EastErn Mirror file NatioN ENtErtaiNmENt SportS vol. Xvi no. 180 | Pages 12 ` 4/-rni no....

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NatioN ENtErtaiNmENt SportS

rni no. nageng/2002/07906vol. Xvi no. 180 | Pages 12 ` 4/- dimaPUr, tUesday, JUly 4, 2017


min.Max. Max.min.aizawl 27° 21°

agartala 32° 25°

gangtok 24° 19°

guwahati 28° 25°

imphal 27° 22°

itanagar 24° 22°

shillong 22° 19°

delhi 35° 27°

Kolkata 32° 26°

chennai 39° 29°

max: min:KOHIma 24° 17°dImapur 30° 26° rF: rH:KOHIma 11mm 93%dImapur 8mm 93%* Rainfall (RF) * Relative humidity (RH)Temperature in State Capitals

Being an actress’ father a challenge: uma thurman | p10

EastErn Mirror meira Kumar writes to

members of electoral college, seeks support | p8

Our CorrespondentKohima, July 3 (EMN): Overcoming the rain, hun-dreds of young Naga civil service aspirants repre-senting the Public Service Aspirants of Nagaland (PSAN) staged a peaceful sit-in protest today at Sec-retariat junction, Kohima.

The agitation, which was also joined by members from the Naga Students’ Federation, ACAUT, Tenyimi Students’ Un-ion, Dimapur and Eastern Naga Students’ Union, Kohima, was organised to press the State government for its failure in responding positively on the rampant practice of backdoor and contractual appointments in government offices.

The PSAN members assembled at around 10 a.m. at the New Secretariat gate and later submitted a memorandum addressed to the Chief Minister of Nagaland through the Chief Secretary Pankaj Kumar in the afternoon.

The seven-point char-ter demanded the State government to immediate-ly terminate all backdoor/contractual appointments to posts which are under the purview of Nagaland Public Service Commis-sion (NPSC).

PSAN also further pressed the government for immediate requisition of all the posts with the grade pay of Rs 2800/- and above to NPSC for direct recruitment as per P&AR notification.

In demanding the State government to immedi-ately stop rampant depu-tation on political ground,

Job aspirants stage sit-in protest against irregular appointments

Retarded developmental activities due to political problem: CM

Nagaland declared as 'disturbed area' under AFSPA for 6 more months

SC asks ECI to respond to plea alleging tampering with EVMs

JCC, NTAC dismayed by govt inaction No exempt for officials assigned electoral duties

R.N.Ravi to hold consultations

CAN-Nagaland demands GST rollback on disability goods

GST: Domestic LPG gets costlier, commercial LPG is cheaper

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness

thrust upon them.

~ William Shakespeare

Mirror Takes

~ ArienYou don't have a back problem,

you have a road problem.

Chelsea legend terry joins aston Villa | p12

PSAN members and others seen during the agitation at Civil Secretariat junction, Kohima on July 3.EM Images

PSAN maintained that there should be free, fair and open competition for entry into offices under the Government of Nagaland in accordance with Article 16 of the Indian constitu-tion.

PSAN also demanded for immediate review/amendment of the P&AR office memorandum No. AR-5/ASSO/98 dated Ko-hima the 11 August 2016 (Point No 3). As per the office memo of 11th Au-gust 2016, it stated that all the government employees appointed on contractual/adhoc basis shall be taken up for regularisation on completion of three years of continuous service.

“The government should not regularize all those posts which comes under the purview of NPSC, that is, posts carry-ing the pay band Rs 5,200 – 20200, with grade pay of Rs. 2,800/- per month and above should be terminat-ed and thereby all resultant

vacancies should be requi-sitioned to NPSC,” PSAN stated in its demand.

It also demanded the State government to strict-ly adhere and implement P&AR OM No. AR-5/ASSO/98 dated Kohima the 6th June 2016 which bans all contractual ap-pointments.

Sticking to its ultima-tum served to the four de-partments namely Rural Development, Social Wel-fare, Art & Culture and Treasuries & Accounts on 1st June 2017, PSAN also demanded for immediate requisition of all posts to NPSC.

Addressing the gather-ing, ACAUT leader Tia Longchar slammed the government for its fail-ures on issues concerning the welfare of the Naga society, while he urged the younger generation to respond in order to bring about a positive change in our society.

“Our allegiance is to

government and leaders who will speak and do the right things. We don’t want political leaders who will divide in terms of rights,” Longchar said.

“Unless we reach a logical conclusion, PSAN, NSF and ACAUT should be together,” he added.

He regretted stating that for too long Nagas have been divided by con-stituencies, tribes, blocs and region. He went to the extent of saying that the Naga public, particularly the younger generation, have the right to even say ‘NO’ to the framework agreement if it does not favour the future of the Nagas.

NSF President Chris-topher Ltu, in his address, said the federation will render its fullest support to the movement initiated by PSAN.

Another ACAUT leader Joel Nillo, PSAN Convenor Nitoka V Swu, assembly speaker of East-

ern Naga Students’ Union, Kohima, Heno Phom, rep-resentatives from Tenyimi Students’ Union Dimapur, PSAN member Bendan-grongla Aner and four civil service aspirants also ad-dressed the gathering.

Government agrees to actReplying to the charter of demands made by the PSAN on Monday the Chief Secretary, Pankaj Kumar on behalf of the government agreed to take up the matter with a three pronged action that would be taken up by the govern-ment.

In his reply the gov-ernment agreed that "The appointments made on contract basis after 6th June 2016 will be reviewed by the State government for termination and req-uisitioning of the posts to NPSC."

Secondly the govern-ment also agreed to look into "The P&AR Office Memorandum dated 11th August 2016 regarding reg-ularisation of the govern-ment employees appointed on adhoc and contract ba-sis," and that it "will be tak-en up for review by P&AR department."

Thirdly the govern-ment also agreed to review the deputation of posts in various departments in the state government falling within the purview of the NPSC for necessary cor-rective actions.

The chief secretary fur-ther requested the PSAN to provide details of "specific cases of appointments/ deputations" to assist in the review of such cases.

Kohima, July 3 (EMN): Nagaland Chief Minister Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu on Monday lamented that due to the prolonged Naga political problem many de-velopmental activities have been retarded but he hoped that very soon the problem will arrive at an acceptable settlement which will lead to progress and develop-ment of our state, a press release from the Chief Minister's office stated on Monday.

The Chief Minister was interacting with the visiting team of 20 IPS Probation-ers and 2 faculty members from Sardar Vallabhb-hai Patel National Police Academy, Hyderabad as part of Bharat Dharshan at Chief Minister’s Office Chamber, Civil Secretariat.

The chief minister stat-ed that although Nagaland

attained statehood fifty years back the state could not progress in many ways.

He said the Naga po-litical problem is genuine national problem and the Prime Minister is doing his best to bring a solution.

“We are talking to the outfits in a hard and truth-ful way in order to move towards a solution”, the chief minister said.

Replying to the proba-tioners’ queries during the interaction, Dr. Shürho-zelie said the main purpose of education is to make a person a good individual.

Because of high lit-eracy which is not in sync with the development in Nagaland, the youths are joining central jobs like the Indian Army and rued that because of the politi-cal problem many things could not be achieved.

On Tourism, the chief minister said that the state government is doing its best to improve infra-structure despite frequent rainfall which hampers in-frastructure developments like roads.

He also said that all our neighbours are not good and although we need to advocate non-violence just as the Father of our Nation had advocated, "we cannot remain unprepared."

The Chief Minister also encouraged the visit-ing IPS probationers that India being a vast conflict country, the Army, Navy and the Police were the backbone of the country and hoped that they would do justice to their uniform.

The delegation con-sisted of police trainee officers from Bhutan and Maldives.

New Delhi, Jul 3 (PTI): Entire Nagaland has been declared as "disturbed area" for six more months under the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, which empowers security forces to conduct operations any-where without any prior notice.

In a gazette notification, the home ministry said it is of the opinion that the area comprising the whole of Nagaland is in such a "disturbed and dangerous condi-tion" that the use of armed forces in aid of the civil power is necessary.

"Now, therefore, in exercise of the pow-ers conferred by Section 3 of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958, the cen-tral government hereby declares that whole of the said state to be a disturbed area for a period of six months with effect from 30th June, 2017 for the purpose of that Act," joint secretary in the home ministry Saty-endra Garg said.

Official sources said killings, loot and extortion have been going in various parts

of Nagaland leading to the extension of the "disturbed area" in the north-eastern state for six more months beginning June 30 under the AFSPA.

There have been demands from various organisations in the Northeast as well as in Jammu and Kashmir for repealing the con-troversial AFSPA, which, they say, gives "sweeping powers" to the security forces to act against "civilians".

The AFSPA has been in force in Na-galand for several decades. It has not been withdrawn even after a framework agreement was signed on August 3, 2015 by Naga insurgent group NSCN-IM gen-eral secretary Thuingaleng Muivah and the governments interlocutor R N Ravi in pres-ence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The framework agreement came after over 80 rounds of negotiations spanning 18 years with the first breakthrough in 1997 when the ceasefire agreement was sealed after decades of insurgency in Nagaland.

New Delhi, Jul 3 (PTI): The Supreme Court today asked the Election Com-mission of India (ECI) to file in two weeks its response on a plea for probe into the allegations that EVMs were tampered with in the assembly polls earlier this year.

A bench comprising Chief Justice J S Khehar and Justice D Y Chandra-chud was informed by the ECI's advo-cate that similar matters filed by some political parties, including Mayawati- led BSP, was pending before another court in the apex court.

The ECI said that notice has al-ready been issued in the matters pend-ing before a bench headed by Justice J Chelameswar and this plea should be tagged along with them.

Advocate M L Sharma, the peti-tioner in the case, opposed the ECI's contention and said that his PIL was on a different subject matter and a political party cannot come before the court with a PIL.

"My matter is completely differ-ent. He (ECI counsel) is misleading the court. Those petitions are filed by po-litical parties. How was the PIL filed by

political parties," he said.To this, the bench observed that

"Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) are the subject matter of challenge. You say EVM is not good. It is the same thing."

Sharma, however, said the issue pending before another court also con-tained a prayer that in future elections, EVMs should have voter verifiable pa-per audit trail (VVPAT) attached with them, whereas he had not raised any such issue in his petition.

"My subject matter is different. If the matters are clubbed, my petition will be destroyed," he claimed.

The bench, however, asked the ECI to file its reply to the petition within two weeks and asked the petitioner to file a rejoinder to the response within two weeks thereafter.

The apex court also tagged the plea with the petition pending before the other court.

The court had earlier asked the ECI to file its response on the plea which has sought investigation by software experts into the allegations that the EVMs were tampered with in the assembly polls

held earlier this year.The PIL has also sought a direction

to the Centre for registering an FIR to investigate the alleged tampering of EVMs "for vested interest by a political party and to file their report before the apex court".

The plea has sought examination of "quality, software/ malware and hack-ing effect in the EVMs from a reliable electronic lab/scientist and software ex-pert and to file their report before this court for further action/prosecution".

The petitioner has also referred to the allegations of EVM tampering in the assembly elections held in five states, as well as the Maharashtra civic polls.

The PIL has claimed that it was admitted by the poll panel itself that EVMs were tamper-proof only till their technical, mechanical and software de-tails remained a secret.

"These details can be detected via reverse engineering by any expert. Wireless device/software can be pre-pared via reverse engineering, and with their help voting records can be changed in any location and at any time," it has claimed.

Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): The Joint Co-ordination Committee and the Nagaland Tribes Action Committee the two leading organisations that earlier spearheaded the mass movement against the conduct of ULB elections in the stated on Monday that they were dismayed with the attitude of the government of not paying attention to their earlier representations to revoke the Assembly resolution that brought back the Nagaland Municipal Act 2001 and had also submitted a reminder to the chief minister.

" The JCC and the NTAC is dismayed on the casual attitude of the Government for not paying any attention to the represen-tations dated 18-3-17 and 18-5-17 for revo-cation of the Resolution dated 24-11-16 passed by the Nagaland Legislative Assem-bly in connection with holding of Urban Local Bodies Election with 33% Women Reservation," a press release from the me-dia cell of NTAC stated on Monday.

It further demanded for "suitable amendment of the Nagaland Municipal Act, 2001, by safeguarding the rights con-

ferred under Article 371A of the Constitu-tion of India."

They also stated that besides the earlier two representations a Co-ordination meet-ing of the Cabinet Sub Committee, JCC and NTAC was held on April 22, 2017 at "Hotel Saramati, Dimapur and had elabo-rate deliberations on all the issues and ap-prised the Cabinet Sub Committee to take up the matter with all seriousness with the Government of Nagaland at the earliest. "

Instead the Government has turned a "deaf ear" and the matter is still unat-tended and that "The JCC and the NTAC expressed serious concern and resentment and reminded the Government that the is-sue will not be resolved by delaying the matter but may aggravate the situation," the press release stated.

"On consideration of the entire aspect of the matter, the JCC and the NTAC sub-mitted the reminder to the Chief Minister, Nagaland on 3-7-17 and demanded for prompt action so as to resolve the issue in the interest of all concerned." it added

Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): The Deputy Commissioner and Returning Officer of Kohima, Rajesh Soundara-jan has on Monday sent out an official notification that no government official who are assigned electoral duties for the ensuing by-election to 10 Northern Angami -1 AC will be exempted from the said duties.

The order stated that "as per the provisions un-der Section 159 of the Rep-resentation of the People Act, 1951, Govt. officials are being requisitioned and assigned different duties to ensure smooth conduct of polls. Accordingly, all con-cerned are informed that no exemption shall be en-tertained except under una-voidable exigencies."

The by-election for the constituency is scheduled to be held on July 29, 2017.

Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): Government of India's Spe-cial Interlocutor for Naga Talks, RN Ravi who will be visiting the state on a two-day tour starting from July 6, 2017 will hold consulta-tive meetings with various stakeholders on the Naga issue, stated a release from the DIPR on Monday.

The release added that the civil societies will be able to visit the interlocu-tor from the early morning hours of July 6 till mid morning of July 7 at Ko-hima. Later he will also be available to meet on the evening of July 7 till mid-morning of July at Dima-pur.

Civil Societies wanting to meet him may contact Secretary Home, Rovilatuo Mor at +91 94360 05679 and give their details.

Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): The Connect Ability Net-work Nagaland, a disabil-ity advocacy and resource group based in Nagaland, in solidarity with other dis-ability groups across the country demanded the roll-back of GST on all disabil-ity aids and appliances.

A press statement is-sued on behalf of CAN-Nagaland by Diethono

Nakhro on Monday stated that "Standing in solidar-ity with disability groups across the country, Con-nect Ability Network Na-galand (CAN-Nagaland) demands rollback of GST on disability aids and appli-ances. We are demanding that aids and appliances for all types of disabilities are made available and afford-able. "

Under the newly launched GST, taxes rang-ing from 5-18% on goods used by people with disa-bilities have been approved. Prior to the GST regime, these goods were earlier exempt from any form of excise and customs duty.

"As per rates approved by the GST council on May 18, 2017, 18 per cent

tax has been imposed on Braille typewriters and cars for the physically disabled, 12 per cent on Braille paper, 5 per cent on carriages for the disabled, wheelchairs and assistive devices, and 12 per cent on hearing aids.

The most essential goods and services are supposed to attract nil rate of GST under Exempted Categories. Assistive ap-pliances and other aids are most essential and a necessity not a luxury for people with disabilities. For example, for a person with a hearing impairment, a hearing aid is essential, for someone with a locomotor disability, a wheelchair is indispensable, and for the visually impaired, books in Braille are part of daily life,

" it added.The group further ques-

tioned the wisdom of the government in taxing the disabled and making life more difficult for them as many people with disabili-ties come from economi-cally weaker sections, and hence the government's decision would be a huge impediment to their educa-tion and employability and general quality of life.

It also pointed out that the decision of the GST Council blatantly violates the provisions of the re-cently enacted Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPWD) Act 2016 which talks about promotion of the personal mobility of persons with disabilities at affordable cost.

New Delhi, July 3 (IANS): With all grades of lique-fied petroleum gas (LPG) coming under GST, consum-ers in India will be paying more from this month for their cooking gas cylinders.

While petroleum is not under the Goods and Ser-vices Tax (GST) that rolled out from July 1, the central government clarified that day that both domestic and commercial liquefied LPG grades will be taxed under the GST, which is now effective pan-India except in Jammu and Kashmir. LPG has been placed in the low-est 5 per cent GST bracket, the other rates in the new indirect tax structure being 12, 18 and 28 per cent.

Pre-GST, most states did not tax LPG, while oth-ers levied value added tax (VAT) ranging between 2 per cent and 4 per cent. Domestic LPG attracted zero cus-tom and excise duty.

Post-GST implementation, an LPG cylinder will cost around Rs 12-15 more in states that did not tax the clean fuel. Instead, in states that levied VAT, the in-crease will depend on the difference between earlier tax and the GST rate.

The price of commercial LPG, however, has come down under the GST regime, where the tax on this category of item is at 18 per cent. Previously, LPG for commercial use attracted 22.5 per cent tax, including 8 per cent excise duty and 14.5 per cent VAT.

A commercial LPG cylinder earlier available in Delhi for Rs 1,121, will now cost Rs 1,052.

The lower GST on commercial LPG signifies lower prices also for auto LPG, thereby giving further boost to the use of this environment friendly fuel.

2 StateEastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Tuesday, July 4, 2017



The new women’s hostel at Clark Theological College will house postgraduate students.

Subonenba Longkumer handing over the ambulance’s key to the chairman of Kangtsung village.

The Care and Support Society of Mokokchung has been ‘felicitated’ by the State Bank of India, northeast circle, in Guwahati, updates on Monday stated.

Retired officials and govt vehicles: Citizen ready for court contest Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): A citi-zen who used the Right to In-formation (RTI) to comb for information about some retired government officials reportedly still using government vehicles, has declared readiness for a con-test in the court of law if he has done anything wrong in said is-sue.

The RTI applicant reminded that he had engaged the RTI mechanism ‘with the sole pur-pose and object for fairness and reasonableness in the function-ing of public authority.’ It never targeted any particular person or persons, he said. Citizen ST Ya-pang Lkr issued a press release on Monday. The citizen issued the press release in response to one Dr. Vikuotuolie Angami, stated to be a retired engineer in chief and whose statement reportedly ap-peared on June 28.

“As per the office memoran-dum No TPT/SPL/50/2002 (PT-1) dated 13.02.2012issued by

the chief secretary, Nagaland the span of government vehicles for condemnation is 10 years,” citizen Yapang Lkr stated.

“The relevant portion of the said OM says- Henceforth, the normal life span of Govt. vehicle for the purpose for condemnation shall be raised from 8 years to 10 years, unless there are special rea-sons for doing so.

The press release stated: “I have initiated the RTI applica-tion with the sole purpose and object for fairness and reasona-bleness in the functioning of pub-lic authority. It was never bias nor targeted any particular person or persons.”

Further, he reminded that the statement “threatening the retired officers for approaching the court is very unfortunate and inviting serious problems which may put him in a very undesirable posi-tion” was “absolutely a confusing and misleading statement.”

Likewise, the RTI applicant

referred to a reported statement that “RTI applicant as the most ig-norant person as you never know about the pros and cons of the government vehicle condemna-tion process.”

The citizen responded to it but calling it “untenable and the same is justify by the said OM dated 13.02.2012.”

“You know better from which date you are illegally possess-ing the public vehicle which is undisputedly evident by the RTI reply letter No.E-IN-C/ESTT-8/RTI/16-17 (pt) dated 31.05.2017 issued by the Deputy Chief En-gineer & PIO, NPWD, Nagaland. You retired from public services w.e.f. 20.01.2013 as Engineer-in-Chief, NPWD, Nagaland,” Ya-pang Lkr reminded.

Likewise, the press release referred to another statement: “ your false statement given to the higher authority of the govern-ment will attract criminal defama-tion suit against you as you con-

sidered yourself to be above the condemnation Board constituted by the government.”

The citizen reminded that the statement was a threat and intimi-dation.

“My letter dated 22.06.2017ad-dressed to the chief secretary was on the basis of the department RTI reply letter dated 31.05.2017. I, as a bonafide citizen of India belonging to Ao Naga community has consti-tutional rights and obligations to initiate appropriate measures in democratic manner for ensuring transparency and accountability in public authority, It is factually in-correct that I acted above the con-demnation board. The department RTI reply letter dated 31.05.2017 speaks undoubtedly clear,” the press release declared.

“By initiating this matter, if I am drag to any criminal defama-tion case, I and my well wishers are ever ready to contest the case before the competent court of law.”

Mokokchung NGO feted by SBI

Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): The founder and managing director of a nongovern-mental organisation called the Care and Support Society of Mokokchung was re-portedly ‘felicitated’ by the State Bank of India, northeast circle, “on their 62 Foun-dation Day.”

A press release from the Care and Support Society of Mokokchung stated

that the event was conducted on July 1 in Guwahati.

“He was one among seven individuals who were being felicitated who contributed in field of Social work as social worker. There were two entrepreneurs and four nongovernmental organisations from north east India were also felicitated at the same function,” the press release informed.

NPF responds to NPCC’s criticism Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): The Naga People’s Front (NPF) responds to the criticism of the Nagaland Pradesh Con-gress Committee (NPCC) about the re-gional group allegedly using honorific statements often as a facade for ‘illegal activities’ as charged by the Congress.

The party issued a press release on Monday attacking mainly the NPCC’s President K Therie.

Straight off the statement, the NPF referred to the claim “it was he (Mr Therie) who single-handedly revived the dying cock party and propelled it to power in 2003.” The NPF said it de-serves a standing ovation “because of its utter ridiculousness.”

“The NPCC would like to have us believe that we are blessed with a po-litical Samson in our midst capable of achieving the impossible, bestowed with amazing powers and what have you. One can only imagine if his Deli-lah would be the very party he presently heads,” the press release stated.

If statements of “historical, political facts” are considered by the NPCC as “tirades” against a leader and “a pay-back of ungratefulness”, the press re-lease stated, the NPF can only submit that it would rather be ‘brutally frank with the truth than be with lies and flat-tery.’

The NPF continued the tirade: ‘And having threatened others with his “popularity, political principles and un-wavering commitment”, this honour-able gentleman, while being in the NPF party, started to hob-nob with Congress leaders clearly showing his political principles and unwavering commitment to the party he belongs to.’

As for the popularity of the leader that the NPCC ‘seems to be obsessed

with,’ the NPF’s press release remarked, ‘his exit from the cabinet and the party went un-noticed and un-mourned until someone pointed out the absence of a massive ego in the party. Ever since, he has been noticed from time to time, and all these times, for all the wrong rea-sons.’

In regard to the NPF using the term “supreme sacrifice,” the regional group declared that it “seems to be absolute-ly alien to the Congress party, it is no surprise that the NPCC has found it hollow because what can be said of a political party whose presidential can-didates resort to vandalism, arson and exploding of bombs at the Congress Bhawan?”

The NPF then referred to the Con-gress’ “usage” of the word ‘un-man-dated.’ ‘It is threatening to cause mass nausea because former Congress Prime Ministers Mr Narasimha Rao and Dr Manmohan Singh were never consid-ered as un-mandated when they were sworn in to office without they being members of either House of the Parlia-ment,” the NPF declared.

“We are also not aware that when they were sworn in to office while be-ing unelected members of the Parlia-ment, the Congress party functionaries put on gunny bags, smeared their faces with ash and hung their heads in shame that there were no suitable or capable Member of Parliament to take over as the Prime Minister.”

The NPF claimed that the ‘selective amnesia’ of the Congress party was on ‘expected lines’ because all these dec-ades “the party had been taking the people of the country for a ride forcing itself to believe that the people were en-joying the ride.”

CECS provides ambulance for Kangtsung village Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): An ambulance has been handed over to Kangt-sung village in Mokok-chung district by the Community Educational Centre Society (CECS).

A program marking the inauguration of the facility was conducted in Kangtsung village on July 3. Subonenba Long-kumer, director of the CECS was the patron of the event. He inaugurat-ed the ambulance service in the presence of Dr. Im-linaro, SMO of Tuli and Kangtsung Village Coun-cil.

The ambulance pro-vided to the public health center of Kangtsung was stated to be part of the Mobile Medical Unit (MMU) project support-ed by the Hans Founda-tion.

The Community Edu-cational Centre Society issued a press release on Monday offering updates about the event.

During the Inau-guration program, the chairman of Kangtsung village, M Mar Lemtur expressed his happiness that, the village in the initial period only had dispensary. But now with the passage of time they are privileged to have PHC in their area, the press release stated.

Postgraduate women’s hostel inaugurated at Clark’s Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): The Clark Theological College in Mokokchung has inaugurated a new building to house the in-stitution’s postgraduate women.

The college issued a press release on Mon-day informing about the event.

“With sincere grate-fulness the Clark Theo-logical College announc-es the completion of much needed women’s Hostel for the post gradu-ate students,” the press release from the institu-tion stated.

K Tiayanger Tzudir, principal director of the Treasuries and Accounts department of the gov-ernment of Nagaland inaugurated the new building. The prayer of dedication was offered by Rev. Ponen Longchar, pastor of Mokokchung Town Baptist Arogo, the updates stated.

The program was fol-lowed by thanksgiving service in the college’s chapel hall.

The Clark Theologi-cal College Post Graduate woman’s Hostel building is a three-storied build-ing. The building was de-signed with the ‘required facilities to accommodate approximately 60 schol-ars doing their post grad-uate research in different branches,’ the updates stated.

The principal of the college, Rev. Dr. Mar-nungsang, while welcom-ing and introducing the dignitaries said that with the introduction of post graduate studies at Clark Theological College in

2007, and the fast devel-opment in adding differ-ent branches and also vis-ible increase of women students during the last one decade and not for-getting research scholars visiting Clark Theologi-cal College for short vis-its from time to time ne-cessitate separate hostel for PG women students.

The principal in-formed the august house that the postgraduate women’s hostel building could be materialized “as always” in the minis-try of Clark Theological College, due to the con-tributions of God fearing families, churches and organizations, the press release stated.

He also acknowledged that the initiative to con-struct this building was taken up during the lead-ership of former princi-pal of the College Prof. Takatemjen and Rev. T Yanger Jamir, Public Re-lation Officer of Clark Theological College.

The principal also in-formed that the original design of the building was three-storied build-ing but due to the press-ing need, the college is inaugurating the building after completion of two floors and therefore op-portunity to participate in the Ministry of Clark Theological College by contributing to construct the third floor is open, the principal stated.

According to the press release, the ground floor of the building was constructed with the con-tribution made by EMW, Germany and the follow-ing Local donors: Mr &

Mrs. Imtiakum, Kohima; Dr. Imtiwati & Mrs. Watimongla, Mokokchung; Mrs. Apokla Jamir, Dimapur; Mr. & Mrs. Sentimeren, Dimapur; Mr. & Mrs. Senti Pongen, Dimapur; Mr. & Mrs. I. Anungba Sanglir, Dimapur; Mr. & Mrs. Chuba Ozukum, Kohima; Mr. & Mrs. P. Ajung Amer, Kohima; Ms. Aolemla Jamir, Kohima; Mr. & Mrs. S. Talimeren Jamir, Tuli Town, and children of Mrs. & Late Rev. Lanu Longchar.

Further, the press release in-formed that the first floor of the building was constructed with the contribution made by Mr. & Mrs. I. Koti and family and named ‘MR. & MRS. I. Koti, Changki Memorial Block.’

In his short speech, the up-

dates continues, K. Tiayanger Tzudir, son of Mrs. & Mr. I. Koti, who officially inaugurated the building, informed the gath-ering that during the Christmas in 1977, their mother Mrs Ti-yongnaro, a “prayerful mother, inspired all of them and initiated to save all Christmas expenses and give to the needy people.”

The press release quoted: “So that Christmas they had no new clothes and no meat. Since then they started a ‘family relief fund’ with an aim to help needy people. And with the passing of each year, their humble contri-bution with this Nobel cause in mind increased and that is how the family could contribute to-wards the Ministry of Clark Theological College in times of

their need, he stated.” He also mentioned how their

extended family members also generously joined in for the cause. With humility Tzudir also said, “Our family take the name but it is the work of the College and God’s doing. Let all these be for the Glory of God alone.”

It was a touching and emo-tional moment for both the Clark Community and Mr. & Mrs. I. Koti’s children and for all the members present during the inaugural function because the humble but bold initiative taken by the family in 1977 could make it possible to contribute Rs. 40, 00, 000. 00 (Rupees forty lakhs) after 40 long years of faithful-ness to the college.

The chairperson of the CTC

Board of Governors, I. Meyionen Jamir, DIGP of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Cell, Govern-ment of Nagaland, also gave a short speech. In his address, he ob-served that, “our all knowing God way back in 1977 spoke to Mr. & Mrs. I. Koti and children and pre-pared them to support the Minis-try of Clark Theological College in times of their great need and therefore this is an unequivocal sign of God’s faithfulness.”

Further, Toshi Aier, convener of the Building Committee and the chairperson of the inaugu-ral programme, observed that the post graduate women’s hos-tel is constructed not only with money and materials but with sincere love, care and concern of the donors, the press release

However, the facili-ties which were available were not sufficient to meet the entire needs of the denizens but slowly with the initiative and support from Community Educational Centre Soci-ety lead by its director, Subonenba Longkumer, things have been getting better.

The chairman also expressed his satisfaction and gratitude to the Com-

munity Educational Cen-tre Society for providing an ambulance “which is a great blessing for the people,” the press release stated.

Dr. Imlinaro, SMO of the community health center of Tuli, also spoke during the occasion. In her address, she she la-mented on the govern-ment inability and lack of action in providing an ambulance to the people

of area to address the growing woes, the press release stated.

‘But in the light of the above discrepancies she vehemently appreci-ated the initiatives of Mr. Subonenba Longkumer in working consistently for the welfare of the people through a medical project that incorporates and dispatches a Mobile Medical Unit to several villages of Nagaland.’

Subonenba Longkum-er, director of the Com-munity Educational Cen-tre Society addressed the event too. In his speech, he called upon the peo-ple to have a feeling of belongingness and own-ership while making use of the ambulance facility available to them and it should be taken proper care so as to help the peo-ple who are sick and need medical attention.

“He also directed the people to make good use of the Ambulance which he said should benefit not only the people of Kangt-sung village but also for the adjoining villages. He cautioned on the misuse of the vehicle meant for the health emergencies wherein use of the vehi-cle facility for selfish mo-tives or other personal use will degrade the morality of the health sector there-fore requested the people concerned to take utmost care of the facility,” the press release stated.

Further, Longkumer offered to sponsor the expenses of the driver and the vehicle for a year and that it will be directly monitored on timely in-tervals and reports on the work and services are to be submitted, the updates stated.

stated. This was stated in an official communiqué, it added.Clark Theological College

Clark Theological College was established in 1972 by the Ao Baptist Churches Association in commemoration of the centenary of the coming of Christianity to Naga-land in the name of Dr. EW Clark, the first mis-sionary to Nagaland.

With its motto, Called Out for the Great Har-vest, Clark is committed to the task of Christian leadership development and has been making an impact upon the churches and society far and near.

The college is co-spon-sored today by Nagaland Baptist Church Council and some other Baptist Church Associations in Nagaland. The Clark has come a long way in its journey as a Theological Institution rendering serv-ice to the church and so-ciety by way of nurturing future leaders.

During the last 42 years, the College has grown in all the aspects. Today, we have over 300 residential students rep-resenting 40 different language groups. Over 1800 students have been graduated and they are working today in various places in different capaci-ties in North East India and beyond.

Today, Clark has be-come one of the largest Theological Colleges in Northeast India with a strong team of qualified faculty offering several degree and certificate programs. (Inputs on in-stitution: getmyuni.com)

3AdvertisementEastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Monday, July 4, 2017



4 REGIONEastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Tuesday, July 4, 2017

State Govt reviews flood situations in Mnp

Elected MACs of KAAC takes oath

Life remains paralysed in Arunachal

NE cement cost cut price to pass GST benefits to customers

Mamata moving closer to CPI-M: Tripura TMC legislators

Young voters form human logo, the size of football field

Kuki Students Organisation call off state wide strike in Manipur

Our CorrespondentImphal, July 3 (EMN): Chief Minister of Manipur, N Biren Singh hold a meeting with regard to flood situations in the state with chief secretary O Nabakishore, top officials of state government and Deputy Commissioners (DCs) of the districts on July 3 at Imphal. Chief Minister speaking at the function opined that the recent spates of flood and landslide were the outcomes of human selfishness.

Environmentalist Dr RK Ranjan opined the need to make a new approach with the idea of River Basin as a unit of development and management planning in the state. “It will be wiser on the part of the government to study the river system and its associated watershed areas and the wetland component scientifically first for any step of developmental planning and its implementation,” he stated.

Expressing serious concerns about the frequent floods in the state, All Manipur

United Clubs’ Organisation (AUCO) has appealed the state government to take urgent measures to prevent flood and provide relief centres to the affected people.

The situations have worsened as hundreds of houses and government institutions in the five valley districts are still under water forcing the residents to stay in relief camps. The functioning of the offices was paralysed though the water level of major rivers were seen receding.

BJP spokesperson Minister Th Bishwajit also inspected the flood affected villages of Imphal East district and assured to provide necessary assistance from the government.

However, the 5 JAK Rifles provided assistance to the abandoned locals of Mayang Imphal area. Flood relief operations including evacuation of civilians, medical assistance and clean drinking water were given by the troops, according to a press release.

Our CorrespondentDiphu, July 3 (EMN): Newly elected twenty six candidates, Member of Autonomous Council (MAC) of Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council (KAAC) took an oath on Monday at KAAC Secretariat Session hall. As per the instructions of the Governor of Assam Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Karbi Anglong Adil Khan conducted the ceremony.

The oath taking ceremony ended with

presentation of Karbi poho (scarf) to all the elected members, Principal Secretary i/c Si-im Taro and Deputy Secretary Legislative In charge, Birsing Engti.

The KAAC chairman election will hold on July 5.

The last date for filling the nominations is July 4, 12 noon as per the notification issued by Governor and Secretary to the Government of Assam, Hills Area Department.

Itanagar, July 3 (PTI): Heavy rains lashed several parts of Arunachal Pradesh, including the capital, causing landslides and flood-like situation in many areas across the state.

The administration has alerted residents located at vulnerable areas, such as river banks, streams, landslide-prone zone and advised them to move to safer locations. Heavy damages to roads, culverts, houses and other infrastructure were reported from the districts.

More than 20 stranded passengers, including four patients, three children, women and students were airlifted from Sagalee to Naharlagun yesterday.

Meanwhile, incessant rainfall led to erosion of a major portion of the National Highway 415 between Naharlagun and Itanagar. The National Highway 415 connecting Itanagar and Naharlagun has been closed and all vehicles were diverted to Papu-Nallah and Itanagar via Jollang Road.

The situation worsened as the

soil below Barapani Bridge began eroding due to the rise in water level, official sources said. Capital Complex Deputy Commissioner Prince Dhawan prohibited heavy vehicles from using the bridge till further notice and directed the department concerned to construct a retaining wall to stop soil erosion.

On the other hand, the Jullang road, which is currently the only lifeline connecting Itanagar and Naharlagun, is also in a bad condition with mudslides causing considerable damage at several points.

The Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Management Kaling Moyong yesterday assessed the damages at Barapani Bridge and Chandranagar area.

A detailed report would be submitted to the chief minister so that necessary measures could be taken at the earliest, Moyong said. Meanwhile, landslide triggered by heavy downpour destroyed two houses of Santi Colony at Sagalee in Papum Pare district on Sunday. Landslides have been reported from

almost the entire stretch of Seppa-Sagalee-Kheel Trans Arunachal Highway (TAH), Sagalee ADC Jalash Pertin said.

Two bridges that connected Sagalee were washed away leaving around 100 commuters stranded. Sagalee remained cut off and stranded passengers were accommodated in the inspection bungalow and at former Chief Minister Nabam Tuki s private residence. Landslides along the Papu-Yupia-Hoj-Potin stretch of the Trans Arunachal Highway, left many vehicles stranded.

The district administration issued a circular to stop traffic through the highway between 5pm and 9am. A report from East Siang district stated that Siang River crossed the danger mark on Sunday night.

In Tirap district, a huge landslide occurred between Khonsa and Longding road near the Tirath Hydel Project. The River Kameng at Seppa was reportedly flowing over the danger level. Due to rising water level of Dipu Nallah, Tezu-Roing road traffic was diverted via Assam.

Guwahati, July 3 (PTI): Top cement companies of the North East region have reduced cement prices by up to Rs 15 per bag to pass on GST benefits to customers, a release here said today. Cement companies such as Star Cement, Dalmia Cement and Topcem Cement have made this reduction in cement prices effective from July 1, the release quoting the cement

majors, said.Stat ing that Nor th

Eastern cement companies are first in the country to announce a price cut in the GST regime, it said other cement companies have also made announcements of rate deduction.

The representatives of the cement companies said in line with government objective of making One Nation One Tax regime with

implementation of GST, they are fully prepared to implement it.

Accordingly, the cement companies have passed on GST benefits to the consumers by reducing prices up to Rs 15 per bag, the release said.

The actual benef i t varies from state to state, depending on the pre and post-GST rates, the release added.

Agartala/Kolkata, July 3 (IANS): West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee is moving closer to the CPI-M, Trinamool leaders said on Monday.

“Mamata Banerjee is gradually coming closer to the CPI-M (Communist Party of India-Marxist). She undemocratically and unilaterally breaks relations with the five party MLAs in Tripura today (Monday),” party’s Tripura unit leader Sudip Roy Barman told reporters in Agartala.

A c c o m p a n i e d b y Trinamool MLAs, Barman said: “We have convened an urgent meeting of all state party leaders on July 5 to decide the future course of action. “We resigned from the Congress for its electoral alliance with the CPI-M in West Bengal and now Mamata Banerjee is herself supporting Left-supported Presidential candidate,” Barman said.

H e s a i d t h e s i x Trinamool MLAs decided not to suppor t Meira Kumar as she is supported by the CPI-M. “We have not yet decided whether to join the BJP or not.” Meanwhile, Trinamool Secretary General Partha Chatterjee said in Kolkata that from now on the All India Trinamool Congress (AITMC) had no relations

with the five Tripura MLAs.“Defying the par ty

decision, the five MLAs supported the BJP-led NDA (National Democratic Alliance) Presidential c a n d i d a t e,” h e s a i d . Chatterjee said Sabyasachi Datta, the Trinamool member of the West Bengal Assembly, would look after the organisational affairs of Tripura.

Bharatiya Janata Party General Secretary Ram Madhav and Assam’s BJP minister Himanta Biswa Sarma have urged the six Trinamool legislators in Tripura to vote for Kovind. Ailing Trinamool legislator Dilip Sarkar, now in Delhi for medical treatment, told IANS over telephone: “I am yet to take a decision to whom I should vote in the Presidential election.”

According to media r e p o r t s , a l l t h e s i x Trinamool MLAs are likely to join the BJP this month. Six Congress MLAs led by Sudip Roy Barman resigned from the party last year and joined the Trinamool in protest against the Congress’ electoral alliance with the Left in the West Bengal assembly elections. Subsequently, the six MLAs were recognised by the Tripura assembly Speaker R a m e n d r a C h a n d r a Debnath as Trinamool legislators.

Shillong, July 3 (PTI): Young voters for med a 75 feet by 120 feet human logo, the size of a football field, depicting the campaign logo of Meghalaya government to enroll new voters, an official said today. “Young voters numbering 2,800 between the age group of 18 and 19 years got together to form a 75 ft x 120 ft size human logo at J N

Stadium here on Saturday last as part of state-wide drive to enroll new voters,” Chief Electoral Officer F Kharkongor told PTI.

He said the young citizens braved the rain to complete the human logo of the state s Mission Unite You n I . The CEO said the election department wi l l soon submit the documentation required to the the Limca Book of

Records for information and necessary accord of the successful formation of the human logo by the new voters. “We expect to be able to send the video recording by July 8 and we are optimistic that our efforts will be recorded in the Book of Records,” he said.

The state s enrolment of new voters aims at enrol l ing over 69,000

young voters between the age group of 18 to 21. About 74,000 such voters between the age group of 18-19 years have been enrolled and the special enrolment campaign will end July 31, he said.

According to the state s election department, the current number of enrolled voters is over 17,19,000 in a state with a population of about three million people.

Our CorrespondentImphal, July 3 (EMN): The proposed state wide general strike by Kuki Students Organisation (KSO) to be held on July 4 midnight was called off following the arrest of killer of student leader Lenkholal Haokip. President of Haokip Students Organisation (HSO), Lenkholal Haokip was shot dead by unidentified gunmen on June 23 evening in front of his residence at Langol area in Imphal west district.

“Consequent upon the arrest of one of the killers of HSO president Palal, the KSO General Headquarters has called off its state-wide general strike proposed”, stated KSO President Paotinthang Lupheng in a statement. “The general strike was not an ‘indefinite general strike’, as reported earlier, but a ‘sustained general strike’ which was to

be continued till the killers are arrested and brought to justice.”

Lauding the Imphal West police force, headed by its SP, which was instrumental in apprehending the killer, the KSO hopes that with the arrest of the killer, the authority will certainly arrest the other killer and unearth the conspiracy behind the assassination to the satisfaction of the family, the CSOs and the public alike.

The KSO decision to go ahead with its sustained general strike was to force the hands of the government to act, so that there can be rule of law and justice in the land, it added. ‘So it would be prudent for the government to utilize every resource at its disposal to arrest all the killers and the masterminds behind the killing to make an example of the rule of law.’

From (L-R): Vacation Bible School (VBS) children with resource person at Maram Khullen Baptist Church and VBS children with resource person Ng. Tala Hillary and Rev S.Roger at Taphou Christian Revival Church, Senapati Manipur.

EM ImagesFlooded Deputy Commissioner’s office complex in Imphal East district on Monday.

NewS IN BrIefHigh altitude passenger cable ropeway inaugurated in SikkimGangtok, July 3 (PTI): A high altitude passenger ropeway was inaugurated at Tsmogo in East Sikkim has been thrown open to the public, state tourism department sources said today. The ropeway is at an altitude of 3,753 metres (12,313 ft) and was inaugurated on July 1 by Ugen T Gyatso, state tourism and civil aviation minister. The ropeway has been built in Tsomgo keeping in mind that the area is one of the biggest tourism hubs of the Himalayan state.

With other attractions like Tsomgo Lake, Serathang, Baba Mandir and Nathula with Sino-India border in its vicinity, the new ropeway is intended at raising the number of tourists to the area. The ropeway has been constructed by Conveyor and Ropeway Services Pvt Ltd in association with Tourism and Civil Aviation Department, Government of Sikkim.

Kang festival concludes in Manipur

Our CorrespondentImphal, July 3 (EMN): Nine days ‘Kang festival’ a traditional religious celebration concluded in Manipur on Monday. The main events of the festival were pulling of Kang, traditional chariot and offering of flowers and fruits to Shree Shree Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra.

Despite of the seasonal drizzling, a large number of devotees turned up with traditional festival attires at the palace gate and temples.

At Shree Shree Govindajee temple complex celebration, the pulling of Kang was accompanied by band party and ISKCON temple authority celebrated the festival by pulling mini Kang along the airport road.

Hindu communities from across the state celebrated Kang Chingba festival by holding religious rituals in the evenings at mandaps and community halls. During the nine days long festival, daily community feasts was witnessed at the mandaps.

Minor killed in Assam landslideGuwahati, July 3 (IANS): A six-year-old girl was killed in a landslide here in Assam on Monday morning, police said. Dipika Barman was preparing to go to school when mud from a nearby hill caved in and buried her in Panikhaiti area. Although her parents and neighbours dug her out immediately and rushed her to a hospital, the doctors declared her dead. Incessant rains have been triggering havoc in different parts of Assam and the northeast for several days. The Assam government has identified several hill areas in Guwahati and adjoining areas as landslide prone. They have advised residents to be cautious on rainy days.

Four AK-56 rifles, ammunition seized near Indo-Myanmar borderAizawl, July 3 (PTI): Assam Rifles personnel deployed along the Mizoram-Myanmar border seized four AK-56 assault rifles from a place near Farkawn village yesterday, an official statement today said.

The statement said four magazines and unspecified rounds of ammunition were also seized along with the rifles. The smugglers, however, were not arrested and escaped into Myanmar. Police suspected that the rifles were to be sold to militant groups operating in neighbouring Manipur.

Two held with arms in ManipurImphal, July 3 (PTI): Two persons were arrested along with arms at Ningombam Sabalthongba Lamhai in Thoubal district of Manipur, police said today.

They were held during frisking last evening. Two small arms besides one 9 mm pistol with two magazines were recovered from them, they said. Earlier on Friday, two cadres of the banned outfit KCP (PWG) were arrested from Koirengei in Imphal West district by a combined team of police commandos and Assam Rifles. Preliminary investigation revealed that the militant were involved in extortion activities, they said.

Sonowal reviews preparation for U-17 World CupGuwahati, July 3 (PTI): Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal today reviewed the preparations for the nine matches of the FIFA U-17 World Cup to be played in Guwahati in October. Presiding over the first steering committee meeting here, the Chief Minister discussed the role of various departments involved in the staging of the matches. FIFA officials, its Tournament Director Javier Ceppi and Venue Director Ms Romma Khanna expressed satisfaction at the arrangements.

The tournament will be played in October as Guwahati will play host to as many as nine matches, including one quarterfinal and one semifinal match, an official release said here.In another meeting, the chief minister reviewed the preparation for the AIBA Women’s Youth World Boxing Championship to be held in Guwahati from November 19 to 26 under the joint auspices of Assam Government and Boxing Federation of India.

The competition will feature 200 nations involving more than 300 pugilists and 150 officials.

Swine flu in Champai townAizawl, July 3 (PTI): Swine flu has struck Champai town on the Indo-Myanmar border and has claimed the lives of a number of pigs and piglets in the last one month.

Mizoram Animal Husbandry and Veterinary department director Saingura Sailo today said that the second laboratory test by the laboratory of the College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry at Selesih had confirmed the incidence of swine flu.

There were fears that the pigs had died of the dreaded Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, which had claimed the lives of over 4,000 pigs in six Mizoram districts last year and over 3,000 in 2013.

Champhai District Vawkvulh Association (association formed by those engaged in piggery) has claimed that at least 90 pigs and piglets have died due to classical swine flu during the last one month.

Newly elected members of KAAC :-

1. Duaramla - Prabhat Chandra Taro

2. Amri - D.Uphing Maslai

3. Chinthong - Prodip Rongpi

4. Socheng - Rupsing Teron

5. Rongkhang - Horensing Bey

6. Bithung Rengthama - Tuliram Rong-hang

7. Hamren - Mongolsing Timung

8. Kopili - Pawan Kumar

9. Amreng - Rina Terangpi

10. Howraghat - Khonsing Rongpi

11. Langpher - Ramsing Timung

12. Phuloni – Dorsing Ronghang

13. Langhin – Thorendra Brahma

14. Korkanthi – Raju Tisso

15. Mahamaya – Lunsing Teron

16. Nomati – Ritesh Enghi

17. Socheng Dhenta – Kache Rongpipi

18. Lumbajong – Ratan Teron

19. Dhansiri – Pradip Difusa

20. Singhason – Amarsing Tisso

21. Borjan – Longki Timung

22. Sarupathar – Jagatsing Engti

23. Bokajan – Madhuria Dhekial Phukan

24. Deopani – Mukut Mahanta

25. Nilip – Pabitra Rongpi

26. Duarbaguri – Richard Tokbi

Ahthibung, Kebai Khelma repair road

Petrol pump union resolves to check oil adulteration

DC Kma notifies on ensuing by-election

DDGBA lauds NBCC’s Clean Election Movement

Health camp at Gaili

F&CS Kohima informs village councils

AR conducts awareness prog on HIV/ AIDS

Three arms peddler held

ExpressionLife celebrates 1st anniv

Excise seizes IMFL

5stateEastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Tuesday, June 4, 2017

IMPORTANT NUMBERSWomen Helpline: 181

DimApUR (STD CoDe: 03862)

Bethesda Ambulance Service 9615053217, 9615520007

CIHSR 242555, 242533

Police Control Room 7085055050

Dimapur District Hospital 232224

Diphupar PS 7085055032

East PS 7085055030

Faith Hospital 248912, 9436004220

Fire Station (Chumu) 282777

Fire Station (Dimapur) 7085378850, 232201

GRPS 7085055031

Medziphema PS 7085055033

MH (Metro) Hospital 227930/231081

Mobile Unit Commander 7085055046

Nikos Hospital 248285, 232032

Niuland PS 7085088035

Sub-Urban PS 7085055036

Traffic Control -1 7085088038

Traffic Control -2 7085088039

West PS 7085055034

Women Cell 7085055037

Zion Hospital 231864, 224117, 227337

KoHimA (STD Code: 0370)

Bethel Nursing Home 2224202

Chiephobozou PSOfficer-in-Charge


Childline Kohima 1098

Chiephobozou PSOfficer-in-Charge


Fire Stations 2222952

IRCS Ambulance Service 2244350

Kezocha PSOfficer-in-Charge


Khuzama PSOfficer-in-Charge


NHAK 2222916

North PSOfficer-in-Charge

2222222, 85750455018575045510

Oking Hospital 2290080, 2290146

Police Control Room 100/2244279, 8575045500

South PSOfficer-in-Charge

2222111, 85750455028575045520

Tseminyu PSOfficer-in-Charge


Zubza PSOfficer-in-Charge


moKoKCHUnG (STD Code: 0369)Chopper Service 8974151974/ 9615776811

Christian Hospital, Impur 2262214

Dr. Imkongliba Hospital 2226216/2226394

Faith Hospital Ambulance 9436004220, 9856051827

Fire Station 2226225

Hope Ambulance Service 8415827895/9856277674

Hotel Metsuben 8014587442/ 2226373

IRCS Ambulance Service 09402993002

Lifeline Ambulance 9436439707/ 9862447893

Mokokchung PS 1 2226241

Power House 2226221/2226293

Sewak Gate PS 2 2226213

Traffic Control 9485232691

Tuli Police Station 9485232693

Women Cell 9485232692

Woodland Nursing Home 2226263

One of the accused under custody.

Tasang Asang, proprietor of ExpressionLife with her friends and well wishers during the celebration of its 1st Anniversary on July 2.

Rotary Club of Dimapur in association with Shree Shree Durga Mandir and Blood Bank Dimapur Hospital, organised a blood donation camp. A total of 20 units of blood were collected.

The office of the Tsumang ‘A’ colony, Wokha located at Daily Market Complex was dedicated on June 30, by Wokha Town Baptist Church deacon, Senlamo Kikon. The Tsumang ‘A’ Colony Union and youth organisation thanked the District Administration, Adminstrator wokha Town Council and public for their cooperation and support for the welfare of the colony.

Students with their drawing posters during the awareness programme at Peren town.

Villagers repairing the deplorable road between Bongkolong and Gopibung road, under Peren district.

Special prayer prog for NSCN membersA special prayer programme for the NSCN members will be held at 9 am on 5 July at Ao Baptist Church, Diphupar, near the Monitoring Cell of NSCN.Therefore, all NSCN members living in Dimapur are requested to attend the prayer meeting. The Steering Committee members, kilonsers and deputy kilonsers have been requested to attend the God’s call.

UT-I informs membersWith the directive of CAO care taker UT-I, Rangkhamung Anar, deputy kilonser, has informed all the steering executives, members, Kilonsers, deputy kilonsers, tatars, PRO, PO, APO and from leacy to RSI of UT-I Region to attend the fasting and prayer program at Diphupar-A, Ao Baptist Church on July 5 from 9 a.m.

ANGPTA thanksgiving programmeThe All Nagaland Government Primary Teachers’ Association (ANGPTA) will be organising a thanksgiving programme on July 6, 11 a.m. at CANSSEA building Kohima, to mark the ANGPTA foundation day. All central office bearers, advisors and all district unit presidents, general secretaries and two members each have been are informed to attend positively. The programme will be followed by discussion hour.

ANGDA to conduct social workAll Nagaland Government Drivers Association (ANGDA ‘CC) will be conducting a social work on July 5, 9:30 a.m at the ongoing association building construction site, Themezie High School road, Kohima. All the members within Kohima circle who have off duty are requested to participate.

NCD conevnes emergency meetingThe Naga Council Dimapur has convened an emergency meeting for all the councilors on July 5, 11 a.m. in the office of the NCD. All concerned members have been requested to attend the meeting positively. It has informed that no further notice or information will be served for the purpose.

SASU annual presidential meetingSeyochung Area students’ Union (SASU) has convened an annually presidential meeting on July 8, 10 a.m. at Sub Treasury, Kiphire Town. The Union has informed all SASU officials, executives, unit presidents and general secretaries to attend the meeting without fail.

Rengma Tep clan emergency meetingThe Rengma Tep clan will be holding an emergency meeting on July 8, 10 a.m. at Kapun Tep’s residence, Kohima Forest colony. All the officers of the clan and office bearers, advisors, range representatives (one person from each village) are requested to attend the meeting positively.


Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): The general public of Aht-hibung and Kebai Khelma under Peren District un-dertook a joint Social work from June 26 to July 1, between Bongkolong and Gopibung road which is 10 Km stretch.

In a press release, Ze-liang Kuki Public Organ-isation president, Lamsei Singson and vice president Rangnim, stated that with materials, cash and physi-cal effort from the sixteen villages, the worst road in the district was repaired,

which is now made suit-able for light vehicles to ply.

Z e l i a n g a n d Ku k i Public Organisation un-der Ahthibung and Kebai Khelma circle have ap-pealed all heavy vehicular not to ply in the said road till October.

Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): The Petrol Pump Union of Dimapur and Kohima held a joint meeting on June 30, at Dimapur and unanimously resolved to check adulteration of oils.

In this regard, the

union warned individuals or groups against possess-ing of godowns, storage of oils in any form or, form-ing syndicate groups to practice such illegal activi-ties.

Meanwhile, in a press

release, president of Petro-leum Dealers Association-Dimapur, Neingutuolie Kengurusie, stated that the union shall render its full-est co-operation to the law enforcing agency in rooting out such illegal activities.

Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): In view of the ensuing by-election to the 10th Northern Angami-I AC scheduled for poll on July 29, and as per the provi-sions under Section 159 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, Deputy Commissioner and Re-turning Office, Kohima Rajesh Soundararajan,

IAS has notified that all government officials are being requisitioned and assigned with different duties to ensure smooth conduct of polls.

Accordingly, all con-cerned have been in-formed that no exemp-tion shall be entertained except under unavoidable exigencies.

Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): Dimapur District GBs Association (DDGBA), during its executive in-conclusive meet, lauded the NBCC for marching towards clean election.

DDGBA claimed that ‘election process is not our culture and tradition, but

since it is from nomencla-tural constitution of India, it needs changes within ourself first’.

DDGBA also request-ed all its eight administra-tive units to follow the NBCC principals towards clean election. The DDG-BA also appraised Dima-

pur Urban Council Chair-men Federation (DUCCF) and GBs’ Union (Sadar) for their parcel init ia-tives within colonies and wards for formation of Clean Election Commit-tee comprising of council members, GBs, youths and women organisations.

The DDGBA also con-veyed its sincere gratitude to T.R. Zeliang, Advi-sor Finance; Y. Patton, Home Minister and Jacob Zhimomi, Parliamentary Secretary of Irrigation & Flood Control, for their financial assistances to DDBGA.

Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): The Health Sub Centre Committee of Gaili conducted a health camp, sponsored by the Nagaland Health Projects on June 22, at the Village Panchayat Hall.

During the camp, medical offi-cers, Dr. P. Newmai and Dr. Botoho, feom Community Health Centre, Ja-lukie, administered the patients. The camp was assisted by health workers. A total of 105 patients availed the health check up. Earlier, invocation prayer was pronounced by Bangdi, Deacon GBC. Free medicines were also distributed to the patients.

Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): Assistant Director of Food & Civil Supplies, Kohima has informed all FPS/Village Councils of Kohima Centre that the PHH and AAY food-grains will be released from July 6 onwards between 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Therefore, concerned FPS/Village Councils are directed to collect their respective quota within the stipulated period.

Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): 32 Assam Rifles under the aegis of HQ IGAR (N) conducted a lecture programme at Indisen village on June 30, with the aim to spread awareness on causes of spread of HIV/ AIDS, preventive measures and stigmas attached to HIV/AIDS.

A total of 20 villagers attended the lecture.

A separate awareness programme was conducted by 36 Assam Rifles under

the aegis of Headquarters IGAR (N) to educate and spread awareness about HIV/ AIDS amongst youths and locals of Peren town and neighbouring villages, on June 24.

A ‘Run for Fun’ and drawing com-petition was organised as part of the event. Students from All Saint Baptist School and Government Higher Second-ary School participated with zeal and enthusiasm.

Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): Based on specific informa-tion regarding presence of arms dealer, 32 Assam Rifles under the aegis of HQ IGAR (N) alongwith police representatives launched an operation at Thilixu, Dimapur on July 1.

During the search, the team apprehended an indi-vidual alongwith six weap-ons and ammunition. The accused has been identi-fied as Vishiho Chopi, age 36 years, son of Pikeye, resident of Thilixu, Di-mapur.

The individual along with the recovered arms and ammunit ion was handed over to Diphupar Police Station, Dimapur for further investigation.

In a separate incident, based on specific informa-tion regarding movement of suspected arms dealers along NH- 29, 41 Assam

Rifles under the aegis of HQ IGAR (North) along-with police representatives established a Mobile Ve-hicle Check Post in general area Patkai Bridge, Dima-pur on June 23.

At the MVCP, the team intercepted a suspect-ed vehicle and apprehend-ed two persons alongwith one Pt 32 mm Pistol with two magazines, one Air Gun, two live rounds of Pt 32 mm and one Maruti Gypsy without any regis-tration number.

The accused were iden-tified as Vilhousa Metha, age 34 years, resident of Chiswema,, Kohima and oseph Linyu, age 38 years, resident of Lower Bayavu, Kohima.

The apprehended indi-viduals alongwith recov-ered items were handed over to Diphupar Police Station for further inves-tigation.

Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): ExpressionLife, a craft home decor and accessories, cel-ebrated its 1st Anniversary on July 2.

Commemorating the an-niversary, ExpressionLife magazine was dedicated and released by Kenei, principal of Pilgrim School Dimapur.

ExpressionLife is a one-stop shop for home decor needs where pretty things meet function located at House No-168 Lane 14A, Kevijau Village, Signal Basti, Dimapur.

Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): The Dimapur District Excise personnel manning the New Field Excise Check gate, on July 3 at around 6:40 a.m., while checking suspected vehicles recovered a total of 612 bottles of assorted IMFL from a zonal taxi (Maru-ti Alto) bearing Regd No. NL079911.

In this connection, the owner of the contraband, identified as one Shyam Ku-mar (20 yrs), son of S.Prasad, a resident of 7th Mile Di-mapur was arrested and pe-nalised under Section 44 of NLTP ACT 1989.

The detection and seizure of the above contraband was made under the command of Mainshila A.I.E. along with Phongtin H/C, Tsuknung, Angshem, Kavito, Shika-ho, Kneingutou, Leihong Phom, Vikaho, Lutachu and T.K.Medom all constables.

Sl.No Name of the circle Scheduled date of issue

1 Kezocha circle villages and Merema, Tsiese Basa & Bawe, Thizama & Rusoma

6th July 2017

2 Jakha circle villages 7th July 2017

3 Kohima Sadar and Secu circle villages 10th July 2017

4 Kohima Town FPS 11th & 12th July 2017

After being kidnapped, held hostage for thirteen days, and released, New Zealand news cameraman Olaf Wiig, with a broad smile on his face, announced, “I feel more alive

now than I have in my entire life.”For reasons difficult to understand, being freed is more exhila-

rating than being free.For those who enjoy freedom every day, Olaf’s joy was a good

reminder of how easily we forget how blessed we are. This is also true spiritually. Those of us who have been Christians for a long time often forget what it’s like to be held hostage by sin. We can become complacent and even ungrateful. But then God sends a reminder in the form of a new believer who gives an exuberant testimony of what God has done in his or her life, and once again we see the joy that is ours when we are “free from the law of sin and death” (Rom. 8:2).

If freedom has become boring to you, or if you tend to focus on what you can’t do, consider this: Not only are you no longer a slave to sin, but you are freed to be holy and to enjoy eternal life with Christ Jesus! (6:22).

Celebrate your freedom in Christ by taking the time to thank God for the things you are able and free to do as His servant.


The contents of articles in this page do not necessarily reflect the Editorial view or policy of the paper.

Dimapur, TuesDay , July 4 , 2017

EastErn Mirror

A for Academy

Living for Christ brings true freedom.

Celebrate Freedom


the current trend in indian publishing space, as also globally, shows a phenomenal rise of nonfiction while the number of fiction titles

have dipped significantly over the past couple of years.

the month of July, however, will come as a boon to fiction readers as several prominent novels are slated to hit the stores.

arundhati Roy’s “the Ministry of Utmost happiness” and amish tripathi’s “Sita - Warrior of Mithila” dominated the literary space in June, which also saw the release of two prominent autobiographies: Ruskin Bond’s “lone Fox Dancing” and former RBi Governor y.V. Reddy’s “advice and Dissent”. While Roy’s novel initially attracted much attention from readers and critics alike, ultimately it was again nonfiction and memoirs that occurred more in terms of number and sales.

the growing interest of readers in knowing about the lives of celebrities and other leading personalities, coupled with exorbitant marketing and promotion of such books, have toppled the rightful place that fiction once commanded. thus, a sort of “hit-and-run” nonfiction books that create hype momentarily and do well commercially rule the roost.

But these books are also forgotten equally fast. Consider Karan Johar’s “an Unsuitable Boy” and amitav Ghosh’s 1988 novel “the Shadow lines” for instance. While Johar’s memoir, which released only a few months ago seems to have gone out of sight and mind of most readers, Ghosh’s novel, even after three decades, seems like an oasis of bliss and aesthetic reading.Here are the five books that we can’t wait to read in July:

Five Books To Look Forward To in July 2017 saket suman | iaNs The Lovers by Amitava Kumar (Aleph)

this novel is about a man in search of a love story. Our narrator Kailash is a new immigrant, eager to shine and in his account of his years at a university in New york, he takes us through the bittersweet arc of youth and love. Manifest in the narrator’s first years and first loves is the wild enthusiasm of youth, its idealism, chaotic desires and confusions.

Funny, meditative, and shot through with waves of longing, the book explores feelings of discomfort about cultural misunderstandings and the lack of clarity between men and women.

Without Prejudice: Epic Tale of a Mumbai Bar Dancer by Devasis (Niyogi Books)

a novel on the life sketch of a fictional Mumbai Bar Dancer, the book delves deep into the roots of their evolution as dancers and attempts to answer how the sudden decision of closure of the Dance Bars ran the danger and risk of depriving a section of the populace of a dignified (albeit not being seen so by some sections of society) way of earning their living. the damage caused by certain archaic laws to certain sections of the indian populace and how the government, administration and general public are completely unaware of the injustice meted to women from these communities is also highlighted in the book.

Neel Mukherjee, the author of two previous novels, “A Life Apart” (2010), which won the Writers’ Guild of Great Britain Award for best novel, and “The Lives of Others” (2014), which was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize, returns this July with his third novel.

in “a State of Freedom” by Mukherjee, five characters find out the meanings of dislocation, and the desire for more. Moving between the

reality of this world and the shadow of another, this novel of multiple narratives -- formally daring, fierce but full of pity -- delivers a devastating and haunting exploration of the unquenchable human urge to strive for a different life.

Navigating India by Bharat Joshi (Rupa)this is a non-preachy, non-prescriptive and

unbiased account of the possibilities that define india amidst magnificent paradoxes. it provides an experiential compass through first-hand accounts and insights from some of india’s most respected names in business, public governance, diplomacy and intelligentsia.

it lucidly explains the frequent and vital intersections between the government and business, culture and modernity, demographics and democracy -- all of which are vital to understanding india.

To Kill the President by Sam Bourne (HarperCollins)

the United States has elected a volatile demagogue as president, backed by his ruthless chief strategist, Crawford ‘Mac’ McNamara. When a war of words with the North Korean regime spirals out of control and the President comes perilously close to launching a nuclear attack, it’s clear someone has to act, or the world will be reduced to ashes.

Maggie Costello, a seasoned Washington operator and stubbornly principled person, discovers an inside plot to kill the President -- and faces the ultimate moral dilemma. Should she save the President and leave the free world at the mercy of an increasingly crazed would-be tyrant -- or commit treason against her Commander in Chief and risk plunging the country into a civil war? this blockbuster thriller will keep you hooked to its pages.

By applying a new solar cell tech-nology, researchers have devel-oped a self-powered version of

smart windows that could help save energy costs.

Smart windows equipped with con-trollable glazing can augment lighting, cooling and heating systems by vary-ing their tint, saving up to 40 per cent in an average building’s energy costs. But these conventional smart windows require power for operation, so they are relatively complicated to install in exist-ing buildings.

the new self-powered version prom-ises to be inexpensive and easy to ap-ply to existing windows, the researchers said.

this system features solar cells that se-lectively absorb near-ultraviolet (near-UV) light, so the new windows are completely self-powered.

“Sunlight is a mixture of electromag-netic radiation made up of near-UV rays, visible light, and infrared energy, or heat,” said yueh-lin (lynn) loo, Professor at Princeton University, New Jersey, US.

“We wanted the smart window to dy-namically control the amount of natu-ral light and heat that can come inside, saving on energy cost and making the space more comfortable,” she added.

the smart window controls the trans-mission of visible light and infrared heat into the building, while the new

type of solar cell uses near-UV light to power the system.

“this new technology is actually smart management of the entire spec-trum of sunlight,” loo said.

in the paper published in Nature En-ergy, the researchers described how they used organic semiconductors -- contorted hexabenzocoronene (chBC) derivatives -- for constructing the solar cells.

the researchers chose the material because its chemical structure could be modified to absorb a narrow range of wavelengths -- in this case, near-UV light.

“Using near-UV light to power these windows means that the solar cells

can be transparent and occupy the same footprint of the window without competing for the same spectral range or imposing aesthetic and design con-straints,” loo added.

the researchers explained that the near-UV solar cell technology can also power internet-of-things sensors and other low-power consumer products.

“it does not generate enough power for a car, but it can provide auxiliary power for smaller devices, for example, a fan to cool the car while it’s parked in the hot sun,” loo said.

the OED will publish its next update in September.


Solar-Powered Smart Windows Could Help You Save Energy Costs

The Arithmetic Behind India’s Goods and Services Tax

Personal Opinion On Appointment Of Advisors To Dimapur Municipal Council (VnR)i, as a former councillor of the Dimapur Munici-

pal Council having concern for well being and smooth functioning of the office of the civic

body would like to share my personal view on the appointment of advisors to the DMC. For the first time in the history, the office of Dimapur Municipal Council, since the time of Dimapur town Commit-tee was raided by the vigilance, bringing bad image to the reputation of the office. the raid was conduct-

ed during the time when the office was functioning under a team advisors, which itself is glaring exam-ple of how the office had become corrupt under the advisors. On the other hand, people of Dimapur have evidently seen tremendous improvement in the function of the DMC as well as developmental ac-tivities taking place in the town even without a single advisor, when DMC has functioned under the Chief Executive Officer. therefore, i urge the concerned

department in-charge of municipal affairs not to ap-point advisors to the DMC but to let the office run under the CEO for greater interest and all round de-velopment of Dimapur till election for the urban lo-cal body is held.

Hejeto Chishi

Former Member (Ward No. 9)Dimapur Municipal Council

Nearly a year ago, there was an article in Wisden India – one of the most respected websites that caters to cricket affairs across the globe – about the health of

the game in the northeast. apart from the fact that the focus of the feature was the northeast states – a place, according to one seasoned cricket writer, that sees as much cricket as tanzania – what really caught the attention was the identity of the person behind the piece. the byline read: hokaito Zhimomi|Dimapur| July 7, 2016.

With the permission of the author, the piece entitled ‘Cricket in the north-east: BCCi must build on the a-B-C’ was reproduced in this newspaper the next day. hokaito Zhimomi represents the other half of the only pair of Naga cricketers to have tasted the dust and sun of a Ranji trophy game. the other player is Jonathan Rongsen. Mr Zhimomi holds the distinction of being the first Naga cricketer to get the Ranji trophy gig. he was also a part of the Kolkata Knight Riders squad in iPl 2008. in the article, he had written on the need to build cricket from the grassroots – “from a-B-C”.

“if these things had happened in my time, or when Rongsen Jonathan was growing up, it would have been good. i ended up playing just four first-class matches”, a passage from said article read. this is put in context in another Wisden india piece, in which Mr Zhimomi was interviewed by a journalist in 2012. “No academies, no coaches, no proper grounds … when i went to Guwahati and bought a bat for Rs 1500, everyone in Dimapur was so impressed”.

to have emerged from that depressing scene, and crack the Ranji code, speaks volume of the character of Zhimomi. this column is featuring him today because of yet another piece of news – of a much more recent vintage – concerning Zhimomi. On Sunday, he opened his own cricket coaching centre at Dimapur. this piece of news, instantly, recalled his a-B-C message in Wisden India. it seems safe to conclude that Mr Zhimomi – to use cricket parlance – talks and plays with a straight bat. Nothing says ‘a’ like academy.

Of the many sporting disciplines, cricket is one among the most technical. its whole game is built and structured around basic techniques that form the game’s spine. and for three days in a week, young players will absorb such nuances while honing their natural skills. as priceless as this may be, however, there is something even more valuable that Mr Zhimomi’s latest initiative represents. in the above mentioned interview he was asked this: Was there anyone in Nagaland, leave alone Dimapur, who was qualified to tell him if he was good enough to become a cricketer?

Prompt came the reply: “No one, no one at all”. Now we have one. termed as one of the biggest reforms of india’s

complicated indirect tax base since 1991, the passage of the Constitution amendment Bill,

enabling the introduction of the Goods and Services tax (GSt) seems to have become a reality at last. On March 29, 2017, with the passing of four bills related to different aspects of the GSt via the lok Sabha, the indian parliamentary system has demonstrated a strong will for enhancing cooperative federalism by signing off on a ‘pooling of sovereignty’ in taxation matters applicable for all 32 states.

the realisation of a common indirect tax, like the GSt is critical for the semblance of a common indian market where all goods and services, depending on the elasticity of their consumption, will broadly be governed under a common indirect tax rate system.

in an earlier article, i discussed how regressive india’s tax structure has been (under a total tax slit of 35:65 ratio between direct-indirect taxes), where, over the last few decades, owing to a complicated web of cesses, surcharges and other indirect taxes (imposed on different baskets of goods and services), the burden of such an imbalance has fallen directly on the consumer regardless of their income.

the implementation of GSt could very well be a step in this direction, in untangling the complicated web of the indirect tax base in india. however, one may add here that, the imposition of the GSt (from July) is a minor step in the direction of reducing the incidence of indirect taxes in relation to the overall tax burden.

The arithmetic of GSTSo, how would the GST work?

an illustration below covering the supply chain (that is, manufacturer-wholesaler-retailer) of a car manufacturer in india is formulated to explain how an effective and much lower GSt incidence (tax burden) would ideally work for such a manufacturer in india.

For our case, let’s take the producer to be a manufacturer of a car and assume that he purchases raw materials (rubber for tires, steel, engine parts, bolts, etc) for $1,000, in which he includes a tax of $100.

By using these raw materials, the manufacturer can make a new car to be sold in a given automobile market. While the process of manufacturing involves a degree of value addition (adding value to the raw materials he bought), we assume this value added by him to be $300. the gross value added for his car then becomes $1000 +

$300 = $1,300.at a tax rate of 10%, the tax on output (of the car)

becomes $130. Under GSt, the car manufacturer has the opportunity to set off this tax ($130) against the tax he has already paid on raw materials, that is, $100. in other words, the effective GSt incidence or tax burden on the manufacturer becomes $30 (130-100).

as the car manufacturer sells the car to the wholesaler or dealer, the wholesaler purchases the car for $1,300 and adds his profit margin to this value – say $50. the gross value of the car he sells would then become $1,350 (1300 + 50). a 10% tax on this amount will be $135, but with the GSt passed now, the wholesaler will have the opportunity to offset the tax on his sale, that is, $135 against the tax on his purchased good from the car manufacturer ($130). Whereby, the effective GSt incidence on the wholesaler becomes $5 ($135- $130).

Next comes the retailer, who buys the car from the car wholesaler (or dealer). From the retailer’s purchase of $1350 (which was the selling price of the car from the wholesaler), the retailer again, adds a profit margin to this value, of say $50. the gross value now goes up to $1,350 + $ 50, that is, $1,400. the tax of 10% on this will become $140. With an opportunity to off-set this tax ($140) against the tax on the purchase from the wholesaler ($135), the retailer can reduce the effective GSt incidence or tax burden on himself to $5 (140-135).

From the producer to the retailer, the GSt through the manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer becomes $100 + $30 + $5 + $5 which is equal to $140.

the incorporation of GSt thus, does away with the cascading indirect effect of a “tax on tax” (under the Vat and CENVat tax system) which is usually calculated on the compounded value as the good (in this case, the car) keeps moving across the supply chain (from state to state).

More importantly, with a more uniform, simple tax structure like the GSt, compliance becomes easy under a centralised tax calculating and collecting structure.

The probable impact of GST?it may be difficult to realistically depict a quantifiable

impact of GSt across various sectors unless a specific GSt tax rate is known from the government’s end, which analysts earlier estimated to be somewhere around 17% or 18%.

Considering that the discussion across the board on the GSt tax rate started with rate discussions of 12% and 18%; the four slab rates of 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%, with identified de-merit goods subject to levy of cess over and above peak rate of 28% was a dampener for the industry,

as argued here. the newly designed multiple rate structure is derived from the fact that current effective indirect taxes (both centre and state) over certain bands are maintained for revenue neutrality and linked to above rate slabs.

the likely winners from the imposition of the GSt as a centralised indirect valued added tax, will be from the manufacturing segment, including the automobile manufacturers, the FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) segment, the retail sector (provided consumer demand picks up) and the cement sector.

One of the key losers could be the telecom sector, with the rise in GSt tax rate, unless the Vat and CENVat simultaneously see a marginal drop in their rates too. the sector is already plagued with serious problems pertaining to data volumes and slow bandwidth penetration across the country.

another caveat with the GSt has been with the constitution of the GSt council – as mentioned in the tabled GSt bill earlier – against which the aiaDMK government (in tamil Nadu) and few others in the opposition parties objected. While the formation of the council is aimed at resolving disputes and fixing tax rates, the council as a constitutional body, encroaches on the legislative sovereignty of the state legislatures and the parliament. this can now be seen as a step to enhance federalism at the cost of pooling the sovereignty of the states, which i must add, are as much as a stakeholder as the Union government thanks to a long, inclusive, state-level consensus building efforts undertaken by the Union government.

tax reforms like the GSt is history in the making and the final passing of the GSt bill (now in its final stages) will be termed as one of india’s biggest legislative success. having said that, it would be pertinent for the current government to exercise utmost discretion in regulating the GSt tax rates, periodically through a well-managed float, in a way where the emerging economic and business landscape within states (particularly the lesser developed states) are efficiently safeguarded without imposing any negative externalities.

a multiple rate structure with increase in tax compliance for service providers will push input costs for producers, causing inflationary tendencies (via cost-push effects); moreover, the administrative cost of tax collection and distribution will test the Union government’s capability, in the future, to act as a benevolent sovereign.

Deepanshu Mohan is assistant professor of economics at Jindal School of International Affairs, O.P. Global

Jindal University.

Deepanshu mohan | The Wire

In 1969, the British writer Philip Pullman was walk-ing down the Charing Cross Road in London, when his consciousness abruptly shifted. It appeared to him that ‘everything was connected by similarities and

correspondences and echoes’. The author of the fantasy trilogy His Dark Materials (1995-2000) wasn’t on drugs, al-though he had been reading a lot of books on Renaissance magic. But he told me he believes that his insight was valid, and that ‘my consciousness was temporarily altered, so that I was able to see things that are normally beyond the range of routine ordinary perception’. He had a deep sense that the Universe is ‘alive, conscious and full of purpose’. He says: ‘Everything I’ve written has been an attempt to bear witness to the truth of that statement.’

What does one call such an experience? Pullman refers to it as ‘transcendent’. The philosopher and psychologist William James called them ‘religious experiences’ – al-though Pullman, who wrote a fictionalised biography of Jesus, would insist that God was not involved. Other psy-chologists call such moments spiritual, mystical, anoma-lous or out-of-the-ordinary. My preferred term is ‘ecstatic’. Today, we think of ecstasy as meaning the drug MDMA or the state of being ‘very happy’, but originally it meant ekstasis – a moment when you stand outside your ordinary self, and feel a connection to something bigger than you. Such moments can be euphoric, but also terrifying.

Over the past five centuries, Western culture has gradu-ally marginalised and pathologised ecstasy. That’s partly a result of our shift from a supernatural or animist world-view to a disenchanted and materialist one. In most cul-tures, ecstasy is a connection to the spirit world. In our culture, since the 17th century, if you suggest you’re con-nected to the spirit world, you’re likely to be considered ignorant, eccentric or unwell. Ecstasy has been labelled as various mental disorders: enthusiasm, hysteria, psychosis. It’s been condemned as a threat to secular government. We’ve become a more controlled, regulated and discipli-narian society, in which one’s standing as a good citizen relies on one’s ability to control one’s emotions, be polite, and do one’s job. The autonomous self has become our highest ideal, and the idea of surrendering the self is seen as dangerous.

Yet ecstatic experiences are surprisingly common, we just don’t talk about them. The polling company Gallup has, since the 1960s, measured the frequency of mysti-cal experiences in the United States. In 1960, only 20 per cent of the population said they’d had one or more. Now, it’s around 50 per cent. In a survey I did in 2016, 84 per cent of respondents said they’d had an experience where they went beyond their ordinary self, and felt connected to something greater than them. But 75 per cent agreed there was a taboo around such experiences.

There’s even a database of more than 6,000 such ex-periences, amassed by the biologist Sir Alister Hardy in the 1960s and now mouldering in storage in Wales. They make for a strangely beautiful read, a sort of crowdsourced Bible. Here is entry number 208: ‘I was out walking one night in busy streets of Glasgow when, with slow majesty, at a corner where the pedestrians were hurrying by and the city traffic was hurtling on its way, the air was filled with heavenly music, and an all-encompassing light, that moved

in waves of luminous colour, outshone the brightness of the lighted streets. I stood still, filled with a strange peace and joy … until I found myself in the everyday world again with a strange access of gladness and of love.’

The most common word used when describing such experiences is ‘connection’ – we briefly shift beyond our separate self-absorbed egos, and feel deeply connected to other beings, or to all things. Some interpret these mo-ments as an encounter with the divine, but not all do. The philosopher Bertrand Russell, for example, also had a ‘mystic moment’ when he suddenly felt filled with love for people on a London street. The experience didn’t turn him into a Christian, but it did turn him into a life-long pacifist.

I became interested in ecstatic experiences when I was 24 and had a near-death experience. I fell off a mountain while skiing, dropped 30 feet, and broke my leg and back. As I lay there, I felt immersed in love and light. I’d been suffering from emotional problems for six years, and feared my ego was permanently damaged. In that moment, I knew that I was OK, I was loved, that there was something in me that could not be damaged, call it ‘the soul’, ‘the self ’, ‘pure consciousness’ or what-have-you. The experi-ence was hugely healing. But was it just luck, or grace? Can one seek ecstasy?

Pullman thinks not. He says: ‘Seeking this sort of thing doesn’t work. It is far too self-centred. Things like my ex-perience are by-products, not goals. To make them the aim of your life is an act of monumental and self-deceiving egotism.’

I disagree. It seems to me that humans have always sought ecstasy. The earliest human artefacts – the cave paintings of Lascaux – are records of Homo sapiens’ at-tempt to get out of our heads. We have always sought ways to ‘unself ’, as the writer Iris Murdoch called it, because the ego is an anxious, claustrophobic, lonely and boring place to be stuck. As the author Aldous Huxley wrote, humans have ‘a deep-seated urge to self-transcendence’. However, we can get out of our ordinary selves in good and bad ways – what Huxley called ‘healthy and toxic transcendence’.

How can we seek ecstasy in a healthy way? In its most common-garden variety, we can seek what the psy-chologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi called ‘flow’. By this he meant moments where we become so absorbed in an activity that we forget ourselves and lose track of time. We could lose ourselves in a good book, for example, or a computer game. The author Geoff Dyer, who’s written extensively on ‘peak experiences’, says: ‘If you asked me when I’m most in the zone, obviously it would be playing tennis. That absorption in the moment, I just love it.’ Oth-ers shift their consciousness by going for a walk in nature, where they find what the poet William Wordsworth called ‘the quiet stream of self-forgetfulness’. Or we turn to sex, which the feminist Susan Sontag called the ‘oldest resource which human beings have available to them for blowing their mind’.

Such everyday moments might seem a long way from the mystical ecstasy of St Teresa of Ávila, but I would sug-gest that there is a continuum from moments of light ab-sorption and ego-loss to much deeper and more dramatic ego-dissolution. Csikszentmihalyi agrees, saying that mo-ments of flow are ‘the kind of experience which culmi-nates in ecstasy’. You don’t expect a full-on ecstatic experi-ence every time you go to a concert, museum, mountain

or date. But you know that, on a good day, you might just be transported.

And then there are the deeper moments of ego-loss that one might term a ‘mystical experience’. Can we seek them? Certainly. That’s what humans have been doing for hundreds of thousands of years, through various ecstatic techniques such as strenuous dancing, chanting, fasting, self-inflicted pain, sensory deprivation or mind-altering drugs.

Take psychedelic drugs, an ancient technique for get-ting out of our heads. In the past few years, academic research into psychedelics has re-started after a 40-year hiatus. Researchers have discovered that one dose of psychedelics reliably triggers ‘mystical experiences’ – mo-ments where people report a sense of ego-dissolution and connection to all things, including to spirit beings or God. On the whole, people in research trials find such a trip one of the most meaningful, satisfying and healing moments in their lives. In a series of separate trials recently by Imperial College London, New York University and Johns Hopkins Medical School, one dose of psilocybin helped to reduce chronic depression and addiction, and also significantly re-duced the fear of death in patients with cancer.

Another way in which humans have traditionally sought ego-transcendence is through contemplation. West-ern culture abandoned its own contemplative traditions during the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, but in the past 50 years Eastern contemplative practices have flooded in to fill the vacuum. Around 9 per cent of adult Americans meditate, and 15 per cent practise yoga.

For most people, contemplation is a way to take a break from the chattering ego-mind. But occasionally people have more powerful experiences of ego-dissolu-tion, especially on retreats. A 1979 study by the Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield in California found that 40 per cent of participants on a two-week meditation retreat reported unusual experiences such as rapture and visions (including hellish visions). Kornfield writes: ‘From our data it seems clear that the modern psychiatric dismissal of these so-called “mystical” and altered states as psychopathology … is simply due to the limitations of the traditional Western psychiatric mental-illnesses oriented model of the mind.’

A third way that people seek ecstasy today is through religious worship. In his classic text Varieties of Religious Experience (1902), William James noted that surrendering to a higher power often triggered deep psychological heal-ing and growth. The experience of Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), is one notable example of this: after decades of struggling with alcohol depend-ence, he finally surrendered to a God he barely believed in: ‘Suddenly the room lit up with a great white light. I was caught up in an ecstasy which there are no words to describe … it burst upon me that I was a free man.’

Wilson set up AA as a mechanism to help other people find transcendence through ‘surrender to a higher power’, even if they aren’t sure what that means. Ecstatic religious movements such as Sufism and Pentecostalism offer simi-lar healing through surrender. I spent a year exploring the world of charismatic Christianity, including the globally renowned Alpha course, and eventually succumbed to the ecstasy myself. It happened in a church in Pembrokeshire filled with Pentecostal pensioners. Suddenly, I felt filled with a force that knocked me back and took my breath

away. It felt like proof. The preacher asked if anyone wanted to commit their life to Jesus and, at the back of the church, I raised my hand. The next week, I announced my conversion on my newsletter, and around a third of my subscribers immediately unsubscribed.

A few weeks later, however, the high passed, and the doubts came back. There were still basic tenets of Chris-tianity that I couldn’t accept, particularly the idea that the only way to God is through faith in Jesus. So what had happened? Had I been hypnotised by the preacher, the rit-ual and the crowd emotion? Yes, probably. But that doesn’t mean it was unhealthy or unspiritual.

Nicky Gumbel, the Anglican priest who developed the Alpha course, says that ecstatic experiences – what he calls ‘encounters with the Holy Spirit’ – could be God, or could be simply human psychology. What matters is the fruit. Does it lead to healing and good works, or not? This is remarkably close to James’s attitude. He thought that faith-healing could be the subconscious, or could be access to an actual spiritual dimension. We can’t know for sure. But we can look at the fruits. Most humans in the non-Western world still seek psychological healing not from psychia-trists or therapists, but through the ritual of surrender to a God or spirit. It might offend our modern skepticism, but it also often works.

Psychologists and psychiatrists are moving from their traditional hostility to ecstasy to an understanding that it’s often good for us. Much of our personality is made up of attitudes that are usually subconscious. We drag around buried trauma, guilt, feelings of low self-worth. In mo-ments of ecstasy, the threshold of consciousness is low-ered, people encounter these subconscious attitudes, and are able to step outside of them. They can feel a deep sense of love for themselves and others, which can heal them at a deep level. Maybe this is just an opening to the subcon-scious, maybe it’s a connection to a higher dimension of spirit – we don’t know.

Yet there are risks to ego-dissolution too. It can be a very frightening experience, and we might struggle to inte-grate it into our ordinary lives. We could ‘unself ’ in social contexts that are unsafe or exploitative, that push us into narrow, controlling and hate-filled dogmas. We might insist that our route to God is the only route, and everyone else is demonic. We might get over-attached to the ecstatic, and foolishly seek a spiritual life entirely made up of special ex-periences. A peak experience is just a peek – we still have to put in the boring, hard work to deconstruct our egotism.

How do we reduce the risks of ego-dissolution? We can try to take care of one another in groups, both offline and online; we can look to the wisdom of various spiritual tra-ditions, and respectfully compare notes; and we can draw on the burgeoning science of ecstatic experiences. But we will never entirely eliminate the risks. The journey beyond the self is not safe or predictable. On the other hand, stay-ing in the self also has its risks – boredom, staleness, steril-ity, despair. Ultimately, there’s something in us that calls to us, that pulls us out the door. Let’s find out where it leads.

Jules Evans is policy director at the Centre for the History of the Emotions at Queen Mary, University of London. He

is the author of Philosophy for Life and Other Dangerous Situations (2013) and The Art of Losing Control: A Philosopher’s Search for Ecstatic Experience (2017).

EastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Tuesday, July 4, 2017


The contents of articles on this page do not necessarily reflect the Editoral view or policy of the paper

Jules Evans | Aeon

Aries MAr 21 - Apr 19: You shouldn’t try to stay alone today, Aries. Once in a while you need to spend some time alone to ponder your life, to dream and wish for better things to come. But to-

day you could meet someone who will take you places you aren’t accustomed to going. Try to stay available in order to seize this opportunity.

TAurus Apr 20 - MAy 20: The next few weeks will be full of changes in your personal life, Taurus. Your relationships will evolve. You have convivial relations with your friends, but you need to keep an

eye on your strong personality and let others express them-selves. Try to stay vigilant. You can’t impose your views on other people all the time.

GeMini MAy 21 - Jun 21: Some people have a tendency to be shy. They almost apologize for being alive. For them, it’s essential to keep a low profile. You probably think that you’re like this,

but you’re mistaken, Gemini. You need a bit of reassurance. There are a lot of interesting things inside you that need to come out. Believe in yourself.

CAnCer Jun 22 - Jul 22: You’re a real mas-ter of seduction, Cancer. For quite some time, you’ve been able to draw a number of people to you. It seems that no one can resist your charms.

But today you will start thinking about this process of se-duction. Even if you appreciate luxury, you should be care-ful and stay vigilant.

leo Jul 23 - AuG 22: You’re a real charmer. None of your friends can resist you, Leo. Today you should try to put the finishing touches to your personality. Indeed, you will be able to benefit

from the planetary alignment as you interact with others. You will look for a little more authenticity in your personal and professional relations.

VirGo AuG 23 - sep 22: The day will be calm and quiet, Virgo. You feel strongly about finish-ing whatever you undertake. You probably have the opportunity to add the final changes to some

projects you’ve been working on. This reorganization will give you some spare time, which will probably enable you to meet some very interesting people.

librA sep 23 - oCT 22: You’re very tolerant to-ward a particular person in your entourage, which is probably due to your generous nature, Libra. You think everyone should have his or her own

experiences and setbacks. After all, we learn from our mis-takes. Sometimes you aren’t very humble, but your friends are lucky to have someone they can count on.

sCorpio oCT 23 - noV 21: Today you may have a difference of opinion with a relative. You will try to resolve this problem. You will be irri-tated by this present situation, and almost feel that

your relationship has been altered for good. There is prob-ably just a lack of communication between you. You have to try to work things out together.

sAGiTTArius noV 22 - DeC 21: You’re an emotional person, Sagittarius. You can easily be destabilized by something you read in the news or see on television. Why are you saddened or hurt

by the problems of the world? If you’ve felt some violence surrounding you lately, you will be happy to know that you can heal your wounds today.

CApriCorn DeC 22 - JAn 19: The time has come to focus on your personal life, Capricorn. Your life has certainly had its moments. During the past few months, it has been especially full of

new and deep emotions. If you’re persistent about keeping your determined frame of mind and course of action, you will attain the goals you’ve set for yourself.

AquArius JAn 20 - Feb 18: Even though you should watch your finances, you have a tendency to spend a lot of money, Aquarius. Happily, you have the opportunity to make a lot of profit. Your

investments are solid, and you will soon benefit from them. Don’t spend your newfound wealth on frivolous things. You will fulfill your objectives if you’re vigilant.

pisCes Feb 19 - MAr 20: You often neglect your health and body. Your equilibrium suffers from this, Pisces. The time has come to consider a medical checkup just to be on the safe side. You

love to discover new things. Your thirst for knowledge incites you to expend a lot of energy. Try to find the time to rest and relax. Avoid all unnecessary effort.

Today’s AsTro-prEdicTion

dissolving the EgoYou don’t need drugs or a church for an ecstatic experience that helps transcend the self and connect to something bigger

The Oxford English Dictionary has added over 600 new words, phrases and senses in its latest quar-terly update.

"By the mid-20th century, 'woke' had been extended figuratively to refer to being 'aware' or 'well informed' in a political or cultural sense," the Oxford English Diction-ary (OED) said in a statement.

The use of "woke" by supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement -- an international activist movement that campaigns against violence and racism toward black

people -- and in particular the phrase "stay woke", are thought to have introduced the word to a broader audi-ence, especially on social media, Xinhua news agency reported on Thursday.

"Post-truth" was the Oxford's 2016 word of the year. It was defined as "relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping po-litical debate or public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief".

Besides, over 50 new words and 30 new senses re-

lated to tennis were added. "Tennis mom" and "tennis dad", for example, are now used to describe parents who actively and enthusiastically support their child's partici-pation in the sport.

The dictionary has also got a new end. "Zyzzyva", a tropical weevil native to South America, is the new last in place of "zythum", a kind of malt beer brewed in ancient Egypt, which was the last alphabetic entry for a decade. Meanwhile, the word "thing" now has a new sense defined as "a genuine or established phenomenon

or practice used in questions conveying surprise or incre-dulity, such as 'how can that be a thing?'," said the OED, adding that the usage has been traced back to an early episode of television series "The West Wing".

In explanation of how a word qualifies for take-in, the OED said it "requires several independent examples of the word being used, and also evidence that the word has been in use for a reasonable amount of time."

(Source: IANS)

oxford English dictionary Adds over 600 Expressions

In my article,"Missing the Forest for the Trees"(Eastern Mirror 10-11-16), I pointed out how we Nagas were so engrossed in the symptoms of corruption like bad

roads, irregular electricity, blocked drains etc (the trees of corruption) that we were missing the fact that Nagaland had become a forest of corruption. I did not feel that it was necessary to write on specific cases of corruption, such as backdoor appointments, taxation by the various "Freedom Fighting " factions etc.; except in passing. For it is my belief that unless the Disease of Corruption is eradicated from the Naga psyche, different manifestations of the disease will keep cropping up; similar to a man plucking the budding leaves of a weed without uprooting it, a never ending exercise.But an appeal from Mr. K.T., (a Facebook friend, who wishes to remain anonymous) made me re-think my approach; maybe there are some symptoms of corruption you just cannot ignore. Then I realised the dangers of stifling the aspirations of the edu-cated youth of any society.

The Naga Movement for Freedom was born out of a fear of the Nagas to an imposition of alien laws of an alien people. It was not a revolution in the strictly accepted sense of the word; rather a mass uprising, by the Nagas, against inclusion in the newly created Nation of India. A revolution, on the other hand, is a revolt against well established governments and institutions. The present day State of Nagaland can be considered as a well established

government, and the day is fast arriving when Nagas will revolt against it.

No government in the world can claim to satisfy the needs and aspirations of all its citizens, but every exist-ing government satisfies the needs of the majority of its citizens. It is when the dissatisfied form the majority, that the danger of revolution rears its ugly head. Nagaland is at the point where an overwhelming majority of the peo-ple are unhappy about the present state of affairs. Some gripe against bad roads, some against irregular supply of electricity; some groan under the burden of multiple taxation by our "brothers" in the various "underground" factions. Some bemoan being short-changed of essential supplies under the PDS, whereas others decry the gross inadequacies of the government educational system and overcharging of the private educational system. All these and many other complaints are slowly coalescing into one united thought; the thought that something must be done. The people only need direction and a spark and Nagaland will go up in flames.

This brings me to the issue of "backdoor" appoint-ments. Humans are unique in that as long as we have "Hope", we are able and willing to endure any and all forms of privations and trouble. Taking away a person's hope, leaves him desperate; and desperate men commit desperate deeds. The vast majorityof educated Nagas hope to gain some governmental job or the other. This

hope focuses all their mental, physical and financial capa-bilities into achieving this goal. And the dread of turning overaged before they can fulfil their aspirations looms over them. They must be given an equal opportunity to achieve their goal. For a person may resign himself to failure, if given a chance to compete; but a person who is denied the chance to compete will never forget.

The erstwhile Chairman of the Democratic Al-liance of Nagaland and present Chief Minister of Naga-land, Dr. Surhozelie Liezietsu, in a note to the then Chief Minister of Nagaland, Mr. T.R. Zeliang, mentioned the danger of cancelling the illegal appointment of some 1000 government employees because it would lead to the alienation of those people and their families from the NPF Party. But I ask you," What about the alienation and anger of the tens of thousands of aspirants and their fami-lies?" They do not seek guarantees to government jobs, unlike the well-to-do and well-connected, all they seek is an Equal Opportunity to compete for those jobs. Given this opportunity, I'm sure they'll be contented to accept their lot, in the event of failure, but deprive them of this opportunity, and you leave a vast number of citizens and their families, simmering in anger.

There is a storm brewing over Nagaland, just wait-ing to break out. It just needs direction and a target. The Public Service Aspirants of Nagaland is comprised of what is, arguably, the best and brightest of Nagaland.

God forbid that their hopes and aspiration should be stifled, for they could provide the spark that sets fire to Nagaland; for within them resides the seed of the future Nagaland, they have the power to turn Nagaland into an orderly, peaceful land, or provide us with a new breed of freedom fighters, fighters with real resolve and purpose, fighters against freedom from corruption, tribalism, nep-otism and all the many ills that plague Nagaland. Fight-ers who will ensure that the corrupt and their children will not enjoy the fruits of their corruption. For there is no more dangerous animal in this world than an edu-cated man with anger in his heart, fire in his soul and a target in his eyes.

I have always sought to bring attention to problems plaguing Nagaland so that those in power may resolve them before things come to a head. I plead with the people holding the reins of power to resolve this current imbro-glio, so that the winds of change over Nagaland may come as a welcoming breeze of fresh air instead of a whirlwind of destruction that razes all in its path.

GoD sAVe our nAGAlAnD

Kahuto Chishi Sumi Akukau (G.B.)

Hevishe Village Khaghaboto Range, Dimapur

kahuto107 @gmail.com

The Winds of change

Muslim intellectuals’ body for ban on cow slaughterAligarh (UP), July 3 (PTI): A body of Muslim intellectuals today said it would extend full support to any proposal of the Centre for banning cow slaughter and declaring cow as the national animal. “Our organisation has passed a resolution welcoming Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent statement condemning the lynching of innocent people in the name of ‘gau raksha’ (cow protection) in different parts of the country,” Director of Forum for Muslim Studies and Analysis (FMSA) Jasim Mohammad said here. “We will extend full support to any proposal of the Centre for banning cow slaughter and declaring cow as the national animal of India,” he said. Jasim said the repeated incidents of lynching of innocent people posed a serious threat to the right to life and the right to earn a living for a large section of the populace. “Every Muslim in the country was interested in ensuring protection to the cow because of religious sentiments of the majority community. However, the lynching of Muslims involved in buffalo trade on any other pretext is now posing a serious threat to the internal security in the country,” he said. He urged the prime minister to take all necessary steps to ensure law and order to stop lynching incidents.

Fire at Kolkata’s Apollo hospital, no injuriesKolkata, July 3 (IANS): A fire broke out inside the op-eration theatre of a leading city-based private hospital here on Monday, a fire department official said. The fire broke out on the second floor of Apollo Gleneagles Hospital around 9 a.m. Primary investigation shows that a short circuit in the OT light might have caused the blaze, the fire official said. The hospital authority said it was a minor fire and all patients and staff were safe. “There was a minor fire in the OT cabin number nine in our hospital. However, our own security team were able to put out the blaze. We informed the fire brigade as a protocol. No patients or staff were hurt in the incident,” hospital CEO Rana Dasgupta said. However, West Bengal Fire Minister Sovan Chatterjee, who rushed to the spot after the incident, said an enquiry would be conducted to check if there was any negligence from the hospital’s end. “We cannot let the life of people be jeopardised like this. There will be an enquiry and appropriate legal action will be taken if any negligence is found,” Chatterjee said. “It is possible that the system to lock the smoke in case of a fire is either unavailable or not working properly. One of our fire fighters was suffocated after inhaling the smoke while working today (Monday),” he added.

Two minor girls gang raped in UPLucknow, July 3 (IANS): Five men gang raped two minor girls in Uttar Pradesh, police said on Monday. A manhunt is on to nab the accused. The girls, aged 14 and 15 years, were gang raped on Saturday night when they went out to answer nature’s call in a field, the victims said in a police complaint registered on Monday. They said the attackers, who were from their village, abducted them and then took turns to rape them inside a school building. They told the police that the five men -- Raees, Samru, Fatte, Yasu and Sohail -- then dragged them into a car and raped them again inside the moving vehicle. They were then dumped on the Delhi-Badaun highway, some 15 km from the village. Superintendent of Police (City) Praveen Ranjan Singh said that a case has been registered. The girls were sent for medical examination.

Man lynched for killing wife in JharkhandRanchi, July 3 (IANS): A man was lynched by villagers in Jharkhand’s Sahibganj district as he was trying to run away after murdering his wife, police said on Monday. Asadul, along with his elder brother, murdered his wife Shaili Bibi on Sunday. They were trying to run away when the villagers caught him and beat him to death, the police said. The brother managed to flee. The incident took place in Jamnagar which is around 500 km from here. The brothers had on July 28, 2015, murdered Shaili Bibi’s brother Saddam. They wanted her to mediate in that case, which she refused. Saddam was against Asadul and his sister’s marriage. On Sunday, the police reached the village and sent the couple’s bodies for post-mortem.

Two militants killed in Kashmir Valley Srinagar, July 3 (IANS): Two militants were killed on Monday in an ongoing gunfight in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama district. A police spokesman said the killings took place in Bahmnoo village. The first militant was killed earlier in the day after the Army, acting on specific information, carried out cordon and search operation in the village. The Central Reserve Police Force assisted the police in the operation. Monday’s offensive in Pulwama came barely 10 hours after civilian protesters helped a group of militants to escape a cordon in Malangpora vil-lage in the same district. The protesters had clashed with the security forces on Sunday evening, forcing them to call off the operations.

College student arrested for `hacking’ WhatsApp accountsNashik (Maha), July 3 (PTI): Nashik police have arrested a college student from Rajasthan for allegedly hacking 31 WhatsApp accounts and sending obscene messages through them. Diptesh Salecha (20), the accused, was arrested from Jasol in Barmer district of Rajasthan and brought here last night, police commissioner Dr Ravin-dra Kumar Singhal said. The cyber crime wing of Nashik police had registered a case under section 66-C (identity theft) of Information Technology Act on June 28 against an unknown person after receiving several complaints of hacking of WhatsApp accounts from the city. Most of the complainants were women. The accused hacked accounts by managing to get hold of one-time-password (OTP) issued for account verification. He then sent ob-scene messages from the hacked account to other people on the victim’s contact list, police said.A local court this evening remanded him in police custody till July 7.

Modi to publish book for youthNew Delhi, July 3 (IANS): Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will soon publish a book dedicated to the youth, both in India and across the world. Modi is said to ad-dress core issues like overcoming exam stress, keeping one’s composure during exams and even what to do after the exams get over. “I have chosen to write on a subject that is close to my heart, and one that is fundamental to my vision for a youth-driven and youth-led tomorrow,” Modi said in a statement. The announcement has been made by the publisher, Penguin Random House, which said it is the first of its kind by a serving Prime Minister. The publisher said the book will cover many aspects that students can relate to, especially regarding the crucial Class X and XII examinations. “Through the book, the Prime Minister hopes to become a friend to the students, supporting them as they prepare for the examinations,” Penguin Random House said in a statement. The tone and tenor of the work is informal and conversational. The book, the publisher said, clearly states why it is im-portant to prioritize knowledge over marks and how to take responsibility for the future. The book is scheduled for publication later this year and will be published in multiple languages.

8 NATIONEastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Meira Kumar writes to members of electoral college, seeks support

China dismisses Jaitley’s remarks over 1962 conflict

No permission granted for Amit Shah meet: Goa airport official

Mumbaikars march to protest ‘hate’

Israel visit will bring Indians, Israelis closer: Modi Farmers rally for adequate prices,

loan waiver, detained in Delhi

News iN Brief

UPA’s presidential candidate Meira Kumar with Congress leaders garlands a statue her father Babu Jagjivan Ram during her visit to Hyderabad on Monday as part of her campaign presidential poll.


Beijing, July 3 (PTI): The Chinese foreign ministry today dismissed Defence Minister Arun Jaitley’s re-marks that India of 2017 is different from what it was in 1962, saying China too is different and will take “all necessary measures” to safeguard its territorial sovereignty.

Jaitley who responded to China s oblique refer-ence to the war the two countries had fought 55 years ago and asking India to learn from “historic les-sons”, had said, “If they are trying to remind us, the situation in 1962 was dif-ferent and India of 2017 is different.”

He had also said that the current standoff be-tween Indian and Chinese troops in the Sikkim sector was triggered by Beijing.

Responding to Jaitley’s remarks, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said, “He is right in saying that India in 2017 is different from 1962, just like China is also differ-ent.”

He said the border be-tween the two nations in the Sikkim sector is well demarcated under the 1890 Sino-British Treaty.

“I would like the In-dian side to respect the 1890 treaty immediately and pull back the border troops which have crossed into Chinese territory back to the Indian side of the boundary.

“China will take all necessary measures to safe-guard its territorial sover-eignty,” he warned.

Geng also accused In-dia of using Bhutan as a “cover up” for the “illegal entry” into the Doklam area over which Bhutan has

No bulldozers used by China for destroying Indian army bunkersNew DelhI: The Indian Army today maintained that no bulldozers were used when its bunkers were destroyed by the Chinese army amid the current standoff with China in the Sikkim sector.

The army also denied that the border standoff with China is the longest ever since 1962.

“The incident is not the longest standoff between the two nations,” said a statement issued by the Army spokesman here.

The spokesman also said that no bulldozers were “ever employed” for destroying the Indian bunkers and that no physical scuffle had occurred between the personnel of Indian Army and the People’s Liberation Army(PLA). A senior government functionary had earlier said that bulldozers were used to destroy the Indian bunkers.

The spokesman also claimed that no such incident ever happened on June 6 and referred to a statement made by the Ministry of External Affairs in which the date of incident was mentioned as June 16.

The spokesman went on to clarify that “Indo-China relations as also the relationship between both the armies are extremely well managed by a host of mechanisms.

“The MoD (Ministry of Defence) or the Indian Army has neither issued any official statement nor has under-taken any unofficial briefings due to the fact that such sensitive issues are best dealt between two nations away from the media glare,” the spokesman said.

He said that in this situation “as some of the acts have happened involving Bhutan, therefore, Ministry of External Affairs has already given a substantial briefing on the issue.”

hyderabad, July 3 (IANS): Opposition presidential candidate Meira Kumar has written letters to all members of the electoral college, seeking their sup-port in the July 17 elec-tion.

She visited Hyderabad on Monday as part of her campaign. After garland-ing the statue of her father Babu Jagjivan Ram in the city, she told reporters that she wrote letters last week to all members of the elec-toral college.

The former Lok Sabha Speaker said that she had also made a written ap-peal to Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS), the ruling party in Telangana which has already announced its support to her rival and NDA candidate Ram Nath Kovind.

Meira Kumar, who ad-dressed the members f Par-liament and state legislators of the Congress, said that she would take necessary steps as a follow-up to the letter sent to the TRS.

State Congress chief Uttam Kumar Reddy said they left a message with the personal secretary of TRS

President and Chief Minis-ter K. Chandrasekhar Rao that she would like to speak to him over phone.

The Congress has been demanding the TRS should vote for Meira Kumar given her role in the formation of a separate state of Telan-gana.

Recalling that she was

the Lok Sabha Speaker when Te langana was formed, Meira Kumar said the formation of a separate state was a historic devel-opment and it fulfilled the long-pending demand of the people and met their aspirations.

While wishing the peo-ple of Telangana happiness

and prosperity, she said no matter how much progress the state makes and the development it achieves in terms of infrastructure and Information Technology, it would mean nothing with-out social justice.

“What is important is how much respect we give to Dalits, poor, tribals and

minorities. This is basic and we have to focus on this. These are the principles on which I am contesting the elections,” she said.

Meira Kumar claimed the political history of In-dia has witnessed a very important development during the last eight to nine days with 17 major op-position political parties coming together on one platform and unanimous-ly deciding to contest the Presidential election.

“This Presidential elec-tion is going to be powerful articulation of the value system, the principles and the philosophy which has been held so dear by most of the people of this coun-try and which is now under threat,” she said.

She thanked the oppo-sition parties for reposing faith in her and assured them that she would leave no stone unturned to fulfil the responsibility that they have given.

“They (opposition par-ties) came together on firm ideological position. This unity is welcome and it has been welcomed every-where,” said Meira Kumar,

who started her campaign from Gujarat and has vis-ited Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

She said ideology was very dear to her and not empty words like for those in power today.

She claimed that three important goals -- political freedom, economic free-dom and social emanci-pation -- were set on the agenda during the freedom struggle under Mahatma Gandhi’s leadership.

The former Lok Sabha Speaker said while political freedom was achieved on August 15, 1947, they had been working for economic freedom and social eman-cipation.

“For us social justice means so much. It’s justice for poor, Dalits, tribals, backwards and members of minorities in multi-reli-gious country, for all hum-ble, weak and feeble cutting across all caste and creed. We are working tirelessly for their dignity, their rights and for their welfare. This is our ideology and I have made this value system the plank of my campaign,” she added.

lodged a protest with the Chinese government.

“In order to cover up the illegal entry of the In-dian border troops, to dis-tort the fact and even at the expense of Bhutan’s inde-pendence and sovereignty, they try to confuse right from wrong, that is futile,” Geng said.

He said China has “no objection to normal bilat-eral relations between In-dia and Bhutan but firmly opposed to the Indian side infringing on Chinese ter-ritory using Bhutan as an excuse.”

“The Bhutan side does

not know previously that the Indian troops entered into the Doklam area, which is not in line with what is claimed by the In-dian side,” Geng said.

Asked whether any talks are going on between India and China to resolve the Sikkim standoff, Geng said, “After the illegal en-try of border took place, China has lodged solemn representations at different levels with the Indian side in Delhi and Beijing.”

“The line of diplomatic communication between two sides is open and smooth,” he said.

Panaji, July 3 (IANS): The controversy surrounding BJP President Amit Shah’s meeting at Goa’s Dabolim Airport touched a higher pitch on Monday, with a top airport official confirming that no permission was granted to the party to hold a rally in the facility’s premises.

Bharatiya Janata Party state President Vinay Tendulkar told reporters that a crowd of party workers and others had gathered “spontaneously” at the airport because of Shah’s presence and that no permissions were required for an informal gathering.

“Amit Shah was in Goa and people con-verged spontaneously to welcome him. He came with a delegation and those who had alighted from the flight also stayed back at the airport. People often stop to see a leader of such a stature,” Tendulkar said. The BJP leader also accused the Congress of stag-ing a gherao of Dabolim Airport Director B.C. Negi earlier in the day for the sake of publicity.

Earlier, Negi, who was gheraoed by a Congress delegation led by All India Congress Committee Secretary Girish Chodankar, had said that no permission was granted for a BJP rally at the airport premises

in honour of Shah. “No permissions were given... I will inquire into it,” Negi said.

The Dabolim International Airport, the only airport in Goa, is located on an Indian Naval Base, INS Hansa, and functions under the aegis of the Defence Ministry.

Chodankar demanded an explanaton on how the BJP was allowed to host a party meeting on Saturday at the Dabolim Interna-tional Airport premises, located 40 km from Panaji. The meeting was attended by around 2,500 BJP workers.

A complaint was filed against Shah on Sunday by a lawyer, alleging that the meeting was held without any permission.

Chodankar, who led the protest at the Airport Director’s office, said that holding a meeting at a sensitive installation like an airport showed clear abuse of power by the BJP.

“Now that the Airport Director has said that no permissions were given for the party meeting at the airport, action should be taken against the BJP and Shah for the audacity with which they held the function at a vital installation. “It is a clear case of abuse of power,” Chodankar told reporters after the protest.

Mumbai, July 3 (IANS): Thousands of Mumbaikars marched here to protest the series of hate crimes and incidents of lynch-ing across India in the past three years, an organizer said here on Monday.

The rally started from Kotwal Gardens to Chaityabhoomi at Dadar with the participa-tion of Prakash Ambedkar, Vishwas Utagi, leaders of trade unions, Left parties, NGOs, social and cultural groups and prominent people from different walks of life.

“The rise of the Bharatiya Janata Party and RSS to power in 2014 has been marked by lynchings and killings of Muslims, Dalits and rationalists with nauseating regularity. The rally has evoked tremendous response among the masses,” said Utagi.

In a statement, the organisers said Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks out only when public protests reach a critical mass and then lapses into silence until the next uproar.

It all started in 2014 when a techie, Moshin Shaikh, was beaten to death in Pune for his ‘Muslim-like’ appearance.

The organisers pointed out that the killers of rationalists like Pune’s Narendra Dabholkar roam freely and struck twice more to kill Communist leader Govind Pansare in Kolhapur and M.M. Kalburgi in Karnataka.

Expressing concern, they said the brutalization of the country was creating a generation that does not think violence against the weak and helpless was wrong and everywhere the minorities were under threat.

“What is physically dangerous for the minority is mentally dangerous for the ma-jority. This is not the future we want. We are Hindus, Muslims, Christians and people of all denominations, castes and creeds including some who have no religion,” the statement said.

“We do not believe the present regime will stop the destruction of the secular, democratic India promised to us by our Constitution. So this is not an appeal. It is a wake-up call to the conscience of the country,” the organisers said.

New Delhi, July 3 (IANS) : Ahead of his visit to Israel start-ing on Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said his trip will bring the people of the two countries closer.

“I will be visiting Israel on July 4-6 on the invitation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netan-yahu,” Modi said in a pre-de-parture statement posted on his Facebook page.

“As the first Indian Prime Minister to do so, I am greatly looking forward to this unprec-edented visit that will bring our two countries and people closer,” he said, adding that this year both countries were marking 25 years of diplomatic relations.

He said he would have in-depth talks with Netanyahu “on the full spectrum of our partner-ship and strengthening it in di-verse fields for mutual benefit”.

“We will also have the chance to discuss major common chal-lenges like terrorism,” Modi said. He also said that he would meet Israeli President Reuven Rivlin

who visited India in November last year. Stating that the visit would gives him an opportunity to engage with a cross-section of Israeli society, he said: “I am particularly looking forward to interacting with the large vibrant Indian diaspora in Israel that rep-resents an enduring link between our two peoples.”

He said he would meet lead-ing Indian and Israeli CEOs and start-ups “to discuss our shared priority of expanding business and investment collaboration on the ground.

“In addition, I hope to get insights into Israel’s accomplish-ments in technology and innova-tion through on-site visits.

“During my stay, I will visit the Yad Vashem Memorial Mu-seum to honour the memory of the victims of the holocaust that counts among the greatest trag-edies in human history. “Later, I will also pay my respects to the courageous Indian soldiers who laid down their lives during the liberation of Haifa in 1918.”

New Delhi, July 3 (IANS): Over 500 farmers held a protest rally in the national capital on Monday to con-demn the anti-farmer policies of the BJP government and killing of six farmers in police firing in Madhya Pradesh last month.

They also pressed their demand of adequate remuneration for crop produce and loan waiver.

The Rashtriya Kisan Mahas-angh (RKM), an umbrella body of 62 farmers’ organisations, held protest march from Jantar Mantar to the Niti Aayog office but they were stopped midway and detained by the police.

The farmers, who were predomi-nantly from Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, demanded that the Narendra Modi government fulfil its electoral promise of 50 per cent profit above the production cost and implementation of recommenda-tions by the M. S. Swaminathan Committee.

Shiv Kumar Sharma of the Rashtriya Kisan Mazdoor Sangh,

popularly known as Kakkaji, ac-cused the government of attempting to suppress the ongoing agitation by defaming it and giving it a political colour.

“The government and Union Agriculture Minister have been giv-ing irresponsible statements. This government’s failed agricultural policies are responsible for the out-burst of farmers’ anger. The govern-ment should fulfil its electoral prom-ises. Our demands are adequate implementation of Swaminathan Committee report and loan waiver to rescue farmers, who are stuck in financial trap,” said Sharma, who is also convener of the Rashtriya Kisan Sangh.

Pavitra Singh and Nazer Singh, farmers from Mansa, said the farmer suicides in Punjab were on rise due to fall in the prices of agricultural commodities in the last few years.

“We are really under financial burden. Many of us even did not get Minimum Support Price (MSP). Why we would come all the way

from Punjab to Delhi for protest if we were doing well? The govern-ment needs to look into our issues,” they said.

Chandrabhan, who has four acres of land in Narsi village of Karnal district in Haryana, said if the government does not waive off his loan, he will not be in a position to buy seeds and fertilisers this year.

Amid issues of loan waiver and compensation, one more issue -- the Goods and Service Tax (GST) -- has gripped these farmers with anxiety.

The farmers are concerned about increase in prices of fertilis-ers, pesticides, tractors and other farm equipment after the GST is implemented.

Most of the organisations in the RKM have decided not to join the planned protest rally, which will be held from Mandsaur to Delhi from July 6, as its organisers are from political background.

“We will decide our next course of action on August 9,” Sharma added.


KAMEI (Old Name) should be known as Smti. MAYA GOLMEI (New Name). Regd. No: 865/17, Date: 03/07/2017.




Regd.No: 1715I, Shri Chingvai Mukho, S/o Late Angngo, aged about 46 years, permanent resident of Tamlu Village, District Longleng, Nagaland and presently residing at Midland Colony, Kohima District, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as under:-1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India belonging to Phom Naga tribe.2. That my name has been written in my service book as Ram Bahadur Chettri, dur-

ing the entry point of my service but after that I was been adopted as the legal son of Late Angngo during his lifetime in the year 1992, thereafter by virtue of the said adoption my adopted parents had named me as Chingvai Mukho.

3. That from today onwards my correct names shall be spelled and pronounced as Chingvai Mukho for all official purposes whatsoever and not as Ram Bahadur Chettri.

4. That I shall make wide publicity of the said change effected in my name in the local daily.

5. That this document shall be used as a piece of evidence for the change of my name.6. That the statements made in the above paragraphs are true and correct and no

material facts has been stated or concealed therein.And I sign this affidavit on this day the 3rd day of July 2015 at Kohima.

Date: 30/06/16

DEPONENTSolemnly affirm and declare before me by the above name deponent on this 3rd day of July 2015.


Dated, Kohima the 3rd July, 2017.NOTIFICATION

NO.DTE/ ESTT-2/ 3/ 2016-17 : In pursuance of this office NOTIFICATION of even number dated, 12th June ’2017, it is to inform that nomination letter in respect of candidates selected for undergoing 3 year Diploma courses outside the state during 2017-18 session will be issued on 4th July, 2017.All selected candidates are hereby directed to collect their nomination letter from the office of the undersigned on 4th July ‘2017 at 1:00 P.M



(ER. ARJUN SINGH)Director.

KG-1816Issued by DIPR



Conduct of 20th Livestock Census 2017

Date: 5th July 2017 (Kohima, Mokokchung, Peren, Wokha & Phek) 6th July 2017 (Dimapur, Zunheboto, Longleng, Mon,

Tuensang & Kiphire)Time: 10:00 AMVenue: Conference Hall Directorate of A.H. & Veterinary Services, Nagaland, Kohima.

All the selected Enumerators and Supervisors are directed to attend the training as per the time schedule mentioned above positively without fail.

(DR. B. LAMA)Joint Director (Admn. & Nodal Officer Livestock Census)

A.H. & Veterinary Services,Nagaland, Kohima.


D E C L A R AT I O N Regd. No: 1714 Date: 30/06/16

I, Shri. A. Bauloi Phom S/o. Late. Angngo Phom aged about 42 years resident of Cir-cuit House Colony, H/No.49 Dimapur, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as under:-

1. That I am the citizen of belonging to Phom Naga tribe.2. That during the life time of my father, he had adopted Shri. Chingvai Mukho@

Ram Bahadur Chetri in the year 1992.3. That from this declaration Shri. Chingvai Mukho@ Ram Bahadur Chetri shall be

my legal brother. Henceforth, his name shall be known as Shri. Chingvai Mukho in all official purposes. He shall have every right to claim or inherit as the legal heirs.

4. That the statement made in para l to 3 are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing false has been stated thereof. And I signed this affidavit on this day of 29th June 2016 at Kohima, Nagaland.

DEPONENTSolemnly sworn and declared before me by the deponent on this day of 29th June 2016 at Kohima, Nagaland. MAGISTRATE/NOTARY PUBLIC


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NOTICENo. Judl-47/2016-17/ / Whereas, Smti Nmeri, wife of Late Shri Thungpvu Kikon a resident of Aree Old Village has applied for issue of Succession Certificate to enable her to draw all dues and benefits pertaining to PPO No. 111610346 and to draw/operate AC No. 36454341255 in favour of her deceased husband, Late Shri Thungpvu Kikon who expired on 25/11/2016. Now, therefore, public and relatives are hereby asked to file claims/objections if any, within 30 (thirty) days from the date of issue of this notice. No claims/objections will be entertained after the cut off date and succession certificate shall be issued.

Sd/- WEZOPE KENYE Deputy Commissioner

Wokha, NagalandDP-150

Kuwait City, July 3 (PTI/AFP): Qatar today responded to a list of demands from Saudi Arabia and its allies after they agreed to give a defiant Doha another 48 hours to address their grievances.

Details of the response were not immediately available, but a Gulf official told AFP that Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Moham-med bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani had delivered it during a short visit to Kuwait, which is acting as a mediator in the crisis.

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt had announced in the early hours of today they were pushing back a deadline for Qatar to agree to a list of 13 demands they issued on June 22.

A joint statement said they were extending the ultimatum, which had been due to expire at the end of the day yesterday, at the request of Kuwait’s emir.

The demands included Doha ending support for the Muslim Brotherhood, closing broadcaster Al-Jazeera, downgrading diplo-matic ties with Iran and shutting down a Turkish military base in the emirate.

Sheikh Mohammed had ear-

lier said the list of demands was “made to be rejected”.

Saudi Arabia and its allies announced on June 5 they were severing ties with their Gulf neigh-bour, sparking the worst diplo-matic crisis to hit the region in decades.

They accused Qatar of sup-porting extremism and of being too close to Saudi Arabia’s region-al arch-rival Iran, which Doha has strongly denied.

The crisis has raised concerns of growing instability in the re-gion, home to some of the world’s largest energy exporters and sev-eral key Western allies who host US military bases.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, who today starts a tour of several Gulf states, called for “serious dialogue” to end the crisis.

“We are worried that the distrust and the disunity could

weaken all the parties concerned as well as the entire peninsula,” said Gabriel, who will visit Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

Riyadh and its supporters have already severed air, sea and ground links with Qatar, cutting off vital routes for imports includ-ing food.

They also ordered Qatari citi-zens to leave their territories and took various steps against Qatari firms and financial institutions.

It is unclear what further measures will be taken if Qatar fails to meet the demands, but the UAE’s ambassador to Russia Omar Ghobash warned last week that further sanctions could be imposed.

As well as expelling Qatar from the six-member Gulf Coop-eration Council, Riyadh and its al-lies could tell their economic part-ners to choose between business with them or with Doha, he told Britain’s Guardian newspaper.

Qatar has long pursued a more independent foreign policy than many of its neighbours, who tend to follow the lead of regional pow-erhouse Saudi Arabia.

Doha has said it is ready for

talks to end the crisis.Kuwait, which unlike most of

its GCC neighbours has not cut ties with Qatar, has been heading up mediation efforts.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has also called for com-promise and hosted senior Gulf officials, but his efforts have been undermined by remarks from President Donald Trump appar-ently supporting Riyadh’s posi-tion.

Trump spoke separately yes-terday with the Saudi king, Abu Dhabi’s crown prince and the Qatari emir on his concerns over the dispute, the White House said.

Trump “underscored that unity in the region is critical,” the statement said, but also “reiter-ated the importance of stopping terrorist financing and discrediting extremist ideology.”

Egypt said it would host the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain on Wednesday to discuss the crisis.

The 13 demands have not been officially published, but a Kuwaiti diplomatic source confirmed to-day that the list as it has appeared in the media was genuine.

Mosul, July 3 (AP): The Is-lamic State group is striking back with suicide bombings as Iraqi forces appear on the cusp of full victory in Mosul, with at least 15 people killed in the latest assaults across Iraq, officials said Monday.

The attacks underscore the intense violence still plaguing the battered coun-try and the perils that remain as the battle for Iraq’s sec-ond-largest city nears its end.

In Mosul’s Old City neighborhood the scene of IS’ last stand, where Iraqi forces are fast closing in on the last remaining pocket of militant-held territory two women suicide bomb-ers, hiding among a group of fleeing civilians, targeted Iraqi troops on Monday morning, killing one soldier and wounding several oth-ers.

And at a camp for displaced people in Iraq’s western Anbar province, a suicide bomber dressed in a woman’s all-covering robe killed 14 on Sunday evening, a provincial official said.

After days of fierce bat-tles, the territory held by the militants in Mosul is rapidly shrinking, with IS now con-trolling just over 1 square kilometer in all, or about 0.40 square miles.

Using women as suicide bombers is apparently the latest tactic by the militants,

Sgt. Ali Abdullah Hussein told The Associated Press as he returned from the front line, his troops carrying the body of their slain comrade wrapped in a blanket.

“They appeared from the basement (of a building) and they blew themselves up,” Hussein said of the two women bombers.

The attack happened in the area of the destroyed al-Nuri Mosque, which was the focus of the Iraqi forces’ push last week. Over the past three days, Hussein said at least four such attacks have targeted Iraqi forces as hun-dreds of Mosul’s civilians are fleeing the battles in the Old City’s congested streets.

After the explosion on Monday, another group of civilians appeared on the main road, prompting the Iraqi soldiers to immediately draw their weapons. They then yelled to the group of mostly women and children to back away and take an-other route out.

IS overran Mosul in a matter of days more than three years ago. The U.S.—backed offensive to retake the city was launched last October and has lasted near-ly nine months, although Iraqi political and military officials had vowed that vic-tory would be declared by the end of 2016.

Iraqi forces launched the

operation to retake the Old City in mid-June and after a dawn push last Thursday, they retook the area around the al—Nuri Mosque, which the militants had blown up just a few days earlier.

T h e 1 2 t h c e n t u r y mosque is hugely symbol-ic it was from a pulpit of this mosque that IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi pro-claimed the IS caliphate in July 2014.

After the Iraqi forces retook the landmark al—Nuri Mosque, Prime Min-ister Haider al—Abadi de-clared an end to IS’ so-called caliphate and pledged vic-tory was “near.”

The suicide bombing in Anbar took place at dusk on Sunday, as authorities were accommodating families that had fled from the Islam-ic State-held town of Qaim, in western Iraq, according to Councilman Taha Abdul-Ghani. Abdul—Ghani said a police colonel was among the 14 dead, and at least 20 were wounded in the explo-sion.

The death toll could have been higher, Abdul Ghani said, but the colo-nel had become suspicious about the person in the long robe and walked up to the attacker, embracing him presumably to reduce the number of casualties as he detonated his explosives.

Los Angeles, July 3 (IANS): Thousands of people took to the streets in marches and demonstrations convened in 46 US cities to ask Congress to launch impeach-ment proceedings against President Don-ald Trump.

The Sunday marches, called by rights ac-tivists, also served as an opportunity for peo-ple to protest against Trump’s immigration policies, his business ties abroad and possible Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, Efe news reported.

Suspicions that Trump obstructed justice and has violated the foreign emoluments clause would both be constitutionally valid reasons for Congress to investigate and im-peach the President, said Tudor Popescu of the Indivisible CA D-39 group, the main organiser of the march here.

The Los Angeles demonstration was

the largest of those called around the US with about 10,000 participants, according to organisers.

Protesters held signs that read “Worst President Ever” and chanted “Down, down, down with Trump - up, up, up with the peo-ple” as they urged US Congress to impeach the President, showed images and video footage from the scene.

Organisers believe Trump has “been in blatant violation of the Constitution from the day he was sworn into the office of President”.

Trump “has committed Constitutional breaches, consistently lied, cheated, and enforces laws that primarily benefit him and his billionaire friends at the expense of the country”, said the organisers’ website.

However, the great majority of the other 46 marches had only scanty turnout.

Paris, July 3 (IANS): The French police have arrested a man suspected of plan-ning to assassinate President Emmanuel Macron during a Bastille Day parade on July 14, French media reported on Monday.

The 23-year-old man was captured in Argenteuil, near Paris, on June 28 after he mentioned his intention to buy a Kalashnikov assault rifle on a video games forum that was being monitored by intelligence services, Xinhua news agency cited French RMC radio as saying.

During a police raid at his flat, the man threatened

police with a kitchen knife and searches of his car un-covered further arms, RMC radio added.

Described as a far-right “nationalist”, the man told police he wanted to murder President Macron as well as “blacks, Arabs, Jews and homosexuals”.

The unemployed man was described as “psycho-logically disturbed, but de-termined”.

His profile was said to resemble that of Maxime Brunerie, who fired at Presi-dent Jacques Chirac during the Bastille Day parade in 2002.

Lahore, July 3 (PTI): The death toll in Pakistan’s oil tanker inferno rose to 206 today as three more per-sons injured in the coun-try’s one of the worst fire accidents succumbed to their injuries, officials said.

Six officials, including a DSP-level officer, were suspended on Friday for negligence that led to the incident.

The Dawn reported that the death toll in Ah-madpur Sharqia oil tanker fire has risen to 206 and 65 injured are still recovering in hospitals.

In Victoria Hospital in Bahawalpur, 25 patients are said to be in a stable condition. However, nine patients in Lahore and 17 in Multan are in a critical condition.

A team of surgeons

have been called in to con-duct skin transplants at a hospital in Lahore.

At least 120 people in-cluding women and chil-dren were killed on the spot and 140 injured last week, a day before Eid, when they rushed to collect fuel leaking from the crashed oil tanker in Bahawalpur, some 400 kilometres from Lahore.

The tanker, coming from Karachi to Lahore, veered off the road when the driver lost control after one of its tyres burst. It exploded after someone lit a cigarette. The cause of the fire has not been made official yet, but it is believed that a spark from the many cars and motorcycles that raced to the scene may have ignited the fuel.

Meanwhile, according

to motorway police spokes-man Imran Shah, six offi-cials have been suspended on the recommendation of the departmental inquiry committee probing into the incident on the basis of technical data.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had also met the victims of the tragedy and said that the government would provide jobs to those who were injured in the explosion and relatives of the affected families.

He had vowed that the incident would be thor-oughly investigated and those found guilty of der-eliction of duty would be punished. Punjab province Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has constituted a four-member inquiry com-mittee to investigate the Bahawalpur tragedy.

Munich, July 3 (PTI/AFP): Up to 17 people were feared dead after a tour bus burst into flames follow-ing a collision with a trailer truck in southern Germany today, police said.

“We are realistic and will have several dead to re-port at the end of the day,” police spokesman Juergen Stadter told rolling news channel NTV.

There was “only a glim-mer of hope” that 17 peo-ple missing after the colli-sion would be found alive outside the coach, which was completely gutted, he added.

“Maybe someone ran away in shock,” Stadter said.

Another police spokes-woman, Anne Hoefer, also told AFP that “it is completely possible that some people did not make it out of the bus, it’s un-clear where 17 of them are”.

The bus carrying 46 pas-sengers and two drivers rammed into the trailer in a traffic jam on the motorway A9 close to the Bavarian town of Stammbach.

The crash shortly after 7 am (local time) sent the bus up in flames.

Some 31 injured people were pulled out of the bus, said Hoefer.

Images on television showed only a charred skel-eton of the bus remaining.

It was unclear what kind of tour group the bus was carrying.

According to the Bild newspaper, the coach was travelling from the eastern region of Lausitz and head-ing for Nuremberg.

The accident struck

near the town Bayreuth, which draws thousands of classical music lovers every summer to its opera festival.

The region close to the Czech border is also dotted with spas and castles, and the A9 is a trunk motorway leading to many popular summer holiday spots.

An emergency team, including firefighters and rescue workers, were at the scene, while traffic on the motorway was halted in both directions.

Those hurt were being flown by rescue helicopters to hospitals, many with life-threatening injuries.

If those missing are con-firmed killed, the accident at the start of the summer holiday season would be one of the worst to hit Ger-many.

Among the deadliest in recent years was a colli-sion in June 2007, when 13 people were killed as their tour bus drove off the road and plunged several metres down a slope in eastern Germany’s Saxony-Anhalt state.

In September 1992, 21 people died when a bus swerved out of its lane and struck a truck before ram-ming into the road divider in the southern Black Forest region, a key tourist destina-tion.

Across Europe, the last such fatal accident struck on January 21 in Italy, when an accident involving a Hun-garian bus carrying teenag-ers left 16 dead.

In France, a head-on crash in October 2015 be-tween a truck and a bus car-rying pensioners claimed 43 lives as both vehicles burst into flames.

9worldEastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Tuesday, July 4, 2017


Civilians trying to flee get undressed to be checked for explosives after suicide bombers exploded as Iraqi forces continue their advance against Islamic State militants in the Old City of Mosul, Iraq, Monday, July 3, 2017.


In this photograph released by the state-run Kuwait News Agency, KUNA, Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, left, and Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al Sabah, right, walk together on an airport tarmac, on Al Thani’s arrival in Kuwait.

Qatar responds to demands after deadline extended

Iraq on cusp of Mosul victory but IS strikes back; 15 killed

Thousands march in 46 US cities for Trump’s impeachment

One arrested over plot to assassinate French President

Death toll in Pak oil tanker fire rises to 206

Up to 17 feared dead in German bus accident

EastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Tuesday, July 4, 2017


Dino, Nandita Mahtani’s ‘fan’ moment with Johnny DeppActor Dino Morea and designer Nandita Mahtani met popular Hollywood star Johnny Depp here. Dino took to Instagram on Monday to share a photo-graph of himself with the “Pirates of the Caribbean” star. “Couldn’t have had a better day! I grew up watching these amazing characters -- Jack Sparrow, Raoul, Donny Brasco, Willy Wonka, Don Juan, Sweeney, George Jung and many more, and then to meet and spend time with the man who gave them screen life, wow,” Dino captioned the image. “Johnny Depp I have been and will always be a fan for life,” he added. Mahtani also shared a photograph with Depp, and wrote: “Amazing time with the coolest and very real Johnny Depp. Love. Johnny Depp,” She is seen wearing a red dress in the image. (IANS)

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Madonna’s manager defends Jay Z against claims of anti-semitic lyrics

Rihanna’s Oscar dreams

‘Being an actress’ father a challenge’

Rapper Jay Z’s lyrics to his new album are based on exaggerated stereotypes to make a point, says music

manager Guy Oseary. Jay Z has been accused of using anti-semitic lyrics in his new album.

The rapper is being called out for lyrics like “You ever won-der why Jewish people own all the property in America?” but Oseary, who works with both Madonna and U2, is defending Jay Z against claims that some of the lyrics on his new album, “4:44”, are anti-semitic, reports hollywoodreporter.com.

Oseary, who is Jewish, took to Instagram to comment on lyrics included in Jay Z’s song “The story of O.J”.

On the song, Jay Z raps: “You want to know what’s more important than throwing away money at a strip club? Credit. You ever wonder why Jewish people

own all the property in America? This how they did it/Financial freedom my only hope/F- living rich and dying broke.”

Oseary posted on Instagram: “If you read the lyrics out of context I can understand why

people are jumping to that conclu-sion. But if you listen to the song in its entirety you will hear that the whole of the song is based on exaggerated stereotypes to make a point. There are African American stereotypes throughout

the song.”He continued: “Jewish people

do not own all the property in America. Jay knows this. But he’s attempting to use the Jewish people in an exaggerated way to showcase a community of people that are thought to have made wise business decisions...

“As an example of what is possible and achievable... Yes, the ‘rich Jew’ the ‘business Jew’ the ‘Jew that owns the world’ is a stereotype which has been repeatedly used with the wrong sentiment... Meant only to harm the Jewish people. Perpetuating the absurdity that Jews are taking over the world,” he added.

Oseary went on to quote a stat saying that only 14 million people of the world’s 7.5 billion people are Jews - equating to 0.2 per cent of the global population.

“In my opinion, Jay is giving the Jewish community a compli-ment. Financial freedom. He

mentions as being his only hope. If you had to pick a community as an example of making wise financial decisions achieving fi-nancial freedom who would you choose? “I’m not offended by these lyrics. I hear them the way he intended them to be heard. Giving ‘credit’ to a community that supposedly understands what it means to have ‘credit.’ I’m good with that,” he posted.

For his part, Jay Z has said the song is about how “we as a culture, having a plan, how we’re going to push this forward. We all make money, and then we all lose money, as artists espe-cially. But how, when you have some type of success, to transform that into something bigger.”


Actress Uma Thurman says being the father of an ac-tress can be a challenge.

She is best known for Quentin Tarantino movies

“Pulp Fiction” and “Kill Bill”. During an onstage interview at the

Karlovy Vary Film Festival on July 2, she talked about the reaction of her father, who was a Buddhist monk, to the violent role she played in “Kill Bill” and more, reports variety.com.

Thurman said: “I don’t remember. Being a father of an actress is probably a challenge…. You know, it’s strange.”

She also spoke of the positive impact “Kill Bill” has had on women.

“Women would come up to me and they would say that somehow or other - they’d share a little bit - that that film helped them in their lives, whether they were feeling oppressed or strug-gling or had a bad boyfriend or felt badly about themselves, that that film released in them some survival energy that was

helpful, and that is probably one of the most gratifying things that I have ever experienced in response to a piece of art,” she said.

Asked to name which of her films her children liked best, Thurman was inter-rupted by her son, Roan Thur-man-Hawke, sitting in the balcony of the theatre, who shouted “Pulp Fic-tion”.


Singer Britney Spearss arrival in Israel has caused a commotion.

It’s the pop star’s first visit to the country and a tour of the holy sites in Jerusalem on July 2

was described by Israeli news outlets as a veritable mob scene, reports variety.com.

While Spears’s secu-rity detail was substantial, the Western Wall is mainly accessible by foot. This pre-sented a chal-lenge for the singer and her team as they made their way through

mobs of fans, press and onlookers.

Spears is sched-uled to perform at Tel Aviv’s Yarkon Park on Monday.

There has also been some chaos concerning a possible meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

According to Ynet, Spears cancelled a supposed visit, but it has also been reported that the meeting was never confirmed, some-thing that the PM’s office seemed to acknowledge.

Ahead of the concert, Spears will visit pediatric cancer patients.

Prior to Israel, Spears had spent the last few weeks performing in Asia as part of her ‘Britney: Live in Concert tour’.


Singer Rihanna, who is acting in “Valerian” and “Ocean’s Eight”, says while nobody

works especially to win awards like Grammy or Oscar, it’s always nice to get some “validation”.

She spoke about her life as an actor in an interview to the The Sun on Sunday, reported femalefirst.co.uk.

She said: “I’d love to get there one day. Who doesn’t want to be told they are doing a great job? Any

validation that your work is

impacting is reward-

ing. I work hard and put

my all

into everything I do but the rest isn’t up to me.

“I don’t think anyone makes an album thinking about winning a Grammy, or makes a movie thinking about winning an Oscar. What you do is work as hard as you can and if awards follow, then that’s great.”

Rihanna plays shape shifting entertainer Bubble in “Valerian”. Though she didn’t method act for the movie, she finds it interest-ing.

“It’s pretty difficult to method act when it comes to playing a shape-shifting entertainer but, seriously, I have nothing but respect for the actors that do.

“If you look at the well-known method actors of the generation, they put in incredible performance af-ter incredible performance. It’s no coincidence. I just do what’s best for the role, what’s best for me, I’d love to do something dark and

different and challenge myself.”

The 28-year-old star insisted

she will never act like a diva on a movie set.

“I offer myself like clay to

directors. You

don’t do diva on film



It is time to cover your entire body with gadg-ets and in a decade or two, I can just imagine that everything we own will have some kind of chip embedded in them but since its 2017, lets start with our feet and work our way up

in the coming years. There are several shoes with some kind of smart feature already available in the market but most of them consist of step counters or other form of fitness trackers and if you’re a fitness junkie, they’ll definitely make a great addition to your gadget arsenal but for most folks who are not into the whole fitness trend, maybe these shoes will make you drool

ShiftwearThese shoes come with a display on it! Yes, the shoes from Shiftwear have flexible display covering a portion of the shoe which you can control with an app. The whole idea is to have any kind of artwork or design in your shoe, and it’ll be like you have a new shoe every day! You can even play animations on it, now how many people can say that about their shoes? The entire shoe is waterproof which is obviously expected and it is machine washable as well, which was a bit of a surprise for me to be honest. It also has highly durable soles which the company promises to last a very long time and the entire shoe is stain, dirt and oil resistant but even if it says all these on paper, in reality you will have to take extra care of them which you will obviously do since they cost a small fortune. The shoes from Shiftwear connects to your phone via bluetooth and WiFi and one of the best part about these shoes is that they charge automatically with every step you take, Shiftwear proudly boasts its walk-to-charge ability which but if you don’t walk much and need instant charging, there’s a wireless charger on these shoes as well, you simply need to place the shoe on the charging pad and it will start charging. There is also an accelerometer and gyroscope in these shoes which allow extra function such as changing de-signs as you walk or jump or do other activities, this feature will be particularly cool when you imagine your shoe changing design or playing a particular animation as you move around. The app is rather easy to use as well, you can easily change the shoe design within the app and there is a store within the app, where you can purchase designs made by other artists around the world. You can also sell your own designs within the app if you wish. Now, consider-ing the fact that these shoes have a flexible display on them, they sound pretty advanced and costly and that’s true in a sense, because right now, Shiftwear is taking pre-orders for their shoes which will cost you

$250 (approx Rs 16,200) and you will have to pay another $250 towards the end of this year before delivery and since they provide worldwide delivery, you can place your order now as long as you have the big bucks for it.

Zhor-Tech ShoesThe ultimate collection of smart shoes is brought to the table by Di-gisole Zhor-Tech, a smart shoe manu-facturer based in France. They have all kinds of shoes, including smart high heels for the ladies. All these shoes connect to your phone via bluetooth and although they require you to charge the shoe once in a while, Zhor-Tech claims that the battery can last up to one week on a single charge. Their shoes can all track the basic fitness of the wearer by checking things like step count, calorie count, distance traveled and so on, but it also has a bunch of advanced features. One of their shoes come with auto lacing which can be controlled with the app and at the touch of a button, you can either tighten or loosen the laces and another shoe comes with a built-in heater which will automati-cally regulate the temperature inside the shoe to a specific degree which can be controlled by the app. This heater shoe is the only one which will last just around 8 hours on a single charge since heating the shoe takes quite a lot of energy but the fact that your feet will remain warm even during the coldest of seasons would be totally worth it. The high heels is a rather quirky one since the only function of the app in this case is to extend the heel. I’m not sure just how many women would want that but if that’s something which you may find useful, you can grab one of these and adjust the height of the heel through the app at any time. These shoes by Zhor-Tech will soon be made avail-able although the price for the shoes have still not been announced, but it is expected to come sooner than expected.

By Liyo Kikon

Futuristic Shoes!

Britney causes chaos in Jerusalem

11Science and TechEastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Tuesday, July 4, 2017

NASA probe to pass over Jupiter’s ‘GreAt red Spot’ on July 10

Washington, July 4 (IANS): NASA has said its Juno spacecraft will pass directly over Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, the gas giant’s iconic, 16,000-km wide storm, on July 10.

This will be humanity’s first up-close and personal view of the gigantic feature -- a storm monitored since 1830 and possibly existing for more than 350 years.

“Jupiter’s mysterious Great Red Spot is probably the best-known feature of Jupiter,” said Scott Bolton, principal investigator of Juno from the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas.

“This monumental storm has raged on the solar system’s biggest planet for centuries. Now, Juno and her cloud-penetrating science instruments will dive in to see how deep the roots of this storm go, and help us understand how this giant storm works and what makes

it so special,” Bolton added. The data collection of the Great Red

Spot is part of Juno’s sixth science flyby over Jupiter’s mysterious cloud tops.

Perijove (the point at which an orbit comes closest to Jupiter’s centre) will be on July 10 at 9:55 p.m. EDT, NASA said.

At the time of perijove, Juno will be about 3,500 km above the planet’s cloud tops.

Eleven minutes and 33 seconds later, Juno will have covered another 39,771 km and will be directly above the coiling crimson cloud tops of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, the US space agency said in a statement on Saturday.

The spacecraft will pass about 9,000 km above the Giant Red Spot clouds.

All eight of the spacecraft’s instru-ments as well as its imager, JunoCam, will be on during the flyby, NASA said.

San Francisco, July 4 (IANS): Researchers are using very detailed Gemini Observatory images to help guide the Juno spacecraft’s exploration of Jupiter, a media eport said.

The high-resolution imaging by the Gemini North telescope on Maunakea in Hawaii was informing the Juno mission of compelling events in Jupiter’s atmosphere, Xinhua news agency reported.

“These observations trace vertical flows that cannot be measured any other way, illuminating the weather, climate and general circulation in Jupi-ter’s atmosphere,” Michael Wong of the University of California, Berkeley, said.

The scientists were using a longer-wavelength filter on the telescope to look at cloud opacity on the giant planet.

Being supported by Earth-based observations, according to a news release from UC Berkeley on Saturday, the Juno spacecraft, of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), was currently looping around Jupiter.

Using adaptive optics that removes atmospheric blur, astronomers at the Gemini North telescope were revealing “a treasure-trove of fascinating events in Jupiter’s atmosphere,” said Glenn Orton, the principal investigator for this Gemini adaptive optics investigation and coordinator for Earth-based observations supporting the Juno project at Caltech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

The observations have produced a composite colour infrared image of Jupiter showing haze particles over a range of altitudes.

“Events like this show that there’s still much to learn about Jupiter’s atmosphere,” Orton was quoted as saying. “The combination of Earth-based and spacecraft observations is a powerful one-two punch in exploring Jupiter.”

Kolkata, July 3 (IANS): A team of astronomers from In-dia has reported the discovery of a large number of extremely rare kind of galaxies called ‘giant radio galaxies’ (GRGs), the largest galaxies known in the universe.

The last six decades of ra-dio astronomy research has led to the detection of thousands of radio galaxies. However, only about 300 of them can be classified as GRGs. The reasons behind their large size and rarity are unknown.

“The huge size of GRGs has defied any theoretical ex-planation so far. Our work will help in understanding how these galaxies grow to be so large,” said lead researcher Pra-tik Dabhade, at Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and As-trophysics (IUCAA, Pune) and also at the Netherlands’ Leiden Observatory.

Dabhade worked with Joy-deep Bagchi (IUCAA), Mamta Pommier (CNRS Observatoire de Lyon), Madhuri Gaikwad (NCRA-TIFR Pune and Max-Planck Institute Bonn), Shishir

Sankhyayan (IISER Pune) and Somak Raychaudhury (IUCAA).

“We are studying whether they are born in regions of very sparse galaxy density, or they have extremely powerful, well-collimated, long-lasting radio jets which allow them to expand to very huge distances,” he said in a statement.

The team carried out a sys-tematic search for these radio giants and found a large sample of GRGs, using a nearly 20-year-old radio survey.

In the journal Monthly No-tices of the Royal Astronomical Society, the scientists report the discovery of 25 GRGs from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory Very Large Array Sky Survey.

These extremely active form of galaxies harbour a super massive black hole ‘central-engine’ at the nucleus, which ejects a pair of high energy particle jets nearly at the speed of light, which terminate into two giant radio lobes.

According to Joydeep Bagchi, “understanding the

life-cycle of the black hole’s energetic activity, properties of the matter which falls into it, and the influence of the surrounding medium which acts on the lobes far away from the host galaxy, and provides a ‘working-surface’ for the radio jets to act, are among the most important problems in this field”.

GRGs are visible only to radio telescopes.

These behemoths span nearly three million light years across, or even more some-times. This size corresponds to stacking nearly 33 Milky Way like galaxies in a line.

Since the GRGs are known to expand to such large sizes, they are believed to be the last stop of radio galaxy evolution.

The first GRG was discov-ered in the 1970s using the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope in the Netherlands in 1974.

Since then, all major radio telescopes and powerful com-puter simulations have been used in an effort to unravel their mysterious nature.

San Francisco, July 3 (IANS): Tech giant Micro-soft has made its “Modern Keyboard” available that features a hidden fingerprint sensor located between the Alt and Ctrl keys to make typing hassle-free.

The keyboard is rechargeable and can last up to four months on a single charge.

“The ‘Modern Keyboard’ is now available via Microsoft Store in the US (for $129.99), Canada and China,” Windows Central reported on Sunday.

The ‘Modern Keyboard’ is in line with Micro-

soft’s next generation of Windows 10 input devices that match the latest Surface models in design and finish.

According to Microsoft, the new model of key-board has “Chiclet”-style keys and aluminum frame that’s heavy and “virtually indestructible”.

The keyboard works either wired or through Bluetooth with and uses a rechargeable battery and is compatible with Windows 8-10, Windows 10 Phone, Android and macOS.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agen-cy (JAXA) has an-nounced a mission to visit the two moons

of Mars and return a rock sample to Earth. It’s a plan to uncover both the mystery of the moons’ creation and, perhaps, how life began in our Solar System.

The Solar System’s planets take their names from ancient Greek and Roman mythology. Mars is the god of war, while the red planet’s two moons are named for the deity’s twin sons: Deimos (meaning panic) and Phobos (fear).

Unlike our own Moon, Pho-bos and Deimos are tiny. Pho-bos has an average diameter of 22.2km, while Deimos measures an even smaller 13km. Neither moon is on a stable orbit, with Deimos slowly moving away from Mars while Phobos will hit the Martian surface in around 20 million years.

The small size of the two satellites makes their gravity too weak to pull the moons in spheres. Instead, the pair have the irregular, lumpy structure of asteroids. This has led to a major question about their formation: were these moons formed from Mars or are they actually cap-tured asteroids?Impact or capture?

Our own Moon is thought to

have formed when a Mars-sized object hit the early Earth. Mate-rial from the collision was flung into the Earth’s orbit to coalesce into our Moon.

A similar event could have produced Phobos and Deimos. The terrestrial planets were sub-jected to a rain of impacts during the final throes of Solar System formation.

Mars shows possible evidence of one such major impact, as the planet’s northern hemisphere is sunk an average of 5.5km lower than the southern terrain. Debris from this or other impacts could have given birth to the moons.

Alternatively, Phobos and Deimos could be asteroids that were scattered inwards from the asteroid belt by the looming gravitational influence of Jupi-ter. Snagged by Mars’s gravity, the planet could have stolen its two moons. This mechanism is how Neptune acquired its moon, Triton, which is thought to have once been a Kuiper belt object, like Pluto.

There are compelling argu-ments for both the #TeamImpact and #TeamCapture scenario.

The orbits of the two moons are circular and in the plane of Mars’s own rotation. While the chance of this happening during a capture event are extremely low, observations of the moons sug-gest they may have a composition

Astronomers from India discover giant radio galaxies

Microsoft’s ‘Modern Keyboard’ with fingerprint sensor now available

Gemini telescope aids Juno’s mission through Jupiter

Japanese space agency’s mission aims to uncover how moons of Mars formed

Our own Moon is thought to have formed when a Mars-sized object hit the early Earth.

Phobos and Deimos could be asteroids that were scattered inwards from the asteroid belt by the looming gravitational influence of Jupiter.

Elizabeth Tasker | The Conversation a technique that analyses the composition of each image pixel. This will allow the rocks of the Martian moons to be investigated down to a few tenths of a metre.

With a pixel size an order of magnitude smaller than that of similar instruments on missions such as NASA’s Mars Reconnais-sance Orbiter and ESA’s Mars Express, the spectrometer will also be able to help MMX select the best landing site on Phobos and take the sample.

CNES will also explore the possibility of building a rover to explore the surface of Phobos. A decision will be taken in Novem-ber this year.

In addition to the collabora-tion with France, MMX will carry an instrument from NASA. While the CNES spectrometer will examine the type of minerals on the moons, the NASA instru-ment will pick out individual chemical elements. This is done by analysing the high-energy Gamma rays and neutrons that are produced during the bom-bardment of cosmic rays from the Sun or more distant sources.

Together, these instruments will reveal a more thorough composition of Mars’s mysteri-ous satellites.

Both #TeamCapture and #TeamImpact offer fantastic science. Moons formed from collisional debris would be preserved time capsules of conditions on the young Mars.

In this early epoch, Mars and the Earth are expected to have been far more similar than now. A sample from this time could reveal how a planet becomes habitable.

But moons captured from the asteroid belt would be kin to the meteorites that rained down on the young Earth. These are thought to be the deliverers of our oceans and even our first or-ganic molecules. A sample from Phobos would be a taste of the package that was flung around the early Solar System.

Phobos’s ever decreasing distance to Mars also means that the top layer of the moon’s soil should be littered with meteorites scattered from the planet. Such a short journey would allow much lower-density material to sur-vive the trip, unlike the Martian meteorites that manage to reach Earth.

This transferred material will also be from all over Mars, rather than the small patch that rovers have examined. And it might re-sult in a more complete picture of Mars, as well as of its moons.

MMX is an exciting mis-sion, bringing information about moon formation, Mars and water delivery around our Sun. As we wait for 2024, are you voting for #TeamImpact or #TeamCap-ture?

Elizabeth Tasker Associate Professor, Japan Aerospace Explo-ration Agency (JAXA)

similar to that of other asteroids.Definite determination of

the moons’ composition would act as a fingerprint to distinguish the two models. A collision event should result in moons made from the same rock as Mars. But if the moons were captured, they would have formed in a different part of the Solar System with distinct minerals.

This is where the new mis-sion comes in. JAXA’s Mar-tian Moon eXploration Mission (MMX) is due to launch in Sep-tember 2024 and arrive at Mars in August 2025. The spacecraft will then spend the next three

years exploring the two moons and the environment around the red planet.

During this time, MMX will drop to the surface of Phobos and collect a sample to return to Earth in the summer of 2029.

Due to their weak gravity, col-lecting a sample from small rocky bodies is a difficult challenge. But this is JAXA’s speciality. The space agency has previously returned samples from asteroid Itokawa in 2010. The sequel to that mission, Hayabusa2, is due to arrive at asteroid Ryugu next year.International collaborations

The excitement for a Mars moon mission has led to strong international involvement in MMX. On April 10, JAXA presi-dent Naoki Okumura met his counterpart from France’s Cen-tre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), Jean-Yves Le Gall.

The meeting cemented a col-laboration between the two space agencies. CNES will provide an instrument for MMX as well as combining expertise on flight dynamics for the tricky encounter with the Martian moons.

The French instrument will combine a high-resolution in-frared camera and spectrometer,

Eliseo Fernandez/Reuters


Mirror Cross word 1522ACROSS1 Castigated5 Must10 Bargelike boat14 Chaplin prop15 Great expanse16 Appointed time17 Cut out, as coupons18 Disgrace19 Greek vowel20 Soup22 Nonsense24 Leg artery26 Connected27 Bridge coups29 Broad way31 African desert33 Add value to37 Cause of a skid38 Beatle with the sticks40 “New” beginning41 Show-off scholar44 Barkeep’s yell47 Most unspoiled49 In an intense way50 Attack52 Sister of Paris54 1521 visitor to Guam56 Biblical donkey-beater59 Analogous60 Dean Martin song subject62 Eleven for Yvette63 Canterbury’s county64 Campanologist’s concern65 “___ See Clearly Now”66 Bacchanal67 “Für ___” (Beethoven

dedication)68 Rip apartDown1 Letters on “Sputnik”2 Angelic aura3 Approved, in a way

4 “Casualties of War” director5 Book before Joel6 “Oh” de Cologne?7 Clothes line?8 Durango dish9 Gags10 Layabout11 Singer Sam12 No longer in the closet13 “King Kong” actress21 “Orphans of the Storm”


23 Faulkner’s “Requiem for __”25 Golfer’s transport27 Omit28 Curtain material30 Small bottles32 Old navigation instrument34 Hypnotized35 Monk’s quarters36 Hallowed39 “Fudge!”42 Galore43 Invalid

45 “Take ___ Train”46 Deep mountain gorge48 Nail polish50 Charlatan51 Getting on53 Having a lot to lose?54 Deadly shark55 ___ me tangere57 Muezzin’s call to prayer58 Fix61 “Kidnapped” author’s


Sud0ku 1362Every Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically. Enter numbers into the blank spaces so that each row, column and 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9.

solutions to sud0ku 1361

solutions to Crossword 1521

Match in progress between Morung United (white) and Merhulietsa FC at D Khel ground, Kohima on Monday morning. Playing the last week of Morning Premier League, Morung United narrowly defeated MRH FC 3-2. A brace from Pirong in the 3rd and 51st minutes, Zabhi goal in the 27th minute was enough to seal a victory for Morung. Mhasi and Imti scored a goal each for MRH FC.

A total of 26 table tennis players from across Mokokchung district are participating at the inaugural edition of the Ao Temulung Championship, a Mokokchung district open table tennis tournament organised by Pongen Khel Sports Association (PKSA) at the Community Hall, Mopungchuket village, about 18 kilometres from Mokokchung town. The tournament is being held under the aegis of the Mokokchung District Table Tennis Association (MDTTA) and the umpires are also drawn from the district association. The tournament was declared open by Watitoshi Ao, president of MDTTA and will culminate today.

Andy Murray reacts after winning his match against Alexander Bublik of Kazakhstan on Monday.

Players of Mount Hermon Higher Secondary School (blue) and Baptist High School Tseminyu (red) in action at Kohima local ground on Monday, July 3.

Germany's Julian Draxler, center, lifts the trophy after Germany won 1-0 in the Confederations Cup final soccer match between Chile and Germany, at St.Petersburg Stadium, Russia on Sunday, July 2.

West Indies players celebrate the dismissal of India's MS Dhoni during their fourth ODI cricket match at the Sir Vivian Richards Stadium in North Sound, Antigua and Barbuda on Sunday, July 2.

John Terry

12 SportSEastErn Mirror | Dimapur, Tuesday, July 4, 2017



Printed and published by Vimenuo Keditsu for Nagaland Free Press Society at Eastern Publication House, Circular Road, Dimapur. Executive Editor: K.Wapong Longkumer. Tel Nos.: 246001, 225507 (Dimapur), 2291977 (Kohima). Fax: (03862) 245558 (Dimapur) email: easternmirror@gmail.com | RNI No. NAGENG/2002/07906

For aDVerTisiNG eNQuiries: Dimapur oFFiCe: 03862-225507 Fax: 03862-225525 email: easternadvt@gmail.com | Kohima oFFiCe: 0370-2291977 / CirCulaTioN: Tel: +91 7085065125

1st Kohima District Inter-School Football tournamentGermany overcome Chile to win Confederations Cup

Chelsea legend Terry joins Aston Villa

Chennaiyin FC appoint Gregory as head coach

Nagaland Wrestling Association convenes meeting

Holder leads West Indies to ODI win over India

Morung United beat MRH FC

Ao temulung championship underway

St.Mary's HSS, Mt. Hermon HSS enter last eight

Defending champion Murray advances at Wimbledon



EM Images

Moscow, July 3 (IANS): Lars Stindl struck the only goal as Germany beat Chile 1-0 to win the Confederations Cup in St Petersburg on Sunday.

Borussia Monchengladbach for-ward Stindl tapped home against the run of play after a defensive blunder midway through the first half as world champions Germany added another major trophy to their collec-tion, The Independent reported.

Copa America winners Chile wasted a lot of goalscoring chanc-es and with the help of a superb

stoppage-time save from goalkeep-er Marc-Andre ter Stegen, coach Joachim Low's side held on to win the tournament for the first time.

Alexis Sanchez flashed a shot wide in the second minute, Arturo Vidal's effort from inside the penalty area was parried by Ter Stegen and Eduardo Vargas fired over the cross-bar from 25 yards.

Another effort from Vargas was well held by Ter Stegen as Chile looked the more likely to break the deadlock.

Ter Stegen then spilled Vidal's shot from outside the area into the path of Sanchez, but the Arsenal for-ward could not control the rebound and another chance went begging.

Moments later Germany snatched a 20th-minute lead with their first meaningful effort on goal.

Chile defender Marcelo Diaz gifted Timo Werner the ball on the edge of the box and the Germany striker ran on and turned the ball across goal for Stindl to tap into an empty net.

Dimapur, July 3 (EMN): Nagaland Wrestling As-sociation (NWA) general secretary, Vekhozo in a press note informed that there will be a general

body meeting with all the three Unit Associations on Wednesday, July 12 at 3:00 p.m at NWA Office, AMK Building, opposite Congress Bhavan.

Therefore, all NWA Of-ficials and 2 Unit represen-tatives, preferably president and general secretary are requested to attend without fail.

Our CorrespondentKohima, July 3 (EMN): St. Mary’s Higher Secondary School showed their class as they beat determined Baptist Mission School Jotsoma side 2-0 in the second round and entered the quarter-finals of the 1st Kohima District Inter-School Football tournament at Kohima local ground on Monday.

The tournament is jointly organised by Kohima Royal Club and School Education department.

In the first match, St. Mary's HSS managed to break the deadlock in the early 20th minute through Supong-yanger but his goal was the only differ-ence in the encounter until the captain of BMS Jotsoma, Kethoselie was shown a red card in the 67th minute for two yellow cards during the match. Playing against 10 men, St. Mary's HSS took advantage and Vivotso scored the 2nd goal in the 69th minute to end the match with 2-0.

BMS kept on pushing for a goal but failed to seize the opportunities as the stubborn defence of St Mary’s stood strong and the goalie was able to keep a clean sheet.

Earlier BMS Jotsoma had defeated Naga Bazar Baptist 2-0 in the first round but failed to score any goal in the sec-ond round of the tournament.

With the win, St. Mary's HSS will face the winner of Tuesday’s match between Azedon and G.Rio School in the quarterfinals.

Meanwhile, Mount Hermon High-er Secondary School defeated Baptist High School Tseminyu 3-0 and entered the quarterfinals of the tournament dur-ing the second match of the day.

Mt. Hermon took the lead in the 19th minute through Viyodi. However, the stubborn BMS defence kept the score-line in check until the second half.

Mt. Hermon went on a rampage in the second half as they scored two more

Bir mingham, Ju ly 3 (IANS): English Premier League (EPL) club Aston Villa on Monday announced the signing of Chelsea foot-ball club legend John Terry on a one year contract.

"Aston Villa is delighted to announce the signing of John Terry on a one-year deal," read the statement on the club's website.

The former Chelsea de-fender has made 492 appear-ances for the club. During this time he has won four EPL titles, five FA Cups, three football league cups and the Champions League, Europa League once each.

Terry was also included in the FIFA FIFPro World XI for five consecutive sea-sons from 2005 to 2009 and was a part of the UEFA team of the year in 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2009.

The England national has expressed his views on joining Aston Villa and said he has admired this club for a long time.

"I am delighted to join Aston Villa. It's a club I have admired from afar for many years. I can't wait to get start-ed now and look to help the squad achieve something special this season," Terry said.

London, July 3 (IANS): Defending champion Andy Murray started his Wimble-don campaign on the right foot as he defeated Alexan-der Bublik of Kazakhstan 6-1, 6-4, 6-2 on Monday.

With the Duchess of Cambridge watching from

the royal box, British Mur-ray, World and seeded No.1, needed just one hour and 44 minutes to get rid of the Russian-born Bublik, Re-ports Efe.

Bublik, 20, served 15 aces and fired 33 winners but his 12 double faults and 35

unforced errors made him vulnerable to Murray, who committed just 10 unforced errors.

It seemed like the 30-year-old Murray has put his hip trouble behind him, which prevented him from participating in two exhibi-

Chennai, July 3 (IANS): Indian Super League (ISL) outfit Chennaiyin FC ap-pointed former Aston Villa manager John Gregory as head coach on Monday.

The 63-year-old Gregory will succeed former Italy defender Marco Materazzi who guided the club to the ISL title in 2015 as a player-manager. Gregory has over four decades of experience as a player and coach, making his professional debut back in 1972.

The former midfielder made 600 league appearances in English football and repre-sented the England national team six times.

His coaching career started at Ports-mouth and then he had spells at Plymouth Argyle and Wycombe Wanderers before a four-year stint with Aston Villa in the English Premier League. Under Gregory's guid-ance Aston Villa finished runners-up in the

2000 FA Cup after losing to Chelsea in the last ever FA Cup final at the Old Wembley Stadium.

After leaving Aston Villa in 2002, Greg-ory was head coach at Derby County and Queens Park Rangers in English football.

He then had two stints in Israel at Mac-cabi Ahi Nazareth and FC Ashdod before moving to Kazakhstan where he coached FC Kairat. His last stint was at English third tier outfit Crawley Town.

"We are very happy to have appointed John as our head coach. He has immense ex-perience at the very highest level of the game both as a player and coach and his vision and personality matches our club philosophy and ambition. We look forward to a great season under his guidance," Chennaiyin co-owner Vita Dani said in a statement.

North Sound (Antigua), July 3 (Reuters): West In-dies captain Jason Holder took five wickets as they beat India by 11 runs in a low-scoring one-day interna-tional on Sunday.

After West Indies eked out 189 for nine wickets off their 50 overs, India could muster only 178 all out off 49.4 overs in reply at North Sound on the island of An-tigua.

India lead the five-match series 2-1 going into the fi-nal game in Kingston, Ja-maica on Thursday, where the home team will have a chance to draw the series.

India, who made three changes from the team that

goals through Haicen and Khriesi. The lone goal for Baptist HS Tsemi-nyu came through Siyalo in the 66th minute.

Mt. Hermon HSS will now face the winner of Tuesday’s match played

between Riizhiikhrie HSS and Dainty Buds in the quarterfinals.

Today’s maTches:azedon vs G.Rio at 1:00 Pm

dainty Buds vs Riizhiikhrie hss at 2:40 Pm

Morning PreMier League

required run rate chasing a modest total.

Opener Ajinkya Rahane top-scored for India with 60 off 91 balls. Only he and Dhoni scored more than 20.

Holder picked up 5-27 with his right-arm fast-me-dium bowling, including the prized scalp of India captain Virat Kohli for the second match in a row.

“Extremely pleased with the guys,” Man of the Match Holder said in an on-field interview.

“It took a big effort. Credit must go to all the bowlers (and) I thought the fielding was very supportive. We knew we could beat India. Just needed some ap-

plication.”Holder admitted batting

was still “a concern” and said he thought 250 would have been a “par score.”

Kohli, meanwhile, was also downbeat about his team’s performance with the bat.

"We bowled really well to restrict them to 189,” he said.

"Our shot selection wasn't up to the mark. It felt a bit two-paced. Apart from that I don't think there was anything else in the pitch. With the bat we faltered and that can happen in this game. We just have to put this be-hind us and come back fresh for the next game."

won the third game on Fri-day, were disappointing with the bat.

Even Mahendra Singh Dhoni was not immune from criticism, scoring a

painstaking 54 off 114 balls, with just one boundary, as the visitors fell behind the

Halep, Venus Williams ease into Wimbledon second round French Open finallist Si-mona Halep eased past Marina Erakovic 6-4, 6-1 while American Venus Williams defeated Bel-gian Elise Mertens 7-6 (7), 6-4 in the opening round at Wimbledon on Monday.

Erakovic of New Zea-land committed 31 un-forced errors in one hour 14 minutes in a match that saw her serve broken five times by the Romanian second seed, reports Efe.

The Wimbledon 2014 quarterfinalist is set to play against Brazilian Be-atriz Haddad Maia, who

defeated British Laura Robson 6-4, 6-1.

In another match, five-time Wimbledon cham-pion Venus Williams also advanced to the second round after getting the bet-ter of Mertens in one hour and 40 minutes.

In her 20th participa-tion at the All England Club, Venus, 37, fired 23 winners and commit-ted 21 unforced errors to Merten's 32 and 30.

Venus, seeded No.10, is set to play against Chi-nese Qiang Wang who defeated Kai-Chen Chang of Taiwan 6-3, 6-4.

tion matches before Wim-bledon, as he chases his third crown, and the second in a row, at the All England Club. Rain interrupted the match just as Murray won the second set and it took 26

minutes to close the retract-able roof.

Murray is set to play against German Dustin Brown, who defeated Por-tuguese Joao Sousa 7-6 (5), 6-4, 6-4.