Earth day 2017 activity

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Earth day 2017 activity

Earth Day Activities:

1. Adopt a Plant – Plants are a complete living being, adapting them is not only beneficial for the environment and the earth but it is also very rewarding for us humans in all sorts of ways. Adopting a plant will also improve the air quality of your room. Learn about the uses and benefits of having indoor plants in order to take maximum benefit and enjoyment out of this Earth Day activity.

2. Feed the birds – Feeding a bird is really a beautiful experience. When the small little bird sits on your hand and eats the food with its beak, it makes you realize that you connected and interdependent we all are. Also, this Earth Day activity will bring you and your children/students closer to animals. They can also learn and implement the concept of recycling by making some bird feeders out of bottles and cartons. In short, this earth day activity for students and children is a holistic one.

3. Battle Energy Vampires – We remain oblivious of all the electronics and appliances which are left on consuming energy in our homes and classrooms, even when not in use. So, this earth day activity is an amazing opportunity to switch off these appliances and reduce (and even eliminate) the energy wastage. Put some engaging reminders to reap the year-long benefit of this earth day activity for classrooms.

4. Plan a Garden Bed – You know why the Earth Day was organized in April? Because of the Spring. It’s the perfect time for us to realize the benefit of gardening and planting. This amazing Earth day activity allows you to grow healthy, nutritious and delicious food on your own by starting a beautiful garden bed in your backyard or even in your community.

Earth Day Activities for Adults

Cleaning the Closet 5. Clean Out Your Closet and Donate to a Charity – Many people are unaware about the fact that manufacturing new clothing item consumes a lot of precious and limited resources like water. So, in this Earth Day activity, you favor yourself by decluttering your wardrobe and then donating your lightly used clothes to your local charity. This beneficial Earth Day activity will not only help other people, but it will also help you in organizing your wardrobe and instilling a more conscious approach towards buying and using clothes.

6. Write a Letter to Your Government Representative – The first Earth Day was held by a US Senator, Gaylord Nelson, from Wisconsin. So why not remind your government representative that senators and government people do have a very big role to play for the upkeeping and maintenance of our planet Earth. This Earth Day activity can inspire an influential government representative and bring a lot of change in your community. Why wait? Write your letter now.

7. Plant a Tree – You may have heard about this Earth Day activity many times, but there is a reason why everyone advises activists and people about the importance of planting trees. Our planet is facing the serious threat of Global Warming and similar problems, one of the best in tackling these challenges is simply planting more trees. Use this Earth Day as an opportunity to plant trees in your backyard, garden, and community and contribute back to mother earth with this communal Earth Day activity.

Earth Day Outdoor Activities

8. Build A Bird Feeder – Using Earth Day as an opportunity to help your children and/or students to connect with nature on a more deeper level, go out with them and build some beautiful and unique bird feeders using different recyclable materials. Below is a good YouTube Tutorial for this Outdoor Earth Day activity.

Solar Oven 9. Make A Solar Oven – It can be very difficult and hard for you to explain the merits of renewable energy to the kids. Therefore, this Earth Day activity for children provides you an opportunity to do just that. You can get together the children and start making a solar oven. Wouldn’t you like to use the natural energy to bake and make some delicious food? Check these tutorials for making a Solar Oven and using it to make some delicious eatables. Enjoy this Earth Day Activity by treating your tummy.

10. Throw a Green Party – This whole big Earth is a one big community including all of us. So why not use this Earth Day by simply celebrating the fact that we are alive in this beautiful planet and living together? J In this Indoor Earth Day activity, try inviting your conscious living friends and have a great, Green Party with organic foods and a healthy discussion about the well-being of our community, including the planet and all species.

11. Conduct an Audit – Conducting an Honest Audit of our Energy consumption in house, schools and offices is one of the best way of giving back to Earth. Conduct an honest review of your energy consumption habits and see where you can save energy and help the planet.

Earth Day Activities for Schools 12 Design a walkable route to school – Do you use car for short distance travelling? This Earth Day, design a walkable route to your office or school and reduce the CO2 emission as well as improving your health through walking regularly.

13 Start a home Compost – Use your leftovers of food and utilize them to provide rich and good fertilizer for your sustainable home garden. You can use the GEF’s gardening resources to learn everything about home compost.

14. Make a plan to recycle – Make a team of your friends, students or teachers and develop a solid plan for recycling throughout the year. Use GEF’s guidelines for recycling if you need help in making a powerful program of recycling in your home or school.

Fix a Leak 15. Fix a Leak – Do not underestimate the smallest leak in your home and fix that leak. Even a small leak can waste enormous amounts of precious water if left unattended throughout the year. This Earth Day activity is very good for busy persons as it takes very little time.

Earth Day Activities for College Students

16. Calculate your transportation impact – Calculate your CO2 emissions by using GEF’s tools and resources and then try your best to reduce the emission and impact of your transportation on environment and health of the planet. This Earth Day activity is best for engaging students in calculating their impact of transportation choices.

17. Take a Hike – Do you want to give your body and mind a treat at the same time doing an adventurous Earth day outdoor activity? Take a hike and get outdoor, fill your lungs with fresh air and experience the rays of sun on your body. Develop a solid and deep bond with the planet and all the beautiful elements of it on this Earth Day 2017. It will not only develop your body but will also refresh your soul.