Earthquakes - It's Causes And Effects

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Earthquakes - It's Causes And Effects

Earthquakes -

It's Causes And Effects


What are Earthquakes ?


It's Causes.

It's Effects

Definition -

A sudden violent shaking of the ground, typically causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.

What Are Earthquakes ???

Types Of Earthquakes


Tectonic Volcanic

Collapse Explosion

Tectonic Earthquakes

A tectonic earthquake is one that occurs when the earth's crust breaks due to geological forces on rocks and adjoining plates that cause physical and chemical changes.

Volcanic Earthquakes

A volcano earthquake is an earthquake induced by the movement (injection or withdrawal) of magma.

The movement results in pressure changes in the rock around where the magma has experienced stress.

Collapse Earthquakes

Collapse earthquakes are small earthquakes occuring in regions of underground caverns and mines.

The immediate cause of ground shaking is the collapse of the roof of the mine or cavern.

Explosion Earthquakes

An Explosion Earthquake is an earthquake which results of nuclear and chemical devices.

This occurs when enormous energy nuclear energy is released

Natural Cause

Earthquakes are the result of slow-moving processes that operate within Earth.

Earth was hot when it formed, and has been cooling ever since (near the surface, for each km into Earth, the temperature rises by about 30deg. Celsius).

Earth's cooling causes the portions of Earth to move, and that movement is what we call an earthquake.

Some Of Human Desicions That Have Induced Earthquakes-

Dams & Reservoirs

Groundwater Extraction

Geothermal Power Plant

Injection Well


Effects Of Earthquakes

The Destructive Effects of an Earthquake can be classified into primary and secondary effects.

Primary Effects

They are the immediate damage caused by the quake, such as collapsing buildings,roads and bridges, which may kill many people. Those lucky enough to survive can suffer badly from shock and panic

Secondary Effects

They are the after- effects of earthquake

Secondary Effects



Disease And Famine
