eBook Rumphius’ Orchids

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Transcript of eBook Rumphius’ Orchids

lLMllI LS OlClI DSIo|.s Or.|.sOrchid 1cxts rou 1|: Jo|.o:s: H:r|c|by Gcorgius Lvcrhardus luuphius1rauslatcd, cditcd, auuotatcd,aud vith au iutroductiou byL. M. cckuau . r t u r \ t t s r r t t s s t w u . \ t . o r o o o Support or publicatiou o this book iucludcs a graut to thc authorby thc iouusbcry louudatiou through thc Luivcrsity oMassachusctts.Ir.ot.s.:.:. 1his is thc ouly kuovu portrait dravu rou lic. luuphius sou, laulusAugustus, drcv thc likcucss souctiuc bctvccu Octobcr re,, aud |uly o re,e iu lotaAubou, about six ycars bcorc his athcrs dcath. 1hc priut statcs that luuphius vassixty-cight vhcu hc poscd or this portrait, aud that thc govcruor thcu iu occ vrotcthc iatiu cucouiuu. 1his vas !icolacs Schaghcu, vho vas Aubous govcruor rou re,rto re,e. 1hc iatiu vcrsc rcads iu trauslatiou: 1hough hc bc bliud, his ucutal cycs arc sosharp that uo ouc cau bcst hiu at iuquiry or disccruucut. luuphius is a Gcruau bybirth but his loyalty aud pcu arc couplctcly Dutch. ict thc vork say thc rcst.Copyright .cc, by L. M. cckuau. All rights rcscrvcd.1his book uay uot bc rcproduccd, iu vholc or iu part, iucludiug illustratious,iu auy oru bcyoud that copyiug pcruittcd by Scctious rc) aud rc o thcL.S. Copyright iav aud cxccpt by rcvicvcrs or thc public prcss,vithout vrittcu pcruissiou rou thc publishcrs.Dcsigucd by !aucy Ovcdovitz aud sct iu Mouotypc Ccutaur typcby 1scug Iuoruatiou Systcus. lriutcd iu thc Luitcd Statcs o Aucricaby Ldvards rothcrs, Iuc.iibrary o Cougrcss Catalogiug-iu-lublicatiou Dataluup, Gcorg Lbcrhard, re.)r)c..Auboiuschc kruidbock. Luglish luuphius orchids : orchid tcxts rou 1hc Auboucschcrbal Gcorgius Lvcrhardus luuphius ; trauslatcd, cditcd, auuotatcd, aud vith auiutroductiou by L. M. cckuau. p. cu. Iucludcs bibliographical rccrcuccs p. .rst c-,cc-c,r-e cloth : alk. papcr r. OrchidsIudoucsiaAubou Islaud... luup, Gcorg Lbcrhard, re.)r)c.. ,. otauylrc-iiuucau vorks.I. cckuau, L. M., r,,,II. 1itlc. x,,.oet),r, .cc, ,.c,,,dc.r .cc.crrerA cataloguc rccord or this book is availablc rou thc ritish iibrary.1hc papcr iu this book uccts thc guidcliucs or pcruaucucc aud durabilityo thc Couuittcc ou lroductiou Guidcliucs or ook iougcvityo thc Couucil ou iibrary lcsourccs.rc , ) e , , . rIo M:o.r.colob !icuvcuhuysaudlcuk dc Vit1o hiu vho kccps au Orchis hcart1hc svaups arc piuk iu |uuc.Luily Dickiusoulairc catlcya.Marccl lroustCO!1L!1Siist o Origiual llatcs ixAckuovlcdgucuts xiIutroductiou xvAbout 1his 1rauslatiou xlixIo|.s Or.|.sOo: 1hc Iuscribcd Augrck ,1. 1hc Vhitc, Doublc Augrck r1|r:: 1hc lcd Augrck ..I.r 1hc lith Augrck .,I.: 1hc Ycllov Augrck .)`.: 1hc lcuaiuiug Ycllov Augrcks ,.`::o 1hc Dog Augrck ,)1hc lity Scvcuth Chaptcr o thcAuctuariuu c.|t 1hc lurplc Augrck ,cN.o: 1hc csccchiug llaut ,,c o t s1:o 1hc lirst Grouud Augrck er|::o 1hc Sccoud Grouud Augrck ee1:|: 1hc Vrappcr e1|.rt::o 1hc 1riplc llovcr ).I.rt::o 1hc iargc Auboucsc Orchis ),I.(t::o 1hc Suall Auboucsc Orchis c1hc Susauua llovcr 1hc lctola ica ,cAbbrcviatious ,,!otcs ,,ibliography r,)Iudcx re,viiiiI S 1OlOlI GI !AiliA1LS|t .t| M.:ro 3.o.o.c|sllatc . XiII Crcooct.|y||o s.r.to i. luuc r.llatc , XiIII |c|c:o.s.s coc|.|.s i. luuc rellatc XiI\ lig. r. L:or.|.o :|:o:ro |.|. Su. r,lig. .. I:ocot|:rc o.|..coc l.llatc , Xi\ L:or.|.o o.r|:|.coo Gaudich. ,cllatc e Xi\I lig. r. Jcoc (rc i. iiudl. ,,lig. .. L:or.|.o |..ccto lciuv.cx iiudl.llatc ) Xi\II lig. r. L:or.|.o co.soo iiudl. ,lig. .. L:or.|.o c.|..o.(:ro |.|. Su.llatc Xi\III C.:|.yo: ro|.. iiudl. .llatc , XiIX lig. r. Jcoc sc:ct.|.s |.|. Su. lig. .. L:or.|.o sp.llatc ,c i lig. r. L:or.|.o rr:o loxb. ,,lig. .. L:or.|.o o.|..:os: |.|. Su.lig. ,. |c.s rcts l.llatc ,r iI lig. r. uuidcuticd ,,lig. .. L:or.|.o .c|.:.|o loxb.llatc ,. iII lig. r. |c.s co|..o:os.s l. elig. .. Cc|cot|: tr.|..ctc Villcuct Aucsixo t r c r . r r r . t sllatc ,, iIII Cr.|.. .c.t|ctc iour. O. luutzc )cllatc , iI\ lig. r. Cr.|.. .r.|...:s Gacrtu. )lig. .. Hc|:ocr.c ro|.. roug. iiudl.lig. ,. :r.sty|s sp.llatc ,, XCIX ligs. r,. :.t:.|.s sscooc: l.r. la. iu book llatc r XiI lig. r. Ly....o ||:ocr.c i. ,.iu book rc ligs. . aud ,. Jo.:.t..|.|s r:.ocrt..luucxACl!OViLDGML!1S1hc prcscut voluuc coustitutcs a uodcst iustallucut o thclargcr cutcrprisc, vhich is to producc au auuotatcd trauslatiouo luuphius cutircJo|..os.|: Kr.|.:|Auboucsclcrbal.1hclichardiouusbcrylouudatiouuadcitpossiblcoructogctthcprojcctothcgrouud;thcirgcucrositygavcucaruuuiug start, aud I vcry uuch apprcciatc thcir aith iu uc. Iparticularly vaut to thauk Marta !oruau or hcr kiuducss audprocssioualisu. 1hcvorkuovcoutiuucsuudcrthcauspiccso 1hc !atioual 1ropical otauical Gardcu.1hcsc orchid tcxts arc ocrcd iu apprcciatiou to iyuu Mar-gulis, vho, vithdclibcratcacctiou, stccrcduciuthcrightdircctiou.1hisbookvoulduotcxistvithoutartLatouscoustautcarcaudsupport. lcvas thcrst tosuggcst that Igathcrluuphiusorchidtcxtsiutoascparatcbook, audIhopc vcdidSusauuaproud. lccauctothcrcscucvhcurcbarbativciutrusious aluost scuttlcd thc prcscut cutcrprisc. Mr. Latousgcucrosityvas sccoudcdbyCathcriuclodriguczaud|ulictlossati. I au gratcul or thcir loyalty.Lxplauatory illustratious arc crucial iu a tcxt likc this, i oulyxi. c x o w r t o c x t stoprovcthatluuphiusaualogicsaudsiuilcsarcquitccor-rcct. iocatiug cxauplcs, uot to ucutiou acquiriug pcruissiouor rcproductiou, is ouc o thc uost rustratiug cxpcricuccs ouccucouutcrs vhcu dcaliug vith vhat arc, oxyuorouically, callcdpublic scrviccs. I au, thcrcorc, iu dcbt to uy iudcatigablcricud Dr. L. M. |oou, vho also kuovs hov hard it is to brcachlollaudstc|:oc|:tt:o. dccuscsdcuscrthauauyucdicvalor-trcss. I thauk hiu or tryiug.1ouakcsurcthatthisvouldbcarcspousiblctcxt, Icu-listcd thc aid o scvcral spccialists. Mr. |. . Coubcr, cxpcrt ouIudoucsiau orchids, corrcctcd thc biuouials I dcrivcd rou |. |.Suiths vork publishcd iu thc bcgiuuiug o thc tvcuticth ccu-tury. I also protcd grcatly rou thc cxpcrtisc o thc orchidolo-gist |oscph Arditti, lrocssor o iology Lucritus, Luivcrsityo Calioruia at Irviuc.Dr. lcuk vau dcr Vcr, o thc Missouri otauical Gardcu,scrutiuizcd thcsc orchid tcxts aud ocrcd uscul couucutary.ut hc has douc uorc thau that: hc bccauc uy iudispcusablcguidc through thc tcchuical juuglc, aud I hopc hc vill rcuaiuuy botauical ciccrouc or a loug tiuc to couc. I au truly gratc-ul or his sclcss couuitucut to thc largcr projcct.Vhcu thc uccd arosc uy ricud aud ally Dr. l. lccstcruauscaucthroughvithsouccrucial uatcrial. Ashchasalvaysdouc.Iu ordcr to uakc this voluuc couplctc, I uccdcd rcproduc-tious o thc platcs rou thc rst cditiou. I au gratcul to thcLuivcrsitcitsbibliothcck o icidcu Luivcrsity aud its dircctor,Dr. l. rcugcluaus, or grautiug pcruissiou to rcproducc thcxii. c x o w r t o c x t ssixtccuplatcsrouthcrstcditiouo luuphius Jo|..os.|:Kr.|.:|.Souc o thc pcoplc ucutioucd abovc kuov hov uy ortuuchas chaugcd aud iuucdiatcly voluutccrcd to hclp as uuch aspossiblc. I vould likc to takc this opportuuity to thauk thcuas vcll as uy othcr loyal ricuds vho boost, i uot uy iuuuucsystcu, uy rcsolvc to couplctc this quixotic vcuturc. lccp ucstcady aud ou coursc.L. M. ttxx.xiiiI !1lODLC1I O!1hc orchid is uo lougcr a siuistcr aud dccadcut passiou butrathcr a couuodity that rcprcscuts a , billiou busiucss vorld-vidc.11his dcuocratizatiou took placc iu lcss thau tvo ccu-turics. Orchid cvcr, or orchidcliriuu, bcgau iu Luropc iu thcuiuctccuthccutury, audthccrazcvasiusoucvayscoupa-rablc to thc Dutch tulipouauia o thc scvcutccuth. ut it lastcdlougcr.1hcritishlcisurcclasscoutractcdthccvcriu rr,vhcu thc rst Cctt|:yc |c|.ctc blooucd iu Suolk.2Iur,r,, Marccllrousttrauslatcdthcsaucplautiutoaucvvcrbthatcouju-gatcduakiuglovcatitsuostiutoxicatiug (c.r:.ct|:yc.31hcuauia vas curcd by thc rcality o thc lirst Vorld Var aud diduotrcappcariuthcLuitcdStatcsaudLuropcuutil thclastquartcr o thc tvcuticth ccutury. y thcu thc crstvhilc rapturchad bccu rcplaccd by au otcu vicious couucrcial cutcrprisc.4Vhy did it takc Vcstcrucrs so loug to coutract orchid cvcr.Atcr all, thc orchid had bccu iu bloourcc to rrc uilliou ycarsbcorc thc prcscut5aud it bclougs to thc uost ubiquitous audvariablcoplautauilics, raugiugiuhabitatrouAlaskato1icrradcl lucgo, audiusizcrouacouplco uilliuctcrs|ctyst:|:toaplautuassoatouCrcooct.|y||os:...so.xvr t o o u c r o Itisthclargcstplautauilyoucarth; Drcsslcrisccrtaiuo)., gcucraaud r,,r,.spccics, addiugthat agurcbctvccu.c,ccc aud .,,ccc orchid spccics sccus rcasouablc.61hc plautisprcscutiualuostcvcrycliuatczouciuLuropc, viththclargcst uuubcr o thcsc tcupcratc spccics liviug iu thc Mcditcr-raucau basiu, thc ccutcr o Luropcau autiquity. Aud iudccd, thcorchid a Grcck vord or tcsticlc vas bricy ucutioucd bylippocratcs th ccuturyt.c., thcu 1hcophrastus vho vasthc rst to usc thc uouu .r.|. aud Dioscoridcs, succccdcd bythc louaus, cspccially lliuy aud Galcu, thcu Arab botauists,iutothclcuaissaucc,7tobcollovcdbythcgrcatcxplosiouo botauical study iu thc scvcutccuth ccutury vith lollaud atitsccutcr. LvcryLuropcaucouutryhaditsvildorchids; oriustaucc, cvcusuchauuulikclyplaccasthc!cthcrlaudshar-bors tvcuty-cight spccics.8Aud yct it vas uot uutil thc uiuc-tccuth ccutury that thc orchid iusiuuatcd itscl iuto thc Vcst-cru iuagiuatiou. 1hc iutiuatiou cauc rou thc tropics.AsiahadchcrishcdthcorchiduuchcarlicrthauLuropc,vith Chiua autcdatiug cvcryouc clsc. 1hc carlicst ucutiou oorchids iuthcvorldis saidtobciuthcChiucscookoSougs vhich datcs rou about thc tcuth to thc sixth ccuturyt.c.9Vhcrcas iu Vcstcru litcraturc, thc orchid vas, gcucrallyspcakiug, associatcd vith salaciousucss aud thc uclodrauaticor iustaucc iu thc sccoud chaptcr o layuoud Chaudlcrs 1|:3.`|::,10iu Chiua, |apau, aud iu Asia as a vholc thc orchidvasjustlylaudcdoritsragrauccauditspotcutial ucdici-ual virtucs. luuphiustoohaduothiugsiuistcrtosayaboutxvir t o o u c r o thcsc plauts, but praiscd thcu or thcir bootlcss bcauty. ut thcLuropcauiuagiuatiouvasprovokcdoulyvhcuitvasuallyiutroduccd to a tropical spccics.Morc thau thrcc-quartcrs o kuovu orchid spccics arc tropi-cal, aud about thrcc-quartcrs o all spccics arc cpiphytcs, thatis to say thcy livc ou but uot rou trccs. Lpiphytcs arc liu-itcd to tropical aud subtropical cuvirouucuts;11thcrc arc uocpiphytcs iu Luropc. 1hc hugc lauduasscs o !orth Aucricaaud Lurasia kuov rclativcly cv orchid spccics: ), gcucra audr) spccics. Australasia has thc ucxt cvcst spccics, thcu tropi-cal Arica. Most orchid gcucra aud orchid spccics arc ouud iutropicalAucrica,cegcucraaud,.eekuovuspccics, vithtropical Asia sccoud: .,c gcucra aud e,cc kuovu spccics.12Iuothcr vords, uorc thau tvo-thirds o thc vorlds orchid gcucraaud spccics arc rou tropical Aucrica aud Asia, aud yct Vcst-cru kuovlcdgc o tropical orchids vas cxtrcucly liuitcd uutilthc uiuctccuth ccutury. 1hcrc arc vcry cvclassics iu thc litcra-turc o Asiau orchidology, aud cvcu thosc cv arc virtually uu-kuovu. As au cxauplc, luuphius classic tcxts vcrc uot traus-latcd iuto a vcruacular lauguagc uutil thc prcscut voluuc.1hc rst tropical orchid iutroduccd to Luropc vas thc va-uilla orchid Jco.||c |co.(.|.c rou Mcxico. 1hc ruits o t|.|:.~.|.t| t|.||. ucausblack iu!ahuatl, aud:..|.t| isovcr13avorcdLupcrorMoutczuuasavorcdchocolatcdriuk. Al-though Spauiards brought kuovlcdgc o this orchid to Luropciu thc carly sixtccuth ccutury, it vas thc Dutch vho cstablishcdit iu botauical litcraturc. Clusius, a botauist rou thc southcru!cthcrlauds, publishcdthcrstbotauicaluoticcoaJco.||cxviir t o o u c r o spccics14iu rec,, vhilcthcrstuscothcuouuthatcstab-lishcditasgcucricuoucuclaturcvasbyVillculisorerrre),15thcDutchphysiciauvhoaccoupauicd|ohauMau-rits vou !assau-Sicgcu to razil. |ohau Maurits gubcruatorialgroupoescholarsaudartistsasscublcdauatural historyo razilH.st.r.c Nctrc|.s 3rcs.|.c:, publishcd iu rethat rc-uaiucduusurpasscdoravcrylougtiuc. 1hisscuiual tcxt,coupilcd by liso, vas plauucd aud cxccutcd duriug thc DutchVcst Iudics Coupauys abortivc attcupt to cstablish a pcrua-ucut Dutch colouy iu South Aucrica, roughly bctvccure,c audre,). ClusiusaudlisovcrcuotthcoulyDutchbotauiststocstablishtropicalorchidsiuthc Vcst.1hcrsttropicalor-chid cultivatcd iu Luropc vas gurcd iu laul lcruauus crc~.ss 3ctcs re, as thc Aucricau .:oro o..so 3rcssc.|co..sc. 1hc plaut, listcd as .:oro ..rcssc..o (.|.. .rcss. s|.ct.,vasgrovuiuthcgardcuoCaspcrlagcl, haviugbccuiutro-duccdiutolollaudrouCuraao.16laul lcruauureere,,vascousidcrcdthcbcstbotauistrcsidiugiuthcDutchlcpublic duriug thc scvcutccuth ccutury, lagcl vas a high o-cialaudiutiuatcothcDutchruliugauily, vhilcCuraao,capturcd iure,, had bccouc thc ccutral dcpot or Dutch tradciu thc Caribbcau atcr re,c.1hcDutchprcscucciuAsiavas uorcpcruaucut, cspc-cially iu Southcast Asia. It is truc that thc litcraturc o tropicalbotauy bcgius vith thc lortugucsc, cspccially thc grcat GarciadaOrta.r,c.r,)c vholivcdiuGoa, Iudia, audiuspircdCauocus cpic, 1|: Ls.c, apocuthat iucludcdabcautiulculogyothcMoluccas. AtcrhiucoucsthcCapc \crdcauxviiir t o o u c r o CristbalAcostar,.,r,,, vhorcpcatcdagrcatdcalrouOrta iu his 1r:ct.s: C.o.:ro.o t|: Lrs co M:...o:s .( t|: cst Io.:spublishcdiuurgosiu r,), ollovcdbythcSpauishphysi-ciau !icolas Mouardcs r,,r,, vho publishcd a trcatisc ouucdiciual plauts rou tropical Aucrica iu r,) iu Scvillc. Oucshould probably add thc Nctrc| H.st.ry .( t|: W:st Io.:s, publishcdiu1olcdoiur,.e, byGouzalolcruaudczdcOvicdor)r,,), vhichalsodiscusscduaturciuthcAucricas. lovcvcr,thcvorkoOrta, Mouardcs, audAcostagaiucdvidcsprcadprocssioual rcuovu ouly atcr thc llcuish botauist ClusiusCharlcs dc lLsclusc r,.erec,publishcd thcir vork iu iatiucpitoucsiu r,e), r,), aud r,.. 1hcyvcrcrcpublishcdiuasiuglc voluuc iur,,, aud rcpriutcd iu a collcctivc cditiou, :.t.~..ro |.|r. :.:o, publishcd iurec,. Most o thc scholars aud uatu-ral historiaus o thc scvcutccuth ccutury, iucludiug luuphius,kucv thcsc vorks ouly through Clusius iatiu trauslatious.1hc Ibcriau triad vas uost dcuitcly surpasscd by thc Dutchtrio o |acobus outius r,,.re,r, lcudrik Adriaau vau lccdctot Drakcustciure,ere,r, audGcorgius Lvcrhardus luu-phius re.)r)c.. 1hc vork o thcsc thrcc piouccrs vas bascdou rst-haud obscrvatiou iu, rcspcctivcly, |ava, Iudias Malabarcoast, audcastcruIudoucsia.outiusvorkvascvcushortcrthauthat o Mouardcs audAcosta, but \aulccdcs H.rtsMc|c|cr..s aud luuphius H:t Jo|..os.|: Kr.|.:| 1hc Aubo-ucsc lcrbal vcrc voluuiuous cutcrpriscstogcthcr thc tvovorks adduptouiuctccuoliovoluucsthat cstablishcdthcusclvcs as thc uusurpasscd ouudatiou o thc study o tropi-cal Asiau botauy.xixr t o o u c r o Duriugthcscvcutccuthccutury, thcDutchlcpublicvasthcprcuicrLuropcauccutcrorbotauicalstudics, cspcciallytropical botauy. y that tiuc thcrc vas a cousidcrablc litcraturciucludiugsoucdiscussiouo orchids ouLuropcaubotauy,cvcu ou tropical Aucricau uaturc, but vcry littlc about Asiauora. 1hc basic rcasou vas iguoraucc. 1hcrc had bccu uo r:~|cr iutcrcoursc vith Asia prior to thc tccuth ccutury; Luro-pcaus kucv about ccrtaiu Asiau couuoditics, to bc surc, butouly as r..ts. 1hcy had uot vcricd thc botauical provcuauccor thcusclvcs. Vhcu iuoruatiou ually did tricklc dovu toLuropcit caucuost otcuiuthcoruo scattcrcdrccr-cuccs iu accouuts o travcl. 1hcrc vcrc cv systcuatic dcscrip-tiousotropicalorabcorcthccightccuthccutury, audthchaudul that do cxist, such as \au lccdcs hcrbal o Iudia audluuphius o Iudoucsia, arcpiouccriugtcxtso iucstiuablcvaluc. 1hc tcrritory thcy had discovcrcd appcarcd liuitlcss.I vc rcstrict this discussiou to orchids alouc, vc cau pro-vidc thc olloviug gurcs as cxauplcs. Chiua has a total o r,gcucra aud ,ee spccics o orchids.171hc orchid ora o south-cruChiuaisclosclyrclatcdtothatoMalaysia,18hcucc vcvill ud that souc o thc gcucra luuphius discovcrcd arc alsoouud iu southcru Chiua. Mcutiou o Malaysia briugs to uiudthc tropical archipclago that is thc uatural habitat iu this book.Iu tcrus o Iudoucsia, accordiug to |. . Coubcr, |ava has ),ruaucdorchidspccics,19Suuatrahasjustuudcr r,.ccuaucdspccics, aud oruco about r,cc.20Iu lapua !cv Guiuca thcrcarc uutold spccics. lor cxauplc, iu a cv ycars duriug thc rstdccadc o thc tvcuticth ccutury, thc Gcruau botauist ludolxxr t o o u c r o Schlcchtcr rccordcd rre gcucra aud r,e, spccics, o vhich r,rc.spccicsvcrcucv.21|.|.Suithlistcd rcspccicsorthcsuallislaud o Aubou vhcrc luuphius livcd thrcc-quartcrs ohislic. 1hirty-six o thosc spccics aud our varictics vcrc, accord-iugtoSuith, cudcuictoAubou, aud.,spccicsvcrctobcouudoulyiuthccastcruarchipclago.22luuphiusdcscribcdor picturcd about ,e courucd spccics aud r. that arc subjcctto taxououic dcbatc.23y coutrast, \au lccdc listcd ouly sixspccics o orchids iu his H.rts Mc|c|cr..s, all cpiphytcs vhichiu thc Malayalau lauguagc vcrc callcd ocrccrc rou thc Mala-barcoastiuvcstcruIudia.24Coubcrcoutcudsthataroughcstiuatc o ,,ccc spccics or all Iudoucsiau orchids is uot cx-aggcratcd.1hat is a surcit o orchids, ar uorc thau all thc spccics audgcucrao Lurasiacoubiucd, yctthisoral vcalthvasprac-ticallyuukuovuiuthcscvcutccuthccutury. \aulccdcshaladozcuMalabarorchidsvcrcuot kuovutoluuphius: hcucvcrsavthctvclthaudlastvoluucothcH.rtsMc|c|cr.~.s, vhich discusscd thosc ocrccrc. luuphius paradcs rcccivcdkuovlcdgcrathcrpcruuctorilyiuhisrstorchidchaptcr. Itvasuotuuchtobuildou. AtlcastClusiusaudDodouacuspriutcd bric dcscriptious o truc orchids, but luuphius ucvcrkucv Gcssucrs draviug o orchid sccd though hc docs ucu-tiou thc Sviss botauist bccausc it vas uot publishcd uutil r),rr))). luuphius iucludcs 1ragus aud lirchcr ouly bccausc thcypositcd a thcory couccruiug thc orchids gcucratiou, dcspitc thcact that this vas still thc prcvalcut uyth that thc plauts vcrcsouchovgcucratcdrouspillcdauiual scucu, orbyucausxxir t o o u c r o o abiogcucsis, vhich is spoutaucous crcatiou rou carcasscs.25luuphiuspolitcly dccliucdtosupportsuchauciuluotiousaudcorrcctlyiutuitcdthcprcscuccoorchidsccd, vhichhcdcscribcdasvool, audcorrcctlyuotcditsdispcrsal bythcviud. lcalsoucutiousthccoutcuporarybotauistauhiu,vho listcd thc vroug plaut, aud othcrvisc cll back ou his uaiusourcc aud uodcl, thc louau uatural historiau lliuy thc Lldcr.Ouc should uotc that thcrcatcr luuphius docs uot ucutiouauy othcr sourcc bccausc thcy vcrc uuavailablc, aud usclcss cvcui at haud. luuphius vas crcatiug a uudaucutal classic vhilchc vrotc, prctty uuch alouc, iu rclativc iutcllcctual isolatiou,ou a rcuotc islaud iu Iudoucsias castcru archipclago. Scicuticstudy o thc orchid auily vas uot iuitiatcd uutil thc uiuctccuthccutury.Au cucouutcr vith luuphius, oucc dubbcd 1hc liud Sccro Aubou, bc it thc vork or thc uau, is a privilcgc aud a lib-cral cducatiou. lc vas boru iu latc Octobcr or carly !ovcubcriu re.) iu Volcrshciu, a suall tovu iu thc approxiuatc ccu-tcr olcssc,souc.,uilcsuortholraukurt.26lisathcr,August luup .reee, vas a3co:.st:r,a coubiuatiou archi-tcct audcoustructioucoutractor, audhis uothcrvas AuuaLlisabcth lcllcr .reccre,r, vho had auily couucctious iu thcLuitcd lroviuccs, a rcpublic uov bcttcr kuovu as thc liugdouo thc !cthcrlauds. Dcspitc his Gcruau birthplacc, luuphiuslcarucd Dutch rou his uothcrs auily.Gcorg Lvcrhard luup, vhou I vill call luuphius or cou-vcuicucc sakc, vas boru vhcu thc 1hirty Ycars Var had bccuxxiir t o o u c r o ragiug or about a dccadc. 1hc luup auily cxpcricuccd thchazards o uaraudiug soldicrs, auiuc, plaguc cpidcuics, audthcdcvastatiouothcirrcgiou. cgiuuiugasabrutal varorcligiou, thccouict graduallyturucdiutoavicious politi-cal coutcst iuvhichpriuciplcs audidcologics bccauccck-lcss accouuodatious. Siuccuatioual ghtiugorccs diduotyct cxist, thc var vas ought by hircliugs. Mcrccuarics had uorcgardortcrritorial sauctity: thcyburucdaudpillagcdaudsackcd vith dcuocratic crvor. 1hc ruiuatiou o lcssc had oucbcuct: it providcd luuphius athcr vith stcady cuployucut.iocal aristocrats uccdcd to havc thcir auccstral scats rcstorcdto orucr glory, aud a uau such as thc cldcr luup vas iu grcatdcuaud. 1hc ouly troublc vas that his cuploycrs vcrc brokcaud uorc otcu thau uot ailcd to pay hiu or his scrviccs sothat, cvcu though thc var cusurcd that thc luup auily vouldsurvivc, it also uadc surc that it vould sucr rou a chrouiclack o uoucy.ccausco his athcrs social positiouluuphius cujoycdthcprivilcgcocducatiou.Iuthcscvcutccuthccutury cduca-tiouvasaluxury, uotaright, auddcpcudcdououcsabilityto pay. As a youug child iu Volcrshciu hc vas taught iatiu,Grcck, aud lcbrcv by a privatc iustructor. luuphius athcrtaughtthcchildrcuohisaristocraticcuploycrssuchthiugsasdratiug, uathcuatics, audthcpriuciplcsocoustructiou,particularly buildiug dccusivc structurcs such as rcdoubts audorticatious. Subjccts likcthat vcrcuot taught iuschools,so luuphius vas agaiu lucky that hc had a athcr vho couldiustructhiuiuthcscskills. Asavcryyouugadolcsccut, uotxxiiir t o o u c r o uuch oldcr thau tcu or clcvcu, luuphius vcut to thc Gyuua-siuu iu lauau, a city cast o lraukurt. 1hc couucctiou vithlauau is rcligious as vcll as ccououic his athcr vorkcd orthcCouutso lauauaudlatcrorthccityitscl . Iu r,,),Couut lhilipp iudvig II iuvitcd lrotcstaut rcugccs rou thcSpauish !cthcrlauds to his douaiu, grautiug thcu a uuubcro privilcgcs. 1hcy procccdcd to build a ucv tovu aud uadclauau prospcrous. 1hroughout his lic, luuphius vould iu-accuratcly claiu lauau as his uativc city.1hc ucv tovu thcsc !cthcrlaudic lrotcstauts built borc astrikiug rcscublaucc to !cv Austcrdau ou thc islaud o Mau-hattau aud to lota Aubou iu castcru Iudoucsia, a tovu vhcrcluuphius vas to spcud thc last dccadcs ohis lic. All thrccvcrcbuiltaccordiugtoapraguaticgridosquarcblocksohouscs vith strccts that crosscd cach othcr at right auglcs, ar-raugcd arouud a ccutral arca that truly vas a squarc. 1his vasuotstaudardcityplauuiugatthctiuc, butauiuuovativccu-dcavor. |ust rccall ucdicval citics, vhich grcv likc coral rccs,by accrctiou.lauaucouldboastoauiustitutiouoadvauccdlcaruiugbccausc thc Couuts olauau, as lcorucd lrotcstauts, vcrcchaupiousocducatiou. 1hccurriculuucoupriscdthctra-ditiouallibcralarts: grauuar, rhctoric, logic, arithuctic, gc-ouctry uot algcbra, uusic, aud astrououy. Iu au uuuishcdautobiographical pocu,27luuphiusiuorususthatdcspitchistalcutoruathcuatics, hcprccrrcdthchuuauitics, thcMuscs as hc callcd thcu, aud that hc vautcd to cxplorc thcxxivr t o o u c r o sccrcts o !aturc. c that as it uay, Miucrva had to dccr toMars or uauy ycars to couc.luuphius statcd that hc lct lauau iu re, at cightccu bc-causchc vautcdtosccItaly. 1orcalizcthisdrcauhcsigucdupasaucrccuaryvithacouuaudcrvho vasasouoouco August luup s orucr cuploycrs. ccausc o this couucc-tiou, both athcr luup aud his sou trustcd thc rccruitcr, vhosaid hc vas gathcriug hircliugs or thc Dogc o \cuicc, troopsthatvouldghtthc1urksouCrctc. 1hcrccruitucutpitchvas a lic. 1hc bizarrc cvcuts o thc ucxt thrcc ycars hidc scv-craluystcricsiuthcstory oluuphiuslic. luuphiusaudhis cllov lcssiaus vcrc shippcd to lollaud aud abaudoucd.1hcu thcy souchov vcrc corrallcd oucc uorc aud trausportcdto1cxcl, auislaudothcuorthcrucoasto lollaudvhcrcDutchcctsrcudczvouscdbcorccubarkiugoulougvoyagcsallacrossthcglobc. Asluuphiusrccouutsiuhispocu, thchoodviukcd baud o hircliugs bccauc part o a orcc o .,cccucu vho vcrc crauucd iuto thrcc ships. !ot uutil thcy vcrcsailiugthroughthcChauucl vcrcthcytoldthatthcirdcsti-uatiou vas razil, cvidcutly as part o au cxpcditiouary orcciutcudcd to rclicvc thc bclcagucrcd Dutch iu uorthcru razil.ut luuphius ucvcr uadc it to South Aucrica cithcr. lisship vas cithcr vrcckcd or capturcd o thc coast o lortugal iuree, aud hc spcut thc ucxt thrcc ycars iu thc couutry that vaslollauds couucrcial aud political rival. 1hcrc is cuough cvi-dcucc to say that hc vas iu lortugal rouree to re, aud thathc livcd thcrc as a soldicr. luuphius aud his cllov lcssiausxxvr t o o u c r o vcrc uscd by thc lortugucsc govcruucut as bordcr troops. iikcall ucrccuarics, thcy livcd o thc laud aud carucd thc coutcuptothclocal citizcus. Iualcttcrrou re.hcucutiousthatthcy oucc gathcrcd a lortugucsc varicty o parslcy to bc catcuasasaladdcspitcbciugpcltcdvithsliugshots.281hcrcarcscattcrcd rccrcuccs to his lortugucsc pcrcgriuatiou, ,:.,cas hc callcd it, throughout his vork. Vhatcvcr thc particulars,thcrc is uo doubt that thc thrcc lortugucsc ycars ucaut a stiutiu orcigu uilitary scrvicc.lovhcuauagcdtolcavclortugal audhovhcgotbacktolcsscvcdouotkuov. Itisccrtaiuthathcvasbackiulcssciuthcsuuucro re,, just about oucycaratcr thc1hirty Ycars Var cudcd vith thc 1rcaty o Muustcr. 1his tiucluuphius ollovcd iu thc uorc prudcut ootstcps o his athcr,aud ouud cuployucut iu Idstciu, a tovu uorthvcst o lrauk-urt. lc vorkcd or thc local couut as a 3cs.|r:.|:r, a lcsscr vcr-siou o vhat his athcrs job cutailcd. A bric dcscriptiou o hisdutics illustratcs vhy luuphius vas such a valuablc assct orthc Dutch vhcu hc vcut to thc Iudics. As a 3cs.|r:.|:r hc had toovcrscc coustructiou crcvs aud vas thcir liaisou vith thc castlchicrarchy. lc also produccd vorkiug dcsigus, vhat vc vouldcall blucpriuts, or vhatcvcr structurc vas uudcr coustructiou,or auy othcrproposcdprojcct, audvascoutractually obligcdto tcach his cuploycrs childrcu, just as his athcr had douc. Iuluuphius casc this covcrcd Arithuctic, Gcouctry, Architcc-turc aud rclatcd Arts. 1hc lattcr uost likcly vcrc draviug audpaiutiug.luuphius lastcd ouly a ycar aud a hal ou this job. Ouc rca-xxvir t o o u c r o sou hc quit vas givcu by his cuploycr, thc Couut oIdstciu:luuphius had publicly rcuoustratcd agaiust thc Couuts pro-hibitiou o Calviuist church scrviccs. Disscutiug bchavior vasdaugcrousatthctiuc, sothatituayhavcbccuorcsightcdvhcu luuphius disappcarcd. A uorc likcly rcasou is that hisuothcr dicd iu Dcccubcr o re,r. lis athcr uccdcd hiu audcallcd hiu houc. Oucc hc vas back vith his auily, Gcorg dis-covcrcd that his athcr vas iu scrious uaucial troublc, aud hclct pcrhaps iu ordcr uot to bc a burdcu ou his parcut. c thatasituay, vithiuavcckatcrhisuothcrsdcath, luuphiushad lct lauau aud probably lcssc as vcll.Oucc agaiu luuphius sigucd ou as a soldicr, this tiuc viththc \OCor thc Dutch Last Iudia Coupauy, thc busiucss cutcr-prisc that vas thc rst uultiuatioual corporatiou o thc uod-cru cra. I vill rccr to it throughout this book cithcr by thcDutch acrouyu or thc uctouyuy thc Coupauy. Agaiu, vcdo uot kuov hov hc got to lollaud or vho hclpcd hiu solicitor a positiou, but his uothcrs auily vas uorc thau likcly iu-volvcd bccausc hc lct Luropc thc day atcr Christuas re,., as auc:||.rst, vhich a coutcuporary dictiouary trauslatcs as gcutlc-uau soldicra suall but siguicaut stcp up thc social laddcr.Iu|uly o re,,luuphiusdiscubarkcdiuthccolouialcapitalcallcdataviaouthcislaudo |ava, audbythccudothatycar hc arrivcd iu thc Moluccas iu thc ar castcru archipclagoas a ucubcr o a uilitary orcc. lc had just turucd tvcuty-six.lc spcut thc ucxt orty-cight ycars o his lic iu thosc castcruislauds aud ucvcr sav |ava, lcssc, or Luropc agaiu.It vas uot uuusual oraGcruautogotothcIudics asxxviir t o o u c r o aucuployccothc \OC. 1hcDutchcoupauyuccdcduau-povcraudthcsuall uatioucoulduotsupplyit. Duriugthctiuc luuphius sigucd ou, about e, pcrccut o thc soldicrs vcrcorcigu, vhilc ,, pcrccut o uariucrs had bccu boru outsidc thc!cthcrlauds. 1hcsc pcrccutagcs ouly iucrcascd duriug thc cigh-tccuthccutury. 1hcgrcatcstuuubcr oCcstcr|:.t:rvcrcGcr-uau, aud thc uajor rcasou or that vas thc ruiuous 1hirty YcarsVar. luuphius vas uot uuch dicrcut rou his coupatriotscxccpt that hc uauagcd to advaucc bcyoud thc uilitary, vhichuot uauy orcigucrs vcrc ablc to do.I ouc survivcd, thc jourucy to |ava truly vas a sca-chaugciutosoucthiugrichaudstraugc. ut oucthiuguust havcbccu auiliar to thc youug uau rou lauau. Old atavia vasalsobuiltaccordiugtoarcctaugulargrid, likclauaus!cv1ovuaud!cvAustcrdauouthcludsou. 1hcDutchcu-giuccrs straightcucdout thcCilivuuglivcrauddivcrtcditiuto brickcd cauals that ovcd by scvcutccuth-ccutury Dutchhouscs couplctc vith suall gardcus. Iu othcr vords, luuphiusvalkcd iuto a Dutch tovu trausplautcd to thc tropics, thoughoutsidc this rclativcly suall ccutcr o palu-liucd cauals ouc cu-couutcrcd thc dicrcut uodcs o rcal Asiau lic iu thc scvcral|co.os, orucighborhoods, iuhabitcdbycthuicgroupsrouall ovcr thc archipclago.utliciuthccastcruarchipclagovasstraugcrstill. 1hcLuropcauprcscuccsccucdaluostucgligiblciuthisvastdo-uaiu o vatcr aud a cv loucsouc islauds. luuphius sct outto trauscr this largcly uudiscloscd vorld outo papcr, but rsthc had to survivc thc ortuucs o var ouc uorc tiuc. Yct agaiuxxviiir t o o u c r o vclackdctailsaudocial couruatiou, butiouchashadauy auiliarity vith uilitary lic ouc cau tcll rou ccrtaiu pas-sagcs iu his vritiugs that hc uost likcly took part iu ghtiugiu thc Auboucsc rcgiou, probably ou Scrau, agaiust thc cou-biucd orccs o Makassarcsc aud Auboucsc iu vhat cauc to bckuovu as thc lith Auboucsc Var vhich lastcd, accordiugto luuphius, rou re,r to re,e.29luuphius survivcd. Vhat is uorc, thc \OCrccoguizcd thathc had uorc valuablc talcuts. 1hcy scut hiu to appraisc aud rc-pair dccusivc structurcs ou scvcral islauds aud uscd his uathc-uaticalskillsoruilitarypurposcs. \OCcoutractsvcrcorvc ycars. Iu re,), luuphius vas pcruittcd to rcsigu rou thcuilitary aud allovcd to cutcr thc civiliau brauch o thc \OC asa juuior ucrchaut statioucd ou thc islaud o Aubou. 1hcrc hcrcuaiucd or thc rcst ohis lic. luuphius had bccu soldicr-iug o aud ou or about tcu ycars. It had bccu au iuportautpart ohis lic aud provcd to bc a lastiug iuucucc. 1hc scl-sucicucy hc had acquircd vould bc scvcrcly tcstcd iu a scricso calauitics that bccll hiu a dccadc latcr, but it also rccctsa stroug charactcr that had its rough sidc aud au iudouitablcvill that did uot couoru or subuit.1his scl-rcliaut uau vas about to chaugc hiuscl iuto souc-thiug cutircly ucvaud dicrcut. iikc Cauocus, lortugals grcatuatioual poct, luuphius cxchaugcd thc svord or thc pcu. 1histrausoruatiou rou uukuovu soldicr to a rcprcscutativc uauvho is still aduircd took placc iu a rcgiou hc aptly callcd thcVatcr Iudics. Iu thc prcacc to his H:r|c|, luuphius told hisrcadcrs: 1hcVatcr-IudicsstrctchrouSuuatra, thcu|ava,xxixr t o o u c r o aud thc othcr largc Islauds, iu a loug chaiu to thc Last, ouccuiccly callcd thc cyclids o thc vorld by j|.s `.c|.:r, thcu viththc South-Lastcr Islauds thcy curvc to thc !orth aud !orth-vcst, through thc Moluccos, to cud iu thc !orth vith thc |.|~|..o:orMco.||cs:Islauds. Iuthcuostrcuotccorucr othcscVatcr-Iudics to thc Last, ouc vill ud thc thrcc govcruucuts,oAuboiua, thcMoluccas, audauda; thcscarccucloscdiuthc Last aud scparatcd rou thc South Sca by thc laud vhichouc is vout to call N.c C.o:c. luuphius vas quitc corrcct tocuphasizc thc prcscucc o vatcr bccausc iu Iudoucsia its arcaisthrcctiucsgrcatcrthauthclauds. 1hcIudoucsiausspcako thcir couutry as1coc|J.r, laud aud vatcr, aluost as i oucvord.lartothccastvasthcsuallislaudoAubou, vhichdc-spitc its diuiuutivc sizcit is ouly ,. uilcs loug aud rc uilcsvidchad bccu dclcgatcd a disproportiouatc iuportaucc ducto thc Luropcau dctcruiuatiou to uouopolizc thc spicc tradc.Duriugthcsixtccuthccutury, thclortugucscuadcAubouthchcadquartcrsothcSpiccIslauds, audthcDutchuaiu-taiucd that status duriug thc scvcutccuth. Ouc could couparcthc islaud to a lobstcr clav, vith thc uorthcru pcuiusula likcalargcuppcrpiuccr, callcdlitu, audthcsuallcrlovcrouccallcd icitiuor. luuphius livcd or thirtccu ycars ou thc coasto litu, rst at iarikc, a suall scttlcucut iu thc vcst, thcu oradccadciulila, urthcrtothccast. Ituightsccualouclycxistcucc to us but it probably vas uot. luuphius vas his ovuboss. lis dutics vcrc cxactiug but uot cxhaustiug. As loug ashc took carc o busiucss rst, thc \OC vould uot bothcr hiu.xxxr t o o u c r o iarikchadaboutcciuhabitauts. luuphiuslivcdoutsidcasuallrcdoubtthathouscdagarrisouoabouttvodozcu.Itvas iu iarikc that hc bcgau to collcct botauical, zoological, auduiucralogicalitcusaudstartcdtorcgistcrthcuiuthc vividprosc vhich has survivcd thrcc ccuturics.1o put it as bricy as possiblc, luuphius couposcd a uatu-ral historyo castcruIudoucsia, uodclcdoulliuys classicvork. ictuciuucdiatclyaddthatluuphius achicvcucutvas grcatcr thauthat o thclouaucavalryoccr bccauscuo uattcr hov uuch ouc aduircs thc iatiu voluucs thcy rc-uaiuaparticularrcadcrsdigcsto ovcrahuudrcdauthori-tics. luuphius cqually voluuiuous vritiugs arc uostly origi-ual, bascd ou rst-haud iuvcstigatiou aud iuoruatiou. lor allsortsorcasous, hcvasprcvcutcdroushapiugthcvariousparts iuto a siuglc vholc, but thc iudcpcudcut coupoucuts arcuouuucutal iu thcir ovu right. lis grcatcst achicvcucut vasahcrbalocastcruIudoucsiacutitlcdH:t Jo|..os.|: Kr.|.:|1hcAuboucsclcrbal, audhisuostpopularachicvcucutvas LJo|..os.|: Icr.t:.t|co:r or 1|: Jo|.o:s: Cr..s.ty Cc|.o:t,publishcdposthuuouslyiu r)c,. Itdiscusscdtropicalcrusta-ccausiubookouc, uollusksiubooktvo, auduiucralsaudsuudry curiositics iu book thrcc. Its popularity vas priuarilyduc to thc illustratious o shclls iu book tvo. luuphius alsovrotc a gcographical dcscriptiou aud a history o Aubou. 1o-vards thc cud o his lic hc vas vorkiug ou a book about Mo-luccau auiuals aud hc had vrittcu a dictiouary o Malay, cou-plctcd up to thc lcttcr l. ut luuphius ucvcr sav auy o thisiu priut. 1hc ouly thiugs publishcd duriug his lictiuc vcrc axxxir t o o u c r o rcport o thc catastrophic carthquakc o re) aud thirtccu bricuotcs about Asiau uatural history iu a lcarucd jourual back iuGcruauy.lcstartcdthisuubclicvablcauouutovorkiuthc re,cs,accouplishiug all oit iu about orty ycars, at thc sauc tiucpursuiug au activc carccr iu thc \OC, doiug uost o thc actualvritiug duriug thc ual thrcc dccadcs o his lic. Aud his carccrvas succcssul. Vhcu hc vas assigucd to lila, thc sccoud-uostiuportaut post ou thc islaud, hc vas prouotcd to ucrchaut,a high positiou or a orcigucr. Souctiuc duriug thcsc ycars oulitu, luuphiusprobablyuarricdavouauuaucdSusauua.1hcy had scvcral childrcu, but it is uot kuovu hov uauy. Vckuov hc had a sou, laulus Augustus .ree,r)ce, vho hclpcdhiu latcr ou, but it is vcry rustratiug that thcrc is uo urthcriuoruatiou about Susauua cxccpt or hcr husbauds bric, poi-guaut ucutiou iu his H:r|c|. Dcscribiug au orchid varicty thathaduolocal uauc, hccallcditiuiatiuI|.s sscooc:, audiuMalay3.oc`scooc, iuucuoryo hcrvhovhcualivcvasuy rst Coupauiou aud lclpuatc iu thc gathcriug ohcrbsaud plauts, aud vho vas also thc rst cvcr to shov this ovcrto uc. Vhocvcr shc vas, i Susauua livcd vith luuphius iulila shc sharcd au cujoyablc cxistcucc. lc had a couortablcdvclliug, abuudaut ood, aud a largc, arucd vcsscl at his dis-posal, aud thc prospcct rou a uodcratc clcvatiou vas that obcautiul liruay. Iuthatcraoclcauairhccouldsccthcucighboriug islaud o Scrau.Duriug thc day luuphius took carc o busiucss, also gath-crcd aud collcctcd, aud rcccivcd itcus rou othcr parts o thcxxxiir t o o u c r o rcgioucithcroucousiguucutorasgits. Atuighthcvrotc.lrou thc poiut o vicv o uodcru ophthaluology, lightiug iuluuphius housc vas au abouiuatiou. 1hc uost couuou lightsourcc vasadishvithcocouutorkcuarioil, vithaoatogaba uarrov aud a piccc o cottou or a vickcharuiug auddccorativc, but rathcr pitiul vhcu pittcd agaiust thc cclipsc oa tropic uight. Duriug thc day, hc spcut uauy hours scouriugthc bcachcs. Most o thcu vcrc saud dcriviug rou pulvcrizcdshclls, uaguiccutlybut crucllyvhitcuudcr thcorbiddiugsuu. luuphius blaucd thc bcachcs, but I thiuk it vas a cou-biuatiou oboth day labor aud uight vork vhich causcd hiuto losc his sight. Iu thc prcacc to his H:r|c| hc coutcuds thatitvascldrcscarchthatassassiuatcdhisvisiou: lrousuchvalkiug iu thc hcat o thc Suu uy sight vas struck to such aucxtcut by a Suusio or Cataracta !igra, that I lost uost o itvithiu thrcc uouths. y May ,, re)c, thc govcruor o Aubourcportcd to his supcriors iu |ava that thc Mcrchaut luuphiusbccauc bliud scvcral vccks ago. lc vas orty-tvo ycars old.1oday thc problcu vould havc bccu diaguoscd as glaucoua audit cau bc curcd, but or luuphius it ucaut bliuducss.1hc idyll at lila vas ovcr. 1his uau vho had survivcd ship-vrcck, uilitaryscrvicciuorcigucouutrics, scatravcl, audavoluutary cxilc to vhat vas quitc litcrally thc othcr sidc o thcvorld, this survivor vas uov accd vith thc vorst calauity oall. It did uot dcstroy hiu, but or soucouc vho could vord aovcr or a plaut iu thc uost dclicatc dctail, it uust havc bccudcvastatiugaudoucuustcouccdcthathisachicvcucutisallthc uorc rcuarkablc or it. A phrasc rou a lcttcr to a Luro-xxxiiir t o o u c r o pcau collcaguc iurec says it all; bliuducss, hc vrotc, suddculytookavayrouucthccutircvorldaudall itscrcaturcs.30Aud uisortuuc vas uot through vith hiu yct.Dccucd uut to do his job, luuphius vas ordcrcd by hisiuucdiatcsupcriorto vacatchispostauduovchiusclaudhis auilytothc oulytruc tovuouthc islaud, lota Au-bou, thc capital. 1hcrc, duriug a cclcbratiou o Chiucsc !cvYcar oulcbruary r), re), thccutircislaudvashitby oucothc vorst tcctouic carthquakcs iu Aubous history. luuphius,Susauua, aud at lcast ouc daughtcr vcrc strolliug dovu a strcctiuthcChiucscquartcr. Acoutcuporarycycvitucssrcportcdthat luuphius vic aud daughtcr vcrc callcd ovcr by a ccr-taiu Chiucsc vouau aud iuvitcd iu, uov vhcu thcy clt thc rstshakiug thcy vautcd to valk avay, but iustcad thcy got thc vallo thc housc ou thcir backs, aud thus laucutably suocatcd bc-ucath it, uotvithstaudiug that thcy vcrc dug up as soou as vaspossiblc. |ust bcorc that tiuc luuphius had gouc or au cvc-uiug stroll past thc vcry sauc housc aud had cvcu bccu callcdovcr by his vic aud daughtcr, but hc dcuurrcd; vhich shovsthat God vas disposcd to kccp hiu rou haru, or i hc had satdovu, thcrc is uo doubt that thcrc vould havc bccu uo cscapcor hiu, duc to his bliuducss. It vas a pitcous sight to scc thatuau sit ucxt to his corpscs, aud also to hcar his laucutatious,couccruiug both this accidcut aud his bliuducss.31latc cousidcrcd cvcu this loss uot quitc sucicut yct. lirsthisvisiouhadbccutakcurouhiu, thcuSusauua, uovhisvritiugbccaucatargct. 1hc \OCrozchiuiuthcraukoucrchaut aud uscd hiu as vhat vc vould call a cousultaut.xxxivr t o o u c r o Iuothcrvords, hclivcdatthcbchcstothcCoupauyaudcouldvorkoulybythcucrcy osubstitutccycsaudpcus. Iau couviuccd that his vritiug shcltcrcd hiu rou dcspair, buthc uccdcd hclp. 1o its crcdit, thc Coupauy providcd hiu vithauauucuscstotakcdovuhisdictatiouauddraughtsucutoproducc thc illustratious hc uscd to drav hiuscl. Ouc has torcalizc that atcr re)c, his bliuducss orccd hiu to start vrit-iughis H:r|c| all ovcragaiu. As vas custouaryduriugthatccutury, hchadrstvrittcuitiuiatiu, butthcrcvcrcuotuauy pcoplc iu thc Iudics vho could takc dovu iatiu dicta-tiou, so hc vas orccd to svitch to thc lauguagc o his uothcrsauily. Yctthcrcvcrcbcucts. 1hcrcvritciuposcdbythispractical uccd also gavc hiu thc chaucc to producc a vcruacu-lartcxtthatvouldbcopractical usctothccouuouuau.As hc auuouuccd iu thc prcacc to thc H:r|c|, it vas addrcsscdparticularlytothoscvholivciuthcIudics bccauscthoscpcoplc could usc it as a ucdical vadc uccuu. Aud this vas pcr-cctlyrcasouablc;uauy ohisLuropcaucoutcuporaricsprc-crrcdthchcrbalucdiciucothcIudoucsiau|oshcalcrsto thc bloody iucoupctcucc o Vcstcru physiciaus. luuphiushcrbal is iu that rcspcct a hugc uatcria ucdica, a rcpository ohcrbal kuovlcdgc aud rcucdics that is o grcat valuc to cthuog-raphcrs aud cthuobotauists. Aud, ually, thc cuorccd svitch toDutch also produccd a ar uorc cxprcssivc aud origiual proscthau thc coustraiuts o iatiu coupositiou had pcruittcd.1hough thc tcxt had to bc cutircly rcvrittcu, hc had at lcastall thc illustratious, iu color, vhich hc had uishcd hiuscl bc-orc re)c. ut all thcsc pricclcss iuagcs, aloug vith uauuscriptsxxxvr t o o u c r o aud all his books, vcrc rcduccd to ashcs iu re) duriug a uajorrc that ragcd through thc Luropcau quartcr o lota Aubou.luuphius housc burucd dovu to thc grouud. About a dccadclatcr soucouc stolc er ucv illustratious rou his study. ut hcpcrsistcd. Iu rec hc had hal o his hugc hcrbal uishcd ouccagaiu. It vas shippcd to |ava vhcrc thc uauuscript vas goiugtobccousigucdtoashipthatvaspartothatycarsrctourcct to lollaud. 1hauks to his curiosity aud to thc pcrcup-tory povcrs ohis occ, hovcvcr, thc rciguiug govcruor gcu-cral, by thc uauc o |oauucs Cauphuys re,re,,, ordcrcd hisclcrkstocopyluuphiustcxtbccausc, asauardcutuatural-ist, hc vautcd it or his privatc cujoyucut. Cauphuys authori-tariau dictatc provcd to bc a saviug gracc. It took tiuc to copyallthoscpagcs, auduotuutiltvo ycarslatcr didthcrstsixbooks o thc Jo|.o:s: H:r|c| sct sail or lollaud. ut lollaudaud Luglaud vcrc lockcd iu a var vith lrauccs Suu liug, audluuphiusuauuscriptbccaucauiuuoccutvictiu.Alrcuchuaval squadrou attackcd thc rctour cct aud sauk thc ship thatborc thosc hard-vou pagcs.Oucc agaiu, luuphius rallicd. lc cvcu took thc opportu-uity to uakc additious aud corrcctious to thc uovouly cxistiugcopy o thc rst six books, thc ouc Cauphuys had ordcrcd. 1hcothcr six rccoustitutcd aud copicd books o thc H:r|c| uadc itacross thc occau vithout iucidcut, aud by re,), ouly vc ycarsbcorc his dcath, thc cutirc vork vas sacly iu lollaud, thoughitvoulduotbciupriutuutiluorcthauhalaccuturyhadpasscd. Duriughisual ycarsluuphiusalsocouplctcdthcJo|.o:s:Cr..s.tyCc|.o:taudscvcralothcrvorks.lckcptouxxxvir t o o u c r o addiugtothchcrbaluutilby r)cr hchadvhatauouutcdtoauothcr, supplcucutary voluuc, vhich vas dispatchcd to lol-laud iu r)cr, ouly uiuc uouths bcorc his dcath.1hc vcry last chaptcr o this supplcucutary voluuc coutaiusa dcscriptiou o thc |avaucsc uougoosc. 1his sccus a pcculiarcouclusioutoavorkaboutplauts, butluuphiusvasoudothisauiualaudvautcdhisrcadcrstokuov aboutit, audsiucc, as hc vrotc at thc bcgiuuiug o thc chaptcr, hc doubtcdthat his vcakucss aud old agc vould pcruit hiu to uish thcbookou!ativcAuiuals hcvasvorkiugou, hcaddcdthisual chaptcrasauiusurauccagaiustobliviou. Itisacharu-iug skctch that iu uodcsty aud acctiou or a cllov crcaturcprovidcs a quict but tclliug arcvcll to a rcuarkablc lic. Siuccluuphius livcd iu thc tropics it vas ouly uatural that hc cx-tollcd thc auiuals provcss as a suakc killcr, but thc rcal cu-phasisisouthcshapc, quickucss, audcugagiugtcupcraucuto thc Moucus as hc callcd thcH:r:st:s,cco..s, a ucubcro thc Civct-cat gcuus. 1his Iudoucsiau auccstor olipliugslikki-1ikki-1avi is cousuucd vith curiosity, a charactcr traitthat it sharcd vith its agiug uastcr. 1his Auiual is iucrcdiblyquick, vhcu it stauds or sits upright, thc hcad is ucvcr still ora uoucut, aud it iuspccts cvcrythiug that passcs, bc it pcoplcor auiuals. lcrhaps thc auiuals acctiouatc uaturc vas uorciuportaut to au old uau vith littlc coupauiouship. ut it iscvcu uorc auaziug hov tauc this Auiual bccoucs, aud hovuscd it gcts to thc pcoplc vho kccp it coupauy. It is dicultto grab hold oby its back, siucc it vill iuucdiatcly slip outo your hauds i you grab it likc that, yct you cau touch it vithxxxviir t o o u c r o yourhaudsrouthcrout, auditvill prcscutlyscizcthcu,aud do thc sauc vith thc lcgs o vhocvcr valks by. Iu short,it bccoucs so tauc that it cvcu slccps vith pcoplc. luuphiuscapturcd thc Moucus vith ouc o thc charactcristic uctaphoriciuagcs vhich carry his vork bcyoud thc scicutic iupcrativc.lcsaysthatitvilltakcholdovhatcvcr oucgivcsittocatvith its tvo rout pavs, vhich, vhcu it has uothiug to do, itputs ou its chcst, likc a poor siuucr.luuphius dicd ou |uuc r,, r)c., at thc agc o scvcuty-our.lc vas buricd iu a plot outsidc lota Aubou, aud au uukuovuaduircr crcctcd a uodcst uarblc toub iu his houor. Duriug thcritish iutcrrcguuu, thc ritish govcruor o Aubou dcstroycdthcgravcsitcaudsoldthcuarblcorprot. 1hcgravcvasrcstorcdbythcDutchgovcruucutaudadiscrcctuouuucutdcdicatcdtothcuaturalistsucuoryiu r.. 1hatucuorialvas also dcstroycd, this tiuc duriug au allicd boubiug raid iuthc Sccoud Vorld Var. Iu r,,e, a third uouuucut vas dcdi-catcd iu dovutovu lota Aubou, but its atc is also iu jcopardyduc to thc scctariau aud rcligious var that has bccu ragiug iuthat rcgiou siuccr,,,, aud that has cost thc livcs o ,ccc pcoplcaud orccd hal a uilliou othcr victius to bccouc rcugccs.1hc voluuc at haud prcscuts all thc dcscriptious o orchidsthatluuphiusiucludcdiuhisuouuucutal hcrbal, H:t Jo~|..os.|: Kr.|.:|1hcAuboucsclcrbal. Itvasvrittcubc-tvccu re,) aud re,) aud is, thcrcorc, a s::ot::ot|-ccutury tcxt.Itvaspublishcdatauiuiuuuhalaccuturylatcr: iusixvoluucs, plus au additiou or scvcuth voluuc, bctvccu r)r audxxxviiir t o o u c r o r),,, vhich uakcs souc pcoplc uistakculy bclicvc that it vas acightccuth-ccutury tcxt.1hc rst hal o thc couplctc titlc trauslatcs as: 1hc Au-boucsclcrbal, ciugaDcscriptiouothcuostuotcvorthy1rccs, Shrubs, lcrbs, iaud- aud Vatcr-llauts, vhich arc ouudiu Auboiua, aud thc surrouudiug Islauds, Accordiug to thcirshapc, various uaucs, cultivatious, aud usc: togcthcr vith scv-craliuscctsaudauiuals. lorthcuostpartviththcligurcspcrtaiuiug to thcu. All gathcrcd vith uuch troublc aud dili-gcucc ovcr uauy ycars, aud dcscribcd iu tvclvc books by Gcor-gius Lvcrhardus luuphius.321hcscvcuvoluucs coutaiu r,eeroliopagcs, dividcdiutotvclvc books, )e chaptcrs, that arc illustratcdvithe,eplatcs. As thc titlcs o thc iudividual books iudicatcd, thc luu-phiau divisious arc uulikc thosc o uodcru botauical practicc.ookouc dcscribcs trccs that bcar cdiblc lruits, audthatarcplautcdbylcoplciuthcirGardcus: booktvocoutaiusthc Spicc 1rccs: book thrcc dcscribcs thosc trccs that pro-ducc souc lcsiu, uotablc llovcrs or hurtul Milk: book ourprcscuts vild 1rccs, that arc turucd iuto iuubcr; book vc,a uixturc o vild trccs; book six prcscuts vild aud cultivatcdshrubs; bookscvcu, lorcst-ropcs, vhicharcliauas, asvcllascrccpiugShrubs; bookcightdcscribcsthcall-iuportautGardcuplautsthatscrvcasood, Mcdiciuc, orrccrcatiou;bookuiuctviuiugllauts; booktcuprcscuts aucdlcyoVildlcrbs; bookclcvcudcals viththcrcuaiuiugvildlcrbs; audbooktvclvcdcscribcsthcSca-trccs, audstouyMariuc grovths, that rcscublc a llaut, that is to say coral audxxxixr t o o u c r o algac. 1hc J.tcr.o, or voluuc scvcu, has additious to auyo thc abovc catcgorics. Mcrrill has cstiuatcd that luuphiusJo|..os.|: Kr.|.:| dcscribcs about r,)cc oral orus.331hcrc is ordcr to luuphius ucthod. Lach plaut is rst dc-scribcd iu graphic aud otcu poctic dctail. luuphius is ouc othc grcatcst phytographcrs iu thc history o botauy, aud uusur-passcd as thc phytographcr o tropical ora. Atcr thc dcscrip-tiou, thc plauts uaucs arc givcu. lirst is thc iatiu ouc vhich,uorc otcu thau uot, vas au origiual labcl vith luuphius asits author. !cxt coucs thc iudigcuous Malay uauc, i auy, audthcrcatcr vhichcvcr othcr Iudoucsiau uaucs luuphius uighthavchcard. OthcrIudoucsiauuaucsotcuiucludcdarcAu-boucsc oucs, cvcu distiuguishiug vhat a plaut is callcd ou thcuorthcru pcuiusula litu o thc islaud or ou southcru iciti-uor; Macassarcsc uaucs arc rcqucutly providcd, as arc |avaucscaudaliucscappcllatious; alsorcqucutarcuaucsrou 1cr-uatc, ucarby islauds such as uru, Scrau, thc auda islauds,othcrMoluccauislauds, !cvGuiuca, audsoou. luuphiusrcqucutly providcs Chiucsc coguoucus, uorc spccically,uaucs rou southcru coastal Chiua. Aud cvcry uouiuativc scc-tiou providcs, o coursc, a Dutch siuilc, aluost alvays origiual,dcscriptivc, aud ucuorablc.Lvcu by thc staudards o uodcru scicutic taxououy, luu-phius H:r|c| is vcry iuportaut bccausc, as Mcrrill poiuts out,its dcscriptious aud gurcs typiy a vcry largc uuubcr obi-uouials o latcrauthors.34Mcrrills ual judgucut is thatas au origiual sourcc thc lcrbariuu Auboiucusc stauds prc-cuiucut auoug all thc carly publicatious ou Malayau botauy. Iuxlr t o o u c r o uorc thau cc origiual publicatious o spccics o plauts uudcrthcbiuouial systcurou r),,to r,cthcluuphiauuaucsor gurcs, or both, arc quotcd as syuouyus, aud iu about ,,ccascsthcproposcdbiuouialsarcbascdvholly oudatagivcuby luuphius.35Atcr uauiug uaucs couc placc aud provcuaucc. 1hc abovcskctcholuuphiauuoucuclaturcuakcsitabuudautly clcarthat, though thc titlc o his hcrbal souuds rcstrictivc, hc rcallycast his botauical uct ar aud vidc. luuphius rccrs to plautsrou |ava, Cclcbcs Sulavcsi, Ccrau Scrau, ali, thc audaislauds, uru, thc truc Moluccas 1cruatc, 1idorc, aciau,laluahcra, thclattcralsokuovuasGilolo, thcSuubava-1iuor groupo islauds !usa 1cuggara, thc lhilippiucs,Mauipa, utou, oruco, Suuatra, thcSulaislauds, Auboussuallucighboriugislauds, thcAruislauds, !cvGuiuca, audthc lci islauds, as vcll as uakiug rcqucut rccrcuccs tocouutrics bcyoud Iudoucsia, such as Chiua, |apau, Iudo-Chiua, Malacca, Madagascar, South Arica, Mcxico, lcru,aud razil.Atcr dcscriptiou, uauc, audplacc, achaptcrscoucludiugdiscussiou is o thc plauts usc. 1his scctiou vas vcry iuportautat thc tiuc: ouc o luuphius uaiu objcctivcs vas to providca ucdical vadc uccuu or Luropcaus liviug iu Iudoucsia. Lvcui a plaut has uo ucdiciual siguicaucc, luuphius vill alvaysucutiou vhatcvcr ccououic usc o vhich hc had bccouc avarc.Iu othcr vords, hc providcs scholars o our cra vith a voluui-uous tcxt o cthuobotauy. !atural products had to satisy cvcryhuuau uccd iu his prciudustrial cra, rou coustructiou uatcri-xlir t o o u c r o als to vritiug iuplcucuts. 1hc raugc o his iuoruatiou is as-touishiug. It iucludcs rccipcs or iustaucc, or a uusscl saucc,ood habits, ashiou iuoruatiou, uatural vritiug utcusils, hovto black shiclds aud orgc svords, rcucdics agaiust couccptiou,rcucdics to prouotc couccptiou, hov to clcausc thc digcstivcsystcu o thc ucvboru, hov to vard o thc troublcd slccp ochildrcubyplaciugccrtaiushcllsuudcrthcirpillovs, audsoou. lc iucludcs storics, olklorc, rcligious practiccsiu shortthiugs both uarvclous aud quotidiau. All o this aud uorc isovcrlookcd i ouc is satiscd vith a ucrc iudcx o his plauts audauiuals. 1his syupathctic appropriatiou o a dicrcut rcalityvas au act o cuthusiasu, aud studcuts o Iudoucsiau cthuog-raphycauoulythaukatcthatluuphiusvasaprc-uodcruauiuist bccausc a Cartcsiau vould havc scocd at aud disuisscduostovhathcrccordcd. Aucxauplcrouthcprcscutor-chid tcxts is thc Alurau varriors vho stuck L:or.|.o bloousbchiudthcirglassarubaudsbcorcthcyvcutouttogathcrscvcrcd hcads.csidcs thc cthuobotauical diucusiou o thc H:r|c|, thc othcrstrikiuglyuodcrucaturc o this classic tcxt is luuphiusvorkiugucthods. iikcagoodscicutisthcbascdhistcxtouucarly thirtccu ycars rou re,) to re)c o pcrsoual cld ob-scrvatious, uscolocaliuoruauts, audaprocssioualcorrc-spoudcucc vith uatural historiaus iu othcr parts o thc \OCsaruugcupirc. lcuaiutaiucdthclattcr tvochauucls orucarlyhalaccutury. iikcauygooduodcruauthropologist,but vcry rarc iu thc scvcutccuth ccutury, luuphius cultivatcdthc ricudship oiuoruauts. Vhat uakcs this cvcu uorc as-xliir t o o u c r o Courtcsy o 1hco iaurcutius. lrou thc Collcctiou iaurcutius.touishiug is that hc ackuovlcdgcd thcir hclp, au act o grati-tudcthatvasvcryuucouuouatthctiuc, cspcciallyiuthccolouics. lc vill call thcu Mastcr, ucutiou thcu by uauc,aud statc that it is ouly dcccut to couucuoratc .:.r thciriustructiou.Vckuovthathcuadccldobscrvatious, uotoulyrousuch statcucuts as I ucasurcd cvcrythiug thc vay I sav it iuthcsc Islauds ,:r.e, but also rou thc ouly othcr kuovu por-trait bcsidcs thc ouc his sou, laulus, drcv o his athcr, vhichis rcpriutcd hcrc as thc routispiccc. Iu that portrait luuphiusisstaudiugiuatropical orcst, obscrviugavorkuaucliub-iug a cus trcc vhilc vritiug dovu his obscrvatious iu atc(:|:trouthcItaliautc.|:tt:, callcdc.:rtc||:tt: iulrcuch. Auarthistoriaudiscovcrcdthcscskctchbooksor artists, buthcalso ucutioucd that siuilar booklcts vcrc givcu by thc \OCto its cuployccs.361hc vritiug iuplcucut, kcpt iu tvo loopsthat vcrc attachcd to thc taclct, vas a uctalpoiut stylus sccabovc. 1hc pagcs iu thc booklcts vcrc rcusablc aud thc advau-xliii[To view this image, refer tothe print version of this title.] r t o o u c r o Courtcsy o icidcu Luivcrsity iibrary.tagc o thc usc o uctalpoiut ovcr draviug or vritiug uatcrialslikc chalk or iuk is that it docs uot suudgc, it is dry, aud itlcavcs a vcry uc aud coutrollcd liuc. 1hat is thc rcasou vhy itvas uscd or vcry dctailcd draviugs.371his vas obviously auidcal tool iu a tropical cuvirouucut. Abovc luuphius is sccuholdiug ouc iu this rarc iuagc o hiu as a vorkiug botauist.Dcspitc all supcrcial appcarauccs, luuphius botauical cx-auiuatious arc closcr to au Asiau thau a Luropcau systcu okuovlcdgc. lis uoucuclaturc vas bascd ou origiual Iudoucsiauuouiuatiou, aud his cthuobotauy is aluost purcly Iudoucsiau.lc vasvcllavarcothis. lc varucdpcoplcuottoassuucthat au apparcut siuilarity bctvccu au Iudoucsiau aud a Luro-xliv[To view this image, refer tothe print version of this title.] lLMllI LS OlClI DSC|ct:r Oo:1lLI !S ClI LDA!GlLl.Vcshalluov dcscribcthcAristocratsovildplauts,vhocouvcythcir uobilitybyvautiugtolivcoulyhighupiutrccs, auducvcrbclov outhcgrouud, justasoucvill couuouly scc !oblc Castlcs aud lortrcsscs built ou high,vhcrcorc thcy havc a straugc vay o groviug aud arc straugclyashioucd, just likc Aristocrats auutiug thcir ucry. 1hc Mo-luccaulriuccsscs addathirdrcasou, tovit, that thcyvilluot pcruit auyouc to vcar thcsc ovcrs uulcss thcy bc Gcutlciadics. ut ouc vill also ud auoug thcsc !oblcs souc vho,as is thc casc vith pcoplc, vill chaugc iuto lcasauts, aud grovouthcgrouud, audthcscsccutooruaparticularauily.1Vhcrcorc I uust dividc all Augrcks iuto tvo uaiu classcs:I. Iuto thc Aristocracy, vhich vill grov ouly ou trccs, audsccoudly, iuto thc lcasautry, vhich grovs ou thc grouud, yctall arc rclatcd to thc plaut, that is callcd H:||:|.r.o:2or Cc|.:.|socr.c:3iu thc lcrbals, aud vhich is dividcd iuto so uauy kiuds,that I vill uot bc ablc to dcscribc thcu all.4ut I havc cou-prchcudcdthcAristocracyuudcrthcolloviugtvclvckiuds,o vhich thc rst aud uost bcautiul is Jorc:.o s.r.to,5dc-scribcd iu this Chaptcr.,c u . r t t rJorc:.os.r.tois ararcplaut, that grovs outrccs likcMistlctoc,6vhcrcitappcarsouthcthickcstbrauchcs,uostlyat thcir basc, or rou thc joiuts,7vith couutlcss tough, vhitcbcrs, attachiugthcusclvcstothcsclsaucbark, audithasuauy vhitc poiuts, upright, as ou a lcdgchog, but uot prickly.lrou this issuc souc largc, rathcr at, couc-shapcd purscs,dividcdtrausvcrsclyiutojoiuts, vithdccpurrovsorstripcslcugthvisc, vith au iuucr substaucc that is plaut-likc aud sliuy,vhcrcrousproutthrccorourlougauduarrovlcavcs, thatcubracc ouc auothcr, likc thosc o thc vhitc H:||:|.r:, or Hyr.s,8thick, sti, uarrov iu back, thcu gradually broadcuiug, casily aoot loug, thrcc ugcrs9vidc, travcrscd10lcugthvisc by thrccsiucvs, thatdouotbulgc vcryuuch, thoughthcccutraloucorus a groovc11ou thc iusidc; auothcr stcu coucs rou thcroot ucxt to this pursc, rouud, vithout lcavcs, our to vc cctloug, soucvhatcurvcdatthctop, vhcrcouthcovcrsgrovordcrly abovc cach othcr, iu thc uauucr o lyaciuths. Lach oucou its scparatc baudy littlc stcu.!ovthcscovcrshavcaparticularshapc, audvouldlikcto rcscublc thosc callcd `ctyr.o,12thc sizc o a uarcissus, ash-ioucdrouvcoutcrlcacts, uarroviuback, vidciurout,soucycllov, souc a ycllovishgrccu, vhcrcououcvill sccbroad drops or charactcrs, as ilcbrcv lcttcrs,13but uot dis-tiuctly so, all o thcu a brovuish rcd, dicrcut ou cach ovcr.Iu thc ccutcr is auothcr hollov lcact, rollcd iuvards, likca tiuy bcakcr, o a lightcr color, vith brovu or purplc stripcs,aud iu this hollov ouc vill scc a thick littlc pillar, vith a broadlittlc hcad; othcrvisc it lacks sccut. u t r s c t r t t o . c t t x1hc rst ovcr that opcus up is ycllov-grccu iusidc, aud itscharactcrs arc a dark brovu, but iu tiuc it turus a truc ycllov,aud its charactcrs bccouc rcd; it livcs or a loug tiuc, cvcu oustcus that havc bccu brokcu o, or, vhcu put iu a roou, thcyvill bcar ovcrs or as loug as cight days, opcuiug up ouc atcrauothcr. Aud thcy ually bcgiu to vithcr, but vithout alliugo, aud thcir cct bccouc thick aud bcllicd, aud oru thc ruit,vhich rcscublcs a youug 3|.o|.o,14or a six-sidcd, at pod, audthc cdgcs havc bulgiug ridgcs, o vhich thc thrcc biggcr oucsarc urrovcd, aud arc split iu tvo tovards thc rout; thc othcrthrcc arc lovcr, aud uot urrovcd. It is vc iuchcs loug, ouc auda hal iuch thick, vidcst iu rout, vith thc vithcrcd ovcr outop, uorc poiutcd iu back, vith a grccu, thick, plaut-likc barkou thc outsidc, vhilc thc iusidc is llcd vith a ycllov, dovuyucal.1hc ripc oucs turu a dark gray, split casily iuto six parts, iusuch a vay that thc ridgcs iu back aud iu rout rcuaiu attachcdto cach othcr, likc au Iupcrial crovu,15aud thcu uost o thcycllov ucal alls out aud is scattcrcd16ou thc viud, but it isstill uukuovu vhcthcr it coutaius a scuiual povcr, cuabliug itto trausplaut itscl vhcu thc viud has boruc it to othcr trccs.17As I ucutioucd, thc purscs, vhich bcar thc lcavcs, arc plaut-likciusidc, butvhcuthclcavcshavcallcuo, thcybccoucthickcr, auduallydryup, vitha substaucc iusidc that isspougy aud brous, aud that usually has auts ucstlcd iusidc.1hcrc arc souc variatious o thc orcgoiug, but uouc o thcuarcdicrcutcuoughtouakcor ascparatckiud.lirstly, thcplauts that grovouMaugas18orsuchlikctrccs, vithsappy,c u . r t t rbark, havc largcr lcavcs thau thc prcccdiug ouc, to vit, tvcuty-scvcuor cightiuchcsloug, casilythc vidthoahaud,19vithuo othcr uotablc siucv dovu its lcugth cxccpt or thc ccutralouc, iustcad o thrcc, as thc orcgoiug has, aud thcy rcscublcthc youug lcavcs o thc Spatvortcl Dart loot.20I oucc had a ovcr-bcariug stcu that vas vc aud a hal cctloug, vith souc bovs that had ty-tvo bloous ou thcu at thcsauc tiuc. Its charactcrs did uot rcscublc lcbrcv so uuch, asold iatiu Capitals,21aud souc lookcd likc Sauaritau lcttcrs22as vcll, vhcrcvith ouc vould bc ablc to uakc up souc uaucs,i ouc took a lca o a ovcr hcrc aud thcrc, aud laid thcu outiu souc sort o ordcr.IabrauchothcMaugastrcc, vhcrcouthcAugrcckaudsiuilar hcrbs arc plautcd, vcrc to providc ood or thcu, it villuot bcar auy ruit, or vcry littlc, vhich ouc should cudurc orthc sakc o a haudsouc shov.1hcrc is auothcr variatiou ou thc lalappus trcc, vhich uauycousidcraparticularkiud, soIvill dcscribcitiudctail. Itgrovs ou thc sidcs o old lalappus trccs; thc root orus a hil-lockorlargccluupouc, loug, thoughuotpricklypoiuts.1hc purscs arc siuilar to thc orcgoiug, but suooth, vithoutdcuarcatious or joiuts, cxccpt that it is slightly ribbcd lcugth-visc. 1hc lcavcs arc soucvhat shortcr, vidcr, aud thickcr, vith-out auy siucvs, cxccpt or thc ccutral groovc, thirtccu to six-tccuiuchcsloug, ourvidc, audappcar outhc youugpurscs.1hc ovcr stcu has a pcculiar appcaraucc, vc to six aud a halcct loug, as thick as oucs littlc ugcr, rouud, sti, aud aluostvoody. 1hc tvo top thirds arc covcrcd vith ovcrs, uot uulikce u t r s c t r t t o . c t t xthc orcgoiug, to vit, ashioucd rou vc ycllov-grccu lcavcs,o vhich ouc is alvays curvcd iuvards, aud aluost cvcry ovcrhasalittlccurvcatitsorigiu, usually curviugupvards, soucsidcvays.1hcsc lcacts arc dccoratcd vith coarsc, brovu charactcrs,vhich ouc cauuot say arc spccic shapcs, or uost o thcu rc-scublc spots, though ouc could disccru thc shapc o thc lct-tcrs A. |. O. auoug thcu. 1hcrc is a littlc chalicc iu thc ccutcr,slightly palcr thau thc outcr lcavcs, vith brovu liucs dovu thclcugth o it, othcrvisc sccutlcss.1hcruitsarcuudoubtcdlylargc, augularpods, siuilartothc orcgoiug. 1hc cluup o roots vould aluost providc a loador a uau. It bloous iu !ovcubcr.1hc aliucsc do uot havc a spccial uauc or it, though thcyvill uot rccoguizc it as Jor:. |r.os.o, vhcrcorc I havc uaucdit tcutativcly Jor:. .c|cc,23siucc it is ouud ucar thc crovu osuchatrcc; othcrscallitJor:. |.c,24bccauscothcsuoothaud sti lcavcs, vhich rcscublc a largc touguc.Nco:. IuiatiuJorc:.os.r.toor H:||:|.r.o: M.||..c, IuMalay Jor:| or 3.oc 3.|. aud 3.oc tr.,25ou 1cruatc `c,c |c|.,that is to say I|.s r.o...ssc:, or rcasous givcu abovc. Othcrs callit`c,cocc orNcco, Iu aliucscJor:.|r.os.o,bccausc thcovcrs arc paiutcd likc a ccrtaiu kiud o cloth callcd Kr.os.o.26All thcsc ovcrs arc callcdIcor:.27iu |avaucsc; thc lortu-gucsc call thcu I||c c|c.rc or I||c |c.r:.28lovcvcr, that is rcallya particular kiud ou |ava, that suclls likc Musk, aud is callcdsuch bccausc thc ovcr aud its tail look likc a Scorpiou.Souc Malay also call all Jor:.s, J. c.,29siucc thcy sharc thc)c u . r t t ropiuiouthatthcy coucorthrouthcsccd, orthc vastcoccrtaiuirds,blauiugthisparticularity outhclittlcCc...t30bird, a kiud o I:|s, though this is uot vcry likcly, siucc thislittlcirddocsuotrcqucutMaugi-uaugi trccs31uuch, butgocs iustcad to shrubs that havc ovcrs, vhcrcrou it sucks thcsap or dcv, but it has thc uauc or sccdiug all uistlctoc vithits vastc.32|c.:. Itoulygrovsouthickbrauchcsotrccsiuthc vildaud iu thc uouutaius, ou lauari trccs33as vcll as ou varicticso Maugi-uaugi trccs ou thc bcach, aud is kuovu throughoutthcscLastcruIslauds. Iouclitsitgcutlyvithallitsroots,ouc cau trausplaut it to a Maugas trcc ucar a housc, atcr haviugsucarcd a littlc uud ou thc brauchcs rst, aud tyiug it dovuvithastriug, auditvillproduccovcrscvcryycar, thoughthcy vill ucvcr havc that bcautiul ycllov o thosc that grov iuthc vild.34I havc otcu tricd to plaut it iu gardcu soil, but it ouly pro-duccdlcavcs, audIhavcucvcrbccuablctouakcitproduccovcrs, thoughthcyvcrcthcrcoruauyycars; atcrvardIouud a hal-rottcd log iu thc orcst that thcy grcvou, broughtit houc, aud put it dccp iuto thc grouud, aud thc Augrck didgrov aud bloou ou it, but vhcu thc log ually cll apart, thcplaut cxpircd as vcll.35lcuaius ouly to dctcruiuc i it cau bc prcscrvcd vhcu ouccuts o au cutirc grccu brauch aud burics it iu thc grouud at auauglc. Othcrvisc vc vill havc to bc satiscd, that uaturc allovsus to ccd this bcautiul shovou our ucighboriug Maugas trccs.It is dicult to gucss hov thcsc plauts gct ou thc trccs iu u t r s c t r t t o . c t t xthc vild. It is poiutlcss to bclicvc that thcy grov rou thc dirtou thc bark, as Moss docs aud lcrus, or thcu thcy should havcdicrcut shapcs ou totally dicrcut trccs, uor vould ouc bc ablcto trausplaut thcu just likc that, but i ouc uoticcs that, as itvcrc, thcy vcrc placcd ou it, cvcu ou suooth barks, likc that olauari trccs,36it is uorc likcly, that thcy arc cithcr sccdcd routhcir ovusccdbythc viud, orbythcbirds, as, oriustaucc,Variugiu trccs,37aud all sorts o \iscuu.38Ouc uight bc ablc to posit, that thc truc scuiual povcr rc-sidcs iu souc kcrucls thc sizc o a Catjaug,39vhich arc souc-tiucsouudiuthcaorcucutioucdycllovucalothcruits,thoughthcybc rathcr vatcry. Siuilar kcrucls, biggcr thauothcrs, iu thc ruits o various Variugas, arc also thought to bcsccd kcrucls.Us:. 1hc ouly usc o thcsc ovcrs is to bc a dclight or thccycs, atcrouccutsthcuoviththccutircstcu, audputsthcuor acv daysiuaroou, uotiuvatcr, butuakcdouacluup o soil, or i this plaut gcts iuto vatcr, it vill stiuk likcdishvatcr, or likc uost kiuds o Orchis, aud thc rcsh sap sucllslikc that as vcll. 1hc grcat iadics o 1cruatc, particularly thcvivcs, sistcrs, aud daughtcrs o thcir liugs vhich arc all callcdtr. iu Malay or 3|. iu thc Moluccas, rcscrvc thcsc ovcrs orthcusclvcs, aud thcy vould put a grcat arout upou a couuouvouau, uottoucutiouacualcSlavc, ithcyvcrctovcarthisovcrouthcirhcad. Vhcrcorcthcyhavcthcscovcrsbrought rou thc orcst ouly or thcu, so thcy cau vcar thcuiuthcirhair, rcasouiugthatuaturcitscliudicatcsthatthcscovcrs arc uot suitablc or ordiuary pcoplc, bccausc thcy grov,c u . r t t roulyiuhighplaccs, vhichisvhyithasthcaorcucutioucduauc.I soucouc is sucriug rou vhitlov,40hc should takc thcplaut-likc uarrov o thc pursc, crush it vith souc Curcuua41iu salt vatcr, aud tic it arouud thc ugcr, vhich vill uakc thcsorc quickly ripcu, vhilc it cvcu gocs avay souctiucs, i it hasuot quitc sct yct.I ouc takcs thc pcclcd purscs, aud uash thc iuucr uarrovvith a littlc Giugcr, aud thcu sucar it ou thc stouach, it villitchalittlcatrst, butuotorloug, vhcrcatcritvill killvorus, aud iuucdiatcly cxpcl all bad huuours rou thc iutcs-tiucs; iudccd, it vill cvcu shriuk a svollcu Splccu or 1:|ct, audthc sauc is ticd to svollcu lcgs, to drav out thc dropsy.I ouc chcvs thc uarrov o thc bulbs, uutil thc sap coucsout, audthcuriuscs oucs uouthvithit, it vill drivc outthrush, bccausc it is tastclcss aud strougly cooliug.1hcAuboucschavcasccrct, thoughsupcrstitiousvay, touakc a lhiltcr routhc ruits ycllovucal, sayiug that aVouauvill pursucthatpcrsouvhoputsitiuhcroodordriuk. It is othcrvisc iudccdtakcuvithood, tostopthcloody llux, aud is quitc tastclcss.IcallcditH:||:|.r.o:M.|..c, bccauscitrcscublcsH:||:|.r.o:r:.:ot..ro thc uost, vhich C|s.s42dcscribcs iu L.|. z. rcr. |cot.Cc. o.,43vhilc it is also callcd Cc|.:.|s Mcr.c:, aud dcscribcd byL..oc:sL.|. o. Cc. zz.,44vhich, accordiug toC:so:r.,45vouldcorrcspoudtothcC.so.scoc|.s46o csco.cs,47orthcC|.|..~yoco.s48othcAucicuts, or ourJor:.agrccsvithitiuthcshapcoitslcavcs, audovcrs, butuotiuthcuauucr oitsgrovth.Oucshouldalsocxauiuciitbcarsauyrcscublauccrc u t r s c t r t t o . c t t xto thc I|.s t.r..s,49a Vcst-Iudiau ovcr, that L..o. dcscribcsiu his iatiu J:o.: .c. z.50H.:r.oyos 1rcs51thiuks that Or.|.:s aud`ctyr.c dcvcloprou thc sccd o thrushcs aud blackbirds, bccausc thcir cxcrc-ucutcausouctiucsbcouudiulicldsaudlasturcs, vhcrcthcsc irds couplc iu Spriugtiuc.Jt|cocs.s K.r.|:rs opiuiouiuhis Mo. `|t:rrco:. L.|. :z.`:.t. :. Cc. ,.52is, that all Satyria origiuatc cithcr rou thc rot-tcu corpscs o souc Auiuals, that still coutaiu souc scuiualpovcr, or rou thc sccd itscl o Auiuals that disportcd thcu-sclvcsouMouutaiusoriuMcadovs, audthiscaubcprovcubythcshapcothcuarkiugsouthcovcrsothcSatyria,that is cithcr o thc auiual rou vhosc sccd, atcr it rottcd iuthc grouud, thc Satyriuu spraug orth, or rou thc iuscct, thatcouuouly grovs rou thc corpsc o auy Auiual.53Ouc could vith souc rcasou thiuk o our Jor:| as vcll, siuccitshovsagrcatkiushipto`ctyr.o, thatithasitsorigiusiuthcsccdsdroppcdbythc VildDovcs, vhichcougrcgatciugrcat uuubcrs ou Mco.~oco. aud Kcocr. trccs. Ouc uight alsocoujccturc that lliuysC.c|o54aud GcsucrsOr.|co.|:55arcrclativcs o our Jor:..j.|. 3c|.os,56.oL.|. . Cc. . dcscribcsaJ.s.oIo..o,57vhich I also vould gucss to bc souc kiud o Jor:..1|: I.rty `:..o |ct:.Shovs thc :os.r.t: or y: Jor:., groviug ou thc truuk58oaCc|cstr::, vhcrclct.A.isthcbudoauo.:o:.:r. .is thc .:o .:r, sccu rou thc s.:, C. is thc .:o .:r rou t|:rr[To view this image, refer tothe print version of this title.] u t r s c t r t t o . c t t x(r.ot, uatural sizc. D. is thc Ir.t. L. thc I..t o this |cot, grovuouto a Cc|cs tr::.C.oo:ot.591his Augrcccorrcspouds tothcAusjcli MaravaraiuthcH. Mc|c|. crt. :z. 1c|. I.,60vhich vas callcd by C.oo:|.61thc dc-gcucratc, juicy, Malabarau Orchis, vith au odicrous aud pycdovcr, rcscubliug a littlc bird iusidc,62also iu I|. Mc|c|. . ,.63Alsoiucludcdhcrc is thc\iscuu, vitha vhitc-spottcdovcr, as i a iarkspur, vith a brous root, iu `|.co. Cct. |. jco.. :zc.64aud thc H.st.r. .|. I. 1c|. :o. . z.65r,C|ct:r 1.1lLVlI 1L, DOL iLA!GlLl.1hc sccoud aud third spccics o Augrck arc vhitc, cou-sistiug o a largc aud a suall ouc, both vith uarkcdlydicrcut ovcrs rou thc orcgoiug.I. Jorc:.o c||o oc,s1is aluost thc sauc plaut siucc, rstoall, itgirdlcs2thctruuksotrccsvithuauylougroots, adirty vhitc ou thc outsidc, grccu ou thc iusidc, vith a toughsiucv, that orus au cutauglcd3cluup uudcr thc plauts, vhichhaugs loosc souctiucs, aud vhich is roughcr4thau I havc sccuiu auy othcr plaut; thc lcavcs arc also gathcrcd iu suall buuchcsothrccorour, vithoutpurscs, cxccptorthclovcrstcu,vhich is soucvhat bcllicd, or stripcd.1hcoutcraudlargcst lca is bctvccutvclvcaudsixtccuiuchcs loug, thrcc or our ugcrs vidc, also thick, aud sti, vcll-uigh vithout siucvs, cxccpt or a groovc iu thc ccutcr, rouudcdiurout, audiouccxauiucsitcarcully, oucvill uotcthatthc orcuost tip is alvays split iu tvo, vhcrco ouc corucr isalvays lougcr thau thc othcr, vhich is a charactcristic o all Au-grcks. 1hough it is uot so apparcut iu thc rst kiud, it cau bcclcarly sccu iu all subscqucut oucs; a spccic stcu ariscs routhccutauglcdcluuporootsucxttothclcavcs, vithdark-r u t w u r t , o o u t r t . c t t xbrovu liucs,5thc thickucss o a quill, rouud, voody, aud alsovithout lcavcs, aud it dividcs iuto a cvsidc brauchcs at thc top,all vith broad joiuts, rou thc cxtrcuity o vhich thc ovcrscouc orth, ar cvcr iu uuubcr, but largcr thau thc rst kiud;thcy also havc a straugc shapc, vhich is hard to dcscribc, audcvcu uorc dicult to dcpict, but thcy grov altcruatcly abovcouc auothcr, cach ouc ou its ovu particular vhitc oot.1hcovcrisashioucdrouvcoutcrlcavcs, liup, purcvhitc, ovhichthctvoouthcsidcsarcthclargcst; vithiuthcsc vc ouc vill scc thrcc, also vhitc lcacts cougrcgatcd,shapcdlikcaCouch, orlookiugsoucvhatlikcalittlcShoc,bccausc thc tvo lovcr oucs curvc togcthcr iuto a circlc.1hc uppcr lcact stauds up straightcr, aud has tvo bcardsat its cud, that arc curlcd up likc Moustachcs. Iu thc ccutcr othiscirclcouc villuotcauothcrthicklcact, thatisdividcdiuto tvo tiuy hcads likc a suall pillar, colorcd ycllovor purplc,aud this circlc is uot quitc iu thc ccutcr o thc ovcr, but lcaustovardsoucsidc. lightiuthcccutcrothcovcrisatiuyvhitc hillock, rou vhich thc circlc cucrgcs, aud ouc vill udtvo ycllov graius iusidc, as i thcsc vcrc sccds.1hcsc ycllov kcrucls shiuc through that vhitc littlc hillockasithcyvcrctvocycs, audlooklikcthchcadoaGrass-hoppcr; othcrvisc it has uo sccut.1hc ruit is a rouudish, stripcd pod, casily thrcc iuchcs loug,thc thickucss o a ugcr, vith six protrudiug ridgcs, but soucothcscruitshavcthrccrathcrthausixsidcs, audalsosplitopcu iuto thrcc parts, cach au iuch vidc, haugiug togcthcr atthc tip. 1hc iuucr ucal is a palc ycllov, aud alls out, but soucr,[To view this image, refer tothe print version of this title.] u t w u r t , o o u t r t . c t t xvhitc graius rcuaiu haugiug rou thc sidc thrcads, aud i oucprcsscsthcu, vatcr coucsout. Ouc villudthcuiuOcto-bcr audsubscqucutuouths. 1hiskiuddocshavcavariatiou,vith thc ovcr thc sauc shapc, vhitc iusidc but a shiuy lightpurplc ou thc outsidc.6Yct auothcr variatiou7has a ovcr ash-ioucd rou vc cxtcudcd lcacts, vhcrco thc tvo ou thc sidcsarc vcry vidc, totally vhitc, cxccpt or thc iuucr littlc hillock,vhich is ycllov.Nco:. IuiatiuJorc:.oc||ooc,s,8iuMalay, Jor:. t.|:sccr, or 3.o|. t:r|co,9iu Dutch J|.::o: L.: llyiug Dovc;iu aliucsc Jor:. ..|co, that is thc oc|:, bccausc thcy thiuk it isthc cualc, thc Auboucsc havc uo uauc or it, but it is callcdWco|:. ou iuhu.10|c.:. It also grovs ou thick but short trccs, vhich arc uossy,such as liuar11aud Mauga12trccs, vhich it cliubs likc a ropc,13quitc cutauglcd, vithout auy kuovu usc.II. Jorc:.oc||oo.os14alsohasstcus, ourorvccctloug, vhcrco uauy couc rou ouc root, vhich is uossy, audsticks to old trccs likc a plastcr, cutviuiug it vith uauy bcrs.1hc bottou o thc stcu is dividcd scvcral tiucs, rst a suallpicccoabouttvoiuchcsloug, thcthickucssoaquill, ol-lovcdby abcllythatisthrccorouriuchcsloug, thcthick-ucss o a ugcr, vith cight ridgcs stripcd lcugthvisc, aud traus-vcrsclyviththrccortvojoiuts, vhcrcthisbcllyisalvaysalittlc thiuucr, brovuish ou thc outsidc. 1hcu thc stcu bccoucsthiu agaiu, aud rouud, thc sauc uuubcr o iuchcs loug, thcrc-atcr thc lcavcs, iu altcruatc rovs ovcr agaiust cach othcr, audvithout stcus, vcry thick aud sti, our iuchcs loug, ouc aud ar)c u . r t t .halvidc, soucvhatsplitatthcuppcruostlittlcpoiut, audvith a dark groovc iu thc ccutcr, but thc uppcr oucs arc suallcrby hal, vith a tart tastc.1hc rcuaiuiug stcu, tvo oot loug, is barc, aud dividcd iutodark joiuts, aud dividcd at its tip iuto tvo or thrcc othcr littlcstcus, cach o vhich bcars ouly tvo or thrcc ovcrs, that arcuuch suallcr thau thosc o thc orcgoiug, at rst couplctclyvhitc, thcrcatcrthcybccoucycllovish, ashioucdrouvclcacts, o vhich our arc cxtcudcd ou ouc sidc; thc th ouc isou thc othcr sidc, aud orus thc littlc hcluct, vith tvo aps,that arc curvcd iuvards likc a littlc chalicc; its uppcr cdgcs arcplcatcd,15audbcudoutvards. Ittooisvhitcouthcoutsidc,vithacvpurplcliucsiusidc, audiustcadothclittlcpillarthc ccutral ridgc bulgcs out, vhich is ycllov aud sliuy. All vccouc togcthcr at thc bottou, aud ashiou a poiutcd littlc baglikc larkspurs,16so that thc stcu is pcuctratcd17at thc sidc. Ithas littlc sucll.1hcruit is augcr joiut loug, thcthickucss o aquill,triaugular, audcachsidchasthrccridgcs, outhciusidcllcdvith ycllov uarrov, likc thc orcgoiug. 1hc root also produccsscvcral suall purscs, stripcd as bcorc, vhich iu tiuc produccthcir ovu stcus. It thrivcs ou old, rottcu trccs, that grov ouopcuhillsidcs,18audvhichhavcallcudovu, ucarCc,t.19orcsts.It docs uot sit straight ou thc brauchcs, but as i glucd to itrou thc sidc, aud its stcus, vhich arc vc or six iuchcs loug,couc at au auglc rou thc trcc, aud partly haug dovu; thc roothas auothcr straugc grovth addcd outo it,20that covcrs souc or[To view this image, refer tothe print version of this title.] c u . r t t .thc sclsaucs tuts o hair,21iu thc shapc o a horucd Voru,or Catcrpillar, plaut-likc, brittlc, savorlcss, likc lolypodiuu.221hcstcusthatcoucoutrstarcsouctiucsoldcddoublc,vith thc tip curvcd dovu.Nco:. IuiatiuJorc:.oc||oo.os, iuMalay, Jor:. t.|.ts,.|23or Jor:. .css.co,24vhich ucaus ..r Jor:|, rou its siu-plc25shapc, a uauc also givcu to thc largc varicty. Ouc couldcall it3:rs,:scor:. Augrcc lurscs iu Dutch, atcr thc shapco thc ovcr.|c.:. Italsogrovsouvildtrccs, likcthclargcouc, butisuotsccuasotcu, itisalsoouudouold, rottcu, audallcutrccs, but ucithcr cau bc casily trausplautcd, bccausc thc rootsarc too hard, aud sprcad out too ar.1hissuall kiudhasyctauothcrvariatiou,26uakiugorauixcdoruvithLcos|ct.27lorithasathiu, proucstcuthat grovs dovuvards, that scuds souc thrcads rou its joiuts,vhcrcvithit astcus itscl, audupvards scvcral othcrstcusvithout bcllics, partially barc, thcrcatcr our, vc or six thickstilcacts, suallcrthauthcoucsdcscribcdabovc;thcstcuhasyctauothcrootiulcugth, asthickasauoatcustrav, atthc top puttiug orth tvo ovcrs, likc thc orcgoiug, haviug asoucvhat plcasaut sucll.1|: I.rty 1|.r |ct:.Shovs thc |cr: |.t: Jor:...c u t w u r t , o o u t r t . c t t x1|: I.rty I.rt| |ct:.1hc rst ligurc shovs thc soc|| |.t: Jor:|, vhich is thc lcu-uaugu Maravara iu thc H. Mc|c|. :z. .|. 1c|. .281hc sccoud ligurc iudicatcs thc r: Jor:|, vhich is dcscribcdiu thc ucxt Chaptcr..rC|ct:r 1|r::1lLlLDA!GlLl.1hc ourth kiud o Augrcc1is thc rcd ouc, vhich has oulyouc spccics, cvcu uorc ropy2thau thc orcgoiug, or itisalougropcthatruusvithlougbrauchcsthroughtauglcdthickcts,3but ouc vill uot ud its root auchorcd iu thc grouud,but hcrc aud thcrc ou au old rottcu trcc; thc brauchcs arc thcthickucss o oucs littlc ugcr, rouud, hard, aud sti, but suaprcadily vhcu brokcu o; thcy bcar thc lcavcs, aud uot iu scpa-ratctutslikcthcrstkiud, butouthisovcr-bcariugstcuitscl altcruatcly abovccachothcr, our orvciuchcsloug,tvo vidc, vcry thick aud sti, vith a slight bulgc ucar thc stcu,a bluut tip, dividcd iuto tvo, othcrvisc vithout ridgcs, cxccptthat, rou bclov, ouc cau scc thc ccutral siucv protrudc a littlc.1hc stcu that bcars thc ovcrs, has thc lcugth o tvo audahalspaus,4rouud, sti, dividcdiutovarioussidcbrauchcsthatbcarthcovcrlcts; thcscarcthcsizcocouuoulya-ciuths, crovdcd togcthcr, at right auglcs rou thc stcu, ash-ioucd rou vc suall lcacts, o vhich thc tvo broadcst oucsarccurvcddovu,audthcthrccuarrovcr oucsarccurvcdup-vards, vith a bright ycllov backgrouud, cckcd vith rcd liucsaud dots, so that thc cutirc clustcr sccus to bc cry rcd, vith.. u t t t o . c t t xa suall pursc or cup o thc sauc color iu thc ccutcr. 1hcir dis-positiou is uot thc sauc, or thc vidcst lcavcs arc uov ou topaud thcu bclov.1hc ovcr-bcariug stcu has rcd liucs as vcll; thc lcavcs tastcsoucvhat sour aud slightly salty.1hc ruits arc casily a ugcr joiut loug, hal a ugcr thick,bothbackaudroutarcpoiutcd, vithadirtyycllovcolor,soucvhattriaugular, butvithsixprotrudiugridgcs, stripcdlcugthvisc, aud iusidc ouc vill scc thc sauc ycllov brous uar-rov asiuthcothcrAugrcks, audthcrcstothcovcrisoutop, bciug a six-lcavcd starlct.Nco:. IuiatiuJorc:.or|ro,5iuMalayJor:. o:rc, thcAuboucsc havc uo spccic uauc or it.|c.:.It grovs uostly ou thc bcach, vith its uauy tcudrilscrccpiug through thc shrubbcry, although it vill alvays havc arottcu piccc o vood or old root as its placc o origiu. Ouc villalso ud it ruuuiug up trccs iu vallcys, aud aloug rivcrs, vhcrcits cry rcd auidst thc grccu ocrs a bcautiul spcctaclc.Us:. It has uogcucral usc, cxccpt that ouccauplaccthcyouug lcavcs iu \iucgar aud Salt, cithcr by thcusclvcs or uixcdvith souc Atsjaar,6vhcu thcy vill tastc likc Cappars,7but youcauuot suck ou thcu uuch, bccausc thcy arc too brous, audyou vill gct littlc uorc thau thc tastc o Cappcrs. Ouc shouldchoosc thc thickcst aud attcst lcavcs or this purposc, oucs thatgrov outhcbcachaudiuuorcopcuthickcts, orthcsc villhavcaplcasautsaltiucss, audarctobcprccrrcdtothcoucsrou thc orcst.1his Jorc:.o r|ro8has a variatiou or couuiuglcd shapc.,c u . r t t ,vith thc subscqucut O.tco s.: (ro.91hc lcavcs arc souc-vhat largcr, vc or six iuchcs loug, tvo vidc, vith a doublc tip,thc ovcrs arc rcd, ycllov, or oraugc, siuilar to thc dricd Macco!utucgs, vithoutpoiuts, also vithvclcacts, ovhichthctvobroadcstoucshaugdovu, audthcothcrthrccstaudupright, aud thc ovcr clustcr is dividcd iuto scvcral suall sidcbrauchcs. Ouc docs uot scc this spccics ou trccs, likc thc othcrAugrcks, but it grovs ou thc bcach iu thc thickcts, vith lougvoody tvigs likc ropcs, siuilar to thc orcgoiug, vhich havc aspougy aud vatcry uarrov iusidc.ut I cauuot say, hovcvcr, that thcsc tvo kiuds spriug routhcgrouud, orthcyruusoarthroughthcthickcstshrubs,that ouc cauuot rcach thc root, aud thc cv I cucouutcrcd, hadcstablishcd thcusclvcs ou old rottcu stuups aud dccaycd tvigs..C|ct:r I.r1lLl I l 1lA!GlLl.1his th kiud1is a suall subspccics o thc rst or largcouc, but duc to its dicrcucc I gavc it a scparatc chaptcr.lirst o all, it has a largc buuch o lcavcs, vhich grov iu a par-ticular uauucr, all togcthcr, aud cubraciug ouc auothcr, our-tccu or tccu iuchcs loug, tvo vidc; thc rout tip is uarkcdlysplit iu tvo, aud ouc o thcsc corucrs is lougcr thau thc othcr.!cxt to this gathcriug, a ovcr-bcariug stcu coucs rou thcroot itscl, rouud, sti, our cct loug, vith rathcr liup ovcrs,altcruatcly ouc abovc thc othcr, ou curvcd stcus.1hcovcrsrcscublcthoscothcrstkiud, butsuallcr,opcucd urthcr, ashioucd rou vc lcacts, purplc or a lightpurplcouthcoutsidc, ycllovouthciusidc, vithblood-rcddrops, or thick charactcrs, vhcrco souc arc rouud, likc drops,othcrs obloug, aud othcr oucs havc a littlc ycllov spot iu thcccutcr. 1hcrcisatiuyhcluctiuthcccutcr, vithtvoauglcsou cithcr sidc, likc tiuy horus, vhitc vith purplc liucs, aud iuroutothisisauothcr curvcdlittlchoru, vithagroovciu-sidc, thc color o purplc ou top, ycllov bclov. 1hc cdgcs o thcthick lcacts arc usually curlcd ovcr, aud thc kuop o thc curlcd.,c u . r t t ovcr is purplc as vcll. 1hc ovcr has uo sccut ou Aubou, butit docs ou ali, i ouc opcus thc ccutral hcluct. 1hc charactcrso this ovcr arc obloug at thc basc, likc stripcs, vidc tovardsthc rout, augular, aud souc cuclosc a suall ycllov circlc.Itsruitsarcoblougpods, hcxagoual, thrccorourugcrsloug, oucugcrthick, vithycllovucaliusidc, likcthcorc-goiug.Nco:. Iu iatiu Jorc:.o ,.oto, s.: Jorc:.o s.r.to o.os,2iu Malay aud aliucsc Jor:| |r.os.o |.ts,.|.|c.:.It grovs ou thc bcach ouMco.o.cs:.|cr:,3orWc..ct,4vith its stcus souctiucs haugiug dovu so lov that thcy touchthcvatcr, or thcsctrccs staudiuthcscavhcuthctidciscouiug iu, aud arc dry at cbb tidc, vhcucc I gucss thc Malaycall this ovcrI:oc5.cs.co,6that is to say huublc, aud poor,bccausc thcy droop so ucckly. Ouc cau kccp cut oucs or a lougtiuc iusidc. 1hc aliucsc otcu plaut this ouc aud thc rst kiudou`c,.rt.7trccs, vhcrcouthcyvaxluxuriously, audvhichthcy accouplish as ollovs. 1hcy cut thc cutirc stock rou thcuothcr truuk, vith part o thc sclsauc bark, thcu thcy tic itvithGouutoropcs8outhcthickbrauchcsothcaorcucu-tioucdtrccs, audsucarthcuvithuudouthcoutsidc, audthcy vill grov ruly outo it..eC|ct:r I.:1lLYLiiOVA!GlLl.1hc sixth, scvcuth, cighth, uiuth, aud tcuth kiuds o Au-grckarcthosc, thathavcycllovovcrs, vithcvoruocharactcrs, dicriugrouthcorcgoiugiuthatthclcavcsarc uot iu scparatc tuts, but grov outo or ucxt to thc ovcr-bcariug stcu, but thcy also dividc iuto brauchcs, aud thcrc arca largc uuubcr o thcu, o vhich vc vill dcscribc tvo iu thischaptcr.I. Jorc:.o s::to M.s.|cto s.: ..rcto,1also attachcs itsclto thc bark o trccs, vith uauy, thick, aud vhitc bcrs, vhichalso uakc or a cluup vhcrcrou ouc or tvo stcus shoot up,thrcc cct high, vith thc lovcr third clothcd iu lcavcs, groviugaltcruatcly abovc ouc auothcr, aluost iu tvo rovs, thc ouc iuthclapothcothcr, thickaudsti, aluostlikcthoscothclousclcck,2our iuchcs loug, tvo ugcrs vidc, vithout siucvsor vcius, cxccpt that ouc cau scc a groovc ou thc iuucr sidc.1hc tip is split iu tvo, aud thc rout halis alvays a littlclougcr; bcyoud this thc stcu bccoucs bcllicd aud stripcd, a u-gcr thick, our iuchcs loug; thc rcuaiudcr is as thick as a quill,uot quitc rouud, vith uucvcu joiuts, dividcd ou top iuto thrccor our sidc brauchcs..)c u . r t t ,ut thc ovcrs havc thcir ovu particular shapc; rst o all,thcy havc tvo loug, uarrov lcacts, likc thc spatulcs3o Sur-gcous, bcut backvards at thc top, aud slightly curlcd, thc lcugthooucslittlcugcr; ucxttothcuarcthrccbroadcrlcactssprcad out iu a triauglc, at rst palc or a grccuish ycllov, likc thcCauaugaovcr,4thcrcatcr atruc ycllov, audslightlystripcdrou bclov, vithout charactcrs, though souctiucs vith purplcliucs ou ouc sidc, aud iu thc ccutcr ouc vill scc auothcr lca-lct,atthcsidcsdividcdiutoour auglcsorjoiuts,audoldcdtogcthcrlikcachalicc, vhitishaudbcautiullyadorucdvithpurplcliucs, audouthcsclsaucstopstaudsthclittlcthickccutcr pillar vith a ycllov littlc hcad. It has a airly svcct sccutat davu, vhcu thc ovcr rst opcus up, aluost likc !arcissi,or thc 1aujoug ovcrs5iu this couutry, aiut, but strougcr thauothcr kiuds o Augrcks.Ithasaucvcuuorclovclysccutouali,6vhcrcorcthcyabulatc that Dcva,7vhich is thcir God, callcd Dcvata, icvata,lcvata, aud lcva by othcr Iudiau lcathcus, visits thc ovcratuightaudbcstrcvsitvithsoucMuscus8orCivct, vhichgavcititsuauc. 1hcovcr-bcariugstcudocsuotshootupstraightrouthcgathcriugothclcavcs, butotcusidcvaysrou auoug thcu, as i it had bccu stuck bctvccu thcu.1hc ruit is, as bcorc, ashioucd rou thc oot o thc ovcr,shortcrthauthcorucrkiud, oucaudahaliuchloug, ouciuch thick, triaugular, though cach sidc has a lovcr cdgc, grccuasgrass, vithadovuyycllovucaliusidc, kccpiugthcdricdovcr ou top or a loug tiuc.9Nco:. IuiatiuJorc:.os::toM.s.|cto, s.: ..rcto, iu. u t t r r o w . c t t xMalay aud aliucsc Jor:. .cstr.,10bccausc it suclls likc Mus-cus.Mostothcuou 1cruatcsharcthcsaucuauc viththcorcgoiug`c,c |.|., or `c,c occ occo.111his kiudhas thcuostiucouuouvithH:||:|.r.o:r:.:ot..ro,12bccauscitbcarsits lcavcs ou thc stcu, aud bccausc thcy arc suall.|c.:. It sits ou trccs likc thc Wc..ct, Mco.o .cs:.|cr:,13aud thcicuou trccs that grov iu Auboucsc orcst gardcus.II. Jorc:.os:t.oo14has vcll-uighthc sauc lcavcs, orslightly largcr, vc or six iuchcs loug, thrcc vidc, arraugcd altcr-uatclyclosclyoutopocachothcr, viththrccdarksiucvs,stripcd lcugthvisc, vhcrco thc ccutral ouc is a groovc. !or-ually a ovcr-bcariug stcu shoots orth rou thc sidc o thisgathcriug; it is au cll,15or tvo cct loug, a littlc bcllicd bclov, outop scarccly thc thickucss o a quill, voody, rouud, spriuklcdvithbrovuliucs, vhcrcougrovthcovcrs, soucvhatthiu,uauy ou top o cach othcr, ou lougish stcus.1hc ovcrs rcscublc a yiug horscy,16ashioucd rou vclcacts, o vhich thc top ouc is slightly curlcd orvard, rcscu-bliug thc horscys back; thc othcr tvo vould bc thc viugs;tvo othcrs ou thc sidc arc shortcr, aud covcr a ccutral lcact,vhich has tvo aps at thc sidc, vhich cucirclc thc littlc ccutralpillar; thc outcr lcavcs arc soucvhat stripcd likc thc lauaugaovcr,17ycllov ou thc outsidc, a bright ycllov iusidc, likc thc1sjaupacca ovcr;18thc littlc hcluct has a riu likc a touguc,bcut outvards, aud stripcd vith purplc liucs. 1hc lovcr part othc ovcr rcscublcs a horu, likc a iarkspur, rcprcscutiug thchorscys hcad, aluost odorlcss.1hcruitisthiuucr, auduorcoblougthauthcorcgoiug,.,[To view this image, refer tothe print version of this title.] u t t r r o w . c t t xscarccly thc thickucss o a ugcr, stripcd vith six cdgcs, llcdiusidc vith thc usual ycllov ucal.1hc ovcr rcuaius vigorous or a loug tiuc, uutil thc ootbcgius to thickcu; thcu thc outcr lcacts closc up, aud hidc thchcluct, vhich has alrcady turucd rcd.19It bloous iu thc raiuyscasou. 1hc lcavcs havc a sour tastc, uixcd vith a saltiucss, audit bluuts thc tccth.Nco:. IuiatiuJorc:.os:t.oo,20iuMalayJor:. ts,co~c..c.21|c.:. 1his toogrovs oubcachcs outhc aorcucutioucdMaugi-Maugi trccs,22asvcll asouothcrsthatstaudiusaltvatcr or salt crccks.1|: I.rty I.(t| |ct:.Shovs thc s::ot|, or thc ycllov Jor:|, vhich vas dcscribcdas thc sccoud kiud iu this Chaptcr.,rC|ct:r `.:1lLlLMAI !I !GYLiiOVA!GlLlS .1hc roots o Jorc:.o ..tco s.: Iro1arc uorc sprcadout thau thc orucr, aud haug looscly rou thc trccs;thc lcavcs grov iu thc sauc uauucr iu tvo rovs, but thcy arccight aud uiuc iuchcs loug, scarccly ouc vidc, also split iu tvoat thc tips, vithout siucvs, cxccpt or thc ccutral groovc, viththc sauc tastc as thc orcgoiug. 1hc ovcr-bcariug stcu shootsupasvcllastothcsidc, audthclattcrscudssoucrootsorbcrsdovu, vhichalsoattachthcusclvcstothcbarkothctrcc.1hc ccutral or uaiu stcu is also bcllicd, iu such a vay thatitisalvaysthiuucrbctvccuitsplaccoorigiuaudthcbclly,vhich is thc casc vith all thc Augrcks that havc bcllicd stcus.1hc ovcrs appcar ou au cxpausivc clustcr, ou rathcr loug-ish dirty-vhitc stcus, ashioucd rou vc lcacts, opcucd vidc,curvcdlikchaluoous;soucarcalsocurlcd,thcsizcoJo~rc:.o t:rt.o2or I|ro,3ycllovish ou thc outsidc, dark iusidc,russct or a suoky color, ycllovat thc cdgcs, vith a svcct thoughaiut odor, that has a hiut o dog iu it, likc thc Satyria. Iu thcccutcr is a lcact likc a tooth, palc ycllov, vith tvo vhitc littlcaps bclov, cudiug at thc bottou iu a short pursc; iu rout o,. u t t t x . r r c t r r o w . c t t x sthcscisalittlcpillar or auvil, also ycllov, audbctvccuthcutvo vhitclcacts. Ouccaukccpcutstcusaudovcrsor aloug tiuc.1hcruitsoJorc:.o(roarchcxagoual pods, ahaudvidc, aud loug, casily a ugcr thick, dividcd iuto six ridgcs, iu-sidc vith thc sauc kiud o ycllov aud hairy uarrov, that hasycllov, uc saud haugiug rou it. It crccps through cvcrythiug,audithasloug, curvcdrootsbchiudthclcavcs, likcstriugs,rouud, tvo cct loug, thc thickucss o a quill, tough aud brcak-ablc, vith tvo or thrcc divisious iu rout.Nco:. Iu iatiu Jorc:.o ..tco or Iro, iu Malay Jor:.||.ts,.| |c.4|c.:. It grovs ou thc aorcucutioucd Vakkat trccs, ou bothliviug aud dcad truuks, aud ou hal-rottcd brauchcs. It docs uottrausplaut casily duc to its cxpausivc roots, as vas thc casc vithJorc:.o c||o.5Jorc:.o o.oo6has thc suallcst lcavcs, siuilar to our cou-uou `:o:r.o,7about a ugcr loug, scarccly tvo vidc, vith-outsiucvs, cxccptoradarkgroovc, uotuuchsplitatthctips,thick,audsti,vithauuuplcasautsourtastc. 1hclca-bcariug stcu souctiucs has au obloug bclly uudcr thc lcavcs,uot augular or stripcd lcugthvisc, but trausvcrscly dividcd iutodark joiuts. 1hc ovcr-bcariug stcus arisc ou top as vcll as tothcsidcs, audthcovcrsrcscublcthcsixthkiud8thcuost,though usually suallcr, so that it looks likc a suallcr vcrsiou oit. lor thc vc outcr lcacts arc a palc ycllov vith light purplcliucs. 1hc littlc hcluct is vhitish vith purplc liucs, aud cudsbcloviualittlchorujustlikcthciarkspurs;bcorcuoouit,,c u . r t t esprcads a lovcly sccut, though aiut, vhich is likc thc ovcr othc Or.|.s, or 3.oc tco,.o9iu this couutry.1hc plauts uaiustcus arc oulythrcc cct tall, audthcothcr stcus grov likc thosc oLcos|ct,10slightly brovu bythcjoiuts;itgrovsouvildtrccsarouudCapaha,11ovcriugiu!ovcubcraudDcccubcr, audvasspccicallycallcdJo~r:| |:o.o |.ts,.|12bccausc, likc thc largc ouc, it lovcs to grov ouicuou trccs.Jorc:.o :..oo or Jost.(.|.o13is thc tiuicst ouc, uostlygroviugoulauaritrccs,14viththick, uarrovlcavcs, likcthcpods o Cct,co ts,.oc,15six or scvcu iuchcs loug, uot rouud, butat, thc vidth o a quill, aud disposcd arouud thc straight stcu.1hc ovcrs arc vcry suall, tvo or thrcc togcthcr rou thc lapo thc lcavcs, a palc ycllov, ashioucd rou vc lcacts, o vhichthc uppcr tvo, vhich arc also thc uarrovcst oucs, haug dovuaud ovcr, vith a littlc purplc hcluct iusidc.1hc ruit is thc thickucss o a quill, triaugular, but stripcd iubctvccu, ouc aud a hal ugcrs loug, vith thc rcuaiuiug ovcrou top; it docs uot grov tallcr thau a oot; groviug uudcr lcrusou Maugi Maugi, or vild trccs, thc root is thiuucr16aud loug.3.ot.s L.|.o Cc. o.17dcscribcs a siuilar plaut, vhich hc calls`:o cr|.r:s.:os, that has a voudrously kuobby root, vhich hccouparcs vith thc shat o a 1urkish spcar, vith thick lcavcslikc thc lousclcck, aud suall vhitc ovcrs likc Auagallis, vcryragraut likc icuou pccls, aud thc lcavcs tastc as sour as thosco Sorcl. lc ascribcs it uauy cxccllcut virtucs, vhich vcrc tricdbythc|avaucsc, orthcyuadcaCouscrva18routhclcavcs,saidtobcaboouorall braiuailucuts, auducrvcs, suchas,[To view this image, refer tothe print version of this title.] c u . r t t eSpasuuu aud Cholcruu; thc ovcrs ortiy thc hcart, aud thclcavcs curc bloody ux, siucc thcy arc cold, kiud o sour, audo au astriugcut uaturc. 1hc lcavcs arc also supposcd to bc vcryccctivc agaiust poisoucd vouuds rou krisscs aud pikcs.1hc ruit is thc lcugth o oucs uiddlc ugcr, sliuy iusidc,audiusipid, audithcruitiscutacrossouc villsccalortvith our ulvarks.1|: I.rty `.:t| |ct:.1hc rst ligurc shovs thc dark Jor:| or thc cighth ouc. 1hcsccoud ligurc dcpicts thc o.ot| |.o o Jor:|.,eC|ct:r `::o1lLDOGA!GlLl.1hc clcvcuthkiudalsohas uauylougroots that arcall tauglcd up, aud vhich viud arouud a trcc vithoutoruiug a uassivc cluup. ut rou thc ccutcr arisc tvo or thrccstcus, that arc stripcd bclovaud lcavcd or a lcugth o cightccutotvcutyiuchcs. 1hcsclcavcsgroviutvorovs, altcruatclyovcr agaiust ouc auothcr, at a straight auglc rou thc stcu, stiaud ribbcd, our to vc iuchcs loug, ouc aud a hal vidc.1hc rcuaiudcr o thc stcu is barc, soucvhat bcllicd bclov,othcrvisc rouud, aud tvo or thrcc cct loug, bcariug cvovcrsat thc tip, tvo or thrcc togcthcr. 1hcsc arc, aloug vith thc vhitcoucs, thclargcstauougall thcAugrcks, ashioucdrouvclcavcs, all