in a car accident? I have, when I was 12 years old my parents car was hit my a drunk driver who was 6 times over the legal limit. It was a terrifying ordeal and I had a lucky escape. To-day I’m going to talk about driving and three bad habits you can avoid in order to stay safe.

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Interesting fact or statistic:

Did you know that by the end of the 19th century, nearly one fifth of the world’s land surface was part of the British Empire, or that its sub-jects made up a quarter of the world’s population? Well today I’m go-ing to talk about what it means to be British in the 21st century. First I’ll tell you about….

Use the word ‘imagine’:

Imagine waking up one morning after a night of serious drinking with the worst headache you can imagine. Your phone vibrates. It’s on the floor next to your bed. You’ve got a message. Oh no, it’s from your ex. You look at it (head throbbing). It says, “I don’t love you!”. Oh dear! You did it again - got drunk and sent a message declaring your love. Alcohol! Today I’m going to give you some advice on drinking sensibly. First, I’ll talk about…

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Prompt cards

Body 1 – Slide 1 (Old English) 1

• Celts, Celtic - The Romans - 500 years - Latin.• The Germanic tribes – The Jutes, Saxons, Angles, and Frisians• English emerged.• The Viking Age - 200 years – Fought the Saxons.• 85% of OE (Anglo Saxon English) words no longer in use.

Body 1 – Slide 2 (Middle English) 2

• Norman Conquest - biggest influence on English language• For 200 years French used by upper class in England. • Chaucer (father of English Literature) was a prominent name• Middle English - changes in grammar and pronunciation.• During 15th century written standard English emerged

Body 1 – Slide 2 (Modern English) 3

• William Shakespeare was important influence on English• First English dictionary was first published in 1604.• Colonialism from the 16th century onwards – new vocabulary• At the beginning of the Late Modern English period, British empire covered ¼ of the world, hence lots of borrowing.

Body 2 - Slide 3 (Modern words and their origins) 4 • 85% of OE words are no longer in use.

• As a result of the Middle English period 70% of modern vocabulary are loan words.

Body 3 - Slide 4 (British pronunciations) 5

• RP - educated in public schools - class, not regional dialect.• In Britain there are a greater number of regional dialects.• Goes back to when communication and travel between places that were really quite close together was difficult.

Conclusion 6

• Spoken 380,000,000 people in the UK, USA and the former British Empire, English is largest western language.

• Widely used as 2nd language, and as a foreign language.

• What will the future hold?

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