EC Web development Project DC.COM Group 1 Patricia, David, Wing, Faye, Tsky 2007/10/8Design by...

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Transcript of EC Web development Project DC.COM Group 1 Patricia, David, Wing, Faye, Tsky 2007/10/8Design by...

EC Web development Project


Group 1

Patricia, David, Wing, Faye, Tsky

2007/10/8 Design by DC.COM


Evaluate Business plan of DC.COM Business model Business operation Revenue model System / website Feasibility analysis


Business Model

Major Service online hotel booking / monitor pets’ life and

healthy advertisement keywords search

Others pets’ funeral service pets’ matching service

2007/10/8 Design by DC.COM


Business Operation

• Organization chart

2007/10/8 Design by DC.COM

Business Operation Department operations

manager (one people)Duty : making decisions, planning strategies and managing staff’s performance.

Sales department (Three people of consulting)

Duty : promoting our services to customer. Call center (One people of customer service)

Duty : answering the phone from customer and reception.

2007/10/8 Design by DC.COM

Business Operation Con.

Department operations Con. MIS department(Two people of computer


Duty : maintain and operation of website and server

Finance department (One people of Chief Finance Officer)

Duty : managing and analysis finance

2007/10/8 Design by DC.COM


Var. Cost

Fixed Cost

2007/10/8 Design by DC.COM

Cost-var. cost

Var. cost/per month(total$290,100 / per month) Employees’ salary

i. One manager Salary : $50,000/per mouth

iii. Three people of consulting Salary : $30,000 * 3 people = 90,000 dollars/per

mouthiii. One people of customer service

Salary : $20,000/per mouthiv. Two people of computer engineer

Salary : $30,000 * 2 people = 60,000 dollars/per mouth

v. One people of Chief Finance Officer Salary : $28,000 /per mouth2007/10/8 Design by DC.COM

Cost-var. cost Con.

Var. cost/per Con. Internet fee : about $1000/per month water and electricity fee : about $

6,000/per month rental fee : about $20,000/per month IP domain name : $100/ per month outsourcing of set up the web monitor in

the pet store : $1,500/per deal*10(pet stores/per month)=$15,000/per month

2007/10/8 Design by DC.COM

Cost-fixed cost Flex. cost/per month(total$8,334 / per

month) Buying a set of full function software :

$300,000 (assume it can be used for 5years) The cost monthly : $5000

Hardware equipment : $150,000 (assume it can be used for 5years)

The cost monthly : $2500 office facilities : $100,000 (assume it can

be used for 10years) The cost monthly : $834

2007/10/8 Design by DC.COM


Var. Cost

Fixed Cost

2007/10/8 Design by DC.COM


Major Service

Others service

2007/10/8 Design by DC.COM

Revenue-major service

DC.COM pre-working flow / steps

2007/10/8 Design by DC.COM

Revenue-major service

Online hotel booking-Standard of charge normal(without monitor service)

1 day = $500(average charge), average stay for 3 days $500*3*35(turnovers/1day)*5 %( commission rate) =$2,625

special(with monitor service) 1 day = $800(average charge), average stay for 3 days

$800*3*15(turnovers/1day)*5 %( commission rate) =$1,800

Total revenue ($2625+$1800)*30(days) =$132,700/ per month

(Note) web monitor service $2,000*20(average deals) =$40,000 /per month

2007/10/8 Design by DC.COM

Revenue-major service con.

Advertisement Banner :

Depend on its spec. The banner fee averages 2,000 per deal / month.

Total revenue : $2,000 * 10 (deals/month) = $20,000 / per month

2007/10/8 Design by DC.COM

Revenue-major service Con.

Keyword Search : Cost Per Click Three firms, A, B, C, all use “pet’s food” for keyword, bidding

highest price to be shown on the top. Each keyword’s bid must be at least 3 dollars. A bids for 10 dollars, B bids for 5 dollars, and C bids for 3

dollars though A bids for 10 dollar, he only need to pay the price

added 0.5 dollar then B’s bid. So A should pay 5.5 /click, B should pay 3.5 /click, and C should pay 3/ click.

A : $5.5 * 100 (click/ day) = $550 /day B : $3.5 * 100 (click/ day) = $350 /day C : $3 * 100 (click/ day) = $300 /day

Total revenue : ($550 + $350 + $300)*10 (deals/month) = $12,000 / per month

2007/10/8 Design by DC.COM


Major Service

Others service

2007/10/8 Design by DC.COM

Pets’ funeral service

i. Funeral ceremony ii. On-line worship ceremony

Funeral ceremony Funeral working flow

Funeral ceremony Con. Commission=5% per deal

The contract for life timelevel price Add value

A 60,000

Offering cars to standby for 24 hrs to pick the pet to cremation(the date can be chosen) Hold a ceremony to release souls from purgatory The white jade urn is free of charge Place in an individual room

B 46,000

Offering cars to standby for 24 hrs to pick the pet to cremation(the date cannot be chosen) Hold a ceremony to release souls from purgatory The marble urn is free of charge Place in an individual room

C 42,000

Offering cars to standby for 24 hrs to pick the pet to cremation(the date cannot be chosen) Hold a ceremony to release souls from purgatory The marble urn is free of charge Place in the public area

D 32,000

Offering cars to standby for 24 hrs to pick the pet to cremation(the date cannot be chosen) The marble urn is free of charge Place in the public area

Total revenue : $45,000*5% = $2,250 / per month

Funeral ceremony Con.

Place for a year

level price

  Place in the public area 4,000

  Place in an individual room


Total revenue : ($4,000 + $6,000)*5% = $500 / per month

Funeral ceremony Con.

Cremate individually ( the urn is free)level price

Below 10KG(include 10KG) 5,000

10 to 20KG(include 10KG) 6,000

Over 20KG 7,000

Total revenue : ($5,000*6+$6,000*6+$7,000*6)*5% = $5,400 / per month

Funeral ceremony Con.

Cremate in group

level price

Below 5KG(include 5KG) 1,500

5 to 15KG(include 15KG) 2,500

15kg to 25KG(include25KG) 3,500

Over 25KG 4,000

Total revenue : ($1,500*4+$2,500*4+$3,500*4+$4,000*4)*5% = $2,300 / per month

On-line worship ceremony offer on-line worship ceremony without the limitation of time and space each customer has his/her own account to pre-

paid the money 30/30min

each time, the customer have 30mins to hold the ceremony, and it charges $30 , average stay for 30 mins

Total revenue : $30/30mins * 10 (deals/day) * 30 days= $9,000 /


Pets’ matching service Caring centers post their information

what kind of dogs or cats they provided, where they are, and how much per time

customer can search what they want through the database

matching fee averages 3000 per deal charged 5% commission

Total revenue: $3000 * 5% * 30 (deals / day) * 30 days=

$135,000 / per month


Feasibility Analysis (profit/loss)



$60,716 (profit = revenue-cost)


Total cost * 12 month =

$299,334 * 12 = $ 3,581,208

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