Eastern Shore Land Conservancy - Treasured Landscapes

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Chesapeake Treasured Landscapes presentation by Eastern Shore Land Conservancy during the Choose Clean Water conference

Transcript of Eastern Shore Land Conservancy - Treasured Landscapes

January 11,2010

• Serve six counties on Maryland’s Serve six counties on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.Eastern Shore.

• Have 25 directors, 14 staff, and more Have 25 directors, 14 staff, and more than 1,500 members.than 1,500 members.

• Protected 251 properties on more Protected 251 properties on more than 51,000 acres.than 51,000 acres.

As a regional land trust, we… As a regional land trust, we…

Our Vision:

•Towns are vibrant and well defined,

•Farms, forests, and fisheries are thriving;

•Scenic, historic, natural, and riverine landscapes are maintained.

Protecting the landscape

Strategic land conservation– Conservation easements– purchases in fee simple

Effective land use planning and policy – Education, research, advocacy– Eastern Shore 2010 – land use agreement

Paw Paw Cove

Bloomfield Farm

Thank You

“I think I understand. You’re trying to keep the

Garden of Eden here.”

Jim Mosley, USDA deputy secretary,

after an aerial tour of the Eastern Shore.