Early Republic Review.. Whiskey Rebellion What was the Whiskey Rebellion a fight over? Taxes on...

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Transcript of Early Republic Review.. Whiskey Rebellion What was the Whiskey Rebellion a fight over? Taxes on...

Early Republic Review


Whiskey Rebellion

What was the Whiskey Rebellion a fight over?

Taxes on grain What did President Washington do to

end the revolt? Sent the military

George Washington's Farewell Address

What did Washington warn against in his Farewell Address?

Political parties What did Washington stress the

importance of? National unity What did Washington warn about the

military? It becoming too powerful

Land Ordinance of 1785

What was the purpose of the Land Ordinance of 1785?

To dispose of western land Who owned the land the United

States was disposing of? Indians

Hamilton vs. Jefferson

What political parties did Hamilton and Jefferson represent?

Federalist and Democratic-Republican What interests did Hamilton and Jefferson

represent? Manufacturing vs. Agriculture What did Hamilton and Jefferson believe

about the central government? Hamilton: Strong, Jefferson: limited What bank did Hamilton devise? The National Bank

Political Parties

Why did Washington fear political parties?

He thought they would lead to arguments

Rip Van Winkle

What is the story of Rip Van Winkle about?

The story of a man who sleeps for many years

What is the moral of the story? That we should live our lives to the

fullest now

Jefferson's First Inaugural Address

What had Jefferson been criticized about?

Being an atheist What did Jefferson strongly state his

opinion about? The purpose of religion Why did he do this? He wanted to be president

The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798

What was the purpose of the Alien and Sedition Acts?

To stop Adams’ enemies from criticizing him in the newspaper.

What did the Naturalization Act require? Becoming a citizen went from 5 to 14 years. What did the Alien Act allow the president

to do? Deport dangerous aliens during war time.

What is the name of the group that advises the president?

The cabinet

Who was chosen as the first Secretary of State?

Thomas Jefferson

Who was chosen the first Secretary of War?

Henry Knox

What product began being taxed that made farmers mad during Washington’s first term?

Whiskey Why was the tax placed on whiskey? To raise money to pay off the war


Why did political parties begin to develop?

disagreements over the size and power of government

How many terms did Washington serve?


Who was the first vice-president and the second president?

John Adams

Who was selected as the first Secretary of the Treasury?

Alexander Hamilton

These two men ran for president in the Election of 1800.

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

What is a tariff?

A tax on imported good

Hamilton’s plan for the national government included

A tariff A national bank Paying off the war debt

What are the two major political parties today?

Democrats and Republicans

The Republican Party began in opposition to the spread of


The establishment of this gave the Supreme Court the right to overturn acts of Congress.

Judicial Review What case created Judicial Review? Judicial Review was decided in the

Supreme Court case called Marbury v. Madison

He was a famous African-American scientist.

Benjamin Banneker

This act created the American court system

Federal Judiciary Act