
Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Ebben.jpeloquin.com

Families: Hanging out, messing around, and geeking out.Jodi Peloquin

The research in chapter 4 families, consisted of a study built around a variety of homes and different family types and their practices of new media. The study was in conjunction to the other chapters dealing with the time and energy of new media’s used by young people.

Families in the study consisted of some nuclear families, transnational families, families of divorce and single parent homes as well as generational gaps within the home.

Whether regional differences or varied familytype, new medias created challenges for parents and children.

With a constant battle of the wills and privacy and trust issues between parents and children, the study suggest that most children actually are doing the right thing online. Most parents determined that they knew which of their children were responsible enough to do the right thing.

The need for balancing freedoms, values and parenting stylesdetermine computer use, video game and mobile phone usage

The study indicated that families more financially stablecreated media spaces. These spaces are used for video games, computer use, homework and the use of social media.Many common areas in the household are used for new media.Parents suggested that creating a common area aidesparents with keeping an eye on what the children are doingWith these new medias.

Some families make a choice to “geek out” together.

While others put restrictions and time frames on the new Technologies.

The study did determine that although new media can create issues and be a source of conflict among families….new media are shaping family structures!

New medias are so present in not only young peoples life's, yet everyone's. I find it fascinating that family dynamics are now revolved around new media.

Hanging out, messing around and geeking out.Lead author: Heather A. Horst