Easy way to save energy

Post on 21-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Easy way to save energy


the EASY WAY to



should be SAVED?

Because more than 80-90% energy taken from earth have being wasted before use to do work

Every kilowatt hour electricity generated from coals will be produces emissions equivalent to 0.9-0.98 kg of CO2. It means 7.4 – 7.9 million tons CO2 every year (for 1000 MW electricity).

Turn off every


simple rule to saves energy,

The following ,

8 easy steps to save energy we can do

every day without reducing

our comfort.

1 turn off the lights

when not needed

Avoid excessive use of lights. Whenever possible use natural lighting Use energy-saving lamps

2 Turn off air conditioner

when you leave the room

For a long time

when using air conditioning , close the doors and windows tightly so that the maximum cooling and energy use becomes more efficient

3 Set the temperature

Between 22oC - 25oC

Adjust the temperature according to our comfort level .

Temperatures that are too low make us less comfortable

and make AC requires more energy to work



50-60% building energy used (hotels, offices , houses, etc) for air conditioning. To know better energy-saving AC, see this when choosing better cooler for our rooms: Energy efficiency Ratio/EER [ratio between coller

output (Btu/hr) with elestric capacity (watt)]. Higher EER means it capable to save energy more.

Coefficient of Performance/CoP [ratio beween

output (watt) and input (watt)]

4 Avoid sleep/stand by

mode for all gadgets

Sleep/stand by mode actually still consumed electricity 3-5% from

rated power. It will be better to shut it down.



Water are highly precious resources for human. With some efficiencies on using water, We can contribute for water sustainability, and also reduce energy used to produce health and clean water. Let’s help to save water by . . .

5 Use water efficiently

If possible, We can use shower to bath.

Close the tap when soaping the body , wash , or while brushing


6 Reuse our towel

By reusing towel, We can save water and detergent

for washing it. towels require more water

to be washed.

7 Do not let clean water


if there is a pipeline leak , call the plumber immediately

to be repaired.

8 Choose energy-save


Energy saving devices have energy-saving label

or a specific certificate on its product/packaging.

Choose them wisely.

little things makes

great things happen

Content source : Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Jakarta-Inodnesia