E906 Data Analysis Frame (II) Jia-Ye Chen 2010.10.13.

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Transcript of E906 Data Analysis Frame (II) Jia-Ye Chen 2010.10.13.

E906 Data Analysis Frame (II)

Jia-Ye Chen


Contents Motivations Analysis Frame

Locations Events Rebuild (structure)

Functions Upgrade Main Frame

Data Analysis (class) Define Class Main Frame

Motivations (I) Following the data extracted from mySQL database by

ROOT-base program, to rebuild the event stream data formation instead of mySQL table structure include “event”, “run”, “spill”, “mdimuon”, “mtrack” and “mhit”. The main purpose is to rearrange all information associated within the same physics event, rather than separate in different tables.

Instead of “Tree/Branch/Leaf”, a 2-Level data formation “Tree/Leaf” was implemented, where the “Branch” is same as the “Leaf”.

[jychen@ipas012 src]$root dimuon.ccroot[0]Processing dimuon.ccWarning in <Tfile::ReadStreamerInfo>: /sp8data11/shyao/rootfile/r290.root: not a TStreamInfo object

Motivations (II) Bring in the “Class” in C++ programming

from the default ROOT function “makeClass”, one step further than “structure” in C programming. And also, to simplify the data access by reading Tree rather than massive “br?->GetEntry(i)”.(GetEntries / GetEntry)

The sub-purpose is to remove multi-declared information, such as “eventID”, “runID”, “trackID” and so on.

Analysis Frame – Locations

ipas012.phys.sinica.edu.tw Event Rebuild

Directory : /usrX/jychen/e906/eventRebuild Header files : ./include.v5/*.h Source files : ./src.v6/*.cc

Data Analysis Directory : /usrX/jychen/e906/dimuonAna

Header files : ./include/*.h Source files : ./src/*.cc

Analysis Frame – Event Rebuild Functions upgrade

logger.cc : save the log and generate the file “dimuon.log” in the directory “../bin”.

error.cc : save the error messages and generate the file “dimuon.err” in the directory “../bin”.

readSwitch.cc : read the switch file from “switch.in” from the directory “../bin”.

trackInit.cc : initialize the temporary track structure by inputting the initial values.

branchBuild.cc : rebuild the branch list for event stream structure.

eventReconstruct.cc : reconstruct the event stream. eventFill.cc : fill the new event-stream data into new

output ROOT file.

Analysis Frame – Event Rebuild main file : dimuon.cc

int dimuon(){

char switchFile[100] = "../bin/switch.in";

char errorLogFile[100] = "dimuon";

char logFile[100] = "dimuon";

// Open this error log file

if ( openErrorLog(errorLogFile) ) return (FILE_ERR);

// Open this log file

if ( openLogFile(logFile) ) return (FILE_ERR);

// reading switch file : "../bin/switch.in"

if ( readSwitch(switchFile, &sw) ) return (FILE_ERR);

// Open a .root file

TFile *f = new TFile("/sp8data11/shyao/rootfile/r290.root");

// build Branch:Leaf table

branchBuild( tree2, &columnTracks );

// construct event stream

for ( int eventNum=0; eventNum < 2 ; eventNum++ ){

// track initialization

trackInit( tracks, ntrk );

// event reconstruction : rearrangement

for ( int j=tmpTrack1; j <= tmpTrack2; j++ ){

eventReconstruct( &event, &mtrack, tracks, &H, tmpTrack1);

} // j Loop

// event reconstruction : filling

eventFill( &columnTracks, tracks, ntrk );

// tree filling


} // eventNum Loop

Analysis Frame – Data Analysis class file : ana.h

#ifndef ANA_h

#define ANA_h

#include "../include/arraySize"

class ana {

public :

TTree *fChain;

// Declaration of leaf types

Int_t numTracks;

Double_t trk_p0[MAX_TRACK][4];

Double_t trk_pf[MAX_TRACK][4];

// List of branches

TBranch *b_numTracks;

TBranch *b_trk_p0;

TBranch *b_trk_pf;

virtual void Init();

virtual void Loop();

virtual void SetBranch(TTree *tree);



Analysis Frame – Data Analysis main file : main.cc

void main(){

ana t;






TFile *f = new TFile("outputFile/test2.root");

TTree *tree2 = (TTree*)f->Get("tree2");


void ana::SetBranch(TTree *tree){

fChain = tree;

fChain->SetBranchAddress("numTracks", &numTracks, &b_numTracks);

fChain->SetBranchAddress("trk_p0", trk_p0, &b_trk_p0);

fChain->SetBranchAddress("trk_pf", trk_pf, &b_trk_pf);


void ana::Loop(){

Int_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast();

for (Int_t iEvent=0; iEvent < nentries; iEvent++){


cout << numTracks << endl;

