E338 S02 I Am Exicted!

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Transcript of E338 S02 I Am Exicted!

  • 8/7/2019 E338 S02 I Am Exicted!


    School of Engineering


    Problem 2

    I am excited!

  • 8/7/2019 E338 S02 I Am Exicted!


    School of Engineering

    Electrical Activity of Excitable Cells

    Bioelectric potentials are producedas a result of electrochemicalactivity of excitable cells.

    Four types of tissues are found ina human body, these are: Epithelial , Connective , Muscle and

    Neural tissues.

    Of the four tissue types, theMuscle and the Neural tissuesare excitable i.e. they generate and respond to

    electrical potentials

  • 8/7/2019 E338 S02 I Am Exicted!


    School of Engineering

    Bioelectric signals from Muscle andNeural cells

  • 8/7/2019 E338 S02 I Am Exicted!


    School of Engineering

    Cells at their Resting State

    An excitable cell maintain a steady electrical voltagebetween its internal and external environments.

    The source of this voltage (a.k.a. potential) is strictlyionic in nature.

    The principal ions involved with the mechanism ofgenerating cell potentials are Sodium ( Na+ ), Potassium(K+ ) and Chloride ( Cl- ) ions.

    This resultant potential is called the Resting MembranePotential (RMP ) and a cell with such a potential is saidto be polarized .

  • 8/7/2019 E338 S02 I Am Exicted!


    School of Engineering

    Resting Membrane Potential of anexcitable cell





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    This static RMP remains constant until the cell isdisturbed or stimulated by some other action .

  • 8/7/2019 E338 S02 I Am Exicted!


    School of Engineering

    Calculating the Membrane Potential So do we know the membrane

    potential is approximately -70mV?

    If only one type of ionpenetrates the membrane you

    can use the Nerst equation

    The Goldman equation is a littlemore complicated because theion permeability must be taken

    into account, but is used whenmore then one type of ion isinvolved.



    C mV E

    C represents concentration levels of a particular ion.

    P represents the permeability of a particular ion.

    out K K inClClout Na Na

    inK K out ClClin Na Na

    C PC PC P

    C PC PC PmV E



  • 8/7/2019 E338 S02 I Am Exicted!


    School of Engineering

    So what happens when nerve andmuscle cells are stimulated?

    The nerve and muscle cells can be stimulated by avariety of stimuli such as heat flow, light, electricity,

    mechanical deformation etc. which results in changes inthe cell membrane.

    When a cell receives a stimulus of some kind, the RMP

    changes and this change is called an ACTIONPOTENTIAL .

  • 8/7/2019 E338 S02 I Am Exicted!


    School of Engineering

    The Action Potential

    caused by an exchange of ions across the neuronmembrane.

  • 8/7/2019 E338 S02 I Am Exicted!


    School of Engineering

    The Action Potential Explaineda) A stimulus first causes sodium channels to

    open. Because there are many more sodiumions on the outside, and the inside of theneuron is negative relative to the outside,sodium ions rush into the neuron so theneuron becomes more positive and becomesdepolarized.

    b) It takes longer for potassium channels toopen. When they do open, potassium rushesout of the cell, reversing the depolarization.

    c) Also at about this time, sodium channelsstart to close. This causes the actionpotential to go back toward -70 mV (arepolarization).

  • 8/7/2019 E338 S02 I Am Exicted!


    School of Engineering

    The Movement of Ions during theAction Potential

    d) The action potentialactually goes past -70mV (a hyperpolarization )because the potassiumchannels stay open a bit

    too long.

    e) Gradually, the ionconcentrations go back

    to resting levels and thecell returns to -70 mV.

  • 8/7/2019 E338 S02 I Am Exicted!


    School of Engineering

    ALL or NOTHING Law

    If a stimulus is sufficiently high, the action potential, interms of response time and amplitude is always thesame .

    The minimum value of the stimulus required is called thethreshold of the cell.

    For an action potential to be produced a stimulusgreater than the threshold value must be applied.

    If not, action potential will not be generated at all.

    The stimulus amplitude has no effect on the shape ofthe action potential generated .

  • 8/7/2019 E338 S02 I Am Exicted!


    School of Engineering

    Conduction Of Action Potential

    The propagation of an action potential through a group of cellsis due to the activity of local circuit currents. This current flows from the inactive to the active areas of the

    cells. It is large enough to cause depolarization in the vicinity of the

    action potential which in turn cause subsequentdepolarisations of adjacent cells.

  • 8/7/2019 E338 S02 I Am Exicted!


    School of Engineering

    Conduction Of Action Potential

    Since a typical organ such as the heart or the brain hasa number of excitable cells, there occurs a spatial-temporal (i.e. spread across space and varying withtime) summation of all the action potentials arising due toan internal or external stimulus.

    This spatial-temporal summation leads to (surprisingly)consistent patterns of signals such as the: Electrocardiogram ( ECG ) from the heart Electroencephalogram ( EEG ) from the brain Electromyogram ( EMG ) from the skeletal muscles

  • 8/7/2019 E338 S02 I Am Exicted!


    School of Engineering

    Conduction Of Action Potential

    These signals can berecorded on the surface ofthe body and they form themost important sources ofinformation about the stateand health of not only thespecific organs but also thelife process itself.

    To acquire these signals weuse special transducersknown as Electrodes .

  • 8/7/2019 E338 S02 I Am Exicted!


    School of Engineering

    Characteristics of common Biosignals

    Notice that these signals generally have Low Bandwidth and LowAmplitude.

    What challenges would you face trying to acquire these signals?

  • 8/7/2019 E338 S02 I Am Exicted!


    School of Engineering

    Learning Objectives

    Understand the Electrochemical Activities of ExcitableCells.

    Understand the term Resting Membrane Potential. Using Nernst and Goldman equations to calculate

    Membrane Potential. Understand the term Action Potential and how it is

    generated. Understand the process resulting in conduction of Action


    Principle of Biopotential Measurement.

  • 8/7/2019 E338 S02 I Am Exicted!


    School of Engineering


    Webster , Medical Instrumentation: Applicationand Design (3rd edition) : John Wiley & Sons Inc

    R. S. Khandpur, Biomedical Instrumentation:Technology And Applications : McGraw-Hill