Early American Writing 1600-1800. Key Historical Dates 1607- Jamestown settlement is founded in...

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Early American Writing 1600-1800. Key Historical Dates 1607- Jamestown settlement is founded in...

Early American Writing


Key Historical Dates

• 1607- Jamestown settlement is founded in Jamestown, Virginia

• 1619- First enslaved Africans arrive in North America at Jamestown

• 1620- Mayflower pilgrims establish Massachusetts Bay Colony at Plymouth.

• 1624- John Smith publishes The General History of Virginia.

• 1630- William Bradford describes his journey across the Atlantic and pilgrims’ settlement in Of Plymouth Plantation.

Puritan Beliefs-religion was the primary influence on writers of the time period.

• “City upon a hill” idea. Puritans believed that God had chosen them to create a new order in America, much like the Israelites were God’s chosen people in the Old Testament.

• Sin- saw humans as basically sinful, but “the elect” would be spared eternal punishment

• The Bible was seen as the ultimate authority for life and help for sinful man.

• God’s providence (God provides what people need…everything is from Him.)

• God’s sovereignty (God rules…He is in control)