East Haven 1214 - 2014 - Amazon Web...

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East Haven Residents’ Association 27th June 2014

East Haven 1214 - 2014 Wee Village in Bloom

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East Haven is the one of the earliest recorded fishing communities in Scotland dating back to 1214. When we realised that our small community of only 53 properties was to be 800 years old we consulted with residents to identify priorities to celebrate and commemorate this event. Residents told us that they wanted to enhance the appearance of our village and create a lasting legacy with a theme of flowers and fishing boats. People also felt that we could do more to improve our environment and promote our heritage. In November 2012 a new stretch of coastal path was opened which forms part of National Cycle Route 1. It runs right through the centre of our village and almost overnight we experienced an increase of over 1,000 visitors a week. We were therefore motivated to do something to ensure that the visitor experience was enhanced and to increase civic pride. We embarked on a journey of epic proportions in the summer of 2013 which has involved not just our own community but people from all over the UK and abroad. East Haven has been totally transformed in every respect and has even been recognised on the BBC Scotland weather map.


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East Haven Residents’ Association 27th June 2014


Our village square was looking tired and neglected. We therefore arranged to lease a couple of areas of ground from Angus Council and set out plans to create a community garden. We wanted a large fishing boat to form a central feature in our garden and acquired one that had been damaged in a storm and left on the beach in Fife. Six men went across to St Andrews early one morning to dig it out and get it onto a transporter and bring it to East Haven. The residents raised £300 amongst themselves to enable us to do this.

Autumn 2013

Tree Planting - Residents wanted to plant a commemorative tree and we asked Provost Helen Oswald to plant a white beam tree in what was to become our community garden.

Bulbs - We planted hundreds of spring bulbs in the village square

Winter 13/14

In December we cut approx 8 ft off the leylandi hedge. We arranged site visits from all the utilities - Gas, Electric and Scottish Water and surveyed the ground of our community garden. we produced detail plans and ideas for the layout of our community garden

We decided to contact Beechgrove Garden to see if they would like to become involved in our community garden.

Spring 2014 The daffodils provided a mass of colouring the village square.

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Photographs April 2014

East Haven Residents’ Association 27th June 2014

On Sunday 13th April we held a ‘Big Weed’ in the area where we were to develop our community garden. Over the morning approximately 30 volunteers turned up to help remove the ground elder and other invasive species. People of all ages and all abilities turned out to help.

The Woodland Trust Scotland

We were delighted to receive a free community tree pack from the Woodland Trust Scotland. We asked children from the village to help plant them. We wanted the children to be involved in the garden and to think about the importance of plants and trees. A living legacy for the future!

When we learned that Beechgrove Garden had selected East Haven as one of four sites in Scotland to develop a community garden we worked with their Landscape Gardener to create a design that reflected our priorities and aspirations.

We produced a list of plants and shrubs that grow well in East Haven and undertook a soil analysis report for Beechgrove.

Residents worked hard over many weeks to dig over the ground and clear it of stones, rubble and rubbish. We applied a further two doses of ‘round up’ to try and tackle the ground elder and other invasive weeds.


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In May 2014 we gave the area a good dose of round up to catch in new growth of weeds.


We planted seeds donated by the RHS. We also purchased over 1,000 bedding plant plugs which we planted into seed trays and l ooked a f t e r i n greenhouses all over the village.

7th June

East Haven Residents’ Association 27th June 2014

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Summer We arranged for the Council to deliver 10 tons of soil enhancer which is made from recycled materials. The local farmer gave us some well rotted peat and a local resident gave us some horse manure. Residents worked for approximately 10 days mixing this material in with 20 tons of good top soil which we had brought in to provide a quality base for all our planting.

50 Years of RHS

We replanted our little fishing dinghy at the entrance to our village square and filled it mainly with perennials that will provide a good show of colour all year round. We also had to select plants that are hardy and able to withstand our coastal climate such as Santolina, Fleabane, Geum Lady Strathden and Thymus cite aureus. We chose gold colours to celebrate 50 years of RHS.

We cut the verges along the private roadway on the seaward side of the village.

We cut a neighbours conifer hedge and helped with other gardens. We cultivated a small area at the entrance to the cycle path.

Commonwealth Games

We were honoured and proud that the Queen’s Relay Baton was brought to our little village on 28th June in recognition of our octocentenary year. We purchased e i g h t l a r g e c r a d l e s t o c r e a t e commonwealth boats. Broom handles were painted and fixed into the cradles to form a mast which was then decorated with commonwealth bunting. We filled the boats with bedding plants in Glasgow commonwealth colours.

Commonwealth bunting was also draped over our large boat and the baton holder was able to climb on to the boat and raise the baton. A poignant moment for East Haven!

The Beechgrove Garden Team

Karen Laing, Beechgrove’s garden designer worked with us to agree a concept plan for the garden based around a maritime theme. We provided Karen with a list of shrubs and plants that grow well in our challenging coastal environment. Subsequently she guided us through the various tasks to complete before filming took place. We sourced and organised all the plants and trees for our garden. Completion of the garden took place on 25th and 26th June 2014. The programme will be broadcast on Thursday 10th July on BBC2 at 7.30pm

Heritage Point Planting

We have obtained funds to redesign and plant around our new heritage point. we have selected perennials that will link well with those in the community garden.

25th and 26th June 2014

East Haven Residents’ Association 27th June 2014



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We worked with BT to clean up our Phone Box and we arranged to have the glass replaced in our bus shelter as it had graffiti scratched all over it.

We had our post box repainted and the glass replaced in our bus shelter.

Before - April 2014 After: May 2014

Environmental Responsibility

Photos 10th May 2014

We signed the pledge with Clean up Scotland, Clean up Angus and registered as an organiser of beach cleans with the Marine Conservation Society.

In March 2014 we obtained funds to install a

commemorative bench overlooking the sea.

‘Rest a while in this special place’

We have commissioned a special piece of music for our octocentenary year. This was written by one of our own young musicians. It will be s h o w c a s e d a t o u r Maritime and Heritage event on 23rd August.

Carnoustie Canine Capers were also in attendance on 10th May raising awareness about the ‘Greendog Walkers Initiative’. Dog Walkers are encouraged to leave paw prints only in the Ha'en. We provided refreshments and a heritage display to encourage people along

Spring 2014 Clean up Europe Day

Residents and friends of East Haven were joined by cadets from 2449 (Carnoust ie) Squadron, Air Training Corps for their 'big b e a c h c l e a n ' o n Saturday 10th May. T h e e v e n t w a s planned to co-incide with ‘Clean Europe Day’.

Winter - In winter we started to collect up dog waste ourselves from the coastal path. We raised awareness about dog fouling in the

winter and handed out bags to the public. We placed signs on the coastal path.

East Haven Residents’ Association 27th June 2014

Summer 2014 We obtained funding to obtain our own litter pickers and hoops to increase our flexibility and capacity to undertake regular litter collections. We extended our beach clean to the coastal paths and the verges along the route of the Queen’s Relay Baton. We used social media to get people out-with East Haven involved. We will be out again prior to the Commonwealth Games Shooting events.

Signage and Street Furniture

We met with Angus Council Officers in the village to highlight redundant and excessive signage. We also met with Network Rail and Scottish Water who also removed redundant signs. We painted street furniture and manhole covers green to be more sympathetic with the environment. We even removed some of the signs ourselves.


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We created a small roadway 14th June 2014

We restored and refurbished our fishing boat and had it craned into our community garden

The Greater Yellow Rattle

East Haven is the only place in Scotland where the Greater Yellow Rattle grows naturally and therefore a 500m strip of dune is designated a site of Special Scientific Interest managed by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). This year, SNH have asked if we will help by providing special cuts of the area in which it grows at the end of August. We will therefore commence special conservation work on an annual basis to support SNH and help to protect the Greater Yellow Rattle.

Our Heritage point

Work started on our new Heritage Point on 8th June but we have worked with architects, contractors and designers throughout the project which started in January.

East Haven Residents’ Association 27th June 2014

Community Participation


We branded ourselves East Haven 800 and revamped our web-site to reflect the priorities in our community. We began a systematic and concerted effort to engage with people across Scotland through 12 major projects aimed at achieving our key aims.

The residents rebuilt a footbridge that was accidentally removed during the construction of the coastal path. The original footbridge was built by one of our oldest fisherman and was greatly valued by both residents and visitors alike. We had a short film made about the rebuilding of ‘Eric’s bridge’.


We used social media to invite people to visit the village and find an attractive beach pebble to place on our traffic island around the boat. We wanted people out-with our village to feel a sense of ownership with our improvements.

We obtained a grant from the Angus Environmental Trust to transform our rather unpleasant looking public toilets into a Heritage Point. We held a series of public events between January and April 2014 to consider what aspects of our important heritage we wanted to highlight on our six AO sized heritage boards. We also worked with Scottish Natural Heritage, the RSPB and the archives and museum services in Angus and Dundee. We also involved a local

artist in developing a story board appealing to children.


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1. Building in May 2014

2. Architect impression of completed building on 5th August 2014

Consultation - Feb 14

Memories O’ the Ha’en.

People started to write to us from all over the UK and as far away as Australia with their memories of living in East Haven. We started to write a book about people’s memories that will be printed and available from 23rd August

Artists and Photographers

We invited artists and photographers to paint and photograph our village and the surrounding area. We provided luck for them to raise funds for EH800. We will exhibit their work at our event in August.

East Haven Residents’ Association 27th June 2014

Clean up Angus - Clean up Scotland!

We developed a section on our own web-site called ‘Beautiful East Haven’ to start raising the profile of our efforts to clean up and make our community more beautiful. We successfully obtained funds to purchase our own litter pickers and rings to increase our flexibility and capacity to get out and about regularly picking up litter. We are also using social media to influence social attitudes and behaviour change towards littering in Scotland by being visible and getting over the message that if you see a piece of litter, ’pick it up’.


We held a large public exhibition in Carnoustie about our maritime heritage. We worked with Angus Libraries and museums as well as local individuals who shared information and artefacts from private collections. We engaged with people from all over the UK in a large community project creating a panel of heritage bunting. The children of Coupar Angus primary school became involved as this is where East Haven’s story began. We provided information about the Greater Yellow Rattle.

Summer - We worked together as a community to obtain support from individuals and local businesses to develop our community garden. We used social media to engage people’s interest by writing a daily blog and posting interesting photos. The more we we involved people the more people wanted to be part of East Haven 800 and everything that it had become associated with. ie. Clean up Scotland, Beautiful Scotland, Gardens and Heritage. We have been inundated by support from the media and the public as a result. Garden News phoned us to say they had been following our work through our web-site with great interest and intend to publish an article about East Haven in July. The Scots magazine intend to publish an article in Autumn.

Children from all three primary schools and the High School in Carnoustie became involved in learning about our heritage and each school provided a large scale art work representing the story of East Haven.

We invited the media to become involved to raise the profile of Clean up Angus and Clean up Scotland. When we had finished our big clean on Saturday 22nd June we used social media to galvanise our neighbours along the coast to collect on the Queen’s Relay Baton route and we went along to help. We have started to loan out our litter pickers and hoops.

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160 cub scouts came to see us on 10th May - lunch & heritage talk

O n e o f o u r r e s i d e n t s h a s cultivated an area at the entrance to the cycle path to m a k e i t m o r e attractive. Free cold dr inks are made available and all donations are given to charity.

East Haven Residents’ Association 27th June 2014

Finance Prior to embarking on East Haven 800 we had functioned as a small residents association since 1996. However, we had never applied for a grant or undertaken any fund raising activities. Over the last 9 months we have made over 20 grant applications and raised £80,000 for our community.

East Haven has no services or facilities and as a small village sandwiched between Carnoustie and Arbroath we have no local businesses that naturally identify with our community. However, we launched a major raffle after persuading an eminent artist to donate us a limited edition print of East Haven. Since then we have persuaded businesses all over Angus and Dundee to donate very generous prizes to our raffle. As a result we have sold hundreds of pounds worth of tickets and this has supported our hidden expenses.

In the space of nine months we have moved from novice to expert in terms of raising funds. We have realised the potential that communities have if they work together to make a difference.

We believe that we now have a strong base on which to move forward and there are many grant awarding bodies that we remain eligible to apply for. Two of us went on training to learn how to make the most of funds available to communities in Scotland.

We joined the Angus Event Organisers Network to learn from others.

We have organised ourselves to ensure we have the appropriate governance arrangements in place as an organisation to manage funds and we now have our accounts independently examined.

We believe that we have the capacity to fund our community needs over the next five years at least.



Angus Council Community Grant 4,064

Carnoustie Gala Committee 200

Carnoustie Community Council 50

Angus Environmental Trust 63,000

Awards for All - Big Lottery Fund 8,217

Individual donations £500.00

East Haven Land Consortium 1,000

RHS through Beechgrove Garden 1,000

The Green Belt Group through Beechgrove 1,000

Angus Council Commenwealth Games Community Fund 361.20

Major Raffle organised by East Haven residents several hundred thus far

TOTAL to date £80,000

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East Haven Residents’ Association June 2014

Plans for the future We have developed a Heritage and Gardening Group to enable people to maintain and develop all of our community projects. The Art Society in Carnoustie have asked if they can sponsor and maintain a bed. People from out-with East Haven have asked if they can maintain their involvement in the garden as they have developed local friendships and want to maintain them.

In terms of horticulture we intend to develop an annual plan clearly setting out our annual objectives and breaking them down into monthly tasks. It is likely that we will maintain a rota for grass cutting but we will agree regular times to meet in the garden and work together.

During the last nine months residents have got to know one another much better and have developed friendships. We have had great fun creating the community garden and people have described feeling improvements in health and well-being. As a result we realise that working together on community projects not just helps to ‘keep Scotland beautiful’ but also helps to keep people happy and healthy.

• We are busy making a new notice board for the village

• We have asked the Council if we can meet to discuss our pubic toilets to see what options are available to us as a community to keep them in an improved condition.

• We will purchase some community garden tools

• We have an idea about ‘A shed’ not just for keeping tools but for working on projects and meeting as a meeting place

• We are planning to undertake more work on local heritage making more information available to the public

• We will hold our Maritime and Heritage event on 23rd August 2014. This is linked to the Scottish Homecoming and SNH the RSPB and hopefully, RHS will be represented.

• We will support SNH in the management of the SSSI

• We will be holding another exhibition during heritage week in September to display our heritage story boards and heritage bunting


1. Discretionary Awards

1. Some of our press cuttings


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East Haven Residents’ Association June 2014

DISCRETIONARY AWARD NOMINATION FORM !Please complete the form below (one for each Discretionary Award you wish to be nominated for ) and, a long wi th any suppor t ing images, emai l back to beautifulscotland@ksbscotland.org.uk or post back to Juliette Camburn, Keep Scotland Beautiful, 1st Floor, Strathallan House, Castle Business Park, Stirling, FK9 4TZ. !Deadline for submissions – 27 June 2014 !

!!In no more than 300 words, please tell us about the project / entrant / local authority you wish to nominate, ensuring that you outline how it fits with the individual discretionary award criteria (see Appendix 1 in Entrant Manual for descriptions): !


Name of Discretionary Award (please refer to Entrant Manual for names and descriptions)

New Entrant Trophy

Name of entrant group OR the name of the local authority you wish to nominate for the award

East Haven Residents’Association

Your contact email address wendy.m@which.net

Your contact telephone number 01241 857778

East Haven in Angus is a small coastal village of 53 houses and has no services or facilities. A new section of coastal path on national cycle route 1 was opened in East Haven in 2012 increasing visitor numbers by at least 1,000 every week. East Haven is one of the oldest fishing communities in Scotland dating back to 1214. When we realised that we were going to be 800 years old in 2014 we consulted with every resident to identify priorities for celebrating and commemorating our Octocentenary. People told us that they wanted to improve the appearance of our village and the local environment. Our village was beginning to look tired and uncared for. There was a feeling that some visitors did not respect the area. People said that that we should enhance the environment with a theme of fishing boats and flowers to enable us to strengthen our identity as an ancient fishing community. Prior to our octocentenary celebrations we had never done anything like this before. However, in less than a year, the 120 residents and friends of East Haven have; built a footbridge, planted trees, obtained a large fishing boat which we have sunk into our newly created community garden, cleaned up our community, created 8 little flower fishing boats, tackled problem areas, built a heritage point, cleared gardens, grown and planted hundreds of plants, installed a commemorative bench, held an exhibition, involved the Beechgrove Garden Team, planted areas of gold plants to commemorate 50 years of RHS and got an article into Garden News. We branded ourselves East Haven 800 and have involved people from all sections of the wider community both in Angus and across Scotland. We believe that we have fulfilled all elements within the three pillars of the ‘Keep Scotland Beautiful Campaign.

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East Haven Residents’ Association June 2014

DISCRETIONARY AWARD NOMINATION FORM !Please complete the form below (one for each Discretionary Award you wish to be nominated for ) and, a long wi th any suppor t ing images, emai l back to beautifulscotland@ksbscotland.org.uk or post back to Juliette Camburn, Keep Scotland Beautiful, 1st Floor, Strathallan House, Castle Business Park, Stirling, FK9 4TZ. !Deadline for submissions – 27 June 2014 !

!!In no more than 300 words, please tell us about the project / entrant / local authority you wish to nominate, ensuring that you outline how it fits with the individual discretionary award criteria (see Appendix 1 in Entrant Manual for descriptions): !


Name of Discretionary Award (please refer to Entrant Manual for names and descriptions)

Visit Scotland Award

Name of entrant group OR the name of the local authority you wish to nominate for the award

East Haven Residents’Association

Your contact email address wendy.m@which.net

Your contact telephone number 01241 857778

East Haven is a small coastal village of 53 properties and has no services or facilities. However, it is one of the oldest fishing communities in Scotland dating back to 1214. A new section of national cycle route 1 was opened in 2012 resulting in an immediate increase of over 1,000 visitors a week. We consulted with every resident to identify priorities for celebrating and commemorating our Octocentenary. People said we should strengthen our identity as an ancient fishing community and improve the appearance of our village. Also, that we should do more to enhance the visitor experience and inform people about our unique heritage. East Haven is also the only place in Scotland where the Greater Yellow Rattle grows. In less than a year, our 120 residents and friends have; branded ourselves East Haven 800 and used social media to engage with people all over the world. Linked with every section of our community and beyond to involve people of all ages and all abilities. We also aligned ourselves to the Scotland Homecoming and will hold a large public event on 23rd August. We managed to get East Haven on the BBC weather map. We held a large public Maritime and Heritage exhibition in March. We obtained £63,000 to develop a new heritage point in the village and involved the public and SNH and RSPB in developing six heritage boards. We acquired a large fishing boat which we have sunk into the centre of our newly created community garden. We successfully applied to Beechgrove Garden and the programme will be broadcast on 10th July. Tourists are now flocking to our village after following our progress in the media and on social networking. We have enhanced the visitor experience and revealed a real gem on the east coast of Scotland.

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East Haven Residents’ Association June 2014

DISCRETIONARY AWARD NOMINATION FORM !Please complete the form below (one for each Discretionary Award you wish to be nominated for ) and, a long wi th any suppor t ing images, emai l back to beautifulscotland@ksbscotland.org.uk or post back to Juliette Camburn, Keep Scotland Beautiful, 1st Floor, Strathallan House, Castle Business Park, Stirling, FK9 4TZ. !Deadline for submissions – 27 June 2014 !

!!In no more than 300 words, please tell us about the project / entrant / local authority you wish to nominate, ensuring that you outline how it fits with the individual discretionary award criteria (see Appendix 1 in Entrant Manual for descriptions):


Name of Discretionary Award (please refer to Entrant Manual for names and descriptions)

Community Involvement Award

Name of entrant group OR the name of the local authority you wish to nominate for the award

East Haven Residents’Association

Your contact email address wendy.m@which.net

Your contact telephone number 01241 857778

East Haven is one of the oldest fishing communities in Scotland. When we realised that we were going to be 800 years old in 2014 we consulted with every resident to identify priorities for celebrating our Octocentenary. We realised that our 120 residents could not achieve everything in isolation and that there was a need to involve others. A whole systems approach to community involvement was developed. We established ‘Our Easthaven' Facebook, re-developed our web-site and wrote a daily blog. Also developed strong media links and got East Haven on the BBC Scotland weather map. People began contacting us from all over the world to tell us about their connection with East Haven. As a result, we began writing a book about people’s memories. We involved every section of the wider community both locally and across the UK and beyond. Even Maule in France and Coupar Angus have been involved in creating heritage bunting. All four schools in Carnoustie have created heritage story boards. We have involved artists, youth groups, photographers, Churches and other community organisations. People of all ages and abilities have been involved in all our projects. Within the village itself we have specifically supported people with long term conditions such as dementia in the garden projects. Children of the village planted trees to create a lasting living legacy. We invited children everywhere to find a lovely beach pebble for an area of our garden. We have worked in partnership with our Local Authority and other key organisations e.g SNH, RSPB. We have actively included and involved everybody who has approached us. We have shared experiences, learned new skills and made new friendships. As a result we have become a much larger community than our 120 residents and have strengthened our community for the future.

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East Haven Residents’ Association June 2014

DISCRETIONARY AWARD NOMINATION FORM !Please complete the form below (one for each Discretionary Award you wish to be nominated for ) and, a long wi th any suppor t ing images, emai l back to beautifulscotland@ksbscotland.org.uk or post back to Juliette Camburn, Keep Scotland Beautiful, 1st Floor, Strathallan House, Castle Business Park, Stirling, FK9 4TZ. !Deadline for submissions – 27 June 2014 !

!!In no more than 300 words, please tell us about the project / entrant / local authority you wish to nominate, ensuring that you outline how it fits with the individual discretionary award criteria (see Appendix 1 in Entrant Manual for descriptions): !

Name of Discretionary Award (please refer to Entrant Manual for names and descriptions)

David Welch Memorial Trophy

Name of entrant group OR the name of the local authority you wish to nominate for the award

East Haven Residents’Association

Your contact email address wendy.m@which.net

Your contact telephone number 01241 857778

East Haven is one of the oldest fishing communities in Scotland. When we realised that we were going to be 800 years old in 2014 we consulted with every resident to identify priorities for celebrating and commemorating our Octocentenary. People told us that they wanted to improve the appearance of our village and the local environment. People suggested that that we should develop a theme of fishing boats and flowers and strengthen our identity as an ancient fishing community. Although none of our residents had ever been involved with the ‘Keep Scotland Beautiful’ campaign we used the three pillars to help us to develop a whole systems approach to achieving our community ambitions. As the transformation of our community began to take place we realised that we had addressed almost all the elements in each of the pillars and decided to enter the competition. We aligned ourselves to Clean up Scotland and Clean up Angus. We also became a key partner with Carnoustie Canine Capers and worked in partnership with Angus Council and a range of other community organisations. Community participation and engagement underpinned all our work and we involved people right across the UK and beyond. We raised £300 in the village to transport an old fishing boat from the beach in St Andrews to form the central feature in our community garden. We obtained a grant to refurbish the boat and also a small dinghy filled with perennials at the gateway to the village. We obtained further funding to create eight little flower boats to commemorate 800 years of East Haven and planted them with flowers in Commonwealth colours for the arrival of the Queen’s Baton Relay. We also obtained funding to develop a heritage point to enhance the visitor experience and inform people about our unique heritage.

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East Haven Residents’ Association June 2014

DISCRETIONARY AWARD NOMINATION FORM !Please complete the form below (one for each Discretionary Award you wish to be nominated for ) and, a long wi th any suppor t ing images, emai l back to beautifulscotland@ksbscotland.org.uk or post back to Juliette Camburn, Keep Scotland Beautiful, 1st Floor, Strathallan House, Castle Business Park, Stirling, FK9 4TZ. !Deadline for submissions – 27 June 2014 !

!!In no more than 300 words, please tell us about the project / entrant / local authority you wish to nominate, ensuring that you outline how it fits with the individual discretionary award criteria (see Appendix 1 in Entrant Manual for descriptions): !

Name of Discretionary Award (please refer to Entrant Manual for names and descriptions)

Local Authority Award Wright Sustainability Award

Name of entrant group OR the name of the local authority you wish to nominate for the award

East Haven Residents’Association Nominating Angus Council

Your contact email address wendy.m@which.net

Your contact telephone number 01241 857778

East Haven is one of the oldest fishing communities in Scotland. When we realised that we were going to be 800 years old in 2014 we consulted with residents to identify priorities for our Octocentenary. People told us that they wanted to improve the appearance of our village and suggested a theme of fishing boats and flowers to strengthen our identity as an ancient fishing community. We approached Angus Council to ask if we could lease land they own to develop a large scale community garden. The response we received was phenomenal. Managers visited quickly to find out more about our community needs. They listened to us and provided a positive and encouraging response to all our ideas. They have worked in partnership with us to ensure that we have been able to fulfil all our priorities and community ambitions. When we began leasing the land they didn’t just leave us to it but implemented a staged withdrawal to their usual cutting and management regime. They have also provided open ended advice and support on all aspects of horticultural management. With hindsight this approach is essential as it helps bridge the transition from having everything done for us to taking responsibility for looking after our own environment. When our volunteer capacity increased and we began to progress the gardens the Council worked with us to review signage and other street furniture to enable a whole systems approach to be taken to improvement. Beechgrove Garden were sufficiently inspired to come and film in the village. We believe that the progressive and enlightened approach taken by Angus Council has empowered our community and in times of challenging budgets is an example of the innovative partnerships Local Authorities need to forge with local communities to find new ways of achieving sustainable landscaping projects.

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