(Easter) Sunday’s Comin’oursavioursmpls.org/uploads/pdf/sentinel/Sentinel 19-04.pdf ·...

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Transcript of (Easter) Sunday’s Comin’oursavioursmpls.org/uploads/pdf/sentinel/Sentinel 19-04.pdf ·...

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church April 2019

(Easter) Sunday’s Comin’ Pastor Laurie Eaton

“Sunday’s comin’” is an African-American liturgical response to difficult and challenging times. I’ve heard a

pastor run down a list of trials facing the people and then, with a meaning-laden pause, invite the people to

respond “Sunday’s comin’!” It’s a resurrection promise in the face of Good Friday troubles. Sunday’s comin’.

It’s a statement of faith.

The death and resurrection of Jesus is the heart of the Christian faith. Without the events of Jesus’ betrayal by

his closest companions; without his invitation to love one another as we have been loved by God; without his

willingness to follow the way of non-violence all the way to its inevitable conclusion in the cross; without his

three day vigil in the tomb; without Christ being raised from the grave by the power of the Holy Spirit, we

have no faith at all. The miraculous promise that death does not have the last word is the power behind the

phrase “Sunday’s comin’!” Love Wins.

It’s a promise that takes root in the soil of our soul, if we give it a chance. During this Lenten season we’ve

been pondering the Springtime of the Soul. We’ve considered ways in which we can direct our attention to

making time and space for God’s promises to find a place to land within our deepest selves by exploring vari-

ous spiritual practices. God is always present, but we’re not

always ready to pay attention! This season of preparation

comes to a close and we enter into the heart of our faith: The

Three Days leading to resurrection joy. Easter Sunday is


Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil make up

one continuous service of worship and commemoration of

the life, death, and resurrection of our Savior Jesus, the

Christ. In community, we retell the stories of God’s faithful-

ness to God’s people; we follow the thread of God’s salva-

tion covenant from creation all the way to Jesus. We find

our identity in the telling of the stories around the new fire

and in the celebration of God’s triumph recounted in the

Easter Vigil. These stories ground us in who we are and

where we are headed.

Make a decision to enter fully into these three days of ritual

and remembrance. For this Holy Night, bring the children to

witness the mystery of God’s saving grace. Bring them in

Prayer List

Jared Brandell-Douglas on the death of his

grandmother, Lucille Brandell, who died on

Sunday, March 10.

Shayne, Sequoya, and Matias Knutson

Pastor Laurie’s son, Sam Underkofler

Sunday Worship Service


The Sentinel Vol. LVII, No. 4 is published by

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church. 2315 Chicago Ave

Minneapolis MN 55404

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church April 2019

their pajamas; pack up their pillows and blankies and let them know that this will be a bedtime story like no

other. Let them listen to the stories enacted with passion, and let them fall asleep with the songs of faith in

their ears. On this night we are reminded that we are God’s Beloved in Christ; We Belong.

The Springtime of the Soul is about to bear fruit. In the midst of all of life’s trials and struggles, Easter Sun-

day is Coming! It’s a celebration you won’t want to miss.

Blessing Bibles for 3rd-5th graders at OSLC Pastor Martha Schwehn Bardwell On Sunday, April 28, we will present bibles during worship to 3rd-5th graders: Jonathan Dierking, Michael

Robles, Clara Owens, Ellis Wangerin, and Connor Owens.

Before then, during this season of Lent, we invite you, congregation members, to mark your favorite bible

verses in the margins of their bibles, and to sign your name next to them. In this way they will have visual re-

minders that the body of Christ reads with them, and the communion of saints surrounds them in their encoun-

ter with the words of Scripture. It will also help them to find special words of strength and importance amid

the many writings in the bible.

You may find the bibles to mark in the narthex before, during and after worship on Sundays and also on

Wednesday nights during Lent.

150th Anniversary Year- April 2019: Music 150th Anniversary Committee

Music is an important part of our life here at Our Saviour’s and we are proud to celebrate 150 years of inspi-

rational music making. Check out the display in the Narthex at church during the month and take a look at the

picture collage on the wall with pictures of choirs over the years. Listen in worship for choir favorites from

the past and also for new choir material, as we continue the rich singing tradition of Our Saviour's. For more

information on the Anniversary, with monthly articles around the themes, look at the 150th Anniversary page

on the church’s website.

150th Anniversary Year T-Shirts

The Anniversary Committee is looking to create t-shirts in honor of the Anniversary. They will have the

church logo, with “since 1869” on the front, and will have part of our mission statement on the back. We are

hoping it can be a shirt we can wear when we are representing our church at a variety of activities so people

know where we are from. Toddler, Youth and Adult sizes will be available. The cost is TBD, but we hope to

keep it under $10. Sign up for shirts at church or call the church office. Also– keep your eye on the Chicago

Avenue side of the building as we prepare to install a banner in honor of our 150th Anniversary!

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church April 2019

Mission of the Month: Cherish All Children Joy McElroy, Executive Director

The poor you always have with you…

Our Saviour’s community members understand that partnering with

organizations to walk with those who need our long-term activism is

what God asks of us. Your partnership with Cherish All Children

supports the long-term work of protecting children from sexual ex-

ploitation and trafficking. And for this we are truly grateful.

Your Mission of the Month dollars will help raise healthy generations

free from exploitation. Here are the goals YOU will be supporting:

• Promote healthy and safe development of children and youth, free from sexual exploitation, valuing each one as a child of God.

• Encourage healthy and respectful relationships, promoting open, real conversations between youth, parents, youth leaders, and faith communities.

• Engage churches – adults and youth – to take a leadership role in primary prevention measures to keep all children safe from sexu-al exploitation.

We’ve met with your Outreach Chair, Danelle Dommer, about what

the next steps may be to further engage with Cherish All Children.

We’ve provided resources for your community and are excited about

how we will work together to fight this injustice.

Here are two upcoming events – contact us to join in!

• LSS Benefit for Youth – Walk with Me, Tuesday, May 14 break-fast or lunch

• Stop the Trafficking 5K walk/run for Justice, Saturday, June 22

Your generosity allows us to continue to reach out to children, youth

and families – to educate and engage in action together to keep chil-

dren safe from exploitation.

Thank you & many blessings!

Joy (joy.mcelroy@cherishallchildren.org)

Genesis 37

I stand today In the coat that God gave me It is a beautiful coat Full of the beauty of Jesus Christ It is purple and gold Full of majesty It is red and silver Full of deliverance It is white and green Full of healing But all around me are the coat stealers! Rape! Lies! Destruction! Low Self-esteem! Jealousy! Depression! Each one of them, Trying to steal the Beauty of my coat Like Tamar Something was taken Something I didn’t give Like Joseph I spoke the vision Way before its time Like Tamar I had to play the harlot I had to play the game My coat is a gift It has many colors It is a beautiful coat Full of the beauty of Jesus Christ - Nannette Smith

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church April 2019

God is the Audience Pastor Laurie Eaton

At Our Saviour’s we have a rich history of creative story-telling at the Easter Vigil. Even now, members and

groups are considering ways to faithfully recount the stories of our faith that comprise the shape of God’s sal-

vation history that we will hear at the Vigil on Saturday, April 20th.

Stories are intended to captivate us; to capture our attention and engage us; to help us find our own place with-

in them. Sacred stories of scripture help us to find meaning and connection with God and neighbor across time

and space. That is precisely why we take such care in presenting these stories in ways that are both faithful and

fresh. But these stories are not the same as a theater production. These stories are not performed for us, they

are actually performed in us and with us. When we engage in sacred story-telling as a community we are not

the audience; we become both the characters and the actors. God becomes the audience as we retell our faith

history in the presence of God!

In theater it is appropriate to give our affirmation to the actors by applauding their performance. In a worship

service the focus is in a different location. We are enacting our faith in the presence of God and one another.

The appropriate response, if any, is to speak our Amen – let it be so! In worship we are not spectators taking in

a show. We are the actors. God is the audience. Amen!

Addressing and Transforming the Suffering of War Amy Blumenshine

Since 2005--always with the great support of OSLC--the Coming Home Collaborative has sought to lift up

important concepts and modalities for healing the wounds of war. Captain Paul K. Chappell has emerged in

this period as a great example of transformation from trauma to leadership for a non-violent global future. Paul

has created a pathway for others from his own experience as a child who grew up with a violent veteran father

and then became a West Point graduate and veteran of the Iraq war. He’s written the Road to Peace series of 6

books https://paulkchappell.com/books/ and has been developing Peace Literacy as the new language and skill

set that can teach our students and their educators how to build the muscles of empathy and humanity.

He returns to our area June 20-22, and we hope to host him here at OSLC. What would you like for him to

talk about? Contact amy@ListenToVets.org

Paul understands that waging peace takes more skill than waging war. “What if you only knew one language,”

peace educator Paul K. Chappell has asked, “and it was the language of trauma? To overcome trauma, you

need to learn a second language—one that can replace communication and action through the lens of trau-

ma.” The average American spends twelve years honing literacy skills, moving from the basic alphabet to

writing short paragraphs to deeper levels of reading, writing, composition, and critical thinking to allow for

civic participation in our ever-growing and complex world. Why not twelve years of peace literacy in the


Rather than guiding our students and community towards active skills to navigate the complexity of our times,

too often we approach peace studies as a luxury or second thought. Meanwhile, more and more students come

to the classroom with a host of adverse childhood experiences, or ACES, an indicator of trauma, that prevent

their full engagement in learning. While students struggle increasingly, our world only grows in its complexi-

ty. We need a transformative education strategy that can reach our students, address these dynamics and ac-

celerate learning. A local movement is building to make peace literacy the foundation of education and com-

munity-building. Imagine!

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church April 2019

Beloved Community May Day Festival Amy Blumenshine

For nearly all of its 45 years, OSLC members have enjoyed and participated in the May Day Festival put on

by In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theater the first Sunday in May. The festival features a pa-

rade down Bloomington Avenue of creative puppets and social causes, followed by a ceremony and festival

in Powderhorn Park. Each year, themes come from the current lived experiences of the community mixed

in with primal archetypes related to the Tree of Life and the coming of spring.

This year, the overall theme is “The Beloved Community.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of “the be-

loved community” not as a sentimental utopian goal, but rather as living committed to active nonviolence

and inclusive economic and cultural wellbeing--- where all are embraced with power wedded to love. Help

envision this year’s theme as we honor and challenge ourselves as a community in THIS time and in THIS

place. What does “beloved community” mean to YOU, to our neighborhood, to your organization, and even

to the ground on which we stand?

Sadly, due to funding cuts, this May 5 could be the final such May Day. Don’t miss the opportunity to par-

ticipate in the workshops at 1500 Lake St. Minneapolis. The Faith and Feminism Group also hopes to ar-

range a special opportunity to participate; watch for those details to come.

Workshops are April 6 thru May 2, 2019, at 1500 E. Lake St.

EACH Tuesday from 7-9pm EACH Thursday from 7-9pm EACH Saturday from 9-11 am, and 1-3pm

Workshops are funded by free will donations and open to the public. Children must be accompanied by an


Bring recycled items to the build (if you can)!

Daily Works 2019 Luncheon New day. New Venue. Same powerful stories. The Daily Work’s 7th annual Steps to Success Lunch-

eon will be held on May 10. The luncheon is a compelling one-hour event that focuses on the stories of the

people who come to Daily Work for help. Daily Work mentors at-risk job seekers and guides them to life-

changing employment opportunities. (In case you aren’t aware of it - OSLC was one of the founding churches

involved in establishing Daily Work.)

Each year, Daily Work’s Steps to Success Luncheon brings together members from all parts of our communi-

ty; business and non-profit leaders, volunteers, service partners, and donors to learn more about Daily Work

and experience first-hand testimonials about the impact of their support. Together, we are reducing economic

disparities in our community by helping people increase their incomes through work. The 2019 Steps Lunch-

eon promises to be the best yet!

The Details

Friday, May 10, 2019 11:15 a.m. - Gather 12:00 p.m. - Lunch & program. There is no cost to attend the event. Town & Country Club (300 N Mississippi River Blvd, St Paul) Questions: Contact Maryellen (skan@umn.edu or 612-623-7805)

Registration: https://steps2success2019.eventbrite.com or contact Maryellen

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church April 2019

In-District Meeting sponsored by ISAIAH Mark Anderson

On Saturday, April 27, Our Saviour’s will partner with the Abubakar As-Saddique Islamic Center and Spirit

of St. Stephen’s Catholic Community to host a conversation with Rep. Hodan Hassan. Hassan represents

District 62A, which includes the three congregations. She’ll address a range of issues that are being debated

at the Legislature this session, including extending availability of quality child care, issuing drivers licenses

to undocumented Minnesotans, committing to 100 percent renewable fuels for electricity production, and im-

plementing strategies to end resentment against Muslims in the community. The forum is one of more than

50 conversations organized this spring by ISAIAH. It will run from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Abubakar,

which is located at 2824 13th Ave. S.

Benefit Concert for Our Saviour’s Housing Amanda Steepleton

You're invited to enjoy an afternoon of music and refreshments among friends!

WHAT: Caritas Vocal Ensemble- Benefit Concert for Our Saviour's Housing WHEN: Sunday, April 7 at 3pm WHERE: Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church

2020 Lake of the Isle Parkway, Minneapolis

Free will donation. No ticket required. Reception following the concert.

Caritas Vocal Ensemble is a nonprofit choral group with a special mission: to share their music with the com-

munity for the purpose of raising money and awareness for people in need. "Caritas" means loving kindness

or what they call "love in action."

Jim Crow of the North Pastor Laurie Eaton

The TPT documentary called Jim Crow of the North explores the origins of housing segregation in Minneap-

olis; continuing the conversations that began in our adult forums earlier this winter. Join Pastor Laurie and

Aneesa Parks for a viewing party and discussion in Aneesa's home, 1500 Queen Ave N. You will drive by

some of the sites in the video! There's space for the first eight people who are interested and available on

Thursday, April 4 from 6:30-8:15. We will provide snacks, sweets, wine and drinks.

Sound interesting? Let Aneesa know you're coming. Not available? Consider hosting your own watch par-


Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church April 2019

April Adult Forums

Join us at 9 am for adult faith formation!

April 7 – Strategic Planning Forum – Building off of our work from our previ-

ous strategic planning forums and the March potluck, we will gather ideas for

actions we could take as a congregation over the next 5 years. This brainstorm-

ing time will be grounded in our mission statement, our core values that surfaced

through storytelling this winter, and the SWOT analysis we did at the March

potluck. Join the conversation and add your voice as we share our dreams and

visions for the next 5 years.

April 14—Marks of the church (4): The cross - The shadow where we be-

long – Our last forum on Luther’s marks of the church and the Christian life.

What does the cross mean for us today? We will read through the passion ac-

cording to Luke and discuss the meaning of the cross

April 21 – Easter Breakfast for all ages: Join us for a delicious Easter break-

fast feast and raise money for youth going to Holden Village this summer

April 28 – Forum TBD

2019 South Minneapolis Day Camp: Come to the Table Pastor Martha Schwehn Bardwell

I am really looking forward to another summer day camp experience with kids from OSLC and our partner

churches! Our theme this year is Come to the Table. We will explore food justice, creation care, radical wel-

come, communion, and being part of a global community as we play, pray, do art, sing and learn together!

Dates: June 17-21, from 9am-4pm each day Ages: Entering K - Entering 8th grade (separate tracks for elementary and middle schoolers) Where: Bethel Lutheran Church, 4120 17th Ave S, Minneapolis

A registration form will be available soon. We are in need of adult volunteers during the week, as well as help

with some supplies and snacks. Stay tuned for more specific asks as June nears. Meanwhile, please consider

your availability for this week and mark your calendars.

Wilderness Canoe Base Work Weekend Nancy Nygaard Johnson

Mark your calendar for Friday May 17th thru Sunday May 19th for our

annual WCB Work Weekend. For over 30 years a group from Our

Saviour’s has trekked up the Gunflint trail in northern MN to help Wil-

derness Canoe Base open up camp for the summer. All ages are wel-

come to join us! We’ll spend time doing projects around the camp and

have time for games, activities and a sauna. We’ll end the weekend

with a worship service outside at the Chapel. The cost is TBD, but was

$30 for youth and $50 for Adults last year. Sign up at church by early

May. Any questions, contact Nancy Nygaard Johnson.

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church April 2019

Deadline for the May Sentinel is Tuesday, April 23 at 9am Send your submissions to alex@oursavioursmpls.org

How to Reach Us

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church

2315 Chicago Ave

Minneapolis MN 55404


oursavioursmpls.org Pastors:

Laurie A. Eaton option 3

Martha Schwehn Bardwell option 4

Music Director:

Mary Preus option 6

Business Manager:

Diane Palmer option 5

Office Manager:

Alexander Farino option 7

OSCS Executive Director:

Sandra Aslaksen, Deacon 612-871-5900 opt 1

Custodian: Fred Ashman, Shayne Knutson (Please refer custodial issues to Diane Palmer)

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church April 2019

Mon, Apr 1 7-8:30pm Church Council (CR)

Tues, Apr 2 12-3pm OSCS Staff Event (HC)

Wed, Apr 3 10:15-12pm Bible Study (CR)

12-4:30pm Neighborhood Quilting (HC)

5:30-7:30pm Wednesday Connection

5:30pm Dinner

6:30pm Evening Prayer & Spiritual Practices

7:30-8:30pm Choir practice (S)

Thur, Apr 4 7:30-9:30am Women's Breakfast at The Birchwood Cafe


7-8am Men’s Breakfast at Butter Café

Sat, Apr 6 9-12pm Communion Bread Baking (K)

Sun, Apr 7 9-10am Education for All Ages 10-10:30am Hospitality (HC)

10:30 Worship (S)

11:30-1pm Altar Guild Meeting and Potluck (HC)

5-7pm Living Questions (HC/K)

Mon, Apr 8 10-11am Anniversary Committee Meeting (CR)

6-7:30pm OSCS Board Meeting (CR)

Tues, Apr 9 12:30-2pm Staff Meeting (CR) 6:30-8:30pm MCFF Meeting (offsite)

Wed, Apr 10 10:15-12pm Bible Study (CR) 12-4:30pm Neighborhood Quilting (HC)

5:30-7:30pm Wednesday Connection

5:30pm Soup Supper

6:30pm Evening Prayer & Spiritual Practices

6:30pm Godly Play

7:30-8:30pm Choir practice (S)

Thur, Apr 11 7:30-9:30am Women's Breakfast at The Birchwood Cafe


Sat, Apr 13 9-12pm Spring Clean Up Sun, Apr 14 9-10am Education for All Ages 10-10:30am Hospitality (HC) 10:30 Palm Sunday Worship (S) 5-7pm Living Questions (HC/K) Mon, Apr 15 8-2pm Sanctuary Window Cleaning

9-11am Archives Committee 6-7pm Personnel Committee Meet-

ing (CR)

Tues, Apr 16 12:30 – 2pm Staff Meeting (CR) Wed, Apr 17 10:15 – 12pm Bible Study (CR) 12 – 4:30pm Neighborhood Quilting (HC)

7:30 – 8:30pm Choir practice (S)

Thur, Apr 18 7:30 – 9:30am Women's Breakfast at The Birchwood Cafe

7:00pm Maundy Thursday Worship with Holy Communion and Foot Washing (S)

Fri, Apr 19 OFFICE CLOSED 7:00pm Good Friday Worship

with Reading of the Passion and Prayer around the Cross (S)

Sat, Apr 20 10-12pm Rehearsal for Easter Vigil (S)

7-8pm Easter Vigil with Communion (S)

Sun, Apr 21 9-10:30am Breakfast with Easter Egg Hunt (HC)

10:30am Easter Sunday Festival Worship with Holy Communion (S)

April 2019 at Our Saviour’s

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church April 2019

April 7- Isaiah 43: 16-21 Psalm 126 Philippians 3: 4b-14 John 12: 1-8

April 14- Isaiah 50: 4-9a Psalm 31: 9-16 Philippians 2: 5-11 Luke 19: 28-40 April 21- Acts 10: 34-43 Isaiah 65:17-25(alternate) Psalm 118: 1-2, 14-24 1 Corinthians 15:19-26 Luke 24: 1-12 John 20: 1-18 (alternate)

April 28- Acts 5:27-32 Psalm 150 Revelation 1:4-8 John 20: 19-31

Lectionary Texts

for Home Devotions

April 2019 at Our Saviour’s


3:30-5:30 OSH Resident Event (HC)

Tues, Apr 23 12:30-2pm Staff Meeting (CR) 6-7pm OSCS Exec Com Mtg (CR)

Wed, Apr 24 10:15-12pm Bible Study (CR) 12-4:30pm Neighborhood Quilting (HC)

7:30-8:30pm Choir practice (S)

Thur, Apr 25 7:30-9:30am Women's Breakfast at The

Birchwood Café 9-12pm ELC AM End of Semester

Party (HC)

5-9pm ELC PM End of Semester Party (HC)

CES Volunteer Opportunity! Saturday, April 6. Volunteer at CES from 9 – 11. Pack groceries for future delivery. All ages wel-come. Contact Maryellen with questions and to sign up. (skan@umn.edu or 612-623-7805)

Calling all Bakers!

Join us on Saturday, April 6 from 9-11 in the church kitchen for Communion Bread Baking. If you en-joy early morning camaraderie and the smell of fresh baked bread, this is for you. Once done, you can go out and enjoy spring knowing you’ve had a fun, eventful morning.

Easter Egg Hunt!

Liz Lewis will host an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday, April 21 for the littlest ones in our congregation. The hunt will take place before the 10:30 service - watch the worship folder for specific details. And, in Liz's own words, "I don’t plan to have candy, so the parents won’t have to worry about their kids getting “sugared up” before the service!"


Sat, Apr 27 11-12:30pm District 62A In-District

Meeting (Abubakar As-

Saddique Islamic Center)

Sun, Apr 28 9 – 10am Education for All Ages–

Godly Play 10 – 10:30am Hospitality (HC) 10:30 Worship (S) 11:30-1pm OS Foundation Meeting and

Potluck (HC)

11:30-1pm ISAIAH Meeting (CR)

Tues, Apr 30 12:30-2pm Staff Meeting (CR)

Save the Date

Spring Clean Up

Join us on Saturday, April 13 from 9-12 as we spruce up the church for Easter. We will work out-side and inside to prepare for Palm Sunday and Ho-ly Week. The more the merrier and with more hands, we can get more done and still get out earlier to enjoy the spring day!