Easter Egg Hunt using terminal

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Easter Egg Hunt using terminal



using terminal

Step 1 – Get Easter Egg

•Using any web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome) go to Meetup.com

•Locate Reno Tahoe Women Who Code MeetUp page

•Find photos on the menu

•Note the Easter Egg image

Step 2 – Hide Easter Egg

•Right click on the Easter Egg image

•Select Save Image As

•Enter easter_egg.jpg as file name

•Save in the location that comes up - DON’T SELECT A DIFFERENT LOCATION

Before we start hunting for our Easter Egg, let’s learn a little about


What is terminal?

It might be easier to define

what terminal isn’t.

It isn’t a graphical user interface (GUI). Most computer users issue commands using icons, menus and mice. This method uses a GUI.

Example of GUI

•Clicking an icon in your dock to run a program.•Touching a tile in Metro view to run a program.•Double clicking a folder to see what is inside.•Double clicking a picture to view it.•Double clicking a song to hear it.•Using File menu to open a document.•Dragging a file to the trash.

Okay, terminal is not a GUI. What is it?

terminal is the way to issue instructions to a computer by typing commands.

Why would I want to use terminal?

• It’s how programmers talk to their computers.

• It’s more efficient then using GUI.

• It’s more flexible and configurable.

•Most of the commands you’ll need to issue don’t have a GUI equivalent.

The irony is that you’ll use a GUI to get to terminal. Here’s how.

P.S. terminal is called Command Prompt on Windows.

Get to terminal on Mac

•Using Finder, locate your Application folder.

•Within the Application folder, locate Utilities.

•Within the Utilities folder, click on terminal. This will add an icon in your Dock that looks like a small black screen.

•Right click the terminal icon in the dock, select Options, Keep in Dock.

Get to terminal on PC

Windows 7• From Start Menu, All

Programs, locate Rails Installer folder.

• Right click on Command Prompt with Ruby and Rails and add to Taskbar.

• Double click on icon to launch.

Windows 8• From Charms Bar, select

Search and search for Command Prompt with Ruby and Rails.

• Right click on same to and to Taskbar.

• From Desktop, double click icon to launch.

To find your Easter Egg, you need three terminal



Where am I?


What is here?


Go ↑ (cd ..) Go ↓ (cd folder )

Go ahead and practice those three commands on your own


Just one more bit of information before you start your Easter Egg hunt.

You need to understand your computer’s file system.

terminal knows nothing about shortcuts

Your computer creates shortcuts for locations on your hard drive.

Some examples are Documents, Pictures, Favorites and Desktop.

The real structure of your computer’s storage is accessible by referencing Macintosh HD or Windows C:



Step 3 – Find easter_egg.jpg

•Navigate your hard drive using terminal

•Use pwd to find out where you are starting

•Use ls to see folders below you

•Use cd folder to move down

•Use cd .. to move up

•Hunt for your egg!

Some parting comments about terminal.

Be Careful

•terminal is powerful

•There is no undo

•There are no ‘Are you sure?’ prompts

•A typo can have unexpected consequences

Next Steps

To learn more commands, check out

“The Command Line Crash Course” at
